ED :: Volume #44

#4385: I do not have take action

At this time, both eye looks at bear king , bear king so sneak attacked as we all know, indeed was makes one despise. 在这个时候,一双双眼睛看着熊王,大家都知道,熊王如此偷袭,的确是让人为之不齿。 Now bear king is unable to back down, putting Li Qiye is not, does not put Li Qiye is not. 现在熊王可谓是骑虎难下,放了李七夜不是,不放李七夜也不是。 Monkey sovereign, other things, I can comply, but, today, this king must twist his head.” Finally, bear king bellows. “猴皇,其他的事情,我可以答应,但,今日,本王一定要拧下他的头颅。”最终,熊王大吼一声。 The long arm monkey sovereign frowns, is quite disgruntled. 长臂猴皇不由皱了一下眉头,颇为不悦。 Boy, accepts fate.” At this time bear king looked angrily at Li Qiye, both eyes was spouting the anger, said: This king must offer a sacrifice to my disciple soul in heaven with your dog's life.” “小子,认命吧。”此时熊王怒视着李七夜,双目喷出了怒火,说道:“本王要拿你的狗命来祭吾徒在天之灵。” Sees such a, many cultivator powerhouse and Dragon Cult disciple on the scene also turns very quiet, at this moment, does not know many people think Li Qiye this died. 见到这样的一幕,在场的许多修士强者、龙教弟子也都不由为之屏住呼吸,在此时此刻,不知道多少人都认为李七夜这是死定了。 Naturally , the there's nothing person will sympathize with Li Qiye, in their opinion, Li Qiye that is just brings about own destruction, seeks to perish. 当然,也没有什么人会去同情李七夜,在他们看来,李七夜那只不过是自寻死路罢了,自寻灭亡。 Even also has the Dragon Sect's disciple's cold snort in the heart, this with their Dragon Cult for the fate of enemy, the fate that kills the phoenix disciple. 甚至也有龙教的弟子在心里面冷哼一声,这就是与他们龙教为敌的下场,杀害凤地弟子的下场。 Although said, as bear king, sneak attacks small sect master, making one quite disdain, but, in many Dragon Sect's disciple mind, Li Qiye and Dragon Cult for the enemy, kills the phoenix disciple, this heinous crime, even may execute the nine generations, otherwise, any small sect small school thought to be able with speaking the last words their Dragon Cult. 虽然说,以熊王的身份,去偷袭一个小门主,让人颇为不屑,但是,在不少龙教的弟子心目中,李七夜龙教为敌,杀害凤地弟子,这罪该万死,甚至可诛九族,否则的话,任何一个小门小派都以为能与叫板他们龙教了。 Therefore, at this time the bear king must pinch the Li Qiye's neck, makes many Dragon Cult disciples have several points of pleased in the heart, this is Li Qiye should have the fate that brings about own destruction, this does not know the the sky is high the earth is deep fate. 所以,此时熊王要捏断李七夜的脖子,也让不少龙教弟子在心里面有着几分的快意,这就是李七夜该有的下场,自寻死路,这就是不知天高地厚的下场。 Right?” Turns very quiet in everyone, thinks that bear king makes an effort, is crack one, can the Li Qiye's neck pinches, at this time, is caught Li Qiye of neck actually flurriedly not to have, but smiled lightly, very tranquil. “是吗?”就在所有人都屏住呼吸,认为熊王一用力,就是“喀嚓”一声,能把李七夜的脖子捏断的时候,此时,被卡住脖子的李七夜竟然一点慌乱都没有,只是淡淡地笑了一下,十分的平静。 Must die.” Bear king both eyes one severe, in this electrical spark light, his to have one bad omen, loudly shouted: Dies.” The words fall, the five fingers draw, in a vigor round, wants to pinch the Li Qiye's neck. “必死。”熊王双目一厉,在这石火电光之间,他有着一种不祥之兆,大喝道:“去死吧。”话一落下,五指收拢,内劲一发,欲捏断李七夜的脖子。 However, at this time, regardless of the bear king puts forth many strength, stimulated to movement many in vigor, is unable unexpectedly the crumb Li Qiye's neck. 但是,在这个时候,不论熊王使出多少的力气,催动了多少的内劲,竟然无法捏碎李七夜的脖子。 In this in an instant, making the bear king feel, the Li Qiye's neck is hard, is harder than in world hardest firm iron. 在这刹那之间,让熊王觉得,李七夜的脖子坚硬无比,比世间最坚硬的坚铁都还要坚硬。 Dead-- at this time, bear king furiously roared, used the strength of whole body, caused completely the strength of nursing, but, still pinched motionless slightly, in this moment, the Li Qiye's neck was hard is unable to imagine, as if does not have any thing can injure to result in slightly. “死——”在这个时候,熊王狂吼一声,使出了全身的力气,使尽了吃奶的力气,但是,依然捏不动丝毫,在这一刻,李七夜的脖子就是坚硬得无法想象,似乎没有任何东西可以伤得了丝毫。 At this time, the bear king caused completely the strength of nursing, the complexion became flushed, but, his five fingers went all out to draw, went all out to make an effort, could not pinch tiny bit. 此时,熊王使尽了吃奶的力气了,脸色涨红了,但是,他五指拼命收拢,拼命用力,就是捏不下一丝一毫。 What's wrong?” In this moment, many Dragon Cult disciple and cultivator powerhouse on the scene also thought that is not right. “怎么了?”就在这一刻,也不少在场的龙教弟子、修士强者也都是觉得不对劲了。 Protects the heart of calf, somewhat is actually valuable, what a pity, should not provoke me.” At this time, Li Qiye smiled lightly. “护犊之心,倒是有几分可贵,可惜,不该招惹我。”在这个时候,李七夜淡淡地一笑。 Originally, the Li Qiye's body by the bear king Kazhu neck, the whole person was hung, but, the Li Qiye's body cannot help but floated unexpectedly, breaks surface toward the upper air. 本来,李七夜的身体是被熊王卡住脖子,整个人吊了起来的,但是,李七夜的身体竟然不由自主地浮了起来,往高空上浮去。 What is strangest, as the Li Qiye's body drifts toward the upper air, bear king that big body was also towed to entrain to float. 最诡异的是,随着李七夜的身体往高空上飘浮的时候,熊王那高大的身躯也被拖拽着浮了起来。 The own body cannot help but floated, this makes the bear king in great surprise, want big hand of crumb Li Qiye throat to loosen immediately immediately. 自己身体不由自主地浮了起来,这顿时让熊王大惊,本是要捏碎李七夜喉咙的大手立即松开。 However, at this time, that feared that bear king loosened own to press firmly between the fingers big hand of Li Qiye throat, same did not help matters, his body seemed like in this is imprisoned to be the same in an instant, could not move, drifted involuntary. 但是,此时,那怕熊王松开了自己捏住李七夜喉咙的大手,也一样无济于事,他的身体就好像是在这刹那之间被禁锢一样,动弹不得,身不由己地飘浮起来。 In this in an instant, bear king felt that the own whole person locked in the imprisonment to be common, the whole person cannot move, was towed to entrain to flutter toward the upper air, at this time, bear Wangxiang struggled, but, very strange matter happened, that feared that he wants to cause completely all strength, he is unable to move. 在这刹那之间,熊王就感觉自己整个人被锁住禁锢一般,整个人动弹不得,被拖拽着往高空飘去,在这个时候,熊王想挣扎,但是,十分诡异的事情发生了,那怕他想使尽所有的力量,他都无法动弹。 At this moment, bear king felt own lost the control to the body was the same, basic on control body of own. 在此时此刻,熊王感觉自己失去了对身体的控制一样,根本就控制不了自己的身体。 What happened-- in this in an instant, looks at bear king and Li Qiye drifted unsteady toward the upper air, this made the cultivator powerhouse and Dragon Cult disciple on the scene be startled immediately. “发生什么事情了——”在这刹那之间,看着熊王与李七夜一高一低往高空飘浮起来,这顿时让在场的修士强者、龙教弟子不由为之一怔。 From the beginning, has the Dragon Sect's disciple also to think that the bear king must catch in the upper air Li Qiye, must fall from the upper air him downward, wants Li Qiye living plunging to death. 一开始,有龙教的弟子还以为熊王要把李七夜抓到高空上,要把他从高空上往下摔,要把李七夜活生生的摔死。 However, at this moment, carefully looked, discovered is not right, probably bear king cannot move, because he had loosened big hand that is pinching the Li Qiye neck, bear king was towed to entrain is going toward the upper air. 但是,此时此刻,仔细一看,发现并不对劲,好像是熊王动弹不得,因为他已经松开了捏着李七夜脖子的大手,熊王是被拖拽着往高空而去的。 What had?” The even if long arm monkey sovereign behind big monster, sees such a , is surprised, has not done a clear this is what matter. “发生什么了?”就算是长臂猴皇身后的大妖,看到这样的一幕,也不由为之一惊,也没有搞明白这是怎么一回事。 After all , anyone sees with one's own eyes from the beginning, Li Qiye fell into bear king the hand, just like the fish meat that Ren Xiongwang butchers to be the same, but, now looks like, is not then matter. 毕竟,在一开始的时候,谁都亲眼看到,李七夜落入了熊王的手中,犹如任熊王宰割的鱼肉一样,但是,现在看来,并不是那么一回事。 „Not wonderful-- at this time, the long arm monkey sovereign saw the clue, changed for it complexion. “不妙——”在这个时候,长臂猴皇看出端倪,不由为之脸色一变。 You, you, do you cause the sorcery?” At this time, bear king also complexion big change, big shout. “你,你,你使妖法?”在这个时候,熊王也脸色大变,大叫一声 bear king is the Monster Race family background, but, actually cannot bear big shout sorcery, he does not know why will lose control suddenly like this. 熊王已经是妖族出身了,但是,却忍不住大叫一声“妖法”,他也不知道为何会突然这样失控。 You said, what kind of cause of death this/should takes?” Floats above the upper air, the Li Qiye manner tranquilly, smiled lightly. “你说,该是要一个怎么样的死法呢?”浮于高空之上,李七夜神态平静,淡淡地笑了一下。 The words dropped, heard „” a resonate sound, Li Qiye emitted the flame behind, the Dao Fire flame flushed together, heard the sound of Phoenix Cry, the flame changed to a pair of great wing in this in an instant, let fall Dao laws, each Dao Law that blazing, were billowing hot, attacked to ten sides. 话一落下,听到“蓬”的一声响起,李七夜身后冒出了火焰,一道道火焰冲了出来的时候,听到了凤鸣之声,火焰在这刹那之间化作了一双巨翼,垂落了一道道的法则,每一道法则是那么的炽热,一道道热浪滚滚,冲击向十方。 Chirp--, just like Phoenix Cry is ordinary, when such sound resounds, in many Monster Race hearts on the scene hit one to tremble, both feet for it one soft, must unable to come to a stop, wants hong to bend down on the ground is ordinary. “啾——”的一声,犹如凤鸣一般,当这样的声音响起的时候,在场的许多妖族都心里面打了一个哆嗦,双脚不由为之一软,都要站不稳,要訇伏在地上一般。 At this moment, everyone has an misconception, on Li Qiye, as if sent out Supreme the strength of Phoenix, can steamroll Heavens, in this moment, Li Qiye seem like Phoenix to take possession to be the same, among the graces, then can chop the world, opened Myriad Law. 在此时此刻,所有人都有一种错觉,在李七夜身上,似乎散发出了一股无上凤凰之力,可以碾压诸天,在这一刻,李七夜就好像是凤凰附体一样,举手投足之间,便可以劈天地,开万法 This, this, what is this-- saw that Li Qiye behind spout the flame wing, long arm monkey sovereign behind big Monster City of it in great surprise. “这,这,这是什么——”看到李七夜身后喷涌出了焰翅,长臂猴皇身后的大妖都不由为之大惊。 Rest that all at once because regarding these big monsters, Li Qiye sends out at this time, making in their soul shiver, making them dread and respect in one of the innermost soul, the one feudal official in innermost soul bent down, such feudal official bent down, seemed like inborn general. 因为对于这些大妖而言,此时李七夜散发出来的一股气息,让他们灵魂中不由为之颤抖了一下,让他们在灵魂深处的一种畏惧与敬仰,灵魂深处的一种臣伏,这样的臣伏,似乎是天生的一般。 This seems like hundred bird feudal officials to bend down in Phoenix is the same, such feudal official bends down, does not care in the strength strong and weak, this is feudal official on a Bloodline bends down. 这就好像是百鸟臣伏于凤凰一样,这样的臣伏,已经不在乎于力量的强弱了,这是一血统上的臣伏。 Phoenix Grand Dao?” Sees such a, in the Jian Qingzhu heart shocks, she has Blue Luan Bloodline, is inheritance gets down by their ancestor High God luan Great Saint, the hearsay said, their ancestor god luan Great Saint, is can the atavism , to promote in Phoenix Bloodline. 凤凰大道吗?”看到这样的一幕,简清竹心里面为之震撼,她拥有着青鸾血统,乃是由他们祖上神大圣传承下来的,传闻说,他们祖先神鸾大圣,乃是可以返祖,晋升于凤凰血统的。 It can be said that in phoenix also good, is also good because of Dragon Cult, in all Monster Race, Blue Luan Bloodline that their Jian Family inheritance gets down, it may be said that most was close to Phoenix Bloodline inheritance, might be considered as in birds Monster Race, Bloodline noblest Bloodline. 可以说,在凤地也好,在龙教也好,在所有妖族之中,他们简家传承下来的青鸾血统,可谓是最接近凤凰血统传承了,堪称是在飞禽妖族之中,血统最高贵的血统了。 Now in Li Qiye lends so the powerful aura, strength of the Phoenix heads on, that feared that Jian Qingzhu has Blue Luan Bloodline, trembled. 现在在李七夜散发出如此的强大气息之时,一股凤凰之力扑面而来,那怕简清竹拥有青鸾血统,也都不由颤了一下。 That feared that is Gao Guiru Blue Luan, in front of Phoenix , the same meeting feudal official bends down, because Phoenix is true Divine Beast Immortal Bird, but Blue Luan, but Bloodline stained Divine Attribute, but also is far is Divine Beast Immortal Bird. 那怕是高贵如青鸾,在凤凰面前,也一样会臣伏,因为凤凰才是真正的神兽仙禽,而青鸾,只是血统沾上了神性罢了,还谈不上是神兽仙禽 Therefore, will shiver including own Bloodline, this made Jian Qingzhu shock, that was very likely, strength that Li Qiye sent out at this time, was the strength of Phoenix, had Phoenix Grand Dao. 所以,连自己血统都会颤抖一下,这就让简清竹为之震撼了,那就极有可能,李七夜此时散发出来的力量,就是凤凰之力,拥有凤凰大道 At this time, Jian Qingzhu not only shocked, associated, because Li Qiye lit the person in nest of phoenix place, perhaps besides past god luan Dao Monarch, Li Qiye was the first achieving person. 在这个时候,简清竹不仅是震撼,同时也是联想了许多,因为李七夜是点燃了凤地之巢的人,或许除了当年的神鸾道君之外,李七夜是第一个做到的人了。 He in the nest of phoenix place, actually has such big harvest.” In this in an instant, the long arm monkey sovereign also realized anything, strength that because Li Qiye sends out at this time, is lets their Monster Race for strength that it shivers, this is Monster Race noble Supreme strength. “他在凤地之巢,竟然有着这么大的收获。”在这刹那之间,长臂猴皇也意识到了什么事情了,因为李七夜此时所散发出来的力量,乃是让他们妖族为之颤抖的力量,此乃是妖族的高贵无上力量 Before then, Golden Phoenix Monster King convinced phoenix Old Ancestor, allowing Li Qiye to enter the nest of phoenix place, this matter, long arm monkey sovereign as one of the phoenix Old Ancestor, knows this matter. 在此之前,金鸾妖王可是说服了凤地诸位老祖,允许李七夜进入凤地之巢,这件事情,长臂猴皇作为凤地老祖之一,也是知道此事的。 Now saw the flame wing that Li Qiye shoots up to the sky behind, feels the strength of Phoenix that heads on, this lets in the long arm monkey sovereign also heart immediately for it big change, so, Li Qiye enters the nest of phoenix place, not has not harvested, even can say, he is the harvest is quite rich. 现在看到李七夜身后冲天而起的焰翼,感受到那扑面而来的凤凰之力,这顿时让长臂猴皇也不由心里面为之剧震,如此看来,李七夜进入凤地之巢,并非是没有收获,甚至可以说,他是收获极为丰厚。 winner is the king, loser is the villain , has what method, although causes, this king did not fear.” At this time, bear Wangxiang struggled, but, not being able to say strength actually sealed to run metal into cracks him, making him unable to move, at this time, bear king was also the son true colors, did not beg for mercy to Li Qiye. 成王败寇,有什么手段,尽管使出来,本王不怕。”在这个时候,熊王想挣扎,但是,一股说不出来的力量却把他封锢了,让他动弹不得,在这个时候,熊王也是男儿本色,不向李七夜求饶。 Good, has the strength of spirit.” Li Qiye smiled, in this instantaneous, hears „” a resonate sound, flame wing instantaneous fist. “好,有骨气。”李七夜笑了一下,在这瞬间,听到“蓬”的一声响起,身后的焰翼瞬间化拳。 Bang loud sound, the fist of such flame wing, is instantaneously same like the meteor, pounded layer on layer/heavily above bear king the chest, heard crack resonate sound of bone scraps, bear king the blood spurted crazily. “砰”的一声巨响,这样的焰翼之拳,瞬间如流星一样,重重地砸在了熊王的胸膛之上,听到“喀嚓”的骨碎之声响起,熊王鲜血狂喷。 In this in an instant, the bear king Pangda body just like the meteor to be the same, in bang under loud sound, pounded layer on layer/heavily on the ground, pounded a gulf the land. 在这刹那之间,熊王庞大的身体犹如流星一样,在“砰”的一声巨响之下,重重地砸在了地上,把大地砸出了一个深坑来。 Sees such a, everyone pulled out an cold air/Qi, even somewhat cannot get back one's composure. 看到这样的一幕,所有人都不由抽了一口冷气,甚至有些回不过神来。 In previous quarter, Li Qiye also such as the fish meat on bear king block, whatever the bear king butchers, suddenly, is reverses. 在上一刻,李七夜还如熊王砧板上的鱼肉,任由熊王宰割,眨眼之间,便是逆转过来。
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