ED :: Volume #41

#4041: Recruited the world person

grey clothes person, powerful in this way, proposed so low request, this makes anybody look like, that is the inconceivable matter, even some people think, grey clothes person was insane, was the head has the issue. 灰衣人,强大如斯,却提出如此低的要求,这让任何人看来,那都是不可思议的事情,甚至有些人想,灰衣人是不是疯了,是不是脑袋有问题。 However, thinks carefully, thought this is impossible, grey clothes person does not seem like the lunatic. 但是,又仔细想,觉得这并不可能,灰衣人一点都不像是疯子。 Why is his?” Has young cultivator unable to bear whisper, said: Has the opportunity to gain ten obviously hundred million, actually does not want, instead gives instead of taking own, is could it be that violates inexpensively?” “他这是为什么?”有年轻修士忍不住嘀咕一声,说道:“明明有机会赚十个亿,却偏偏不要,反而把自己倒贴,难道是犯贱?” No one understands that actually grey clothes person A'Zhi this has what idea, misses the golden opportunity obviously, gives instead of taking own, such approach, looks like in many people, that really cannot think through. 谁都不明白灰衣人阿志这究竟是有什么样的想法,明明错过大好时机,把自己倒贴进去,这样的做法,在很多人看来,那实在是想不通。 „Does could it be that have other fish to fry?” Had Large Sect Old Ancestor to whisper, in the heart guessed. 难道另有图谋?”有大教老祖不由嘀咕了一声,心里面为之猜测。 grey clothes person A'Zhi, has 1 billion not to gain, has the golden opportunity to miss in vain, anti- own pastes, must work oneself to death to Li Qiye, by the reason, this really could not convince, regarding some Large Sect Old Ancestor, this was the not possible matter, therefore, they thought it over, thought that also a possibility, that was grey clothes person A'Zhi has other plans, his goal was not to gain ten hundred million anything from Li Qiye, or what sought a duty side Li Qiye, he is willing to give instead of taking to go in own, keeps the Li Qiye side to give loyalty, that certain has other's plan. 灰衣人阿志,有十亿不赚,有大好机会白白错过,反自己贴进去,要给李七夜卖命,以常情来说,这实在是说不通,对于一些大教老祖来说,这是不可能的事情,所以,他们思来想去,觉得还有一种可能,那就是灰衣人阿志有其他的打算,他的目的不是从李七夜身上赚十个亿什么的,或者在李七夜身边谋一个职务什么的,他愿意把自己倒贴进去,留在李七夜身边效忠,那一定是有其他的打算。 As for is what plans? Many Large Sect Old Ancestor are guessing in the heart, could it be that is grey clothes person A'Zhi wants to keep side Li Qiye, which day of conditions were ripe, or had the opportunity, stole Li Qiye, plunders the Li Qiye trillion wealth? 至于是什么打算呢?不少大教老祖在心里面猜测着,难道灰衣人阿志想留在李七夜身边,哪一天时机成熟了,或者有机会了,把李七夜劫走,掠夺李七夜亿万的财富? Such guess, many Large Sect Old Ancestor also feel possible in the heart, now grey clothes person does not reveal True Body, conceals an identity to bury the surname, no one can see his foot root and origin. 这样的猜测,不少大教老祖在心里面也觉得不无可能,现在灰衣人不露真身,隐名埋姓,没有任何人看得出他的脚根和来历。 If, side Li Qiye really keeps him, which day he really stole Li Qiye, plundered the Li Qiye's trillion wealth, then, no one knows that who he is? That will become the Eternal mystery. 如果说,李七夜真的把他留在身边,哪一天他真的把李七夜劫走了,掠夺了李七夜的亿万财富,那么,也没有任何人知道他是谁?那将会成为万古谜案。 „Does could it be that really have such idea?” In the Large Sect Old Ancestor heart to whisper, thinks that grey clothes person A'Zhi was very likely to kidnap Li Qiye comes, otherwise, why he can ten hundred million not gain, actually gave instead of taking? This unreasonable matter. 难道真的有这样的想法?”有大教老祖心里面嘀咕了一声,认为灰衣人阿志极有可能就是为了劫持李七夜而来的,不然的话,他为什么会十个亿不赚,却偏偏倒贴呢?这是没有道理的事情。 Therefore, many Large Sect Old Ancestor think it over, thought that this possibility is highest. 所以,不少大教老祖思来想去,都觉得这个可能性最高。 At this time, the cultivator powerhouse and Large Sect who Old Ancestor also one after another many want to understand looks to Li Qiye, under this time, the cultivator powerhouses who any wants to understand believes that gives shelter to grey clothes person A'Zhi, that absolutely is the unwise action, this will leave behind the infinite future trouble to own, which day of grey clothes person A'Zhi really has the evil thought that suddenly next Dark Hand, does that play own? 在这个时候,许多想明白的修士强者、大教老祖也都纷纷李七夜望去,在这个时候,任何一个想明白的修士强者都认为,收留下灰衣人阿志,那绝对是不明智之举,这将会给自己留下无穷的后患,哪一天灰衣人阿志真的是心生恶念,突然下黑手,那岂不是把自己玩完? Because has such thought that Large Sect Old Ancestor on the scene believes, Li Qiye should not, not be possible to comply with grey clothes person A'Zhi to stay behind is right. 正是因为有这样的念头,在场的大教老祖都认为,李七夜不应该、也不可能答应灰衣人阿志留下才对。 In fact, Lu Qi is also very strange, this grey clothes person hid the own family background and foot root intention to be obvious, but, why does he want to do this? This made Lu Qi have all sorts of guesses in the heart, after all, in Sword Continent, can now exist(ence) that she was more powerful, even if she has not seen, but still heard or had an impression. 事实上,绿绮也很奇怪,这个灰衣人隐藏自己出身、脚根的意图已经再明显不过了,但,他为何要这样做呢?这让绿绮在心里面有了种种猜测,毕竟,在当今剑洲,能比她强大的存在,就算她没有见过,但也有所听闻或者有所印象。 However, grey clothes person A'Zhi, has not actually left any obvious trace to make her guess his status. 但是,灰衣人阿志,却没有留下任何明显的痕迹让她去猜测他的身份。 A'Zhi, in Sword Continent, I have not heard have said.” Lu Qi said slowly. 阿志,剑洲之内,我未闻过如此称呼。”绿绮徐徐地说道。 grey clothes person A'Zhi to Lu Qi bowing the body, said slowly: Miss is in the clouds Fairy, unusual refined, Old Man is only the husband of mountains and plains, will enter the miss discernment, has not heard, that is also the routine matter.” 灰衣人阿志绿绮鞠身,徐徐地说道:“姑娘乃是云中仙子、超凡脱俗,老朽只是山野之夫罢了,又焉会入姑娘法眼,未曾听闻,那也是常事。” Lu Qi elegant eyes concentrates, both eyes light blooming ray, but, she does not have to closely examine again, without a doubt, grey clothes person A'Zhi knew her origin and status. 绿绮不由秀目一凝,双目光绽放光芒,但,她没有再追问,毫无疑问,灰衣人阿志知道了她的来历和身份。 Lu Qi has worn a mask and camouflaged True Body, she keeps side Li Qiye, everyone also simply knows that she is a female, everyone also thinks that she is the Li Qiye's maid. 要知道,绿绮一直蒙面、遮蔽真身,她留在李七夜身边,大家也仅仅知道她是一个女子罢了,大家也都认为她是李七夜的婢女。 grey clothes person actually saw her origin and foot root , grey clothes person A'Zhi is comes prepared, or grey clothes person A'Zhi knows her exist(ence). 灰衣人却一眼看出了她的来历和脚根,那么,灰衣人阿志是有备而来的,或者说,灰衣人阿志知道她的存在 „Does Young Master think?” Lu Qi does not certainly dare to make a decision without authorization, can only inquire to Li Qiye. 公子认为呢?”绿绮当然不敢擅作主张,只能向李七夜询问。 If by the reason, has the person of sane idea slightly, side will not keep grey clothes person A'Zhi, after all, this might own leave behind the infinite future trouble. 如果以常情而言,稍有理智想法的人,都不会把灰衣人阿志留在身边,毕竟,这有可能会自己留下无穷的后患。 But, Lu Qi is clear, exist(ence) like Li Qiye, all conventions in world, can weigh him. 但,绿绮却清楚,像李七夜这样的存在,世间的一切常规,又焉能衡量他呢。 „Do you really want to mix food to eat in my under the hand/subordinate?” Li Qiye said with a smile. “你真的想在我手下混一口饭吃?”李七夜笑吟吟地说道。 Returns to the Young Master words, yes.” grey clothes person bowed bowing the body, said: If Young Master has to inconvenience, Old Man does not dare to have slightly reluctantly.” “回公子话,是的。”灰衣人鞠了鞠身,说道:“若是公子有所不便,老朽也不敢有丝毫的勉强。” Naturally inconvenient, Li Qiye has not opened the mouth, has Large Sect Old Ancestor to blurt to say such words, cracks a joke, keeps side such white powerful exist(ence) of unknown origin own, who knows that is the calamity is the luck, is the luck is good, if the calamity, will die without the burial ground. 当然不便,李七夜没有开口,有大教老祖就想脱口说出这样的话,开什么玩笑,把这么一个来历不明白的强大存在留在自己身边,谁知道是祸是福,是福还好,万一是祸,将会死无葬身之地。 What having isn't convenient?” Regarding the grey clothes A'Zhi words, Li Qiye smiled. “有什么不方便的?”对于灰衣阿志的话,李七夜不由笑了起来。 grey clothes person A'Zhi is also broad and level, said: Old Man of unknown origin, or to harbor evil intentions, against person's heart must have , this is the way things should be.” 灰衣人阿志也坦荡,说道:“老朽来历不明,或为居心叵测,防人之心不可无也,此乃是人之常情。” „The way things should be, this is actually reasonable, what a pity, the way things should be does not suit to weigh me.” Li Qiye smiled, pats the palm, said: You stay behind, I do not lack such food, many people can also raise.” “人之常情,这倒是有道理,可惜,人之常情并不适合来衡量我也。”李七夜不由笑了起来,一拍手掌,说道:“你就留下吧,我不缺那么一口饭,再多的人也都养得起。” Thanked Young Master.” grey clothes person bowing the body, said: „After Old Man, is Young Master completely effect serve somebody faithfully.” “谢公子。”灰衣人鞠身,说道:“老朽以后为公子尽效犬马之劳。” Li Qiye left behind grey clothes person, this surprises many cultivator powerhouses on the scene, just like this grey clothes person A'Zhi his own said like that he of unknown origin, may be harbors evil intentions, trading to do is others, side will not keep grey clothes person A'Zhi, but, Li Qiye actually exceptional, instead left behind grey clothes person A'Zhi. 李七夜留下了灰衣人,这让在场的许多修士强者也都不由为之意外,这正如灰衣人阿志自己所说的那般,他来历不明,有可能是居心叵测,换作是其他人,都不会把灰衣人阿志留在身边,但是,李七夜却偏偏例外,反而把灰衣人阿志留下了。 Or, this is he can become the reason of first under heaven rich and powerful people.” Had the cultivator powerhouse to whisper, muttered said: Works does not play a card completely reasonably, as if, he that unusual.” “或者,这就是他能成为天下第一富豪的原因吧。”有修士强者不由嘀咕了一声,喃喃地说道:“做事情完全是不按理出牌,似乎,他就是那么的与众不同。” This Li Qiye, indeed is unusual.” Had has paid attention to the Li Qiye good some time older generation powerhouse to whisper, said in a low voice: Perhaps, others become the first under heaven rich and powerful people, this has the reason.” “这个李七夜,的确是与众不同。”有已经关注李七夜好一段时间的老一辈强者不由嘀咕了一声,低声地说道:“或许,人家成为天下第一富豪,这不是没有原因的。” Naturally, more people actually believe, Li Qiye can turn on the first under heaven plate, can obtain hundred to understand Dao Monarch's all wealth, becomes the first under heaven rich and powerful people, that was just he walks dog-shit to transport. 当然,更多的人却认为,李七夜能打开天下第一盘,能得到百晓道君的所有财富,成为天下第一富豪,那只不过是他走了狗屎运吧了。 Just, some young powerhouse wise men actually believe now, Li Qiye can turn on the first under heaven plate, becomes the first under heaven rich and powerful people, that has certainly the reason, as for is what reason, that did not say. 只不过,现在只有极少数的一小部分强者智者却认为,李七夜能打开天下第一盘,成为天下第一富豪,那一定是有原因的,至于是什么原因,那就不好说了。 Ok, everyone also had what skill, had what magical powers, with made me have a look.” Li Qiye smiled, the vision swept, said at will: Money, is not the issue, the issue is, you must have the skill or can make me be have a liking for thing of eye. So long as you have anything to be different, takes although, or demonstrates, the price is completely not the issue.” “好了,大家还有什么本事,有什么神通,都拿出来让我看看吧。”李七夜笑了一下,目光一扫,随意地说道:“钱,不是问题,问题是,你们得有本事或者能有让我看得上眼的东西。只要你有什么不一样的,都尽管拿出来,或者展示出来,价格完全不是问题。” Such tone sounded is really big, was extremely rampant, but, actually no one thinks Li Qiye this saying now rampantly extremely arrogant, no one thinks that the Li Qiye's tone was too big. 这样的口气听起来实在是太大了,太过于嚣张了,但是,现在却没有任何人认为李七夜这话会嚣张狂妄,也没有任何人会认为李七夜的口气太大。 After all, now Li Qiye is the first under heaven rich and powerful people, has the unequalled wealth, even his present establish a sect, that is still the same can withstand the huge incomparable expenditure. 毕竟,现在李七夜天下第一富豪,拥有着无与伦比的财富,就算他现在开宗立派,那也一样能承受得起庞大无比的开支。 „Below South Gate mountain Sect Master.” At this time, an old man jumped over the five, did obeisance to Li Qiye greatly, said: disciple has the disciple more than 800, has 300 li (0.5 km) territory, high and low decided after Sect, the unanimous approval is Young Master works. Young Master only needs pays our 30 million every year......” “在下南门掌门。”在这个时候,一个老者越伍而出,向李七夜大拜,说道:“门下有弟子八百余,拥有三百里疆土,经宗门上下决定,一致同意为公子效劳。公子只需每年付我们三千万……” Girl is the flying class/flow sect disciple, cultivates the technique of flying upwards, Young Master is willing to receive the girl, the girl is willing to rush for Young Master after the saddle lead horse, the girl reward price not high......” also has one longer much the moving female to Li Qiye bowing the body. “小女子乃是飞流宗弟子,修有飞升之术,公子愿意收小女子,小女子愿为公子奔于鞍前马后,小女子酬价不高……”也有一个长得美丽动人的女子向李七夜鞠身 Has blood energy bang day Monster Race cross to empty to come, does obeisance greatly, said: I am place of desolate Monster King, the subordinate has the 30,000 ominous monster, battle efficiency formidable, Young Master, if needs us to open up territory pioneer/monarch earth, we are willing to give loyalty to for Young Master, every year rewards for services rendered......” 血气轰天的妖族跨空而来,大拜,说道:“我乃是蛮荒之地的妖王,麾下拥有三万凶妖,战斗力强悍,公子若需要我们开疆辟土,我们愿为公子效忠,每年酬劳……” At once, does not know that many cultivator powerhouse one after another go forward, offered the own price to Li Qiye, stated the own advantage. 一时之间,不知道多少修士强者都纷纷上前,向李七夜报出自己的价格,陈述自己的优势。 In cultivator powerhouse who in this works to Li Qiye, all forms all has, has powerful incomparable Monster King, there are hidden goes to the status Large Sect Old Ancestor , some nameless junior...... 在这向李七夜效劳的修士强者之中,形形色色皆有,有强大无匹的妖王,也有隐去身份的大教老祖,也有一些无名小辈…… Naturally, these want to seek the price that a cultivator powerhouse of assignment reported is not low side Li Qiye, it can be said that was higher than several times of even dozens times of current price on market to have, all forms. 当然,这些想在李七夜身边谋一份差事的修士强者所报的价格都不低,可以说是高于市场价的好几倍甚至几十倍皆有,形形色色。 Even if these cultivator powerhouses have not plotted to murder the Li Qiye's thoughts, but, they still regard as the fat sheep Li Qiye, while such rare opportunity, seeks a cushy job side Li Qiye, makes a good money ruthlessly. 就算这些修士强者没有谋害李七夜的心思,但是,他们也都把李七夜视作肥羊,趁着这么难得的机会,在李七夜身边谋一份美差,狠狠地赚上一笔大钱。 Regarding all the cultivator powerhouses of turning, Li Qiye chooses conveniently . Moreover the very optional appearance, the prices of some newspapers are very solid, Li Qiye has not accepted them, some newspapers the previous ten times of dozens times of prices, Li Qiye actually elected. 对于所有投靠的修士强者,李七夜随手挑选,而且十分随意的模样,有些报的价格很扎实,李七夜都没有收下他们,有些报了上十倍几十倍价格,李七夜却一口选上了。 But, there are does not under-report the cultivator powerhouse of previous ten times of dozens times of price, Li Qiye has not elected them. 但,也有不少报了上十倍几十倍价格的修士强者,李七夜也没选他们。 Li Qiye this seemingly casual choice the appearance, how everyone cannot understand Li Qiye to select the person, in brief , Li Qiye recruited many cultivator powerhouses suddenly. 李七夜这看似随便选择的的模样,大家都看不懂李七夜是怎么样挑人的,总之,眨眼之间,李七夜招募了大量的修士强者。 These recruited cultivator powerhouse, is delicious, outside the pay that after all, Li Qiye gives is higher than or is much higher than their Sect, can not let in their hearts very happy. 这些被招募的修士强者,也都是为之美滋滋的,毕竟,李七夜给的薪酬都是远远高于外面或者高于他们的宗门,能不让他们心里面美滋滋的吗。 Ok, later they gave you to be responsible for managing.” After recruiting these cultivator powerhouses, Li Qiye gave Scarlet Ghost King these people directly, told saying: A'Zhi for the adviser, has anything, you asked him.” “好了,以后他们就交给你负责管理。”招募完了这些修士强者之后,李七夜就直接把这些人交给了赤煞君王了,吩咐说道:“阿志为顾问,有什么事情,你问他。” Subordinate receives an order.” Scarlet Ghost King does obeisance greatly. “属下领命。”赤煞君王大拜。
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