ED :: Volume #51

#5036: The soul returns

At this time, Li Qiye sank to drink one, in the hand is pinching the light glow punctures instantaneously, take action such as lightning was ordinary, pricked Empress Dowager Qingshen the place of between the eyebrows all of a sudden. 在这个时候,李七夜沉喝一声,手中捏着的这道光芒瞬间刺出,出手闪电一般,一下子刺入了青神太后眉心之处。 When Li Qiye this light glow pricked Empress Dowager Qingshen the place of corpse between the eyebrows , hears buzz a resonate sound, saw only the Empress Dowager Qingshen corpse to shine. 随着李七夜这一道光芒刺入了青神太后的尸体眉心之处时,紧接着,听到“嗡”的一声响起,只见青神太后的尸体亮了起来。 In buzz , the body of Empress Dowager Qingshen appeared in an instant Divine Attribute continuously in this, this Divine Attribute continuously sends out all of a sudden, the Empress Dowager Qingshen corpse seemed like has the life to be the same all of a sudden. 在“嗡”的一声之中,青神太后的身体在这刹那之间浮现了缕缕的神性,这一缕缕的神性一下子散发出来的时候,青神太后的尸体好像是一下子有了生命一样。 Divine Attribute that continuously just, sends out like this, very weak, weakly to looking like a candlelight in strong winds, probably most the slightly breeze has blown most, can extinguish it in this flash. 只不过,这样散发出来的缕缕神性,十分的微弱,微弱到就像是在狂风之中的一丝烛光而已,好像最微最微的微风吹过,都能在这一瞬间把它熄灭掉。 looks at such, Brightlook Princess and gold crown Young Master they turned very quiet, they do not dare to move, feared that alarmed this weak Divine Attribute continuously, Divine Attribute that this sends out, was really weak. Brightlook Princess and gold crown Young Master they feared that a own weak incomparable breath, can blow out it in this instantaneously. 看着这样的一幕,明视公主、金冠公子他们都不由为之屏住了呼吸,他们都不敢动弹,怕惊扰了这一缕缕的微弱神性,这散发出来的神性,实在是太微弱了。明视公主和金冠公子他们都怕自己一个微弱无比的呼吸,都能在这瞬间吹灭它。 When buzz a resonate sound, sees only weak incomparable Divine Attribute continuously to start concentrate to get up, concentrate above the Empress Dowager Qingshen corpse became one group of small rays, when this time, as the ray concentrates, a very illusory form appeared, this very illusory form appears, stood from the Empress Dowager Qingshen corpse. 在“嗡”的一声响起之时,只见微弱无比的缕缕神性开始凝集起来,在青神太后的尸体之上凝集成了一团小小的光芒,在这个时候,随着光芒凝成之时,一个十分虚幻的身影浮现了,这个十分虚幻的身影浮现的时候,从青神太后的尸体之中站了起来。 This very illusory form and Empress Dowager Qingshen are exactly the same, but, the radical it mold hu compared with the Empress Dowager Qingshen corpse, as if, puts out a hand to touch gently, it will break to pieces all of a sudden, dissipates all of a sudden. 这一个十分虚幻的身影和青神太后一模一样,只不过,比起青神太后的尸体而言冫它就更加的模煳,似乎,伸手轻轻一触,它都会一下子碎掉,一下子消散。 Sees such a very illusory form, Brightlook Princess opens the mouth, almost screamed, making Brightlook Princess closely cover the mouth of own, really feared the sound that own was called frightened this very illusory form. 看到这样一个十分虚幻的身影,明视公主不由张大嘴巴,差点叫出声来了,使得明视公主不由紧紧地捂住了自己的嘴巴,真的怕自己叫出来的声音惊吓到了这个十分虚幻的身影。 When this very illusory form appears, she has not looked at other thing, has not gone to look at Jian Yunyun, her vision falls, in Jian Yunyun holds above Three Origins key. 这个十分虚幻的身影浮现之时,她没有看其他的东西,也没有去看翦云韵,她的目光落在了翦云韵所捧着的三元钥之上。 At this time, time was ordinary like the solidification, Brightlook Princess and gold crown Young Master they were very anxious, they do not know that Jian Yunyun opened the mouth to ask anything, how can cause the Empress Dowager Qingshen Divine Attribute resonance. 在这个时候,时光如同凝固一般,明视公主、金冠公子他们都不由十分紧张,他们也不知道翦云韵开口该问什么,怎么样才能引得青神太后神性共鸣。 However, at this time, Jian Yunyun has not asked anything, is only supine the face, looked at Empress Dowager Qingshen this very illusory form, in both eyes was being full of the hope. 但是,在这个时候,翦云韵并没有开口问什么,只是仰起脸,望着青神太后这个十分虚幻的身影,双目之中充满了希冀。 All were full in the vision, did not need to say a word, does not need to ask, all are waiting for the water radical only to need Empress Dowager Qingshen Divine Attribute to be willing to give anything. 一切都饱含在了目光之中,不需要言语,也不需要开口去问,一切都是在等待着氵只需要青神太后神性愿意给予什么。 At this time, Empress Dowager Qingshen that very illusory form, took back the vision from the Three Origins key finally, it has not spoken, does not have any spoken language. 在这个时候,青神太后那个十分虚幻的身影,终于从三元钥收回了目光,它也没有说话,也没有任何言语。 Saw only Empress Dowager Qingshen did not have illusory after the form to stretch out the finger in this moment, pointed at the end to have such a grain of small ray, this grain of small ray seemed like in the morning that water bead on grass point, was seemingly glittering and translucent carving. 在这一刻只见青神太后虚幻无经的身影伸出了手指,手指端有那么一粒小小的光芒,这一粒小小的光芒就好像是早晨草尖上的那一点水珠,看起来晶莹剔透。 At this time, Empress Dowager Qingshen finger on Jian Yunyun between the eyebrows, this point ray equally clear fell into Jian Yunyun between the eyebrows like water bead, in this in an instant, seemed like drop of water bead to drop all of a sudden into the lake water general. 此时,青神太后的手指点在了翦云韵眉心上,这一点光芒如水珠一样晶莹落入了翦云韵眉心,在这刹那之间,就好像是一滴水珠一下子滴落入了湖水之中一般。 In this in an instant, this point ray fell into Jian Yunyun Knowledge Sea, was exudes a ripple to pull merely, at this time, integrated in Jian Yunyun Knowledge Sea, changed to small runes. 在这刹那之间,这一点光芒落入了翦云韵识海,仅仅是泛起了一丝的涟掎,在这个时候,融入了翦云韵识海之中,化作了一段小小的符文 As such a ray fell into Jian Yunyun Knowledge Sea time, Empress Dowager Qingshen empty shadow also dissipated to go, as after this illusory image dissipated went, all vanished, on Empress Dowager Qingshen all rays also dissipated to go all of a sudden, final wisp of Divine Attribute, in this in an instant thorough Annihilation. 随着这样的一点光芒落入了翦云韵识海之中的时候,青神太后虚影也消散而去了,随着这幻影消散而去之后,一切都消失了,青神太后身上的所有光芒也一下子消散而去了,最后的一缕神性,也在这刹那之间彻底的湮灭了。 Also has not known how long, Jian Yunyun then opened the eyes slowly, after she recovers, knocked on several knocks before the Empress Dowager Qingshen corpse respectfully, over and over does obeisance greatly. 也不知道过了多久,翦云韵这才缓缓地睁开了双眼,她回过神来之后,在青神太后的尸体前恭恭敬敬地叩了几个响头,再三大拜。 What did Empress Dowager Qingshen say?” After Jian Yunyun stands, Brightlook Princess said curiously in a low voice. 青神太后说了什么?”当翦云韵站起来之后,明视公主不由好奇地低声说道。 Jian Yunyun smiled bitterly, shakes the head gently, said: Has not said anything, but kept rune/symbol word, at once, I am unable to go to [comprehend/comprehension] am what thing.” 翦云韵不由苦笑了一下,轻轻地摇了摇头,说道:“并没有说什么,只是留了符言,一时之间,我也是无法去参悟是什么东西。” Prepares to walk, here there's nothing attractive.” Li Qiye stand. “准备走吧,这里没有什么好看的了。”李七夜站了起来。 Brightlook Princess said: Young Master, we must try other corpses, or can get the answer from their Divine Attribute, perhaps knows that who is a murderer.” 明视公主不由说道:“公子,我们要不要试试其他的尸体,或者能从他们的神性之中得到答案,或许知道谁是凶手。” Li Qiye smiled, shakes the head gently, said: Where has such easy matter, this technique, cannot execute much, otherwise, will have the catastrophe.” 李七夜笑了一下,轻轻摇头,说道:“哪里有这么容易之事,此种手法,不可多施,否则,会有大祸。” Heard Li Qiye to say like this Brightlook Princess did not have the means that Jian Yunyun to do obeisance to Li Qiye greatly, she knows, for her radical Li Qiye has done many are many. 听到李七夜这样说明视公主也没有办法,翦云韵李七夜大拜,她知道,为了她冫李七夜已经做得很多很多了。 Finally, Brightlook Princess and gold crown Young Master they buried Sword Monarch and a Empress Dowager Qingshen numerous corpse, sets up a stone monument for them, so as to avoid after this also they die, no one knows, or does not have the burial ground. 最终,明视公主、金冠公子他们把剑君青神太后一众的尸体埋了,为他们立了碑,这也免得他们死后无人知,或者没有葬身之地。 When they walk from portal, sees only Nightshadow Rider to stand there, he has not walked. 当他们从门户之中走出来的时候,只见暗影夜骑站在那里,他并没有走。 Saw Nightshadow Rider, Brightlook Princess they looked at each other, it seems like Young Master said right, Nightshadow Rider had the opportunity obviously however, he has not actually run away. 看到暗影夜骑,明视公主他们都不由相视了一眼,看来公子说得对,暗影夜骑明明有机会但是,他却没有逃走。 Just, the ground is lying down at this time a person, looked this ground is lying down the person, Brightlook Princess they are startled, because they knew that this person, this is fellow students of studying away from home palace, the pine guest, before then, Li Qiye also once rescued his life from Prasarn beautiful Human King hand. 只不过,此时地上躺着一个人,一看这个地上所躺着的人,明视公主他们一怔,因为他们都认识这个人,这正是游学宫的同学,青松客,在此之前,李七夜还曾从巴山美人王手中救了他一命。 „Do you want to do?” Brightlook Princess has a scare, thinks that Nightshadow Rider killed the pine guest. “你要干什么?”明视公主吓了一大跳,以为暗影夜骑杀了青松客。 Nightshadow Rider has not paid attention to Brightlook Princess, is looking at Li Qiye, said: Can kill?” 暗影夜骑没有理会明视公主,望着李七夜,说道:“要不要杀了?” Originally, Nightshadow Rider defends the time here, the pine guest rushes, took down by Nightshadow Rider all of a sudden, the pine guests have not known how own drops down. 原来,暗影夜骑守在这里的时候,青松客闯了进来,一下子被暗影夜骑放倒了,青松客都还不知道自己是怎么倒下的。 How can say that kills kills, no one asked you to kill him.” Brightlook Princess does not certainly agree. “怎么可以说杀就杀,又没有人请你杀他。”明视公主当然不同意了。 The pine guest regarding Li Qiye, radically is insignificant, he smiled lightly, said: Put.” 青松客对于李七夜而言,根本就是无足轻重,他淡淡地笑了一下,说道:“放了吧。” A Li Qiye such saying, Brightlook Princess then relaxes, but also was really worried that Nightshadow Rider killed the pine guest suddenly. 李七夜这样一说,明视公主这才松了一口气,还真担心暗影夜骑突然杀了青松客。 Li Qiye told, Nightshadow Rider is also without delay, the racket awoke the pine guest. 李七夜吩咐,暗影夜骑也是二话不说,拍醒了青松客。 The pine guest wakes, sees Nightshadow Rider, in a big way frightens one to jump, quickly rebounded, immediately retrocedes, frightening him is pale. 青松客一醒过来,看到暗影夜骑,吓得一大跳,急忙跳开了,立即后退,吓得他脸色发白。 Nightshadow Rider, the king of this killer, the pine guest knows, runs into the king of such killer in such wild effect open country, can not scare him? Nightshadow Rider take action can want his life momentarily. 暗影夜骑,这个杀手之王,青松客还是知道的,在这样的荒效野外遇到这样的杀手之王,能不把他吓坏吗?暗影夜骑出手随时可以要他的性命。 Relax, if he must kill you, you exactly less than at this time.” Li Qiye said lightly. “放心,如果他要杀你,你活不到这个时候。”李七夜淡淡地说道。 At this time, the pine guest saw Li Qiye and Brightlook Princess they, at once, his complexion azure white , Li Qiye rescued his one time. 在这个时候,青松客看到李七夜明视公主他们,一时之间,他脸色一阵青一阵白,没有想到,李七夜又救了他一次。 Li Qiye is his killing father personal enemy, but, what actually without thinking, Li Qiye saved his life twice, can he return Li Qiye with what? 李七夜本是他的杀父仇人,但是,却没有想到的是,李七夜两次救了他的性命,他能拿什么来还李七夜 Walks.” Li Qiye does not pay attention to the pine guest, leaves the canyon. “走吧。”李七夜也不理会青松客,离开深谷。 In departure, the Jian Yunyun looks at pine guest, asked: „Is daoist brother, where to come here?” 在离开的时候,翦云韵看着青松客,问道:“道兄,为何来这里呢?” Question of Jian Yunyun, pine guest stare blankly, this is his traveling schedule secret, he should not say, but, finally, he said: I seek for the trail of ancestor, became lost in this boundless headstrong 100,000 mountain.” 翦云韵的问话,青松客不由呆了一下,这是他的行程秘密,他不应该说出来,但是,最终,他还是说道:“我寻找先祖的足迹,在这茫茫莽十万大山之中迷路了。” Careful, the Great Wild Mountain Range bad risk is incomparable, the giant beast appears and disappears, daoist brother leaves Great Wild Mountain Range earlier.” The gold crown Young Master good intention reminded, he came from Great Wild Mountain Range, wasn't clear? By the pine guest such strength, in the words that in Great Wild Mountain Range long dull does not leave, along with has the possibility tragic death early in this Great Wild Mountain Range. “小心点,莽荒十万大山凶险无比,巨兽出没,道兄还是早点离开莽荒十万大山吧。”金冠公子好心提醒,他出身于莽荒十万大山,还不清楚吗?以青松客这样的实力,在莽荒十万大山之中久呆不离开的话,随早都有可能惨死在这莽荒十万大山之中。 The pine guest stayed, has not spoken, gazes after Li Qiye they to leave, he recovers, looked around around, has not discovered anything, but thought that somewhat looks familiar. 青松客不由呆了呆,没有吭声,目送李七夜他们离开,他回过神来的时候,张望了一下四周,没有发现什么,只是觉得有些眼熟罢了。 „Do we go now?” After leaving deep valley, Brightlook Princess asked. “我们现在去哪?”离开了幽谷之后,明视公主不由问道。 Li Qiye has a smile, did not speak, is looking at Nightshadow Rider, Nightshadow Rider hesitant, coldly said: Fog god position.” 李七夜含笑,不说话,望着暗影夜骑,暗影夜骑犹豫了一下,冷冷地说道:“雾神位。” Fog god position one Jian Yunyun and Brightlook Princess they for it stare blankly. “雾神位一”翦云韵明视公主他们都不由为之呆了一下 Fog god position one after another Nightshadow Rider such words, same hit gold crown Young Master like lightning, making the gold crown Young Master mind shake, in this in an instant, has a thought to flash past from the gold crown Young Master mind. “雾神位一一暗影夜骑这样的话,如同闪电一样击中了金冠公子,让金冠公子心神一震,在这刹那之间,有着一个念头从金冠公子脑海之中一闪而过。 In this checks, gold crown Young Master thinks a dreadful matter, this made gold crown Young Master pull out an cold air/Qi, is looking at Nightshadow Rider inconceivable. 就在这刹好之间,金冠公子不由想到了一件可怕的事情,这让金冠公子不由抽了一口冷气,不可思议地望着暗影夜骑 Nightshadow Rider has not spoken again, but guides. 暗影夜骑没有再说话,只是带路而已。 However, Li Qiye they have not arrived at the fog god position time, actually ran into two people. 但是,李七夜他们还没有到雾神位的时候,却遇到了两个人。 Two powerful incomparable people, thousand Era Heavenly Sovereign and bosom True Emperor. 两个强大无匹的人,千面世尊和怀真帝君。 Saw thousand Era Heavenly Sovereign and bosom True Emperor time, Jian Yunyun they for it mind big change, after recovering, one after another to their line of big rituals. 一见到千面世尊和怀真帝君的时候,翦云韵他们都不由为之心神剧震,回过神来之后,纷纷向他们行大礼。 Thousand Era Heavenly Sovereign, are thousand view worlds, sacred inviolable, making one see, is admirable. 千面世尊,乃是千面观世,神圣不可侵犯,让人一见,心生敬意。 Cherishes True Emperor, that feared that was she restrained own the prestige of Sovereign, but, in her front, any creature in this instant felt that tiny of own, had the impulsion of paying homage. 怀真帝君,那怕是她收敛了自己帝君之威,但是,在她的面前,任何生灵在这刹那之都感觉自己的渺小,都有膜拜的冲动。 This is Sovereign, Sovereign that has four Wushuang/matchless Dao Fruit, one generation of Sovereign exist(ence), Supreme that is doomed the invincible radical to be doomed. 这就是帝君,一位拥有四颗无双道果帝君,一代帝君存在,就是注定着无敌冫注定的至高无上 even if has sacred fruit Dragon Monarch, for example present Nightshadow Rider, for example thousand Era Heavenly Sovereign, but, with cherishing True Emperor compares, has the Innate disparity, such disparity, is the need is very very powerful the strong strength to make up. 就算是拥有更多圣果龙君,比如眼前的暗影夜骑,又比如千面世尊,但是,与怀真帝君相比起来,还是有着先天的差距,这样的差距,是需要很强大很强大的实力才能去弥补的。
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