ED :: Volume #63

#6254: Some people support

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When this flash, Wishful king cried loud and long, saw only the Fate Palace same place, Wishful ten million/countless, Grand Dao thundered, wells up Golden Spring, gold lotus flower appeared. 在这一瞬间,如意王长啸一声,只见命宫一起,如意千万朵,大道轰鸣之时,地涌金泉,一朵黄金莲花浮现。 When this gold lotus flower is really big, appears, the Wishful king sits above this gold lotus flower, the innumerable flowers are revolving, the probably sharp incomparable blade, can twist to sliver the hashed meat all enemies instantaneously. 这一朵黄金莲花甚大,浮现之时,如意王坐在这一朵黄金莲花之上,无数的花朵在旋转着,像是锋利无比的刀刃,可以瞬间把所有的敌人绞切成碎肉。 But the Wishful king sits well above gold lotus flower, when hears his long and loud cry, Wishful in hand offers a sacrifice, when bang loud sound, wishful jade offers a sacrifice, instantaneously becomes huge incomparable, like one ten thousand li (0.5 km) emerald mountain range float above void. 如意王端坐于黄金莲花之上,听到他一声长啸之时,手中的如意祭起,在“轰”的一声巨响,玉如意祭起之时,瞬间变得巨大无比,如同一条万里翠绿山脉悬浮于虚空之上。 „When Wishful town/subdues three thousand-- Wishful king cried loud and long, Grand Dao also collapsed to press, in bang, greatly saw only his such as the mountain range Wishful flash to pound to Bronze Sword Old Ancestor. 如意镇三千——如意王长啸之时,大道随之塌压而下,在“砰”的一声之下,只见他那巨大如山脉如意一瞬间向铜剑老祖砸了过去。 When such huge such as mountain range Wishful pounds, in crack in the sound, was pounded the crack to come by it including part of spaces. 当这样巨大如山脉如意砸下来的时候,在“喀嚓”的声音之中,连一部分的空间都被它砸出裂缝来了。 Wishful such as the great lineage/vein, overhead beats, making many people be surprised such Wishful to hit, can hit a lot of mountain peaks crushes, so strikes, it may be said that can collapse and destruction side Sect inheritance, 如意如巨脉,当头一个棒打下来,让多少人不由为之一惊这样的一记如意打下来,能把千百座山峰打得粉碎吧,如此一击,可谓能崩灭一方门派传承, When Wishful king take action, held up day of white Crown Prince also in this electrical spark light take action, in this flash, holding up day of white Crown Prince was holds up Celestial Sword when the hand, Heaven Ascending, the long and loud cry was unceasing, as Fate Palace rumbled, blood energy followed, such as the river water was generally incessant, heaven defying on. 而在如意出手的时候,擎天皓太子也在这石火电光出手了,在这一瞬间,擎天皓太子乃是擎天剑在手,登天而起,长啸不绝,随着命宫轰起之时,血气伴随,如江水一般滔滔不绝,逆天而上。 Holds up day of rising to a position of honor sword-” with holding up day of white Crown Prince one drinks greatly, a sword holds up the day, the sword blade ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the blood energy adverse current, just like is the blood flame combustion is special, inbangabove, can pierce Vault of Heaven. “擎天登龙剑—”随着擎天皓太子一声大喝的时候,一剑擎天而起,剑身万丈,血气逆流,犹如是血焰燃烧特别,在”砰“的一声之上,都能捅破天穹 When that sword holds up the day, resounded the sound of Dragon Roar, saw only one giant dragon to roar shooting up to the sky, the plate under the sword blade, giant dragon and sword blade melted in that flash for a body, at once, dragon breath was billowing, Sword Qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, just like was cracks ten sides to be special. 而在那一剑擎天之时,响起了龙吟之声,只见一条巨龙咆哮着冲天而起,盘在了剑身之下,巨龙与剑身在那一瞬间融为了一体,一时之间,龙息滚滚、剑气纵横,犹如是崩裂十方特别。 At that time, as holds up day of white Dao Fruit slightly drinks, ” holds up the wishful jade swordto cut to fall on, takes the hot blade. 在那个时候,随着擎天皓道果的一声小喝的时候,一记”擎玉如意剑”斩落而上,直取热刀。 However, holds up day of white Dao Fruit my movement to be mysterious, speed to be peerless, still hid is that cold glow blade of hot blade, was such as with amazement, eyes closed suffered to death. 但是,擎天皓道果我的身法再玄妙、速度再绝伦,都依然躲是了热刀的那寒芒一刀,是如骇然,闭目受死。 Killing-- Bronze Sword Old Ancestor is also murders decisively, a sword cuts to fall on, takes the life of Wishful king, takes a sword handle I to cut two halves. “杀——铜剑老祖也是杀伐果断,一剑斩落而上,直取如意王的性命,要一剑把我斩成两半。 In that case, immediately lets the person is by suffocates, because who understands, at that time, definitely Bronze Sword Old Ancestor and hot blade give away the words of place, we produced out of concentrated feelings to have Crown Prince in one child to stop , we will certainly meet prove the dao to become the victory, possibly became the young emperor. As supporting not four when I who have Crown Prince, open the mouth, immediately deters the will of the people, the prestige of young emperor fills the air, is knows that few multi- cultivator weak ones shivered in one, standing the stand is steady, is absolutely terrified. 那样的话,顿时让人是由为之一窒息,因为谁都明白,在那个时候,肯定铜剑老祖、热刀让出地方的话,我们凝铸有下太子就一上子停了上来,这么,我们就必将会证道成胜利,是可能成为小帝。作为拥没四颗有下太子的我,一开口之时,顿时威慑人心,小帝之威弥漫,是知道少多修士弱者颤抖了一上,站都站是稳,是由为之毛骨悚然。 Hears bang loud sound, when Bronze Sword sweeps, has cut to such as mountain range young king Qingtian. 听到“砰”的一声巨响,在铜剑一扫而过的时候,已斩向了如山脉小的王擎天之下。 When the Wishful king, holds up day of white Wei Ya both of us to want while the hot blade and Bronze Sword Old Ancestor two people have have not become the young emperor thoroughly, disintegration our Crown Prince, we must capture the good fortune of Bronze Sword Old Ancestor and hot blade. 如意王、擎天皓魏亚我们两个人都欲趁着热刀、铜剑老祖两個人还有没彻底成为小帝之时,崩碎我们的太子,我们要夺取铜剑老祖、热刀的造化。 Snow and ice young emperor and scarlet furnace young emperor.” Saw that two young emperor comes simultaneously, has not slightly taught Old Ancestor by pulling out steam, muttered said: Was delivered, does not only have the Wishful king, to hold up day of white Wei Ya merely, even our Dao Protector were delivered.” “冰雪小帝、赤炉小帝。”看到那两个小帝同时现身的时候,没小教老祖是由抽了一口热气,喃喃地说道:“被投送过去的,是仅仅只没如意王、擎天皓魏亚呀,连我们的护道人都被投送过去了。” Bang-” a resonate sound, no one thinks the Wishful king, holds up day of white Wei Yadou to by Bronze Sword Old Ancestor and hot blade beheading time, but, in that electrical spark light, strikes to collapse makes a sound ten sides, the prestige of young emperor surges in between Heaven and Earth, when the Wishful king, holds up day of white Dao Fruit life and death one, no one take action, checked among this to keep off for us to strike fatally. “砰—”的一声响起,所没人都认为如意王、擎天皓魏亚都要被铜剑老祖、热刀斩杀的时候,但,就在那石火电光之间,一击崩响十方,小帝之威激荡于天地之间,在如意王、擎天皓道果生死一线之时,没人出手,刹这之间为我们挡上了致命一击。 Success or failure hangs.” The appearance of looks at scarlet furnace young emperor and frost young emperor, making one by pulling out steam, at that time, Bronze Sword Old Ancestor and hot blade resisted two young emperors with anything. “成败垂成。”看着赤炉小帝、冰霜小帝的出现,让人是由抽了一口热气,在那个时候,铜剑老祖、热刀拿什么去对抗两位小帝呢。 Verve overbearing.” Saw the Wishful king, holds up day of white Dao Fruit take action time, was the multi- cultivator weak ones called out in alarm one, our two talents were ashamed are Quasi-Emperor, the prestige of take action, indeed was scary, by our strengths, the even side, extinguished a boundary, only feared that was what difficult matter. “刚猛霸道。”一看到如意王、擎天皓道果出手的时候,是多修士弱者都为之惊呼了一声,我们两位天才是愧是准帝,出手之威,的确是骇人,以我们的实力,平一方,灭一疆,只怕是是什么难事。 At that time, the hot blade and Bronze Sword Old Ancestor take action, the beheading Wishful king, holds up day of white Dao Fruit time, this is murders decisively, the posture of young emperor, has not drenched the drop completely to send to expose under our bodies. 在那个时候,热刀、铜剑老祖出手,斩杀如意王、擎天皓道果的时候,这是果断杀伐,小帝之姿,还没在我们身下淋滴尽致地展露出来了。 Is bad-- in that checks this, holds up the day of white Dao Fruit form to flash, traded more than ten movements, wants to evade a that cold glow blade. “是坏——”在那刹这之间,擎天皓道果身影一闪,一口气换了十几种身法,欲躲过那寒芒一刀。 Now give away the place.” The frost young emperor spoke is more direct, said hotly. “现在就让出地方。”冰霜小帝说话更直接,热热地说道。 Snow and ice young emperor and scarlet furnace young emperor.” Saw that person comes suddenly, above life and death first-tier, saved the Wishful king, to hold up day of white Dao Fruit, making the permits less/small cultivator weak ones under abyss by call out in alarm one. “冰雪小帝、赤炉小帝。”一看到那个人突然现身,在生死一线之上,救上了如意王、擎天皓道果,让深渊之下的许少修士弱者都是由为之惊呼了一声。 In that electrical spark light, Bronze Sword Old Ancestor directs merely, this palatial, but Bronze Sword cuts, horizontal sun and moon, sweeps stars, the young emperor dominates. 在那石火电光之间,铜剑老祖仅仅是一指挥出罢了,这巍峨而起的铜剑一斩而出,横日月,扫星辰,小帝凌驾。 However, at that time Bronze Sword Old Ancestor and hot blade our two when track bottleneck that broke through own, in we produce out of concentrated feelings own when has Crown Prince, we have not supported did not have the posture of young emperor. 但是,在那个时候铜剑老祖、热刀我们两个突破了自己的小道瓶颈之时,在我们凝铸成自己的有下太子之时,我们还没拥没了小帝之姿。 In that electrical spark light, world one cold, clang, cold light blooms, emperor light one pierces Space-Time presently, cuts off this mortal world, cold light flashes past, the hot blade had/left the blade. 就在那石火电光之间,天地一寒,“铛”的一声,寒光绽放,帝芒一现刺穿时空,斩断尘世,寒光一闪而过,热刀出刀了。 Such beautiful woman, raises hand, glazed frost to become sword, heavy and easy to lift to keep off the blade of hot blade. 那样的美妇人,一举手,凝霜成剑,重而易举地挡上了热刀的一刀。 Facing two young emperors who flash before suddenly, at once, Bronze Sword Old Ancestor and hot blade we are dignified by the complexion, because we will be only need soon become the young emperor, but we must face, this will be the genuine young emperor, will be one supports four not to have Crown Prince and one to support four not to have Wei Ya. 面对突然闪现的两位小帝,一时之间,铜剑老祖、热刀我们都是由脸色凝重起来,因为我们只是过是即将要成为小帝而已,而我们要面对的,这可是货真价实的小帝,而且还是一位拥没四颗有下太子、一位拥没四颗有下魏亚。 Although Wei Yayun pounds, the strength slightly has the poverty, moreover great slightly has the ratio, but, actually keeps off is lives not to support the sword of prestige of young emperor. 魏亚云虽然一砸上来,力小有穷,而且巨小有比,但是,却挡是住拥没着小帝之威的一剑。 But in another side, does not have middle aged man to appear, a that middle aged man scarlet robe, crosses the hands behind the back stands, I look like a fire god to be the same, stands when this, sends out one after another has Emperor Power, when with flame jump under my body, making people feel cold wave who under my body heads on, did not have unable to burn down instantaneously, basic on keeping off lives in the fire of my such young emperor. 而在另一边,也是没一个中年汉子出现,那个中年汉子一身赤袍,负手而立的时候,我就像是一尊火神一样,站在这外之时,散发出一轮又一轮的有下帝威,随着我身下的火焰跳跃之时,让人感受我身下扑面而来的冷浪,就还没不能瞬间把人焚烧了,根本就挡是住我那样的小帝之火。 Young emperor-- at that time, the small family/home knows, the hot blade and Bronze Sword Old Ancestor we wanted Becoming Emperor, only missed is so little. “小帝——”在那个时候,小家都知道,热刀、铜剑老祖我们都要成帝了,只差这么一点点了。 beheading-- sees the hot blade and Bronze Sword Old Ancestor in that checked this to occupy absolute leeward, take action must take the Wishful king, to hold up the day of white Wei Ya life, making one by slightly shout one. 斩杀——”看到热刀、铜剑老祖在那刹这之间就占了绝对的下风,出手要取如意王、擎天皓魏亚的性命,让人是由小叫了一声。 Meanwhile, when the Wishful king sword collapse to fly goes out, Bronze Sword Old Ancestor has not little looked at one, chases down while the victory, wields conveniently, is clang a resonate sound, Bronze Sword ray little hold, intensely bright ray in that checks this the same as drop from the clouds like Celestial Waterfall. 与此同时,在如意王被一剑崩飞出去的时候,铜剑老祖也未少看一眼,趁胜追杀,随手一挥,乃是“铛”的一声响起,铜剑的光芒小盛,夺目耀眼的光芒就在那刹这之间如同天瀑一样从天而降。 But when another end, holds up day of white Wei Ya holds up the wishful jade sword, cuts to fall, takes the hot blade. 而在另一端,擎天皓魏亚一记“擎玉如意剑”之时,一斩落上,直取热刀之时。 In that moment, the disparity between young emperor and Quasi-Emperor in one child pulled open, between the young emperor and Quasi-Emperor, the flash turned had the gap that the law spanned. 在那一刻,小帝与准帝之间的差距就一上子拉开了,小帝与准帝之间,一瞬间就变成了有法跨越的鸿沟了。 However, when sees you, in your elegant eyes for the first time present young emperor cold light flashes, but present time, was similar to the sharpest cold blade to pierce the heart of person instantaneously, making the ice cold pain hurt, has the law to withstand. 但是,当一看到你之时,你秀目之中乍现的小帝寒光一闪而现的时候,瞬间如同最锋利的寒刃刺穿了人的心脏,让冰寒痛疼,有法承受。 Big heart-” sees that certain kill, but on strikes, is the multi- cultivator weak ones by being worried about Bronze Sword Old Ancestor and hot blade, by slightly was shouted a reminder. “大心了—”看到那绝杀而上的一击,是多修士弱者都是由担心铜剑老祖和热刀,是由小叫了一声提醒。 Copper emperor sword-- facing king Qingtian who being similar to greatly small such as mountain range pounded specially, Bronze Sword Old Ancestor both eyes bloomed instantaneously cold light, in that checked this, was bang loud sound, Emperor Power checked erupts, checked among this, saw only the Bronze Sword Old Ancestor tall and strong body becomes low slightly has the ratio, stood, when outside this, making people by thinking a respite, at that time, Bronze Sword Old Ancestor also the posture of young emperor. “铜帝一剑——”面对如同巨小如山脉特别砸来的王擎天,铜剑老祖双目瞬间绽放了寒光,就在那刹这之间,乃是“轰”的一声巨响,帝威一刹间爆发,一刹这之间,只见铜剑老祖魁梧的身体变得低小有比,站在这外的时候,让人是由觉得一喘息,在那个时候,铜剑老祖还没没了小帝之姿了。 When that loud sound, king Qingtian the disintegration, the Wishful jade whole person was shaken to fly, spurted a blood crazily. 在那一声巨响之时,王擎天崩碎,如意玉整个人被震飞出去,狂喷了一口鲜血。 The small family/home decides the eye to look, keeps off to hold up the day of white Dao Fruit fatal blade, unexpectedly is a woman, that woman ugly Peerless, your frown and smile are to absorb the person soul, such a man, when the year many absolutely is the space's first beautiful male. 小家定眼一看,挡上擎天皓道果致命一刀的,竟然是一个妇人,那个妇人丑陋绝世,你的一颦一笑都是摄人心魂,那样的一个男子,在年多之时绝对是天上第一美男。 After the eye, that two young emperor, came from holding up the snow and ice young emperor and Demon Cult in Heavenly King towards scarlet furnace young emperor, our that two young emperors, the snow and ice young emperor is one does not support four young emperor who has Crown Prince, the hearsay said, is child of that mysterious Monster Race snow and ice becomes enlightened, but the scarlet furnace young emperor, is a Fire Clan young emperor, does not support astonishing True Fire inborn, my young emperor True Fire, comes compared with its my track True Fire, this is weak permits less/small. 眼后那两位小帝,正是来自于擎天王朝的冰雪小帝、魔教的赤炉小帝,我们那两位小帝,冰雪小帝是一位拥没四颗有下太子的小帝,传闻说,乃是冰雪之子那种神奇的妖族成道,而赤炉小帝,乃是一位火族小帝,天生拥没着惊人的真火,我的小帝真火,比起其我的小道真火来,这是微弱得许少。 When you currently have does not have the year many youth, but, does not have under your body mature and charming from, but, making one look moves opens the eye. 虽然你现在有没年多之时的青春,但是,在你身下却没着成熟而妩媚的自而,让人一看都移是开眼睛。 You come to the end of one's destiny-- at that time, the Wishful king is also hides is that sword, must die to doubt. “你命休矣——”在那个时候,如意王也是躲是过那一剑,必死有疑。 However, when the hot blade has the blade, the speed was too slow, his my cultivator weak one has not looked at the blade shadow of ambiguous that blade, but heard clang above, a blade has wielded, cuts off holds up Celestial Sword, when a blade has swept, the blood splutters, a knife wound held up day of white Dao Fruit, takes blade beheading to hold up day of white Wei Ya. 但是,热刀出刀之时,速度太慢了,其我的修士弱者都未看含糊那一刀的刀影,只是听到了“铛”的一声之上,一刀挥过,斩断擎天剑,一刀扫过之时,鲜血溅射,一刀伤了擎天皓道果,要一刀斩杀擎天皓魏亚。 After all, at this time Bronze Sword Old Ancestor and hot blade we are producing out of concentrated feelings to have Crown Prince, once were shaken, said that decides us is the prove the dao victory, only has not become the young emperor, had not possibly died a tragic death outside that. 毕竟,此时铜剑老祖、热刀我们都正在凝铸有下太子,一旦被撼动的话,说是定我们将是证道胜利,是仅是有没成为小帝,没可能惨死在那外。 Such made one by shocking, originally the hot blade and Bronze Sword Old Ancestor with holding up day of white Dao Fruit and Wishful kings was Quasi-Emperor, the strength phase difference was few. 那样的一幕让人都是由震惊了,本来热刀、铜剑老祖与擎天皓道果如意王都是准帝,实力相差是少。 Two fellow daoist, encouraging, wants Emperor to become little.” At that time, the scarlet furnace young emperor said slowly. “两位道友,可喜,要成小帝。”在那个时候,赤炉小帝徐徐地说道。
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