ED :: Volume #45

#4426: Peacock Bright King strength

In this in an instant, Peacock Bright King both eyes spout cold light, cold light turnover, impact, but, just like was two Divine Sword cuts to be the same. 在这刹那之间,孔雀明王双目喷涌出了寒光,寒光吞吐,冲击而至,犹如是两把神剑斩来一样。 Hears clang sword cry resounds, in this in an instant, Peacock Bright King Sword Qi fills the air, just like is opens the sword sea to be the same. 听到“铛”的剑鸣响起,在这刹那之间,孔雀明王剑气弥漫,犹如是打开剑海一样。 Felt Peacock Bright King so powerful Sword Qi, many cultivator powerhouses on the scene for it with amazement, without a doubt, since take action, Peacock Bright King Sword Qi was most powerful, the aura was also most powerful. 一感受到了孔雀明王如此强大的剑气,在场的许多修士强者不由为之骇然,毫无疑问,从出手至今,孔雀明王剑气是最强大的,气息也是最强大的。 When this Sword Qi impact comes, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses pulled out an cold air/Qi, felt that has swept like the Peacock Bright King vision, seems like Divine Sword to sweep, the head of own flew to go out to be the same instantaneously, such fear, making people absolutely terrified. 在这剑气冲击而来的时候,不知道有多少修士强者抽了一口冷气,感觉就像孔雀明王目光扫过,就好像是神剑扫过,自己的头颅瞬间飞了出去一样,这样的恐惧,让人不由为之毛骨悚然。 where it is possible to let people off, one should spare them.” At this time, Peacock Bright King went forward one step, both eyes turnover cold light, the sinking sound said: Should stop, Old Sect Master is our Dragon Cult distinguished guest, stops there.” 得饶人处且饶人。”在这个时候,孔雀明王上前一步,双目吞吐寒光,沉声地说道:“该住手了,老宗主乃是我们龙教贵宾,就此作罢。” Without a doubt, at this time, Peacock Bright King cannot sit by and do nothing, he cannot the looks at Five Yang Old Sect Master tragic death in the Li Qiye hand. 毫无疑问,在这个时候,孔雀明王也不能坐视不理,他也不能看着五阳老宗主惨死在李七夜手中。 After all, this Five Yang Old Sect Master is one of the Eastern Desolate mission important personages, as one of the mission members, goes abroad on a diplomatic mission Eastern Desolate, if he died a tragic death in Dragon Cult, lets his Dragon Cult Cult Master not good explain/justify. 毕竟,这一次五阳老宗主乃是东荒使团的重要人物之一,作为使团成员之一,出使东荒,若是他惨死在了龙教之中,也让他这位龙教教主不好交待 With my what concern.” Li Qiye said such one sentence superficially, neglected Peacock Bright King completely. “与我何关。”李七夜轻描淡写地说了这样的一句话,完全是忽略了孔雀明王 The cultivator powerhouse on the scene hears this saying, for it blankly look at each other, Li Qiye's is rampant, everyone has also asked for advice, in the Dragon Cult domain, did not place in Peacock Bright King the eye in the same old way, like this rampant, in young one generation, that only feared that was few individuals. 在场的修士强者听到这话,也都不由为之面面相觑,李七夜的嚣张,大家也算是领教过了,在龙教地盘之中,照样不把孔雀明王放在眼中,这样的嚣张,在年轻一辈,那只怕是没有几个人了。 After all, Five Yang Sovereign comes Dragon Cult to be a guest time, is polite, to Dragon Cult is also well-mannered, but, a Li Qiye such obscure individual, actually does not place in Dragon Cult the eye, does not pay attention to Peacock Bright King, like this rampant attitude, indeed is to make the person stare at the tongue, also can only smile bitterly. 毕竟,五阳皇龙教作客的时候,都是客客气气,对龙教也是举止得体,但是,李七夜这样的一个无名之辈,却根本不把龙教放在眼中,也不把孔雀明王放在眼里,这样的嚣张态度,也的确是让人不由为之瞠舌,随之也只能苦笑了一下。 If before then, Li Qiye is still so rampant, everyone will also speak to reprimand drinks Li Qiye not to know a day of high position. 若是在此之前,李七夜依然如此嚣张,大家也都会出言斥喝李七夜不知天高地位。 However, in this moment, the cultivator powerhouse on the scene was also silent, a moment ago Li Qiye take action, two blades then already being startled fear many cultivator powerhouses on the scene, who dares also to make noise to reprimand rashly drinks? 但是,在这一刻,在场的修士强者也都不由为之沉默了,刚才李七夜出手,两刀便已经惊慑在场的许多修士强者,谁敢还贸然出声斥喝? surnamed Li, you are also rampant, place that Dragon Cult you do not act unruly.” Peacock Bright King both eyes cold light blazing greatly, causes thermal shock of entire scene, making many cultivator powerhouses on the scene have a shiver. 姓李的,你也莫过于嚣张,龙教也非你撒野的地方。”孔雀明王双目寒光大炽,使得整个场面的温度骤降,让在场的许多修士强者都不由打了一个冷颤。 At this time, Peacock Bright King both eyes spouted the ice-cold ray, revealed murderous aura, when this so ice-cold ray, murderous aura fills the air, making the cultivator powerhouses on the scene have a shiver, is absolutely terrified, because that feared Peacock Bright King murderous aura not to cultivator powerhouse sweeping on the scene in the past , murderous aura continuously filled the air, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses also felt such as the cold needle was piercing, a labor pain feeling, making them hit one to tremble in the heart. 在这个时候,孔雀明王双目喷出了冰冷的光芒,也是露出了杀气,在这如此冰冷的光芒之下,杀气弥漫之时,让在场的修士强者都不由打了一个冷颤,不由为之毛骨悚然,因为那怕孔雀明王杀气不是向在场的修士强者扫荡过去,但,一缕缕的杀气弥漫之时,不知道有多少修士强者也都感觉到如寒针刺骨一样,一阵痛感,让他们在心里面都不由打了一个哆嗦。 Without a doubt, by the strength, Peacock Bright King does not know that compared with Five Yang Old Sect Master was powerful many. 毫无疑问,以实力而言,孔雀明王不知道比五阳老宗主是强大了多少。 Dragon Cult?” Li Qiye smiled, said lightly: Dragon Sect's firmly is not the place that I act unruly, after all this small place was also too small, must act unruly, that is also 9 Heavens 10 Worlds.” 龙教?”李七夜不由笑了一下,淡淡地说道:“龙教的确不是我撒野的地方,毕竟这小地方也太小了,要撒野,那也是九天十地。” You Peacock Bright King both eyes killing intent is strong immediately, the cultivator powerhouses on the scene looked at each other, Li Qiye this saying to be faraway regards Dragon Cult completely, does not treat as a matter Dragon Cult. “你”孔雀明王顿时双目杀机浓烈,在场的修士强者都相视了一眼,李七夜这话完全是邈视龙教,根本就不把龙教当作一回事。 If you bring about own destruction, no wonder our Dragon Cult bullies the weak, to bully few.” At this time, in Peacock Bright King both eyes revealed thick killing intent, only misses on instantaneous take action, must cut Li Qiye. “若是你自寻死路,莫怪我们龙教以大欺小,以多欺少。”在这个时候,孔雀明王双目中露出了浓浓的杀意,只差就瞬间出手,要斩了李七夜了。 Regarding Peacock Bright King, between he and Li Qiye, it may be said that was the new hatreds on top of old, before then, the Li Qiye pit died his son, this has made Peacock Bright King clench jaws, one day must revenge for the son who he died. 对于孔雀明王而言,他与李七夜之间,可谓是新仇旧恨了,在此之前,李七夜坑死了他的儿子,这已经让孔雀明王咬牙切齿,总有一天要为他死去的儿子报仇。 Now Li Qiye also dares to act unruly in Dragon Cult unexpectedly, injures the distinguished guest who their Dragon Cult invited, therefore, regarding Peacock Bright King, whether in public or in private, he had the reason to Li Qiye take action, to the heart, Peacock Bright King has to kill the heart of Li Qiye, revenges for the son who he died. 现在李七夜竟然还敢在龙教撒野,伤他们龙教邀请过来的贵宾,所以,对于孔雀明王而言,于公于私,他都有理由向李七夜出手,甚到在心里面,孔雀明王已经有杀死李七夜之心,为他死去的儿子报仇。 Your take action, I give you one for the opportunity that your son revenges.” Li Qiye smiled, does not care about many enemy, a phoenix plume blade conveniently finger/refers in hand. “那你出手吧,我给你一个为你儿子报仇的机会。”李七夜笑了一下,也不在乎多一个敌人,手中的凤翎刀随手一指。 A Li Qiye this conveniently finger/refers of movement, that is how superficial, that is caring about nothing how. 李七夜这随手一指的动作,那是多么轻描淡写,那是多么的毫不在乎。 But Li Qiye such one sentence, enraged Peacock Bright King thoroughly, he with great difficulty one, to train his son, Peacock Bright King does not know how many painstaking care spent, finally died a tragic death in the Li Qiye hand, now Li Qiye brings up an old matter again, isn't this raises his grief scar? 李七夜这样的一句话,就彻底触怒了孔雀明王了,他好不容易才得一子,为了培养他儿子,孔雀明王不知道花费了多少心血,最终惨死李七夜手中,现在李七夜旧事重提,这不是提开他的伤痛疤吗? Good in this moment, Peacock Bright King also to fly into a rage, the sinking sound said: Today, this Cult Master experiences your somewhat skill, if your skill is inferior to the person, I must cut your head to console my son soul in heaven.” “好”在这一刻,孔雀明王也勃然大怒,沉声地说道:“今日,本教主就见识见识你有几分本事,若是你艺不如人,我必斩你头颅以慰吾儿在天之灵。” take action Li Qiye does not care, speaks thoughtlessly. 出手吧”李七夜也不在乎,随口一句。 Li Qiye this saying said that everyone is looking at Peacock Bright King all of a sudden, at this time, who knows, this saying has said that how regardless of Peacock Bright King thinks, he must take action, otherwise, his Dragon Cult Cult Master, this swept the floor face countenance. 李七夜这话一说出来,大家都一下子望着孔雀明王了,在这个时候,谁都知道,这话已经说出去,不论孔雀明王如何想,那他也都必须出手了,否则,他这位龙教教主,这就将颜脸扫地。 „Can Peacock Bright King with a it war, how?” Peacock Bright King did not have take action, but, many cultivator powerhouses have guessed in a low voice. 孔雀明王与之一战,会如何呢?”孔雀明王还没有出手,但是,已经有不少修士强者低声猜测了。 After all, Peacock Bright King strength, above Five Yang Old Sect Master. 毕竟,孔雀明王的实力,远在五阳老宗主之上。 „When Peacock Bright King, is young, it may be said that is shocking and stunning.” Has older generation important people saying: When middle age, the name of talent, is young, but, youth generation, Innate Talent of Peacock Bright King, can indeed under ice Vanishing Heaven.” 孔雀明王,年少之时,可谓是惊才绝艳。”有老一辈大人物说道:“虽然中年之时,天才之名,不如年少,但是,中青年一代,孔雀明王天赋,的确是可以凌绝天下也。” Everyone understands, the Peacock Bright King strength, is not the class/flow of Five Yang Old Sect Master can compare, after all, Five Yang Old Sect Master is taking Five Yang Sect the sound of Sect Master, the achievements are average, if not for he has a making every effort to succeed son, only feared, not many the prestige, or the achievement, is unable to compare with Peacock Bright King. 谁都明白,孔雀明王的实力,不是五阳老宗主之流所能相比,毕竟,五阳老宗主在作为五阳宗宗主之声,建树平平,若不是他有一个争气的儿子,只怕,也未有多少的威名,或者作为,无法与孔雀明王相比。 Peacock Bright King indeed by depending on the own strength and Innate Talent overawes the world. 孔雀明王的的确确是以靠自己的实力与天赋威震天下。 Good Peacock Bright King to sink to shout: Today, makes me ask for advice, looks you have many background, what kind of deeply concealing looks at you to have.” “好”孔雀明王沉喝道:“今日,就让我来领教领教,看你有多少的底蕴,看你有如何的深藏不露。” In this moment, the Peacock Bright King stand, heard bang loud sound, at this moment, Peacock Bright King is released own blood energy, when Peacock Bright King is released own blood energy, the blood energy most powerful hurricane of hurricane swept away the world instantaneously likely, tore into shreds ten sides. 在这一刻,孔雀明王站了出来,听到“轰”的一声巨响,在此时此刻,孔雀明王外放自己血气,当孔雀明王外放自己血气之时,狂飙的血气瞬间像最强大的飓风横扫天地,撕碎十方。 Hears bang, bang and bang sound of the intermittent thundering is lingering on faintly, at this time, inexhaustible blood energy swept across to come, probably overthrew the building Residence Room space of entire Monster City, under blood energy of so crazy tyrant, sky one dark, the strong winds erupts, can hear squeak, squeak and squeak the sound resounded, ancient temple buildings sky over Monster City, swayed, probably might be entrained to be the same by powerful blood energy anytime. 听到“轰、轰、轰”的一阵阵轰鸣之声不绝于耳,在这个时候,无穷无尽的血气席卷而来,好像推倒整个妖都的楼舍屋宇,在如此狂霸的血气之下,天空一暗,狂风大作,能听到“吱、吱、吱”的声音响起,在妖都上空的一座座古殿楼宇,都摇晃起来,好像随时都有可能被强大的血气拽下来一样。 Was too strong.” At this time, many cultivator powerhouses called out in alarm one, when Peacock Bright King blood energy is released, such as the difficult situation must give to submerge entire Monster City, must be the same ten million place mountain peak crew cut, big of might, let cultivator on the scene with amazement, not only this was many cultivation superficial cultivator powerhouses is suppressed to unable to move, there is a cultivation superficial cultivator powerhouse to be raised by blood energy of so crazy tyrant instantaneously flies, the blood energy impact, blew them, at once, frightened the squeal again and again. “太强了。”在这个时候,不少修士强者为之惊呼一声,当孔雀明王血气外放之时,如惊涛骇浪要把整个妖都给淹没,要把千万座山峰推平一样,威力之大,让在场的修士骇然,这不仅是许多道行浅薄的修士强者被镇压得动弹不得,也有道行浅薄的修士强者瞬间被如此狂霸的血气掀飞,血气冲击而出,把他们吹了出去,一时之间,吓得尖叫声连连。 Without a doubt, at this time, Peacock Bright King has not restrained own blood energy, all blood energy instantaneous is released, erupted own most powerful strength. 毫无疑问,在这个时候,孔雀明王并没有收敛自己血气了,把所有的血气都瞬间外放,把自己最强大的力量都爆发出来了。 Bang under loud sound, sees only Fate Palace to shoot up to the sky, with tumbling rotation of Fate Palace when the universe, hears buzz, buzz and buzz resonate sound, in this moment, the incomparably radiant ray spews out, in this endless radiant ray, big Divine Ring raises one after another slowly. “轰”的一声巨响之下,只见一个个命宫冲天而起,随着一个个命宫在天宇之上翻滚轮转之时,听到“嗡、嗡、嗡”的一声声响起,在这一刻,无比璀璨的光芒喷涌而出,在这无尽璀璨的光芒之中,一道又一道大道神环冉冉升起。 When this big Divine Ring one after another raises slowly, primal chaos True Qi gushes out, is sweeping the world. 随着这一道又一道的大道神环冉冉升起之时,混沌真气喷薄而出,荡扫着天地。 Ten thousand Dao Celestial at this time, many cultivator powerhouses called out in alarm said. “万道天尊”在这个时候,有不少修士强者惊呼道。 36 said, 72 said that 108 and 363......”, when Peacock Bright King big Divine Ring raises slowly, there is a cultivator powerhouse in by extremely quick speed several Peacock Bright King Grand Dao. 三十六道,七十二道,一百零八道、三百六十三道……”当孔雀明王的大道神环冉冉升起的时候,有修士强者在以极快的速度数着孔雀明王大道 Ten thousand Dao Celestial, worthily are names of one generation of talent.” Some powerhouses noticed that Divine Ring rotates all over the sky, the probably entire world is born to evolve under these Divine Ring, immediately makes many cultivator powerhouses shock. “万道天尊,不愧是一代天才之名。”有强者看到满天神环轮转,好像整个天地都在这一道道的神环之下诞生演化,顿时让许许多多的修士强者都不由为之震撼。 Without a doubt, with Peacock Bright King compared with one, Five Yang Old Sect Master is the glow light/only, appears is overshadowed all of a sudden. 毫无疑问,与孔雀明王一相比,五阳老宗主乃是萤火之光,一下子就显得黯然失色。 After all, Five Yang Old Sect Master that also is just only seven Dao Celestial, but Peacock Bright King is ten thousand Dao Celestial, has Golden Heaven Venerable such big boundary to be separated by both. 毕竟,五阳老宗主那也只不过是区区七道天尊而已,而孔雀明王乃是万道天尊,在两者之间还有着金天尊这样的一个大境界相隔着。 Considers, that feared that Peacock Bright King had not had complete Myriad Dao, but , compared with Five Yang Old Sect Master, Peacock Bright King that such as the nighttime sky bright moon, Five Yang Old Sect Master is overshadowed immediately, appearing indistinct is small. 试想一下,那怕孔雀明王还未拥有完完全全的万道,但是,与五阳老宗主一比,孔雀明王那就如夜空皓月,五阳老宗主顿时黯然失色,显得缈小。 Worthily is Peacock Bright King.” Sees such a, many cultivator powerhouses shock, although everyone also for a long time hears about the given name of Peacock Bright King, but, since Peacock Bright King makes a name for oneself, extremely few take action, extremely few had seen the appearance of his Divine Power world. “不愧是孔雀明王。”看到这样的一幕,多少修士强者都不由为之震撼,虽然大家也都久闻孔雀明王之大名,但是,自从孔雀明王功成名就之后,就已经极少出手了,极少一见他神威天下的模样。 No wonder Peacock Bright King once had to replace the Lion Roar Country ambition.” Some people said in a low voice. “难怪孔雀明王曾有取代狮吼国的野心。”有人低声地说道。 Although said, Peacock Bright King is not now most peak exist(ence), but, his being valued in young, his age, it may be said that has boundless prospects, lives again tens of thousands years, that cannot the matter. 虽然说,孔雀明王不是当今最巅峰的存在,但是,他贵在年轻,他如此年纪,可谓是前途无量,再活几万年之久,那也是不能之事。 blood energy is so exuberant, is so young, can say, Peacock Bright King in the future, will be can dominate above many Old Ancestor. 血气如此旺盛,如此年少,可以说,孔雀明王未来,乃是可以凌驾在诸多老祖之上。
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