Bellowsto transmit.
An old manappears, the bodyis lending the terrifyingaura.
His palmpushes, sealon the body of craftydeadsword.
The craftydeadswordputs out a bloodimmediately, aurafallssuddenly.
“三长老。”Under the field, otherdisciplesseethiselder, shows the awelook.
The future, impressivelyisthreeelders.
来者,赫然是三长老。In the universesect, besideshaving12peaks, an elderpalace.
在太虚宗,除了有十二峰,还有一个长老殿。Thiselderpalace, is the universesectgenuinecornerstone.
这个长老殿,才是太虚宗真正的基石。Anyperson who canenterthiselderpalace, at leastis the younggodstarts.
The future, impressivelyis the person in elderpalace.
来者,赫然是长老殿的人。„Craftydeadsword, youtear up the life and deathshape, meddles the discipleapproximatelyto fight, whenouruniversesectno one?”
“诡死剑,你撕毁生死状,插手弟子约斗,当我们太虚宗无人吗?”Threeeldersoccupy a commanding position, look at the craftydeadsword.
三长老居高临下,看着诡死剑。Seesthreeeldersat the same time, on the craftydeadswordfaceshows the frightenedlook.
看到三长老的同时,诡死剑脸上露出恐惧神色。„Threeelders, areIare muddledfor a while, seek the punishment!” The craftydeadswordplumpkneelson the ground.
“三长老,是我一时糊涂,求责罚!”诡死剑扑通一声跪在地上。At this time, the sentimentalswordhas died.
此时,多情剑已死。He was unable to depend on the sentimentalswordto joinburiessacred placespatially.
他已经无法靠着多情剑加入空葬圣地。At this moment, can only beg for mercy, cansurvive.
此刻,只能求饶,才能存活下来。Inhisheartwas full of the hatredtoXu Chen.
他心中对许晨充满了恨意。But, cannotdisplayat this moment.
可是,此刻不能表现出来。„According tosectgateconvention, yourbehavior, whenhitgodwhipten, entersrefining up the demonprisontenyears, can yoube willingto accept?”Threeeldervoicesare loud and clear.
The craftydeadswordhas nothinghesitant: „Iam willingto accept!”
诡死剑没有任何犹豫:“我愿意接受!”Inhishearthad a mortal hatred to Xu Chen.
只是,他心中对许晨恨死了。Hits the godwhip, hits the whipinstate of mind.
打神鞭,乃是打在神魂上的鞭子。Even if the craftydeadsword, byten, did not die must peel a skin!
即便是诡死剑,受十下,不死也得脱一层皮!Hisstate of mind, will cause heavy losses.
他的神魂,会受到重创。Refining up the demonprison, is the terrifying.
炼魔狱,更是恐怖。Andhasoutside the innumerableterritories the demon.
其中有无数的域外邪魔。Heenters, cutsto killoutside the territory the demon.
他进入其中,斩杀域外邪魔。It can be said that life and deathfrontline, tenyearsis unable to cultivate.
可以说,生死一线,十年的时间都无法修炼。Tenyearslater, the words that hecomes out, mustcutto killXu Chensurely!
十年后,他出来的话,定要把许晨斩杀!Tenyears, Xu ChencanenterTranscendent is very good.
十年时间,许晨能够进入超脱就已经很不错。EvenTranscendent, the craftydeadswordstillhad confidence that cutsto killit.
就算是超脱,诡死剑也有把握将其斩杀。In the hatred of craftydeadswordhiddenheart.
诡死剑将心中的恨意隐藏。At this time, threeelderslookedtoXu Chen: „Thispenalty, can yousatisfy?”
这时,三长老看向了许晨:“这种惩罚,你可满意?”Below, manypeoplediscuss spiritedly.
下面,不少人议论纷纷。„Penaltyis very heavy, but......”
“惩罚很重,但是……”„Everyoneknows,craftydeadswordelderretaliates the heartto be extremely strong.”
“谁都知道,诡死剑这个长老报复心极强。”„I heard that under the sentimentalswordis the craftydeadsworddrags out an ignoble existence the heirwith the girl student.”
“听说,多情剑乃是诡死剑与自己女弟子偷生下的子嗣。”At this time, the craftydeadswordaccepts punishment, the attitude also seems very good.
此时,诡死剑认罚,态度看起来也很良好。Handling of threeelders, does not have anyissue.
三长老的处置,没有任何问题。However, Xu Chendanger.
但是,许晨危险了。Xu Chenoffendedto suppress the craftydeadsword, tenyearslaterdoes not know that will haveanything.许晨把诡死剑得罪狠了,十年后不知道会发生什么。
The Xu Chencomplexionis tranquil: „sectgatehassectgate the custom, according to the custom of sectgate, the discipleis then unobjectionable.”许晨面色平静:“宗门有宗门的规矩,便按照宗门的规矩来,弟子并无异议。”Hesaid,fell back on the one side.
他说完,退到了一旁。Threelongonfaceshow the satisfactorysmile: „Good.”
三长老脸上露出满意笑容:“好。”Helooks atXu Chen , to continue saying: „Tenyearslater, if the craftydeadswordactstoyou, Imustkillhim!”
他看着许晨,继续说道:“十年后,诡死剑若对你出手,我必杀他!”sectgatereallyhassectgate the custom.
宗门确实有宗门的规矩。Althoughcraftydeadswordthis actviolatedsectgate the custom, butcrime not lethal.
The craftydeadswordlowers the head: „Threeelders, mypunishment is deserved, naturallycannotbegintoXu Chen.”
“哼。”三长老冷哼一声。Inhishand, presentsoneto hit the godwhipimpressively.
他的手中,赫然出现一根打神鞭。„Thesetenwhips, Ihit.”
“这十鞭,我来打。”„Iam willingto receive!” The craftydeadswordkneelson the ground, does not dareto revolt.
“我愿受!”诡死剑跪在地上,不敢反抗。„Pitifully.” The distant place, Li Jianlingsighed.
The craftydeadswordhas not died, throughoutis a hidden danger.
诡死剑没死,始终是一个隐患。Xu Chenthiswasoffends the craftydeadsword.许晨这是把诡死剑得罪死了。Setting up, foresthowland the others are also Xu Chenworriednot.
立莫、林啸等人也为许晨担忧。Threeeldershave not cared about the ideas of others, heraisedhits the godwhip.
三长老没有在意其他人的想法,他提起打神鞭。In the air, is lendingswift and fierceaura.
噼啪!Whipas ifinin the aircrack, makes the lightningsamesound.
鞭子似乎在空中炸响,发出闪电一样的声音。„!” The craftydeadswordexudes the pitifulcry, is motionless, lies downon the ground.
“啊!”诡死剑发出凄惨的叫声,然后一动不动,躺在地上。Threeeldersfire offthiswhip, was shocked.
只是,三长老打完这一鞭,愣住了。Inhishandtakes the whip, has not hitsecond.
他手中拿着鞭子,迟迟没有打第二遍。Under the field others, look atthis, shows the doubtslook.
场下其他人,看着这一幕,都露出疑惑神色。„Howto hit the secondwhip?”
“怎么不打第二鞭了?”„What's the matter?”
“怎么回事?”„Don't threeeldershave the heart?”
“三长老难道于心不忍?”Threeelderslook at the ground the craftydeadsword, on the faceflash through the Yinclearuncertainlook.
“他死了。”Threeelderswere depressed.
三长老郁闷极了。Hefelt,hehas not made an effort, the craftydeadsworddied.
他觉得,他还没有用力,诡死剑就死了。Craftydeadsword, butmemberTranscendent, is not the weak oneinTranscendent.
要知道,诡死剑可是超脱修士,在超脱里也不属于弱者。Let alonetenwhips, even ifwithstands20whips, the issueis not big.
别说十鞭,就算承受二十鞭,也问题不大。Finally, his whipgets down, the craftydeadsworddied.
...... Did make an efforttoo?
难道……自己用力太多了?Below, triggersin an uproaragain.
“死了?”„Did a whipdie?”
“一鞭子死了?”„Hitting the godwhipis so terrifying?”
The peoplehave doubts, the innermost feelingsare shocking.
众人疑惑,内心震惊。Manypeoplelookto the vision of threeelders, becomesstrange.
不少人看向三长老的目光,都变得奇怪起来。„Snort, hits the godwhip unable to withstandincludingone, the craftydeadsword, isyourfate willed it so, could not complain about the person.”Threeeldershaveto sayloudly,„cultivates a craftydeadsword to overstate, the state of mindloses.”
“哼,连一记打神鞭都承受不了,诡死剑,是你命该如此,怨不得人。”三长老只好大声说道,“修炼一个诡死剑都能走火入魔,神魂有失。”Heenforces the lawso manyyears, comes acrossthismatter for the first time.
他执法这么多年,还是第一次遇到这种事情。Therefore, compiles a reasoncasually.
所以,随便编造一个理由。Side, the followingdiscipleis similar the words of someletter/believesthreeelders, after allthatis the person in elderpalace.
旁边,下面的弟子仿佛有些信三长老的话,毕竟那可是长老殿的人。At this time, Xu Chenwalked, on the facehas the gratefullook: „Many thanks the elderis the smallair vent.”
The Xu Chenspace between eyebrowsbelt/bringsmiles, looksveryrespectful.许晨眉间带笑,看起来很是恭敬。Sees the performance of Xu Chen, helplessthreeelderssmile.
这小子……Now, as ifsolidhelet slip the craftydeadswordto kill.
现在,似乎坐实了他失手将诡死剑打死。Or the craftydeadswordwill killintentionally.
The followingdisciple, has the thoughtsexquisitegeneration.
The performance of Xu Chen, theywatch, naturallyunderstood.许晨的表现,他们看在眼里,自然明白了。sectgatewantsto guaranteeXu Chen, thereforekills the craftydeadswordintentionally?
难道说,宗门是想保许晨,所以故意把诡死剑打死?Thinks ofthese, in the differentpersonheartshas the differentideas.
想到这些,不同人心中有不同想法。RegardingXu Chen, theyareenvyandadmire.
对于许晨,他们更是羡慕与佩服。Threeeldershave not been angry.
三长老没有生气。Things have gotten to this point, thisis the bestresult.
事已至此,这就是最好的结果。Helooks atoneselfhand, did oneselfmake an effort?
只是,他看着自己的手,难道说,自己太用力了点?Heis not willingto acknowledgethisview.
只是,他不愿意承认这种说法。He felt the craftydeadswordextremelyin the waste.
他觉得,还是诡死剑太过于废物。Xu Chensmiles, thislife and deathshapeended.许晨笑了笑,这次生死状就此结束。
The death of craftydeadsword, naturallyishiswriting skill.
诡死剑的死,自然是他的手笔。Heacts the illusoryGreat Emperor, by the strength of would-beemperor, plots against a craftydeadswordto be naturally a cinch.
他扮演虚幻大帝,以准帝的实力,暗算一个诡死剑自然不在话下。Even ifon the fieldhasseveral tens of thousands ofpeopleto look, evenvermilionWushen, universesectZongzhuand the otherswas looking,Xu Chenstillhas the energy.
就算场上有数万人在看,甚至朱无神,太虚宗宗主等人在看,许晨也有底气。After all, the illusoryGreat Emperoris the would-beemperor, but alsoexcels at the imaginarytechnique, has deceivedat presentthisgroup of people, is naturally a cinch.
毕竟,虚幻大帝乃是准帝,还擅长幻术,骗过眼前这群人,自然不在话下。Xu Chenis acting the illusoryGreat Emperor.许晨扮演着虚幻大帝。Hefelt,thisstatusis truly good.
The accurateimperial capitalis so powerful, Great Emperorthis/shouldpowerful?
准帝都这么强大,大帝又该如何强大?Heacts the illusoryGreat Emperor, the secondduty is the cardsaysEmperorto become.
他扮演虚幻大帝,第二个任务便是证道成帝。Only by doing so, hecanobtain the permanentcard of illusoryGreat Emperor.
只有这样,他才能获得虚幻大帝的永久卡片。What a pity, hehas no clue and mentality.
可惜,他根本没有任何头绪与思路。It is estimated that only thenseesJunior SisterSu Jingyao, howhadto findto promoteto the method of Great Emperor.
估计,只有见到师妹苏靖瑶,才有找到如何晋升到大帝的方法。Another side, above the stage, vermilionWushenfrowns.
另一边,高台之上,朱无神皱起了眉头。Hehas not understood the death of craftydeadsword.
他没有看懂诡死剑的死。ps: Was sorry that overestimated itself, thinks that cancatch a fish by handto finish, finallyin the morning the companymeets.
ps:抱歉高估了自己,以为能够摸鱼写完,结果上午公司开了个会咳咳。Is sorry.
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