ED :: Volume #56

#5527: When the cold winter approaches, needs to make up

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The wind, blows slowly, the cliff is growing 35 bushes, the bushes are scattered, the leaf also fell, yellowing grass is dragging in the wind. Listening 风,徐徐地吹,悬崖边生长着三五根茅草,茅草已经是稀稀落落,叶子也都掉落了,泛黄的草枝在风中摇曳着。听 Near this cliff, sits Old Man, this Old Man seemed the eye to be blind, sat near the cliff, might fall down anytime. 在这悬崖边上,坐着一个老人,这个老人好像眼睛瞎了,就坐在悬崖边,随时都有可能掉下去。 This Old Man, the body wears a cotton garment, but, his cotton garment is very worn-out, does not know that put on many years, on the cotton garment has patches, moreover makes up crooked, as if makes up the person craftsmanship of clothes is not good. 这个老人,身上穿着一身布衣,但是,他这一身布衣已经很破旧了,也不知道穿了多少年了,布衣上有着一个又一个的补丁,而且补得歪歪扭扭,似乎补衣服的人手艺不好。 When the wind blows slowly, as if has a little chill in the air, he received own clothes, seeming like must be able to bind tightly own, this is warmer. 当风徐徐地吹来的时候,似乎带着有点寒意,他不由收了收自己身上的衣服,似乎是要把自己裹得紧一些,这样才暖和一些。 Li Qiye looked at one, smiled lightly, walks, then sat down in the cliff. 李七夜看了一眼,不由淡淡地笑了一下,走过去,便在悬崖边坐下了。 Bowl that you begged for food?” Li Qiye said to Old Man lightly. “你要饭的碗呢?”李七夜淡淡地对老人说道。 Oh, lost.” This Old Man shakes the head gently, said: This human world , is really wicked, my broken bowl, incautiously, was stolen.” “唉,丢了。”这个老人不由轻轻地摇了摇头,说道:“这人世间,也实在是恶,我一个破碗,一不小心,就被人偷了。” „The wickedness of person.” Li Qiye smiles, said: Where has, but, cannot compare your wickedness.” Listening “人之恶。”李七夜笑笑,说道:“哪里都有,不过,比不上你们的恶。”听 Takes not wickedly small, but for it, takes not good small but not.” Old Man sighs with emotion, said. “莫以恶小而为之,莫以善小而不为。”老人不由感慨,说道。 Li Qiye smiled, said: This saying can say from your mouth, that was really the dog mouth puts out the ivory.” 李七夜都不由笑了起来,说道:“这话能从你的口中说出来,那就真的是狗嘴吐出象牙了。” „Isn't Uncle Li so?” Old Man turns the head looks at Li Qiye, his such as blind same eye, can narrow one to sew. “李大爷不也是如此吗?”老人侧首看着李七夜,他那如瞎了一样的眼睛,还是能眯出一条缝来的。 Li Qiye shakes the head gently, said: No, I not am wicked, is not friendly, only has me , the good and evil, that is the secular judgment.” 李七夜不由轻轻地摇了摇头,说道:“不,我既无恶,也无善,唯有我也,善与恶,那是世俗的评判罢了。” Uncle Li, you are good, is wicked?” Old Man asked. “那李大爷,你是善,还是恶呢?”老人问道。 Li Qiye smiles, said easely: That compared with whom, if compared with all living things, that is the greatly wicked person, if compared with you, that is the greatly good person.” 李七夜不由笑了笑,悠然地说道:“那就是跟谁相比了,如果与芸芸众生相比,那是大恶之人,若是与你们相比,那是大善之人。” „Is Uncle Li tooting one's own horn toward own?” Begging for food Old Man said. Listening “李大爷是不是在往自己脸上贴金呢?”要饭的老人就说道了。听 Li Qiye smiles easely, said lightly: If I toward tooting one's own horn of own, then, you will also beg for food toward here? You did not say, your little plot of land, not by my plow? Since I your little plot of land plow, you did return here to beg for food to do? Didn't fear me cutting your?” 李七夜悠然一笑,淡淡地说道:“如果我往自己的脸上贴金,那么,你还会往我这里要饭吗?你不是说,你那一亩三分地,不是被我犁了吗?既然我都把你一亩三分地都犁了,那你还上我这里来要饭干什么?不怕我把你头给砍了?” Your Sir said like this, probably I had nothing to say in reply.” Begged for food Old Man to hesitate. “你大爷这样说,好像我无言以对。”要饭老人不由沉吟。 Li Qiye said leisurely: Uncle Zhao is so benevolent, the food is so also delicious, then, why you do not go to his home to beg for food, often here begged for food.” 李七夜悠悠地说道:“赵大爷这么仁慈,饭又那么好吃,那么,你为什么不去他家要饭呢,往往我这里来要饭呢。” Uncle Zhao's food delicious is delicious.” Begged for food Old Man saying: But, this food eats, that was to plant many Taku.” “赵大爷的饭好吃是好吃。”要饭老人不由说道:“但是,这饭吃下去,那就是要种更多的田来还了。” Therefore, you ran here to come.” Li Qiye said lightly with a smile. “所以,你就跑我这里来了。”李七夜淡淡地笑着说道。 Begged for food Old Man also to acknowledge, nod said: At least, Uncle Li you, the good and evil is also a person of honest price tag displayed.” 要饭老人也不得不承认了,点头说道:“至少,李大爷你,好歹也是一个明码标价的人。” Benevolent, priceless.” Li Qiye smiles, said easely: My this big evil person, given price, believes that is also everyone can accept, you said.” Listening “仁慈,是无价的。”李七夜笑了笑,悠然地说道:“我这个大恶人,给出的价格,相信也是大家能接受的,你说是吧。”听 Begging for food Old Man does not speak, is blowing slightly lightly, as if a little chill in the air, tightened the body. 要饭的老人不吭声了,吹着微轻,似乎有点寒意,不由紧了紧身子。 Therefore, post of my gold/metal on the face, how does paste? Gold-lettered signboard.” Li Qiye said at a moderate pace. “所以,我这金在脸上一贴,贴得怎么样?金字招牌吧。”李七夜不紧不慢地说道。 Finally, begging for food Old Man said: Although Uncle Li is a gold-lettered signboard, but, Uncle Li, a difference, is not the stratagem, cannot arrive at one piece of eventually.” 最后,要饭的老人说道:“虽然李大爷是一张金字招牌,但是,李大爷,道不同,不相为谋,终究是走不到一块呀。” That yields the way with seeks.” Li Qiye said lightly: Does not know, you and Uncle Zhao's say/way, actually same.” “那就让道同者相谋吧。”李七夜淡淡地说道:“就不知道,你与赵大爷的道,究竟是有多相同呢。” Goal, is consistent.” Begging for food Old Man raise one's head looked, that pair blind the eye, as if, anything can see. “目标,也是一致吧。”要饭的老人不由抬头看了看,那一双瞎了的眼睛,似乎,什么都能看得到。 Then?” Li Qiye said lightly with a smile: „After being consistent, even after you achieved wishes ? You thought that what kind of result this with can be?” “然后呢?”李七夜淡淡地笑着说道:“一致之后呢,就算你们如愿以偿之后呢?你们觉得这道同又会是怎么样的一个结局呢?” Begging for food Old Man is silent, after crossing some little time, said with Li Qiye: That and Uncle Li, if with Uncle Li together?” Listening 要饭老人不由沉默起来,过了好一会儿之后,与李七夜说道:“那与李大爷呢,若是与李大爷一起呢?”听 This should say, is you toots one's own horn toward own.” Li Qiye said lightly with a smile: Must say, I do not need you, when I really need, only feared, this, is beyond control you. Under Old Thief Heaven, how can you? Did you say?” “这应该说,是你们往自己脸上贴金。”李七夜淡淡地笑着说道:“非要说起来,我不一定要你们,我真的需要之时,只怕,这道,也由不得你们。贼老天之下,你们又能如何?你说是不是呢?” Begging for food Old Man smiles, said slowly: „, Uncle Li has victory in the hand.” 要饭的老人不由笑了笑,徐徐地说道:“如此说来,李大爷已经是胜券在握了。” Almost this meaning.” Li Qiye said easely: Nothing but is I thinks how this aspect walks, is walks is more perfect, is almost on the line?” “差不多这个意思。”李七夜悠然地说道:“无非是我想这局面怎么样走,是走得更完美一些呢,还是差不多就行呢?” At this point, Li Qiye, looks at begged for food Old Man, said slowly: If I must make this aspect am more perfect , doing is more attractive, needs the person to build the gives a hand, that also under the heaven, that is all, above the heaven, works as should merely by me.” 说到这里,李七夜顿了一下,看着要饭老人,徐徐地说道:“如果我要把这局面做得更完美一些,那么,做得更漂亮一些,需要人搭搭手,那也仅仅是在苍天之下而已,仅此而已,苍天之上,那当该由我。” At this point, Li Qiye smiled, said: Such as is almost on the line, then, almost this meaning, you should also know that is strives for merely almost, then, you regarding me, are nothing significances, how should come, how that must come.” 说到这里,李七夜不由笑了一下,说道:“如是差不多就行,那么,差不多这个意思,你也该知道的,仅仅是求差不多,那么,你们对于我,是没有任何意义的,该怎么样来,那都还得怎么样来。” „Under does Uncle Li, give up this human world?” Begged for food Old Man to ask like this. “那李大爷,舍得下这人世间吗?”要饭老人就这样问道。 human world, from, when has its karma, the shed and giving up, actually have nothing to do with me.” Li Qiye said easely: But, do you have own karma? When I am similar , self-examines, your karma where?” Listening 人世间,自当有它的因果,舍与舍不得,其实与我无关。”李七夜悠然地说道:“但是,你们有自己因果吗?在我差不多的时候,那么,自问一下,你们的因果在哪里?”听 Our karma.” Begged for food Old Man to hesitate. “我们的因果。”要饭老人不由沉吟了一下。 Li Qiye smiled lightly, said slowly: ” You do not have karma, all have been doomed, you also want to begin karma, then, first asked me to agree that must ask Old Thief Heaven did permit. ” 李七夜淡淡地笑了一下,徐徐地说道:”你们没有因果,一切都已经注定了,你们还想再起因果,那么,先问我同不同意,那也得问贼老天允不允许。” Uncle Li, this has collaborated with Old Thief Heaven.” Begging for food Old Man said. “李大爷,这是已经与贼老天同流合污了。”要饭的老人不由说道。 Li Qiye smiles lightly, indifferent, said: Speaking of collaboration such a word, only feared that you do not have this qualifications, do you think? But, your qualifications? When you discard the original intention of own, when you give up own Dao Heart, does not have this qualifications.” 李七夜淡淡地一笑,淡然,说道:“说到‘同流合污’这样的一个词,只怕你们是没有这个资格,你们想吗?但,你们的资格呢?当你们丢弃自己的初衷之时,当你们放弃自己道心之时,已经没有这个资格了。” Uncle Li can determine all these such as the beginning such as beginning?” Begging for food Old Man asked back said. “李大爷能确定这一切都如始如初?”要饭的老人不由反问地说道。 Old Man that Li Qiye looks at begged for food, said easely: Should say, I such as beginning such as beginning, how your paths should go.” 李七夜看着要饭的老人,悠然地说道:“应该说,我如始如初,你们的道路该如何去走。” As if, does Uncle Li want to compel us?” Begging for food Old Man said. Listening “似乎,李大爷要逼一逼我们?”要饭的老人说道。听 Li Qiye is ease, is resting the head on the back of the head of own, said lightly: Until now, speaks this saying, had tooted one's own horn toward own, I do not compel you, does not compel you, the road, in your under feet, as for the road, how walks, that is your own matter.” 李七夜悠然,枕着自己的后脑勺,淡淡地说道:“时至今日,说这话,已经是往自己脸上贴金了,我不逼你,也不逼你们,路,就在你们的脚下,至于路,怎么样走,那是你们自己的事情。” At this point, Old Man that looks at begged for food, said slowly: „A bigger possibility, you could not have waited on that day, should arrive, this/should vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke. You rely on, can support?” 说到这里,顿了一下,看着要饭的老人,徐徐地说道:“更大的可能,你们已经等不到那一天了,该降临了,也该灰飞烟灭了。你自恃,能否撑得下去?” Should arrive.” Hears such words, begging for food Old Man is not accidental/surprised, but, is still the mind shakes, is looking above Vault of Heaven, the manner is dignified. “该降临了。”听到这样的话,要饭的老人并不意外,但是,依然是心神一震,望着天穹之上,神态不由凝重起来。 Therefore, your time are not much, your time are not much.” Li Qiye said slowly, the manner is relaxed, all as one desires. “所以,你的时间不多了,你们的时间也不多。”李七夜慢悠悠地说道,神态轻松自由,一切都随心。 Perhaps, this is an opportunity, everyone said, locates certainly can always meet to live.” The Old Man manner of begging for food is dignified, finally said slowly. “或许,这是一个机会,人人都说,绝处总能逢生。”要饭的老人神态凝重,最后徐徐地说道。 Li Qiye smiled, nod, said: Good to unexpectedly find a way out, undeniably, this indeed has this possibility, but, this unexpectedly finds a way out, is who lives? Is you, is Uncle Zhao, or is others, if you unexpectedly find a way out in this , Uncle Zhao does permit? Only then such little opportunity, when then be only unexpectedly finds a way out one time, you thought that you can seize this opportunity? You believe, Uncle Zhao will give you?” 李七夜不由笑了起来,点头,说道:“好一个绝处逢生,不可否认,这的确是有着这种可能,但是,这绝处逢生,是谁生呢?是你,还是赵大爷,又或者是其他的人,如果你在这绝处逢生,那么,赵大爷允吗?只有这么一点点的机会,只有那么一次绝处逢生之时,你觉得你能夺得这个先机吗?你认为,赵大爷会让给你吗?” Old Man that this-- begged for food shakes the head, definitely said: Cannot.” Listening “这个嘛——”要饭的老人不由摇了摇头,肯定地说道:“不会。”听 Un, far more, I will not look, ate you.” Li Qiye smiled lightly, said easely: Since the cold winter must come, why that does not eat well, eats fat, own is also good to store fat, when the time comes can calm and steady, a good winter, otherwise, could not endure this winter, that passed away, even if boils, that was also too miserable , the cold winter approached, needs to make up.” “嗯,何止是不会,我看呀,把你吃了。”李七夜淡淡地笑了一下,悠然地说道:“既然凛冬都要来了,那为何不吃点好的呢,吃点肥的呢,自己也好屯一点肥肉,到时候能安稳一点,过一个好的冬天,不然,熬不过这个冬天,那就是一命呜呼了,就算是熬过去,那也是太惨了,所以,凛冬来临之时,需要补一补。” Uncle Li, this saying may executes the heart.” Begging for food Old Man looks at Li Qiye, said slowly. “李大爷,这话可就是诛心了。”要饭的老人看着李七夜,徐徐地说道。 Li Qiye shrugs, said: Executes the heart, your own is well aware, this grade of matter, haven't you done? Your own is very clear.” 李七夜耸了耸肩,说道:“诛不诛心,你们自己心知肚明,这等事情,你们没有做过吗?你们自己很清楚。” Begging for food Old Man is silent, after crossing some little time, his looks at Li Qiye, said: „Isn't Uncle Li worried? After all, this not only is we.” 要饭的老人不由沉默,过了好一会儿之后,他看着李七夜,说道:“那李大爷就不担心吗?毕竟,这不仅仅只有是我们。” Worry.” Li Qiye said lightly: How does that work as? A person, chose the own road, that should walk by own, regardless of wind and rain, if on this path, meets the violent storm, but also wants to cover, then, such path, does not walk.” “担心呀。”李七夜淡淡地说道:“那又当如何?一个人,选择了自己的路,那就该由自己走下去,不论风雨,若是在这道路上,遇到狂风暴雨,还想让人遮挡一下,那么,这样的道路,不走也罢。” „Is Uncle Li helplessly the looks at person?” Begging for food Old Man shakes the head gently, said: I look, not like.” “李大爷是眼睁睁看着的人吗?”要饭的老人轻轻地摇了摇头,说道:“我看,不像。” Li Qiye is light smiles, said slowly: Therefore, I don't sit here? Therefore, such as you said that doesn't this have to collaborate?” Listening 李七夜不由淡淡一笑,徐徐地说道:“所以,我不就坐在这里吗?所以,就如你说的,这不就是有同流合污吗?”听 Uncle Li, this saying was unreliable.” Begged for food Old Man to say. “李大爷,这话就玄了。”要饭老人说道。 Li Qiye looked begged for food Old Man, faint, said: „If I leads the way merely, how to need wants these, treads the broken day boundary, extracts downward your heads.” 李七夜看了要饭老人一眼,淡漠,说道:“如果仅仅是我一路前行,何需要这些,踏破天境,把你们的头颅都拔下来。” () () …… ……
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