ED :: Volume #48

#4763: Perfect Immortal Physique

Feeling rejuvenated, moreover is not only the change in appearance, but was the whole person turned into a girl, this was a rebirth, reborn once again. 返老还童,而且不仅仅是容貌上的变化,而是整个人变成了一个女童,这是一种重生,再活一世 In this process, seems like a baby to grow up to be the same, that feared that can bring back own memory in the future, but, the experience of, still walks again in human world. 在这个过程,就好像是一个婴儿长大一样,那怕在未来能取回自己记忆,但是,其中的经历,依然是在人世间再走一趟。 Wolong Xuan such Bloodline, indeed is can be called is shocking, after all, don't said that is the ordinary cultivator powerhouse, even if invincible generation, had once thought reborn once again. 卧龙璇这样的血统,的的确确是称得上是惊艳,毕竟,莫说是普通的修士强者,就算是无敌之辈,也都曾想过再活一世 However, can the reborn once again person, since this billion years, it may be said that be few. 但是,能再活一世的人,在这千百万年以来,可谓是寥寥无几。 But Wolong Xuan has such ancient incomparable Bloodline, one type has lost the trillion years Bloodline, enabling her reborn once again, even may live again several. 卧龙璇拥有着这样古老无比的血统,一种已经遗失亿万岁月的血统,使得她能再活一世,甚至有可能再活几世。 Naturally, Wolong Xuan such Bloodline, although is very heaven defying, but, can have such Bloodline, to inherit such Bloodline person, only feared that since this Eternal, is few. 当然,卧龙璇这样的血统虽然是十分逆天,但是,能拥有这样血统、能遗传这样血统的人,只怕在这万古以来,乃是寥寥无几。 This coming from deep sea family of the deceased's Bloodline, in this trillion years time, had become extinct, Wolong Xuan this does not know was separated by many years, had/left her such Bloodline. 这种来自于深海遗族的血统,在这亿万年时间里,都已经是绝种了,卧龙璇这也是不知道是相隔了多少的岁月,才出了她这样的血统 Such deep sea family of the deceased Bloodline, making Wolong Xuan live again first, brought back own memory again, but, there is an obvious drawback. 这样的深海遗族血统,让卧龙璇再活了一世,又重取回了自己记忆,但是,也有明显的弊端。 reborn once again is also good, feels rejuvenated, in this process, making Wolong Xuan lose the own beforehand character, seemed like changes a person to be the same completely. 再活一世也好,返老还童也罢,在这个过程之中,使得卧龙璇丢失了自己以前的性格,就好像是完全变了一个人一样。 Beforehand Wolong Xuan, is Celestial Dragon Sovereign, wisdom graceful Dragon Sovereign, keeps aloof . Moreover, regards anything regarding anything, is full of the wisdom. 以前的卧龙璇,乃是中天龙皇,一位睿智优雅的龙皇,高高在上,而且对于任何事情、看待任何事情,都是充满着智慧。 Present Wolong Xuan, that feared that was her skill, cultivation and good fortune is to still retain, before she even brought back own, memory that preserved, what person knowing own was, knows that what kind of life experience own had before entire life. 现在的卧龙璇,那怕是她的功力、道行、造化依然是保留下来了,她甚至是取回了自己以前所留存下来的记忆,知道自己是什么样的人,知道自己在前一生拥有怎么样的人生经历。 However, before she cannot return, is impossible to make beforehand own, before that wisdom graceful Wolong Xuan, already already no longer exist(ence). 但是,她回不到以前,不可能做回以前的自己,以前那个睿智优雅的卧龙璇,早就已经不复存在 Present Wolong Xuan is just a little girl, has several sharing responsibility, has several points of comfortableness, even has several points of ominous little girl, has the childish little girl. 现在的卧龙璇只不过是一个小女孩,有着几分任性,有着几分自在,甚至有着几分凶巴巴的小女孩,一个有着孩子气的小女孩。 This is present this era Wolong Xuan, before that wisdom graceful Wolong Xuan, is no longer exist(ence). 这就是现在这一世卧龙璇,以前那个睿智优雅的卧龙璇,已经是不复存在 Such experience, regarding Wolong Xuan, this is also shape of the difficult word, is good whether, is unable to go to the conclusion. 这样的经历,对于卧龙璇而言,这也是一种难言之状,是好是否,也是无法去定论。 So Bloodline, is shocking Wushuang/matchless.” Zhuo Jianshi sees Wolong Xuan such condition, approved one lightly. “如此血统,乃是惊艳无双也。”卓剑诗看到卧龙璇这样的状态,也不由轻赞了一声。 This also indeed is so, many invincible generation, desires reborn once again not to, now billion years in the past, Wolong Xuan can actually live first, only this on the one hand, Immortal Emperor and present age Dao Monarch even if these, for it dark however. 这也的确是如此,多少无敌之辈,欲求再活一世而不得,现在千百万年过去,卧龙璇却能活出了一世,单是这一方面,就算是那些古之仙帝、当世道君,也都不由为之暗然。 Your Immortal Physique, that is also unparalleled.” Regarding the praise of Zhuo Jianshi, Li Qiye smiled. “你们的仙体,那也是绝世无双。”对于卓剑诗的赞美,李七夜笑了一下。 Zhuo Jianshi and Liu Ruyan they practice, is unparalleled Immortal Physique Technique, originally, what they practice is own Sect Physique Technique, but, obtained the Li Qiye's direction afterward, their Immortal Physique breaks through, finally practiced unparalleled Immortal Physique . Moreover, this was close to the Immortal Technique body of Physique Scripture infinitely. 卓剑诗柳如烟她们所修练的,都是绝世无双仙体术,本来,她们所修练的乃是自己宗门体术,但是,后来得到了李七夜的指点,她们仙体突破,最终修练成了绝世无双仙体,而且,这是无限接近于体书仙术体。 The most important thing is, after their Immortal Physique practiced billion years, polish time and time again, tempered time and time again, their Immortal Physique are close to the perfect condition finally. 最重要的是,她们的仙体修练了千百万年之后,一次又一次的打磨,一次又一次的淬炼,最终她们的仙体接近于完美状态。 Considers, two concrete big accomplishment Immortal Physique, this means anything. 试想一下,两具体大成仙体,这是意味着什么。 In that remote years, in that ancient years, Immortal Physique, big accomplishment Immortal Physique, it may be said that can strikes horizontally Immortal Emperor, with a Immortal Emperor war, even there is big accomplishment Immortal Physique once to defeat Immortal Emperor. 在那遥远的岁月里,在那古老的岁月里,仙体,大成仙体,可谓是能横击仙帝,与仙帝一战,甚至有大成仙体曾是战胜了仙帝 But now, Zhuo Jianshi and Liu Ruyan they experienced the polish of billion years, after suffering the catastrophe, their big accomplishment Immortal Physique, obtained again perfect tempered, making their Immortal Physique reach the pinnacle, making one exclaim in surprise. 而现在,卓剑诗柳如烟她们两个人经历了千百万年的打磨,经历了大灾难之后,她们大成仙体,得到了再一次完美的淬炼,使得她们的仙体可谓是登峰造极,让人都不由为之惊叹。 Immortal Physique is extremely difficult to practice, even if there is a unparalleled talent to practice Immortal Physique, even was Immortal Physique big accomplishment, but, in this process, always has the places of some discontented circles, even possibly had some flaws. 要知道,仙体是极难修练而成的,就算有绝世无双的天才修练成了仙体,甚至是仙体大成,但是,在这个过程之中,总是有着一些不满圆之处,甚至可能出现一些缺陷。 However, Zhuo Jianshi and Liu Ruyan under the polish of billion years, let their achievement finally Wushuang/matchless Immortal Physique, moreover was two complete big accomplishment body bodies. 但是,卓剑诗柳如烟千百万年的打磨之下,终于让她们成就了无双仙体,而且是两具完全的大成体体。 Heaven Devourer Demon Physique and Saint Spring Physique, two big unique Immortal Physique, big accomplishment Immortal Physique, this enough makes Zhuo Jianshi and Liu Ruyan they sweep away the world, this enough makes them look disdainfully ten sides, called the invincibility, that was also not excessive. 吞天魔体圣泉体,两大独一无二的仙体,大成仙体,这足够让卓剑诗柳如烟她们横扫天下,这足够让她们睥睨十方,称之无敌,那也是不过分。 „The Young Master direction, makes our sisters have such good fortune.” Zhuo Jianshi to Li Qiye deeply bowing the body. 公子指点,才让我们姐妹有着这样的造化。”卓剑诗李七夜深深地鞠身 Li Qiye smiled, said: Grand Dao practice, the final good fortune, depends upon own, I also occupy pull out the wrong way.” 李七夜笑了一下,说道:“大道修行,最终的造化,乃是依靠自己,我也只是占拔迷津罢了。” Young Master felt, which we also do have to have a need more complete place?” At this time, Liu Ruyan seized an opportunity, blinks to Li Qiye, manner somewhat cute, what were more was a smoke regards to flatter the line, has incomparable charming, making one look at the bone to be crisp. 公子觉得,我们还有哪些有需要更加圆满之处?”在这个时候,柳如烟不失时机,向李七夜眨了眨眼睛,神态有几分的可爱,更多的是一种烟视媚行,有着无比的妩媚,让人看得骨头都不由酥了。 „, The scratching with the finger posture makes the head.” Regarding Liu Ruyan like this charming bone to inter the body, some Wolong Xuan disdaining, or regarding Liu Ruyan such stance, Wolong Xuan are always always uncomfortable, perhaps, this is thinks that Liu Ruyan this is enticing Li Qiye. “切,搔姿弄首。”对于柳如烟这样的妩媚入骨,卧龙璇总是有一些不屑,或者说,对于柳如烟这样的姿态,卧龙璇总是不爽,或许,这就是认为柳如烟这是在勾引李七夜吧。 Liu Ruyan was also Wolong Xuan one, smiled tenderly, her like this charming posture, indeed was the incomparable seduction will of the people, she is sizing up Wolong Xuan up and down, smiled tenderly said: Yo, our Dragon Sovereign, were jealous , the even if scratching with the finger posture makes the head, that also you have this beautiful appearance and stature, your small bean sprouts, think that the scratching with the finger posture makes the head, that does not have this condition. Only if, our past Dragon Sovereign can reappear in the world.” 柳如烟乃是也了卧龙璇一眼,娇笑,她这样的妩媚之姿,的确是无比的诱惑人心,她上下打量着卧龙璇,娇笑地说道:“哟,我们的龙皇,是不是吃醋了,不过嘛,就算是搔姿弄首,那也得你有这个美貌和身材,你一个小豆芽,想搔姿弄首,那也是没有这个条件呀。除非,我们当年的龙皇能再现于世了。” Wolong Xuan resulted in the tooth to be itchy by the words air/Qi of Liu Ruyan such provocation, is staring Liu Ruyan ominously, said: Believes, this Miss makes into the disabled person you, looked that your also how scratching with the finger posture makes the head.” 卧龙璇柳如烟这样挑衅的话气得牙痒痒的,凶巴巴地瞪着柳如烟,说道:“信不信,本姑娘把你打成残废,看你还怎么样搔姿弄首。” Liu Ruyan pats gently is patting own that to stand tall and erect to fill the chest of incomparable seduction, smiles tenderly said: Is good to fear, our Dragon Sovereign must try, looks that can make into the disabled person me.” 柳如烟轻轻地拍着拍自己那高耸而充满无比诱惑的胸膛,娇笑地说道:“好怕怕喔,我们的龙皇要不要来试试,看一看能不能把我打成残废呢。” Wolong Xuan indeed is very powerful, reborn once again she, the sufficient strength shows disdain for the world, but, Liu Ruyan is not the person of being a vegetarian, as having big accomplishment Immortal Physique her, and has is being close to perfect big accomplishment Immortal Physique, this also makes her have same strength that sweeps away the world. 卧龙璇的的确确是十分强大,再活一世的她,足够实力去傲视天下,但是,柳如烟也不是什么吃素的主儿,作为拥有大成仙体的她,而且拥有着接近完美的大成仙体,这也一样让她拥有着横扫天下的实力。 That feared that is Wolong Xuan to Liu Ruyan, does not have odds of success. 那怕是卧龙璇对上柳如烟,也没有胜算可言。 Seductress.” Wolong Xuan by Liu Ruyan such provocation, the air/Qi resulted in the tooth to be itchy. “狐狸精。”卧龙璇柳如烟这样的挑衅,气得牙痒痒的。 Liu Ruyan smiles tenderly, indeed is charming incomparable, making one bones crisp, she said tenderly with a smile: even if wants to be the seductress, that must have that stature and appearance, the small bean sprouts want to be the seductress, wants to entice the man, that is the strength does not permit.” 柳如烟娇笑,的确是妩媚无比,让人骨酥,她娇笑着说道:“就算是想做狐狸精,那也得有那个身材和容颜,小豆芽想做狐狸精,想去勾引男人,那是实力不允许呀。” Wolong Xuan was mad the small cheek to become flushed, if past Wolong Xuan, that Celestial Dragon Sovereign that is full of the wisdom, naturally not with Liu Ruyan such quarrelling, so will certainly not be provoked by Liu Ruyan. 卧龙璇被气得小脸蛋涨红,若是当年的卧龙璇,那个充满着智慧的中天龙皇,当然不会与柳如烟这样的拌嘴,也当然不会被柳如烟如此地挑衅。 What a pity, current Wolong Xuan, but is Little Miss, the temperament is much more irritable, is the ominous appearance, where Liu Ruyan opponent. 可惜,当下的卧龙璇,只不过是一个小姑娘罢了,脾气火爆得紧,也是凶巴巴的模样,哪里柳如烟的对手。 Regarding quarrelling of Liu Ruyan and Wolong Xuan, Zhuo Jianshi smiles, said to Li Qiye: Young Master felt, our cultivating are, can have again the complete place?” 对于柳如烟卧龙璇的拌嘴,卓剑诗只是莞尔一笑,对李七夜说道:“公子觉得,我们的修为,可有再圆满之处?” At this point, the eye of Zhuo Jianshi water Wangwang is looking at Li Qiye, said: We practice billion years, has achieved the bottleneck, but also asked Young Master to show the right direction.” 说到这里,卓剑诗水旺旺的眼睛望着李七夜,说道:“我们修练千百万年,已经达到了瓶颈了,还请公子指点迷津。” Compares Liu Ruyan charming bone to inter the body, Zhuo Jianshi has a mature graceful bearing, just like is a mature grape, is filling the juice, thinks that the person looked wants to nip a feeling. 相比起柳如烟的妩媚入骨而言,卓剑诗更是有着一种成熟的风韵,就犹如是一只成熟的葡萄,充满着汁水,想人看了都想咬一口的感觉。 It can be said that graceful and mature noble air Zhuo Jianshi, above the charm, does not lose Liu Ruyan to be tiny bit, but, their styles are completely different. 可以说,优雅而成熟又贵气卓剑诗,在魅力之上,不输柳如烟一丝一毫,只不过,她们两个人的风格完全是不一样罢了。 Li Qiye looked at Zhuo Jianshi and Liu Ruyan, shakes the head gently, said with a smile: Your Immortal Physique, are practices very well, in this human world, can say, your Immortal Physique, that practices the limit, was perfect big accomplishment Immortal Physique.” 李七夜看了一眼卓剑诗柳如烟,轻轻地摇了摇头,含笑地说道:“你们的仙体,已经是修练得很好了,在这人世间,可以说,你们的仙体,那已经是修练到了极限了,算是完美的大成仙体了。” But, Young Master looks like, still has room for promotion.” The eye of Zhuo Jianshi that water Wangwang is looking at Li Qiye, indeed is to make the person have the tender graceful bearing. “但,公子看来,依然是有提升的空间。”卓剑诗那水旺旺的眼睛望着李七夜,的确是让人有怜惜的风韵。 looks at Zhuo Jianshi such manner, Wolong Xuan is uncomfortable, cold snort. 看着卓剑诗这样的神态,卧龙璇不爽,冷哼一声。 This was other realm, a spanning breakthrough, needed an unequalled turning point.” Li Qiye smiles, said: But, in this human world, can be so easy to obtain such a turning point.” “这就是另外的一个境界了,一个跨越的突破了,需要一个无与伦比的契机。”李七夜笑了笑,说道:“但是,在这人世间,又焉能那么容易得到这样的一个契机呢。” Also asked Young Master to show the right direction.” Liu Ruyan said gently, said not the character and style, said charmingly not. “还请公子指点迷津。”柳如烟轻轻地说道,说不尽的风情,说不尽的妩媚。 Difficult.” Li Qiye shakes the head gently, said: Just likes is you polishes to be perfectly same big accomplishment Immortal Physique, this needs a turning point that ends with the peer . Moreover, in this human world, not necessarily can have such turning point.” “难。”李七夜轻轻地摇了摇头,说道:“就犹如是你们把大成仙体打磨成完美一样,这是需要一个完与伦比的契机,而且,在这人世间,不一定能有这样的契机。” Heard Li Qiye such words, Liu Ruyan and Zhuo Jianshi they looked at each other. 听到李七夜这样的话,柳如烟卓剑诗她们都不由为之相视了一眼。 We are when the big vortex, was surrounded, we sit to simply firmly.” Zhuo Jianshi said gently: In this difficult position, making us have the opportunity to polish the own cultivation insufficiency.” “我们乃是在大涡旋之时,被困住了,我们索性坐地为牢。”卓剑诗轻轻地说道:“在这困境之中,让我们更有机会去打磨自己道行的不足。” This does not stem from the difficult position, but stems from Dao Heart.” Li Qiye smiles, said: Difficult position, is only a turning point, making you set then to live.” “这不是源于困境,而是源于道心。”李七夜笑笑,说道:“困境,只是一个契机,让你们置死而后生。” Young Master said in the principle.” Liu Ruyan also approved one gently. 公子说得在理。”柳如烟也不由轻轻地赞了一声。 Wolong Xuan that even if and Liu Ruyan quarrelled, at this moment, listened attentively wholeheartedly, after all, she knows, such direction opportunity, billion years was difficult to meet one time. 就算是柳如烟拌嘴的卧龙璇,此时此刻,也是全心全意去倾听,毕竟,她知道,这样的指点机会,千百万年都难逢一次。 If Li Qiye so invincible, such as Li Qiye Eternal is so only, is no one can obtain his direction. 李七夜这般的无敌,如李七夜这般的万古唯一,不是谁都能得到他的指点。 Moreover, such as they like this powerful, needs the Li Qiye's invincible direction. 而且,如她们这样的强大,更需要李七夜的无敌指点。
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