ED :: Volume #56

#5525: A little worry

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Li Qiye smiled lightly, said slowly: That chatted.” huang 李七夜淡淡地笑了一下,徐徐地说道:“那就谈谈吧。”洸 My father said, the good day are not many.” A'Jiao said: little brother, do we select an auspicious day?” Saying, a is shy appearance, was burying in the head of own the fat body, must depend on the Li Qiye's shoulder. “我爹爹说,好的日子也不多了。”阿娇说道:“小哥,我们是不是挑个吉日良辰呢?”说着,一副娇羞的模样,把自己的头都埋入了胖胖的身体里了,要靠着李七夜的肩膀。 Li Qiye smiled lightly, said: That looked to accept the condition.” 李七夜淡淡笑了,说道:“那就看接不接受条件了。” little brother, isn't your forces someone to do something against his will?” A'Jiao said: These thing, are very difficult, little brother, you can trade point anything thing again, or we slightly discussed again, anything, had to discount, said again, little brother, so long as you wanted, thing of my dowry, that were also many.” 小哥,你这不是强人所难吗?”阿娇说道:“这些东西,都是很难的,小哥,你可以再换一点什么东西,或者说,我们再小小谈一下,什么事情,都有打折嘛,再说了,小哥,只要你愿意,我陪嫁的东西,那也不少的。” Li Qiye said easely: But, he can choose, only then I.” 李七夜悠然地说道:“但是,他能选择的,也就只有我了。” Because I and little brother are the day make one pair, supposes one pair.” The A'Jiao is shy appearance, looked at Li Qiye one secretly, charmingly angry, wants appearance that shames also welcomes. “因为我与小哥乃是天造一对,地设一双嘛。”阿娇娇羞的模样,偷偷地看了李七夜一眼,又娇嗔了一声,欲羞还迎的模样。 Li Qiye said easely: Is inborn one pair, then I don't know, but, in this world extra mundane , my coveted his anything.” 李七夜悠然地说道:“是不是天生一对,那就不知道了,但是,这世里世外,也就我这贪他什么了。” Person but who, little brother also has the little plot of land.” A'Jiao is looking at Li Qiye prettily. huang “但是,小哥也是有一亩三分地的人呀。”阿娇乃是娇滴滴地望着李七夜。洸 Li Qiye smiled lightly, said easely: How do I have the little plot of land? Can could it be that also come plow inadequate? I look, this little plot of land, not ripe, can he also come? However, if he comes, that is also a good deed, I am waiting, after all, the rule, is his own decides, violates the rule, that is also his own matter.” 李七夜淡淡地笑了一下,悠然地说道:“我有一亩三分地又怎么样?难道还要来犁一遍不成?我看呀,这一亩三分地,都还没熟呢,他还要来吗?不过,如果他来,那也是一件好事,我等着,毕竟,规则,是他自己定的,违背规则,那也是他自己的事情。” Truth, I also understand, little brother.” A'Jiao is said prettily: My father personality, I am know that little brother this little plot of land, that was felt relieved, crops also not ripe, my father will not violate absolutely muddily, was insufficient, little brother, you said.” “道理,我也都懂,小哥。”阿娇乃是娇滴滴地说道:“我爹这性格,我是知道的,小哥这一亩三分地,那是放心了,庄稼都还没有熟,我阿爸绝对不会犯浑的,也不至于,小哥,你说是不是嘛。” Li Qiye smiled lightly, said slowly: I think that he violates a muddiness, the broken point rule , all these were then easy to do.” 李七夜淡淡地笑了一下,徐徐地说道:“我倒想他犯点浑,破点规则,那么,这一切都好办了。” little brother, by villain's heart, gentleman's abdomen, my father should not be such person.” A'Jiao is pulling the Li Qiye's arm, swayed, must stick to Li Qiye own, willowy of ten points. 小哥,你不要以小人之心,度君子之腹嘛,我阿爸不是这样的人呢。”阿娇挽着李七夜的手臂,摇晃了一下,非要把自己紧贴着李七夜,十分的有弹性。 Li Qiye said easely: Actually such person, however, without elects, after all, others , is barefoot, one crowd barefoot, what also fears? Also has something to fetter?” 李七夜悠然地说道:“倒不是这样的人,但是嘛,也没得选,毕竟,其他人,也都是光脚的,一群光脚的,还怕什么呢?又有什么可以束缚的呢?” That is because the little brother heart is not cold, the heart of little brother, is hot, splash jumps, but also who can compare favorably with little brother?” A'Jiao said: With little brother, even if bad result / to bear fruit, where can go bad to goes.” “那是因为小哥心未冷呀,小哥的心,乃是热腾腾的,扑嗵扑嗵地跳,还有谁能比得上小哥呢?”阿娇说道:“和小哥嘛,就算是再坏的结果,能坏到哪里去。” This, that was also really said right.” The Li Qiye place nod, said gently: Where can go bad to goes, bad result / to bear fruit, that also has the lower limit. However, with others, that is not delicious. To me will not eat him.” huang “这点,那还真的被说对了。”李七夜不由轻轻地点了点头,说道:“能坏到哪里去,再坏的结果,那也是有下限的。不过,与其他人,那就不好吃了。至不,我是不会吃了他。”洸 little brother, we did not say the matter of such big ghost character and style.” A'Jiao said gently, appearance that is not willing to discuss. 小哥,我们不说这么大煞风情的事情嘛。”阿娇轻轻地说道,一副不愿意谈的模样。 Li Qiye smiled lightly, said slowly: That discussed a proper business, since everyone came with the sincerity, then, each other slightly discussed.” 李七夜淡淡地笑了一下,徐徐地说道:“那就谈点正事,既然大家都是怀着诚意而来,那么,彼此就小小地商量一下。” I know that little brother wants.” A'Jiao immediately for it one happy, winked the eye of own, the is shy appearance, lay on the Li Qiye's shoulder quickly, said: little brother is loving me, otherwise, is.” “我就知道小哥愿意的。”阿娇顿时不由为之一喜,眨了眨自己的眼睛,十分娇羞的模样,都快趴在李七夜的肩膀上了,说道:“小哥就是爱着我嘛,不然呢,是不是嘛。” Li Qiye smiles, said slowly: This land, grows, agrees with, the contact day.” 李七夜只是笑了笑,徐徐地说道:“这土地呀,就生长上去,契合一下,接点天。” This-- A'Jiao hesitant. “这——阿娇不由犹豫了一下。 Li Qiye smiles, said: What's wrong, did this hesitate?” 李七夜笑了笑,说道:“怎么,这都犹豫了?” little brother must grow, that does not have the matter of issue, worry of little brother, I am also understand that the father also knows the little brother difficulties, therefore, little brother wants Longevity to come up, that definitely has the most fertile land, is little brother.” huang 小哥要生长,那是没有问题的事情,小哥的担忧,那我也是明白的,阿爸也知道小哥的苦衷,所以,小哥长生上去,那绝对是有最肥沃的土地,小哥是不是。”洸 Un, then.” Li Qiye said lightly. “嗯,然后呢。”李七夜淡淡地说道。 A'Jiao knitting the brows head, probably very sweet and pretty appearance, but, this imitates others to make a fool of oneself, made one look in the heart to be straight the dozen boil. 阿娇不由皱了皱眉头,好像是很娇美的模样,但是,这东施效颦,就让人看得心里面不由直起瘩疙了。 But, contact day, this on difficult office.” A'Jiao said gently: After all, little brother, your strength, we also understand that you meet, that must, when the time comes, that only fear that hasn't been decided by little brother?” “不过,接点天,这个就难办了。”阿娇不由轻轻地说道:“毕竟,小哥,你这实力,我们也明白的,你接一下,那还得了,到时候,那只怕还不是由小哥说了算?” Li Qiye said easely: This was your issues, was you wants to discuss, was not I wants to discuss, said again, I, was always a modest and self-demanding gentleman, was not the person of being insatiably greedy, all, knew when to stop?” 李七夜悠然地说道:“这就是你们的问题了,是你们想谈,不是我想谈,再说呢,我这个人,一向都是谦谦君子,并非是贪得无厌之人,一切,也都是适可而止?” This......” A'Jiao knitting the brows head , seems not wants. “这个……”阿娇不由皱了皱眉头,似乎并不是十分愿意。 Li Qiye said easely: What's wrong, am I so incredible?” 李七夜悠然地说道:“怎么,我就这么不可信了?” We naturally were trustworthy little brother.” A'Jiao is enclasping the Li Qiye's arm, said: If little brother may not believe, then, the father will not make me come, said again, we became the family member, that is not same, my is little brother, little brother, is my.” huang “我们当然是信得过小哥了。”阿娇抱紧着李七夜的手臂,说道:“如果小哥不可信,那么,阿爸也不会让我来嘛,再说了,我们都成了亲人了,那还不是一样嘛,我的就是小哥的,小哥的,也就是我的。”洸 No, makes clear, there's nothing your is my, my is your.” Li Qiye beckons with the hand gently, otherwise A'Jiao words. “别,搞清楚点,没有什么你的就是我的,我的就是你的。”李七夜轻轻地摆了摆手,一口否了阿娇的话。 little brother, you suppressed, the couple was not altogether the riches and honor.” A'Jiao acts like a spoiled brat said 小哥,你就是太狠了了嘛,夫妻不是共富贵嘛。”阿娇撒娇地说道 Li Qiye said lightly: When the time comes, I kill, only feared that such words become an empty talk.” 李七夜淡淡地说道:“到时候,我杀上去,只怕这样的话就是成为一句空话了。” little brother, where has such matter, we are the whole families, all discussed well.” A'Jiao honk mouth, but, is not cute, on the mouth is hanging two pieces of sausages probably. 小哥,哪里有这样的事情呢,我们都是一家人,一切都好谈的。”阿娇不由嘟了嘟嘴,但是,一点都不可爱,嘴巴上像是挂着两片香肠。 Li Qiye smiled, said slowly: „If the whole family, I ask to select thing, does not know that doesn't give?” 李七夜笑了,徐徐地说道:“如果说,是一家人,我讨点东西,就不知道给不给呢?” little brother, you said that so long as I can, that surely give little brother you.” A'Jiao said prettily. 小哥,你说说,只要我能给的,那一定给小哥你了。”阿娇不由娇滴滴地说道。 Also there's nothing very precious thing, on several characters.” Li Qiye smiled. huang “也没有什么很珍贵的东西,也就几个字而已。”李七夜笑了一下。洸 Li Qiye this saying said that A'Jiao complexion big change, she did not speak immediately all of a sudden. 李七夜这话一说出来,阿娇就顿时脸色大变了,她一下子不吭声了。 Li Qiye said easely: It seems like, a lot, cannot discuss that it seems like, this was hopeless.” 李七夜不由悠然地说道:“看来,很多事情,也不能谈嘛,看来,这是没戏了。” little brother, you also know, this is not the common matter.” A'Jiao is tender said: This is the issues of how many characters, even if little brother wants these characters, that is also one turns over/stands up, this turns over/stands up, that did not say, what issue as for will have, then, little brother, didn't you know? If by some chance, has what not good matter, little brother, you are not willing to see.” 小哥,你也知道,这不是一般的事情。”阿娇乃是娇嘀嘀地说道:“这是几个字的本身的问题,就算是小哥要这几个字,那也得是一个翻身,这一个翻身,那就不好说了,至于会有什么问题,那么,小哥,你也不知道吧?万一,有什么不好的事情,小哥,你也不愿意看到吧。” Therefore, needs me to go finally personally, this matter, that must be I comes personally.” Li Qiye said easely. “所以,最终还是需要我亲自去一趟,这种事情,那还得是我亲自来。”李七夜悠然地说道。 That was welcome certainly little brother you to come.” A'Jiao is cheers up, buckles the orchid fingers, then delimited on the Li Qiye chest gently, said: little brother must come, that like going own home.” “那当然是欢迎小哥你来了。”阿娇乃是高兴起来,扣起兰花指,然后在李七夜胸膛上轻轻地划了一下,说道:“小哥要来,那就像回自己的家一样。” Li Qiye smiles, said lightly: You have thought that this arrives, later does not go back.” 李七夜笑了笑,淡淡地说道:“你有没有想过,这一降临,以后就不回去了。” little brother, this you are not good.” A'Jiao honk the mouth, like hanging two pieces of sausages, was saying: little brother, your saying, is sows dissension, this is not the man behavior, such matter, little brother, should not be you do.” huang 小哥,这就你不好了。”阿娇不由嘟着嘴巴,像挂着两片香肠,说道:“小哥,你这话,乃是挑拨离间,这不是男人所为哟,这样的事情,小哥,不应该是你来做哟。”洸 Li Qiye looked at her one eyes, said lightly: Such matter, has to happen, is far from anything to sew discord, all, that also just states the possibility.” 李七夜看了她一眼,淡淡地说道:“这样的事情,又不是没有发生过,谈不上什么挑拔离间,一切,那也只不过是陈述可能性罢了。” That made little brother worry.” A'Jiao blinks, said: little brother is worried about my father, is worried about me? Was worried the feudal bully in village to/clashes, gave to snatch me.” “那就让小哥操心了。”阿娇眨了眨眼睛,说道:“小哥是担心我阿爸呢,还是担心我呢?是不是担心村子里的恶霸冲上来,把我都给抢了呢。” I a little hope actually.” Li Qiye smiled, said easely: Snatched you, there's nothing minor matter at the worst.” “我倒是有点希望。”李七夜不由笑了一下,悠然地说道:“把你抢了,也没有什么大不了的小事。” little brother, your dies does not have the conscience......” A'Jiao air/Qi and angry, is stamping the feet, must trample to bits half the carriage. 小哥,你这死没良心的……”阿娇又气又恼,直跺着脚,要把马车都跺碎一半了。 Li Qiye smiles easely, said slowly: Pit, that has dug, arrived, once fell in the pit, that not necessarily can get up, when the time comes, does not know that was sweeps, buried alive.” 李七夜悠然而笑,徐徐地说道:“坑,那是已经挖好了,降临的时候,一旦掉在坑里,那就不一定能起来,到时候,不知道是荡扫,还是坑杀了。” In the final analysis, little brother is worried about us.” A'Jiao at this time, is happy. “说到底,小哥还是担心我们嘛。”阿娇这个时候,又开心起来。 Although said, is not your older sister, but, must say is your older sister, that even if your older sister.” Li Qiye touches the chin, said: I am a little worried.” huang “虽然说,不是你姐,但,非要说是你姐,那就算是你姐吧。”李七夜不由摸了摸下巴,说道:“那我还是有点担心的。”洸 Snort, I know, your dies not to have the conscience, is corrupt tires of newly old, likes on my elder sister.” A'Jiao cried, said: I know, your man one has not been good thing, snort/hum, does not care about me.” “哼,我就知道,你这个死没良心的,就是贪新厌旧,就是喜欢上我姐了。”阿娇不由哭了起来,说道:“我就是知道,你们男人没有一个是好东西,哼,都不关心一下我。” You have anything to be good to care.” Li Qiye said easely: „It is not under you battlefield, said again, if were worked by them , my trouble, that was then big.” “你有什么好关心的。”李七夜悠然地说道:“又不是你下战场,再说了,万一被他们得逞了,那么,我的麻烦,那就大了。” Snort, snort/hum, I look, you do not think like this, loves dearly others.” Appearance that A'Jiao is jealous. “哼,哼,我看哟,你可不是这样想的,是心疼人家吧。”阿娇吃醋的模样。 Li Qiye smiled, ease, did not speak. 李七夜笑了一下,悠然,不说话。 Snort, you felt relieved, since arrived, that has our methods, is sweeps it surely, what feudal bully, what harmful insect, can not save.” A'Jiao said finally. “哼,你放心了,既然都降临了,那就是有我们的手段,必定是荡扫之,什么恶霸,什么害虫,都不得存下来。”阿娇最后还是说道。 Hopes.” Li Qiye said lightly: human world, where has what perfect matter, has what perfect stratagem, will have fish slip through eventually.” “但愿吧。”李七夜淡淡地说道:“人世间,哪里有什么十全十美之事,有什么完美之谋,终究会有漏网之鱼。” „, Fish slip through, gave little brother.” A'Jiao raised the head, looks at Li Qiye. huang “那么,漏网之鱼,就交给小哥了呢。”阿娇抬起头来,看着李七夜。洸 Li Qiye smiled lightly, said easely: Then, my request, is that I adds a condition not excessively again?” 李七夜不由淡淡地笑了一下,悠然地说道:“这么说来,我的要求,那是一点都不过份是吧,是不是我再加点条件?” Does not use, little brother, our family, discussed these, wasn't polite?” A'Jiao acts like a spoiled brat said. “不用了,小哥,我们一家人,谈这些,也不也太客气了嘛?”阿娇撒娇地说道。 Li Qiye looked at her one eyes, said lightly: Therefore, complies, is a foregone conclusion.” 李七夜看了她一眼,淡淡地说道:“所以,答不答应,都是成定局。” () () …… ……
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