ED :: Volume #42

#4184: How to go in

-- loud sound, finally, a day swung shakes, speeds along the dragon palace to hit above stone wall, the great Chinese toon was suitably good to insert the scoop channel of dragon palace, then, the probably great Chinese toon shouldered the entire giant dragon palace. ——”的一声巨响,最终,一阵天摇地晃,飞驰中的龙宫撞到了石壁之上,巨椿适好插入了龙宫的凹槽,如此一来,好像是巨椿挑起了整座巨大的龙宫。 At this time, dragon palace hanging post above stone wall, fitting together perfectly, seeming like seems like as if made by Heaven is quite the same as ordinary, probably is carved by entire stone wall. 此时,龙宫悬空贴在石壁之上,严丝合缝,看起来就好像是浑然天成一般,好像是由整个石壁雕琢而成。 Dragon, dragon palace-- looks at dragon palace hit came, to hang above stone wall, making Chen Cangsheng they look stares dumbfounded, looked at once dull. “龙,龙宫——看着龙宫撞击而来,挂在了石壁之上,让陈苍生他们看得瞠目结舌,一时之间也都不由看呆了。 Xue Yun Princess had prepared in the heart, sees the dragon palace time, for it stare blankly. 雪云公主在心里面有所准备了,看到龙宫的时候,也不由为之呆了一下 She knows, Li Qiye can open, that certainly is extraordinary Sword Grave, she has not thought that this unexpectedly is a dragon palace, even can say, this seems eight bamboo poles does not suffer the side matter with the dragon palace. 她知道,李七夜能打开,那一定是一个了不得的剑坟,她也没有想到这竟然是龙宫,甚至可以说,这似乎与龙宫是八竹竿挨不到边的事情。 Eighth Sword Grave, dragon palace.” Xue Yun Princess recovers, smiled bitterly, this indeed is big handiwork. “第八剑坟,龙宫。”雪云公主回过神来,也不由为之苦笑了一下,这的的确确是大手笔呀。 There.” At this time, many cultivator powerhouses have pursued, sees the dragon palace hanging post above stone wall, yelled one. “就那里。”在这个时候,许多修士强者已经追过来了,看到龙宫悬空贴在石壁之上,都不由大叫了一声。 At this moment, all cultivator powerhouses was attracted by the dragon palace, no one pays attention to Li Qiye they. 在此时此刻,所有修士强者都被龙宫吸引住了,也没有谁去多留意李七夜他们。 Dragon palace fell to the ground, the dragon palace fell to the ground.” At once, many cultivator catch up, but the news that the dragon palace falls to the ground looked like blasts out all of a sudden is the same, spreads over buried the sword perishing territory, had the opportunity cultivator powerhouse also first to catch up. “龙宫落地了,龙宫落地了。”一时之间,许许多多的修士强都赶过来,而龙宫落地的消息就像是一下子炸开一样,传遍了葬剑殒域,有机会的修士强者也都第一时间赶过来了。 After all, some hearsay had said, the dragon palace falls to the ground, can have the big good fortune surely. 毕竟,早就有传闻说,龙宫落地,必定能有大造化。 Dragon palace fell to the ground finally, it seems like, this enters the good opportunity in dragon palace.” At once, many cultivator powerhouses encircle watertight the dragon palace. “龙宫终于落地了,看来,这是进入龙宫的好机会。”一时之间,许许多多的修士强者都把龙宫围得水泄不通。 Some hearsay had said, the dragon palace did not fall to the ground, no one had the opportunity, if the dragon palace fell to the ground, had the big good fortune. 早就有传闻说,龙宫不落地,谁都没有机会,若是龙宫落地,定有大造化。 Because of such hearsay, making all cultivator powerhouses strive to be the first terrifying, wants to obtain the big good fortune in legend. 正是因为这样的传闻,使得所有修士强者都争先恐怖,都想得到传说中的大造化。 Some people said that dragon palace the sword of Divine Dragon, always some people cannot bring to come out it.” The looks at giant dragon palace, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses are eager to try. “有人所言,龙宫的神龙之剑一直都在,从来未有人能把它带出来。”看着巨大的龙宫,不知道有多少修士强者跃跃欲试。 At this time, heard rolled over, rolls over and rolls over the sound to resound, probably huge incomparable portal was ordinary in the movement, in fact, in movement was not portal of dragon palace, but was that giant dragon of plate in dragon palace. 在这个时候,听到“轧、轧、轧”的声音响起,好像是巨大无比的门户在移动一般,事实上,在移动的并非是龙宫的门户,而是盘在龙宫上的那条巨龙 Naturally, this giant dragon is not True Dragon, is not the living creature, it does not know before , is what offers a sacrifice to refine, models by what kind of Supreme principle, it seems like it is lifelike, dragon breath is boundless, is ordinary like the difficult situation, surges wave upon wave. 当然,这条巨龙并非是真龙,也并非是活物,它也不知前是何物所祭炼而成,以何等无上法则所塑,它看起来就是栩栩如生,龙息磅礴,如同惊涛骇浪一般,一浪高过一浪。 The entire dragon palace golden eagle jade penetrating, seems like noble descent Wushuang/matchless, gold of plate giant dragon also such as above dragon palace casts, but, no matter what who knows this and other thing unable by gold the casting. 整座龙宫金雕玉彻,看起来贵胄无双,盘在龙宫之上的巨龙也如黄金所铸,但是,任谁都知道这不是以黄金这等凡物所能铸造的。 At this time, the giant Golden Dragon plate the dragon palace is hovering, when its giant body when hovers slowly, seemed like one True Dragon to live came general, is hovering the body in it, seeming like ordinary in the patrolling dagger-axe dragon palace. 此时,巨大的金龙盘着龙宫游动,当它巨大的身体在缓缓游动之时,就好像是一条真龙活了过来一般,在它游动着身体,似乎是在巡戈龙宫一般。 Can go in?” Has the cultivator powerhouse looks at plate dragon palace roaming giant dragon, whispered said. “能进去吗?”有修士强者看着盘着龙宫游戈巨龙,不由嘀咕地说道。 Tries.” Had the older generation powerhouse unable to repress finally, sank to drink one, raised the body, body such as flying crane, such as cold Dian, rushes over to the dragon palace at the unequalled speed, delimited light glow. “试试。”有老一辈强者终于按捺不住了,沉喝一声,扬身而起,身如飞鹤,又如冷电,以无与伦比的速度向龙宫冲了过去,划出一道光芒 -- when this cultivator powerhouse is going to approach the dragon palace, occupies giant dragon one in dragon palace to roar, opens mouth spits, hears „” one, dragon breath is dreadful, the impact comes, to have the easily accomplished potential. “呜——”就在这个修士强者将要靠近龙宫的时候,盘踞在龙宫上的巨龙一声咆哮,张嘴一吐,听到“蓬”的一声,龙息滔天,冲击而来,有着摧枯拉朽之势。 Bang loud sound, this powerhouse by the powerful dragon breath impact, was hit layer on layer/heavily in the land, dripping with blood, covered with blood, life and death unknown. “砰”的一声巨响,这位强者被强大的龙息冲击而出,重重地撞在了大地上,鲜血淋漓,血肉模糊,生死未知。 This was too powerful.” Saw that dragon breath spits, wanted the life of this powerhouse, making many cultivator powerhouses on the scene also pull out the one breath. “这太强大了吧。”看到龙息一吐,就要了这位强者的性命,让在场的许多修士强者也都不由为之抽了一口气。 Had-- at this time, had the powerhouse to bellow, jumped, when this in an instant, offered a sacrifice to treasure, bang loud sound, treasure opened, in this in an instant, the dreadful magma roaring flame fell in torrents, must submerge entire giant dragon, at the same time, this powerhouse jumped to charge into the dragon palace. “起——”在这个时候,有强者大吼一声,纵身而起,在这刹那之间,祭出了宝物,“轰”的一声巨响之时,宝物打开,在这刹那之间,滔天的岩浆烈焰倾泻而下,要把整条巨龙淹没,与此同时,这个强者纵身冲向了龙宫。 Bang loud sound, sees only a giant dragon claw to pat, instantaneously the magma roaring flame annihilation that falls in torrents dreadfully, but charges into the powerhouse in dragon palace unable to escape, by the giant dragon big claw racket, was heard „a pitiful yell of Ah!”, this powerhouse was patted instantaneously on the ground, was patted into the meat sauce by a giant dragon claw. “砰”的一声巨响,只见巨龙一爪拍下,瞬间把滔天倾泻的岩浆烈焰湮没,而冲向龙宫的强者也未能逃过一劫,被巨龙的大爪拍中,听到“啊”的一声惨叫,这个强者瞬间被拍在了地上,被巨龙一爪拍成了肉酱。 giant dragon defends the dragon palace, how does this go in?” Sees such a, other cultivator powerhouses also pulled out an cold air/Qi to say. 巨龙守龙宫,这怎么进去?”看到这样的一幕,其他修士强者也都不由抽了一口冷气地说道。 This giant dragon was too powerful, only fears independent combat, was no one can be victorious.” Some people also whispered said. “这条巨龙太强大了,只怕单打独斗,是没有谁能打得过了。”有人也不由嘀咕地说道。 -- when everyone hesitates, giant dragon opened mouth to roar suddenly, large-mouthed vessel big mouth bit. “呜——”就在大家踌躇之时,巨龙突然张嘴咆哮了一声,血盆大嘴一口咬了下去。 Ah!-- a sad and shrill pitiful yell, the space fluctuates, is hiding from the cultivator powerhouse was nipped into the mouth to swallow instantaneously by giant dragon. ——”的一声凄厉惨叫,空间波动,一个躲着的修士强者瞬间被巨龙咬入嘴里吞食掉了。 Originally, powerful cultivator while this opportunity, want to hide the truth from the eye of giant dragon by own Wushuang/matchless the technique of hiding away, sneaks the dragon palace. 原来,有一位实力强大的修士趁这机会,欲凭借着自己无双的隐遁之术瞒过巨龙的眼睛,借此潜入龙宫。 However, this unexpectedly is not successful, was discovered by giant dragon all of a sudden. 但是没有想到,这竟然不成功,一下子被巨龙发现了。 We disperse, diverts its attention, the take action attack, always has the opportunity to sneak to slip.” At this time, there is Large Sect Old Ancestor to offer such a advice. “我们分散来,分散它的注意力,都出手攻击,总有机会溜进去的。”在这个时候,有一位大教老祖出了一个这样的主意。 This idea obtained many cultivator powerhouse on the scene to approve, at once, these cultivator powerhouse also one after another troops, prepared to enter the dragon palace jointly. 这个主意得到了在场的不少修士强者赞同,一时之间,这些修士强者也都不由纷纷结队,准备联手进入龙宫。 At this time, these several hundred cultivator powerhouses dispersed, wrapped surround by each position the dragon palace. 在这个时候,这几百个修士强者分散开来,以各个方位包围住了龙宫。 Finally, they looked at each other, drank one greatly: Has-- in this instantaneous, these cultivator powerhouses jump, simultaneously offered a sacrifice to own treasure. 最终,他们相视了一声,大喝了一声:“起——”在这瞬间,这些修士强者纵身而起,同时祭出了自己宝物 Bang, bang and bang sound of the intermittent thundering is lingering on faintly, seals the Divine Treasure towers, the benetnasch cauldrons, the meteor furnaces, the sun and moon swords and eight square rulers...... wait/etc, each article treasure kills from the bang in all directions, pinched the unequalled might bang to approach giant dragon. “轰、轰、轰”一阵阵轰鸣之声不绝于耳,封神宝塔、摇光鼎、飞星炉、日月剑、八方尺……等等,一件件宝物从四面八方轰杀而下,挟着无与伦比的威力轰向了巨龙 At once, the colorful unusual brightness shoots up to the sky, blazing the flame to be billowing all over the sky, blocks the sky, the Myriad Dao Law dance, is common like the lightning crazy snake, such a, is very magnificent, is the fearful soul. 一时之间,五颜六色的宝光冲天而起,满天炽焰滚滚,遮天蔽日,万道法则狂舞,如同闪电狂蛇一般,这样的一幕,乃是十分的壮观,也是慑人心魂。 When offers a sacrifice to the treasure bang to kill to giant dragon, each cultivator powerhouse body like lightning, throws to the dragon palace, everyone wants to rely on the innumerable attacks to attract the attention of giant dragon in all directions, making it poor in dealing with, then, always some people have the opportunity to break in the dragon palace. 就在祭出宝物轰杀向巨龙的时候,每一个修士强者身如闪电,都向龙宫扑去,所有人都想凭借着四面八方无数的攻击吸引住巨龙的注意,让它穷于应付,如此一来,总有人是有机会冲入龙宫的。 -- when treasure that in facing each article rumbles, giant dragon roared, unfolded the body, the huge incomparable body swept, swept away instantaneously, such as Divine Dragon fishtailed. “呜——”就在面对一件件轰来的宝物之时,巨龙一声咆哮,展躯,庞大无比的身体一扫而出,瞬间横扫一圈,如神龙摆尾。 ------ loud sound shake the world, each article treasure by the giant dragon body sweeps the time, the instantaneous disintegration, just like sun and moon stars to explode general, smoke and fire that seems to bloom at night, very gorgeous. ——————”一声声巨响撼动天地,一件件宝物巨龙的身躯扫中的时候,瞬间崩碎,犹如日月星辰爆开一般,就好像夜间绽放的烟火,十分的绚丽。 Meanwhile, these plunge the cultivator powerhouse in dragon palace not to have one are to escape by luck, which direction no matter they from plunge the dragon palace, is hard escapes the huge body that giant dragon pulls out sweeps to come. 与此同时,那些扑向龙宫的修士强者也没有一个是幸免的,不管他们是从哪个方向扑向龙宫,都难于逃过巨龙抽扫而来的巨大身躯。 Bang, bang and bang......” sound of the intermittent hit is lingering on faintly, is blinking, the cultivator powerhouses were swept, like the meteor general hit, had cultivator to hit layer on layer/heavily in the land, there is a powerhouse to be hit to opposite mountain peak, hit to put on the mountainside. “砰、砰、砰……”一阵阵撞击之声不绝于耳,在眨眼之间,一个个修士强者被扫中,如同流星一般撞击而出,有修士重重地撞在了大地上,有强者被撞击向了对面山峰,把山腰都撞穿了。 Ah!-- sad and shrill incomparable sound fluctuating continues, the cultivator powerhouses were hit to result in covered with blood, some cultivator powerhouses were even cranked up blood fog by the body of giant dragon instantaneously, some cultivator powerhouses hit on the ground, the whole body are hit crush, some people hit to put on the mountain peak, suffocated...... ——”凄厉无比的声音起伏不止,一个个修士强者被撞击得血肉模糊,有的修士强者甚至瞬间被巨龙的身体拍成了血雾,也有的修士强者撞击在地上,全身都被撞得粉碎,也有人撞穿了山峰,奄奄一息…… Flings the tail, extinguished several hundred cultivator powerhouses on the instantaneous group, the great strength of giant dragon, that does not need any empty boasting, such, making the cultivator powerhouses on the scene pull out an cold air/Qi. 一个甩尾,就瞬间群灭了几百个修士强者,巨龙之强大,那是无需任何浮夸,这样的一幕,让在场的修士强者都不由为之抽了一口冷气。 giant dragon is so powerful, how to go in? Even if in the dragon palace has dragon sword, has the Wushuang/matchless Divine Dragon sword, that is still looks at the dragon palace to sigh.” Sees such a, making many cultivator powerhouses pull out an cold air/Qi, many cultivator powerhouses were at a loss. 巨龙这么强大,怎么进去?就算龙宫之中藏有龙剑,藏有无双神龙剑,那也是望龙宫兴叹呀。”看到这样的一幕,使得许多修士强者不由抽了一口冷气,不少的修士强者都束手无策。 Eighth Sword Grave, the dragon palace, have some people really gone in?” At this time, had young cultivator to suspect. “第八剑坟,龙宫,真的有人进去过吗?”在这个时候,有年轻的修士就不由怀疑了。 Has, as far as I know, at least the person has gone.” Old Large Sect Old Ancestor hesitated, said. “有,据我所知,至少有一个人进去过。”有一位苍老的大教老祖沉吟了一声,说道。 Who has gone in?” Hears such words, other person one after another are curious. “谁进去过?”听到这样的话,其他人都不由纷纷好奇。 This old Large Sect Old Ancestor said slowly: Other being predestined friends people, I am not clear, but, I know, the extraordinary people once relied on the own strong incomparable strength to rush. He is-- Dao Sanqian.” 这位苍老的大教老祖徐徐地说道:“其他的有缘人,我倒不清楚,但,我所知道的,有一位了不得的人曾经凭借着自己强大无匹的实力闯进去的。他就是——道三千。” Dao Sanqian-- hears this name, everyone mind big change, this name blasted out in everyone ear on such as scorched thunder generally, making the person mind sway. 道三千——”听到这个名字,所有人心神剧震,这个名字就如焦雷一般在所有人耳边炸开了,让人心神摇晃。 Dao Sanqian-- hears this name, that feared that is Large Sect Old Ancestor, is out of sorts. 道三千——”听到这个名字,那怕是大教老祖,都不由为之失神。 This name, comes compared with the Sword Continent five giants, that also wants powerful, comes compared with five giants, is stirring. 这个名字,比起剑洲五巨头来,那都还要有震撼力,比起五巨头来,更是震撼人心。 Dao Sanqian can go , is also nothing unusual, he is invincible.” After the powerhouse recovers, whispered. 道三千能进去,也不足为奇,他就是无敌。”有一位强者回过神来之后,不由嘀咕了一声。 Hears Dao Sanqian to go, anybody will not suspect, takes it for granted, Dao Sanqian was too powerful, too terrifying. 听闻道三千进去过,任何人都不会怀疑,也都觉得理所当然,道三千太强大了,太恐怖了。 „After Dao Sanqian goes, carried off the Divine Dragon sword?” Has young cultivator to recover, said. 道三千进去之后,带走了神龙剑吗?”有年轻修士回过神来,不由说道。 This old Large Sect Old Ancestor shakes the head, said: „, The hearsay had not said, in the Dao Sanqian Following Dragon palace copy got down a True Dragon chart, has not carried off what Divine Dragon sword, this True Dragon chart has what use specifically, the bystander is unknown.” 这位苍老的大教老祖摇了摇头,说道:“并没有,传闻说,道三千从龙宫中临摹下了一幅真龙图,并没有带走什么神龙剑,此真龙图具体有何用处,外人不得而知。” We take anything and compared with Dao Sanqian.” Had aristocratic family Patriarch to smile bitterly, said: What kind of person is Dao Sanqian? We are unable to compare.” “我们拿什么与道三千相比。”有世家家主不由苦笑了一声,说道:“道三千是怎么样的人?我们根本就无法相比。”
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