ED :: Volume #53

#5270: Inside and outside is not a person

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Walks in this street Daoist, bustling, filled lively, as if, in this ancient city, everyone looked for this me, has the joy of own, good bad, can always from seeks to be the joy of own specially. 行走在这街道人,熙熙攘攘,充满了热闹,似乎,在这个古城之中,每一个人都寻找了本我,都拥有着自己的快乐,不论是好还是坏,总能从其中寻找到专属于自己的快乐。 Bang, bang and bang at this time, dried up must smash the stall on street suddenly, made the lively street all of a sudden is livelier. “砰、砰、砰”在这个时候,一涸突然要砸街道上的摊位,一下子让热闹的街道变得更热闹起来。 Sees only middle aged man, this middle aged man big military might, is wearing the armor, Divine Power is cold, fighting intent abundant, just like winner who can sweep away ten sides, has the looking disdainfully world, sweeps away the potentials of ten side. 只见一个中年汉子,这个中年汉子高大威武,身穿着铠甲,神威凛凛,战意盎然,犹如是可以横扫十方的常胜将军,有着睥睨天下,横扫十方之势。 However, such matter that a person who is full of the unequalled imposing manner, does at this moment, does not match with his aura completely. 但是,这样一个充满着无与伦比气势的人,此时此刻所干的事情,和他身上的气息完全不匹配。 This middle aged man, carries a giant spiked club on the shoulder, both hands builds above the spiked club, whose appearance the mouth bites green bristlegrass one to exhibit me is the wave bum I fears. 这个中年汉子,在肩上扛着一把巨大的狼牙棒,双手搭在狼牙棒之上,口咬着狗尾草一副摆出我是浪氓我怕谁的模样。 Before he arrives at a stall every time, the spiked club in hand pounds, is bang a resonate sound, the imposing manner is very scary, his eyes open the eyes, the beady eyes is giant, loudly shouted: Should the junction protection money.” 他每走到一个摊位之前,手中的狼牙棒一砸,乃是“砰”的一声响起,气势十分吓人,他双眼一睁,圆眼巨大,大喝道:“该交保护费了。” However, the vendor pays no attention to him, he opens the eye, loudly shouted: Heard not to have, to hand over the protection money the time.” 然而,摊主不理他,他就更睁大眼睛,大喝道:“听到没有,交保护费的时间到了。” Here had the vendor languidly to look at his one eyes, said: What protection money?” 这里有摊主才慢吞吞地看了他一眼,说道:“什么保护费?” This middle aged man pulls out a small book immediately, flips, said loudly: Your stall has accepted me to protect the 30,000 8860 periods, now should hand over......” 这个中年汉子立即掏出一个小本本,翻了翻,大声地说道:“你的摊位已经接受我保护三万八千八百六十期,现在该交了……” Gives credit.” This *** thinks that often said. “赊帐。”这个***以为常地说道。 Good, owed the 30,000 8800 six 11 periods, next time remembers to hand over, otherwise, pounds pulpy you.” Saying, carries the spiked club to continue to proceed to collect the protection money. “好,欠了三万八千八百六十一期,下期记得要交,不然,把你砸得稀烂。”说着,扛着狼牙棒继续往前收保护费。 Bang, is the signboard spiked club frightens, said to another young vendor loudly: old man, protection money time.” “砰”的一声,又是招牌式狼牙棒吓唬,大声地对另一个小摊主说道:“老头,保护费时间到了。” Has not been open for business.” This young vendor did not fear, said: Were open for business richly.” “还没开张。”这个小摊主也不怕,说道:“等开张有钱了。” Remembered, received money, turned to me immediately.” This middle aged man yelled rampantly , to continue to proceed. “记住了,收到钱了,就立马给我交上。”这个中年汉子嚣张地大叫了一声,继续往前走。 Received the protection money time to go to small stalls to collect the protection money to...... this middle aged man, but, each complied with the junction, was the final one cent has not received.,” 收保护费时间到了……“这个中年汉子去一个个小摊位去收保护费,但是,每家都答应了交,就是最后一分钱都没有收到。,” However, a middle aged man point does not care, sees only arrives at a stall, immediately is the spiked club pounds down, wants the opposite party to pay the protection money is not possible, although the young vendors comply, whom has not seen to take out money to pay the protection money truly. 但是,中年汉子一点都不在意,只见走到一个摊位,立即就是狼牙棒砸下,非要对方交保护费不可,虽然小摊主们都答应,就是没见谁真正掏钱交保护费的。 „Is letter/believes bright?” In Li Qiye they continue on street, in this moment, the person stands in Li Qiye in front of them. “信光明吗?”就在李七夜他们继续走在街道上的时候,在这一刻,有一个人站在李七夜他们面前。 This wear cotton garment, very simple, moreover to own Jian a pot cover head, seemed like walks specially the human world ascetic. 这个穿着一身布衣,十分的朴素,而且特别地给自己翦了一个锅盖头,看起来像是行走人世间的苦行者。 He sees Li Qiye, both hands together, the light sparkles, Li Qiye smiles, shakes the head, said: Does not believe. 他见到李七夜,双手合什,光明闪闪,李七夜笑了笑,摇了摇头,说道:“不信”。 Light, often, letter/believes it, eternal life.” This ascetic gives the Li Qiye circular, then gave leaf Zhitian, to construct the slave also to hand over the circular, even True Bear had a circular. “光明,常在,信之,永生。”这个苦行者递给李七夜传单,然后又给叶止天、建奴也递上了传单,连真熊都有一份传单。 Reads the circular, is in the bright seal script the book, glittering the bright rhythm is mysterious. 一看传单,乃是以光明篆文所书,闪烁着光明韵律奥妙无比。 Looks at such bright seal script, Li Zhitian is startled secretly, because of such bright seal script, is the need extremely deep bright good fortune, in human world, can have the so bright good fortune, entire Six Heavenly Continents only feared that cannot discover several, can say few. 一看这样的光明篆文,李止天都不由为之暗暗吃惊,因为这样的光明篆文,是需要极为深厚的光明造化,在人世间,能拥有如此光明造化的,整个六天洲只怕也找不出几个来,可以谓之寥寥无几。 Light, often, letter/believes it, eternal life.” This ascetic they says to Li Qiye, when his good-fitting bowed first, the whole person is very humble, the light bosom in in the heart, is flashing the light, as if enables him to be based in human world, has saying that not eternal, as if he can obtain eternal life to be common. “光明,常在,信之,永生。”这个苦行者向李七夜他们讲道,他合身鞠首之时,整个人很谦卑,光明怀于胸中,闪动着的光明,似乎让他可以常驻于人世间,有着说不尽的永恒,似乎他能获得永生一般。 This is one after another constructs slave looks at this ascetic, is startled secretly, is so bright, is the good fortune is very indeed deep, this makes one think the Heaven Alliance initiator, Omiya dragon Sovereign, he also has such light, but, at present this ascetic, light meaningful. “这是一一”建奴看着这个苦行者,也不由暗暗吃惊,如此光明,的的确确是造化无比深厚,这就让人不由想到天盟的创始者,大光明龙帝君,他也是拥有着这样的光明,但是,眼前这个苦行者,身上的光明更加的隽永。 Your also not necessarily eternal life.” Li Qiye said with a smile. “你也不见得永生。”李七夜笑着说道。 The ascetics said: Bright always Samsara, life and death, life and death, but, heart often, bright then often.” 苦行者说道:“光明总是轮回,死死生生,生生死死,但,心常在,光明便常在。” This is really rare.” Li Qiye said lightly with a smile: Person died, this can [comprehend/comprehension] pass. The truth understood, does not know whether Dao Heart can be invariable, can fall into dark(ness) again.” “这真难得。”李七夜淡淡地笑着说道:“人死了,这才能参悟透。道理懂了,就不知道还能否道心不变,会不会再堕入黑暗之中。” Ascetic bowing the body, is very reverent, said: Light, my eternal life, never changes, permanent ancient.” 苦行者鞠身,十分虔诚,说道:“光明在,我永生,永不变,恒亘古。” If is really so, is life Great Perfection, lives also well, the death, can always one long-cherished wish, the good deed, the good deed.” Li Qiye said with a smile. “若真的是如此,也算是人生大满圆也,生也好,死也罢,总是能一了夙愿,好事,好事。”李七夜笑着说道。 Bang a resonate sound, at this time, big hand patted layer on layer/heavily on the shoulder of this ascetic, laughed said: Does missionary work, you do missionary work on my street daily, should the junction protection money.” “砰”的一声响起,就在这个时候,一只大手重重地拍在了这个苦行者的肩膀上,大笑地说道:“传教的,你天天在我街上传教,该交保护费了。” This sudden person, that collects the protection money everywhere middle aged man. 这个突然出现的人,正是那个到处收保护费的中年汉子 Letter/believes bright one after another this ascetic receiving middle aged man of protection money handed over the circular, said: One point of light, one point protects, please accept.” “信光明一一”这个苦行者给收保护费的中年汉子递上了传单,说道:“一分光明,一分保护,请收下。” „, You keep own to use, the wizard letter/believes your light. Bah, bah, bah, the person, letter/believes your light.” This middle aged man stares, said: Next time will not permit to take this thing to come hu to make me again, obediently turns in the protection money, otherwise, my club pounds your bone crushes.” “切,你留着自己用,鬼才信你的光明。呸,呸,呸,人,才信你的光明。”这个中年汉子瞪眼,说道:“下次不准再拿这东西来煳弄我,乖乖交上保护费,否则,我一棒子把你的骨头砸得粉碎。” Under light, your all my brothers.” Ascetic bowing the body, said: Brothers are the fortune and misfortune in, your I share, please let shine the heart of your barbarism brightly......”, “光明之下,你我皆兄弟。”苦行者鞠身,说道:“兄弟是祸福同在,你我共享,请让光明普照你的野蛮之心……”, Go away, go away, go away.” This middle aged man does not like listening to talking incessantly of ascetic, hears bothersomely, waves, like catching up with fly, said: What good bird are you? All day peddles the light, you had sold to Devil, where also has what light.” “滚,滚,滚。”这个中年汉子不爱听苦行者的唠叨,听得就烦,挥手,像赶苍蝇一样,说道:“你是什么好鸟?整天兜售光明,你早就卖给恶魔了,哪里还有什么光明。” Light, do not blame thick inferior person.” The ascetics are not angry, is still humble bowing the body, said: Accepts the light, shines your heart, making you step onto bright Grand Dao, the intention majestic......” “光明,不怪粗卑之人。”苦行者也不生气,依然是谦卑鞠身,说道:“收下光明,普照你心,让你走上光明大道,心怀堂皇……” Does not roll, I am battered to death you.” middle aged man was said by him has a headache, raises the spiked club in hand, must be battered to death the ascetic person may not. “再不滚,我砸死你。”中年汉子被他说得头痛,扬起手中的狼牙棒,要把苦行僧砸死不可。 However, the ascetic had not feared, to Li Qiye their bowing the body, talked on endlessly, said: Letter/believes is bright, lets your me in, ascends in Jile together brightly, the testimony eternal......” 但是,苦行者也没有怕,向李七夜他们鞠身,叨叨唠唠,说道:“信光明,让你我同在,一同登于极乐,见证光明永恒……” Constructs and Li Zhitian does not speak, True Bear called several, Li Qiye is actually light smiles, said: Good, waits for you to be bright, comes to melt me again.” 建奴和李止天都不吭声,真熊叫了几声,李七夜倒是淡淡一笑,说道:“好,等你光明永恒,再来化我。” Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.” The ascetics hear Li Qiye such words, very enjoys, bowing the body, said: And makes me believe brightly eternal, see again/goodbye you.” Saying, was then walking , to continue teaches his light others. “妙,妙,妙。”苦行者听到李七夜这样的话,十分受用,鞠身,说道:“且让我信光明永恒,再见你。”说着,便走了,继续向其他人传授他的光明。 Several, outsider?” Collects the protection money middle aged man to see Li Qiye they, the eyes open the eyes in a big way, has probably not seen the outsider to be the same, has the spirit all of a sudden, naturally, is more like the fat sheep that a wolf saw to deliver. “几位,外乡人吗?”收保护费的中年汉子一看到李七夜他们,双眼睁得大大的,好像是没有见过外乡人一样,一下子十分有精神,当然,更像是一头狼看到了送上门来的肥羊。 Native place person, is the township bystander, inside and outside is not a person.” Li Qiye said lightly with a smile. “乡里人,也是乡外人,里里外外不是人。”李七夜淡淡地笑着说道。 Un, inside and outside is not a person, is right, who was a person?” middle aged man one hear of Li Qiye such words that this collects the protection money, thought that this saying was good, made sense, patted the thigh, raised up the thumb to Li Qiye, laughed said: To your words, the protection money receives your 50% discount.” “嗯,里里外外不是人,也对,谁是人了?”这个收保护费的中年汉子一听李七夜这样的话,觉得这话太好了,太有道理了,一拍大腿,对李七夜竖起拇指,大笑地说道:“冲着你这句话,保护费收你五折。” Such big discount?” Li Qiye said lightly with a smile. “还有这么大的折扣?”李七夜不由淡淡地笑着说道。 Since everyone inside and outside is not a person, that is an old acquaintance.” Collects the protection money middle aged man to laugh saying: In this city, so long as I collected the protection money, has me to cover, you can run amuck outside as far as possible this native place township, reported my given name, who knows that you were my person.” middle aged man must open the bill to Li Qiye. “既然大家里里外外不是人,那就是老熟人。”收保护费的中年汉子大笑说道:“在这城里,只要我收了保护费,就是有我罩着,你们尽量可以横行这乡里乡外的,报我的名号,谁都知道你是我的人。”中年汉子要给李七夜开票据。 Yo, gives you 50% discount, do you pay with what?” middle aged man must they harvest with Li Qiye. “哟,给你五折,你是用什么支付呢?”中年汉子要同李七夜他们收获。 Li Qiye said slowly: Said that inside and outside was not a person, since were not a person, but how can also pay? Buying on credit, when I had money, pays you again.” 李七夜慢悠悠地说道:“都说里里外外不是人了,既然不是人,还能怎么支付?赊着呗,待我有钱了,再付你。” Gives credit?” A middle aged man eye opens the eyes in a big way, does not want, said: even if I collect the protection money, that is also the pamphlet business, I must support the family the hu mouth, where can also give credit.” “又是赊帐?”中年汉子一双眼睛睁得大大的,不愿意了,说道:“就算是我收保护费,那也是小本买卖,我也是要养家煳口的,哪里还能赊帐。” That did not have the means.” Li Qiye shakes the head with a smile, said: Since cannot give credit, that did not need you to protect, since did not need you to protect, what protection money that also did pay?” “那就没办法了。”李七夜笑着摇了摇头,说道:“既然都不能赊帐,那就不需要你保护了,既然不需要你保护,那还交什么保护费?” Ok, ok, ok, you stop, you stop.” middle aged man also somewhat feared that Li Qiye does not pay the protection money, said: Buys on credit to you, bought on credit to you, remembered, rich must return, did not have clearly, next time will not permit to buy on credit.” “行,行,行,你打住,你打住。”中年汉子还真有点怕李七夜不交保护费,说道:“给你赊,给你赊,记住了,有钱一定要还上,明白没有,下次不准赊了。” Relax, absolutely does not have next time.” Li Qiye also smiled lightly. “放心,绝对没有下次。”李七夜也淡淡地笑了一下。 Ok, relax, cooked to reach in this city well, has me to cover, you can definitely cook to reach everywhere.” middle aged man patted the Li Qiye's shoulder, probably at this time, Li Qiye under his protection. “行了,放心吧,就在这城里好好熘达,有我罩着,你完全可以到处熘达。”中年汉子拍了拍李七夜的肩膀,好像在这个时候,李七夜就在他的保护之下。 Looks at one such, Li Zhitian, constructs the slave they also to say oddly, does human world, collect the protection money like this? If everyone collects the protection money like this, human world that is auspicious. 看得这样一幕,李止天、建奴他们也都直呼离谱,人世间,还有这样收保护费的?若是人人都这样收保护费,人世间那是一片的祥和。 Ok, I continued to collect the protection money.” The middle aged man record the Li Qiye protection money, then walked. “好了,我继续收保护费了。”中年汉子记录下了李七夜保护费,然后走了。 What the protection money of receiving is this?” looks at middle aged man collects the protection money, Li Zhitian also whispers said. “这是哪门子收的保护费?”看着中年汉子去收保护费,李止天也都不由嘀咕地说道。 Li Qiye said lightly with a smile: Can receive the protection money, this is not the key point, the protection money is not the key point, what key is, he is that villain who collects the protection money.” 李七夜不由淡淡地笑着说道:“能不能收到保护费,这不是重点,保护费不是重点,重点的是,他是那个收保护费的恶棍。” „Do others want to work as the villain?” Constructs the slave also to find it strange, whispered. “人家就是想当恶棍了?”建奴也是觉得奇怪,嘀咕了一声。 „A graceful villain.” Li Qiye smiled lightly, looks at one to construct the slave, said: „It seems you to open a shop to be the same.” “一个优雅的恶棍。”李七夜淡淡一笑,看了一眼建奴,说道:“就好像你想开一家小铺一样。” This I.” A Li Qiye such saying, constructed the slave to understand. “本我。”李七夜这样一说,建奴明白。
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