ED :: Volume #44

#4354: Monster City

Monster City, is called the monster city, is one of the Dragon Cult biggest capital cities, entire Dragon Cult, only had imperial capital Dragon City to be able in comparison. 妖都,又称为妖城,乃是龙教最大的都城之一,整个龙教,也唯有帝都龙城能与之相比了。 Dragon City is the Dragon Sect's imperial capital, the Dragon Cult all previous generations being in power people belongs to Dragon City, since Dragon Sect's First Ancestor Space Dragon Emperor has founded Dragon Cult, then founds a capital in Dragon City, rules the world in this. 龙城乃是龙教的帝都,龙教历代掌权人都属于龙城,自从龙教的始祖空间龙帝创建龙教以来,便是建都于龙城,在此统治天下。 even if Dragon Cult descendant's Virtuous Predecessor or Dao Monarch, resides in Dragon Cult, such as Dragon Sect's invincible Dao Monarch, ten thousand items of Dao Monarch, sits in Dragon City, hangs governs the world. 就算是龙教后代的先贤道君,也是居于龙教,如龙教的无敌道君,万目道君,也是坐于龙城,垂治天下。 Although said, the Dragon Sect's all previous generations Virtuous Predecessor hierarch, belongs to Dragon City, hangs governs the world, entire Dragon City is also the Dragon Sect's power in it place. 虽然说,龙教的历代先贤掌权者,都是属于龙城,垂治天下,整个龙城也是龙教的权力所在之地。 However, Monster City is Dragon Sect's is basic, even a view believes that regarding Dragon Cult, without Monster City, then does not have Dragon Cult, but without Dragon City, then incompetent governance world. 但是,妖都却是龙教的根本,甚至一种说法认为,对于龙教而言,若是没有妖都,便是没有龙教,而没有龙城,便无能治理天下。 Therefore, Monster City that feared that is not the place of Dragon Sect's authority, but, Monster City indeed is the Dragon Sect's cornerstone. 所以,妖都那怕不是龙教的权柄之地,但是,妖都的的确确是龙教的基石。 Since billion years, Monster City has been each generation produces talented people from generation to generation, is Dragon Cult transmitted Virtuous Predecessor from generation to generation, is Dragon Cult transmitted the innumerable powerhouses. 千百万年以来,妖都乃是一代又一代的人才辈出,为龙教传输了一代又一代的先贤,为龙教传输了无数的强者。 Also because Monster City so prosperous, this also causes one of the Dragon Cult standing strong without falling reasons. 也正是因为妖都如此的昌盛,这也是使得龙教屹立不倒的原因之一。 Monster City, calls it with it, rather is calls it the monster mountain or the monster range is more suitable, because of entire Monster City, it is not capital city in a conventional significance. 妖都,与其称之为都,更不如说是称之为妖山或妖岭更为适合一点,因为整个妖都,它本身不是一个常规意义上的都城。 Monster City occupying land area big, everyone does not talk clearly, because of the Monster City not concrete city wall, does not have the concrete city range. 妖都占地有多大,大家也说不清楚,因为妖都没有具体的城墙,也没有具体的城址范围。 If you stand in the Monster City high place, looking into the distance, you will discover that at present is innumerable mountains and rivers, endless mountain range fluctuating, has reaching to the sky palatial godly peak, there is big ruins of being too deep to see the bottom, like the rivers and streams that giant dragon occupies, stretches across the paradoxical pulse of land...... 如果你站在妖都的高处,放眼望去,你会发现眼前乃是无数山河,无尽的山峦起伏,有高耸入云的巍峨神峰,也有深不见底的大墟,更是有如巨龙盘踞的江河,还有横跨大地的奇脉…… In this grand incomparable mountains and rivers, you will see palace buildings, some palace buildings are construct above the mountain peak, the palace building above that reaching to the sky mountain peak, as if lives here, puts out a hand to meet stars. 就是在这壮阔无比的山河之中,你会看到一座座宫殿楼宇,有的宫殿楼宇乃是建于山峰之上,那高耸入云山峰之上的宫殿楼宇,似乎居住在这里,伸手便可接星辰 Also there is a building palace to construct above the precipice cliff, seemingly just like is immortal's family/home, white clouds long, has several points of Immortal Qi to be the same. 也有连片的楼宇宫殿建筑在了绝壁悬崖之上,看起来犹如是仙人之家,白云悠悠,有着几分的仙气一般。 Also some buildings are float above void, there is a Grand Dao chains, a building palace so lock piece by piece including, looks on the probably in the air capital city, is very magnificent. 也有的楼宇乃是悬浮于虚空之上,有大道锁链,一片片的楼宇宫殿如此锁连起来,看起来就好像是空中都城,无比壮观。 Also there is a building is situated in above the rivers and streams, how regardless of the rivers and streams tumble to gallop, these buildings are standing strong without falling. 也有楼宇乃是立于江河之上,不论江河如何翻滚奔腾,这些楼宇都是屹立不倒 .................................... ……………………………… Although said, looking into the distance, entire Monster City is the mountain range are innumerable, Gao Feng ju mountain is countless, but, the trim world, was full of the liveliness, was full of the popularity, or filled Monster Qi, the whole world was vigor 100%, was not the wilderness. 虽然说,放眼望去,整个妖都乃是山峦无数、高峰巨岳数之不尽,但是,整片天地,乃是充满了活气,充满了人气,或者说是充满了妖气,整个世界是活力十足,并不是什么荒郊野外。 Entire Monster City, it may be said that filled Monster Qi, is here is called one of the Monster City reasons. 整个妖都,可谓是充满了妖气,也是此处被称为妖都的原因之一。 Because Monster City besides is the Dragon Cult biggest capital city, this is also the Southern Desolate biggest Monster Race gathering place, here, gathered the countless Monster Race juniors, has from also to have the family background in all corners of the country in various factions. 因为妖都除了是龙教最大的都城之外,这也是南荒最大的妖族聚集之地,在这里,聚集了数之不尽的妖族子弟,有出来自于五湖四海也有出身于各门各派。 It can be said that occupied Monster City most populous that is Monster Race. 可以说,占据妖都人口最多的那就是妖族了。 In Monster City any place, no matter above that lively street, is attacks the clouds above Lonely Peak, may see the Monster Race form everywhere. 妖都的任何一个地方,不管是那繁华的街道之上,乃是直插云霄的孤峰之上,处处都可见到妖族的身影。 Has a butt the snake monster of long tail, there is four limbs to reveal the tiger monster of sharp claws, there is Ox Monster of ox head person, there is a tree monster of thick skin...... wait/etc. 有身后托着长长尾巴的蛇妖,也有四肢露出利爪的虎妖,也有牛头人身的牛妖,也有一身厚皮的树妖……等等。 It can be said that the place visited, can see, strange all sorts of Monster Race of all forms. 可以说,所过之处,都能看到形形色色,稀奇古怪的种种妖族 In Monster Race, sees any monster, that was makes anybody be offended do not blame , instead in this Monster City ordinary Human Race, that seemed somewhat strange. 妖族之中,看到任何妖怪,那是让任何人都见怪不怪了,反而在这妖都普普通通的人族,那才显得有些怪异呢。 In Monster City, is Monster Race are innumerable, in the meantime, in entire Monster City, is expert like clouds, hidden dragons and crouching tigers. 妖都,乃是妖族无数,同时,在整个妖都,也是高手如云,藏龙卧虎 Monster City, must arrive.” When sees Monster City from afar, follows the Lesser Vajra Sect disciple who Li Qiye is coming is also excited, yelled one. 妖都,要到了。”在远远看到妖都之时,跟随着李七夜而来的小金刚门弟子也都不由为之兴奋,大叫了一声。 Monster City-- is Elder Hu saw that from afar Monster City is also very sigh with emotion, mutters said: One of Dragon Cult biggest cities , this whole life also has the opportunity to come Monster City.” 妖都——”就是胡长老远远看到妖都也不由十分感慨,喃喃地说道:“龙教最大的城池之一,没有想到,这辈子还有机会来妖都。” Big capital city.” Has the Lesser Vajra Sect disciple looks from afar, seeing Monster City is mountains and rivers is grand, said sigh with emotion. “好大的都城呀。”有小金刚门弟子远远而看的时候,看到妖都乃是山河壮丽无比,不由感慨地说道。 These days went out, it may be said that were make the Lesser Vajra Sect's disciple broaden the outlook, with present Monster City, the casual corner, that do not know that had/left many compared with their Lesser Vajra Sect greatly. 这些日出门,可谓是让小金刚门的弟子大开眼界了,就拿眼前的妖都来说,随便一个角落,那都是不知道比他们小金刚门大出了多少。 In front of so huge Monster City, their Lesser Vajra Sect's that land and that mountains and rivers, are not worth mentioning, probably is insignificant. 在如此庞大的妖都面前,他们小金刚门的那点土地、那点山河,根本就不值得一提,就好像是沧海一粟。 But Monster City, that also is just a Dragon Sect's capital city, considers, entire Dragon Cult how huge, compared with such colossus, Lesser Vajra Sect just like is the dust is ordinary. 妖都,那也只不过是龙教的一个都城而言,试想一下,整个龙教是多么的庞大,与这样的庞然大物相比,小金刚门就犹如是尘埃一般。 Monster City is the root of Dragon Cult.” Elder Hu said: Moreover, Monster City has three lineage/vein, powerful.” 妖都乃是龙教之根。”胡长老说道:“而且,妖都有三脉,实力非常强大也。” Monster City has three lineage/vein, what three lineage/vein.” The Lesser Vajra Sect's disciple hears such words, was curious. 妖都有三脉,什么三脉。”小金刚门的弟子一听到这样的话,也都不由为之好奇了。 Phoenix, Tiger Pond and dragon platform.” Elder Hu said slowly: Each lineage/vein, are stand erect of billion years, the strength is deep and unmeasurable.” “凤地、虎池龙台。”胡长老徐徐地说道:“每一脉,都是屹立千百万年之久,实力可谓是深不可测。” Although Elder Hu is the small sect small school family background, understands not many Dragon Cult, but, many hearsay or heard. 胡长老虽然是小门小派出身,对于龙教了解不多,但是,很多传闻还是听说过的。 Elder Hu this saying also said well, Monster City has three lineage/vein, although this view some are inaccurate, but , can indeed include generally the Monster City cardinal principle situation. 胡长老这话也说得不错,妖都有三脉,这说法虽然有些不准确,但,也的确是可以括概妖都的大体情况。 Monster, Tiger Pond and dragon platform, Monster City these three lineage/vein, billion years, have been Dragon Cult trained powerhouse from generation to generation since continuously, thus also establishes Monster City in the Dragon Sect's position. 妖地、虎池龙台,也正是妖都这三脉,千百万年以来,源源不断地为龙教培养了一代又一代的强者,从而也奠定妖都龙教的地位。 „It is not loose.” When Elder Hu and Lesser Vajra Sect's disciple talked Monster City, Li Qiye has stood there, looked out into the distance Monster City, looks at all these, as if, billion years such as the flash is calmly ordinary at present, the past all sorts, are flashing past at present. “不散呀。”就在胡长老小金刚门的弟子大谈妖都的时候,李七夜一直站在那里,远眺妖都,静静地看着眼前这一切,似乎,千百万年如一瞬间一般,过去的种种,都在眼前一闪而过。 billion years in the past, all winds and clouds had vanished into thin air, but, in this piece of between Heaven and Earth, has anything not to diverge is the same, naturally, such aura, only has Li Qiye to be able to feel. 千百万年过去,一切的风云都已经烟消云散了,但是,在这片天地之间,却有着什么并未散去一样,当然,这样的气息,也唯有李七夜才能感受得到。 What is that?” At this time, Lesser Vajra Sect's disciple looking out into the distance front, proceeded a finger/refers. “那是什么?”在这个时候,小金刚门的一个弟子远眺前面,往前一指。 At this time, the Lesser Vajra Sect's disciples looked, saw only has ancient temple there, entire ancient temple was very huge, seems incomparably palatial, such ancient temple, ancient seemed very same there from ancient times era then legacy, billion years in the past, such ancient temple as if has what carrying to be the same. 在这个时候,小金刚门的弟子都望去,只见在那里有一座古殿,整座古殿十分巨大,显得无比巍峨,这样的一座古殿,十分的古老似乎从远古时代便遗留在那里一样,千百万年过去,这样的古殿似乎有着什么承载一样。 Such ancient temple it sent out the plain ray, entire ancient temple by eight divine chain locked, was hanging above Vault of Heaven high, as the plain ray threw the powder one after another outward, as if entire space also the fluctuation was the same, probably such ancient temple has what strength fluctuating like the tide to be the same, as if entire Monster City was centered on this ancient temple was the same. 这样的一座古殿它散发出了古朴光芒,整座古殿被八条神链锁着,高高地悬挂在天穹之上,随着古朴的光芒一轮又一轮地向外扑散的时候,似乎整个空间都随之而波动一样,好像这样的一座古殿有着什么力量在像潮水一样起伏一般,似乎整个妖都以这一座古殿为中心一样。 Although said, on Monster City sky, has many palace buildings is float there, or was locked on sky, but , compared with this ancient temple, these building palaces appeared overshadowed. 虽然说,在妖都天空上,有着不少的宫殿楼宇是悬浮在那里,或者被锁在天空上,但是,与这一座古殿相比起来,这些楼宇宫殿都显得黯然失色。 In fact, all float palace building on sky, this ancient temple is not hugest, does not send out the ray to be most dazzling, but, this ancient temple float there, it is actually the most appealing attention. 事实上,所有悬浮在天空上的宫殿楼宇,这一座古殿并非是最巨大的,也不是散发出光芒最耀眼的,但是,这座古殿悬浮在那里,它却是最吸引人注意的。 Anybody looked at the past toward Monster City sky, will be attracted all of a sudden by this ancient temple, as if, this ancient temple was the kings of ten thousand palace, other palace buildings, one were also overshadowed compared with that with it. 任何人往妖都天空一望过去,就会一下子被这座古殿所吸引住,似乎,这座古殿是万殿之王,其他的宫殿楼宇,与之一比那也是黯然失色。 Monster Realm's Sky Temple.” Sees this ancient temple, Elder Hu is the manner is also serious. 妖境天殿。”看到这座古殿,胡长老也是神态严肃。 Monster Realm's Sky Temple, is that a treasure palace?” Has Lesser Vajra Sect's disciple looks at such ancient temple, asked curiously. 妖境天殿,那是一座宝殿吗?”有小金刚门的弟子看着这样的古殿,不由好奇地问道。 „It is not clear.” Elder Hu shakes the head gently, said: legend, it is quite important to Dragon Cult, some legend believe, Monster Realm's Sky Temple is Space Dragon Emperor stands, some legend believe, Monster Realm's Sky Temple is related with a unparalleled war.” “不清楚。”胡长老轻轻摇头,说道:“传说,它对龙教极为重要,有传说认为,妖境天殿乃是空间龙帝所立,也有传说认为,妖境天殿与一场绝世无双的战争有关。” What war?” The Lesser Vajra Sect's disciples continue curiously. “什么战争?”小金刚门的弟子都好奇不止。 Elder Hu smiled bitterly, said: Making concrete me is not clear, legend is two Whole World invincible exist(ence), seems like Dao Monarch anything.” 胡长老苦笑了一下,说道:“具体我也不清楚,传说是两位举世无敌的存在,似乎是道君什么的。” „The war of Dao Monarch?” Heard such words, the Lesser Vajra Sect's disciples is shaken to absorb. 道君之战吗?”听到这样的话,小金刚门的弟子都被震摄住了。 Regarding the Lesser Vajra Sect's disciple, the war of Dao Monarch, is terrifying is unable to imagine. 对于小金刚门的弟子而言,道君之战,乃是恐怖得无法想象。 Phoenix roosts with nine changes.” Li Qiye looks at that Monster Realm's Sky Temple, said slowly. “凤栖与九变。”李七夜看着妖境天殿,徐徐地说道。 „Does phoenix roost with nine changes?” Elder Hu or the Lesser Vajra Sect's disciple, is very strange, they do not know that is also the normal matter, after all, Lesser Vajra Sect that is just insignificant small sect small school, the world affair, many has not heard. “凤栖与九变?”不论是胡长老还是小金刚门的弟子,都是十分陌生,他们不知道,那也是正常之事,毕竟,小金刚门那只不过是微不足道的小门小派而已,天下大事,有多少未闻呢。 Monster Realm's Sky Temple, regarding Dragon Cult, has the significance of no small matter, the origin about Monster Realm's Sky Temple, two views, a view believes, Monster Realm's Sky Temple is Space Dragon Emperor drags from the territory. 妖境天殿,对于龙教而言,有着非同小可的意义,关于妖境天殿的来历,有两个说法,一个说法认为,妖境天殿乃是空间龙帝从域外拖回来的。 Another view, was involves the origins of Monster City three lineage/vein, the hearsay said, in the Space Dragon Emperor beforehand age, once erupted into a unparalleled war here, such a war is shaking entire Eight Desolate. 另外一种说法,就是涉及到了妖都三脉的起源了,传闻说,在空间龙帝之前的年代,在这里曾经爆发出了一场绝世无双的战争,这样的一场战争撼动着整个八荒 This war, the people of later generation know not many, but still has the record. 这一场战争,后世之人知道不多,但依然有记载。 The hearsay, in that remote past, startled Eternal exist(ence), this startled Eternal exist(ence) made Dao Monarch Mo Xian and generation of sea of sword Dao Monarch such Peerless later generation appear certainly certainly is overshadowed. 传闻,在那遥远的年代,有一个惊绝万古存在,这位惊绝万古存在使得后世的摩仙道君、海剑道君这样的绝世之辈都显得黯然失色。 This Eternal Wushuang/matchless exist(ence) is the phoenix roosts, the phoenix roosts, no one knows that her origin, the hearsay said that she is a little girl, this little girl makes a debut then becomes Dao Monarch, moreover only nine years old, naturally, some records believe, may be ten years old. 这位万古无双存在便是凤栖,凤栖,没有任何人知道她的来历,传闻说,她是一个小女孩,这个小女孩一出道便成道君,而且仅有九岁,当然,有记载认为,有可能是十岁。 No matter nine years old are ten years old, make a debut, are Dao Monarch, this shocks the matter of Eternal. 不管是九岁还是十岁,一出道,便是道君,这是多么震撼万古之事。 The phoenix roosts is Dao Monarch, is few about her record, even believes in the later generation, she may is not Dao Monarch. 凤栖为道君,关于她的记载很少,甚至在后世认为,她有可能不是道君
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