„surnamed Li, owesflatly.”Atthis time, femalebleary eyesawakesong, squints atLi Qiye.
“姓李的,都欠扁。”在这个时候,女子醉眼惺忪,乜了李七夜一眼。Li Qiyepinched the peanutclothes, blew the one breath, blows the disintegrationclothes, puts in the mouth, slowlychewing, was then sayingwith a smile: „surnamed Liwas in you debt? Sentimentdebt?”李七夜捏了捏花生衣,吹了一口气,吹散碎衣,放入口中,慢慢嚼着,然后不由笑着说道:“姓李的是不是欠你债了?情债吗?”„Bah, bah, bah.”Thisfemaledisdainsimmediately, said: „Sentimentdebt? WhenIcan have a liking forsurnamed Li? Is the turtles, whocan take a liking.”
“呸,呸,呸。”这个女子立即不屑,说道:“情债?我什么时候看得上姓李的了?都是缩头乌龟,谁瞧得上。”„Oh, your suchsaying, probablyreasonable.”Li Qiyenod, the approval, said: „Nowadays, surnamed Li, was actually how, like thisdid not have the spirit, shut outincludinggirlsunexpectedly, pitiful, pitiful.”
The femalesare still taking a look atLi Qiye, said: „You said that surnamed Lishouldpunch?”
女子依然是瞅着李七夜,说道:“你说,姓李的是不是该揍?”Li Qiyeis eating the aniseed-flavored beans, approvedone, said: „Delicious, comesoneplateagain.”李七夜吃着茴香豆,赞了一声,说道:“好吃,再来一碟。”Then, tookoneplate of aniseed-flavored beans, no one, without the hand, only has the aniseed-flavored beans. Li Qiyethrows a treasure, was accepted, verystrange.
然后,又上了一碟茴香豆,没有人,也没有手,就是只有茴香豆。李七夜扔出一宝,便是被收下了,十分的诡异。Inthistitime, Li Qiyedrankliquor, thislanguidlylooks atthisfemale, saidleisurely: „Yousaid that is reasonable, Iam not clear, whyyoumustpunchsurnamed Li, does not punchothersurnames, for example, surnamed Lu, anythingand so on.”
A femaleseadrinks, drinkscompletely, thenpounds on the table, straightforward, said: „Comes the altar/jaragain.”
女子一口海饮,一口饮尽,然后一拍桌子,豪爽,说道:“再来坛。”On the liquor a altar/jar, does not see the person, does not see the hand, isaltar/jarliquorbraves, the femalethrows the silver coins, was accepted, no oneasks foryou, no onesaidmoney, so long asyouthrow, no mattermanyarefew, somepeoplereceive.
酒上一坛,不见人,不见手,就是一坛酒冒出来,女子扔出银两,也被收下了,没有人讨你,也没有人说钱,只要你扔出去,不管是多是少,都有人收。Holds the wine pot, the femaledrinksgreatly, thenwipes the corners of the mouth, is taking a look atLi Qiye, said: „Ibefore, heardsurnamed Li, speciallyrampant, speciallyextremely arrogant.”
抱起酒坛,女子大饮,然后一抹嘴角,瞅着李七夜,说道:“我以前呀,听说一个姓李的,特别的嚣张,特别的狂妄。”Li Qiyeis pinching the peanutclothes, slowlypinches, thenblows off, peanutclothes that was blown, seems likefairyto dance in the airto be the same, looksveryattractive, confused the eyes of person.李七夜捏着花生衣,慢慢捏,然后再吹散,被吹起来的花生衣,就好像是仙女在飞舞一样,看起来十分好看,也是迷了人的眼睛。Is chewing the peanut, lightsnort/humsong, was easeandcontented, crossedsome little time, Li Qiyethenaskedslowly: „Howrampant, to be how extremely arrogant, andmentionedlistens.”
嚼着花生,轻哼着小曲,悠然而自得,过了好一会儿,李七夜这才慢慢地问道:“怎么样嚣张,怎么样狂妄,且说来听一听。”„Hassurnamed Li, says the first under heavenperson, whatFirst Ominous Person, whatfirstImmortal Emperor.” The femalesopen eyes widesaid: „I, monopolizevariousrefusing to accept, therefore, wantsto beat to deathhim.”,
“有个姓李的,自称天下第一人,什么第一凶人,什么第一仙帝。”女子一横眼说道:“我这个人,专治各种不服,所以,就是想揍死他。”,Originallylike this. „Li Qiyeearnestnod, said:”„Sounds, speciallyextremely arrogant, anythingmustsay that thisindeed is to make the personblush with shame, oh, thisname, thistitle, sounds like the youth, battersanything, did not have the culture, did not have the training. Such rampantperson, such extremely arrogantperson, reallyshouldpunch, puncheswell, punches.”
原来这样。“李七夜认真点头,说道:”“听起来,特别的狂妄,什么都要称第这的确是让人汗颜,唉,这名字,这称号,听起来像愣头青,横冲直撞什么的,太没文化了,太没修养了。这样嚣张的人,这么狂妄的人,实在是该揍,好好揍,往死里揍。”66were a pity, since Ihave made a debut, but alsowithoutmeetingwhichsurnamed Li can withstandto hit. „Femaleheroic spirit, the bigmouthdrinks, said:”Isoneflock of softfootcrabs, putsbut actually, surnamed Li, was too bad.
66只可惜,我出道以来,还没有遇到哪一个姓李的能经得起打。“女子豪气,大口喝酒,说道:”都是一群软脚蟹,一搁就倒,姓李的,也太孬了。„Oh, reallypitiful.” The Li Qiyenodapproval, bares the young soy beans, sippedone, said: „Isthisflavor, oh, thisremindsme, injailfood that will never see the light of day, young soy beans, eat, that is also flavorful, seems like the flavor of Sun.”
“唉,真的可悲。”李七夜点头赞同,剥开毛豆,啜了一口,说道:“就是这个味道,唉,这让我想起,在那永不见天日的牢饭,一口毛豆,吃起来,那也是有滋有味,就好像是太阳的味道。”„Whyis the flavor of Sun.”Femalesquints atLi Qiye.
“为什么是太阳的味道。”女子乜了李七夜一眼。Li Qiyesmileslightly, said: „After all the ghostdungeon, will never see the light of day, caneatgreen, thatseems likeSunaccording to you, warm, speciallycomfortable, makesyoufeelflavorfulall of a sudden.”李七夜淡淡一笑,说道:“毕竟那鬼地牢,永不见天日,能吃上点绿的,那就好像是太阳照在你身上,暖洋洋的,特别的舒服,一下子就让你觉得有滋有味。”„Youreallyseek pleasurepitifullypainstakingly.”Femalecoldlyshot a look atLi Qiyeone, said: „Consoles oneself.”
“你真可怜苦中取乐。”女子冷冷地瞥了李七夜一眼,说道:“自我安慰。”„Worldcage.”Li Qiyewas lightto smile, blows the peanutclothes, threw into the mouth, sippedyoung wine, accompanied the flowerto eat uncooked , the fragrancewas crispandhas the taste, crisp.,
The moutheats, said: „But, everyonedoes not knowownin the cage.”
边嘴边吃,说道:“只不过,人人不知自己在牢笼罢了。”Li Qiyethissaying, makes the femalebe startledimmediately, cannot bearloudly shout, then after lifting the wine pot, respectsLi Qiye, said: „Saidwell, respectsyouronecup.”李七夜这话,顿时让女子不由为之一怔,忍不住大喝一声,然后举后酒坛,敬李七夜,说道:“说得好,敬你一杯。”„Does not dare, does not dare.”Li Qiyewelcomed the bowlwith a smile, said: „After all, nowadays, makes the turtlegood, safe, livesfor a long time.”
“不敢,不敢。”李七夜笑着迎碗,说道:“毕竟,这年头,还是做缩头乌龟好一点,安全一点,活得久一点。”Femaledrinkscompletely, onbig shout the liquor, got upimmediately. Thensheopens eyes widelooks atLi Qiye, said: „What's wrong, yoursurnamed Li?”
女子一口饮尽,大叫一声上酒,立马上了。然后她横眼看着李七夜,说道:“怎么,你姓李?”„If,mynotsurnamed Li?”Li Qiyesaidslowly.
“如果说,我不姓李呢?”李七夜不由慢悠悠地说道。Femalesboldlyhowever, but, is not vulgar, is very attractive, said: „Icanpunchyoursurnamed Li.”
女子豪然,但是,却一点都不鄙俗,十分好看,说道:“我可以揍到你姓李的。”„Oh, nowadays, without the moon/monthdid not have the day.”Li Qiyeshakes the headgently, said: „By your suchsaying, mynotsurnamed Li, probablywas been difficult.”
“唉,这年头,没月没日。”李七夜轻轻摇头,说道:“被你这样一说,我不姓李,都好像是难了。”„All right, surnamed Lithere's nothingis not good.” The femalesare straightforward, comfort, said: „Even ifIpunchyouhalf dead, calledme an elder sister, laterIam coveringyou.”
“没事,姓李也没有什么不好。”女子豪爽,安慰,说道:“就算我揍你半死,叫我一声姐,以后我罩着你。”„This, letmymake things difficult for.”Li Qiyeshrugged, saideasely: „Icalledyou an elder sister, feared that youshut outmeto callyouold.”
“这个嘛,就让我为难了。”李七夜摊了摊手,悠然地说道:“我叫你一声姐,又怕你嫌弃我把你叫老了。”„Right?”Femalecoldlytook a look atLi Qiyeone.
“是吗?”女子不由冷冷瞅了李七夜一眼。Li Qiyesmileslightly, blows the peanutclothesagain, verylikeseatingherepeanut, has the sea saltflavor, friedjustwell, the clear and melodiousbelt/bringwas salty, just right.李七夜淡淡地一笑,再吹起花生衣,十分喜欢吃这里的花生,带着海盐的味道,也炒得刚刚好,爽脆带咸,恰到好处。Some little time, saidleisurely: „After all, canmakemecallelder sister'sperson, thatisskeletonwas countless, nowadays, without the means that young beauty Dried Bone(s), alldoes not return. Letmecallyou an elder sister, onlyfeared,youwanted the die sooner die sooner.”
好一会儿,悠悠地说道:“毕竟,能让我叫姐的人,那都已经是白骨累累了,这年头,没有办法,红颜枯骨,一切都不复返。让我叫你一声姐,只怕,你就要折寿了。”„, Whocherishes.” The femalesdo not spare a glance, indifferentonehorizontal.
“切,谁人稀罕。”女子不屑一顾,冷眼一横。Li Qiyeclaps handsto smile, said: „After all, youareLittle Miss, is beautifulandcute, howcancall an elder sister, called a younger sister, thatwasmycrime.”李七夜不由抚掌而笑,说道:“毕竟,你是一个小姑娘,美丽又可爱,怎么能叫一声姐呢,叫一声妹妹,那都是我的罪过。”„Bahone after another”femaleproudly, said: „The words of dogman, are incredible, mustcome outto come under attack.”
“呸一一”女子傲然,说道:“狗男人的话,不可信,要不要出来挨打。”„Exempted, exempted.”Li Qiyesmiled, said: „I, was a gentleman, the gentleman, talkeddoes not begin, ifbegan...... is not easy to do, was not easy to do. What to do should thisletme? After all, I am also a good person.”Saying, smiles, shakes the head.
“免了,免了。”李七夜笑了一下,说道:“我这个人呀,最是君子了,君子嘛,动口不动手,如果动手嘛……不好办,不好办。这该让我怎么办呢?毕竟,我也是一个好人。”说着,笑了笑,摇头。„Ihave been findingthatsurnamed Liperson.” The femalesseeLi Qiyecoldly, said: „Visitshimextremely arrogantly, looked that hecanshouldermypunching, looked that is32putshimbut actually......”
“我一直都在找那个姓李的人。”女子冷眼瞅着李七夜,说道:“看他有多狂妄,看他能不能扛得住我的揍,看是不是三二下就把他搁倒……”„Thatiscertain, certain.”Li Qiyeaccepts good advice readily, said: „Misswomen not willing to be left behind by men, worldsurnamed Li, is not worth mentioning, is not worth mentioning.”
The femalesdisdain, said: „When dogmansweet talked, mustharbor evil intentions, anxiousgood intention.”Bah. „”
女子不屑,说道:“狗男人花言巧语之时,必是不怀好意,不安好心。”呸。“”„Oh, your suchsaying, Iblushed.”Li Qiyesaidreluctantly: „Yourthissaying, suspectedmytasteprobably.”
“唉,你这样一说,我脸红也。”李七夜无奈地说道:“你这话,就好像是怀疑我的品味了。”„Yourwhatmeaning?” The femalespound on the table, „bang”, tablenotbroken, the floorbroke to pieces, stareselegant eyes, is taking a look atLi Qiye, pushes up the sleeves, mustdo the frame, said: „Todayyournotsurnamed Li, Iwantto punchyour.”
“你什么意思?”女子一拍桌子,“砰”的一声,桌子没碎,地板碎了,一瞪秀目,瞅着李七夜,捋起衣袖,就要干架,说道:“今天你不姓李,我都想揍你一顿。”„No, no, no.” The Li Qiyeraising handlarge bowl, the fullliquor, gives the femaleslowly, saidwith a smile: „At this time, is the goodtime that wedrink, punches the faceazurenoseto swell, thatwas not the good deed, come, wedrankagain.”
“别,别,别。”李七夜慢慢举手海碗,满满的酒,递给女子,笑着说道:“此时,乃是我们喝酒的好时刻,揍得脸青鼻肿,那就不是好事了,来,我们再喝。”Femaledrinkscompletely the heroic spirit, onbig shout the liquor, is the silentonliquor, altar/jarliquorcarriedcame upno one, andwill receive money.,
The femalespat the liquorto seal, drankgreatly, hit a liquorbelch, is taking a look atLi Qiyetightly, said: „Yoursurnamed Linot?”
女子拍开酒封,大饮,打了一个酒嗝,紧瞅着李七夜,说道:“你姓李不?”„Oh, Ialsothinknotsurnamed Li.”Li Qiyesaidsigh with emotion.
“唉,我也想不姓李。”李七夜不由感慨地说道。Atthis time, a personwalked, a youth, an eyelikestars, the surfacesuch as the youth of moon/month, hewalked, such as a mountain peak.
就在这个时候,一个人走进来了,一个青年,一个眼如星辰,面如月的青年,他走进来,如一座山峰。Worldit, onlyI, amthisyouthat present.
天地之,唯我在,就是眼前这个青年。„Yeah, hissurnamed Li.”Li Qiyeshowed the smile, points atyouth who thisis walking.
“哎,他姓李。”李七夜不由露出了浓浓的笑容,指着这个走进来的青年。Li Zhitian that justwalked, sawLi Qiye, foritonehappy, but alsowithoutdoingto understand when waswhatcondition, Li Qiyepointed athimto say.
刚走进来的李止天,一见到李七夜,不由为之一喜,还没有搞明白是什么样的状态之时,李七夜就指着他说了。„Mysurnamed Li.”Li Zhitianhas not done the brightwhatcondition, looked atLi Qiye, thenlooked at the female.
“我姓李。”李止天没搞明什么状态,看了看李七夜,然后又看了看女子。„Smallplum.” The femalestake a look atLi Zhitian, Nieeyeare looking.
“小李子。”女子瞅着李止天,乜眼一看。Li Zhitianhas not done the brightcondition, has saying: „IamLi Zhitian, does not know how the misstold.”李止天还是没有搞明状态,只好说道:“我是李止天,不知道姑娘如何吩咐。”Li Qiyeclaps handsto smile, said: „Yoursurnamed Li, thisisyourcrime, thisis the bigcrime, the original sin, thiscrime, extremely evilmay not the amnesty.”李七夜抚掌而笑,说道:“你姓李,这就是你的罪过,此乃是大罪,原罪,此罪,万恶不可赦也。”ehone after another„Li Zhitianownis dumbstruck, atthis time, hethought that ownspeciallyinnocent, whomhissurnamed Lioffended, did hislifewassurnamed Li, whatissuehave?,”呃一一“李止天自己都发懵,在这个时候,他都觉得自己特别的无辜,他姓李得罪谁了,他一生下来就是姓李,有什么问题吗?,”„Smallplum, come, come, come, wego outto compare notes.” The femalesclutch the Li Zhitiancollarall of a sudden, almostclutched the Li Zhitianwhole person, indifferentNievisionLi Zhitian.
“小李子,来,来,来,我们出去切磋切磋。”女子一下子揪起李止天的衣领,差点把李止天整个人揪了起来,冷眼乜视李止天。„Thisone after another”Li Zhitianhisownwas ignorant, does not have the enmitytwonotresentfully, was clutchedlike this.
“这个一一”李止天他自己都懵了,一无仇二无怨,就这样被人揪上了。„Ihave not offended the miss.”Li Zhitianwas somewhat silly, hasto ask.
The femalesthrowLi Zhitianconveniently, Li Zhitianonestartled, busyisonerolls, thiscoming to a stopbody, at once, surprisedundecided, hefelt that own was really undeserved, justcame , anything has not done, was clutched.
女子随手把李止天一扔,李止天一惊,忙是一个滚,这才站稳身体,一时之间,惊疑未定,他感觉自己实在是太冤枉了,刚进来,什么事情都没有干,就被人揪上了。„Youhavewhatqualificationsto offendthis Miss, surnamed Li, isyourmistake.” The femalestake a lookindifferently, are staring atLi Zhitian.
“你有什么资格得罪本姑娘,姓李,就是你的错。”女子冷眼一瞅,盯着李止天。Li Zhitianstared at the ownwhole bodyto be scaredbythisfemaleall of a sudden, heartinsideanxious, heis the unparalleledtalent, smiles the arrogantworld, has12Wushuang/matchlesssacred fruit, whensostared in the heartto be scared, in the heart is so when anxious.李止天一下子被这个女子盯着自己全身发毛,心里面不安,他可是绝世无双的天才,笑傲天下,拥有十二颗无双圣果,什么时候被人如此盯得心里面发毛过,什么时候,心里面如此不安过。„Good deed, good deed.”Li Qiyedrinksonebowlgreatly, said: „Miss, sincefoundsurnamed Li, thatshouldpunchhimwell, teacheshimwell, looked that he is also surnamednotsurnamed Li.”
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