ED :: Volume #42

#4152: Subdue Primordial immortal

Li Qiye must fight Near-Profundity Sword Youth alone all of them, this indeed is to make many cultivator powerhouses dumbfounded. 李七夜要独战临渊剑少他们所有人,这的确是让许许多多的修士强者傻了眼。 Regarding young one generation, Near-Profundity Sword Youth is invincible enough, let alone, ten thousand Dao Sword with numerous elder Protector, if they collaborate, so strong strength, how many people also there are able to block? 对于年轻一辈而言,一个临渊剑少就已经足够无敌了,更何况,还有万道剑与一众的长老护法,若是他们联手,如此强大的实力,又有几个人能挡得住呢? A Li Qiye such younger generation, actually wants to challenge them by one's effort, does this overreach oneself? Brings about own destruction? 李七夜这样的一个晚辈,竟然欲以一己之力去挑战他们所有人,这岂不是不自量力吗?自寻死路吗? This was also too extremely arrogant.” Some many powerhouses whispered, said: Fights Near-Profundity Sword Youth have the possibility, but, challenges everyone, isn't this brings about own destruction?” “这也太狂妄了。”有不少强者嘀咕,说道:“战一战临渊剑少还是有可能,但是,挑战所有人,这不是自寻死路吗?” This is Li Qiye, consistent domineering, consistent rampancy, or consistent invincibility.” Also some powerhouses favor Li Qiye, the whisper said: „Since as if, he has made a debut, has not defeated, the war is stronger.” “这才是李七夜,一贯的霸气,一贯的嚣张,或者一贯的无敌。”也有一些强者看好李七夜,嘀咕地说道:“似乎,他出道以来,就是没有败过,越战越强。” „The even if war is stronger, that also has one, exceeded the limit, is not how impossible.” Also there is older generation cultivator not to believe that this set, said: even if is strong, can could it be that super challenge Dao Monarch to be inadequate?” 就算是越战越强,那也是有一个度,超过了极限,怎么强都不可能。”也有老一辈修士并不相信这一套,说道:“就算是再强,难道能超级挑战道君不成?” This boy also has what method, actually has self-confidently so.” Li Qiye is not a lunatic, is not the fool, this point who can look. “这小子还有什么手段,竟然有着如此的自信。”李七夜不是疯子,也不是傻子,这一点谁都是可以看得出来的。 Since is not the lunatic, is not the fool, they are not clear, Li Qiye so self-confident, actually he relies on anything to defeat Near-Profundity Sword Youth. 既然不是疯子,也不是傻子,他们就不明白,李七夜还是如此的自信,他究竟是凭借着什么可以战胜临渊剑少呢。 Even if Near-Profundity Sword Youth they do not believe that no matter Near-Profundity Sword Youth is ten thousand Dao Sword they, in the heart definitely cannot constrain heart inside anger, after all, was regarded by Li Qiye such faraway, they can swallow under this tone. 就算临渊剑少他们都不相信,不管临渊剑少还是万道剑他们,心里面肯定是压抑不住心里面的怒火,毕竟,被李七夜如此的邈视,他们又能咽得下这口气呢。 However, at this time, let Near-Profundity Sword Youth they in the heart also strange, why Li Qiye had like this self-confidently, the fool could also look, depending on Li Qiye one's effort, was absolutely impossible to be victorious their. 但是,在这个时候,让临渊剑少他们在心里面也奇怪,为何李七夜还是有这样的自信,傻子也看得出来,凭李七夜一己之力,绝对不可能打得过他们的。 Then, why Li Qiye so self-confident? 那么,为何李七夜又如此的自信呢? You determined that challenges us by one's effort?” Near-Profundity Sword Youth coldly looks at Li Qiye, said slowly. “你确定以一己之力挑战我们所有人?”临渊剑少冷冷地看着李七夜,徐徐地说道。 Beyond the string of Near-Profundity Sword Youth his saying the meaning was obvious, Li Qiye needed Lu Qi their take action to assist, otherwise, depending on his one's effort, how also possibly to be victorious they? 临渊剑少他这话的弦外之意再明显不过了,李七夜是不是需要绿绮他们出手相助,不然的话,凭他一己之力,又怎么可能打得过他们呢? What's wrong, feared that I do ask the helper to be inadequate?” Li Qiye smiled, said lightly: This point, you put 100 hearts, I said a person, one person.” “怎么,怕我找帮手不成?”李七夜不由笑了起来,淡淡地说道:“这一点,你们就放一百颗心吧,我说一个人,就一个人。” Complies.” At this time ten thousand Dao Sword cold snort, told Near-Profundity Sword Youth, both eyes revealed fearful killing intent, without a doubt, he must cut to kill Li Qiye. “答应。”此时万道剑冷哼一声,吩咐了临渊剑少,双目露出了可怕的杀机,毫无疑问,他要斩杀李七夜 Near-Profundity Sword Youth deeply shouted to inspire, stood, coldly said: Therefore, we accompany, you have what Peerless Cultivation Technique, has what treasure, although can cause......” at this point, his vision beat. 临渊剑少深深地呼吸了一口气,站了出来,冷冷地说道:“既是如此,那我们奉陪到底,你有什么绝世功法,有什么宝物,尽管可以使出来……”说到这里,他的目光跳动了一下。 Li Qiye has innumerable treasure, has many rare treasure , the Dao Monarch weapon and Supreme immortal object, each is the mouth-watering three chi (0.33 m). 李七夜有无数的宝物,也有着许许多多的奇珍,不论是道君兵器、无上仙物,每一件都是让人垂涎三尺。 Therefore, when this time, Near-Profundity Sword Youth said such words, far more than is the Sea Emperor Sword Country elder, presented many cultivator powerhouses , the vision beat. 所以,在这个时候,临渊剑少说出这样的话之时,何止是海帝剑国的诸位长老,在场许许多多的修士强者,也都不由目光跳动了一下。 Li Qiye so many Dao Monarch Weapon, if at this time, can cut to kill Li Qiye, that means anything, then, Li Qiye's all Dao Monarch Weapon and Supreme immortal object, this their it'ses in the bag. 李七夜有这么多的道君之兵,如果说,在这个时候,能斩杀李七夜,那是意味着什么,那么,李七夜的所有道君之兵无上仙物,这都岂不是他们的囊中之物。 If, made Sea Emperor Sword Country more than ten Dao Monarch Weapon...... some people whisper again in a soft voice, behind has not said. “如果说,让海帝剑国再得十几件道君之兵……”有人不由轻声地嘀咕了一声,后面的话就没有说下去了。 Many cultivator powerhouses also pulled out an cold air/Qi, present Sea Emperor Sword Country has enough many Dao Monarch Weapon, if makes Sea Emperor Sword Country snatch Li Qiye's more than ten Dao Monarch Weapon again, what this does mean? 不少修士强者也不由抽了一口冷气,现在的海帝剑国都拥有着足够多的道君之兵了,如果说,让海帝剑国再抢到李七夜的十几件道君之兵,这将会是意味着什么? That means, Sea Emperor Sword Country rides to be above mundane thoughts, no one can hope to attain again! 那将意味着,海帝剑国一骑绝尘,再也无人能企及! Sea Emperor Sword Country eventually is first under heaven Large Sect, according to Dao Principle, them powerful and prestigious important people does not facilitate to encircle Li Qiye like ten thousand Dao Sword. 海帝剑国终究是天下第一大教,按道义而言,像万道剑他们这样位高权重、威名赫赫的大人物不方便围剿李七夜 After all, them status person like ten thousand Dao Sword, if encircles Li Qiye jointly, this association/will lets the person argument, has to smear their prestige. 毕竟,像万道剑他们这样身份的人,如果说,联手围剿李七夜,这总会让人口舌,有污他们的威名。 Therefore, in the ordinary day, ten thousand Dao Sword they have not given a pretext encircles Li Qiye. 所以,在平日里,万道剑他们是没有借口围剿李七夜 Now Li Qiye own is conceited, must to challenge ten thousand Dao Sword all of them, then, ten thousand Dao Sword they collaborate, cut to kill Li Qiye, seizes to seize Li Qiye's all treasure wealth, that takes action with just reasons . Moreover, will not receive the accusation of any Dao Principle. 现在李七夜自己狂妄自大,要以独自一人挑战万道剑他们所有人,如此一来,万道剑他们联手,斩杀李七夜,掳夺李七夜的所有宝物财富,那岂不是师出有名,而且,不会受到任何道义的指责。 After all, this is Li Qiye overreaches oneself to challenge them, therefore, they cut to kill Li Qiye jointly, that also was just Li Qiye overreaches oneself. 毕竟,这是李七夜不自量力挑战他们所有人,所以,他们联手斩杀了李七夜,那也只不过是李七夜不自量力罢了。 Thought through this point, many cultivator powerhouse also blankly look at each other. 想通了这一点,不少修士强者也都不由面面相觑 At this time ten thousand Dao Sword they are staring at Li Qiye desolate, has this meaning? Li Qiye despises them, this is their great shames, now, they must cut to kill Li Qiye surely, seizes to seize his all wealth treasure. 此时万道剑他们冷森森地盯着李七夜,又何尝不是有这个意思呢?李七夜蔑视他们,此乃是他们的奇耻大辱,现在,他们必定要斩杀李七夜,掳夺他的所有财富宝物 At this time, Li Qiye actually beckons with the hand gently, said: Oh, said for quite a while, ponders over this wishful thinking, ok, your small reptiles, I really must kill you, what Dao Monarch Weapon has a need for? With the change brick, that can be battered to death you.” 在这个时候,李七夜却轻轻摆了摆手,说道:“唉,说了大半天,也就是琢磨这点小心思,算了,你们这点小爬虫,我真要杀你们,用得着什么道君之兵吗?拿点小钱小砖头,那都能把你们砸死。” Your-- Li Qiye this saying falls, immediately makes ten thousand Dao Sword they continue wildly with rage, Near-Profundity Sword Youth is also in an uncontrollable rage equally. “你——李七夜这话一落下,顿时让万道剑他们狂怒不止,临渊剑少也一样怒不可遏。 Li Qiye faraway regards them over and over, is to make them furious, now Li Qiye also such shames them, said their small reptile, this, ten thousand Dao Sword they could not bear heart inside anger again. 李七夜再三邈视他们,已经是让他们怒不可遏了,现在李七夜还如此的羞辱他们,直呼他们小爬虫,这一下,万道剑他们再也忍不住心里面的怒火了。 junior, defeats the bone to raise grey-- you to clench jaws in the Sea Emperor Sword Country elder today. 小辈,今日把你挫骨扬灰——”在海帝剑国的长老不由咬牙切齿。 Li Qiye beckons with the hand, like catching up with fly, said: Ok, I knew, come, looked how I am battered to death the fly that your buzz called with the brick.” 李七夜摆手,像赶苍蝇一样,说道:“好了,我知道了,来吧,看我怎么用砖头把你们这些嗡嗡叫的苍蝇砸死。” The Li Qiye such unkind words, they are mad ten thousand Dao Sword immediately spit blood, the complexion becomes flushed, air/Qi them who tremble, clenches jaws. 李七夜这么刻薄的话,顿时把万道剑他们气得吐血,脸色涨红,气得哆嗦的他们,不由咬牙切齿。 Can use the Money Falling Ground method?” At this time, some powerhouses estimated the mold to arrive, said in a low voice: He has so many wealth, if folds with large number of Dao Monarch refined jade rampart, only feared that also really maydefeat Near-Profundity Sword Youth with ‚ the Money Falling Ground method they.” “是要用金钱落地法吗?”此时,有一些强者估模到了,低声地说道:“他拥有那么多的财富,如果用大量的道君精璧垒叠起来,只怕还真有可能用‘金钱落地法’打败临渊剑少他们。” Waits, if using ‚the Money Falling Ground method, how many Dao Monarch refined jade that is needs to be able ten thousand Dao Sword they to be defeated?” Also some cultivator powerhouses guessed that estimates the mold. “拭目以待,如果说,使用‘金钱落地法’,那是需要多少的道君精璧才能把万道剑他们打败呢?”也有一些修士强者猜测估模。 Good, since you have such confidence, we asked for advice your ‚the Money Falling Ground method.” At this time, the Near-Profundity Sword Youth stand, heard clang sword cry, the purple deep pool sword came out of the sheath. “好,既然你有如此信心,那我们就领教领教你的‘金钱落地法’。”在这个时候,临渊剑少站了出来,听到“铛”的一声剑鸣,紫渊剑出鞘。 Without a doubt, at this time, Near-Profundity Sword Youth they also guessed that Li Qiye will use „the Money Falling Ground method, therefore, ten thousand Dao Sword they looked at each other, nod, dispersing. 毫无疑问,在这个时候,临渊剑少他们也猜测到了李七夜将会使用“金钱落地法”,所以,万道剑他们相视了一眼,点头,散开了。 Suddenly, sees only ten thousand Dao Sword their elders to seize a side respectively, the position that they stand has tasteful, seemed like suppressed the space node in each position. 眨眼之间,只见万道剑他们诸位长老各据一方,他们所站的位置十分有讲究,似乎是在每一个位置都是镇压了空间节点。 Opened-- at this time, as ten thousand Dao Sword sank to drink, his mouth spat Mantra, grasped the principle, heard buzz a resonate sound, saw only his dao marks to reappear, heard Tzzzzzzzzz the sound resounds, innumerable dao marks expanded outward. “开——”在这个时候,随着万道剑一声沉喝,他口吐真言,手持法则,听到“嗡”的一声响起,只见他脚下的道纹浮现,听到“滋、滋、滋”的声音响起,无数的道纹向外扩张。 In this moment, other elders also sink to drink one, their appeared dao marks, at once, hearingTzzzzzzzzzsound was lingering on faintly, sees only innumerable dao marks to interweave to form huge incomparable Formation Diagram mutually, with the expansion of Formation Diagram, is blinking, then covered the entire world. 在这一刻,其他的长老也都沉喝一声,他们脚下都浮现了道纹,一时之间,听到”滋、滋、滋”声音不绝于耳,只见无数的道纹相互交织形成了一个巨大无比的阵图,随着阵图的扩张,在眨眼之间,便覆盖了整个天地。 Finally, ten thousand Dao Sword they drank one greatly, sent out the clang like iron chain general Grand Dao Law clang clang the sound, finally, at clang, clang and clang under the sound, saw only the one Grand Dao Law instantaneous nail to lock in between Heaven and Earth, refine into the space friendly. 最后,万道剑他们大喝了一声,如同铁链一般的大道法则发出了铛铛铛的声音,最终,在“铛、铛、铛”的声音之下,只见一条条大道法则瞬间钉锁在了天地之间,融炼入了空间之中。 Finally, hears buzz a resonate sound, saw only great formation to block the entire space, in this in an instant, primal chaos True Qi was locked, Grand Dao was quiet, Myriad Law sold conceals. 最终,听到“嗡”的一声响起,只见大阵封锁了整个空间,在这刹那之间,混沌真气被锁,大道沉寂,万法销匿。 Under such situation, all cultivator powerhouses felt that suffocates, everyone felt that own primal chaos True Qi sinks, probably primal chaos True Qi of own whole body lived by suppression lock generally, no longer received the reassignment of own radically. 在这样的情况之下,所有的修士强者都感觉到为之一窒息,所有人都感觉自己混沌真气一沉,好像自己全身的混沌真气都被镇锁住了一般,根本就不再受自己的调动。 what is this Formation Law?” Has in the powerhouse heart to be surprised, said. 这是什么阵法?”有强者心里面为之一惊,说道。 Any cultivator powerhouse, once their primal chaos True Qi were locked, will be scared, was locked because of primal chaos True Qi, was equal to that any butchers. 任何一个修士强者,一旦他们的混沌真气被锁,都会恐慌,因为混沌真气被锁,就等于任何宰割。 It seems like, you return have some standards, listening to me to have the Money Falling Ground principle, came what town/subdues primal chaos great formation.” Li Qiye looked at ten thousand Dao Sword they arrange/cloth great formation, smiled. “看来,你们还有点水平,听我会有金钱落地法则,就来了一个什么镇混沌大阵。”李七夜看了一眼万道剑他们所布的大阵,不由笑了起来。 Subdue Primordial immortal-- at this time, by a Li Qiye reminder, had Large Sect Old Ancestor to know finally what is this Peerless great formation, called out in alarm one. “镇混元仙阵——”在这个时候,被李七夜一提醒,有大教老祖终于知道这是什么绝世大阵了,不由惊呼了一声。 what is this great formation.” Having the powerhouse is first heard this great formation. 这是什么大阵。”有强者是第一次听说这个大阵 This is suppression seal great formation, can suppression seal many primal chaos True Qi. The Money Falling Ground principle, by one Secret Technique that primal chaos True Qi controls.” This Large Sect Old Ancestor said slowly: In other words, town/subdues Primordial immortal, can suppress Li Qiye's ‚the Money Falling Ground principle.” “这是一种镇封大阵,可以镇封诸多混沌真气金钱落地法则,就是以混沌真气所主宰的一种秘术。”这位大教老祖徐徐地说道:“换句话说,镇混元仙阵,可以镇压李七夜的金钱落地法则’。” Another ancient border country Old Ancestor nod, said: Yes, right, has a hearsay in Sword Continent, Sea Emperor Sword Country has Secret Technique that can restrain to decode world any Cultivation Technique secret skill, this is Sea Emperor Sword Country all previous generations Virtuous Predecessor creates to grind. In other words, Sea Emperor Sword Country all previous Old Ancestor, has decoded world secret skill, created the law of decoding. Money Falling Ground principle, is not exceptional, during Sea Emperor Sword Country decodes.” 另一位古老的疆国老祖点头,说道:“是的,没错,在剑洲有一种传闻,海帝剑国拥有可以克制破解天下任何功法绝学秘术,这是海帝剑国历代先贤所创研出来的。换句话说,海帝剑国的历代老祖,都去破解过天下绝学,创出了破解之法。金钱落地法则,也并不例外,也在海帝剑国破解之中。” Hears such words, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses pulled out an cold air/Qi, blankly look at each other, if world Cultivation Technique were decoded, that is how dreadful matter, such matter, or other person or the big sects and countries cannot achieve, but, Sea Emperor Sword Country, no one will suspect, Sea Emperor Sword Country has such ability and strength absolutely. 听到这样的话,不知道多少修士强者抽了一口冷气,面面相觑,如果说天下功法都被破解,那是多么可怕的事情,这样的事情,或者其他人或大教疆国是做不到,但是,海帝剑国,就没有人会怀疑了,海帝剑国绝对拥有这样的能力与实力。
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