ED :: Volume #49

#4872: Three Origins Heaven Campaign place

After Ba Pi Palace was cleaned up, revealed the mountain peak foundation, the entire mountain peak foundation looks very strangely, the mountain peak foundation that because leaves behind, carefully looked at this time, thought that this is not a bottom of mountain peak. 八匹殿被清理之后,露出了山峰底座,整座山峰底座看起十分奇怪,因为留下的山峰底座,在这个时候仔细去看,又觉得这不是一座山峰的底部。 As if, such a mountain peak foundation, entire seems like a giant incomparable statue foundation. 似乎,这样的一座山峰底座,整像是一座巨大无比的雕像底座。 The mountain peak foundation, is the giant incomparable statue foundation, it broke off, the fracture of entire foundation is the diversity not entire, jig-saw patterned, seems like very strange. 不论是山峰底座,还是巨大无比的雕像底座,它都是被掰断的,整个底座的断口乃是参差不全,犬牙交错,看起来十分的奇怪。 At this time, above Li Qiye stand mountain peak foundation, puts out a hand to stroke the fracture of mountain peak foundation. 此时,李七夜站这山峰底座之上,伸手去抚摸着山峰底座的断口。 Raging Flame Crazy Blade is following Li Qiye, carefully looks at the openings of these foundations, carefully looked, he also thought these openings feel very strangely. 烈焰狂刀跟随着李七夜,仔细去看这些底座的裂口,仔细去看,他也觉得这些裂口觉得十分奇怪。 This irregular fracture, does not have any trace of delay, in other words, powerful broke off instantaneously to not unimaginable strength by anything , without slight stagnation to be slow. 这参差不齐的断口,没有任何延迟的痕迹,也就是说,被甚么强大到无法想象的力量瞬间掰断,没有丝毫的滞慢。 Such feeling, seems like by sharp incomparable treasure or Divine Sword cuts to be the same, but, its fracture is actually irregular, looked makes one know absolutely this is not the Divine Weapons sharp weapon cuts off. 这样的感觉,就好像是被锋利无比的宝物或者神剑所斩开一样,但,它的断口却是参差不齐,一看就让人知道这绝对不是什么神兵利器所斩断的。 Puts out a hand to stroke these fractures the time, discovered that very strange spot, these spots are not foundation all, but seems like what strength, solidifies instantaneously here, then vanishes instantaneously, has what thing to infiltrate probably instantaneously into is the same, that feeling, could not say completely, at least exceeded the understanding of Raging Flame Crazy Blade. 伸手去抚摸那些断口的时候,发现有很奇怪的斑点,这些斑点不是底座自身所有的,而是似乎是什么力量,瞬间在这里凝固,然后又瞬间消失,就好像是有什么东西可以瞬间渗透入其中一样,那种感觉,完全是说不出来,至少是超越了烈焰狂刀的理解。 what is this thing?” Raging Flame Crazy Blade asked curiously, at this time, he also felt, such foundation, is not what mountain peak. 这是什么东西呢?”烈焰狂刀不由好奇地问,在这个时候,他也觉得,这样的底座,并非是什么山峰。 Extraordinary thing.” Li Qiye is stroking the break mouth gently. “一个了不得的东西。”李七夜轻轻地抚摸着断裂口。 Crossed some little time, his raise one's head looked at sky, said lightly: It seems like, indeed yes right, this damned thing, has not died under the scourge.” 过了好一会儿,他不由抬头看了一眼天空,淡淡地说道:“看来,的确是没错,这鬼东西,没有死在天谴之下。” Raging Flame Crazy Blade is startled, raise one's head, asked: What is damned thing?” 烈焰狂刀不由为之一怔,也不由抬头,问道:“什么是鬼东西?” Li Qiye smiled, had not said that , looks at these pendulums at the foot of the hill rock mountain massif, told that said: Lifts.” 李七夜笑了一下,没有说,随之,看着那些摆在山脚下的岩石山体,吩咐地说道:“都抬上来吧。” Under the Li Qiye instruction, the rock mountain massif that these were dug is towed to entrain by one after another. 李七夜吩咐之下,那些被挖出来的岩石山体被一一拖拽上来。 At this time, Raging Flame Crazy Blade discovered, this rock mountain massif that digs outside, is just the same as the Ba Pi Palace rock mountain massif, their quality of material and colors are the same. 在这个时候,烈焰狂刀才发现,这在外面挖出来的岩石山体,和八匹殿的岩石山体是一模一样的,它们的质地、颜色都是一样的。 Installs.” Li Qiye told one, making Ba Pi vertical health/guard ride be the coolie, own directs Ba Pi vertical health/guard ride to mount this broken mountain massifs personally. “都装上去吧。”李七夜吩咐一声,让八匹纵卫骑做苦力,自己亲自指点八匹纵卫骑去镶嵌这一个又一个残破的山体。 As the broken rock mountain massif by one after another to connect was spliced like this, but on time, Raging Flame Crazy Blade at this time understands why Li Qiye must tear down Ba Pi Palace. 随着这样的残破岩石山体被一一驳接镶接而上的时候,烈焰狂刀在这个时候才明白李七夜为什么要拆掉了八匹殿了。 Originally, the Ba Pi Palace entire mountain massif is a body, but, after the entire mountain massif broke off, the parts of these disintegrations, scatter outside, now is dug by the soil that in the Ba Pi vertical health/guard outrider deeply buries. 原来,八匹殿的整个山体乃是一体的,只不过,整个山体被掰断之后,那些崩碎的部分,散落在外面,现在被八匹纵卫骑从深埋的泥土中挖出来。 Now, Li Qiye must splice this all shatter mountain massifs, therefore, must tear down entire Ba Pi Palace. 现在,李七夜要把这所有破碎的山体镶接回去,所以,就必须拆掉整个八匹殿 As the after rock mountain massif of one piece of block was spliced, a giant incomparable statue exposed slowly in everyone's front. 随着一块块的岩石山体被镶接回去之后,一个巨大无比的雕像慢慢展露在了所有人的面前。 Finally, a giant incomparable statue appeared before everyone. 最终,一座巨大无比的雕像出现在了所有人面前。 This giant incomparable statue, carefully looks, the main body is a giant, this giant is ancient, even is the body of entire giant is outlines using the technique of simple incomparable, the facial features or the attire, seemingly are simple, there is no detail. 这一座巨大无比的雕像,仔细看,主体是一尊巨人,这一尊巨人古老无比,甚至是整个巨人的身体乃是以简单无比的手法去勾勒出来,不论是面容还是衣着,都看起来简单无比,没有任何细节可言。 This giant raise one's head looks at the day, that feared that is that eye is the simple stone eye, when he makes such movement, lets all the person mind of seeing this giant statue shake, because this giant raise one's head looks at the day time, but its probably instantaneous broken day is the same, has is letting strength that the person cannot imagine, as if, it may break the day, may extinguish the world. 这个巨人抬头望天,那怕是那一双眼睛乃简简单单的石眼,当他做出这样的动作之时,让所有看到这一座巨人雕像的人都心神一震,因为这一尊巨人抬头望天的时候,它就好像瞬间破天而起一样,拥有着让人想象不到的力量,似乎,它可破天,可灭世。 Has another three Stone Golem side this giant incomparable giant, compares at present this giant, these three Stone Golem appeared small, seemed like a giant to lead three children to be the same. 在这尊巨大无比的巨人身旁有另外三尊石人,相比起眼前这一尊巨人而言,这三尊石人显得小了很多,就好像是一个巨人带着三个孩子一样。 These three Stone Golem have two to stand before his body controls, but another stood in the middle, both hands lifted up high, appears handful of shapes, probably both hands must hold anything to be the same, together in giant chest front. 这三个石人有两位站在他的身前左右,而另一位站在了中间,双手高举,呈捧状,好像是双手要捧着什么一样,直齐于巨人胸前。 However, in his both hands, actually does not have any thing. 但是,在他的双手之中,却没有任何东西 Also or this Stone Golem that lifts up high both hands, has anything to give to this giant, is this Stone Golem is this giant holds what thing to be the same. 又或者说,这个高举双手的石人,有什么要献给这个巨人,又或者说,是这个石人为这个巨人捧着什么东西一样。 At this time, everyone looked, can feel, such a giant, can overlook entire Ba Pi Dynasty. 在这个时候,所有人一看,都能感受到,这样的一尊巨人,可以俯视整个八匹王朝 looks at such giant statue , Ba Pi vertical health/guard ride is also at once good, Raging Flame Crazy Blade, dull looks at is lost in thought that that feared that such statue has no Divine Power, when their looks at such statue, has the deterred feeling, impulsion that even a feudal official bends down. 看着这样的巨人雕像,一时之间,八匹纵卫骑也好,烈焰狂刀也罢,都呆呆看着出神,那怕这样的雕像没有任何神威,他们看着这样的雕像之时,却有着被威慑的感觉,甚至有一种臣伏的冲动。 At this time, is to demolishing Ba Pi Palace has the person of complaint, looks at at present such statue, all complaints vanished into thin air, at once, felt, past Ba Pi Palace constructed here, indeed the feeling of one violent tie gifts of heaven. 在这个时候,本是对拆除八匹殿有所怨言的人,看着眼前这样的雕像,所有怨言都是烟消云散了,一时之间,都觉得,当年的八匹殿建在这里,的的确确是有一种暴餮天物的感觉。 This, what is this statue.” looks at such giant statue, Raging Flame Crazy Blade muttered said “这,这是什么雕像。”看着这样的巨人雕像,烈焰狂刀不由喃喃地说道 Three Origins Heaven Campaign place.” Li Qiye looks at this statue, says at present slowly. 三元征天座。”李七夜看着眼前这座雕像,徐徐地说道。 Three Origins Heaven Campaign place, what Three Origins?” Raging Flame Crazy Blade recovers, looks at another three Stone Golem, said subconsciously: Yes, refers to these three Stone Golem?” 三元征天座,什么三元呢?”烈焰狂刀回过神来,下意识地看着另外三个石人,说道:“是,是指这三个石人吗?” Looks carefully.” Li Qiye smiled, said lightly. “看仔细一点。”李七夜笑了一下,淡淡地说道。 Raging Flame Crazy Blade obtained the reminder, observes and emulates a while carefully, suddenly some discoveries, although the carving of these three Stone Golem are also very rough, but, they have the own characteristics, Raging Flame Crazy Blade loses one's voice said: could it be that, could it be that their representative Celestial, Deity and Demon Three Clans?” 烈焰狂刀得到了提醒,仔细去观摩一会儿,突然有发现,虽然这三个石人的雕刻也是十分粗糙,但是,它们都有自己的特征,烈焰狂刀不由失声地说道:“难道,难道它们代表天、神、魔三族?” Right, right.” Li Qiye gently nod. “对,没错。”李七夜轻轻点头 Three Origins Heaven Campaign place.” Raging Flame Crazy Blade recovers, said: This, is this refers to celestial, god, demon drafting the day?” 三元征天座。”烈焰狂刀回过神来,不由说道:“这,这是指天、神、魔征天吗?” „It is not.” Li Qiye smiled, said: What said is Three Origins.” “不是。”李七夜笑了一下,说道:“说的是三元。” Three Origins, who is Three Origins?” Circled all of a sudden, cajoled into to have a head wet from the fog Raging Flame Crazy Blade, does not know that Three Origins referred to anything. 三元,三元是谁?”一下子又绕回来了,把烈焰狂刀都绕得满头雾水,不知道三元指的是什么。 Three Origins Safe Opening.” Li Qiye said. 三元开泰呀。”李七夜说道。 Three Origins Safe Opening.” Raging Flame Crazy Blade stare blankly, recovers, loses one's voice said: could it be that, does could it be that refer to three Bloodline?” 三元开泰。”烈焰狂刀呆了一下,回过神来,失声地说道:“难道,难道是指三种血统吗?” Li Qiye looked at Raging Flame Crazy Blade one, smiled lightly, said: It seems like, you know much, this view you also know.” 李七夜看了烈焰狂刀一眼,淡淡地笑了一下,说道:“看来,你知道不少,这个说法你也知道。” Your Highness overpraised, this was Your Majesty has said that I know.” Raging Flame Crazy Blade said: Your Majesty before death, had once explored Bloodline legend, has unearthed ancient book. The hearsay said, Deity, Demon and Celestial 3 Clans has ancient legend Bloodline, even said that is what Immortal Blood, then also said, this Bloodline view, more ancient legend, called Three Origins Safe Opening.” 殿下过奖了,这是陛下生前说过,我才知道。”烈焰狂刀说道:“陛下生前,曾去探索过血统传说,去挖掘过古籍。传闻说,神、魔、天三族拥有着十分古老的传说血统,甚至说是什么仙血,然后又说,这个的血统说法,有一种更为古老的传说,叫三元开泰。” Your Your Majesty, indeed unearthed many information, but, this merely is a small part.” Li Qiye smiled lightly. “你们陛下,的确是挖掘了不少信息,只不过,这仅仅是一小部分罢了。”李七夜淡淡地笑了一下。 „Are three Great Immortal blood of Ancient Clan, Three Origins Safe Opening?” Raging Flame Crazy Blade asked. 古族的三大仙血,就是三元开泰吗?”烈焰狂刀不由问道。 Li Qiye smiled, shakes the head gently, said: No, specifically, Three Origins Safe Opening was not three Great Immortal blood, was not three Bloodline, but was Bloodline.” 李七夜不由笑了一下,轻轻摇头,说道:“不,准确地说,三元开泰不是三大仙血,也不是三种血统,而是一种血统。” Bloodline?” The Li Qiye's words made Raging Flame Crazy Blade dumbstruck. “一种血统?”李七夜的话让烈焰狂刀更是发懵了。 Three Origins Safe Opening, is only Bloodline, afterward, was divided into three, then had celestial, god, demon three big Bloodline to say.” Li Qiye looks at this giant statue, says at present: In that remote epoch, it has a title.” 三元开泰,只是一种血统,后来,一分为三,便是有天、神、魔三大血统之说。”李七夜看着眼前这巨大的雕像,说道:“在那遥远的纪元,它有一个称谓。” Remote Yuan epoch?” Raging Flame Crazy Blade is very curious, asks: What kind of epoch?” “遥元的纪元?”烈焰狂刀不由十分好奇,问道:“怎么样的纪元呢?” Li Qiye said lightly: At the beginning of epoch, is a body, was latter divided high and low.” 李七夜淡淡地说道:“纪元之初,乃是一体,后被分为上下。” Upper World and Lower World?” Raging Flame Crazy Blade knows this, said: Your Majesty has said that he from Lower World, calls it Eight Desolate.” 上界下界吗?”烈焰狂刀知道这个,说道:“陛下说过,他就是来自于下界,称之为八荒。” But, at that time, did not call Eight Desolate, called Nine Worlds.” Li Qiye smiled. “但,那个时候,不叫八荒,叫九界。”李七夜笑了一下。 Nine Worlds.” Raging Flame Crazy Blade carefully nan language, but, he to such title, and there's nothing impression, but listened to Dao Monarch Ba Pi saying that when Lower World, called this Eight Desolate, was a vast world. 九界。”烈焰狂刀不由细细地喃语,但是,他对这样的称谓,并没有什么印象,只是听八匹道君说过,下界之时,称这八荒,也是一个广袤的世界。 Nine Worlds 13 Continents.” Li Qiye said gently: Pitifully, always some people do not lose heart.” 九界十三洲呀。”李七夜轻轻地说道:“可惜,总是有人不死心。” Is called Nine Worlds 13 Continents epoch?” Raging Flame Crazy Blade said. “称为九界十三洲纪元吗?”烈焰狂刀说道。 The Li Qiye jogging head, said: That is just the world thinks that it did not call Nine Worlds 13 Continents epoch, it has its true title-- Three Safe Epoch.” 李七夜轻摇头,说道:“那只不过是世人自认为罢了,它并非叫九界十三洲纪元,它有着它真正的称谓——三泰纪元。” Three Safe Epoch.” Such title, the Raging Flame Crazy Blade hear has not listened. 三泰纪元。”这样的称谓,烈焰狂刀听都未听过。 Recovers, said: This, this Three Safe Epoch, yes, is the Celestial, Deity and Demon Three Clans foundation?” 回过神来,说道:“这,这三泰纪元,是,是天、神、魔三族开创吗?” Li Qiye smiled, shakes the head saying: Ancient Clan three, how can there be the strength founds epoch, they are just creature of this world, is the divine creative force of ascending the sky.” 李七夜不由笑了起来,摇头说道:“古族三支,又焉有实力去开创一个纪元,他们只不过是这个世间的生灵,乃是上天的造物。” At this point, Li Qiye, said slowly: But, world minute/share, beginning epoch, there is more ancient exist(ence).” 说到这里,李七夜顿了一下,徐徐地说道:“只不过,天地分,纪元初之时,有更古老的存在。” What kind of exist(ence) is that?” Raging Flame Crazy Blade does not dare to imagine, a foundation of epoch, that by far powerful in Ancient Great Emperor such exist(ence). “那是怎么样的存在?”烈焰狂刀不敢想象,一个纪元的开创,那岂不是远远强大于古之大帝这样的存在 Grand Dao Primordial.” Li Qiye said: Was a pity.” 大道混元。”李七夜说道:“只是可惜了。” That, that Three Origins Safe Opening is Bloodline, born in this?” Raging Flame Crazy Blade is curious. “那,那三元开泰血统,是不是诞生于此呢?”烈焰狂刀好奇。 Li Qiye shakes the head gently, said: Three Origins Safe Opening Bloodline, does not stem from this, Grand Dao Primordial and inborn Three Origins True Self, is Three Origins Safe Opening Bloodline can compare.” 李七夜轻轻摇头,说道:“三元开泰血统,并非源于此,大道混元、天生三元真我,又焉是三元开泰血统所能相比的。” That this statue?” Raging Flame Crazy Blade looks at at present giant incomparable statue. “那这雕像呢?”烈焰狂刀看着眼前巨大无比的雕像。 Li Qiye said: Three Origins Safe Opening, has the person, was once protecting this world, established the immortal tablet, the keeping watch world.” 李七夜说道:“三元开泰,有人,也曾是守护着这个世界,立下了不朽之碑,守望天地。” Protects this world.” Why does not know, hears such words, in the Raging Flame Crazy Blade heart has the ominous feeling. “守护这个世界。”不知道为什么,听到这样的话,烈焰狂刀心里面就有不祥之感。
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