ED :: Volume #45

#4418: A move is killed violently

-- loud sound, in this in an instant, Tyrant Eye Heavenly Tiger offered a sacrifice to treasure, this valuable, the prestige of instantaneous Dao Monarch swept across to come, to suppress Heavens. ——”的一声巨响,就在这刹那之间,霸目天虎祭出了一件宝物,此宝一出,瞬间道君之威席卷而来,镇压诸天 In this moment, in the Tyrant Eye Heavenly Tiger top of the head is hanging an eye, this eye just like is the colored glaze quality of material, looks very real, seems like a discerning to be the same. 在这一刻,霸目天虎头顶上高悬着一颗眼睛,这一颗眼睛犹如是琉璃质地,看起来十分真实,就好像是一只活眼一样。 Such a eye appears, Dao Monarch arrives, but the prestige of Dao Monarch rolling, on the scene does not know that has many cultivator powerhouses with amazement, felt instantaneously own was suppressed. 这样的一只眼睛一浮现的时候,道君驾临,道君之威滚滚而至,在场不知道有多少修士强者不由为之骇然,瞬间感觉自己被镇压了。 Dao Monarch weapon.” In this electrical spark light, there is Large Sect Old Ancestor to yell one. 道君兵器。”在这石火电光之间,有大教老祖不由大叫了一声。 The prestige of Dao Monarch sweeps across comes the time, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses are splash one, knelt on the ground, could not stand, under the prestige of so invincible Dao Monarch, any cultivator powerhouse also shivered, suppressed cultivator powerhouses are unable raised the head to look at one. 道君之威席卷而来的时候,不知道有多少修士强者乃是扑嗵一声,直跪在了地上,根本就站不起来了,在如此无敌的道君之威下,任何修士强者也都不由为之颤抖,被镇压的修士强者都无法抬起头来看一眼。 Hears bo a resonate sound, in this instantaneous, this eye opens instantaneously, everyone suffocates. 听到“啵”的一声响起,在这瞬间,这一颗眼睛瞬间打开,所有人都为之一窒息。 In this moment, when this eye opens, everyone felt that Dao Monarch stands there, Dao Monarch, stands and waits for a long time in void, overlooks all living things, scrutinizes Heavens creature, under this eye, world hundred condition, is tiny particle complete(ly) present. 在这一刻,当这一颗眼睛打开之时,所有人都感觉一位道君站在那里,一位道君,伫立于虚空,俯视众生,察视诸天生灵,在这一只眼睛之下,世间百态,乃是纤毫毕现。 Eye of when the Dao Monarch carefully examines the world, making everyone shiver, probably Dao Monarch one comes shortly, then can completely understand that own all, letting own are unable to hide, under any secret that as if in the heart hides in this looks to go, was looked instantaneously clear, is unable to hide to live slightly. 一颗道君之眼审视天地之时,让所有人都不由为之颤抖,好像是道君一眼看来,便可以看透自己的一切,让自己无法遁形,似乎心中所藏的任何秘密在这一颗望去之下,都瞬间是被看得一清二楚,根本就无法藏住丝毫。 So when Dao Monarch carefully examines, makes one shiver, makes people absolutely terrified. 如此一位道君审视之时,多么的让人为之颤抖,多么的让人为之毛骨悚然。 Ten thousand items of god eyes.” Beyond teaches Old Ancestor to see this eye the time, for it with amazement, yelled. “万目神眼。”有一位外教老祖看到这一只眼睛的时候,不由为之骇然,大叫道。 Has the Dragon Sect's powerhouse sees this eye time, said in a low voice: Tiger Pond, takes seriously Tyrant Eye Heavenly Tiger eventually, eventually is Tiger Pond's legacy Successor.” 龙教的强者看到这一只眼睛的时候,也不由低声地说道:“虎池,终究还是重视霸目天虎,终究是虎池的衣钵传人。” Ten thousand items of god eyes, this is an invincible treasure that ten thousand items of Dao Monarch leave behind, ten thousand items of Dao Monarch refine to offer a sacrifice to by own unique Eternal Cultivation Technique of ten thousand items of eyes, is a might is quite extremely powerful, invincible treasure. 万目神眼,此乃是万目道君所留下的一件无敌之宝,万目道君自己独步万古的万目之眼的功法炼祭而成,乃是一件威力极为强大、极为无敌的宝物 This treasure is one of the Tiger Pond's Ultimate Treasure, before then, has been dominated by Tiger Pond's Old Ancestor, but, today, Tiger Pond passes to Tyrant Eye Heavenly Tiger this Ultimate Treasure. 这件宝物虎池的重宝之一,在此之前,一直由虎池的诸位老祖把持,但是,今日,虎池还是把这件重宝传给了霸目天虎 Since Tyrant Eye Heavenly Tiger losses after Jian Qingzhu under the hand/subordinate, considered for the Tyrant Eye Heavenly Tiger safety, therefore, Tiger Pond passed to Tyrant Eye Heavenly Tiger this Dao Monarch weapon, this will raise greatly rises the Tyrant Eye Heavenly Tiger strength. 自从霸目天虎在了简清竹手下之后,为了霸目天虎的安危着想,所以,虎池把这件道君兵器传给了霸目天虎,这将会大大地提得升霸目天虎的实力。 After all, ten thousand items of eyes of Tyrant Eye Heavenly Tiger have practiced must be possible be called to the point of perfection, if ten thousand items of god eyes, that even more powerful, this regarding Tyrant Eye Heavenly Tiger, greatly enhanced the own battle efficiency again. 毕竟,霸目天虎的万目之眼已经修练得堪称炉火纯青了,若是再有万目神眼,那岂不是如虎添翼,这对于霸目天虎而言,乃是大大地提升了自己的战斗力。 -- loud sound, in this electrical spark light, was projected the light beam to vanish in this by Tyrant Eye Heavenly Tiger chest a lot of eye spouts in an instant, displaces, is light glow that ten thousand items of god eyes institutes project. ——”的一声巨响,在这石火电光之间,本是由霸目天虎胸膛千百只眼睛喷涌射出光柱在这刹那之间消失了,取而代之的,乃是万目神眼所射出的一道光芒 This light glow is not thick, merely only then thumb size, but, such light glow from ten thousand items of god eyes spraying, but time, just like is the crystal is ordinary, each wisp of ray was substantialized all of a sudden was the same. 这一道光芒并不粗大,也仅仅只有拇指大小而已,但是,这样的一道光芒从万目神眼喷射而出的时候,犹如是晶体一般,每一缕的光芒都一下子被实质化了一样。 Moreover, this bang shoots, but ray, that feared that is not the bang shoots at own, but, at this moment, actually feeling of the stimulation. 而且,这轰射而出的光芒,那怕不是轰射向自己,但是,在此时此刻,却给人一种刺激之感。 Everyone has seen that this ray together from ten thousand items of god eyes projecting times, many cultivator powerhouses „a pitiful yell of Ah!”, an eye stabbing pain, the cultivation shallow person, was brought disaster to instantaneously, the eyes are the hemorrhage. 所有人都看到,这一道的光芒从万目神眼射出的时候,许许多多的修士强者都不由“啊”的一声惨叫,眼睛一阵刺痛,道行浅的人,瞬间被殃及,双眼乃是汩汩出血。 Has-- to see that such a dazzling crystal light bang punctures to come, god streamer day is also surprised , under crazy drinking, is stimulating to movement the own ancestor streamer with amazement in great surprise, played the limit own the might of ancestor streamer. “起——”见到这样的一道刺眼晶光轰刺而来,神幡天杰也不由为之一惊,骇然大惊一声,在狂喝之下,催动着自己的祖幡,把自己的祖幡的威力发挥到了极限。 In this moment, hears bang loud sound, when the ancestor streamer displays the limit, the dreadful divine flame impact, just like is Heavens Spiritual God, in this sheltered in an instant on god streamer day was the same, in this electrical spark light, just like the asylum of ancestor, has the Zen to sing, Grand Dao covered mysteriously instantaneously on the god streamer day outstanding body. 当在这一刻,听到“轰”的一声巨响,在祖幡发挥到极限的时候,滔天神焰冲击而出,犹如是诸天神灵在这刹那之间庇护在了神幡天杰身上一样,在这石火电光之间,犹如得到先祖的庇护,有着禅唱响起,大道奥妙瞬间覆盖在了神幡天杰的身上。 No matter how god streamer day plays what kind of limit the might of own ancestor streamer, if were covered by endless Grand Dao mysteriously. 不管神幡天杰如何地把自己祖幡的威力发挥到如何的极限,如果被无尽大道奥妙所覆盖。 However, still cannot be blocked the crystal that rumbles to jut out by ten thousand items of god eyes institutes to puncture the ray, after all, ten thousand items of god eyes institutes rumble the crystal that shoots to puncture the ray, this not only has Dao Monarch Weapon strength, in the meantime, under Tyrant Eye Heavenly Tiger the Wushuang/matchless Cultivation Technique stimulation of movement of ten thousand items of eyes, even erupts Dao Monarch's strength. 但是,依然是挡不住由万目神眼所轰出出的晶刺光芒,毕竟,万目神眼所轰射出来的晶刺光芒,这不仅仅是拥有着道君之兵力量,同时,在霸目天虎的万目之眼的无双功法催动之下,甚至是爆发出了道君的力量 Considers, under Dao Monarch's strength erupts, rumbles ray that the crystal punctured, such might is what kind of great strength, what kind of scary. 试想一下,在道君的力量爆发之下,轰出了晶刺的光芒,这样的威力是何等的强大,何等的骇人。 Therefore, when such crystal punctures the ray bombardment comes, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses with amazement, screamed one, regarding many cultivator powerhouses, such struck, basic continuously on keeping off, even such crystal punctured the ray to penetrate the land instantaneously, therefore, anybody went forward to keep off, that only feared that must die without doubt. 所以,当这样的晶刺光芒轰击而来的时候,不知道多少修士强者为之骇然,都不由为之尖叫一声,对于多少修士强者而言,这样的一击,根本就挡之不住,甚至这样的晶刺光芒可以瞬间击穿大地,所以,任何人上前一挡,那只怕都是必死无疑。 Bang-- a resonate sound, in this moment, no matter Celestials, Deities and Demons blessing is also good, endless covers mysteriously, in this electrical spark light, the crystal punctures the ray bombardment to come, was penetrated instantaneously. “砰——”的一声响起,在这一刻,不管是诸天神魔加持也好,无尽奥妙所覆盖也罢,在这石火电光之间,晶刺光芒轰击而来,瞬间被击穿。 Without a doubt, in this electrical spark light, anybody can look, the god streamer day ancestor streamer cannot block ten thousand items of god eyes struck. 毫无疑问,在这石火电光之间,任何人都看得出来,神幡天杰的祖幡是挡不住万目神眼的一击了。 Careful-- in this in an instant, Eastern Desolate has Old Ancestor big shout, the reminder said. “小心——”在这刹那之间,东荒老祖大叫一声,提醒道。 Is Dragon Sect's various Old Ancestor, sees this, instantaneously also one startled, is Peacock Bright King also yells: under the hand/subordinate is forgiving.” 就是龙教的诸们老祖,一看到这一幕,瞬间也不由一惊,就是孔雀明王也大叫道:“手下留情。” However, Eastern Desolate Old Ancestor reminded, Peacock Bright King yelled that is late. 但是,不论是东荒老祖提醒,还是孔雀明王大叫,那都已经迟了。 „Not good-- in this electrical spark light, god streamer day also to feel the death, with amazement, wanted to organize at the own quickest speed, the body such as the flying mortal form, wanted to escape to fly to go. “不好——”在这石火电光之间,神幡天杰也感受到了死亡,骇然,欲以自己最快的速度腾挪,身如飞魄,欲遁飞而去。 However, no matter god streamer day outstanding speed how rapidness, to respond how extremely fast, finally did not help matters. 但是,不管神幡天杰的速度如何之快,反应如何极速,最终都无济于事。 Hears bo a resonate sound, the blood sputtering, hiked up blood fog, in this in an instant, the crystal punctured the ray to pierce the god streamer day outstanding chest. 听到“啵”的一声响起,鲜血溅射,飘起了血雾,在这刹那之间,晶刺光芒刺穿了神幡天杰的胸膛。 Not-- in instance at the point of death, god streamer day also screamed a pair, his being unwilling heart bellows, when his cry has not fallen, his corpse has fallen from the upper air. “不——”在临死的瞬间,神幡天杰也都不由尖叫了一双,他不甘心地大吼一声,但是,当他叫声还没有落下的时候,他的尸体已经从高空中落下了。 Hears bang a resonate sound, the god streamer day outstanding corpse crashes from the upper air, falls layer on layer/heavily on the ground, the blood is flowing, dyed red soil. 听到“砰”的一声响起,神幡天杰的尸体从高空坠落,重重地摔在地上,鲜血流淌着,染红了泥土。 At once, the entire scene becomes the incomparable silence, everyone looks at this, looks at god streamer day that lies down in the corpse of ground dull at present, god streamer day is penetrated the chest, an shocking blood hole, the blood is flowing. 一时之间,整个场面变得无比的寂静,所有人都呆呆地看着眼前这一幕,看着神幡天杰那躺在地上的尸体,神幡天杰被击穿了胸膛,一个触目惊心的血洞,鲜血在流淌着。 At present such, does not need everyone saying that also knew result / to bear fruit, Tyrant Eye Heavenly Tiger wins left, god streamer day died a tragic death finally. 眼前这样的一幕,不用大家去说,也知道结果了,霸目天虎出,神幡天杰最终惨死。 Does not beat Dao Monarch Weapon eventually.” At this time, had Large Sect Old Ancestor to say in a low voice. “终究不敌道君之兵。”在这个时候,有大教老祖低声地说道。 Everyone can look, discussed by the strength, discussed by cultivation, even possibly, discussed by Innate Talent, god streamer day and Tyrant Eye Heavenly Tiger their two people could not differ many, both people took two Dao Celestial powerhouses, when take action, hit from the beginning evenly matched, no one could do to anyone. 大家都看得出来,以实力而论,以道行而论,甚至可能,以天赋而论,神幡天杰与霸目天虎他们两个人都相差不了多少,两个人都作为二道天尊的强者,在一开始出手之时,打得势均力敌,谁都奈何不了谁。 Even when god streamer day also own handed down in the family secret skill, but also is in the upper hand, when the god streamer day outstanding hand grasps the ancestor streamer, that feared that is executes Dao Monarch Secret Technique Tyrant Eye Heavenly Tiger unable to do to god streamer day. 甚至在神幡天杰施也自己家传绝学的时候,还占了上风,当神幡天杰手握祖幡的时候,那怕是施出道君秘术霸目天虎也奈何不了神幡天杰。 However, treating as is ten thousand items of god eyes one of the Dao Monarch weapon, the entire war changed all of a sudden, no matter god streamer day outstanding Cultivation Technique mystery how, no matter god streamer day ancestor streamer how powerful, when ten thousand items of god eyes bang, the result was doomed all of a sudden. 但是,当作为道君兵器的万目神眼一出,整个战局就一下子改变了,不管神幡天杰的功法多么的奥妙,不管神幡天杰的祖幡是多么的强大,但,当万目神眼一轰而出的时候,结局就一下子注定了。 Even god streamer aristocratic family technique of what kind of world Wushuang/matchless of system streamer, Cultivation Technique how superb in the world of even if god streamer aristocratic family , compared with Dao Monarch, has a big disparity. 就算神幡世家的制幡之术何等的天下无双,就算是神幡世家的功法如何妙绝于世,与道君一比,都是有着不小的差距。 Therefore, under the stimulation of movement of ten thousand items of eyes, the might that ten thousand items of god eyes institutes play, that is what kind of fearfulness, that seems like Dao Monarch take action to be personally same simply, god streamer day did not die a tragic death, that must blame. 所以,在万目之眼的催动之下,万目神眼所发挥出来的威力,那是何等的可怕,那简直就好像是道君亲自出手一样,神幡天杰不惨死,那才怪。 Arrived finally, is compared with background time.” Has aristocratic family Senior Elder also to say in a low voice: Dragon Sect's background, is still not the common aristocratic family can be a worthy opponent.” “到最后,还是比底蕴的时候。”有世家元老也不由低声地说道:“龙教的底蕴,依然不是一般世家所能匹敌也。” Although who can look, Tyrant Eye Heavenly Tiger and god streamer day is equally matched, but, Dragon Sect's background actually obviously powerful in Shenfan aristocratic family. 虽然谁都看得出来,霸目天虎与神幡天杰彼此之间是不相上下,但是,龙教的底蕴却明显强大于神幡世家。 When compares background, Tyrant Eye Heavenly Tiger a Dao Monarch Weapon time, then, the result has been doomed. 当一比底蕴的时候,霸目天虎道君之兵一出的时候,那么,结局就已经注定了。 Dragon Cult eventually is Dragon Cult.” Also there is Eastern Desolate important people to say in a low voice: Highly regarded.” 龙教终究是龙教呀。”也有东荒大人物低声地说道:“不可小觑也。” In fact, Tyrant Eye Heavenly Tiger has not used Dragon Sect's all resources, he obtains the Tiger Pond's cultivation, if can look like today's Peacock Bright King, only feared that Tyrant Eye Heavenly Tiger will be stronger on three points. 事实上,霸目天虎还未用到龙教的所有资源,他只是得到虎池的栽培,若是能像今天的孔雀明王,只怕霸目天虎会更强上三分。 „Not good-- to have Dragon Sect's powerhouse looks at such a, said in a low voice: dead person, this only feared that was the bad matter.” “不好——”有龙教的强者看着这样一幕,不由低声地说道:“死人了,这只怕是坏事情了。” The cultivator decisive battle, has dead person every day, in fact, the fair decision, regarding many cultivator powerhouses, died in battle, that only blames the scholarship not fine. 修士决战,每一天都有死人,事实上,公平决定,对于许多修士强者而言,战死,那只怪学艺不精。 However, now the present situation is actually not this, the god streamer day masterpiece is one of the Five Yang Sovereign 36 Heaven Venerable, with the Eastern Desolate mission comes, to go abroad on a diplomatic mission Dragon Cult, that is a guest. 但是,现在眼下情况却不是这样,神幡天杰作为五阳皇三十六天尊之一,与东荒使团而来,出使龙教,那就是客人。 However, now god streamer day actually died a tragic death in the hand of Tyrant Eye Heavenly Tiger, this caused Dragon Cult and Eastern Desolate has the enmity , Dragon Cult this and Eastern Desolate formed an alliance. 但是,现在神幡天杰却惨死在了霸目天虎的手中,这岂不是使得龙教东荒结下仇了,要知道,龙教本与东荒结盟的。 It seems like, is not good to harvest, without harvesting, this is not only Five Yang Sect face countenance completely loses , is to make Eastern Desolate face countenance completely lose.” Has the Dragon Sect's elder also mind one cold, worried that said. “看来,不好收获,若是没有收获好,这不仅仅是五阳宗颜脸尽失,也是使东荒颜脸尽失呀。”有龙教的长老也不由心神一凛,不无担忧地说道。 At this time, the entire scene all of a sudden became dignified, Five Yang Old Sect Master, feather the turban sage and other Eastern Desolate Old Ancestor complexions sank. 在这个时候,整个场面一下子变得凝重起来,五阳老宗主,羽巾贤者等东荒老祖都脸色一沉。
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