ED :: Volume #51

#5033: In the past missing person

The death world, sun and moon stars is the death ruins, the whole world has no life. 死亡的世界,日月星辰都已经是死亡败坏,整个世界已经没有任何生命。 Stood in such death world, has made people absolutely terrified, when knows how such a death world came, was unable with absolutely terrified to describe. 站在这样的死亡世界,已经让人为之毛骨悚然,但是,当知道这样的一个死亡世界是怎么样来,已经无法用“毛骨悚然”来形容了。 In such a death world, not long, it was also a world that filled with the vitality perhaps, here, has hundred quintillion creature ; Here, was once stars was possibly radiant ; Here, once possibly was the hero poured forth ; Here, possibly has countless legend...... 在这样的一个死亡世界之中,曾几何时,它也是一个充满了生机的世界,在这里,或许有着亿亿万生灵;在这里,也可能是曾经星辰璀璨;在这里,也曾可能是英雄辈出;在这里,也可能有着数之不尽的传说…… Even, in the world of this death, has such a protector, Supreme that is guarding the whole world, such Supreme, does not know has many creature is believing. 甚至,在这个死亡的世界里,有着那么一个守护者,一个守卫着整个世界的至高无上在,这样的一个至高无上,不知道有着多少的生灵为之信仰着。 During that long years, many creature, regarding this Supreme protector perhaps are grateful, regarding is the Savior in own world, fills with the respect. 在那漫长的岁月之中,多少生灵,对于这位无上的守护者或许是心怀感激,视之为自己世界的救世主,满怀敬仰。 Also or, in such world, once many creature believes that so long as has exist(ence) of this Supreme protector, they for generations, can multiply to live, continuously, the fearful disaster has not arrived, not by terrifying bad risk invasion. 又或者,在这样的世界里,曾经有多少生灵认为,只要有着这位无上守护者的存在,他们世世代代,都可以繁衍生息,源源不断,没有可怕的灾难降临,不受恐怖凶险入侵。 However, in this hundred quintillion ten thousand creature, how could they to have thought that suddenly has such a day, their regarding is Protector God exist(ence), they regard exist(ence) of Savior, they once believed Supreme that and felt grateful for generations for generations, overnight, opened large-mouthed vessel big mouth, devour(ing) their hundred quintillion ten thousand lives, swallowed their livelihood world, sun and moon stars above sky, is land mountains and rivers of under foot, finally becomes the delicacy in this Supreme exist(ence) mouth. 但是,在这亿亿万万的生灵之中,他们又何曾想过,突然有那么一天,他们视之为守护神存在,他们视之救世主的存在,他们曾经世世代代信仰、世世代代心存感激的至高无上,一夜之间,张开了血盆大嘴,吞噬了他们亿亿万万的生命,吞食了他们赖以生存的世界,不论是天空之上的日月星辰,还是脚下的大地山河,最终都成为了这个无上存在口中的美味。 In such once multiplied in the world that lives, regarding innumerable creature, only feared that they have a dream have not thought that was once protecting their people, once they think that can let this world far away from the Savior of disaster, finally actually becomes the disaster of this world, he is this world's most fearful exist(ence). 在这样的一个曾经繁衍生息的世界里,对于无数的生灵而言,只怕他们做梦也没有想到,曾经守护着他们的人,曾经他们认为可以让这个世界远离灾难的救世主,最终却成为了这个世界的灾难,他才是这个世界最可怕的存在 Thinks of here, gold crown Young Master or Jian Yunyun and Brightlook Princess, they had a shiver. 想到这里,不论是金冠公子还是翦云韵明视公主,他们都不由打了一个冷颤。 They are unable to imagine, in that world, when their Savior open large-mouthed vessel big mouth to them suddenly they have how desperately, has how sorrowfully, such disaster, only feared that is unable to describe in the spoken language. 他们无法想象,在那个世界里,当他们的救世主突然对他们张开血盆大嘴的时候他们是有多么的绝望,是有多么的悲凄,这样的灾难,只怕是无法用言语去形容。 World, never exist(ence) Savior.” At this time, the Li Qiye long sound resounded. “世间,从不存在救世主。”在这个时候,李七夜悠悠的声音响起。 World, never exist(ence) Savior.” All that Brightlook Princess also murmured, sees in a low voice today, to them, really shocked, was really their general knowledge. “世间,从不存在救世主。”明视公主也不由低声昵喃,今日所见到的一切,对于他们来说,实在是太震撼了,实在是覆复了他们的常识。 When they recover, they had a shiver, at this time, they thought, perhaps, one day, they think that can shelter their exist(ence), for example can their Sect Supreme ancestor, suddenly, one day open large-mouthed vessel big mouth to their descendants? 当他们回过神来的时候,他们都不由打了一个冷颤,在这个时候,他们又不由想得很远,或许,有一天,他们认为可以庇护他们的存在,比如说他们宗门无上先祖,会不会突然之间,有一天对他们子孙张开血盆大嘴呢? Thinks of here, Brightlook Princess they broke such idea immediately, if continues this deeply to want getting down heart inside thought only to fear that again may not restrain. 想到这里,明视公主他们不由立即打断了这样的想法,若是继续再这样深想下去心里面的念头只怕就不可抑止了。 Here has the corpse.” After recovering, looks around all around gold crown Young Master suddenly to discover, in not far away of this starry sky cliff, unexpectedly Dao Pillar, by Dao Pillar, dropped down the corpses. “这里有尸体。”回过神来之后,张望四周的金冠公子突然发现,在这星空断崖的不远处,竟然有一个道台,在道台旁边,倒下了一具又一具尸体。 Brightlook Princess and Jian Yunyun recover, immediately rushes over, discovered that here indeed dropped down the corpses, the people of this dying, have the different manners, has the different appearances, but, from their appearances, they before death certainly is extraordinary important people, certainly is the high-ranking, has the extraordinary imposing manner, but, they had died, past extraordinary imposing manner already no longer exist(ence). 明视公主翦云韵回过神来,立即冲了过去,发现在这里的确是倒下了一具又一具的尸体,这一个个死去的人,都有着不一样的神态,也有着不一样的模样,但是,从他们的模样来看,他们生前一定是了不得的大人物,一定是身居高位,拥有着非凡的气势,只不过,他们已经死去,当年的非凡气势已经不复存在 This person should be Heavenly God Dao.” At this time gold crown Young Master looks at surface such as Divine Jade Old Man, although the face is withered, but, conceivable, he was the abundant god like the jade, gold crown Young Master analyzed certainly from his clothes, this person came certainly from Heavenly God Dao. “这个人应该是天神道的。”此时金冠公子看着一个面如神玉老人,虽然面部已经干瘪,但是,可以想象,他生前一定是丰神如玉,金冠公子从他身上的衣裳判断,这个人生前一定出身于天神道 Yes, looks at the jade sign of his waist.” Jian Yunyun understands many 12 Supreme Grand Dao, said: This is god surface Jade Emperor, once was extraordinary Dragon Monarch.” “是,看他腰间的这块玉牌。”翦云韵对于十二无上大道了解很多,说道:“这是神面玉皇,曾经是一位了不得的龙君。” Gold crown Young Master discovered another corpse, recognized his origin, pulled out an cold air/Qi, said: Searches night of Heavenly Monster, this once was one of the we Great Wild Mountain Range strongest Monster King.” 金冠公子发现了另外一具尸体,认出了他的来历,不由抽了一口冷气,说道:“探夜天妖,这曾是我们莽荒十万大山最强的妖王之一。” looks at this corpse, in the top of the head has one like the black pearl same inborn skull, gold crown Young Master affirms his status. 看着这具尸体,头顶上有一颗如同黑色明珠一样的天生颅骨,金冠公子十分肯定他的身份。 This one the corpse makes in the Jian Yunyun heart shake, said: This is Sky Spirit Sacred Child his body such as elusive.” “这个一”其中有一具尸体让翦云韵心里面为之一震,说道:“这是空灵圣子他身如空灵。” Although this corpse had died, but, a calm automatic feeling. 这具尸体虽然已经死了,但是,给人一种无风自动的感觉。 This person, we have looked.” At this time, Brightlook Princess yelled, she discovered a looking familiar corpse, big shout. “这个人,我们看过。”在这个时候,明视公主大叫了一声,她发现了一个面熟的尸体,不由大叫一声 Jian Yunyun and gold crown Young Master rushes over immediately, gold crown Young Master pulled out an cold air/Qi, said: Sword Monarch one.” 翦云韵和金冠公子立即冲了过去,金冠公子不由抽了一口冷气,说道:“剑君一。” Sword Monarch, Zhuo Yijian, right.” Jian Yunyun looks at this corpse Divine Sword, had lost the luster, pulled out an cold air/Qi. 剑君,卓一剑,没错。”翦云韵看着这具尸体身旁的神剑,已经失去了色泽,不由抽了一口冷气。 Brightlook Princess said: Is Protector God of our academy.” 明视公主不由说道:“就是我们书院的守护神呀。” Brightlook Princess and Jian Yunyun they are student of studying away from home palace, has personally seen the Sword Monarch Zhuo Yijian portrait, today sees the Sword Monarch Zhuo Yijian corpse, indeed was makes them pull out an cold air/Qi. 明视公主翦云韵他们都是游学宫的学生,都亲眼见过剑君卓一剑的画像,今日看到剑君卓一剑的尸体,也的确是让他们抽了一口冷气。 At this time, Jian Yunyun had a shiver immediately, called one, busy seeks in these corpses, turns to look. 在这个时候,翦云韵立即打了一个冷颤,叫了一声,忙是在这些尸体之中寻找起来,翻找起来。 Finally, made Jian Yunyun find a corpse in the corner, her looks at at present this corpse time, whole body one soft, sat on the ground, looks at present corpse, all of a sudden absent-minded, was vacant at once. 最终,在角落中让翦云韵找到了一具尸体,她看着眼前这一具尸体的时候,不由全身一软,一屁股坐在了地上了,看着眼前的尸体,一下子失神,不由一时之间茫然。 Brightlook Princess and gold crown Young Master looks, this is an old woman's body, this old woman was still full of the charm, she before one's death once, certainly was a very beautiful and noble female. 明视公主和金冠公子一看,这是一具老妪的尸体,这个老妪依然充满了神韵,她在生前,一定是一个十分美丽而且高贵的女子。 Empress Dowager Qingshen.” Although Brightlook Princess has not seen Empress Dowager Qingshen, does not know that what Empress Dowager Qingshen is long is, but, she understands at this time, this is person Empress Dowager Qingshen that Jian Yunyun must look. 青神太后。”虽然明视公主也从来没有见过青神太后,也不知道青神太后长得是什么样的,但是,此时她明白,这就是翦云韵一直要找的人一青神太后 Yes, True Body of queen mother.” Jian Yunyun said in a low voice. “是,太后的真身。”翦云韵不由低声地说道。 At once, Brightlook Princess, Jian Yunyun and gold crown Young Master they looked at each other, the person who they must look, has sought, all missing people, here. 一时之间,明视公主翦云韵、金冠公子他们都不由相视了一眼,他们要寻找的人,都已经寻找到了,所有失踪的人,都在这里了。 Empress Dowager Qingshen and Sword Monarch Zhuo Yijian and Sky Spirit Sacred Child...... all bewildered missing people , they were not missing here here, but is the tragic death here. 青神太后剑君卓一剑空灵圣子……所有莫明其妙失踪的人,都在这里了,他们不是失踪在这里,而是惨死在这里。 At this time, in their hearts had a thought that Empress Dowager Qingshen and Sword Monarch Zhuo Yijian and Sky Spirit Sacred Child their these once prominent era Wushuang/matchless Dragon Monarch, why appears here, why they can die a tragic death here, is who killed them? 在这个时候,他们心里面就有了一个念头,青神太后剑君卓一剑空灵圣子他们这些曾经显赫一个时代无双龙君,为什么都出现在这里呢,为什么他们又会惨死在这里呢,是谁杀了他们呢? Some little time, Brightlook Princess recovers, a thought flashes past in her mind, she had a bold incomparable idea all of a sudden, loses one's voice said: could it be that said, they died a tragic death in the Supreme control hand of this world, after this Supreme control swallowed this death world, their all devour(ing) falls Sword Monarch and Empress Dowager Qingshen?” 好一会儿,明视公主回过神来,一个念头在她的脑海之中一闪而过,她一下子有了一个大胆无比的想法,失声地说道:“难道是说,他们都是惨死在了这个世界的无上主宰手中,这个无上主宰吞食了这个死亡世界之后,又把剑君青神太后他们全部吞噬掉?” Thought many.” Li Qiye sits there, is not surprised, shakes the head gently, said: You thought that Sword Monarch and Empress Dowager Qingshen they are powerful incomparable, but, regarding can Supreme exist(ence) of devour(ing) this world, these people, that just be the common obscure individual, is ants, insufficient stops up gap between teeth. Will you eat such a ant leg?” “想得太多了。”李七夜坐在那里,一点都不惊讶,轻轻摇了摇头,说道:“你们觉得剑君青神太后他们是强大无比,但是,对于可以吞噬这个世界的无上存在而言,这些人,那只不过是碌碌无名之辈罢了,就是一只只蝼蚁,不够塞牙缝。你会去吃那么一只蚂蚁腿吗?” eh bright god Princess cannot reply, she asked back said: Who was that killed them?” ”明神公主回答不上来,她不由反问地说道:“那是谁杀了他们?” Why will kill them here?” The gold crown Young Master response is also very agile, said: Why Sword Monarch Empress Dowager Qingshen can they here?” “为什么会在这里杀了他们?”金冠公子反应也十分敏捷,说道:“为什么剑君青神太后他们都会在这里?” Li Qiye smiles, said: „The following issue, I am unable to reply you, but, front issue ; I can reply but actually. Because some people must eat them, therefore, tempts here to come them, they ate, hunts for like you.” 李七夜笑了笑,说道:“后面一个问题,我是无法回答你,但是,前面一个问题,;我倒可以回答。因为有人要吃他们,所以,把他们引诱到这里来,一把他们吃了,就像你们捕猎一样。” At this point, Li Qiye smiles lightly, said: This is a mocker, or was one obtained some inheriting person, a very powerful person, therefore, he is imitating or inheriting this Supreme exist(ence), here held ceremony that ate the person.” 说到这里,李七夜淡淡一笑,说道:“这是一个模仿者,或者是一个得到了某种继承的人,一个十分强大的人,所以,他在模仿或者继承这个无上存在,在这里举行了吃人的仪式。” Eating person one after another Brightlook Princess is absolutely terrified, said: Why must eat the person.” “吃人一一明视公主不由毛骨悚然,说道:“为什么要吃人。” Li Qiye smiled, said slowly: „Do you eat spirit pill wonderful medicine ? He eats the person, with your eats spirit pill wonderful medicine to be similar. Or for increase and prolong the life, either to promote skill.” 李七夜笑了一下,徐徐地说道:“你吃灵丹妙药吗?他吃人,与你的吃灵丹妙药差不多。要么是为了益寿延年,要么是为了增进功力。” Do not say, I knew.” Brightlook Princess hears such words, immediately the gastric disorder, has the feeling that one type wants to vomit. “你不要说了,我知道了。”明视公主听到这样的一席话,顿时反胃,有着一种想呕吐的感觉。 When even if before then, they imagine that terrifying incomparable exist(ence) swallows the own world, they did not have that clear incomparable impact feeling, because all creature of this world are nothing relates with them, therefore is very strange. 就算是在此之前,他们想象那个恐怖无比的存在吞食自己的世界之时,他们还没有那种清晰无比的冲击感,因为这个世界的所有生灵与他们都是没有任何联系,所以是十分陌生。 However, Empress Dowager Qingshen and Sword Monarch Zhuo Yijian and Sky Spirit Sacred Child they are different, because they once listened to the stories of these legendary characters to grow up, even is from infancy respects them. 但是,青神太后剑君卓一剑空灵圣子他们却不一样,因为他们曾经听着这些传奇人物的故事长大,甚至是自小便是敬仰他们。 Imagines, the character in your childhood story, they were once imprisoned here, was eaten one after another, this is how the terrifying matter, this not only makes people think terrifying, even for it gastric disorder. 想象一下,在你儿时故事里的人物,他们曾经被人囚禁在这里,被人一一吃掉,这是多么恐怖的事情,这不仅仅让人觉得恐怖,甚至是为之反胃。 Can imagine inhumanly is how dreadful matter, seems like your elder or is other cultivator powerhouses, suddenly must eat you, eats spirit pill wonderful medicine the same as eat food supplements probably. 就能想象人吃人是多么可怕的事情,就好像你的长辈或者是其他的修士强者,突然要把你吃掉,就好像是吃灵丹妙药一样进补。 Thinks of here, impulsion that even the Jian Yunyun gastric disorder, one type wants to spit. 想到这里,连翦云韵都不由反胃,有一种想吐的冲动。
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