ED :: Volume #49

#4832: Sees the old friend

At this time, Li Qiye put out a hand to pick, above that Supreme, in the summit of that Highest Beginning Tree, picked a Daoist monk's cap, this was the summit of Grand Dao. 在这个时候,李七夜伸手一摘,在那无上之上,在那太初树之巅,摘得一只道冠,此乃是大道之巅也。 This Daoist monk's cap, is letting fall Grand Dao Law of most source, each Dao Law brings Highest Beginning Qi, when just like is Highest Beginning since nourishing. 此道冠,垂落着最本源的大道法则,每一道法则都是带着太初之气,犹如是太初之时所蕴养至今。 The crown of Grand Dao, receives its crown, such as holds Highest Beginning, as if for the control of this epoch, just like was sits epoch Sovereign Throne to be the same. 大道之冠,承其冠,如掌太初,似乎为这个纪元的主宰,犹如是坐上了纪元皇座一般。 Li Qiye the crown of Highest Beginning takes down from Highest Beginning Tree wears in the Heavenly Ancient Old Ghost top of the head, said: All karma, all in Samsara.” 李七夜太初树上所取下的太初之冠戴在天古老鬼的头顶上,说道:“一切因果,皆在轮回之中。” Heavenly Ancient Old Ghost receives its crown, by its karma, to Li Qiye bowed first, Highest Beginning Qi was filled the air in his whole body, Highest Beginning Light is bathing he, as if, in this in an instant, Heavenly Ancient Old Ghost just like is re-enters in that Highest Beginning, as if, making him see the birth of epoch, nourishing Eternal. 天古老鬼承其冠,受其因果,向李七夜鞠首,太初之气弥漫于他的周身,太初之光沐浴着他,似乎,在这刹那之间,天古老鬼犹如是是重回那太初之中,似乎,让他看到了纪元的诞生,蕴养万古 At this time, Li Qiye looked at the world, attended to all sea, finally said slowly: Day broken, does not lean, this field of endeavor Eternal, wishing the gentlemen altogether to carry.” 在这个时候,李七夜望天地,顾四海,最终徐徐地说道:“天不破,地不倾,此道万古也,愿诸君共携。” At this time, in Supreme Giant of that starry sky deep place, then in the thick earth lowest level, Supreme Giant bowed first, this one after another retires to go, does not have the sound again. 在这个时候,不论是在那星空深处的无上巨头,还是那在厚土最底层,一尊尊无上巨头鞠首,这才纷纷退隐而去,再也没有声息。 Heavenly Ancient Old Ghost is also the recession goes, retire from the world in the own good fortune. 天古老鬼也是退离而去,归隐自己的造化之中。 At bang loud sound, after Foolish Da called one, body stars, in the bellow, dissipates in the remote incomparable stars sea, during belonging to one piece is silent. 在“轰”的一声巨响,呆达叫了一声之后,身化星辰,在轰鸣声中,消逝在遥远无比的星辰大海,归于一片寂静之中。 At once, another Supreme Giant retires to go, silently, entire Eight Desolate belongs to tranquilly, Qing Feng (cool breeze) strokes the post, the mountain stream dripping stone, all that peaceful. 一时之间,一尊又一尊的无上巨头退隐而去,悄然无声,整个八荒归于平静,清风拂岗,溪水淌石,一切都是那么的安宁。 After experiencing collapse and destruction, the Eight Desolate world, the rebirth, all live again slowly, just like is Highest Beginning opens, this will welcome Eternal golden era. 经历了崩灭之后,八荒的天地,再一次重生,一切冉冉而生,犹如是太初开启,这将会迎来万古盛世 At this time, Supreme Your Majesty, Seven Seas Martial Goddess, Tantai Ruonan wait/etc another Supreme exist(ence) falls side Li Qiye. 此时,无上陛下七海女武神澹台若南等等一尊又一尊无上存在落于李七夜身边。 Young Master-- to relate to discuss, Tantai Ruonan and Li Qiye most own, once died with the Li Qiye paragenesis, the relational no small matters of two people. 少爷——”以关系而论,澹台若南李七夜最亲,曾是与李七夜共生死,两个人的关系非同小可。 She also follows the Li Qiye longest person, can say, now human world, few individuals could have Tantai Ruonan so to relate with Li Qiye like this. 她也是追随李七夜最久的人,可以说,当今人世间,已经没有几个人能有澹台若南这般与李七夜这样的关系了。 It can be said that after billion years time, Tantai Ruonan still, Li Qiye still, experienced the innumerable life and death, each other also, this emotion, is strong over time. 可以说,在千百万年时光之后,澹台若南还在,李七夜还在,经历了无数生死,彼此还在,这份情感,乃是历久弥坚。 Today's Li Qiye, is the control of this epoch, Supreme, Heavens creature, what kind of exist(ence), Supreme Your Majesty, Seven Seas Martial Goddess, Tantai Ruonan wait/etc were good, controls in epoch, so the Supreme front, that is seems tiny. 今日的李七夜,已经是这个纪元的主宰,至高无上,诸天生灵,不论是怎么样的存在,无上陛下七海女武神澹台若南等等都好,在纪元主宰,如此至高无上的面前,那都是显得渺小。 Just, Li Qiye at this moment, had restrained the aura, belongs to ordinary, stood in the Tantai Ruonan front, gave her a deep hug, closely is holding Tantai Ruonan. 只不过,此时此刻的李七夜,已经是收敛了气息,归于平凡,站在了澹台若南的面前,给了她一个深深的拥抱,紧紧地抱着澹台若南 Finished the long-cherished wish finally.” Li Qiye said to Tantai Ruonan gently. “终是了却夙愿。”李七夜轻轻地对澹台若南说道。 Tantai Ruonan is also hugging Li Qiye, suddenly, Eternal also just flash, although in these ten million years, is the people are no longer the same, but, she also, Li Qiye also, moreover, in this billion years, hangs the sword of in the heart head, fell. 澹台若南也不由搂着李七夜,恍然之间,万古也只不过一瞬间罢了,虽然在这千万年间,一切都已经是物是人非,但是,她还在,李七夜也在,而且,在这千百万年间,悬于心头的剑,也落下来了。 All such as beginning, Young Master is also.” Tantai Ruonan said gently. “一切如初,少爷也是。”澹台若南轻轻地说道。 human world, few people could have with the Li Qiye so relations, Tantai Ruonan, is with the person of Li Qiye paragenesis dying. 人世间,已经没有几人能有与李七夜如此般的关系了,澹台若南,乃是与李七夜共生死之人呀。 World.” Li Qiye said gently, is immersed in her powder neck. “人世呀。”李七夜轻轻地说道,埋首于她的粉颈。 But Tantai Ruonan also pastes in his chest, all are tranquil, as if, ancient also just in this flash, human world all happy, in this in an instant. 澹台若南也是贴于他的胸膛,一切都宁静,似乎,亘古也只不过是在这一瞬间罢了,人世间的一切美好,也就在这刹那之间。 The human world temperature, at this moment, is the best annotation, regarding Li Qiye, is so, regarding Tantai Ruonan, is so. 人世间的温度,此时此刻,就是最好的诠释,对于李七夜而言,是如此,对于澹台若南而言,也是如此。 The temperature, this can make human world happier. 只有彼此之间的温度,这才能让人世间变得更加美好。 Otherwise, regarding their such Supreme exist(ence), Eternal does not extinguish also well, the world is eternal, once lost the temperature, human world all, to them, does not have any value. 否则,对于他们这样的至高无上存在而言,万古不灭也好,天地永恒也罢,一旦失去了温度,人世间的一切,对于他们而言,就没有任何价值。 Be only such temperature, can make them have warmer reading to think regarding this world, has attachment that does not abandon. 只有这样的温度,才能让他们对于这个世间有着更温暖的念想,有着那么不舍的眷恋。 Eternal according to.” Finally, Li Qiye loosens Tantai Ruonan, is stroking gently the Tantai Ruonan that unparalleled appearance gently. 万古依在。”最终,李七夜松开澹台若南,轻轻地摩挲着澹台若南绝世无双的容颜。 Eternal according to.” Tantai Ruonan is also looking at Li Qiye's both eyes, the vision, shone upon into the mind, as if, in this moment, human world became eternal. 万古依在。”澹台若南也望着李七夜的双目,彼此之间的目光,映照入了心灵,似乎,在这一刻,人世间就变得永恒。 Finally, all just like end general, Seven Seas Martial Goddess goes forward, does obeisance to Li Qiye bowed first greatly, Li Qiye received her big ritual, lays the hand on the head the song saying that Highest Beginning ray turnover. 最终,一切犹如是落幕一般,七海女武神上前,向李七夜鞠首大拜,李七夜受了她的大礼,摩顶颂道,太初光芒吞吐。 Supreme Your Majesty stood in front of Li Qiye, Supreme Your Majesty, thought of the night of butterfly sovereign, Chi Xiaodie. 无上陛下站在了李七夜面前,无上陛下,思夜蝶皇,池小蝶 At this time, she is looking at Li Qiye, at once, was crazy. 此时,她望着李七夜,一时之间,痴了。 billion years, the time walked is very very far, the protection of billion years, the waiting of billion years, today, meets again, all , became different. 千百万年了,时间走得很远很远,千百万年的守护,千百万年的等待,今日,再一次相见,一切的一切,又变得不一样了。 Past, are reappearing at present, just like was ordinary yesterday. 当年的一幕幕,在眼前浮现,犹如昨日一般。 Today, they have stood when the peak, Supreme exist(ence), reviewed past again, the ignorance of that youth, the impulsion of that youth, all that happy, all were worth the person tasting, as if, all yesterday. 今日,他们都已经是站在巅峰之上,无上存在,再回顾昔日的一幕幕之时,那种青春的无知,那种青春的冲动,一切都是那么的美好,一切都那么的值得人回味,似乎,一切都在昨日。 Yesterday, cannot remain, let person such aftertaste, let the person did that not abandon. 昨日,不可留,却又让人那么的回味,让人那么的不舍。 Dao Heart is eternal, you also such as.” Sees Chi Xiaodie again, all as transient as fleeting clouds is common, today is not in the past, but, Chi Xiaodie still, just like the miracle is ordinary. 道心永恒,你也如是呀。”再一次见池小蝶,一切都已经过眼云烟一般,今日已经不是当年,但是,池小蝶还在,犹如奇迹一般。 Always some people, can keep Eternal, can create the miracle, person who often, creates such miracle, not because of highest Innate Talent, most Wushuang/matchless Bloodline, but is Dao Heart, steadfast Dao Heart. 总有一些人,能留得万古,能创造奇迹,往往,创造这样奇迹的人,不是因为最高的天赋,最无双血统,而是一颗道心,一颗坚定不移的道心 Chi Xiaodie is, ten million years waiting, ten million years protections, her Dao Heart has not vacillated. 池小蝶便是,千万年的等待,千万年的守护,她的道心未曾动摇过。 Young Master is.” Chi Xiaodie said gently, looks at the timeless person, all are worth, being worth her waiting for at present, being worth her protecting. 公子更是。”池小蝶轻轻地说道,看着眼前亘古不变的人,一切的一切都值得,值得她去等待,值得她去守护。 Li Qiye pulled up her beautiful hair gently, the light breeze had blown, as if brings yesterday's fragrance, such aura, making one taste, making one deeply shout inspires. 李七夜轻轻地撩了撩她的秀发,轻风吹过,似乎带着昨日的芬芳,这样的气息,让人回味,让人不由深深地呼吸了一口气。 Youth time, is always happy.” Li Qiye sighs with emotion. “青春的时光,总是美好。”李七夜不由感慨。 Chi Xiaodie cannot bear grip the Li Qiye palm, the temperature that the palm transmits, is warming her atrium, after billion years, is feeling this temperature again, just like the most happiness in world, is reverberating in the own atrium. 池小蝶忍不住握住着李七夜手掌,手掌传来的温度,温暖着她的心房,千百万年之后,再次感受着这温度,犹如世间的最美好,在自己心房之中回荡着。 Chi Xiaodie closes one's eyes gently, puts the Li Qiye palm in the own chest, warms fills the air in the atrium, all that happy, as if, all like just started to be the same, human world, filled with the anticipation, human world is filling yearned. 池小蝶轻轻地闭着眼睛,把李七夜手掌放于自己胸膛,温暖在心房中弥漫,一切都是那么的美好,似乎,一切如同刚开始一样,人世间,充满着期待,人世间充满了向往。 Only will then be hopeful in the future, is worth the person protecting, is worth the person going diligently. 只有未来充满期待,才值得人去守护,才值得人去努力。 When is wrapping the atrium of own like this warm, when is warming the own soul, when is warming the own life, all are worth. 当这样的温暖包裹着自己的心房之时,温暖着自己灵魂之时,温暖着自己生命之时,一切都值得。 Has like this warm, has forever anticipation. 有这样的温暖,才有着永远的期待。 Young Master, me then.” Finally, Chi Xiaodie said gently. 公子在,我便在。”最终,池小蝶轻轻地说道。 Li Qiye smiled, reveals the smile of deeply and clearly taking off/escaping, Chi Xiaodie looks crazily, such as was ordinary initially, initially when met, she is looks at this youngster is not pleasing to the eyes, but, all pass, but, like the present, that warm, making people infatuated. 李七夜不由笑了,露出潇脱的笑容,池小蝶看得痴,又如当初一般,当初相见之时,她还是看着这个少年不顺眼,但是,一切都过去,但,又如现在,那么的温暖,让人为之痴迷。 In.” Li Qiye shows the smile gently, all are that remote. “会在的。”李七夜轻轻地露出笑容,一切都是那么久远。 Chi Xiaodie nod, that feared gently such a warmth, arrives at ten million years waiting and protections. 池小蝶轻轻点头,那怕那么一丝的温暖,都抵得过千万年的等待与守护。 At this time, Li Qiye stood in front of Deities that Void Gate came out, Deities looks at Li Qiye, today's Li Qiye, with yesterday's Li Qiye, seemed like there's nothing to change, yesterday's Li Qiye, average not wonderful, today's Li Qiye , was still average not wonderful. 在这个时候,李七夜站在虚空门出来的诸神面前,诸神看着李七夜,今日的李七夜,与昨日的李七夜,看起来似乎没有什么变化,昨日的李七夜,平平无奇,今日的李七夜,也依然是平平无奇。 However, they are old, they once were the ignorant youngster, frivolous generation, once was intention endless expectation small cultivator, after billion years, they have become god. 但是,他们都已经老了,他们曾经是无知少年,轻狂之辈,也曾是心怀无尽憧憬的小修士,千百万年之后,他们已经成为了神祇。 Looked at yesterday, all that remote, that near, probably just happened is soon ordinary. 望昨日,一切都是那么的遥远,又是那么的近,好像是刚刚发生不久一般。 The Li Qiye's vision falls on Old Man, this Old Man wears a grey clothes, the whole person just like is the stone carving is the same, was outlined simply, has the vigorous plain aura. 李七夜的目光落在一个老人身上,这个老人穿着一身灰衣,整个人犹如是石雕一样,简单被勾勒出来,有着浑厚古朴气息。 Zhang Yu.” Li Qiye looks at this Old Man, Li Qiye smiles. 张愚。”李七夜看着这个老人,李七夜笑了笑。 Big Senior Brother-- this Old Man kneels in the ground, does obeisance to Li Qiye greatly, tears, excited incomparable, billion years in the past, Big Senior Brother still remembered him, he is just the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect ordinary disciple, today can Heaven Ascending, become one generation of True God, is bestows Big Senior Brother to bestow. 大师兄——”这个老人伏拜于地上,向李七夜大拜,老泪纵横,激动无比,千百万年过去,大师兄还记得他,他只不过是洗颜古派的普通弟子,今日能登天,成为一代真神,乃是赐大师兄所赐也。 In personality person.” Li Qiye helps up him, patted his shoulder. “性情中人。”李七夜扶起他,拍了拍他的肩膀。 Big Senior Brother-- another Old Man goes forward, does obeisance to Li Qiye greatly, this Old Man, has calm, shoulders Divine Plate, Divine Plate has the fish dragon to transform, just like is one generation of Supreme Ancient God, making one exclaim in surprise. 大师兄——”另一个老人上前,向李七夜大拜,这个老人,沉稳有度,背负神盘,神盘有鱼龙转变,犹如是一代无上古神,让人不由为之惊叹。 Daoli-- Li Qiye smiled, recognizes this to become True God Old Man. 刀离——李七夜笑了一下,认出这个已成为真神老人 Qu Daoli, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect disciple , can meet today again. 屈刀离,洗颜古派的弟子,没有想到,今日能再相见。 Big Senior Brother may recognize me.” At this time, another god has only collected the face, this Old Man is magnificent and expensive astonishing, a manner is majestic, has the air/Qi of Godking. 大师兄可认得我。”在这个时候,另外一个神祇凑过脸来,这个老人乃是华贵惊人,一身神气堂皇逼人,有着神皇之气。 „Hasn't the Serpent Punishing Stick taste remembered?” Li Qiye said to this Old Man with a smile. 打蛇棍的滋味还记得不?”李七夜对这个老人不由笑着说道。 Remembers, has remembered.” This Godking general Old Man shows the look that fondly remembers, Luo Fenghua, in the past by a Li Qiye beating violently disciple, today, is Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect Wushuang/matchless Ancient Ancestor Godking. “记得,一直都记得。”这个神皇一般的老人露出怀念的神色,骆峰华,当年被李七夜一顿狠揍的弟子,今日,也是洗颜古派无双古祖神皇 At this time, the Li Qiye vision fell on Old Man, this Old Man is old age, suffocated, whole body blood energy nearly did not have. 在这个时候,李七夜目光落在一个老人身上,这个老人已经是垂暮,奄奄一息,全身血气近无。 Sees Li Qiye, deeply does obeisance greatly, hong bends down, said: Big Senior Brother.” 李七夜,深深大拜,訇伏,说道:“大师兄。” Visits you, living was older than me.” Li Qiye shows the smile, this Old Man nearly will have died. “看你,活得都比我老了。”李七夜不由露出笑容,这个老人已近将死。 Holds the Big Senior Brother great fortune, can live to today.” Tu Buyu said. “托大师兄鸿福,能活至今日。”屠不语说道。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: wap. 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:wap.
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