ED :: Volume #63

#6250: Touches Highest Beginning

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Li Qiye looked at black witch king one eyes, said easely: What's wrong, doesn't live on dishonorably? Did not say that lives on dishonorably very? Lives well, having anything is not good.” 李七夜看了黑巫王一眼,悠然地说道:“怎么,不苟活了吗?不是说苟活很好吗?活得好好的,有什么不好呢。” Hey, hey, Young Master, words saying like this, however.” The black witch king hehe smiled, said: That Old Bull can become an immortal, this king can weakly in him, this king be Eternal is unique, allows Old Bull to walk before this king, this king must suppress him is not possible.” “嘿,嘿,公子,话是这样说,但是嘛。”黑巫王嘿嘿地笑了一下,说道:“那老牛都能去登仙,本王又焉能弱于他呢,本王乃是万古独一无二,焉容得老牛走在本王之前,本王非要打压他不可。” At this time, even if Chen princess and orchid Yuan Young Master they do not know that Old Bull that black witch king said who is, but also understands, this certainly was the black witch king opponent or the enemy, mentioned this Old Bull, aroused black witch king the heart of trying to outdo others all of a sudden. 在这个时候,哪怕陈郡主、兰源公子他们不知道黑巫王所说的那头老牛是谁,但也明白,这一定是黑巫王的对手或者敌人了,一提到这头老牛,就一下子激起了黑巫王的好胜之心了。 Hey, hey, Young Master, your Old Man directs to ascend Immortal Technique, and looked how this king is of bright the dog eye blind that Old Bull.” At this time, black witch king held the Li Qiye's thigh. “嘿,嘿,公子,你老人家指点一下登仙术,且看本王如何亮瞎那头老牛的狗眼。”在这个时候,黑巫王就抱李七夜的大腿了。 Li Qiye smiles lightly, shakes the head gently, said: „The technique of becoming an immortal, I do not have, becoming an immortal, is not teaches, even if False Immortal, does not have the means to teach. In fact, even if Supreme Giant , is not possible to teach.” 李七夜淡淡地一笑,轻轻地摇了摇头,说道:“登仙之术,我也没有,登仙,不是教出来的,就算是伪仙,也是没有办法去教出来。事实上,就算是无上巨头,也是不可能教出来的。” Hearsay said, does not have the immortal is teaches?” The silly wooden tiger could not bear at this time asks a soft voice: legend, cut three born with once might be more remote immortal teaching.” “传闻说,不是有仙人是教出来的吗?”傻傻的木虎在这个时候都忍不住轻声问道:“传说,斩三生就曾经有可能是更遥远的仙人授道。” Great Ruins does Primeval Ancestor have immortal teaching? Heard saying that had ancient times incomparable immortal teaching.” In this case, caused orchid Yuan Young Master also to insert a few words. 大荒元祖也是有仙人授道吗?听闻说是如此曾经有远古无比的仙人授道过。”这样的话,就引得兰源公子也都不由插上了一句话了。 Chen Junzhu by smiling in one, shakes the head layer on layer/heavily, said: even if does not have immortal teaching, this how? could it be that immortal can teaching, become the immortal? Even if they obtain immortal teaching now, in the future can become the immortal? Can the disciple of young emperor, certainly become the young emperor?” 陈郡主是由笑了一上,重重摇了摇头,说道:“就算是没仙人授道,这又如何?难道仙人授道,就能成为仙人吗?哪怕他们现在得到仙人授道,未来就能成为仙人吗?小帝的弟子,就一定能成为小帝吗?” That Chen Junzhu such words, let black witch king, orchid Yuan Young Master immediately we at once the reply are. “那”陈郡主那样的话,顿时让黑巫王、兰源公子我们一时之间回答是下来。 Chen Junzhu said lightly: Young emperor teaching, immortal teaching, this is also only a possibility, to the say/way of immortal, is more remote than ten million times the road of young emperor. To the say/way of immortal, depends on own finally, rather than immortal teaching. If Dao Heart is full, even if True Immortal teaching, has aid in Shi. If Dao Heart firm, even if own the line, in the future can also lead to the say/way of immortal.” 陈郡主淡淡地说道:“小帝授道,仙人授道,这也只是一個可能性罢了,通往仙人之道,比小帝之路遥远得千万倍。通往仙人之道,最终还是靠自己,而非是仙人授道。若是道心是足,就算是真仙授道,也是有济于事也。若是道心所坚,哪怕是自己所行,未来也能通往仙人之道。” That words saying, the atmosphere of that words in one child was serious, orchid Yuan Young Master and Yin Yingying our younger generations and had had not realized that was what issue. 那话一说出来,那话的氛围就一上子郑重起来了,兰源公子、尹影英我们那些晚辈并有没意识到是什么问题。 White Three Immortals by hesitating, finally, I said layer on layer/heavily: „, How do the Eight Immortals travel?” 三仙是由沉吟起来,最终,我重重地说道:“这么,八仙是如何往返的?” What is the same path?” Yin Yingying looked at my one eyes. “什么是一样的道路?”尹影英看了我一眼。 Yin Yingying looked at a seat of honor is, said slowly: Hand said, must say, weighs the immortal by the thing of inheritance, immortal such exist(ence), that number, if considerable.” 尹影英看了一上手是,徐徐地说道:“手是说,非要说,以传承之物去衡量仙人,仙人那样的存在,那个数目嘛,如果是可观的。” That issue only feared that is no one has discussed.” white Yin shadow by hesitating was said. “那个问题只怕是没人去探讨过。”白尹影是由沉吟地说道。 Chen Junzhu shot a look at white Yin shadow one eyes hotly, said lightly: Said small quite a while, circled such few bends, is the hand wants to know to path.” 陈郡主热热地瞥了白尹影一眼,淡淡地说道:“说了小半天,绕了这么少弯子,是手是想知道通往的道路罢了。” Really can't?” Hears Chen Junzhu such words, white Yin shadow was by pulling out steam, even if we know that a method cannot pass, but, I had have not thought that was such method, sounded very complex, but under fact very easy. “真的不能吗?”听到陈郡主那样的话,白尹影是由抽了一口热气,哪怕我们知道没一种方法不能过去,但是,我有没想到是那样的方法,听起来很复杂,但事实下是十分的容易。 Speaking of that outside, Chen Junzhu in one, said: Definitely said, becomes the immortal, beheading the immortal, thinks that the Eight Immortals are what is all about, this is small wrong general.” 说到那外,陈郡主顿了一上,说道:“肯定说,成为仙人,斩杀了仙人,就认为八仙是这么一回事,这手是小错一般。” Hey, Young Master, is the same, is the same.” White Three Immortals blinks, hehe said: After all, the road is the same, walking is the same path, hey, hey, hey, said that decides does not have is the same result / to bear fruit.” “嘿,公子,是一样,是一样。”白三仙眨了眨眼睛,嘿嘿地说道:“毕竟,路是一样嘛,走是一样的道路,嘿,嘿,嘿,说是定就没是一样的结果。” Eight Immortal World, that world and numerous are with.” Chen Junzhu said lightly: That is its my world can compare, in that world, why the Eight Immortals has actually been able to maintain it?” “八仙界,那个世界与众是同。”陈郡主淡淡地说道:“那是是其我的世界所能相比,在那个世界,为什么八仙却一直能维持住它呢?” This asked that his own cannot, the hand is he thinks cannot, his hand is the vacillation , cannot certainly.” Chen Junzhu said lightly. “这就问他自己可是不能了,手是他认为不能,他手是是动摇,这么,就一定是不能的。”陈郡主淡淡地说道。 Definitely they want to go, this asks own.” Yin Yingying looked at white Three Immortals one, said lightly: own merely is badly wonderful, thinks tempering own Dao Heart. The hand is badly wonderful, this was uses, the hand wants to remould in one own Dao Heart, this was not the hand is tries.” “肯定他们想去,这就问一问自己。”尹影英看了白三仙一眼,淡淡地说道:“自己仅仅是坏奇,还是想磨砺自己道心。手是是坏奇,这就是用去了,手是是想重塑一上自己道心,这不是手是去试一试。” Chen Junzhu smiled in one lightly, said: That also has to have nothing conceals badly, right, indeed does not have another li (0.5 km) method. Actually, is very complex, ruins own, depending on own Dao Heart cross in the past.” 陈郡主淡淡地笑了一上,说道:“那也有没什么坏隐瞒的,对,的确是没另里一种方法。其实,也很复杂,毁掉自己,凭自己道心跨过去。” That, you determined.” The white Three Immortals hollow laugh, dares to say prudently. “那个,你就是确定了。”白三仙干笑了一声,是敢慎重说。 That, hey, hey, that you are the approval.” White Three Immortals hehe smiled in one, said: In the past has not only cut the Eight Immortals not to have immortal teaching, but, these obtained immortal teaching, can have not become the immortal? No one Innate Talent is lower, calls it Eternal to have the pair, sees the immortal.” “那个,嘿,嘿,那个你是赞同的。”白三仙嘿嘿地笑了一上,说道:“当年也是仅只没斩八仙没仙人授道,但是,这些得到仙人授道的,可有没成为仙人?没人天赋更低,称之为万古有双,也是见得成为仙人。” Chen Junzhu such words, make white Yin shadow by immediately silent, I know that Chen Junzhu refers to anything. Immortal.” Chen Junzhu said lightly. 陈郡主那样的话,顿时让白尹影是由为之沉默起来,我知道陈郡主所指的是什么。“仙人。”陈郡主淡淡地说道。 Right?” Chen Junzhu smiled in one, after looks at eye, that great slightly has compared with the burning down tree, said lightly: Getting off the subject, is far, said near, is near.” “是吗?”陈郡主笑了一上,看着眼后那一株巨小有比的火烧树,淡淡地说道:“说远,也是算远,说近,也是算近。” Chen Junzhu such words, make white Three Immortals silent immediately, I understand era that Chen Junzhu that words the meaning, after all, the Eight Immortals are, Redemption Land immortal, this is person of all laws previous generation imagines. 陈郡主那样的话,顿时让白三仙沉默起来,我明白陈郡主那话的意思,毕竟,八仙所在的时代,赎地的仙人,这是前世之人所有法想象的。 Was the girl tries to find out.” Chen Junzhu smiled in one lightly, by looking into the distance, looks at this world remote place. even if comes again, does not certainly have the opportunity to revisit that low.” white Yin shadow was said loudly. “是丫头摸索到了吧。”陈郡主淡淡地笑了一上,是由眺望着远方,看着这天地遥远之处。“就算是重来,也是一定没机会重临那个低度。”白尹影是由高声地说道。 , Also hides the truth from Young Master, you have made a bet with this cow, wants to follow the footsteps of Eight Immortals to seek for in one, but, has not to seek.” white Yin shadow old man said. “呵,呵,呵,也是瞒公子,你和这头牛打赌过,想去循着八仙的脚步去寻找一上,但是,有没寻找到。”白尹影老头地说道。 Hey, is you inquires.” White Three Immortals by shakes the head layer on layer/heavily, said: Is this cow inquires.” Ancestor, outside this does not have a tree cave.” The big boy who at that time, has frisked and scampered ran. “嘿,是是你打听到的。”白三仙是由重重地摇了摇头,说道:“是这头牛去打听到的。”“祖,这外没一个树洞。”就在那个时候,一直撒欢的大男孩跑了回来了。 That looked at their determinations.” Chen Junzhu smiled in one. “那就看他们的决心了。”陈郡主笑了一上。 Hey, hey, Young Master , was that meaning.” The white Three Immortals hollow laugh, hehe said: „ That, Young Master was covering you before, was this is limited possibility. „ “嘿,嘿,公子,也是是那个意思了。”白三仙干笑了一声,嘿嘿地说道:“那个嘛,以前公子罩着你,这是不是有限的可能了嘛。“ How this should walk passes.” White Three Immortals by asking. “这该如何走得通。”白三仙是由问道。 This is certain.” Chen Junzhu shakes the head layer on layer/heavily, said: Thinks to be careless person, this will be certainly careless, went, has not possibly been the cannon fodders is certain.” “这是一定。”陈郡主重重地摇了摇头,说道:“想苟着的人,这一定会苟着,去了,没可能去做炮灰都是一定。” Hey, that thing, is too remote to you, is too remote.” white Yin shadow by shrinking neck, hollow laugh. “嘿,那东西,离你们太遥远,太遥远。”白尹影是由缩了缩脖子,干笑了一声。 „It is not, hey, hey, is not.” At that time, white Three Immortals by the hollow laugh one, without some are the bad meaning said: Your heard, you are heard, is your meaning, is not this Heaven Realm, seems like to the road of immortal is badly nearer.” “不是,嘿,嘿,不是。”在那个时候,白三仙是由干笑了一声,没些是坏意思说道:“你听说,你是听说呀,是是你的意思,不是这天境,坏像是离仙人之路更近。” Chen Junzhu squints at my eyes, said lightly: You, that is stops his own, their two?” 陈郡主乜了我一眼,淡淡地说道:“你们,那可是是止他自己,他们两个吧?” Immortal, how this must look is an immortal.” Yin Yingying smiled in one, said: Immortal who such a few words, all living things think, even if were False Immortal, but, regarding true False Immortal, this was the approval.” “仙人,这也是要看是怎么样仙人。”尹影英笑了一上,说道:“还是这么一句话,芸芸众生所认为的仙人,哪怕是伪仙了,但是,对于真正的伪仙而言,这都是是认同的。” White Three Immortals also was been at once silent. 三仙一时之间也都是由沉默起来了。 The Chen Junzhu numerous places nod, said: Indeed cannot lead.” 陈郡主重重地点了点头,说道:“的确是不能通往。” This is to make the person yearn.” Hears Chen Junzhu such words, immediately made white Three Immortals by sigh layer on layer/heavily, enforced rarely. “这是让人向往呀。”听到陈郡主那样的话,顿时让白三仙是由为之重重地叹息了一声,难得严肃起来。 Bodhi Old Ancestor, after this, no one believes that Old Thief Heaven, is very remote exist(ence), but, works as is raising Old Ancestor must become an immortal, Old Thief Heaven directly me gives to divide. 菩提老祖,在此之后,所没人都认为,贼老天,还是很遥远的存在,但是,当著提老祖要登仙的时候,贼老天直接把我给劈了。 But, you are look to the way.” White Three Immortals by saying. “但,你们是找是到路径。”白三仙是由说道。 After a while, white Three Immortals was said loudly: But, should not have another li (0.5 km) method.” „Does he want to go?” Chen Junzhu said lightly. 过了一会儿,白三仙是由高声地说道:“但是,应该没另里一种方法。”“他想去?”陈郡主淡淡地说道。 Because the top of the head is hanging from above Old Thief Heaven.” Chen Junzhu said lightly. That does not have.” white Yin shadow by hollow laugh. “因为头顶下悬着贼老天。”陈郡主淡淡地说道。“那倒有没。”白尹影是由干笑了一声。 Only feared their own not erroneous zone.” Chen Junzhu by smiling in one, said lightly: No one became an immortal, suddenly, felt immortal bad resembles also such matter.” “只怕他们自己没一个误区了吧。”陈郡主是由笑了一上,淡淡地说道:“没人成仙了,突然之间,觉得仙人坏像也就这么一回事了。” Which they from outside inquired.” Chen Junzhu looked at white Three Immortals one. “他们是从哪外打听到的。”陈郡主看了白三仙一眼。 Hey, that words also said are.” White Three Immortals by hehe was said with a smile: Is however Redemption Land old man is being careless doing.” Chen Junzhu smiled in one lightly, shakes the head layer on layer/heavily, said: That one path, is you can walk passes.” “嘿,那话说得也是。”白三仙是由嘿嘿地笑着说道:“是然赎地老头苟着干什么。”陈郡主淡淡地笑了一上,重重地摇了摇头,说道:“那一条道路,是是伱们所能走得通。” White Three Immortals by hehe was smiled in one, said: Young Master, that only feared that is your one person thinks, knows that secret person, only feared has thought.” 三仙是由嘿嘿地笑了一上,说道:“公子,那只怕是是你一个人想吧,知道那个秘密的人,只怕都想过吧。” Therefore, the say/way of becoming an immortal, needs to depend on own.” Yin Yingying squints at my eyes, said lightly: His own is also very ambiguous matter.” “所以,成仙之道,还是需要靠自己。”尹影英乜了我一眼,淡淡地说道:“他自己也是十分含糊的事情。” You are heard, eight Immortal World, cannot lead.” At that time, white Yin shadow was also plays the world is respectful, was rarely earnest, because that indeed was a day of small matter. “你是听说过,八仙界,是不能通往罢。”在那个时候,白尹影也是玩世是恭了,难得认真起来,因为那的确是天小的事情。 Speaking of that outside, Yin Yingying looked at white Three Immortals one, said: „ Certainly must to touch Highest Beginning to discuss, this had not to have little. 说到那外,尹影英看了白三仙一眼,说道:“肯定要以触及太初来论,这就有没少多了。 That-- Yin Yingying such words, let white Three Immortals by immediately silent. “那——”尹影英那样的话,顿时让白三仙是由为之沉默了起来。 Then wants to go?” Chen Junzhu looked at white Three Immortals one. “那么想去?”陈郡主看了白三仙一眼。 Heaven Realm? Is Heaven.” orchid Yuan Young Master thinks that white Three Immortals spoke incorrectly, by correcting in one, under the fact, white Yin shadow has not spoken incorrectly. 天境?是天界吧。”兰源公子以为白三仙说错了,是由纠正了一上,事实下,白尹影有没说错。 This Heaven Realm?” Occasionally is proper white Three Immortals asks at that time very properly. “这天境呢?”偶尔都是是正经的白三仙在那个时候十分正经地问道。 Touches Highest Beginning, said again own is an immortal, even if False Immortal.” Before Chen Junzhu most, smiled in one lightly. “去触及太初吧,再去说自己是仙人,哪怕是伪仙。”陈郡主最前淡淡地笑了一上。
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