ED :: Volume #42

#4111: Qiye Great Immortal, the supernatural power is incapable

A Dao Monarch weapon of each article hangs above the top of the head, this was makes everyone look stupidly, many cultivator powerhouse blankly look at each other, even many cultivator powerhouses were the envy result in the eyes to blush. 一件件的道君兵器高悬于头顶之上,这是让所有人都不由为之看傻了,许多修士强者不由面面相觑,甚至有不少修士强者是嫉妒得双眼发红。 I come Large Sect, growing was so big, this whole life has not traced the Dao Monarch weapon, he is booing, this suspends the cabbage?” Some family backgrounds envy in the first-class Large Sect powerhouse said. “我出身大教,长了这么大,这辈子还没有摸过道君兵器,他倒好,这是摆白菜吗?”有出身于一流大教的强者不由嫉妒地说道。 At this time, a Dao Monarch weapon of Li Qiye each article overhangs above the top of the head, that also really sets up a stall probably sells the cabbage to be the same. 此时,李七夜一件件的道君兵器高挂于头顶之上,那还真的像是摆摊卖白菜一般。 don't said you, I worked as the elder of most lifetime, could not have a Dao Monarch weapon.” The Large Sect elder also whispered. “莫说你,我当了大半辈子的长老了,都还没有能拥有一件道君兵器。”有一位大教长老也不由为之嘀咕了一声。 Old Ancestor of aristocratic family smiled, said: Do not complain, Dao Monarch weapon, several people can have, many are the treasures of town/subdues teaching.” 有一位世家的老祖就不由笑了一下,说道:“你们就不要抱怨了,道君兵器,又有几个人能拥有呢,多数是镇教之宝。” In fact, that is also so, although many the big sects and countries have the Dao Monarch weapon, even has several Dao Monarch weapons, the Dao Monarch weapon that especially such as Sea Emperor Sword Country such inheritance, has are more. 事实上,那也是如此,虽然不少大教疆国拥有道君兵器,甚至有着好几件的道君兵器,特别是如海帝剑国这样的传承,所拥有的道君兵器更多。 However, the big sects and countries, especially powerful such as Sea Emperor Sword Country such inheritance, direct disciple 1 million, numerous ten million/countless, entire the big sects and countries, how many people also there are to have the qualifications to have the Dao Monarch weapon? 但是,一个大教疆国,特别是强大如海帝剑国这样的传承,门下弟子百万、千万之众,整个大教疆国,又有几个人有资格拥有道君兵器呢? Often every so often, regarding many the big sects and countries, that feared that is they have several Dao Monarch weapons, the Dao Monarch weapon of this each article, is not someone or does not belong to Sect Master or some Old Ancestor, it belongs to entire Sect. 往往很多时候,对于许多大教疆国而言,那怕是他们拥有好几件的道君兵器,这一件件的道君兵器,都不是属于某一个人或者不属于掌门或某位老祖,它是属于整个宗门的。 Therefore, regarding the big sects and countries, more often, Sect inside Dao Monarch weapon, is the Sect property, is not individual, even if has powerful incomparable Old Ancestor or Sect Master, must carry the Dao Monarch weapon, only feared that also needs to be recognized permission and Sect. 所以,对于大教疆国来说,更多时候,宗门里面的道君兵器,乃是宗门的财产,不属于个人,就算是有强大无匹的老祖掌门,要携道君兵器而出,只怕也是需要得到宗门的允许和认同。 Li Qiye, has more than ten Dao Monarch weapons . Moreover, this is his property, to the use and control, a Dao Monarch weapon of Li Qiye each article hangs now completely, can not let see that this cultivator powerhouse does envy to be jealous? 李七夜独自一人,拥有着十几件的道君兵器,而且,这是属于他个人的财产,任由使用和支配,现在李七夜一件件的道君兵器全部都挂了出来,能不让看到这一幕的修士强者为之嫉妒眼红吗? Such wealth, is under crown Vanishing Heaven, don't said that is a cultivator powerhouse, any the big sects and countries, with Li Qiye one in comparison, that is overshadowed, meeting the shape is clumsy, cannot in comparison. 这样的财富,乃是冠绝天下,莫说是一位修士强者,任何一位大教疆国,与李七夜一相比之下,那都是黯然失色,相见形拙,不能与之相比。 Snort, isn't a nouveau riche? Suspends such big scene, feared that the world person does not know he does have money?” Sees the Li Qiye so big swayed field, said sourly. “哼,不就是一个暴发户吗?摆这么大的场面,怕天下人不知道他有钱吗?”看到李七夜如此大的摆场,不由酸溜溜地说道。 At this time, the Li Qiye's journey actually has such heaven frightening to move the place the lineup, that lineup, is as good as the Dao Monarch journey in legend simply, as for others, only feared that takes a broad view at the current world, no one can have the so huge luxurious lineup. 此时,李七夜的出行竟然有着如此惊天动地的阵容,那阵容,简直就是不亚于传说中的道君出行,至于其他人,只怕放眼当今天下,没有谁能拥有如此庞大奢侈的阵容了。 After this can not let many cultivator powerhouses saw, can not envy the envy to hate? 这能不让许多修士强者看到之后,能不羡慕嫉妒恨吗? He is rich.” The mentality good powerhouse smiled, said: He has the richest wealth household, could it be that does not allow him to show off now, after all, whose one night becomes the first under heaven multimillionaire, that is also but actually floating.” “他就是有钱呀。”有一位心态好的强者倒笑了一下,说道:“他拥有当今最富有的财户,难道不容他显摆一下,毕竟,谁一夜之间成为天下第一巨富,那也是倒飘飘然的。” „A nouveau riche, having anything is good to show off, copper stink.” Envies Li Qiye's cultivator, is still sneers one, during the words, the sour flavor hears apparent. “一个暴发户,有什么好显摆的,一股铜臭味罢了。”嫉妒李七夜的修士,依然是冷笑一声,话语之间,酸溜溜的味道一闻便知。 I also want such copper stink.” Has young cultivator unable to bear said in a low voice: If I can become the first under heaven rich and powerful people, others scolded me are the nouveau riches, in my heart smiled, I was like others scolding me, didn't have two filthy money?” “我也想要这样的一股铜臭味。”有年轻修士忍不住低声地说道:“如果我能成为天下第一富豪,别人骂我是暴发户,那我心里面都是偷着乐,我就是喜欢别人骂我,不就是有两个臭钱吗?” Young cultivator such humorous words , makes one be able help laughing. 年轻修士这样幽默的话,也让人不由为之哑然失笑。 This boy, the courage was too big.” Also there is an older generation powerhouse to whisper said: He suspends such big swayed field to come Cloud Dream Pond, wasn't taken by force? The place of Cloud Dream Pond such robber, his first under heaven rich and powerful people are so rampant, so big swayed field to come , didn't this clarify a fat sheep to enter Cloud Dream Pond?” “这小子,胆子太大了。”也有老一辈强者不由嘀咕地说道:“他摆这么大的摆场来云梦泽,就不把被人打劫?云梦泽这样的强盗之地,他这位天下第一富豪如此嚣张、如此大的摆场进来,这不是摆明了一头肥羊进入云梦泽吗?” Hey, robs? Who snatches whom is not uncertain, couldn't have looked? The Li Qiye that is not a vegetarian person, in Tang Plain, Li Qiye slaughter Hundred Weapons Mountain and millions of disciples in stellate country's, does not wink the eye.” “嘿,抢劫?谁抢谁还不一定呢,没看得出来吗?李七夜那也不是吃素的人,在唐原的时候,李七夜连屠百兵山、星射国的千千万万弟子,连眼睛都不眨一下。” „Does he really have such skill? Isn't heard relying on ancient formation?” Until now, still many cultivator powerhouses are holding the suspicion regarding the Li Qiye's strength. “他真有这样的本事吗?听说不是凭借着古阵吗?”到现在为止,依然有不少修士强者对于李七夜的实力抱着怀疑。 Do not forget, he is rich, money many to can to pound people to death, you have a look at thing that he uses, which is not heaven frightening moves, each treasure pounds, that can the to pound people to death thing.” Old Man said slowly. “不要忘记了,他是有钱,钱多到可以砸死人,你看看他所用的东西,哪一件不是惊天动地,每一件宝物砸出来,那都是可以砸死人的玩意。”有一位老朽徐徐地说道。 This saying also made many people look at each other, felt some truth, although said that Li Qiye strength not specially powerful, but, he has the first under heaven wealth, as the saying goes, had with money anything is possible to turn a millstone. 这话也让不少人相视了一眼,觉得有些道理,虽然说,李七夜本身实力不是特别的强大,但是,他拥有着天下第一财富,俗话说得好,有钱可使鬼推磨。 Had a look at the present lineup team to know, so many beautiful Peerless female cultivator, did could it be that from brave baseless? heard, Li Qiye pounded the large sum of money to hire to have the strength pretty young cultivator, many Large Sect disciples one after another responded, even the Princess princess in some small countries, are willing to respond, money really moved the will of the people.” Aristocratic family Senior Elder said slowly. “看看眼前的阵容队伍就知道了,这么多美丽绝世的女修士,难道从凭空冒出来的?听说,李七夜砸了重金聘了许多有实力又貌美的年轻修士,不少大教弟子都纷纷应聘,甚至有一些小国的公主郡主,都愿意应聘,财帛实在是太动人心了。”有一位世家元老徐徐地说道。 This saying indeed said right, at this time Li Qiye the so huge lineup, all beautiful female cultivator, are Li Qiye responds at present at the large sum of money. 这话的确是说得没错,此时李七夜眼前如此庞大的阵容,所有美丽的女修士,都是李七夜以重金应聘过来的。 Thump, thump and thump at this time, saw only in Li Qiye that vast incomparable lineup to resound the sound of beating a drum, the lively rhythm and sinking thick military might. “咚、咚、咚”就在这个时候,只见李七夜那浩大无比的阵容之中响起了敲鼓之声,节奏明快、沉厚威武。 Qiye Great Immortal, the supernatural power is boundless.” Drinks together, the sound of shouting loudly is uniform, resounds through the skies. 七夜大仙,法力无边。”一声齐喝,高呼之声整齐划一,响彻云霄。 Qiye Great Immortal, the supernatural power is boundless. Qiye Great Immortal, the supernatural power is boundless. Qiye Great Immortal, the supernatural power is boundless. The sound of big drinking Qiye Great Immortal, the supernatural power boundless......” fluctuates by fits and starts neatly, just like the difficult situation, pushed to Cloud Dream Pond one after another in all directions. 七夜大仙,法力无边。七夜大仙,法力无边。七夜大仙,法力无边。七夜大仙,法力无边……”一阵又一阵整齐起伏的大喝之声,如同惊涛骇浪一样,一波又一波地推向了云梦泽的四面八方。 Saw that is so vast the sound of big drinking and resounds through the skies, this makes many cultivator powerhouses hear blankly look at each other immediately, such appearance, looks very funny, but not being able to say deterrents, that feeling, making one be at a loss. 见到如此浩大、响彻云霄的大喝之声,这顿时让许多修士强者听得都不由面面相觑,这样的模样,看起来很搞笑,但又有一种说不出来的威慑,那种感觉,让人无所适从。 Such, who can look, Li Qiye was the high-sounding talk not to be high-profile, probably hated not to fear that made the world people know, father had money. 这样的一幕,谁都看得出来,李七夜是高调到不能再高调了,好像恨不怕让天下人都知道,老子有钱。 Young Master, this little that.” Accompanies somewhat not to smile bitterly in Li Qiye Xu Yiyun. 公子,这有点那个。”陪伴在李七夜身边的许易云都不由有些苦笑不得。 Although said, all these things are handled by her personally, but, such slogan, seems like Li Qiye to add temporarily. 虽然说,这一切事情都是由她亲手操办,但是,这样的口号,似乎是李七夜临时加进去的。 Improper what has?” Li Qiye lies down there lazily, eats honey fruit that beautiful woman is feeding, the manner swell is lazy, just like the Emperor appearance. “有什么不妥吗?”李七夜懒洋洋地躺在那里,吃着身边美女喂过来的蜜果,神态臃懒,犹如帝王模样。 Xu Yiyun smiled bitterly, could not say what is this to feel, she has saying: This, this, this slogan, is a little strange.” 许易云不由苦笑了一下,说不出这是什么感觉,她只好说道:“这,这,这口号,有点怪怪的。” Having anything is quite strange.” Li Qiye smiled, said: Secular vision, such small weaponry, but is fun, can could it be that also set off me to be inadequate?” “有什么好怪的。”李七夜笑了一下,说道:“世俗眼光而已,此等小仗,只不过是好玩罢了,难道还能衬我不成?” The Li Qiye such optional words, made beautiful women be startled. 李七夜这样随意的话,都让身边的美女们为之一怔了。 Young Master, your lineup, was can call first under heaven, only feared that the Sword Continent five big giants went on a journey, did not have Young Master such weaponry.” The side had the beautiful woman of serving to purse the lips to smile. 公子,你这阵容,乃是可以称得天下第一了,只怕剑洲五大巨头出行,都没有公子这样的仗阵了。”身边有侍候的美女不由抿嘴笑了一下。 World ants, can with holding up a day of giant compares.” Li Qiye smiled lightly. “世间蝼蚁,又焉能与擎天巨人相比。”李七夜淡淡地笑了一下。 Accompanied was startled in Li Qiye beautiful women, could not speak, after all, in Sword Continent, a little people of general knowledge knows, the Sword Continent five big giants, are now most powerful exist(ence), Li Qiye actually disdaining the appearance, in his mouth, five big giants became the ants. 陪在李七夜身边的美女们都不由怔了一下,说不出话来,毕竟,在剑洲,有点常识的人都知道,剑洲五大巨头,乃是当今最强大的存在,李七夜却不屑之的模样,在他口中,五大巨头都成了蝼蚁了。 Naturally, the beautiful women can also say anything, who called Li Qiye to be rich, the richness was a father, therefore they also tacitly approved the Li Qiye's words. 当然,美女们还能说什么,谁叫李七夜有钱呢,有钱就是爸爸,所以她们也默认了李七夜的话了。 After all, Li Qiye is sparkling refined jade rewards conveniently, his rewards conveniently, don't said that is they have not seen so many refined jade for a lifetime, only feared, even if their Sect, is unable in comparison. 毕竟,李七夜随手就是亮晶晶的精璧赏赐,他的一个随手赏赐,莫说是她们这些人一辈子没有见过这么多的精璧,只怕,就算是他们宗门,也无法与之相比。 Considers, Li Qiye likes, can bestow one ten million/countless even one conveniently hundred million, such bold horizontal, even if their Sect cannot spend so much money. 试想一下,李七夜一喜欢,就能随手赐一个千万甚至一个亿,这样的豪横,就算是她们宗门都拿不出这么多的钱。 Therefore, can these beautiful girls, not like? 所以,这些美丽的姑娘们,能不喜欢吗? Xu Yiyun smiled bitterly, she does not know that Li Qiye this is must do, originally mentioned Cloud Dream Pond to reclaim the land, such matter, was far from the important matter, after all, Li Qiye hires many powerhouses now, casual faction a group of powerhouses entered Cloud Dream Pond, but also feared that creditor not obediently did hand over the land? 许易云不由苦笑了一下,她也不知道李七夜这是要干什么,本来说来云梦泽收回土地,这样的事情,谈不上大事,毕竟,李七夜现在雇佣了大量的强者,随便派一批强者进入云梦泽,还怕债主不乖乖交出土地吗? However, Li Qiye actually must suspend such big lineup to come Cloud Dream Pond to reclaim the land, this makes Xu Yiyun not know in the Li Qiye bottle gourd to sell what medicine. 但是,李七夜却偏偏要摆着这么大的阵容来云梦泽收回土地,这让许易云不知道李七夜葫芦里卖什么药。 In fact, Xu Yiyun thinks it over, does not understand that Li Qiye wants anything, he has the large amount of wealth, but, Li Qiye does not treat as a matter, even has not looked straight at to look. 事实上,许易云思来想去,都不明白李七夜是想要什么,他拥有着巨额的财富,但是,李七夜根本就不当作一回事,甚至没正眼去多看一下。 Xu Yiyun knows, such first under heaven wealth, don't said is a person, even if powerful such as Sea Emperor Sword Country only feared that cannot be unconventional, Li Qiye actually completely idle regarded it, this lets the Xu Yiyun strange place, this world, actually also has anything to make Li Qiye be interested. 许易云知道,如此的天下第一财富,莫说是一个人,就算是强大如海帝剑国只怕都不能免俗,李七夜却完全闲等视之,这就是让许易云奇怪的地方,这世间,究竟还有什么让李七夜感兴趣的。 Only then Lu Qi stands side Li Qiye, the black veil duplicate face, anything had not said. Some things she can guess to obtain, but, there are many things, she is also the same not to trace the boundary. 只有绿绮站在李七夜身边,黑纱覆脸,什么都没有说。有些事情她能猜得到,但,也有不少的事情,她也一样是摸不到边际。 Qiye Great Immortal, the supernatural power is boundless.” One intermittent drinks greatly, Li Qiye that huge incomparable team entered Cloud Dream Pond. 七夜大仙,法力无边。”一阵阵大喝,李七夜那庞大无比的队伍开入了云梦泽 At this time, front has the islands to be faintly visible. 就在这个时候,前面已经有岛屿隐隐可见了。 Must arrive in the Yunmeng 18 islands, the robber nest in front, looked that Yunmeng stronghold these robbers do take by force Li Qiye.” The cultivator powerhouses of many waiting and seeing noticed that the Li Qiye so enormous and powerful team really goes to the robber nest, yelled one. “要到云梦十八岛了,强盗窝就在前面了,看云梦寨这些强盗打不打劫李七夜。”不少观望的修士强者看到李七夜如此浩荡的队伍真的向强盗窝而去,不由大叫了一声。 Bang, bang and bang when this saying falls, a thundering sound is lingering on faintly, divides the river but actually sea, seeing only the monstrous waves is billowing. “轰、轰、轰”就在这话一落下的时候,一阵轰鸣之声不绝于耳,分江倒海,只见巨浪滚滚。 At once, sees only great hazy spreads to come, to break out the great river from the front islands crazily. 一时之间,只见一艘艘的巨朦从前面的岛屿狂驰而来,劈开大江。
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