ED :: Volume #47

#4638: Lunatics

The arrival of Heavenmad, an entire scene peace, on the scene does not know that has many cultivator powerhouses to turn very quiet, even for many important people, Heavenmad this exist(ence), is an appalling person. 天疯的到来,整个场面一片安静,在场不知道有多少修士强者都不由为之屏住呼吸,甚至对于许多大人物而言,天疯这个存在,都是一个让人毛骨悚然的人。 Heavenmad, Divine Dragon Valley Successor, the Divine Dragon Valley successor, Swallow the Heaven Mad God descendants, True Body is the insane clam, this is extremely rarely extremely precious Monster Race, in Monster Race, Bloodline is also very noble. 天疯,神龙谷传人,神龙谷的继承者,吞天狂神后人,真身乃是疯蛤,此乃是极为稀有极为珍贵的妖族,在妖族之中,血统也是十分高贵。 However, regarding Heavenmad, regarding knowing the Dao Celestial insane person, these are not the key points, even Heavenmad cultivation high, this is not the key point. 但是,对于天疯而言,对于知道天疯的人而言,这些都不是重点,甚至天疯道行有多高,这都不是重点。 The young talent, one of the Heaven Domain five young masters, might become Dao Monarch's exist(ence) in the future, Innate Talent peerless Monster Race Imperial Prince, unparalleled Grand Dao [comprehend/comprehension]...... 年少天才,天疆五少君之一,未来有可能成为道君的存在,天赋绝伦的妖族皇子,绝世无双大道参悟者…… Which title, which glory, what advantage, as if, regarding Heavenmad, is unimportant, regarding knowing the Dao Celestial insane person, will neglect these automatically. 不论是哪一个称谓,不论是哪一个荣耀,不论是什么样的优势,似乎,对于天疯而言,都不重要,对于知道天疯的人,都会自动忽略这些。 Speaking of Heavenmad, everyone could the first thought lunatic, militant lunatic. 提起天疯,所有人都会第一个念头疯子,好战的疯子。 Right, Heavenmad, is a lunatic, a militant lunatic, this is the world everyone to his impression, is localization of Heavenmad to own. 没错,天疯,就是一个疯子,一个好战的疯子,这是天下所有人对他的印象,也是天疯自己的定位。 Heavenmad, as one of the Heaven Domain five young masters, can they harness Repulsing with True Immortal Young Emperor and Shen Juntian, in the future may become the Dao Monarch's person, can say, his family background, his Innate Talent, his Bloodline...... wait/etc, should love to talk about. 天疯,作为天疆五少君之一,能与真仙少帝神骏天他们并驾齐驱,未来有可能成为道君的人,可以说,他的出身,他的天赋,他的血统……等等,都应该会被人津津乐道。 However, on Heavenmad, all these seems like will forget to be the same . Moreover, anyone, sees Heavenmad, on him cannot see any has the noble Wushuang/matchless aura, or is Divine Power of domination world. 但是,在天疯身上,这一切都好像是会被人忘记一样,而且,不论是谁,见到天疯,他身上都看不出任何有高贵无双的气息,或者是凌驾天地的神威 On Heavenmad, you can feel, can see, that is the fighting intent raging tide, inexhaustible fighting intent, what kind of exist(ence) no matter you are, small and weak powerful, sees Heavenmad, will feel that own will be towed to entrain into the war by Heavenmad, own will fall into the inexhaustible flames of war, only if the bloody battle until death, otherwise, will never finish. 天疯身上,你所能感受到的,所能看得到的,那就是战意狂潮,无穷无尽的战意,不管你是怎么样的存在,不论是弱小还是强大,一见到天疯,就会感觉自己会被天疯拖拽入了战争之中,自己会陷入无穷无尽的战火之中,除非是血战至死,否则,就永远不会结束。 Heavenmad, to many, that looks like a nightmare to be the same simply. 天疯,对于许多人而言,那简直就像是一场噩梦一样。 Heavenmad, is a lunatic, a militant lunatic. Right, Heavenmad, militant to become Kuang, he from a young age on is militant incomparable, transfers battle all under the heavens, what kind of enemy facing, even if is more powerful than several times own, once aroused his militant gene, he fights fights again, does not fight continuous, even is fight to the death. 天疯,是一个疯子,一个好战的疯子。没错,天疯,好战成狂,他自小就是好战无比,转战天下,不论是面对怎么样的敌人,就算是自己强大好几倍,一旦激起了他好战的基因,他都一战再战,不战不休,甚至是不死不休 Some hearsay said, since Heavenmad has made a debut, no, should say, Heavenmad since birth, the bloody battle of experience has had myriad, each bloody battle is bleeds battlefield, even very savage. 有传闻说,天疯出道以来,不,应该说,天疯自从降生以来,经历的血战有万千场之多,每一场血战都是喋血沙场,甚至是十分的凶残。 Even some hearsay said that when Heavenmad is born, has started the war, views believe that when the day falls is born, bites to death one compared with the own greatly many bullfight crazy frog, moreover his own was ground suffocates. 甚至有传闻说,天疯在一降生之时,就已经开始战争了,有一种说法认为,在天降一降生的时候,就咬死一头比自己个头大很多很多的斗牛狂蛙,而且他自己被碾得奄奄一息。 Heavenmad, since birth, the had been through repeatedly bloody battle is countless, fights Ghost King, the bleeding demon sand, the crack Yang, cuts down Sea Monster...... the campaigns, once was made Heavenmad bleed time and time again, being scarred time and time again, but, he was the war is more powerful. 天疯,从降生以来,历经的血战已经是数之不尽,战鬼王,喋血魔沙,裂地阳,伐海妖……一场又一场的战役,曾是让天疯一次又一次喋血,一次又一次的伤痕累累,但是,他是越战越强大。 When a Heavenmad most famous war, is he is very small. When Heavenmad nine years old, attack the evil dragon stronghold , at that time, the evil dragon stronghold has the name of first under heaven ominous stronghold, gathered world many evil people, has to have the Heaven Venerable king and True God such fearful evil person. 天疯最有名的一战,乃是他很小之时。在天疯九岁之时,独自一人攻打恶龙寨,要知道,在那个时候,恶龙寨有着天下第一凶寨之称,聚集了天下许多的恶人,更是有有着天尊王、真神这样可怕的恶人。 It can be said that in that era, the evil dragon stronghold can meet as an equal to many the big sects and countries, even is many the big sects and countries does not dare with it to be an enemy. 可以说,在那个时代,恶龙寨能与许许多多的大教疆国分庭抗礼,甚至是许多的大教疆国都不敢与之为敌。 However, is nine -year-old Heavenmad actually attacks the evil dragon stronghold merely, that brings about own destruction simply, crazy incomparable. 但是,仅仅是九岁的天疯却去攻打恶龙寨,那简直就是自寻死路,疯狂无比。 This war, does not have the suspense, the Heavenmad disastrous defeat, the flesh body destruction, True Fate almost vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke, almost selects on the tragic death in the evil dragon stronghold. 这一战,毫无悬念,天疯惨败,肉身毁灭,真命都差点灰飞烟灭,差一点点就惨死在恶龙寨。 However, the disastrous defeat, has not so made Heavenmad halt. 然而,如此惨败,并没有让天疯止步。 When ten years old, Heavenmad attacks the evil dragon stronghold again, result / to bear fruit is still the disastrous defeat, meets a cruel death, runs away to go. 十岁之时,天疯再次攻打恶龙寨,结果依然是惨败,粉身碎骨,逃遁而去。 At age 11, Heavenmad fought on despite repeated setbacks, attacked the evil dragon stronghold again, still unbeaten evil dragon stronghold many Heaven Venerable, were the body escapes finally remnantly. 十一,天疯屡败屡战,再攻打恶龙寨,依然不败恶龙寨诸多天尊,最终是身残而逃。 At age 12, Heavenmad arrived at the evil dragon stronghold again, this Heavenmad, stepped the summit of victory time finally, in the evil dragon stronghold, the long body entered, no one can keep off, kills evil dragon stronghold rivers of blood, the skeleton like the mountain, finally the slaughter extinguished Heaven Venerable, cut to kill True God. 十二,天疯再一次降临恶龙寨,这一次的天疯,终于踏上了胜利之巅,在恶龙寨之中,长躯而入,无人能挡,杀得恶龙寨血流成河,尸骨如山,最终屠灭天尊,斩杀真神 After this, the evil dragon stronghold removes from world, the Heavenmad militant name, deters the world, making one discuss the changes countenance. 从此之后,恶龙寨从世间除名,天疯好战之名,更是威慑天下,让人谈之变色。 In Heaven Domain, the world discussed, concerns the Heaven Domain five young masters, everyone with various mood will discuss that True Immortal Young Emperor, Five Yang Sovereign and Shen Juntian they, they or are noble, or is sovereign zhou, either is dazzling...... 天疆,世人所谈,论及天疆五少君,大家都会以各种情绪去讨论真仙少帝五阳皇神骏天他们,他们或者是高贵,或者是皇胄,又或者是璀璨夺目…… However, regarding Heavenmad, most people keeps silent, even shuts up does not say. 但是,谈起天疯,绝大多数的人都不由噤若寒蝉,甚至是闭嘴不言。 This is Heavenmad, war maniac who a war maniac, everyone fears, anybody raised Heavenmad, almost forgot him to come from prestigious family honest Divine Dragon Valley, everyone only knows, he was a lunatic, a war maniac. 这就是天疯,一个战争疯子,人人都怕的战争疯子,任何人提起天疯,都快忘了他出身于名门正派的神龙谷了,大家都只知道,他是一个疯子,一个战争疯子。 Heavenmad that Heavenmad looks at drops from the clouds, does not know that many people are in a daze at once, mutter, had a shiver, absolutely terrified. 天疯看着从天而降的天疯,不知道有多少人一时之间发呆,喃喃自语,打了一个冷颤,毛骨悚然。 Also does not know that many cultivator powerhouses saw Heavenmad, the both legs do not make every effort to succeed to hit to tremble. 也不知道有多少修士强者看到天疯,双腿已经不争气地打起哆嗦来了。 Heavenmad is Heavenmad, he is different from other five young masters, he is a dreadful lunatic, the lunatic who even if important people can be afraid. 天疯就是天疯,他与其他的五少君不一样,他就是一个让人害怕的疯子,就算是大人物都会害怕的疯子。 Husband, is he, killed my elder brother......” at this time, burnt spatial Saintess to see Heavenmad, for it one happy, immediately reported to Heavenmad. “夫君,就是他,杀害我兄长……”在这个时候,燃空圣女见到天疯,不由为之一喜,立即向天疯汇报。 eh, in this in an instant, burnt the spatial Saintess words not saying that then stopped, in this instantaneous, saw only to burn spatial Saintess to be blocked the throat by Heavenmad, the whole person is hung by Heavenmad. ”的一声,就在这刹那之间,燃空圣女的话还没有说完,便是嘎然而止,在这瞬间,只见燃空圣女天疯扼住了喉咙,整个人被天疯挂了起来。 In this instantaneous, burns spatial Saintess to be frightened the soul flying mortal form, her complexion deathly white, screamed, screamed begs for mercy: Husband, is I......” 在这瞬间,燃空圣女被吓得魂飞魄,她脸色煞白,尖叫了一声,尖叫求饶:“夫君,是我……” However, Heavenmad is only coldly looks at burns spatial Saintess, his both eyes besides incessant fighting intent, did not have other thing again. 但是,天疯只是冷冷地看着燃空圣女,他双目除了滔滔不绝的战意之外,就再也没有其他的东西了。 Idiot.” Heavenmad was only coldly said such one sentence, the palm made an effort. “蠢货。”天疯只是冷冷地说了这样的一句话,手掌一用力。 Senior Brother, under the hand/subordinate is forgiving sees this situation, greatly is not wonderful, Jade Dragon King is surprised, yelled. 师兄,手下留情”一见这情况,大为不妙,玉龙王不由为之一惊,大叫道。 However, at this time, is late. 但是,在这个时候,已经是迟了。 Hears crack the sound resounds, Heavenmad unexpectedly all of a sudden crumb the throat that burns spatial Saintess, pinched to burn spatial Saintess all of a sudden, in this instantaneous, at the point of death in an instant, burnt a spatial Saintess eye to open the eyes in a big way. 听到“喀嚓”的声音响起,天疯竟然一下子捏碎了燃空圣女的喉咙,一下子捏死了燃空圣女,在这瞬间,在临死的刹那之间,燃空圣女一双眼睛睁得大大的。 She has not thought until death, own did not die a tragic death in others' hand, but died a tragic death in the own fiance's hand, this is the matter that she has a dream has not thought. 她至死都没有想到,自己不是惨死在别人的手中,而是惨死在了自己未婚夫的手中,这是她做梦都没有想到的事情。 Long hair, short experience.” Heavenmad was only coldly burns the spatial Saintess corpse to throw on the ground. “长头发,短见识。”天疯只是冷冷地燃空圣女的尸体扔在了地上。 At once, many cultivator powerhouse mouths on the scene open in a big way, such matter, is anybody on the scene is unexpected. 一时之间,在场的许多修士强者都不由嘴巴张得大大的,这样的事情,是在场的任何人都意想不到的。 Li Qiye killed burnt the spatial god child, burnt spatial Saintess to for the own elder brother revenge, such grievances rival in love, was very common matter . Moreover, burnt spatial Saintess to do this, in the views of many people, was nothing issue. 李七夜杀了燃空神子,燃空圣女要为自己的兄长报仇,这样的恩怨情仇,也是很常见之事,而且,燃空圣女这样做,在许多人看来,也是没有任何问题的。 As the fiance, looks like in most people's perspective, Heavenmad stood certainly this side burning spatial Saintess. 作为未婚夫,在多数人的角度看来,天疯当然是站在燃空圣女这一边了。 After all, burning the spatial god child is the Heavenmad brother-in-law, but Li Qiye killed burnt the spatial god child, this not only with burning the spatial palace had the big enmity, but also this did not give him the Heavenmad face. 毕竟,燃空神子是天疯的大舅子,而李七夜杀了燃空神子,这不仅是与燃空殿结下了大仇,而且这也是不给他天疯情面呀。 Who his Heavenmad is, is a lunatic, a war maniac, who looks at exist(ence) that can be afraid, who does not give him a Heavenmad three points of face, therefore, even if his brother-in-law has anything is not right again, that does not look at the monk surface, looks at the Buddha surface, forgives his brother-in-law life, otherwise, cannot pass with his Heavenmad, does not give him the Heavenmad face. 天疯是什么人,是一个疯子,一个战争疯子,谁看了都会害怕的存在,谁不给他天疯三分情面,所以,就算是他大舅子再有什么不对,那也是不看僧面,也看佛面,饶他大舅子一命,不然,就是与他天疯过不去,不给他天疯情面。 Therefore, killed burnt the spatial god child, burnt spatial Saintess to for elder brother own revenge, but as fiance's Heavenmad, looked like in many cultivator powerhouses, Heavenmad will stand this side burning spatial Holy Child, must decide the life and death with Li Qiye, did not cut to kill Li Qiye, this was hate of difficult disappearing heart. 所以,杀了燃空神子,燃空圣女要为自己兄长报仇,而作为未婚夫的天疯,在许多修士强者看来,天疯会站在燃空圣子这一边,要与李七夜一决生死,不斩杀李七夜,这是难消心头之恨。 However, what making everyone not think, Heavenmad has not cut to kill Li Qiye, has not burnt spatial Saintess to stand with the own fiancee, goes to burn the spatial god child revenges. 但是,让所有人都没有想到的是,天疯没有斩杀李七夜,没有与自己未婚妻燃空圣女站在一起,去为燃空神子报仇。 That feared that is draws back 10,000 steps, Li Qiye fearfully was again powerful, Heavenmad is not willing with Li Qiye for the enemy, that also to dismiss the own fiancee to burn spatial Saintess merely, has uncovered this grievances rival in love. 那怕是退一万步来说,李七夜再可怕再强大了,天疯不愿意与李七夜为敌了,那也是仅仅斥退自己未婚妻燃空圣女,揭过这一场恩怨情仇。 However, Heavenmad is actually not, what everyone has not thought that Heavenmad killed unexpectedly burnt spatial Saintess, Heavenmad this act, broke through everyone's general knowledge all of a sudden, broke through everyone's estimate. 但是,天疯却不是,所有人都没有想到的是,天疯竟然杀死了燃空圣女,天疯此举,一下子突破了所有人的常识,突破了所有人的预想。 In this in an instant, everyone dumbfounded, the disagreement/not with knows that has many cultivator powerhouse mouths to open in a big way, looks at this, cannot get back one's composure dull at present for a very long time. 在这刹那之间,所有人都呆住了,不和知道有多少修士强者嘴巴张得大大的,呆呆地看着眼前这一幕,久久回不过神来。 Heavenmad, killed the own fiancee, such, this is the matter that makes everyone unable to imagine, this also shocks everyone's matter, at once, does not know many cultivator powerhouses cannot get back one's composure, does not know that many cultivator could not accept such a. 天疯,杀了自己的未婚妻,这样的一幕,这是让所有人想象不到的事情,这也是震撼所有人的事情,一时之间,不知道多少修士强者回不过神来,也不知道有多少修士接受不了这样的一幕。 Senior Brother, you may be crude.” At this time, Jade Dragon King complained, said: even if has the mistake, may kill.” 师兄,你可鲁莽也。”在这个时候,玉龙王就不由抱怨,说道:“就算是有错,焉可杀也。” Celestials, Deities and Demons, all may kill it, a woman, there is what killing not to?” Heavenmad is a lunatic, militant bloodthirsty. 诸天神魔,皆可杀之,一个女人,又有何杀之不得?”天疯就是一个疯子,好战嗜血。 Jade Dragon King said: Saintess, has the word of intermediary burning with Senior Brother, not by godly demon compared with.” 玉龙王说道:“圣女,与师兄有媒灼之言,不是以神魔相比。” Again.” Heavenmad is not serious, said: With my name, the matter of group oneself, is an idiot, when kills.” “又如何。”天疯不当一回事,说道:“以我之名,行己之事,皆是蠢货,当杀。” Heavenmad not wild with rage, without severe Qi, this saying to be speaks thoughtlessly to say merely, but, this saying said that was fearful fighting intent wreaks havoc the intent day, making the person both legs hit to tremble, the stand was not steady, was absolutely terrified. 天疯没有狂怒,也没有厉气,这话仅仅是随口说出,但是,这话一说出来,便是可怕的战意肆虐意天,让人双腿直打哆嗦,站之不稳,为之毛骨悚然。 Such a is also very strange, others fear Heavenmad very much, but, actually seems like a senior steward to be the same as Junior Brother Jade Dragon King, talks incessantly to continue to Heavenmad, with the character of Heavenmad that militant bloodthirsty, only feared that cannot bear others to talk incessantly like this, only feared that has killed it. 这样的一幕也是十分奇怪,别人都很怕天疯,但是,作为师弟玉龙王却像是一个老管家一样,对天疯唠叨不止,以天疯那好战嗜血的性格,只怕是受不了别人这样唠叨,只怕早就杀之。 However, Heavenmad has not actually killed Jade Dragon King. 但是,天疯却没有杀玉龙王
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