ED :: Volume #41

#4072: Opening

In buzz, ten thousand Dao Light line connection, strength impact. 在“嗡”的一声之下,万道光线交汇,有一股力量冲击而出。 Ten thousand Dao Light lines hit simultaneously above 1 : 00, this is what type marvelousness? When ten thousand wisps of Dao Light instantaneous gatherings, instantaneous hit in a point, seems like a photon to be hit to explode is the same. 道光线同时撞击在一点之上,这是怎么样的奇妙?当万缕的道光瞬间汇聚,瞬间撞击在一个点上的时候,就好像是一个光子被打爆一样。 Considers, a photon was hit to explode instantaneously, how this will erupt the fearful might, that is destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth. 试想一下,一个光子瞬间被打爆,这将会爆发出怎么可怕的威力,那可谓是毁天灭地 However, when such a photon was hit instantaneously explodes, ten thousand count Dao Light as if also to have destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth strength that strength suppresses this to explode. 但是,在这么一个光子瞬间被打爆的时候,万数道光似乎又有着一股力量压制着这爆开的毁天灭地力量 Therefore, in this in an instant, heard buzz a resonate sound, the space exudes the ripples, when the photon blasted out, under the powerful strength suppression, a completely new world must be born to be the same probably, a universe in ray newborn general. 所以,在这刹那之间,听到“嗡”的一声响起,空间泛起了涟漪,在光子被炸开的时候,在强大的力量压制之下,好像是一个全新的世界要诞生一样,一个宇宙在光芒之中初生一般。 In bo, Space-Time also fluctuated, exudes ripples one after another, saw only the photon blast center, saw only a wisp of another wisp of ray to start to bloom. 在“啵”的一声之中,时空随之波动,泛起了一道又一道的涟漪,只见光子炸开的中心,只见一缕又一缕的光芒开始绽放出来。 A wisp of another wisp of ray in blooming, just like has the life to be the same is shivering, just like is intelligent is ordinary, mutually being intertwined. 一缕又一缕的光芒在绽放的时候,犹如是有生命一样在颤抖着,犹如是有灵性一般,相互交缠着。 Although said, the entire process is very short, but, actually splendid peerless, as such ray is intertwined mutually, in that ray most deep place, just like is a sea deeply floats is the same, innumerable runes interwove one in the sea the principle of one. 虽然说,整个过程很短,但是,却精彩绝伦,随着这样的光芒相互交缠,在那光芒最深处,犹如是道海深浮一样,无数的符文在道海之中交织成了一条一条的法则。 The principle was intertwined mutually, interweaves Supreme Seal sequence, changed to Supreme Grand Dao. 法则相互交缠,交织成了无上章序,化作了无上大道 Under such evolution, is not only a completely new world is born, has Supreme Grand Dao is born. 在这样的衍化之下,不仅仅是一个全新的世界在其中诞生,也有着无上大道在其中诞生。 Finally, hears bo a resonate sound, the ray impact, strength also attacks to come, in this that saw only light sphere to form, float there. 最后,听到“啵”的一声响起,光芒冲击而出,一股力量随之冲击而来,在这那之间,只见一个光球形成了,悬浮在了那里。 When such light sphere forms, sees only the ray that all refined jade project also to vanish, at this time, is not only the refined jade ray vanishes, in the meantime, each one piece of Dao Monarch refined jade also consumes all primal chaos essence. 随着这样的一个光球形成之时,只见所有的精璧射出的光线都随之消失了,在这个时候,不仅是精璧光线消失,同时,每一块道君精璧也是消耗掉了所有的混沌精气。 In this moment, saw only the one piece of block Dao Monarch refined jade to lose its color, lost its essence, was all of a sudden gloomy, originally was precious incomparable Dao Monarch refined jade, suddenly then becomes one piece of the one piece of rock waste, became is not worth a red cent. 在这一刻,只见一块块的道君精璧是失去了它的色彩,失去了它的精华,一下子黯淡无光,本是珍贵无比的道君精璧,眨眼之间便成为了一块一块的顽石,变得一文不值。 Such, making one see that will certainly pull out an cold air/Qi, over ten thousand Dao Monarch refined jade, within the short time, then consumes all primal chaos essence, this was how the consumption of terrifying. 这样的一幕,让人看到,那一定会抽了一口冷气,上万块的道君精璧,在短短的时间之内,便是消耗掉了所有的混沌精气,这是多么恐怖的消耗。 Considers, over ten thousand Dao Monarch refined jade, can support a consumption of Large Sect entire era, can haunch powerful incomparable Peerless great formation, moreover can hold permanent. 试想一下,上万的道君精璧,可以支撑一个大教整整一个时代的消耗,也能撑起强大无匹的绝世大阵,而且能持之恒久。 However, in this cave, over ten thousand Dao Monarch refined jade, was consumed in a flash, the so astonishing consumption, only feared that few the big sects and countries can withstand. 但是,在这地窖之内,上万块的道君精璧,乃是在弹指之间就被消耗掉了,如此惊人的消耗,只怕没有几个大教疆国能承受得起。 Looks at light sphere that forms again, seeing only this light sphere is the wave light ripples, seems like the spiritual energy full, as if, in such light sphere, is nourishing the spiritual energy of the whole world. 再看那形成的光球,只见这个光球乃是波光荡漾,看起来乃是灵气充盈,似乎,在这样的一个光球之中,便是蕴养着整个世界的灵气。 Three Thousand Worlds, trillion land, nourishing spiritual energy, as if spiritual energy full of this light sphere. 三千世界,亿万大地,所蕴养的灵气,似乎都不由这个光球的灵气充盈。 Carefully looks at this light sphere, in this light sphere, is Grand Dao Law shuttles back and forth, such a, it may be said that is very mysterious, one Grand Dao Law, just like one True Dragon to be the same, soars in the light sphere world. 仔细去看这个光球,在这光球之内,乃是大道法则穿梭,这样的一幕,可谓是十分神奇,一条条大道法则,就犹如一条条真龙一般,飞翔于在光球的世界之中。 Grand Dao Law shuttles back and forth, said the sea ups and downs, such god strange light glow, making people think, if can hold this light sphere, pounded ruthlessly in this world, that can definitely probably crush the whole world bombing instantaneously, only feared that entire Eight Desolate vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke during such explosion, what cultivator powerhouse, anything supreme invincible, only feared that died without the burial ground. 大道法则穿梭,道海沉浮,这样的一个神奇光芒,让人都不由觉得,若是能捧起这个光球,狠狠地砸在这个世界上,那肯定能瞬间把整个世界轰炸得粉碎,只怕整个八荒都会在这样的爆炸之中灰飞烟灭,什么修士强者,什么至尊无敌,只怕都是死无葬身之地。 what is this thing-- looks at at present such light sphere, Peaceful Bamboo Princess, although does not recognize, is unable to estimate its mystery, but, this only light sphere contains strength, makes her absolutely terrified. 这是什么东西——看着眼前这么一个光球,宁竹公主虽然不认得,也无法去揣摩它的奥妙,但是,这只光球所蕴藏着的力量,都不由让她为之毛骨悚然。 Can peep the key of secret.” Li Qiye smiled lightly. “一个可以窥得秘密的钥匙。”李七夜淡淡地笑了一下。 At this time, Li Qiye stretched out big hand slowly, the five fingers opened slowly. As the Li Qiye palm opens, hears buzz a resonate sound, big light glow was shivering, at this time, saw only in the Li Qiye palm to reappear big light glow, big light glow is jumping in his palm. 此时,李七夜缓缓地伸出了大手,五指缓缓地张开。随着李七夜手掌张开的时候,听到“嗡”的一声响起,大道光芒在颤抖了一下,在这个时候,只见李七夜手掌之中浮现了大道光芒,大道光芒在他掌心中跳跃着。 The Li Qiye palm approached this light sphere slowly, approaches light sphere time, hears bang loud sound, world heaviest thing pressed probably got down general, the heaviness of this thing, is unable to estimate, even made Peaceful Bamboo Princess feel that the entire land sank suddenly. 李七夜手掌缓缓地靠近了这一个光球,一靠近光球的时候,听到“轰”的一声巨响,好像是世间最重的东西压了下来一般,此物之重,无法估量,甚至让宁竹公主感觉到整个大地都突然下沉了。 However, the Dao Light carrying world on Li Qiye palm, that feared that this light sphere reprecipitation is heavy, on Dao Light by Li Qiye palm was held. 但是,李七夜手掌上的道光承载天地,那怕这个光球再沉重,也被李七夜手掌上的道光所托起来了。 Moreover, at this time, heard Tzzzzzzzzz the sound is lingering on faintly, probably the snow and ice ablation was ordinary, Dao Light in Li Qiye palm, in situ leaching infiltrated in this light sphere unexpectedly slowly. 而且,在这个时候,听到“滋、滋、滋”的声音不绝于耳,好像是冰雪消融一般,李七夜手掌中的道光,竟然缓缓地浸透入了这个光球之中。 When Dao Light of Li Qiye palm soaked light sphere, Li Qiye's big hand also inserted in light sphere slowly. 随着李七夜手掌的道光浸透了光球之时,李七夜的大手也缓缓地插入了光球之中。 Hears bang loud sound, light sphere also vibrates, if this light sphere is Big World, then the Li Qiye's palm invades this Big World colossus. 听到“轰”的一声巨响,光球随之震动,如果说,这个光球就是一个大世界的话,那么李七夜的手掌就是入侵这个大世界的庞然大物。 creature raise one's head above this star, saw the world that probably obstructs a day of great hand to own grasps to be the same. 这就好像一个星球之上的生灵抬头,看到一只遮天巨手向自己的世界抓来一样。 In fact is also so, Li Qiye's big hand is Myriad Law lingers, after inserting in light sphere, is Supreme strength fills the air in entire light sphere instantaneously. 事实上也是如此,李七夜的大手乃是万法萦绕,当插入了光球之中后,瞬间是至高无上力量弥漫于整个光球之中。 Also in this in an instant, sees only entire light sphere instantaneous radiant incomparable, in an instant to ejecting immeasurable ray, moreover entire light sphere inflates instantaneously. 也就在这刹那之间,只见整个光球瞬间璀璨无比,刹那之间冲击出了无量的光芒,而且整个光球瞬间膨胀。 light sphere instantaneously spout the ray time, Peaceful Bamboo Princess startles, because in this in an instant, she could feel that this light sphere must blast out. 光球瞬间喷涌出光芒的时候,宁竹公主不由为之一骇,因为在这刹那之间,她感觉得到这个光球要炸开了。 Moreover, when such light sphere must blast out, that will erupt the unequalled might, only feared that will destroy this stretch of the world instantaneously. 而且,当这样的一个光球要炸开的时候,那将会爆发出无与伦比的威力,只怕会把这片天地瞬间毁灭。 But, in the instance that this light sphere must blast out, Li Qiye big hand grasps, hears bo a resonate sound, all principle Grand Dao in entire light sphere were gripped by Li Qiye's big hand firmly. 但,就在这个光球要炸开的瞬间,李七夜大手一握,听到“啵”的一声响起,整个光球之中的所有法则大道都被李七夜的大手牢牢地握住了。 Although these Grand Dao Law want to struggle, but is actually not able to struggle Li Qiye's big hand, at this moment, Li Qiye big hand is the ray turnover, the Myriad Law circulation, hears Tzzzzzzzzz the sound resounds, sees only this one Grand Dao Law to be built up by Li Qiye. 虽然这些大道法则想挣扎,但却是无法挣扎得开李七夜的大手,此时此刻,李七夜大手乃是光芒吞吐,万法流转,听到“滋、滋、滋”的声音响起,只见这一条条大道法则李七夜炼化。 In this moment, sees only light sphere that is to blast out to start to contract unexpectedly slowly, finally, entire light sphere integrated in the Li Qiye's palm, as one Grand Dao Law integrated the Li Qiye palm, probably wants the brand mark to be the same in the Li Qiye palm. 在这一刻,只见那本是要炸开的光球竟然开始慢慢收缩,最后,整个光球都融入了李七夜的手掌之中,随着一条条大道法则融入了李七夜手掌心,好像是要烙印在李七夜手掌心一样。 Finally, hears the „ziii” sound to resound, light sphere or Grand Dao Law and Supreme Grand Dao, in this moment vanish into thin air, thorough integrated in the Li Qiye palm. 最后,听到“滋”的声音响起,不论是光球还是大道法则无上大道,在这一刻都消失得无影无踪,彻底的融入了李七夜手掌之中了。 this is what matter?” looks at entire light sphere melted into the Li Qiye palm surprisedly, Peaceful Bamboo Princess also incomparable, said: What function does this have?” 这是怎么回事?”看着整个光球都融化入了李七夜手掌心,宁竹公主也惊奇无比,说道:“这是有什么样的作用呢?” When your hand is grasping the link of land, you are grasping strength of this stretch of the world while you are at it.” Li Qiye smiled. “当你手握着大地之环的时候,你就手握着这片天地的力量。”李七夜笑了一下。 „The link of land?” Peaceful Bamboo Princess has not listened to such thing, said: what is this thing?” “大地之环?”宁竹公主从来没有听过这样的东西,说道:“这是什么东西呢?” Also there's nothing thing.” Li Qiye smiles, said: Was only some people here arrange the powerful incomparable subsequent hand.” “也没有什么东西。”李七夜笑笑,说道:“只是有人在这里布下了强大无匹的后手罢了。” Saying, a Li Qiye hand, the palm was shining instantaneously, just like a say/way furnace was lightened was the same. 说着,李七夜一张手,手掌心瞬间亮了起来,犹如一个道炉被点亮了一样。 Bang, bang and bang when the Li Qiye palm shines all of a sudden, the land swayed, the day swings shakes, the mudstone rinses to fall. “轰、轰、轰”就在李七夜手掌心一下子亮起来的时候,大地摇晃了起来,天摇地晃,泥石漱漱落下。 Peaceful Bamboo Princess is also surprised, because she felt under the land to have thing Breaking Grounds at this time, recovering time, she ran out of the cave. 宁竹公主也不由为之一惊,因为在这个时候她感受到了大地之下有东西破土而出,回过神来的时候,她不由冲出了地窖。 Bang, bang and bang at this time, sound of the intermittent thundering were lingering on faintly, above Tang Plain, high towers from underground Breaking Grounds, such high tower seemed like the rock vulture to chisel unexpectedly, seemed like strange metal to dissolve to model, above the high tower covered entirely marvelous runes. “轰、轰、轰”在这个时候,一阵阵轰鸣之声不绝于耳,在唐原之上,竟然一座座的高塔从地下破土而出,这样的一座座高塔像是岩石雕凿而成,又像是奇金溶塑而成,高塔之上布满了奇妙的符文 Such high tower then cloths in Tang Plain, fell on coordinate interlocked the place of opposite angle with the fortress, if above Tang Plain coordinate corner/horn with fortresses, will form meshes, but tall tower was located in such meshes. 这样的一座座高塔便布于唐原之中,落在了经纬线与堡垒交错对角之处,如果说,唐原之上的经纬线与堡垒之间角而成,彼此之间就会形成了一个又一个的网眼,而一座座高塔就是座落在了这么一个又一个网眼之中。 Overnight, on Tang Plain stood erect unexpectedly tall tower one after another, was not only the ancient courtyard servant looks to stay, even Peaceful Bamboo Princess also looked dull. 一夜之间,唐原上竟然屹立起了一座又一座的高塔,不仅是古院的奴仆看呆了,连宁竹公主也看呆了。 what is this thing?” One after another has such strange strange matter, that broke the imagination of Peaceful Bamboo Princess. 这是什么东西?”接二连三发生这么奇怪诡异的事情,那都打破了宁竹公主的想象了。 Naturally was good thing.” Li Qiye smiled, palm, the link of his palm land appears. “当然是好东西了。”李七夜笑了一下,手掌一张,他手掌心大地之环浮现。 When Li Qiye palm the link of land appears, hears bang loud sound, saw only fortresses in Tang Plain spout the ray , the ray of each fortress passed coordinate, transmitted to tall tower, finally, all rays gathered above the spire of high tower peak. 李七夜手掌心的大地之环浮现之时,听到“轰”的一声巨响,只见唐原之中的一座座堡垒喷涌出了光芒,随之,每一个堡垒的光芒都通过了经纬线,传递向了一座座高塔,最终,所有的光芒都聚集在了高塔顶端的塔尖之上。 Bang loud sound, see only light beams to shoot up to the sky, in an instant illuminated the entire world, is shocking entire Hundred Weapons Mountain the domain, alarmed countless people. “轰”的一声声巨响,只见一股股光柱冲天而起,刹那之间照亮了整个天地,震撼着整个百兵山所领域,惊动了无数人。 Was such-- looks at such a, Peaceful Bamboo Princess is looks to understand some clue unexpectedly at present finally. “竟然是这样——看着眼前这样的一幕,宁竹公主总算是看明白了一些端倪了。 Fortresses in Tang Plain on the sources of probably Grand Dao, can provide the strength of continuous Grand Dao, but the strength of this continuous Grand Dao, on one through Tang Plain transmits finally coordinate, finally was transmitted above the high tower, but Li Qiye palm the link of land, is the total control of entire Tang Plain. 唐原中的一个又一个的堡垒就好像是一个个大道之源,能提供源源不断的大道之力,而这样源源不断的大道之力,最后通过唐原上的一条条经纬线传递出去,最后被传递到了高塔之上,而李七夜手掌心的大地之环,就是整个唐原的总控制。 Just, Peaceful Bamboo Princess has not wanted to understand that Tang Plain such layout, is useful. 只不过,宁竹公主还没有想明白唐原这样的布局,有什么用处。
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