ED :: Volume #43

#4270: The sword invincible, I am more invincible

In the sword furnace center, portal of five color spot billows, this portal ups and downs, very ancient, seems polishes by in world most ancient rock, such portal has at the beginning of the world, under the time polish of hundred quintillion years, it is still plain plain, does not have any gloss, only has Spatial Passage in portal is five color spot billows. 在剑炉中央,有一个五色斑澜的道门,这个道门沉浮,十分的古老,似乎乃是以世间最古老的岩石所打磨,这样的一个道门在天地之始就已经有了,在亿亿万年时光打磨之下,它依然是古朴无华,没有任何光泽,唯有门户之内的空间通道才是五色斑澜。 Such portal seems like it to be the same with the world same longevity, no matter passing of many years, no matter there is span of billion years, or is the polish of endless time, it stands erect there, invariable that carries ten million/countless. 这样的道门似乎它将与天地同寿一般,不管是有多少岁月的流逝,不管是有千百万年的跨越,又或者是无尽时光的打磨,它都是屹立在那里,千万载的不变。 At this moment, Li Qiye one step in portal that entered into this five color spot billows, hears buzz a resonate sound, Li Qiye passed through from portal instantaneously. 在此时此刻,李七夜一步迈入了这个五色斑澜的门户之中,听到“嗡”的一声响起,李七夜瞬间从道门之中穿越了。 In instance of crossing over, in portal does not have any danger. 在穿越的瞬间,门户之内没有任何危险。 However, portal, clang sword cry, the sword cuts Nine Heavens, a sword boundless endless, under Ling Tianzhan, chops hugely, cuts to crack sun and moon, a sword is invincible, Celestials, Deities and Demons under this sword that also is just the dust. 但是,一出门户,“铛”的一声剑鸣,剑斩九天,一剑磅礴无尽,凌天斩下,劈天大地,斩裂日月,一剑无敌,诸天神魔在这一剑之下那也只不过是尘埃而已。 Bring it on!-- cuts the invincibility of Nine Heavens facing a sword, Li Qiye cries loud and long, the whole body lets fall the principle of Supreme, in this in an instant, Li Qiye is most Supreme exist(ence), the palm holds Eight Desolate, royal cart Ten Thousand Worlds, between Heaven and Earth, only supreme. 来得好——”面对一剑斩九天的无敌,李七夜长啸一声,全身垂落至高无上的法则,在这刹那之间,李七夜就是最至高无上存在,掌执八荒,御驾万界,天地之间,唯一的至高 In this moment, Li Qiye is all control, in Three Thousand Worlds and Heavens Ten Thousand Worlds, is the ants. 在这一刻,李七夜就是一切的主宰,在三千世界诸天万界之内,一切都不过是蝼蚁罢了。 In this in an instant, Li Qiye keeps off, hears bang loud sound conveniently horizontally, shakes the world, cuts a sword that falls, kept off by Li Qiye. 在这刹那之间,李七夜随手横挡,听到“砰”的一声巨响,撼动天地,斩落的一剑,被李七夜挡下了。 Clang, clang and clang......” in this moment, a sword another sword drop from the clouds, each sword is cuts Spiritual God, to extinguish Demon King, a sword cuts to fall, class/flow of what Old Ocean Extinction and Upholding Vajrapani, that is not worth mentioning. “铛、铛、铛……”在这一刻,一剑又一剑地从天而降,每一剑都是斩神灵、灭魔王,一剑斩落下来,什么浩海绝老立地金刚之流,那不值得一提。 Each sword cuts, just like to destroy a world, stars sun and moon, shivers under this each sword. 每一剑斩下,犹如可毁一个世界,星辰日月,在这每一剑之下都为之颤抖。 Invincible, this is the invincible sword, when such a sword another sword cuts next, the Heavens powerhouse, that is not worth mentioning, that is just the base and low ants, the powerful invincible generation, that also just like the dust, strokes to extinguish. 无敌,这才是无敌之剑,在这样的一剑又一剑斩下之时,诸天强者,那都不值得一提,那都只不过是卑微的蝼蚁罢了,再强大的无敌之辈,那也犹如尘埃,一拂而灭。 In this moment, is endless Sword Dao vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, in such Sword Dao, all powerhouse talents can be ground vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke instantaneously, the skeleton does not save. 在这一刻,乃是无尽剑道纵横,在这样的剑道之中,一切强者天才都会瞬间被碾得灰飞烟灭,尸骨不存。 Clang, clang and clang sound of the cutting striking by fits and starts is lingering on faintly, the world changes colors. “铛、铛、铛”一阵又一阵的斩击之声不绝于耳,天地失色。 However, at this time, Li Qiye butchers Ten Thousand Worlds and palm to hold Myriad Law, then sweeps away ten million/countless Immortal Demon conveniently, among the graces, is Eternal is then invincible, therefore, in this in an instant, Li Qiye sweeps away, then blocked cutting of Heaven and Earth Myriad Dao to kill, the strongest incomparable sword cut is blocked by one after another. 但是,此时,李七夜万界、掌执万法,随手便是横扫千万仙魔,举手投足之间,便是万古无敌,所以,在这刹那之间,李七夜一手横扫,便是挡住了天地万道的斩杀,最强劲无匹的剑斩都被一一挡住。 Sword, right, at this moment Li Qiye in sword, any creature, any invincible, once stepped into sword, will be cut to kill by Whole World incomparable Sword Dao. 剑界,没错,此时此刻李七夜就在剑界之中,任何生灵、任何无敌,一旦是踏入了剑界之中,都会被举世无匹的剑道所斩杀。 In fact, here, was hit torn to pieces, the entire world was rumbled crushes, presented countless shatter time, formed the fearful incomparable Space-Time vortex. 事实上,在这里,被打得支离破碎,整个天地都被轰得粉碎,出现了数之不尽的破碎时光,形成了可怕无比的时空漩涡。 It can be said that in so fearful Space-Time vortex, slightly one step carelessly, will fall the fate of skeleton no saving. 可以说,在如此可怕的时空漩涡之中,稍有一步不慎,都会落个尸骨无存的下场。 But, this is also not most fearful one, what is most fearful, billion invincible Sword Dao cut to fall incessantly and inexhaustibly, what as if you will face is Eternal does not extinguish Sword Dao that billion years, is ancient, such sword cuts can cut crazily, moreover seems like the does not have any meaning of stop, moreover is Sword Dao that each cuts, that is great strength, when a sword compared with sword more powerful , the infinite horst will fold, as if, this is does not have any upper limit is the same. 但,这还不是最为可怕的一幕,最为可怕的是,千百万的无敌剑道滔滔不绝、无穷无尽地斩落下来,似乎你将是面对的是万古不灭的剑道,不论是千百万年、还是亘古,这样的剑斩都能一直狂斩而下,而且似乎是没有任何停止之意,而且是每一道斩下的剑道,那都是更加的强大,当一剑比一剑更加强大的时候,还会无穷地垒叠,似乎,这是没有任何上限一样。 As if, under so terrifying peerless Sword Dao cuts to kill, how long no matter you can support, no matter you have how powerful, Sword Dao that next one cuts, powerful. 似乎,在如此恐怖绝伦的剑道斩杀之下,不管你能撑多久,不管你有多么的强大,下一斩的剑道,都会更加的强大。 Therefore, under so terrifying peerless Sword Dao cuts to kill, even if Immortal Heaven Venerable such exist(ence), only feared how long could not shoulder. 所以,在如此恐怖绝伦的剑道斩杀之下,就算是仙天尊这样的存在,只怕都扛不了多久。 It can be said that cuts to kill to compare with terrifying peerless Sword Dao at present, the sword furnace, Sword Grave and sword river before are not worth mentioning, bad risk degree of both sides differed far. 可以说,与眼前恐怖绝伦的剑道斩杀相比起来,在此之前的剑炉、剑坟、剑河都不值得一提,双方的凶险程度相差得太远了。 Here, the land was destroyed, presented abyss, in such torn to pieces between Heaven and Earth, there is a land of one piece of block surviving to drift about. 在这里,大地被打碎,出现了一个又一个的深渊,在这样支离破碎的天地之间,也有一块块残存的陆地飘泊着。 On having land of surviving, sees a young man, wears Supreme immortal zhou, the whole body sends out the Dao Monarch Bloodline brilliance, but, was still put on the chest by a sword, this youth waist has the token, on hasMo Xian own amnesty „ the character. 在有残存的陆地上,见一个年轻男子,身穿无上仙冑,全身散发道君血统的光辉,但是,依然是被一剑穿胸,这个青年腰有令牌,上有“摩仙亲赦“之字。 Right, Dao Monarch Mo Xian Dao Child, unexpectedly is also the tragic death here. 没错,摩仙道君道子,竟然也是惨死在这里。 In void, there is a great corpse of float, such as True Dragon like the tiger, the giant incomparable corpse by half is two, this great corpse forehead has ancient profound the mark of character, this is the shocking incomparable profound naive tiger, but, tragic death here. 在虚空之中,也有漂浮的巨尸,如真龙如虎,巨大无比的尸体被一半为二,这巨尸头额有古老的“玄”字之纹,这是惊世无比的玄天真虎,但是,也惨死在这里。 In the space of surviving, has Peerless incomparable celestial female to be penetrated between the eyebrows, celestial female has ancient Emperor Cover, was from ancient times Secret Boundary, was once worshipped by ten thousand people, but, same also died a tragic death here. 在残存的空间,有绝世无比的天女被击穿眉心,天女身有古老帝衣,乃是来自于远古秘境,曾经是被万人崇拜,但,一样也是惨死在此处。 ................................................ ………………………………………… Here, can enter here, is era invincible exist(ence), even once with Dao Monarch shoulder to shoulder, there is Dao Monarch mount, or Wushuang/matchless Heavenly General...... but, they died a tragic death here. 在这里,能进入此处的,都是一个又一个时代无敌的存在,甚至曾与道君并肩,也有道君坐骑、或者无双天将……但是,他们都惨死在了这里。 Clang, clang and clang......” one attacks intermittently unceasingly, Supreme Sword Dao cut to fall. “铛、铛、铛……”一阵阵攻伐不绝,一道道无上剑道斩落下来。 However, Li Qiye take action pushes all horizontally, among the graces, is all ages is then invincible, the principle of Supreme evolves in his hands, karma Samsara and Six Dao Yin Yang, picks up conveniently. 但是,李七夜出手横推一切,举手投足之间,便是万世无敌,至高无上的法则在他手中演化,因果轮回六道阴阳,都是随手拈来。 Therefore, when Supreme Sword Dao cuts crazily, Li Qiye one after another blocks, moreover counter Sword Dao on, traces the source of Sword Dao. 所以,无上剑道疯狂斩下来之时,李七夜一一挡住,而且逆剑道而上,直溯剑道之源。 The entire process incomparably shocks, is the incomparably mysterious, brilliant peerless degree, only feared that Whole World can not see, but, so brilliant peerless, actually without others can see. 整个过程无比震撼,也是无比奥妙,精采绝伦的程度,只怕举世都不得一见,但是,如此精采绝伦的一幕,却没有其他人能看到。 even if Celestials, Deities and Demons can see at present such a , shocks incomparably, the entire life does not have in dismissing from mind. 就算是诸天神魔能看到眼前这样的一幕,也为之震撼无比,一生一世都无于忘怀。 Finally, Li Qiye traces in the Sword Dao end, there is stars. 最终,李七夜直溯于剑道尽头,那里是一颗又一颗的星辰 Reads to receive cash Pays attention to vx Duke. Numerous numbers Book friend supreme headquarters, Reads may also receive the cash! 【看书领现金】关注vx公.众号【书友大本营】,看书还可领现金! In fact, more specifically, there was Supreme Divine Sword one after another, Supreme Divine Sword, or was very near to the immortal sword. 事实上,更准确地说,那里是一把又一把的无上神剑,至高无上神剑,或者是离仙剑很近了。 A sword, is stars, this shocks the incomparable matter, each sword falls among in the world, its value above the sword of Dao Monarch. 一把剑,便是一个星辰,这样是多么震撼无比的事情,每一把剑落于世间,它的价值都在道君之剑之上。 Has the natural sword, Sword Qi is boundless, just like the town/subdues ten sides, defends Ten Thousand Worlds ; Has the sword of King, king Qi is vast, cross all ages, governs thousand latitudes probably ; Has far Sword of Dao, indistinct Wushuang/matchless, odd state myriad...... 有大方之剑,剑气磅礴,犹如镇十方,守万界;有王者之剑,王气浩瀚,犹可跨万世,治千纬;有远道之剑,飘渺无双,奇态万千…… Such sword one after another hangs in this, changes to stars, as if, will become ancient. 这样的一把又一把剑高悬于此,就化作一颗又一颗的星辰,似乎,都将成为亘古。 Extraordinary.” looks at such Supreme Divine Sword one after another, Li Qiye also exclaims in surprise one, said: Extremely in extreme, extremely in Jiang.” “了不起。”看着这样的一把又一把无上神剑,李七夜也不由为之惊叹一声,说道:“极于极,又极于匠也。” Present any Divine Sword, will make the world crazy, making the invincible generation palpitate with excitement. 眼前的任何一把神剑,都会让世人为之疯狂,让无敌之辈为之怦然心动。 Several invincible swords, the this is what type concept, every wanders about destitute in human world, calls it invincibly, such sword, who doesn't want to result in it? 十几把的无敌之剑,这是怎么样的概念,每一把流落于人世间,称之为无敌,这样的剑,谁人又不想得之? However, Li Qiye also glances over this one after another Divine Sword merely, does not have take action to seize. 不过,李七夜也仅仅是浏览这一把又一把神剑,并没有出手相夺。 Each Divine Sword has the unique appearance, each Divine Sword has unique Sword Dao, can say, a sword, is one Sword Dao. 每一把神剑都有独一无二的神彩,每一把神剑都有独一无二的剑道,可以说,一把剑,就是一条剑道 When such Divine Sword hangs in this, was equal to that one Sword Dao hangs. 当这样的一把神剑高悬于此,就是等于一条剑道高悬。 Although said, each sword has the own appearance, but, Li Qiye observes and emulates carefully, discovers mystery. 虽然说,每一把剑都有自己的神采,但是,李七夜仔细去观摩,也发现其中的奥妙。 Without a doubt, these hangs Supreme Divine Sword in this, is arranges by the Grand Dao order of master, each sword representative the growth experience of this person. 毫无疑问,这一把把无上神剑高悬于此,乃是以主人的大道顺序去排列的,每一把剑都代表着这个人的成长经历。 Without a doubt, this person casts the sword in this, he is invincible, but, he during this is invincible, is pursuing a more perfect invincibility. 毫无疑问,这个人铸剑于此,他已经无敌了,只不过,他在这无敌之中,在追求着更加极致的无敌。 Considers, when reaches most peak the invincibility, each step pinnacle, is the world does not dare to imagine, exceeded all was known as the invincible generation of imagination. 试想一下,当达到最巅峰的无敌之时,每一步的极致,都是世人所不敢想象的,也是超越了所有号称无敌之辈的想象。 Said without the slightest exaggeration, the invincible generation in world, before this person, that is also is similar to the ants to be the same. 毫不夸张地说,世间的无敌之辈,在这个人面前,那也就是如同蝼蚁一般。 However, for all this, he is still pursuing the Sword Dao pinnacle to be invincible, each pinnacle, cast Divine Sword, representative his each pinnacle stage. 但是,尽管如此,他依然是在追求剑道的极致无敌,每一个极致,都铸下了一把神剑,也代表着他的每一个极致的阶段。 Such exist(ence), is that terrifying how? Do not say that is general what Heaven Venerable is invincible, even if Dao Monarch with him, as soon as compares, is not worth mentioning. 如此的一个存在,那是多么的恐怖?不要说是一般什么天尊无敌,就算是道君与他一比,也不值得一提。 Such exist(ence), that has exceeded this world, this is not Eight Desolate can the invincibility of exist(ence). 这样的存在,那已经超越了这个世界了,这不是八荒所能存在的无敌。 Naturally, Li Qiye knows that what kind of exist(ence) the opposite party is, this is also he comes to here place. 当然,李七夜知道对方是怎么样的存在,这也是他来这里的地方。 Good sword, what a pity, not I.” After Li Qiye all swords observe and emulate, fully understood and grasped the Grand Dao development process of this person, had very careful understanding regarding this exist(ence) Grand Dao. “好剑,可惜,非我也。”李七夜把所有剑都观摩完之后,也是完全了解与掌握了这个人的大道成长过程,对于这个存在大道也有了十分细致的了解。 Finally Li Qiye turns around then to walk, pull foot/enough goes, descends in a place. 最终李七夜转身便走,拔足而去,降落于一个地方。 Here, is big ruins, as if when is ancient, such big ruins already exist(ence) . Moreover, in the big ruins, Immortal Ore extends like this horizontal, primal chaos nourishing, in other words, here is unparalleled treasure lands. 在这里,乃是一个大墟,似乎亘古之时,这样的一个大墟早就存在,而且,在这样的大墟之中,仙矿亘横,混沌蕴养,换句话说,这里乃是绝世无双宝地 Such treasure lands, it may be said that has shocking incomparable heavenly flowers, treasure items. 这样的宝地,可谓拥有着惊世无比的天华物宝 Such heavenly flowers, treasure items, keeping world any once exist(ence) Sect inheritance from comparing with it. 这样的天华物宝,让世间任何一个曾经存在门派传承都无法与之比拟。 It can be said that in human world rich Sect inheritance, compared with the present big ruins, that also is just the family whose fortunes are on the decline, is not worth mentioning. 可以说,在人世间再富有的门派传承,与眼前的大墟相比,那也只不过是破落户罢了,不值得一提。 Naturally, the Li Qiye's vision does not fall above this big ruins, or does not care about heavenly flowers, treasure items in this big ruins. 当然,李七夜的目光并不是落在这个大墟本身之上,或者并不在乎这大墟之中的天华物宝 At this time, the Li Qiye's vision falls person one after another body in this big ruins. 此时,李七夜的目光落在这大墟之中的一群又一群人的身上。 Clang, clang and clang......” one intermittent dingdong the hammering sound is lingering on faintly, such dingdong the hammering sound was full of the rhythm, filled the rhythm, since as if billion years has not changed is the same. “铛、铛、铛……”一阵阵叮叮铛铛的打铁声不绝于耳,这样的叮叮铛铛打铁声充满了节奏,充满了韵律,似乎千百万年以来都没有变过一样。
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