ED :: Volume #44

#4350: Along with tastes

Peacock Bright King at this time, some people heard this sound. 孔雀明王”在这个时候,有人听出了这个声音了。 Hears this saying, everyone on the scene pulled out an cold air/Qi, has the powerhouse to mutter said: Peacock Bright King wanted take action.” 一听到这话,在场的所有人都不由抽了一口冷气,有强者不由喃喃地说道:“孔雀明王出手了。” Peacock Bright King wants take action, this is not considered as accidental/surprised, his son Young Master Long Li tragic death, his Divine Consciousness by Annihilation, this regarding Peacock Bright King such exist(ence), this is the provocation, enormous does not revere. 孔雀明王出手,这也不算是意外,他的儿子龙璃少主惨死,他的神识湮灭,这对于孔雀明王这样的存在而言,此乃是挑衅,极大的不尊。 Although said, Young Master Long Li is not Li Qiye kills, the Peacock Bright King god is not the Li Qiye annihilation, but, at this time, made people think, this was Li Qiye dug down the big hole, making Young Master Long Li jump toward the pit. 虽然说,龙璃少主不是李七夜杀死,孔雀明王的神也不是李七夜湮没,但是,在这个时候,却让人觉得,此乃是李七夜挖下了大坑,让龙璃少主往坑里跳。 It looks like in many people, this was Li Qiye buried alive Young Master Long Li. 在多少人看来,此乃是李七夜坑杀了龙璃少主 Especially in a moment ago, Li Qiye after heaven frightening Wushuang/matchless treasure blocked dark(ness) exist(ence), this makes people think, Li Qiye takes the bait with Young Master Long Li and Peacock Bright King Divine Consciousness, draws out dark(ness) exist(ence), this borrows to mount to kill it. 特别是在刚才,李七夜惊天无双宝物封杀了黑暗存在之后,这就更让人觉得,李七夜是拿龙璃少主孔雀明王神识作为诱饵,引出黑暗存在,这才借机击杀之。 Therefore , the death of Young Master Long Li, Peacock Bright King Divine Consciousness Annihilation, is Li Qiye one creates, moreover is intentionally. 所以说,龙璃少主之死,孔雀明王神识湮灭,都是李七夜一手造成的,而且还是故意的。 Facing such result / to bear fruit, looks like in many cultivator powerhouses, Peacock Bright King will not give up absolutely, after all his son tragic death, Divine Consciousness annihilation. 面对这样的结果,在许多修士强者看来,孔雀明王绝对不会善罢甘休,毕竟他的儿子惨死,神识湮没。 If he can swallow this one breath like this, does not look for Li Qiye to do accounts , his first prestige, only feared that was vacillated, even is face countenance sweeps the floor. 如果这样他都能咽下这一口气,都不找李七夜算帐,那么,他的一世威名,只怕是受到动摇,甚至是颜脸扫地。 At once, everyone looks to Li Qiye, everyone wants to know how Li Qiye is going to go to face. 一时之间,大家都不由望向李七夜,大家都想知道李七夜将要怎么去面对。 It looks like in many cultivator powerhouses, what kind of dealing, that is just the dead end, especially the small sect small school disciple, was scared, hits to tremble. 在不少修士强者看来,不论是怎么样的应对,那都只不过是死局罢了,特别是小门小派的弟子,更是被吓破了胆,直打哆嗦。 Some many small sect small school sect master elders, pledged in the heart secretly, absolutely do not pull with Lesser Vajra Sect takes office to have what to relate, goes back to warn all disciples in own Sect, anybody, cannot has the slight relations with Lesser Vajra Sect or Li Qiye. 有不少小门小派门主长老,在心里面暗暗发誓,绝对不要与小金刚门扯上任何关系,回去一定要警告自己宗门内的所有弟子,任何人,都不可以与小金刚门或者李七夜扯上丝毫的关系。 After all, Peacock Bright King had spoken, if which day of Peacock Bright King or Dragon Cult take action, the slaughter extinguishes the Lesser Vajra Sect's words personally, then, not only will be Lesser Vajra Sect vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke, perhaps any Sect inheritance of relations with it pulling, can vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke. 毕竟,孔雀明王已经发话了,如果哪一天孔雀明王或者龙教亲自出手,屠灭小金刚门的话,那么,不仅是小金刚门将会灰飞烟灭,说不定任何与之扯上关系的门派传承,都将会灰飞烟灭 Carries a load of firewood on one's back apologizes, runs away?” Some people whispered. “负薪请罪,还是逃走呢?”有人不由嘀咕了一声。 In fact, looks like in many cultivator powerhouses, which type, the result is similar, if there is a difference, Li Qiye own was killed, entire Lesser Vajra Sect was extinguished by the slaughter. 事实上,在许多修士强者看来,不论是哪一种,结局都是差不多,如果有区别,李七夜自己被杀死,还是整个小金刚门被屠灭。 Dragon Cult, I should also go, teaches for your ancestors well your group of idiots.” Li Qiye extended one to stretch, said lazily. 龙教,那我也该去走走了,好好替你们祖宗教训一下你们这群蠢货。”李七夜伸了一个懒腰,懒洋洋地说道。 What hears such words, many cultivator powerhouses were scared, at once, stares dumbfounded. “什么”听到这样的话,许多修士强者都被吓傻了,一时之间,都不由为之瞠目结舌。 Dragon Cult, Southern Desolate colossus, powerful incomparable, does its great strength, in Southern Desolate, except for Lion Roar Country, who dare with it fighting? Let alone was clamors Dragon Cult. 龙教,南荒的庞然大物,强大无匹,它的强大,在南荒,除了狮吼国,谁敢与之争锋?更别说是叫嚣龙教了。 Now, Li Qiye this Lesser Vajra Sect's sect master, that is just an unimportant person, dares boast shamelessly unexpectedly, dares saying that Dragon Cult, teaches Dragon Cult well. 现在,李七夜这个小金刚门的门主,那只不过是小人物罢了,竟然敢大言不惭,敢说去龙教一趟,好好教训龙教 The so extremely arrogant words, only feared that takes a broad view at entire Southern Desolate, no, takes a broad view at entire Heaven Domain, that also only feared that is few individuals or several inheritance dares to say. 如此狂妄的话,只怕放眼整个南荒,不,放眼整个天疆,那也只怕是没有几个人或者几个传承敢说出来吧。 Now a Li Qiye opens the mouth, then the word must go to Dragon Cult, must teach Dragon Cult, didn't this give to be scared those present? At once, everyone stares dumbfounded, cannot get back one's composure. 现在李七夜一开口,便言要去龙教一趟,要去教训教训龙教,这怎么不把在场的人都给吓傻了呢?一时之间,大家都瞠目结舌,回不过神来。 "Snort" at this time, the horizon resounded cold snort, such as the startling thunderclap blasted out, shakes everyone both ears desire deaf, without a doubt, Peacock Bright King was also enraged by Li Qiye this. “哼”在这个时候,天边响起一声冷哼,如惊雷炸开,震得大家双耳欲聋,毫无疑问,孔雀明王也被李七夜这样的话激怒了。 „The Dragon Cult front door, opens wide this time Peacock Bright King that Divine Power sound to reverberate in between Heaven and Earth momentarily, as if has Supreme strength to suppress ten sides to be the same. 龙教大门,随时敞开”此时孔雀明王神威的声音在天地之间回荡着,似乎有着无上力量镇压十方一样。 Such Divine Power, presses those present unable to breathe, hit one to tremble. 这样的神威,压得在场的人都喘不过气来,不由打了一个哆嗦。 Peacock Bright King is Peacock Bright King, worthily is now Peerless exist(ence), was called the youth generation Wushuang/matchless talent worthily, that feared that in great distance remote trillion, is still the Divine Power steamroll, this indeed is to make many small sect small school be scared. 孔雀明王就是孔雀明王,不愧是当今绝世存在,不愧被人称之为中青年一代无双天才,那怕相隔遥远的亿万里,依然是神威碾压,这的确是让许多小门小派都被吓破了胆。 This, this, this was too crazy.” After having the powerhouse recovers, calls out in alarm one. “这,这,这太疯狂了吧。”有强者回过神来之后,不由为之惊呼一声。 Without a doubt, Peacock Bright King has selected by the Li Qiye's provocation, or Dragon Cult must with Li Qiye for the enemy. 毫无疑问,孔雀明王已经是挑受了李七夜的挑衅,或者说,龙教已经要与李七夜为敌了。 At once, making one pull out an cold air/Qi. 一时之间,让人都不由为之抽了一口冷气。 With Dragon Cult for the enemy, takes a broad view at the entire world, how many Sect there are to have how many inheritance, to have how many cultivator powerhouses, has such strength to achieve? 龙教为敌,放眼整个天下,有几个门派有几个传承、又有几个修士强者,有这样的实力做到? This, this is brings about own destruction.” Has the Large Sect disciple to mutter said: With Dragon Cult for enemy, one small Lesser Vajra Sect?” “这,这是自寻死路吧。”有大教弟子不由喃喃地说道:“与龙教为敌,就一个小小的小金刚门?” No one believes, depends on small Lesser Vajra Sect, has the qualifications and Dragon Cult for the enemy? 谁都不相信,就凭一个小小的小金刚门,有资格与龙教为敌? Later, anybody must be far away from Lesser Vajra Sect, far away from Li Qiye, otherwise, by revolting gate handling.” Has small Sect sect master, got down the decision secretly, certainly cannot stain relations with Lesser Vajra Sect and Li Qiye, that feared that is little. “以后,任何人都要远离小金刚门,远离李七夜,否则,以叛门处置。”有小门派门主,暗暗下了决定,一定不能与小金刚门李七夜沾上一点点的关系,那怕是一点点。 „Is this seeks to perish?” Had the Large Sect disciple also to whisper. “这是自寻灭亡吧?”有大教弟子也不由嘀咕了一声。 But, there is youngster to be supercilious, said in a low voice: That did not say, didn't Li Qiye have two heaven frightening invincible treasure? These two treasure how powerful, dark(ness) exist(ence) such powerful thing, was cremated, perhaps, he can push entire Dragon Cult with these two treasure horizontally.” 但,也有年轻人心高气傲,低声地说道:“那不好说,李七夜不是拥有两件惊天无敌的宝物吗?这两件宝物多么的强大,黑暗存在这样强大的东西,都被焚化掉,说不定,他能凭着这两件宝物横推整个龙教。” Wants.” The aristocratic family powerhouse said: „Do you think entire Dragon Cult on a Peacock Bright King person? The great strength of Dragon Cult, that has many Old Ancestor, many invincible armament . In the past the Dragon Sect's ancestor, such as First Ancestor Space Dragon Emperor wait/etc, does not know that left behind many astonishing invincible armament .” “想多了。”有一位世家强者说道:“你以为整个龙教孔雀明王一个人吗?龙教之强大,那可是有诸多老祖,更是有许多无敌之兵。当年龙教的诸位先祖,如始祖空间龙帝等等,不知道留下了多少惊人的无敌之兵。” Indeed is so, if only one or two treasure can shake the Dragon Sect's words, Dragon Cult will not be called to be able with exist(ence) of Lion Roar Country and name.” Another knowledgeable older generation cultivator also nod. “的确是如此,若是单凭一二宝物就能撼动龙教的话,龙教就不会被人称之为能与狮吼国并称的存在了。”另外一位有见识的老一辈修士也不由点头 Has aristocratic family disciple coldly saying: By strength at one fell swoop, wants to challenge Dragon Cult, dares with Dragon Cult for the enemy, that to be brings about own destruction, only feared, is not only surnamed Li must die without doubt, that what Lesser Vajra Sect, that was also destroyed. If Dragon Cult is angry, perhaps sweeps away ten sides.” 有世家弟子冷冷地说道:“以一举之力,想挑战龙教,敢与龙教为敌,那是自寻死路,只怕,不仅是姓李的必死无疑,那个什么小金刚门,那也是一举被歼灭。若是龙教大怒,说不定横扫十方。” The words of this aristocratic family disciple, making many small sect small school on the scene hit one to tremble, many small sect small school, were feared that such matter happened. 这个世家弟子的话,让在场不少小门小派都打了一个哆嗦,许多小门小派,就是怕这样的事情发生。 Lesser Vajra Sect such small sect small school, was ordinary like the ants, insignificant, now Li Qiye this sect master, was not only in the provocation Peacock Bright King, but also with entire Dragon Cult for enemy. 小金刚门这样的小门小派,本就如同蝼蚁一般,微不足道,现在李七夜这个门主,不仅是挑衅上了孔雀明王,还与整个龙教为敌。 Once Dragon Cult is angry, does not know that Southern Desolate has many small sect small school to be brought disaster, becomes the innocent fall guy, if Dragon Cult really sweeps away ten thousand li (0.5 km), then, many small sect small school perish because of Li Qiye when the time comes. 一旦龙教大怒,不知道南荒有多少小门小派被殃及,成为了无辜的牺牲者,万一龙教真的是横扫万里,那么,到时候有多少小门小派因为李七夜而灭亡。 „Is this must kill us?” Also at once, many small sect small school hate the tooth to be itchy about Li Qiye. “这是要害死我们吗?”一时之间,也不少小门小派李七夜恨得牙痒痒的。 Naturally, Li Qiye does not pay attention to these, extends the lazy ocean, the vision sweeps, said lightly: It seems like, Myriad Sects Meet there's nothing quality of being worth looking, but can also continue to stay?” 当然,李七夜不理会这些,伸了伸懒洋,目光一扫,淡淡地说道:“看来,万教会没有什么看头了,还要继续呆着吗?” Li Qiye this saying said that many people on the scene do not speak, as for small sect small school, was needless saying that they sat like the pincushion at this time, because they feared to draw fire to oneself, unexpected disasters, wishes one could to leave here immediately, with Li Qiye, made a clear distinction between boundary line with Lesser Vajra Sect. 李七夜这话一说出来,在场的许多人都不吭声了,至于小门小派,就不用多说了,他们此时坐如针毡,因为他们都怕引火烧身,祸从天降,恨不得立即离开这里,与李七夜,与小金刚门划清界线 As for many the big sects and countries disciples, understands, this Myriad Sects Meet , the there's nothing play, the Young Master Long Li tragic death here, Dragon Cult died a tragic death so many disciples, other Large Sect inheritance also same died a tragic death many disciples, therefore, at this time, many Sect inheritance and the big sects and countries, was not in no mood to continue to stay. 至于许多大教疆国的弟子,也都明白,这一次万教会,也没有什么戏了,龙璃少主惨死在这里,龙教惨死了那么多弟子,其他的各大教传承也一样惨死了不少弟子,所以,在这个时候,许多的门派传承大教疆国,都没有心情继续呆下去了。 We walk.” Finally, has the Large Sect powerhouse to bring direct disciple to leave , other the big sects and countries also one after another left, had/left like this big matter, everyone also knows, this Myriad Sects Meet this finished time carelessly. “我们走吧。”最终,有大教强者带着门下弟子离开,紧接着,其他的各大教疆国也都纷纷离开,出了这样的大的事情,大家也都知道,这一次的万教会就这样草草结束吧。 We walk quickly.” small sect small school sees the big sects and countries to take the lead to leave, they also treat anything, immediately evacuates, they are even distant to Li Qiye, seems like the avoidance god of plague to be the same, they do not want to be brought disaster to bystander. “我们快走。”小门小派一见有大教疆国带头离开,他们还待什么,立即撤离,他们甚至是离李七夜远远的,就好像是躲避瘟神一样,他们可不想被殃及池鱼 At once, the cultivator powerhouses on the scene walk most likely, person who can keep, is few, but, Chi Jinlin has not walked, but Dragon Cult Saintess Jian Qingzhu has not walked. 一时之间,在场的修士强者都走得十之八九,能留下来的人,乃是寥寥无几,只不过,池金鳞没走,而龙教圣女简清竹也没走。 „A mister numerous, whether sits to our Lion Roar Country?” At this time, Chi Jinlin offered the invitation to Li Qiye. “先生一众,是否到我们狮吼国一坐?”在这个时候,池金鳞李七夜提出了邀请。 Chi Jinlin offered the invitation, the Lesser Vajra Sect's disciples inspired for it spirit, they are looking at Li Qiye, did not say other, on list by Lion Roar Country, was worth their whereabouts toward. 池金鳞一提出邀请,小金刚门的弟子都不由为之精神一振,他们都不由望着李七夜,不说其他的,就单以狮吼国而言,也都值得他们去向往。 Regarding the Southern Desolate any small sect small school disciple, only feared that anyone, wants to go to Lion Roar Country, especially goes to the Lion Roar Country national capital to have a look. 对于南荒的任何小门小派的弟子而言,只怕任何一个人,都想去一趟狮吼国,特别是去狮吼国的国都去看看。 After all, Lion Roar Country is the Southern Desolate overlord, stood erect billion years, many cultivator want to go for a lifetime. 毕竟,狮吼国乃是南荒的霸主,屹立了千百万年,多少修士一辈子都想去一趟。 Naturally, is far away, regarding many small sect small school disciples, there is a possibility unable to go to Lion Roar Country for a lifetime. 当然,路途遥远,对于许多小门小派的弟子而言,有可能一辈子都去不了一次狮吼国 Now has Chi Jinlin this crown prince to invite, that naturally was the good matter, they not only can go to Lion Roar Country, not only can enter the Lion Roar Country sovereigns, even the possibility went to Chi Family Royal Family to see the world. 现在有池金鳞这位储君邀请,那当然是再好不过的事情了,他们不仅能去狮吼国,不仅能进狮吼国的皇都,甚至还有可能去池家皇室见见世面。 What's wrong, feared that I and Dragon Cult do hit life and death inadequate?” Li Qiye smiled, said lightly. “怎么,怕我与龙教打个你死我活不成?”李七夜笑了一下,淡淡地说道。 Chi Jinlin busy is greets with a smile said: Mister is horizon True Dragon, will fear it, if the mister has the place, golden scales considers helps one another.” 池金鳞忙是陪笑地说道:“先生乃是天际真龙,又焉会怕之,先生若有需之处,金鳞当是鼎力相助。” At this point, Chi Jinlin looked at a Li Qiye behind Lesser Vajra Sect disciple, said slowly: Lion Roar Country has the responsibility to protect any Sect inheritance in territory, the mister felt relieved.” 说到这里,池金鳞看了一下李七夜身后的小金刚门弟子,徐徐地说道:“狮吼国有责任保护疆土之内的任何一个门派传承,先生放心。” Chi Jinlin this saying said clearly, in other words, even if Li Qiye went to Dragon Cult, did not need to be worried that Dragon Cult sent people to extinguish Lesser Vajra Sect, Lion Roar Country can cover Lesser Vajra Sect surely. 池金鳞这话说得再明白不过了,也就是说,就算是李七夜龙教,也不用担心龙教派人去灭小金刚门,狮吼国必定会罩着小金刚门
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