ED :: Volume #55

#5492: What was steals the day, the words says too coarse

Li Qiye smiles, said easely: Caring, not necessarily is the love.” wan 李七夜不由一笑,悠然地说道:“眷顾,不一定是爱。”錽 What is that?” Heard Li Qiye to say like this, the Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo vision beat. “那是什么?”听到李七夜这样说,木琢仙帝不由目光跳动了一下。 Li Qiye smiles, said: Hates, can be care, angry, can be care.” 李七夜不由神秘一笑,说道:“恨,也能是一种眷顾,愤怒,也能是一种眷顾。” „Do you want to do?” Li Qiye such words saying, Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo had an ominous omen. “你想干什么?”李七夜这样的话一说出来,木琢仙帝有一种不祥的预兆。 Li Qiye shrugs with a smile, said easely: You are dead person, what does that have to be good to fear? Can be more fearful than the death? Can be more fearful than vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke? Can abandon Ghost Repulsive and world not to receive your god is more fearful than?” 李七夜不由笑着耸了耸肩,悠然地说道:“你已经是一个死人了,那还有什么好怕的?能比死亡还更可怕吗?能比灰飞烟灭更可怕吗?能比你这种神弃鬼厌、天地不收更可怕吗?” Li Qiye such words saying, making Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo be startled being startled, this saying also too his mother made sense, died continually died , the god abandons Ghost Repulsive, world not to receive, what ratio this that also had more fearful, what did that have to be good to fear? 李七夜这样的话说出来,让木琢仙帝不由怔了怔,这话也是太他妈有道理了,连死都死了,也神弃鬼厌了、天地不收了,那还有什么比这更可怕的,那还有什么好怕的? How do you want to do?” Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo is taking a look at Li Qiye, his intuition not wrong, Li Qiye comes to gather up dead bodies to him, won't that certainly do the matter, that was not only gathers up dead bodies is so simple. “你要怎么样做?”木琢仙帝不由瞅着李七夜,他的直觉是没有错的,李七夜来给他收尸,那一定不会干什么好事情,那不仅仅是收尸这么简单了。 Since the world does not receive you, Old Thief Heaven is also same detests and rejects you , we do anything, lets Old Thief Heaven angry.” Li Qiye smiled got up, thinks that such, he could not bear want to smile. wan “既然天地不收你,贼老天也是一样厌弃你,那么,我们干点什么事情,让贼老天愤怒一下。”李七夜不由笑了起来了,想到这样的一幕,他都是忍不住想笑。錽 So long as Old Thief Heaven angry , believes me, he will certainly care your.” Li Qiye said easely. “只要贼老天愤怒一下,那么,相信我,他一定会眷顾你的。”李七夜悠然地说道。 At this time, Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo guessed correctly faintly Li Qiye this was must do, he stared at Li Qiye saying: „Do you want me to do? I am helpless.” 在这个时候,木琢仙帝隐隐猜到李七夜这是要干什么了,他盯着李七夜说道:“你要我去干?我无能为力。” Oh, this does not need you, you were dead person, what can also do?” Li Qiye smiled, said: You are bubble are now thin, is such soaks thinly, oh, I do a dirty job, such a soaks to take thinly, pounds in front of Old Thief Heaven, pounds toward his family/home, could splash his, you said, he is angry?” “唉,这不需要你,你都是一个死人了,还能干什么?”李七夜不由笑了一下,说道:“你现在就是一泡稀,就是这样的一泡稀,唉,我就干点脏活,把这么一泡稀拿起来,砸在贼老天的门前,往他家里一砸,说不定能溅他一身,你说,他愤不愤怒?” Anger.” Wants not to need to think, Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo knows this means anything. “愤怒。”想都不用想,木琢仙帝知道这是意味着什么了。 Li Qiye said with a smile: „A others anger, that all managed well, you thought vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke, wasn't that simple? A others palm of the hand pounds, possibly was unable the gate your to soak thin vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke, you such unbearable stink, then odor. However, Old Thief Heaven pounds, you were vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke.” 李七夜不由笑着说道:“人家一愤怒,那一切都好理了,你想灰飞烟灭,那还不简单?别人一巴掌砸下来,可能还不能门你这一泡稀灰飞烟灭,你还是那么的臭不可闻,还是那么的恶臭。但是,贼老天一砸下来,那你就是灰飞烟灭了。” Was vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke.” Even if has not happened, Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo can also imagine that this can what happened, is taking a look at Li Qiye, said: You must use the hand of Old Thief Heaven, cut Samsara.” “是灰飞烟灭了。”哪怕还是没发生,木琢仙帝也都能想象到这一幕会发生什么事情了,不由瞅着李七夜,说道:“你是要借贼老天之手,斩了轮回。” ei, words saying should not be coarse.” Li Qiye said with a smile: What uses the hand of Old Thief Heaven, Old Thief Heaven this also seeks the welfare for all living things, this is the deep affection of heaven.” wan “欸,话说得不要那么难听。”李七夜笑着说道:“什么借贼老天的手,贼老天这也是为芸芸众生谋得福祉,此乃是苍天的厚爱也。”錽 That how rebirth?” Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo muttered said. “那如何重生?”木琢仙帝不由喃喃地说道。 Without a doubt, the heaven lowers heaven punishment, under the heaven so anger, he thinks that not vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke is difficult, although his Tired of World Dao is hard to obliterate, but, is in a rage in the heaven, can still be vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke. 毫无疑问,苍天降下天罚,在苍天如此愤怒之下,他想不灰飞烟灭都难,他厌世道虽然难以磨灭,但是,在苍天一怒之下,依然会是灰飞烟灭 The vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke matter achieved, will cut his Samsara, then, the most important key came, how that should the rebirth, only then the rebirth, Li Qiye's devised that can succeed. 灰飞烟灭的事情做到了,也就将是斩了他的轮回,那么,最重要的关键来了,那就是该如何重生,只有重生了,李七夜的构想那才能成功。 Doesn't have me in?” Li Qiye smiled lightly, said easely: Vitality/Angry, the vitality/angry, what is the vitality/angry? A Old Thief Heaven anger, that calls the vitality/angry, since is the vitality/angry, not only certainly was since birth, since birth, and is angry , didn't all have?” “不是有我在吗?”李七夜淡淡地笑了一下,悠然地说道:“生气,生气,什么叫生气?贼老天一怒,那就是叫生气,既然是生气,既一定是有生,有生,又有气,那么,一切都不是有了吗?” Taking advantage of the opportunity of day.” At this time, Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo thoroughly understood, said: You must steal the day.” “借天之机。”在这个时候,木琢仙帝彻底明白了,说道:“你是要偷天。” What was steals the day, the words says too coarse.” Li Qiye shakes the head gently, said: „A Old Thief Heaven vitality/angry, I am also an accepting good advice readily person, but calms down to others, the air/Qi is needless, does this life have? That this is mad, must release, I, am a good person, the manner think, the manner thinks, helps Old Thief Heaven calm down.” “什么叫偷天,话说得太难听。”李七夜轻轻地摇了摇头,说道:“贼老天一生气,那我也是一个从善如流的人,只是给人家消消气,气不消,这生活怎么过?这生出来的气,总得要释放一下吧,我这个人,就是一个好人,为人所想,为人所思,也帮贼老天消消气。” Steals a day of vitality/angry.” Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo muttered said. wan “偷天之生气。”木琢仙帝不由喃喃地说道。錽 Such matter, do not say that is he cannot think, human world, only feared that no one can think, such idea, was really crazy, many people, regarding the tribulation of heaven, were dread extremely, evading being less, let alone provoked Wrath of Heaven . 这样的事情,不要说是他不敢想,人世间,只怕没有任何人敢想了,这样的想法,实在是太疯狂了,多少人,对于苍天之劫,乃是忌惮万分,避之都不及,更别说去招惹苍天之怒了。 Li Qiye this not only provokes Wrath of Heaven , wants to steal the vitality/angry of heaven, the vitality falls, living of heaven, such all, that was too odd, was really crazy. 李七夜这不仅仅是招惹苍天之怒,更是想偷苍天之生气,生机一落,苍天之生,这样的一切,那就是太离谱了,实在是太疯狂了。 Reported person who the heaven lives, what is this representative? representative the life of heaven?” Li Qiye patted the shoulder of Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo, said easely: „A birth of life, no, a rebirth of life, has the vitality/angry of heaven, no, has the vitality of heaven, a this is what type life? Have you thought? What rebirth isn't this better than? What Tired of World Dao Samsara your isn't better than?” “一个禀苍天而生的人,这是代表着什么?代表着苍天的生命?”李七夜拍了拍木琢仙帝的肩膀,悠然地说道:“一个生命的诞生,不,一个生命的重生,却拥有着苍天的生气,不,拥有苍天的生机,这是怎么样的一个生命呢?你想过没有?这比什么重生不好?比你的什么厌世道轮回不好?” Li Qiye such words, let Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo dumbfounded immediately, he has not thought that this level, now a Li Qiye reminder, he thinks of this level. 李七夜这样的话,顿时让木琢仙帝呆住了,他还没有想到这个层次,现在李七夜一提醒,那他就想到了这个层次了。 between Heaven and Earth, regarding any creature, the rebirth is the heaven defying incomparable matter, among Whole World, only feared that no one achieved, since Eternal, a lot of epoch, or once had the terrifying incomparable giant to handle such matter. 天地之间,对于任何生灵而言,重生都已经是逆天无匹的事情了,举世之间,只怕没有人做到了,万古以来,千百纪元,或者曾有恐怖无匹的巨头做过这样的事情。 However, they can achieve, that also is just the Samsara rebirth, this is the unequalled magnificent feat, since this is Eternal the greatest achievement. 但是,他们所能做到的,那也只不过是轮回重生,这已经是无与伦比的壮举了,这已经是万古以来最了不起的成就了。 Now Li Qiye, does not only cuts Samsara , to continue the rebirth, but also inherited the vitality/angry from Old Thief Heaven there, making the new life be born, conducts rebirth in the unequalled way a time. wan 现在李七夜,所做的不仅仅是斩轮回,续重生,而且是从贼老天那里继承了生气,让新的生命重新诞生,以无与伦比的方式进行一次重生。錽 Then, then, this rebirth, is not Li Qiye heaven defying, but is, he has not borrowed the merit of the world, to rob the opportunity of all ages forcefully, lets a dead person rebirth, his to connect, joined the Old Thief Heaven vitality/angry slightly, finally, making a dead person cut off Samsara, caused it rebirth. 那么,如此一来,这种重生,不是李七夜逆天而为,他并没有强行借天地之功、盗万世之机,去让一个死去的人重生,他只是稍稍驳接一下,接上了贼老天的生气,最终,使得一个死去的人斩断轮回,使之重生。 That means, cuts off Samsara, causes it rebirth, this is not Li Qiye's strength, but is heaven strength, was the heaven is Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo cut off Samsara, was heaven strength lets the Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo rebirth. 那就意味着,不论是斩断轮回,还是使之重生,这都不是李七夜的力量,而是苍天的力量,是苍天为木琢仙帝斩断了轮回,是苍天的力量木琢仙帝重生罢了。 This is not Li Qiye steals a day of merit, he is grafts merely. 这并非是李七夜偷天之功,他仅仅是嫁接而已。 However, thinks toward a deeper level, a dead person rebirth, moreover was cut Samsara, that means a new life birth, but when this new life birth, carrying the vitality of heaven, this was saying to a certain extent, representative some vitality of heaven? 但是,往更深层次去想,一个死去的人重生,而且是被斩去了轮回,那就意味着一个新的生命诞生,而这个新的生命诞生之时,却承载着苍天的生机,这岂不是在某种程度上说,代表着苍天的某一种生机? You are crazy.” Finally, Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo said such one sentence, human world, except for Li Qiye, no one can do to obtain such crazy matter to come. “你真他妈的疯狂。”最后,木琢仙帝都不由说了这样的一句话,人世间,除了李七夜,没有谁能做得出这样疯狂的事情来了。 Li Qiye smiled, said: Is crazy, that is fun, such crazy matter, is no one can withstand, is no one can be like this crazy.” 李七夜不由笑了一下,说道:“就是疯狂,那才好玩,这样疯狂的事情,也不是谁都能承受得了,也不是谁都能这样疯狂。” Therefore, you stared at me from the beginning.” Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo had understood, said: Because I am that soak thinly, can cause the heaven angry person.” wan “所以,你一开始就盯上我了。”木琢仙帝已经明白了,说道:“因为我就是那一泡稀,才能引起苍天愤怒的人。”錽 Oh, how the person can like this belittle own.” Li Qiye shakes the head, said: You are Immortal Emperor, Eternal Wushuang/matchless Immortal Emperor.” “唉,人怎么可以这样贬低自己呢。”李七夜摇了摇头,说道:“你是一位仙帝,万古无双仙帝。” Eternal Wushuang/matchless Immortal Emperor , to continue I alone.” Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo will certainly not toot one's own horn toward own, he knows certainly, has compared with he more shocking Immortal Emperor. 万古无双仙帝,不止我一个人。”木琢仙帝当然不会往自己脸上贴金了,他当然知道,比他更为惊艳的仙帝都有。 But, Li Qiye has not looked for other Immortal Emperor to handle such matter, but looks for him, that is because his dislike and his god abandon Ghost Repulsive and world not to receive to enrage the heaven. 但,李七夜没有找上其他的仙帝来做这样的事情,而是找上他,那是因为他的厌恶、他的神弃鬼厌、天地不收才能去激怒苍天。 On such that such as Li Qiye said that his such soaks thinly, pounds in the heaven main house gate mouth, pounded in the family/home of heaven, splashed heaven, that enraged the heaven. 就如李七夜所说的那样,他这样的一泡稀,直砸在苍天的家门口,砸在了苍天的家里,溅得苍天一身,那岂不是激怒了苍天。 Therefore, you urged me to attend such ancient times epoch war.” Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo is taking a look at Li Qiye. “所以,你劝我来参加这样的远古纪元大战。”木琢仙帝瞅着李七夜 In the remote past years, Li Qiye looked for him, Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo has thought enough remotely, he can also want to obtain, Li Qiye urged him to leave the mountain, that was also displays his soaks the thin function, he also indeed played such role. 在遥远的当年,李七夜就找上了他,木琢仙帝已经想得足够遥远了,他也能想得到,李七夜劝他出山,那也是发挥他这一泡稀的作用,他也的的确确是发挥了这样的作用。 As soon as he pounds, Celestial Court and Ancestors various Emperors and Deities could not hit, turned around to run, pounded continually several times, strove for the time of breathing one breath for various Emperors and Deities of Ancestors clan. wan 他一砸下来,天庭先民诸帝众神也打不下去了,转身就跑,一连砸了几次,也是为先民一族的诸帝众神争取了喘一口气的时机。錽 However, his takes part also puts at present, was patted by a palm of the hand. 但是,他的下场也是摆在眼前,被一巴掌拍死了。 Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo can also expect to obtain such result, even if knows that Li Qiye urged him to leave the mountain, he had such goal, but, Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo did not mind, after all, to him, this was good takes part, the death was an extrication, pitifully, did not only have body dies and Dao disappears, did not have true vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke, did not have the true extrication, but, not compared with before him missed. 木琢仙帝也能料得到这样的结局,哪怕知道李七夜劝他出山,他有这样的目的,但是,木琢仙帝也不介意,毕竟,对于他而言,这又何尝不是一个不错的下场呢,死亡就是一种解脱,只可惜,却没有身死道消,没有真正的灰飞烟灭,没有真正的解脱,但,也不比他以前差。 However, he can obtain, merely is so, Li Qiye thinks, in fact, does not make him prevent the war of various Emperors and Deities, matter that today Li Qiye must handle, is he sees his goal from the beginning. 然而,他所能得到的,仅仅是如此罢了,李七夜所想到的,事实上,并非是让他去阻止诸帝众神之战,今日李七夜所要做的事情,才是他一开始去见他的目的。 „It is not right, your ultimate goal is not limited to this.” Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo is staring at Li Qiye, said: Your ultimate goal also is not only makes me cut off the Samsara rebirth.” “不对,你最终的目的还是不止于此。”木琢仙帝盯着李七夜,说道:“你最终的目的还不仅仅是让我斩断轮回重生。” Oh, where world has so many computations, where so many schemes and tricks.” Li Qiye shakes the head gently, said: I am full hot blooded, absolute sincerity wholeheartedly, I this is for your own good, am hello/you good, extricates for you.” “唉,世间哪里有这么多计算呢,哪里有这么多的阴谋诡计呢。”李七夜轻轻摇了摇头,说道:“我乃是满腔的热血,一心的赤诚,我这都是为你好呀,为你好,为你解脱。” Said that for your good person, is good for own.” Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo does not give the face. “说为你好的人,都是为自己好。”木琢仙帝可是不给情面。 Oh, your such saying, I was sad.” Li Qiye patted the shoulder of Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo, said slowly: You think to look, I am not hello/you good, what do you live? You arrive black, how finally can?” wan “唉,你这样一说,我就伤心了。”李七夜拍了拍木琢仙帝的肩膀,徐徐地说道:“那你想想看,我不为你好,你活成什么样?你一路走到黑,最后会怎么样?”錽 A Li Qiye such saying, Immortal Emperor Mu Zhuo sighs gently. 李七夜这样一说,木琢仙帝不由轻轻地叹了一口气。 () () …… ……
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