ED :: Volume #49

#4801: Trident

Hangs Trident, Supreme Trident, putting in order is huge Trident, the halberd body just like is one huge mountain range, but three sharp just like three big mountain peaks. 高悬三叉戟,无上三叉戟,整把三叉戟巨大无比,戟身犹如是一条巨大的山脉,而三尖犹如是三座高大的山峰。 Puts in order Trident, is sending out the Supreme ray, each ray is the turnover the ancient aura, as if, the ancient aura, came from that remote incomparable years like this. 整把三叉戟,散发著无上的光芒,每一道的光芒都是吞吐著亘古的气息,似乎,这样的亘古气息,是来自于那遥远无比的岁月。 Trident, it is not the real halberd, but is Trident that Supreme Grand Dao Law concentrates, this one Supreme Grand Dao Law, just like is the galaxy equally is thick, each one Supreme Grand Dao Law, contains the strength of boundless infinite Grand Dao, puts in order Trident, just like is carrying Supreme Grand Dao of the whole world, was carrying the whole world the strength of Supreme. 三叉戟,它不是真戟,而是无上大道法则凝成的三叉戟,这一条条无上大道法则,都犹如是星河一样粗大,每一条无上大道法则,都蕴藏着磅礴无穷的大道之力,整把三叉戟,就犹如是承载了整个世界的无上大道,也是承载了整个世界的无上之力。 -- at this time, Martial Pavilion stood tall and erect, in seven Martial Pavilion, is falling one after another ancient incomparable immortality, each immortal is the age is extremely high, the beard and hair was complete, clothes that the body wore, very ancient, did not seem like in the thing of this epoch, after they seemed like cover in dust billion years, was born again general. ——”在这个时候,武阁高耸,七座武阁之中,跌坐着一位又一位古老无比的不朽,每一位不朽都已经是年岁极高,须发全白,身上所穿的衣裳,都是十分的古老,看起来不象是在这个纪元之物,他们好像是尘封千百万年之后,才再一次出世一般。 Such a after another ancient incomparable immortality, although their age is high, blood energy has faded, but, the strength of their Grand Dao, are panic-stricken in the world, each ancient immortality, is situated in human world, will just like a peak, letting the person is unable to span. 这样的一位又一位古老无比的不朽,虽然他们年岁已高,血气已衰,但是,他们的大道之力,可是惊骇于世,每一位古老的不朽,立于人世间,都会犹如是一座巅峰,让人无法去跨越。 At this time, this one after another ancient immortal, grasps Grand Dao, pinches the principle, their boundless invincible strength completely concentrate above Trident, each strength poured into Trident the time, Trident instantaneously spout brightly the blazing ray. 此时,这一位又一位的古老不朽,握大道,捏法则,他们那磅礴无敌的力量全部都凝集在了三叉戟之上,每一股的力量灌入三叉戟之中的时候,三叉戟都会瞬间喷涌出了更加明亮更加炽热的光芒。 In this moment, hears bang, bang and bang sound of the intermittent thundering is lingering on faintly, the ray that Trident shoots up to the sky just like is tearing sky , the inexhaustible ray falls in torrents, sprinkles in Eight Desolate. 在这一刻,听到“轰、轰、轰”的一阵阵轰鸣之声不绝于耳,三叉戟冲天而起的光芒犹如是撕裂的天空,紧接着,无穷无尽的光芒倾泻而下,洒落于八荒之中。 In this moment, Trident, seems like a eternal cursor on Eight Desolate sky to be the same, if entire Eight Desolate compares with is walks the steamship in difficult situation, then, Trident, seems like the lighthouse in Vast Ocean, is guiding the ships across the difficult situation. 在这一刻,三叉戟,就好像是八荒天空上的一道永恒光标一样,如果说,整个八荒比作是一艘行走于惊涛骇浪之中的大船,那么,三叉戟,就好像是汪洋大海之中的灯塔,在引导著船只穿过惊涛骇浪。 However, such Trident, is not only a lighthouse, when its all rays fall in torrents , when just like the endless sunlight is shining a land, all rays sprinkle in Eight Desolate each corner. 然而,这样的三叉戟,不仅仅是灯塔,当它的所有光芒倾泻而下的时候,犹如无尽的阳光照耀着大地之时,所有的光芒洒落在了八荒的每一个角落。 Whiz, whiz, whiz and whiz......” intermittent resonate sound air-splitting, the sound of penetration is lingering on faintly, when Trident falls in torrents when below ray is shining entire Eight Desolate, ray one after another shot through resentful spirits instantaneously. “嗖、嗖、嗖、嗖……”一阵阵破空之声响起,穿透之声不绝于耳,当三叉戟倾泻而下的光芒照耀着整个八荒之时,一道又一道的光芒瞬间射穿了一个又一个的怨灵。 Trident Supreme Grand Dao, not only obtained Supreme blessing, but also is refining up by the most special technique sacrifice, it is very targeted, even can say, ray that this Trident sprinkles, is restrains specially resentfully spirit, is the resentful spirit difficult adversary. 三叉戟无上大道,不仅仅是得到了至高无上加持,而且乃是以最特殊的手法祭炼,它是十分有针对性的,甚至可以说,这三叉戟所洒落的光芒,乃是专门克制怨灵,乃是怨灵的克星。 Therefore, ray penetration resentful spirit time one after another, Ah!, Ah! and sound of Ah!” sad and shrill pitiful yell is lingering on faintly, under billion resentment spirit instantaneous tragic deaths in the Trident ray pierced. 所以,一道又一道的光芒穿透怨灵的时候,“啊”凄厉的惨叫之声不绝于耳,千百万的怨灵瞬间惨死在了三叉戟的光芒洞穿之下。 When sad and shrill pitiful yell sound, as the Trident ray pierces resentful spirits, resentful spirit was purified, hears Tzzzzzzzzz the sound by the ray instantaneously is lingering on faintly, sees only the Trident ray to purify resentment spirit. 在凄厉惨叫声中,随着三叉戟的光芒洞穿一个个怨灵之时,怨灵瞬间被光芒所净化,听到“滋、滋、滋”的声音不绝于耳,只见三叉戟的光芒把一个个怨灵都净化了。 This, this, what is this inheritance, unexpectedly, unexpectedly special restraint these resentment spirit.” Sees such a, Large Sect Old Ancestor, the generation of Wushuang/matchless, shocks. “这,这,这是什么传承,竟,竟然专门克制这些怨灵。”看到这样的一幕,大教老祖,无双之辈,也都不由为之震惊。 When resentful invades Eight Desolate spirit, many the big sects and countries and invincible Old Ancestor one after another resistance, take action cuts the resentful spirit that kills this to drop from the clouds, but, this kills not the resentment spirit seems like hard to kill, even if cut two halves them, they can quickly get back. 在怨灵入侵八荒之时,多少大教疆国、无敌老祖纷纷反抗,出手斩杀这从天而降的怨灵,但是,这杀之不尽的怨灵似乎是十分难以杀死,就算是把它们斩成两半了,他们都能很快恢复过来。 To kill these very strange resentful spirit, is difficulty, needs not to have other bit method. 想杀死这些十分诡异的怨灵,乃是十分的困难,需要无位元别的手段。 However, at this time, on sky like this by the Supreme principle when Trident, falls in torrents the innumerable rays, so long as the ray penetrated the resentful spirit body, can purify instantaneously resentfully spirit. 但是,在这个时候,天空上这样由无上法则所化的三叉戟,倾泻无数的光芒之时,只要光芒穿透了怨灵的身体,都会瞬间把怨灵净化掉。 Such, seems like the sunlight to sprinkle, scatters dark(ness), what kind of dark(ness), how hides in the gloomy corner, so long as the sunlight sprinkles, can dark(ness) by the powder, stubborn dark(ness), same by sunlight by powder. 这样的一幕,就好像是阳光洒落,驱散黑暗,不论是怎么样的黑暗,不论是藏在怎么样阴暗的角落,只要阳光洒落,就能把黑暗逐散,再顽固的黑暗,也一样会被阳光逐散。 Seven Martial Pavilions, Seven Martial Pavilions in legend.” Most people did not know seven Martial Pavilion that at present this appears, did not know in these Martial Pavilion falls the place ancient immortal, because everyone not to have has seen these ancient immortalities, that feared that these ancient immortal is the incomparable great strength, will be as good as human world any powerful far Ancient Ancestor. 七武阁,传说中的七武阁。”绝大多数的人都不认识眼前这浮现的七座武阁,更不认识这一座座武阁之中跌座的古老不朽,因为所有人都冇有见过这些古老的不朽,那怕这些古老不朽是无比的强大,不会亚于人世间任何一位强大的远之古祖 However, is some not to have people knows these people, but, had exactly billion years the ancestor of ancient times eventually, saw these seven Martial Pavilion time, knew their origins. 然而,就是冇有人认识这些人,但是,终究有活了千百万年的远古之祖,看到这七座武阁的时候,知道他们的来历。 Seven Martial Pavilions, real exist(ence)?” When hears Seven Martial Pavilions, does not know that many people one dull, cannot respond at once. 七武阁,真的存在吗?”听到七武阁之时,不知道有多少人为之一呆,一时之间都反应不过来。 Seven Martial Pavilions, has indeed listened to this inheritance, since fact, billion years, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses have discussed this inheritance, however since, in fact, billion years, who has seen this inheritance. 七武阁,的的确确听过这个的一个传承,事实上,千百万年以来,不知道有多少修士强者谈论过这个传承,然而,事实上,千百万年以来,又有谁见过这个传承呢。 Although, Seven Martial Pavilions, the innumerable cultivator powerhouses have discussed that one of the subjects since billion years prosperously not having faded, but, always not to have has anybody to see the Seven Martial Pavilions disciple. 虽然,七武阁,无数修士强者都谈过,千百万年以来兴盛不衰的谈资之一,但是,却从来冇有任何人见过七武阁的弟子。 Therefore, believes in some later generation also many people, Seven Martial Pavilions, not exist(ence), but is some ancient incomparable fabrication. 所以,在后世也有不少人认为,七武阁,并不存在,只不过是某一个古老无比的杜撰罢了。 However, today, when the world plague, appears resentfully spirit, when Eight Desolate falls to the enemy, Seven Martial Pavilions suddenly appears, exterminates the innumerable resentful spirits by Supreme Trident, this indeed is to make the person shock, is the incomparable accident/surprise, who not to have thinks, in legend continuously actually not to show one's face Seven Martial Pavilions, unexpectedly by such form to show one's face. 然而,今日,天下大灾,怨灵出现之时,八荒沦陷之际,七武阁突然出现,以无上三叉戟剿灭无数的怨灵,这样的确是让人为之震撼,也是让人无比的意外,谁都冇有想到,传说中一直却未露脸七武阁,竟然以这样的形式露脸 Even Nine Grand Heavenly Treasures exist(ence), why Seven Martial Pavilions not exist(ence)?” Ancient Primeval Ancestor said. “连九大天宝存在,为什么七武阁就不存在?”有一位古老的元祖说道。 In this case , makes one be startled, thinks carefully , the sleep/felt is the truth, after all, since this billion years, many people have thought Nine Grand Heavenly Treasures, that is just legend, not exist(ence). 这样的话,也不由让人为之一怔,仔细一想,又觉是是道理,毕竟,在这千百万年以来,多少人认为九大天宝,那只不过是传说,并不存在 However, today, Nine Grand Heavenly Treasures didn't appear? Therefore, today presents Seven Martial Pavilions, seems not extraordinary. 但是,在今日,九大天宝不也是出现了?所以,今日出现七武阁,似乎也不出奇。 Bang-- a resonate sound, at this time, above Vault of Heaven, suddenly, presented a person, how this person appears, everyone has not seen clearly, probably appear here there in an instant is the same, braved baseless. “砰——”的一声响起,就在这个时候,天穹之上,突然之间,出现了一个人,这个人是怎么样出现的,所有人都未曾看清楚,好像是在这刹那之间出现在那里一样,凭空冒了出来。 This is a female, a unparalleled female. This female wore valuable armor, valuable armor is sending out the light azure ray, although valuable armor in the body, actually could not block from her curve, under valuable armor, still outlines her thrilling beauty, willow filled/surplus who grasped gracefully, curled upwards perfectly round milk-white bosom, slender **...... these curves under valuable armor, still took in everything at a glance. 这是一个女子,一个绝世无双的女子。这个女子身穿着宝甲,宝甲散发出了淡淡的青色光芒,虽然宝甲在身,却遮不住她的曲线,在宝甲之下,依然是勾勒出了她那动人心魄的美丽,盈盈一握的柳盈,浑圆翘挺的酥胸,修长的**……这些曲线在宝甲之下,依然是一览无余。 At present this female most appealing is not her beautiful appearance, is not her deeply moving stature, but is her aura, her makings. 眼前这位女子最吸引人的不是她美丽的容貌,也不是她动人心絃的身材,而是她的气息,她的气质。 At present this female stands there, her whole body lent sea feel, looks at she, you saw that probably Blue Sea blue sky was the same, making the person mind joyful, making people completely relaxed. 眼前这位女子站在那里,她全身散发出了一股海洋气息,看着她,你就好像是看到一片碧海蓝天一样,让人心神愉悦,让人心旷神怡。 However, her sea feel, is not a delicacy, but is a firmness, such aura did not remind you of that type of gentle sea water, but was mammoth, as if, she was that type assaults Vault of Heaven, to whip tall Ya the fierce overbearing ocean waves, was is not stroking the small ocean waves of whole body gently. 然而,她身上的海洋气息,不是一种柔弱,而是一种刚强,这样的气息不是让你想起了那种温柔的海水,而是波澜壮阔,似乎,她就是那种搏击天穹、拍打高崖的凶猛霸道的海浪,不是温柔抚摸著全身的小海浪。 This female stands above sky, just like is Eternal Supreme god, in this moment, everyone was not fallen by her unparalleled appearance, but was deterred by that ancient aura. 这个女子站在天空之上,犹如是一尊万古无上的神祇,在这一刻,所有人都不是被她绝世无双的容颜所倾倒,而是被那亘古的气息所威慑。 She, is a god, True God, she, world god, just like False God is common. 她,就是一尊神,一尊真神,她在,世间神祇,犹如伪神一般。 She is, deters ten sides, town/subdues all lands, gets ten thousand seas. 她所在,威慑十方,镇万域,领万海。 Sea God?” A looks at such female, everyone stayed, but, everyone looks at one, does not dare for a long time to look, not to have has to stay above that perfect incomparable stature. 海神吗?”看着这样的一个女子,所有人都呆了,但是,大家只是看一眼,不敢久看,更冇有停留在那完美无比的身材之上。 Anybody's stopping light stays for a long time on her body, lets the person feeling is blaspheming, this is disrespectful. 任何人的止光在她的身上停留久一点,都让人感觉是一种亵渎,此为大不敬也。 Sees this female, in all will of the people appears word-- Sea God. 一看到这个女子,所有人心里面都浮现一个词——海神 Everyone felt that at present this female, is True God, perhaps is human world only True God, leads god of-- Sea God governing ten thousand sea. 所有人都觉得,眼前这个女子,乃是一尊真神,或许是人世间唯一的真神,一尊领御万海之神——海神 „It is not Sea God.” looks at at present this female, from Eastern Desolate ancient ancestor's Primeval Ancestor, at once absent-minded, muttered said: This, this, this is seven Martial God in legend.” “不是海神。”看着眼前这个女子,有一位来自于东荒古老世祖的元祖,一时之间失神,喃喃地说道:“这,这,这是传说中的七武神。” Seven Martial God, exist(ence) such god?” Some person stare blankly. “七武神,存在这样的神祇吗?”有人不由呆了一下 This Ancient Aristocratic Family Primeval Ancestor nod, said gently: Should exist(ence), I not see, has listened to such legend. Seven Martial Pavilions, there is True God, is seven Martial God. Defends Sea Clan, against shadow, as if, Seven Martial Pavilions exist(ence), her exist(ence), to resist a some curse of race world.” 这位古老世家元祖轻轻地点头,说道:“应该存在,我也未曾见过,听过这样的传说七武阁,有一位真神,为七武神。乃是守海族,防阴影,似乎,七武阁存在,她的存在,是为了抵抗一个种族一个世界的某一个诅咒。” Some curse?” Some people for it stare blankly, cannot bear ask: What cursed?” “某一个诅咒?”有人不由为之呆了一下,忍不住问道:“什么诅咒?” Does not know, the hearsay said that an ancient incomparable curse, stems from First Ancestor.” This Ancient Aristocratic Family Primeval Ancestor said. “不知道,传闻说,一个古老无比的诅咒,乃是起源于始祖。”这位古老世家元祖说道。 But nearby another ancient God Monarch, said in a low voice: Stems from the curse of First Ancestor, for example Dao Sanqian such? If Three Thousand Daos has the survivor, after billion years, regarding these posterity, Dao Sanqian, is not the First Ancestor ancestor incantation.” 而旁边的另外一个古老神王,不由低声地说道:“源于始祖的诅咒,比如道三千这样的吗?若是三千道有幸存者,千百万年之后,对于这些子孙后代而言,道三千,不也是始祖的祖咒。” Repairs me saying that offers for me.” Heard such words, Ancient Aristocratic Family Primeval Ancestor also had a shiver. “修我道,为我献上。”听到这样的话,古老世家元祖也不由打了一个冷颤。 bo a resonate sound, at this time, this Martial Goddess opened the eyes, probably after deep sleep billion years, regains consciousness to be the same again. “啵”的一声响起,在这个时候,这个女武神张开了双眼,好像是沉睡千百万年之后再一次苏醒一样。 When she, as soon as opens the eyes, both eyes just like is stars is ordinary, illuminated the Eternal dark(ness) world. 当她一张开双眼的时候,双目犹如是星辰一般,照亮了万古黑暗世界。
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