ED :: Volume #41

#4044: Sword Master Song Ye

Buys, why does not buy.” Regarding the report of Xu Yiyun, Li Qiye smiled, readily agreed. “买,为什么不买。”对于许易云的汇报,李七夜笑了一下,一口答应了。 Xu Yiyun worried, said: This only feared that is not good to take over, must betray the territory old occupation much Sect or the powerhouse, estate that they must sell is very remote far away from our Hundred Dawns Hometown, we are hard take over, is hard governs and rules, such as estate in this Cloud Dream Pond, there was a bandit nest, even if we bought, only feared that our money were what is gone can never come back, had not to return.” 许易云不由担忧,说道:“这只怕是不好接手,不少要出卖疆土旧业的门派或强者,他们所要出售的产业都是远离我们百晓故里很遥远,我们难于接手,也难于管治,就如这个云梦泽里的一个产业,那里就是一个土匪窝,就算是我们买了,只怕我们的钱是肉包子打狗,有去无回呀。” Xu Yiyun such worry has the truth, since these days, has congratulated the Li Qiye's person besides these, many people want to sell to Li Qiye own family's estate, naturally does not know the premium many times. 许易云这样的担忧不是没有道理的,在这几日以来,除了那些来恭贺李七夜的人之外,很多人都想把自己家里的产业卖给李七夜,当然是不知道溢价了多少倍了。 These Sect inheritance know that Li Qiye is as rich as the class/flow oil, money as many may spend as nowhere, therefore, while such rare opportunity, some not valuable estate in own Sect sold to Li Qiye with the high price. 这些门派传承都知道李七夜是富到流油,钱多到无处可花,所以,就趁着这样难得的机会,把自己宗门内一些不值钱的产业用高价卖给李七夜 Even some people have not settled the good intention from the beginning, so-called sold to Li Qiye own Sect estate, that hits is wanting to take the Li Qiye's money white/in vain. 甚至有一些人一开始就没有安好心,所谓是把自己宗门产业卖给李七夜,那就是打着想要白拿李七夜的钱。 Because their estate is not only not worth a red cent, but also their estate often to the Li Qiye's Hundred Dawns Hometown very remote distance, even their estate in the place of barren mountains and untamed rivers, even if bought, is impossible to take back these estate, these estate books are not worth a red cent, now packs, the preparation high price sold to Li Qiye. 因为他们的产业不仅是一文不值,而且他们的产业往往是离李七夜的百晓故里很遥远的距离,甚至他们的产业是在穷山恶水之处,就算是买下了,也不可能收回这些产业,这些产业本就是一文不值,现在包装一下,就准备高价卖给李七夜 Xu Yiyun knew certainly much, after all, she was not the ignorant rookie of making a debut, she once the walk world, all sea was the family/home, regarding estate that these were not worth a red cent, was many understanding. 许易云当然知道不少了,毕竟,她不是初出茅庐的无知新人,她曾行走天下,四海为家,对于这些一文不值的产业,还是多少有些了解的。 Therefore, when these must sell the estate person walks, in the Xu Yiyun heart is the rejection, for all this, Xu Yiyun reported to Li Qiye. 所以,当这些要卖产业的人找上门的时候,许易云心里面是拒绝的,尽管如此,许易云还是向李七夜汇报了。 Can't receive estate?” Li Qiye smiled, said: What fears? Asked the person to hit, returned it, so long as were our estate, that took action with just reasons, returned it, who dared not to agree, extinguished them. Otherwise, did I raise so many cultivator powerhouses to do? Really thinks that my inviting does make them eat for free?” “收不到产业?”李七夜不由笑了一下,说道:“怕什么?叫人去打,把它打回来,只要是我们的产业,那就是师出有名,把它打回来,谁敢不同意,就灭了他们。不然,我养了那么多的修士强者干什么?真以为我请来让他们吃白饭的?” Li Qiye this saying said that Xu Yiyun also thought that this saying was reasonable, Li Qiye recruits so many cultivator powerhouses, the strength to haunch the big sects and countries now. 李七夜这话一说出来,许易云也觉得这话是有道理,现在李七夜招募了那么多的修士强者,实力可以支撑得起一个大教疆国了。 Spent so many wealth, has the so huge strength, could it be that really raises is just eating? Naturally must make them work. 花了如此多的钱财,拥有如此庞大的实力,难道真的是养着来干吃饭的?当然是要让他们干活了。 Young Master, if decided, I purchased.” A Li Qiye such saying, Xu Yiyun that also felt relieved. 公子若是决定,那我就收购下来了。”李七夜这样一说,许易云那也就放心多了。 No matter these estate are the barren mountains and untamed rivers, but, once sold to Li Qiye, that was belongs to Li Qiye's estate, when the time comes, who dared not to give, the powerful team that Li Qiye raised took action with just reasons, then, that helped Li Qiye in the opportunity of Sword Continent in all directions expansion. 不管这些产业是不是穷山恶水,但是,一旦是卖给了李七夜,那就是属于李七夜的产业了,到时候,谁敢不给,那么,李七夜所豢养的强大队伍就是师出有名,如此一来,那就是成全了李七夜剑洲四处扩张的机会了。 Buys.” Li Qiye does not care, said with a smile: I make the scarlet ghost assist you then am.” “买呗。”李七夜一点都不放在心上,笑着说道:“我让赤煞协助你便是。” Also, Li Qiye called Scarlet Ghost King, told saying: „The team in your hand, trains, cannot fall. Waits which day, Yiyun to collect rent, you take care well, cannot let her woman everywhere to person collect debt.” 随之,李七夜召来了赤煞君王,吩咐说道:“你手中的队伍,训练好,不能落下。等哪一天,易云要去收租,你们就好好张罗一下,总不能让她一个弱女子到处向人讨债吧。” Li Qiye said very superficially, said very tactfully, but, who Scarlet Ghost King is, can he unable to understand? 李七夜说得很轻描淡写,也说得很委婉,但是,赤煞君王是什么人,他能听不懂吗? Also, he can also understand, Li Qiye spent the wealth of sky-high price, raised so many cultivator powerhouses, really thinks that makes them eat without working? Really thinks that Li Qiye does make the charity? That, that did not certainly fear that the Li Qiye money as many may spend as nowhere again, that must spend interestingly. 再说,他也能明白,李七夜花了天价的钱财,豢养了那么多的修士强者,真的以为是让他们吃干饭的?真的以为李七夜是做慈善的?那当然不是了,那怕李七夜钱再多到无处可花,那也一定要花得有意思。 Your majesty told, the subordinate acts certainly accordingly, certainly whole-heartedly, will assist Miss Xu to take back surely completely.” Scarlet Ghost King bowing the body said. “主公吩咐,属下一定照办,一定会全力以赴,必定完全协助许姑娘收回。”赤煞君王鞠身说道。 Li Qiye selected under one, said: I, always punish enjoy distinctly, active, must enjoy, has had, must punish. Sealed Cultivation Technique secret book is a substantial number, who contributed to the great merit, that must enjoy, gets down.” 李七夜点了一下头,说道:“我这个人,一向罚赏分明,有功者,必赏,有过,必罚。封存的功法秘笈为数不少,谁立了大功,那必是有赏,下去吧。” Can Scarlet Ghost King not understand the Li Qiye's meaning? Complied with one, the lead(er) made to get down. 赤煞君王能不懂李七夜的意思吗?应了一声,领令就下去了。 Naturally, because had Li Qiye such attitude, this makes Xu Yiyun dare to purchase to send sell-off some estate. Although said, such matter is responsible for by Xu Yiyun comprehensively, but, Xu Yiyun will not be what asset will receive, really will be being worth a red cent estate, she will not want. 当然,也正是因为有了李七夜这样的态度,这使得许易云才敢去收购发地些抛售的产业。虽然说,这样的事情是由许易云是全面负责,但是,许易云也并非是什么资产都会收,真的是一文不值的产业,她也是不会要的。 even if Li Qiye has not restricted in the wealth Xu Yiyun, but, Xu Yiyun starts to buy and sell, that is very practical, therefore some people want to occupy greatly cheaply from the Xu Yiyun hand, that is the not possible matter. 就算是李七夜在钱财上没有对许易云作出限制,但是,许易云做起买卖来,那是十分务实,所以一些人想从许易云手中占到大便宜,那是不可能的事情。 Xu Yiyun sets up to buy and sell, that is simply agile, this makes Li Qiye laugh at her saying: You are so good at buying and selling, might as well be responsible for here business considering as finished.” 许易云办起买卖来,那是干脆利索,这让李七夜都笑她说道:“你如此擅长买卖,不如负责这里的事务算了。” Xu Yiyun also smiles, although said, she gives loyalty to for Li Qiye now, but, she will not leave Xu Family. 许易云也是笑了笑,虽然说,她现在是为李七夜效忠,但是,她是不会离开许家的。 It can be said that now Li Qiye gives all her, that is Xu Family cannot compare, even can say, Xu Family is unable to give. On such as now the wealth that passes through from her hand, even the wealth of one or two pen, that went far beyond their Xu Family wealth. 可以说,现在李七夜给她的一切,那都是许家所不能相比的,甚至可以说,许家也是无法给到的。就如现在从她手中所经过的钱财,甚至一二笔的钱财,那都是远远超过了他们许家的财富。 Although said that if she leaves Xu Family, keeps side Li Qiye, will obtain, but, Xu Yiyun is still the Xu Family disciple, she will still not leave Xu Family. 尽管说,她若是离开许家,留在李七夜身边,将会得到更多,但,许易云依然是许家的弟子,她依然是不会离开许家 Is visiting the Li Qiye's person to be as numerous as the hairs of an ox, all forms has, has to the Li Qiye potency, there are to Li Qiye peddles own treasure, some are want with Li Qiye climbs friendship anything...... after all, now Li Qiye is the first under heaven rich and powerful people, everyone knows that his take action is natural, often rewards others, therefore, many people also want with a Li Qiye set of friendship, to could make a good money. 在拜访李七夜的人多如牛毛,形形色色都有,有向李七夜效力的,也有向李七夜兜售自己宝物的,还有一些是想与李七夜攀个交情什么的……毕竟,现在李七夜天下第一富豪,所有人都知道他出手大方,动不动就赏赐别人,所以,不少人也都想与李七夜套个交情,说不定能赚上一笔大钱。 However, regarding the person of all forms, Li Qiye has not seen, but, one group of people arrive, Li Qiye makes an exception actually sees. 不过,对于形形色色之人,李七夜都未曾见,但是,有一群人到来,李七夜倒是破例一见。 This sees Li Qiye's Peaceful Bamboo Princess, but, Peaceful Bamboo Princess does not come alone, but in the elder with Sect comes together. 这来见李七夜的正是宁竹公主,只不过,宁竹公主不是独自前来,而是与宗门之内的长辈同来的。 In the great hall, Peaceful Bamboo Young Master they have waited for were really long, Li Qiye appeared at this time. 在大堂之内,宁竹公子他们已经等待甚久了,李七夜这个时候才出现。 Previous time after the first under heaven plate don't , is not too long, Peaceful Bamboo Princess not many change, is still a green clothes, filled with the vitality, green aura heads on. 上一次在天下第一盘别过之后,也不算太久,宁竹公主没多少的变化,依然是一身绿衣,充满了生机,一股清翠的气息扑面而来。 What sits side Peaceful Bamboo Princess is an old man, this old man wears a yellow robe, sovereign zhou is threatening, that feared that he has not put on the imperial crown, but sees, lets the person to know that he lives in top exist(ence). 宁竹公主身旁坐着的是一位老者,这位老者穿着一身黄袍,皇胄逼人,那怕他未曾戴上皇冠,但一见之下,就让人能知道他是身居高位的存在 This old man hair inserts the wooden loosen, so looked, enabling his whole person to have aura of plain atmosphere to head on, he comes across looks like born Ancient Pine on cliff, the wind and rain is unable to vacillate. 这个老者头发插有木松,如此一看,使得他整个人有一股古朴大气的气息扑面而来,他给人的感觉就像是生于崖上的古松,风雨都无法动摇。 The strength of this old man is very powerful, both eyes among stretch/open He, has the ray of fearful soul, that feared that he restrains the aura, but, the prestige of Heaven Venerable can still faint and presently, making one look also then knows he is powerful Heaven Venerable. 这个老者的实力很强大,双目在张合之间,有着慑人心魂的光芒,那怕他是收敛气息,但是,天尊之威依然能隐隐而现,让人一看也便知道他是一位实力强大的天尊 In addition, several old men, are the Peaceful Bamboo Princess elder, Wooden Sword Holy State important people. 除此之外,还有几位老者,都是宁竹公主的长辈,木剑圣国大人物 After seeing Li Qiye, this Peaceful Bamboo Princess actually does not have that arrogance, on the contrary, unexpectedly seems clever, she actually to Li Qiye bowing the body, introduced said: Young Master, this is our Wooden Sword Holy State Your Majesty.” 见到李七夜之后,这一次宁竹公主竟然是没有那份傲气,相反,竟然显得乖巧,她竟然向李七夜鞠身,介绍说道:“公子,这位是我们木剑圣国陛下。” Wooden Sword Holy State emperor Your Majesty, is this old man at present, is called Sword Master Song Ye. 木剑圣国的皇帝陛下,也就是眼前这位老者,人称松叶剑主 Sword Master Song Ye, is not only Wooden Sword Holy State emperor Your Majesty, runs Wooden Sword Holy State, in the meantime, he is also called one of the Sword Continent six Sect Master. 松叶剑主,不仅是木剑圣国的皇帝陛下,掌管木剑圣国,同时,他也是人称剑洲宗主之一。 Sword Continent six Sect Master, are Sword Continent older generation influence enormous exist(ence), they are the Sword Continent the big sects and countries being in power people, such as present Sword Master Song Ye is. 剑洲宗主,乃是剑洲老一辈影响力极大的存在,他们都是剑洲大教疆国的掌权人,如眼前的松叶剑主就是。 Wooden Sword Holy State, although has only had Dao Monarch, but, the prestige is very prominent. Wooden Sword Holy State is in Wooden Sword Saint Demon by legend creates from the beginning. 木剑圣国,虽然只出过一位道君,但是,威名十分显赫。木剑圣国一开始乃是由传说中的木剑圣魔所创。 Although Wooden Sword Saint Demon is not Dao Monarch, but he enters the stage then the peak, once had defeated war-god Dao Monarch , afterward war-god Dao Monarch once drafted battle all under the heavens, once attacked the restricted area time and time again. 木剑圣魔虽然不是道君,但他一出场便巅峰,曾打败过战神道君,要知道,后来的战神道君曾征战天下,曾一次又一次攻打禁地。 This can be imagined, past Wooden Sword Saint Demon how powerful, but, Wooden Sword Saint Demon died in battle afterward in the forbidden area. 这可想而知,当年的木剑圣魔是多么的强大,只不过,后来木剑圣魔战死在了禁区。 In later generation, Wooden Sword Holy State green bamboo Dao Monarch is also tyrannical incomparable, the hearsay, he is a green bamboo becomes enlightened, after he becomes enlightened, then carried the Wooden Sword Saint Demon remains from the restricted area. 在后世,木剑圣国所出的翠竹道君也是强横无匹,传闻,他乃是一株翠竹成道,他成道之后,便从禁地之中背回了木剑圣魔的遗体。 When afterward, green bamboo Dao Monarch left Eight Desolate, just before leaving before, even once folded one branch from own, inserted in the burying sword perishing territories of seven big life-forbidden zones, was the world hero seeks 3000 time. 再后来,翠竹道君离开八荒之时,临行之前,甚至曾从自己身上折下一枝,插于七大生命禁区的葬剑殒域之中,为天下英杰谋得了三千年的时机。 In the past years, it may be said that was the prominent world, the name of green bamboo Dao Monarch, was inheritance era. 在当年,可谓是显赫天下,翠竹道君之名,乃是传承了一个又一个时代 Until now, although Wooden Sword Holy State has not had Dao Monarch again, but, prestige still prosperous, is still one of the Sword Continent most powerful Sect inheritance. 时至今日,虽然木剑圣国再也没有出过道君,但是,声威依然隆盛,依然是剑洲最强大的门派传承之一。 Therefore, today, Sword Master Song Ye was called Sword Continent six Sect Master one, that is not excessive. 所以,在今日,松叶剑主被人称之为“剑洲宗主”之一,那是一点都不过份。 At this time, the Sword Master Song Ye stand, to Li Qiye bowing the body, said slowly: „The Young Master Li given name, Old Man has hearing early, Young Master Li is the Eternal outstandingly able person.” 此时,松叶剑主站了起来,向李七夜鞠身,徐徐地说道:“李公子大名,老朽早有耳闻,李公子乃是万古奇人也。” Although Sword Master Song Ye is one of the Sword Continent six Sect Master, as the Wooden Sword Holy State emperor, but he does not have the rack, does not have the imposing manner to be arrogant. 虽然松叶剑主乃是剑洲宗主之一,身为木剑圣国的皇帝,但他却没有架子,也没有气势凌人。 I deserve.” Li Qiye smiled, confidently by it. “我受之无愧。”李七夜笑了一下,坦然受之。 The Li Qiye's words, naturally were unsatisfactory, therefore, at this time, had Wooden Sword Holy State important people cold snort one. 李七夜的话,当然是让人不满了,所以,在这个时候,有木剑圣国大人物不由冷哼一声。 Young Master, I am fulfill between you and me the agreement...... Peaceful Bamboo Princess to say today earnestly. 公子,我今日来乃是履行你我之间的约定……”宁竹公主认真地说道。 The Peaceful Bamboo Princess words have not said that but, Wooden Sword Holy State Old Ancestor stood at this time, interrupts the Peaceful Bamboo Princess words, said: Girl, this saying said too early, matter, but also decided unsettled.” 宁竹公主话还没有说完,但,此时木剑圣国的一位老祖就站了起来,打断宁竹公主的话,说道:“丫头,这话说得太早了,此间之事,还未决定下来。” The Peaceful Bamboo Princess opens the mouth wants saying that but, did not say, one side fell back on. 宁竹公主张口欲言,但,又不言了,退到一边。 This Wooden Sword Holy State Old Ancestor stand, said to Li Qiye: We, are solve a dispute with you today.” 这位木剑圣国老祖站出来,对李七夜说道:“我们今日来,乃是与你解决一下纷争的。”
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