ED :: Volume #48

#4794: Gets sick while him, wants him to assign/life

Beginning among everyone is considering Dao Sanqian, Qiankun Yizhi and ancient silver them when conspiring anything, suddenly, Dao Sanqian and Qiankun Yizhi launch an attack. “动手”就在所有人都在思量道三千乾坤一掷、古银他们之间在密谋什么之时,突然之间,道三千乾坤一掷发难。 Buzz a resonate sound, in this moment, seeing only the Dao Sanqian whole body is radiant, spurted in this in an instant had/left the inexhaustible ray thinly. “嗡”的一声响起,就在这一刻,只见道三千全身璀璨,在这刹那之间喷薄出了无穷无尽的光芒。 Hears bang a resonate sound, sees only Dao Sanqian to tread one step, compels to Li Qiye, when he one step treads, the world sways, in this moment, Dao Sanqian just like is the heaviness of carrying the world, oneself immeasurable, one step then can tread the universe. 听到“砰”的一声响起,只见道三千踏出一步,向李七夜逼去,当他一步踏出之时,天地摇晃,在这一刻,道三千犹如是承天地之重,自身无量,一步便可以踏碎乾坤。 Why must see that Dao Sanqian one step treads suddenly, compels to Li Qiye, many cultivator powerhouses call out in alarm one. “要干什么”看到道三千突然之间一步踏出,向李七夜逼去,有许多修士强者不由为之惊呼一声。 Buzz under one, at this moment, Qiankun Yizhi was also the whole body spurts had/left incessant golden light thinly, each wisp of golden light seemed like world giant sword to be the same, each giant sword just like is gold casts, has the immeasurable strength, has the immeasurable say/way. “嗡”的一声之下,此时此刻,乾坤一掷也是全身喷薄出了滔滔不绝的金光,每一缕金光都好像是天地巨剑一样,每一把巨剑犹如是黄金所铸,有着无量之力,有着无量之道。 This is must attack Li Qiye.” At this time, anybody could look, Dao Sanqian and Qiankun Yizhi they must do. “这是要攻伐李七夜。”在这个时候,任何人都看得出来,道三千乾坤一掷他们是要干什么了。 In this electrical spark light, everyone looks to Li Qiye, sees only Li Qiye to sit cross-legged there, motionless, has not pulled up a lower lid, as if has sat in meditation, regarding matter of , knows nothing, does not have to feel. 在这石火电光之间,所有人都向李七夜望去,只见李七夜盘坐在那里,一动不动,也没有撩一下眼皮,似乎已经入定,对于外界之事,一无所知,一无所感。 Must extinguish Li Qiye, must seize Heavenly Treasure.” At this time, had Large Sect Old Ancestor to understand all of a sudden Dao Sanqian and Qiankun Yizhi they must do. “要灭李七夜,要夺天宝。”在这个时候,有大教老祖一下子明白道三千乾坤一掷他们是要干什么了。 They from beginning to end, have not lost heart, that feared that clearly knows Li Qiye is very powerful, was very fearful, but, still conspires, still plans is killing Li Qiye, seeks Heavenly Treasure in Li Qiye hand, the stratagem seizes Supreme Immortal Stone. 他们从始至终,都未死心,那怕明知道李七夜十分强大,十分可怕了,但是,依然是有密谋,依然是谋划着狙杀李七夜,谋得李七夜手中的天宝,谋夺无上仙石 No wonder Qiankun Yizhi must be separated from True Immortal Cult.” At this time, some people for it suddenly, understood all of a sudden all of a sudden. “难怪乾坤一掷要脱离真仙教。”在这个时候,有一些人一下子为之恍然,一下子明白过来了。 Qiankun Yizhi conspires to take Li Qiye, wants to seize Heavenly Treasure, but, who knows, Li Qiye was extremely powerful, extremely in terrifying. If successful, that is not no need saying that all ages is invincible. If failed, this only feared that will be Qiankun Yizhi is ground incessantly extinguishes, only feared that will also implicate True Immortal Cult, by that time, a Li Qiye anger, only feared that entire True Immortal Cult will also be vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke. 乾坤一掷密谋欲取李七夜,欲夺天宝,但是,谁都知道,李七夜太过于强大了,太过于恐怖了。若是成功,那就不必多说,万世无敌也。若是失败,这只怕不止是乾坤一掷会被碾灭,只怕也会连累真仙教,到了那个时候,李七夜一怒,只怕整个真仙教也是灰飞烟灭 Therefore, Qiankun Yizhi very clear own makes anything, moreover what kind of consequence will cause, because, him will be so separated from True Immortal Cult, that feared that was pursued True Immortal Cult, did not regret. 所以,乾坤一掷很清楚自己是做什么,而且会带来怎么样的后果,也正是因为如此,他才会脱离真仙教,那怕是被驱逐出真仙教,也不后悔。 „When this is not near to emerge.” At this time, had in the aristocratic family Senior Elder heart to shake, said in a low voice: This only feared that is conspires for a long time.” “这不是时临兴起。”在这个时候,有世家元老心里面不由为之一震,低声地说道:“这只怕是密谋已久。” At this moment, everyone also realized, after Dao Sanqian and Qiankun Yizhi they did not see Li Qiye is seriously injured, for a while get up read corruptly, plotted to murder Li Qiye, in fact, only feared that Dao Sanqian and Qiankun Yizhi have conspired before then, that feared that their clearly knows Li Qiye was very powerful, very terrifying, still conspired to cut to kill Li Qiye, the stratagem seizes Li Qiye's Heavenly Treasure, the stratagem seizes Supreme Immortal Stone, to establish their Eternal Wushuang/matchless position. 此时此刻,大家也都意识到,道三千乾坤一掷他们并非是看到李七夜受了重伤之后才一时起了贪念,谋害李七夜,事实上,只怕道三千乾坤一掷在此之前就已经有密谋,那怕他们明知道李七夜十分强大,十分恐怖,依然密谋斩杀李七夜,谋夺李七夜的天宝,谋夺无上仙石,以奠定他们万古无双的地位。 Senior Brother saw that Dao Sanqian lashes out at Li Qiye suddenly, Gathering Universe Heavenly King is also surprised. 师兄”看到道三千突然对李七夜发难,罗乾天王也不由为之一惊。 Gathering Universe Heavenly King is also good, other far Ancient Ancestor , Li Qiye powerful to is not they can shake as we all know, even can say, their these were known as the invincible generation, in front of Li Qiye, that is just the ants. 罗乾天王也好,其他的远之古祖也罢,所有人都知道,李七夜已经强大到了不是他们所能撼动的,甚至可以说,他们这些号称无敌之辈,在李七夜面前,那只不过是蝼蚁罢了。 Although said that at this moment, Li Qiye has heavenly wound in the body, but, who knows that what kind of situation he is powerful to? Perhaps, Li Qiye even if has heavenly wound in the body, wants the steamroll they, that is also the easy matter. 虽然说,此时此刻,李七夜天伤在身,但是,又有谁知道他是强大到怎么样的地步呢?说不定,李七夜就算是天伤在身,要碾压他们,那也是轻而易举之事。 Therefore, that fears before then, Gathering Universe Heavenly King has with Li Qiye for the potential of enemy, but, after seeing the Li Qiye terrifying incomparable strength, he also gave up, because, they are unable to shake Li Qiye, not only brings about own destruction, even may anger Li Qiye, implicates Sect. 所以,那怕在此之前,罗乾天王有与李七夜为敌之势,但是,见李七夜恐怖无匹的实力之后,他也都放弃了,因为,他们根本就无法撼动李七夜,不仅是自寻死路,甚至有可能惹怒李七夜,连累宗门 Also because, Gathering Universe Heavenly King had so admitted defeat, even believes, Li Qiye wants take action to cut him, he can give up resisting, in fact, Li Qiye really wants take action to cut him, their take action resistance cannot change anything. 也正是因为如此,罗乾天王都已经认输了,甚至都认为,李七夜出手斩他,他都可以放弃抵抗了,事实上,李七夜真的要出手斩他,他们出手抵抗也改变不了什么。 However, now at this time, while Li Qiye heavenly wound in the body, Dao Sanqian united Qiankun Yizhi to lash out at Li Qiye, this made Gathering Universe Heavenly King accidental/surprised, moreover this does not emerge temporarily, was conspiring, this made Gathering Universe Heavenly King anxious immediately. 但是,现在这个时候,趁着李七夜天伤在身,道三千联合乾坤一掷李七夜发难,这让罗乾天王意外,而且这不是临时兴起,是一种密谋,这顿时让罗乾天王不安了。 At this time, to him, the own body dies, that is the minor matter, perhaps is more fearful, the bad result. 此时,对于他来说,自己身死,那是小事,或许还有更加可怕、恶劣的结局。 While this time, establishes the merit of all ages.” At this time, Dao Sanqian also said to Gathering Universe Heavenly King: Luo sworn elder brother , helping my helping hand.” “趁此时,奠万世之功。”在这个时候,道三千也对罗乾天王说道:“罗乾兄,助我一臂之力。” Gathering Universe Heavenly King hesitant, finally, clenches teeth, said: Good 罗乾天王不由犹豫了一下,最终,一咬牙,说道:“好” Regarding Gathering Universe Heavenly King, he and Dao Sanqian has the life-and-death friendship friendship , since the friend, billion years, is cooperation without a gap, even it can be said that the life and death relies on one another. 对于罗乾天王而言,他与道三千有着生死之交的情谊,彼此之间,乃是知己,千百万年以来,都是合作无间,甚至可以说是生死相依。 Regarding Gathering Universe Heavenly King or regarding Dao Sanqian, they, is willing dead for the opposite party, how faces the fearful disaster or the situation. 对于罗乾天王或者对于道三千而言,他们彼此之间,愿意为对方而死,不论是面对怎么样可怕灾难或处境。 At this time, that feared that Gathering Universe Heavenly King clearly knows Li Qiye is invincible, but, Dao Sanqian opens the mouth to request, Gathering Universe Heavenly King clearly knows has the dire consequence, but, he complied. 此时,那怕罗乾天王明知道李七夜不可战胜,但是,道三千开口相求,罗乾天王明知道有着可怕的后果,但是,他还是答应了。 Braves grave dangers and makes great sacrifices for the brothers, this is Gathering Universe Heavenly King, for Dao Sanqian, he raised own Gathering Universe Spear to Li Qiye without hesitation. 为兄弟两肋插刀,这就是罗乾天王,为了道三千,他是毫不犹豫向李七夜提起了自己罗乾枪 I said 3000.” At this time, Dao Sanqian cried loud and long. Hears bang loud sound, the inexhaustible ray blasted out in this instantaneously all of a sudden, the incomparable radiance, innumerable rain of light sprinkle in between Heaven and Earth all of a sudden. “我道有三千。”在这个时候,道三千长啸一声。听到“轰”的一声巨响,无穷无尽的光芒在这瞬间一下子炸开了,无比的璀璨,无数的光雨一下子洒落于天地之间 When this instantaneous, the world changes colors, sun and moon does not have the light, sees only the Dao Sanqian whole body spout endless Dao Light, 3000 Supreme Grand Dao appear. 在这瞬间,天地失色,日月无光,只见道三千全身喷涌出无尽道光之时,三千条无上大道浮现。 At present such, the incomparable magnificent sight, three thousand Supreme Grand Dao, ups and downs in between Heaven and Earth, bridge joint all lands, supports stars, in three thousand Supreme Grand Dao, there is sun and moon to derive, has all ages to reappear, the strength of inexhaustible Grand Dao, in this in an instant, just like submerged Heavens. 眼前这样的一幕,无比的壮观,三千无上大道,沉浮于天地之间,架接万域,承托星辰,在三千无上大道之中,有日月衍生,有万世浮现,无穷无尽的大道之力,在这刹那之间,犹如是淹没了诸天 bang bang bang hears sound of lingering on faintly time an intermittent thundering, the strength of impact Dao Sanqian that incessant Grand Dao comes, rumbled to 9 Heavens 10 Worlds, did not know many creature under the strength of Grand Dao, in proliferated like this infinitely shivered. 轰轰轰”听到一阵阵轰鸣之声不绝于耳的时候,道三千那滔滔不绝的大道之力冲击而来,向九天十地轰了出去,不知道有多少生灵在这样无穷扩散的大道之力下颤抖。 Dao Sanqian, lives up to reputation, very powerful.” Three thousand Grand Dao straight bang, strength of incessant time Grand Dao, even if Large Sect Old Ancestor, shivers. 道三千,名不虚传,好强大。”三千大道直轰而出,大道之力滔滔不绝的时候,就算是大教老祖,也不由为之颤抖。 Although said, Li Qiye's terrifying, has made world all creature incomparably tiny, that feared that is the invincible generation also like the ants, but, regarding human world all cultivator, that fears when Li Qiye is similar to ants general Dao Sanqian, once erupts he powerful incomparable strength, is equally fearful incomparable, regarding human world cultivator, Dao Sanqian, is still invincible , can momentarily the steamroll all of them. 虽然说,李七夜的恐怖,已经让天下所有生灵都变得无比渺小,那怕是无敌之辈也如蝼蚁,但是,对于人世间的所有修士而言,那怕在李七夜面前如同蝼蚁一般的道三千,一旦爆发出他强大无匹的力量之时,也是一样可怕无比,对于人世间修士而言,道三千,依然是无敌也,随时都可以碾压他们所有人也。 I said 3000, world I for immortal.” Some people sighed such one sentence lowly. “我道有三千,世间我为仙。”有人不由低叹了这样的一句话 If in without Li Qiye, perhaps, many cultivator powerhouses, will think Dao Sanqian these words, after all, among Whole World, is difficult compared with Dao Sanqian more powerful exist(ence), looks like in human world all cultivator powerhouses, Dao Sanqian is built on the time river the R giant. 若是在没有李七夜之间,或许,许许多多的修士强者,都会认为道三千这一句话,毕竟,举世之间,难有比道三千更加强大的存在,在人世间的所有修士强者看来,道三千已经是立于时间长河之中r巨人了。 Three thousand Supreme Grand Dao, originally create it by one's effort, human world, but also who has this magnificent feat compared with Dao Sanqian? 三千无上大道,以一己之力独创之,人世间,还有谁比道三千更有此壮举? After all, Dao Sanqian has directed one after another Dao Monarch's exist(ence), he indeed has the qualifications to be built on the human world peak. 毕竟,道三千可是指点过一位又一位道君的存在,他的确是有资格立于人世间的巅峰。 For lance at this time, heard Qiankun Yizhi to cry loud and long , heard bang loud sound, only the body of wind Qiankun Yizhi floated in void, when put out a hand to pick, thunderous lightning, in intermittent thunderous lightning, saw only innumerable lightning the same as fall in torrents like the raging tide, when this moment, just like is billion lightning thunderous straight bang to Qiankun Yizhi. “道为矛”在这个时候,听到乾坤一掷长啸一声,紧接着,听到“轰”的一声巨响,只风乾坤一掷的身体浮于虚空,伸手一摘之时,雷鸣闪电,在一阵阵雷鸣闪电之中,只见无数的闪电如同狂潮一样倾泻而下,在这一刻之时,犹如是千百万的闪电雷鸣直轰向乾坤一掷 In this moment, Qiankun Yizhi puts out a hand to seize, seizes ten million/countless lightning, concentrates together the electricity lance. 就在这一刻,乾坤一掷伸手一夺,捉千万闪电,凝一道电矛。 When the electricity lance in the hand, hears bang, bang the sound is lingering on faintly, innumerable lightning flee all of a sudden in the whole body twinkle of Qiankun Yizhi, in this moment, only listened to buzz a resonate sound, Qiankun Yizhi both eyes spout lightning, the whole person just like is changes is Supreme god, in this at this moment, Qiankun Yizhi changed to the god of thunder and lightning probably, between Heaven and Earth the strength of all thunder and lightning, has gathered above this electricity lance, a lance shot, will certainly destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth, just like is heaven punishment is ordinary. 当电矛在手之时,听到“噼、噼”的声音不绝于耳,无数的闪电一下子在乾坤一掷的全身闪烁窜动,在这一刻,只听“嗡”的一声响起,乾坤一掷双目都喷涌出了闪电,整个人犹如是化作为无上的神祇,在这此时此刻,乾坤一掷好像是化作了雷电之神,天地之间的所有雷电之力,都是已经聚集在了这电矛之上,一矛掷出,必将毁天灭地,犹如是天罚一般。 King motionless spear/gun at this time, Gathering Universe Heavenly King was also ready for any sacrifice, cried loud and long, Gathering Universe Spear instantaneous ray in hand endless, a spear/gun lifted the day, as, bang loud sound, a spear/gun just like pierced Vault of Heaven, pierced Ten Thousand Worlds. “王不动枪”在这个时候,罗乾天王也是豁出去了,长啸一声,手中的罗乾枪瞬间光芒无尽,一枪举天,随着,“轰”的一声巨响,一枪犹如是捅破了天穹,捅破了万界 In this moment, a spear/gun endless, stands erect palatially, just like is the column of the world is ordinary. 就在这一刻,一枪无尽,巍峨屹立,犹如是世界之柱一般。 When such a spear/gun is palatial, when such as the column of the world, hears bang, bang and bang the sound of thundering is lingering on faintly, above Vault of Heaven, a huge incomparable spear/gun sea formed, trillion Divine Spear float there, each god floats is the turnover Grand Dao runes, each Divine Spear just like is the trillion honored heaviness. 当这样的一枪巍峨,如世界之柱时,听到“轰、轰、轰”的轰鸣之声不绝于耳,天穹之上,一个庞大无比的枪海形成了,亿万神枪悬浮在那里,每一把神浮都是吞吐着大道符文,每一把神枪都犹如是亿万钧之重。 In this moment, trillion Divine Spear, under instantaneous bang time, only feared that is the immeasurable heaviness, can hit to sink the land instantaneously, such a spear/gun, destroys border country, destroys side mountains and rivers, that is without question. 在这一刻,亿万神枪,瞬间轰下的时候,只怕是无量之重,瞬间可以把大地打沉,这样的一枪,毁灭一个疆国,打碎一方山河,那是毫无问题的。 Put forth own trump card.” Seeing Dao Sanqian is Three Thousand Daos appears, the Qiankun Yizhi electricity lance in the hand, Gathering Universe Heavenly King is the trillion spear/gun is motionless, the world shivers. “都使出了自己杀手锏了。”看到道三千乃是三千道浮现,乾坤一掷电矛在手,罗乾天王乃是亿万枪不动,天地都不由为之颤抖。 „Can Li Qiye, be able to block three big expert Peerless to kill?” In this moment, has the powerhouse absent-minded, muttered said. 李七夜,能挡得住三大高手绝世一杀吗?”在这一刻,有强者不由为之失神,喃喃地说道。 If before then, anybody felt, Dao Sanqian their Peerless kill again powerful, that also is just the ants strikes, brought about own destruction, cannot injure Li Qiye slightly. 若是在此之前,任何人都觉得,道三千他们三个人的绝世一杀再强大,那也只不过是蝼蚁一击罢了,自寻死路,伤不了李七夜丝毫。 However, at this moment, Li Qiye heavenly wound in body, doubtable, whether Li Qiye has the strength of counter-attack. 但是,此时此刻,李七夜天伤在身,让人怀疑,李七夜是否有反击之力。
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