EPHSDXD :: Volume #7

#666: Underworld of stir

Chapter 0666 第0666章 Underworld of stir 轰动的冥界 kā chā! 咔嚓 The gate was shoved open, Tenraku and Rias several females from conference room. 门被推开,天落莉雅丝几女从会议室中走了出来。 Rias and absent-minded of Sona face, seems to be still shocking at anything has not recovered general, but Serafall pulls the arm of own younger sister Sona-chan to jump a happy appearance. 莉雅丝苍娜一脸的恍惚,似乎还在震惊于什么事情没有回过神来一般,而赛拉芙露则是挽着自己妹妹苍娜酱的手臂蹦蹦跳跳一副心情愉快的样子。 Meanwhile, in conference room 与此同时,会议室中 Ajuka, do you really plan to accept the Red Dragon Emperor's suggestion? As the matter stands almost most Underworld will fall into his control.” 阿杰卡,你真的打算接受赤龍帝的建议吗?这样一来几乎大半个冥界都会落入他的掌控。” A complex color of face, Falbium said. 一脸的复杂之色,华尔比温说道。 With the Red Dragon Emperor present strength and prestige, even if such he does not want to control our Underworld is still easy, but you should also look, Red Dragon Emperor to right not big interest.” “以赤龍帝如今的实力和威望就算不那样他想掌控我们冥界也轻而易举吧,不过你应该也看出来了,赤龍帝对权利并没有多大的兴趣。” Moreover, that several children indeed have are becoming the Demon King's potential, perhaps so long as will polish again slightly really can become in the future does not lose in our outstanding Demon King, in addition they and Red Dragon Emperor's will relate are the impacts that Underworld will have, perhaps us profits.” “而且,那几个孩子的确也拥有着成为魔王的潜质,只要再稍加打磨将来说不定真的可以成为不输于我们的优秀魔王,再加上他们与赤龍帝的关系为冥界所带来的影响,或许还是我们这边占了便宜。” Sighed, Ajuka said. 叹了口气,阿杰卡说道。 For these days had too many too many matter, even he still had an exhausted feeling. 这几天发生了太多太多的事情,即使是他也有种身心疲惫的感觉。 In the conference room fell into a silence, finally Falbium also nods: 会议室中陷入了一阵的沉默,最终华尔比温也点了点头: That decides like this......” “那就这样决定吧……” The Four Great Demon Kings establishment of Underworld must expand Seven Great Demon Kings, Lucifer, Leviathan, Beelzebub and Asmodeus remain unchanged, but newly three big Demon King surnames of increase at the suggestion of Tenraku's respectively is Bael, Sitri as well as Gremory! 冥界四大魔王编制要扩展到七大魔王,路西法利维坦别西卜阿斯莫德保持不变,而在天落的建议下新添加的三大魔王姓氏分别是巴尔西迪以及葛雷摩利 Great King House of Bael takes the head of 72 Pillars, the strength, background or the prestige are the Demon King family/home are indisputable its promotion, but Sitri and Gremory were Tenraku this fellow are engaging in malpractice for personal gains obviously! 大王巴尔家作为七十二天柱之首,无论是力量、底蕴还是威望将其提升为魔王氏家都无可厚非,但西迪葛雷摩利显然就是天落这家伙在徇私舞弊了! He was said that flagrantly he wants to let his two wedded Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri also becomes Demon King! 他就是在明目张胆的表示他想让他的两位婚约者莉雅丝·葛雷摩利苍娜·西迪也成为魔王 Actually Tenraku also has to think own family Phenex, but cancelled this thought finally. 其实天落也不是没想过自己的家族菲尼克斯,不过最终还是打消了这个念头。 He already pushed up the Demon King family/home House of Gremory and House of Sitri, indeed somewhat is excessive the words that Phenex also pushed. Moreover has his existence, even if House of Phenex does not have the super family that Demon King is still no one dares to annoy similarly. 他已经将葛雷摩利家西迪家都推上了魔王氏家,再把菲尼克斯也推上去的话的确有些过分了。而且有着他的存在,非尼克斯家即使没有魔王也同样是无人敢惹的超级家族。 Naturally, on the other hand actually present House of Phenex cannot be competent the Demon King's character besides Tenraku. 当然了,其实就另一方面来说现在的菲尼克斯家除了天落外也没有能够胜任魔王的人物。 Although big brother Ruval various aspects are very outstanding, but must be competent the Demon King's position to miss selected, moreover he must inherit the House of Phenex's family property is not impossible to go to to become Demon King. The Second Brother is engaged in the work of newsman, does not need to consider completely. As for Riser that fellow, although after going out to turn informed and experienced, grew much, but wants to become the Demon King's words also to miss vast distance. 大哥鲁瓦鲁氏虽然各方面都很优秀,但是要胜任魔王的职位还是差了那么点儿,而且他要继承菲尼克斯家的家业也不可能去成为魔王。二哥从事着新闻记者的工作,完全就不需要考虑。至于莱萨那家伙,虽然出去历练一翻后成长了不少,但想成为魔王的话还差了十万八千里呢。 Ravel has actually that some possibly, this girl talent is very good the small head is also intelligent, so long as keeps side Tenraku's devoted training several years, perhaps in the future can become good Demon Queen actually. 倒是蕾薇儿有那么一些可能,这丫头天赋很好小脑袋也聪明,只要留在天落的身边悉心的调教几年,说不定将来倒是可以成为一位不错的女魔王 However Ravel must become the king to participate in Rating Game, but became the Demon King's words unable to participate in Rating Game again, moreover she resolved to become the own onii-chan economic man, therefore to Demon King anything had no interest. 不过蕾薇儿要成为王去参加ratinggame,而成为魔王的话就不能再参加ratinggame了,另外她可是立志要成为自己欧尼酱的经济人,所以对魔王什么的也没有兴趣。 This matter also this, then Sona and Serafall prepare House of Sitri, after all the House of Sitri promotion is the Demon King family/home is not the small matter, they must transmit the news and prepare some corresponding, but Tenraku is plans and Rias and Venelana they first goes to House of Gremory together. 这件事情也就这样吧,接下来苍娜赛拉芙露准备回西迪家,毕竟西迪家晋升为魔王氏家可不是什么小事情,她们要将消息传达回去并做好一些相应的准备,而天落则是打算与莉雅丝维妮拉娜她们一起先去一趟葛雷摩利家 Before House of Gremory, was being controlled by God of the Bible in secret, now God of the Bible has died, Tenraku naturally must help Rias should be her thing to seize! 葛雷摩利家以前都被圣经之神在暗中掌控,如今圣经之神已死,天落自然是要去帮莉雅丝把本该属于她的东西都夺回来了! Naturally, after Tenraku also and Sona agreed and other Rias here things to end well, he will go to House of Sitri again, after all he also owed two sisters one to explain. 当然了,天落也和苍娜约定好等莉雅丝这边的事情结束后他会再去一趟西迪家,毕竟他还欠姐妹两一个交待呢。 Then everyone then distinguishes temporarily, Tenraku and Rias females went to House of Gremory. 接下来大家便暂时分别,天落莉雅丝众女前往了葛雷摩利家 Without God of the Bible, entire House of Gremory under the Tenraku's thunder method then integrated their control easily. 没有了圣经之神,在天落的雷霆手段下整个葛雷摩利家轻而易举地便重新纳入了他们的掌控。 True Duke Gremory had died, but naturally becomes House of Gremory new family lord as Rias of sole heir. 真正的葛雷摩利公爵早已经死掉,而作为唯一继承人的莉雅丝自然就成为了葛雷摩利家的新任家主 Must become official family lord to need to hold the related ceremony, but must invite all parties' guests to come to attend the ceremony, but these can say from now on, what now is most important is reorganizes entire House of Gremory. 要成为正式的家主需要举行相关的仪式,还要邀请各方的宾客前来观礼,不过这些都可以过后再说,现在最要紧的还是将整个葛雷摩利家都重新整顿一遍。 Experienced many things, Rias also had grown much, handled all things to be methodical, has enough became the family lord bearing and ability, making the Venelana cannot help but corner of the eye with tears very gratified. 经历过了许多的事情,莉雅丝也成长了不少,处理起所有的事情都有条不紊,已经拥有了足够的成为家主的气量与能力,让维妮拉娜都不由得眼角含泪无比欣慰。 In Tenraku helps Rias they are controlling House of Gremory the period, Ajuka they also formally announced the establishment of Seven Great Demon Kings, when knew when House of Bael, House of Sitri and House of Gremory promote are the Demon King families/home, entire Underworld one stir in an uproar. 天落帮着莉雅丝她们重新掌控葛雷摩利家的期间,阿杰卡他们也将七大魔王的编制正式宣布了出来,当得知巴尔家西迪家葛雷摩利家都晋升为魔王氏家时,整个冥界都一片的轰动哗然。 It is said after House of Bael family lord hears this news has a good laugh, smiles the tears. 据说巴尔家家主听闻这个消息后仰天大笑,笑得老泪纵横。 Has been coveting the position of Demon King as Great King House of Bael of head of 72 day living, this is the open secret and fact, then finally was then their wishes. 作为七十二天住之首的大王巴尔家一直觊觎着魔王之位,这都已经算是公开的秘密和事实,这下总算是遂了他们的心愿。 In announcement that however in Ajuka they send out also clearly indicated, for the reform of Underworld and in the future, olden days devil will not be suitable to become Demon King, new Demon King will only choose in new generation devil. To give a time of devil accumulation and growth of new generation again, the establishment of Seven Great Demon Kings formally will therefore start to take effect ten years later. 不过在阿杰卡他们发出的宣布中也明确表明,为了冥界的改革与未来,旧时代恶魔们不适合成为魔王,新任的魔王们只会在新生代恶魔中选择。而为了再给新生代恶魔们一段积累和成长的时间,所以七大魔王的编制会在十年后才正式开始施行。 After obtaining this news, entire Underworld again in an uproar, ten years to life glorious devil at all is not anything, the truly important information will be new Demon King will only choose in new generation devil unexpectedly! 得到这个消息后整个冥界再次哗然,十年的时间对生命悠久的恶魔们来说根本不算什么,真正重要的信息是新任的魔王们竟然只会在新生代恶魔中选择! Which House of Bael, House of Sitri as well as do House of Gremory have outstandingly new generation devil that is worth paying attention to? 巴尔家西迪家以及葛雷摩利家有哪些优秀而值得关注的新生代恶魔 Sairaorg Bael! Sona Sitri! Rias Gremory! 塞拉欧格·巴尔苍娜·西迪莉雅丝·葛雷摩利 So long as did not have to arrive stupid incurable, is devil has understood these three people are ten years later most hopeful Demon King candidate! 只要还没有蠢到无可救药,是个恶魔就已经明白这三人就是十年之后最有希望的魔王人选! Naturally, the news of explosive stir also continues these, really also has one besides the above. 当然,劲爆轰动的消息还不止这些,除了以上之外竟然还有一条。 Because House of Sitri has promoted is the reason of Demon King family/home, was born in House of Sitri Demon King Serafall Leviathan originally restores given name Serafall Sitri, later continues the Demon King's duty with the name of Sitri, but the Leviathan title is the restore in Former Leviathan's final descendant princess Katerea Leviathan, is succeeded a Demon King Leviathan duty by her! 因为西迪家已经晋升为魔王氏家的原故,原本出生于西迪家的魔王赛拉芙露·利维坦恢复本名赛拉芙露·西迪,以后则以西迪之名继续魔王的职务,而利维坦的称号则是归还于旧利维坦的末裔公主卡特蕾雅·利维坦,由她继任魔王利维坦一职! The stir, an entire Underworld stir, old Demon King Leviathan returned again unexpectedly!!! 轰动,整个冥界再次一片的轰动,旧魔王利维坦竟然回归了!!! Underworld has many devil to resume the old Demon King's control for a long time, these old Demon King's influence places provode the confusion in Underworld, looks like being haunted by the ghost poisonous snake time hidden to make the deals of some anti-government in secret, previous time was joint triggered one with Khaos Brigade war that affected entire Underworld. 长久以来冥界都有着许多的恶魔想要恢复旧魔王的统制,这些旧魔王的势力一次次地在冥界引发混乱,就像是条阴魂不散的毒蛇时刻隐藏在暗中做些反政府的勾当,上次更是联同祸之团引发了一场波及整个冥界的战争。 Regarding these old Demon King influences that any new Demon King establishment watches critically was hearing true Leviathan is going to return, when Katerea is going to succeed a Demon King Leviathan duty, they are unable again to maintain tranquil, cheers the congratulations excitedly excitedly, their efforts for a long time obtained the return finally! Their revolutions won finally! 原本对于什么新魔王编制还是冷眼旁观的这些旧魔王势力在听说真正的利维坦将要回归,卡特蕾雅将要继任魔王利维坦一职时,他们也无法再保持平静了,一个个兴奋激动地欢呼庆贺,他们长久以来的努力终于得到了回报!他们的革命终于胜利了! Actually Katerea's returns with them does not have the 10 cents to relate, is the Tenraku's writing skill. 其实卡特蕾雅的回归与他们没有一毛钱关系,全都是天落的手笔。 Strength anything not to mention, pours can also be competent the Demon King's title reluctantly, but Katerea is selfish and cruel and cold blood brutal woman, is completely the olden days devil's typical representative! 实力什么的且不说,倒也勉强能够胜任魔王的称号,但卡特蕾雅就是个自私、残忍而又冷血无情的女人,完全就是个旧时代恶魔的典型代表! Initially she attacked devil, angel and fallen angel when Khaos Brigade in a Kuoh Academy cold discussion, attempted to eliminate current Demon King Serafall and Sirzechs they, complete was a terrorist! 当初她在祸之团时更是袭击了恶魔天使堕天使驹王学园举行的一次首冷会谈,企图消灭现任魔王赛拉芙露萨泽克斯他们,完完全全的就是个恐怖分子! Had Tenraku, Katerea is erased, where also has the possibility to bring back the Leviathan glory like the present the opportunity! 要不是有天落,卡特蕾雅早就被抹除掉了,哪里还有可能像现在这样重新取回利维坦荣耀的机会! Actually from the beginning Tenraku proposed when lets the Katerea return Ajuka and Falbium they did not agree that even Tenraku the potential is big now, but makes a terrorist come back, when Demon King simply is the child's play, but they were convinced by Tenraku finally. 其实一开始天落提出让卡特蕾雅回归时阿杰卡华尔比温他们都是不同意的,就算天落如今势大,但让一个恐怖分子回来当魔王简直就是儿戏,不过最终他们还是被天落说服了。 The old Demon King influence throughout is a destabilizing factor, has suppressed them to make their every other day with it there disturb here, might as well disposable solves them. 魔王势力始终是个不安定因素,与其一直压制着他们让他们三天两头的在这里那里捣乱,还不如一次性将他们解决。 So long as makes Katerea return, these old Demon King influences saw the hope will invest into Katerea's under inevitably, so long as then makes Katerea teach to fetter them, does not need to be worried that they will come out to disturb again. 只要让卡特蕾雅回归,那些旧魔王势力看到了希望势必都会投入到卡特蕾雅的麾下,然后只要让卡特蕾雅管教束缚着他们,也不用担心他们会再出来捣乱。 Returns as for Katerea's can bring anything to harm to Underworld, this did not need to be worried, because present Katerea is completely a Tenraku's tool, a Tenraku's dog, all her was controlled by Tenraku, so long as there is Tenraku not to need to be worried that she can put in order any trick! 至于卡特蕾雅的回归会不会给冥界带来什么危害,这就更不用担心了,因为如今的卡特蕾雅完全就是天落的一件工具,天落的一条狗,她的一切都由天落所掌控,只要有天落在根本就不用担心她会整出任何幺蛾子! Felt that Tenraku also said some truth, in addition these old Demon King influences indeed are also an issue that makes one have a headache about, therefore Ajuka and Falbium after weighing gains and losses they agreed to Tenraku's this proposition finally. 感觉天落说得也有些道理,再加上那些旧魔王势力的确也一直都是件让人头疼的问题,所以在衡量得失后阿杰卡华尔比温他们最终还是同意了天落的这个提议。 Meanwhile, was Tenraku is processing Katerea of something naturally also to obtain this news outside, immediately face upwarded to laugh wildly, smiles demented, smiled has tears streaming down the face. 与此同时,正在外面为天落处理一些事情的卡特蕾雅自然也得到了这个消息,顿时仰天狂笑,笑得癫狂,笑得泪流满面。 Seized! Seized! Seized! 夺回来了!夺回来了!夺回来了! She seized finally the Leviathan glory!!! 她终于将利维坦的荣耀夺回来了!!! Really she has not looked at a Cona man, really own bets all on his body is right! 果然她没有看错那个男人,果然自己将一切都赌在他的身上是对的! hā hā hā hā hā!!!!! 哈哈哈哈哈!!!!! Hurries back immediately, in Saints and Demons Hall, Tenraku sits above the arrogant throne, but Katerea is looks like the dog to lie on the ground generally thanks crazily is trying to please her master. 立马赶了回来,圣魔殿中,天落坐在孤高的王座之上,而卡特蕾雅则是像狗一般趴在地上疯狂地感谢取悦着她的主人。 Is caressing the cheeks of Katerea that beautiful, looks that her goes all out appearance diligently, and enjoys her thanks to try to please, the day corners of the mouth also cannot help but raised a curve. 抚着卡特蕾雅美丽的脸颊,看着她那拼命努力的样子,并享受着她的感谢取悦,天的嘴角也不由得扬起了一道弧度。 He promises this woman to bring back the Leviathan glory for her, therefore he has not gone back on word. 他答应过这个女人会为她取回利维坦的荣耀,所以他也没有食言。 But even if Katerea recaptured the glory of her ancestor, even if she becomes Underworld Demon King, but she still still the Tenraku's tool, is the Tenraku's dog, forever...... 但就算卡特蕾雅夺回了她先祖的荣耀,就算她成为了冥界魔王,但她也依然还是天落的工具,是天落的狗,永永远远…… To be continued...... 未完待续……
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