ED :: Volume #40

#3974: Seahorse

law town/subdues Eternal, this is the invincible, true invincibility, before a law, what Dao Monarch, anything supreme, what Supreme, what ancient, that only then by the suppression kill destiny. 一法镇万古,这就是无敌,真正的无敌,在一法之前,什么道君、什么至尊、什么无上,什么亘古,那都只有被镇杀的命运。 The principle of one suppression kill, sewed here, in a flash was ten million years, was suppressed creature here, no matter how powerful, no matter how extraordinary, finally could not escape the suppressed destiny, will never see the light of day. 一条镇杀的法则,钉在了这里,一晃就是千万年,被镇压在这里的生灵,不管是多么的强大,不管是多么的了不起,最终都逃不脱被镇压的命运,永不见天日。 This Dao Law nail put on the land, hits to sink the land deepest center of the earth, the hardest spot disrupted, presented a cuvette. 这一道法则钉穿了大地,把大地最深的地心都打沉,最坚硬的部位都碎裂,出现了一个小池。 However, is not the clear water that in this cuvette stores up, but is a thick liquid, such as the blood like black ink, what does not know, but, seems flashing through ancient times in this thick liquid, such liquid, that feared that is merely one drop, can collapse by pressure all, as if contains world not unimaginable strength in such drop of liquid. 不过,在这小池之中所蓄积的不是清水,而是一种浓稠的液体,如血如墨,不知道何物,但是,在这浓稠的液体之中似乎闪动着亘古,这样的液体,那怕是仅仅有一滴,都可以压塌一切,似乎在这样的一滴液体之蕴藏着世人无法想象的力量 This Dao Law sews on the ground, but the principle state-of-art plate, this thing is obviously grayish white, is very small, approximately is thicker than at the worst many thumb, this thing plate is state-of-art in the principle, as if fuses together with the principle quickly, in a flash is ten million years. 道法则钉在地上,而法则尖端盘着一位,此物显灰白,个头很小,大约只有比拇指粗大不了多少,此物盘在法则尖端,似乎都快与法则融为一体,一晃就是千万年。 This thing, looks quite looks like Seahorse, but, is actually not, its eye is very small, approximately compared with needle eye slightly big a little. 此物,看起来颇像海马,但,却不是,它一双眼睛很小,大约比针眼稍稍大那么一点。 However, is such small eye, you will not take for this absolutely are just a speckle, you looked, knows it is an eye. 但是,就是这么小小的眼睛,你绝对不会误认为这只不过是小斑点而已,你一看,就知道它是一双眼睛。 Moreover, is such small eye, it is more appealing than the entire body, because this eye ray flashes past, may cut Immortal Emperor, may extinguish Dao Monarch, a it small eye, in the twinkles, then can the Annihilation world, destroy Myriad Dao, this is how an eye of terrifying. 而且,就是这样小小的眼睛,它比整个身体都要吸引人,因为这一双眼睛光芒一闪而过,可斩仙帝,可灭道君,它一双小小的眼睛,在闪烁之间,便可以湮灭天地,毁灭万道,这是多么恐怖的一双眼睛。 However, at this time, Li Qiye had not only been attracted by the eye of this Seahorse, his vision fell above a piece of green leaf in cuvette. 不过,在这个时候,李七夜并没有被这只海马的眼睛所吸引,他的目光落在了小池中的一片绿叶之上。 This merely is a piece of green leaf, seems like could not be more ordinary, in the outside world, casual can unable to find such a piece of green leaf, even everywhere is, but, in such place, has such a piece of green leaf to float in the pond, then on the no small matter, that has unusual meaning. 这仅仅是一片绿叶而已,似乎是普通得不能再普通,在外面世界,随便都能找得到这样的一片绿叶,甚至到处都是,但是,在这样的地方,有着这么一片绿叶浮在池中,那就非同小可了,那就是有着非同一般的意味了。 After a Li Qiye arrival, he has not gone to look at the invincible principle, has not gone to look by principle suppression Seahorse here, but is looks at that piece of green leaf, his eyes are staring at this piece of green leaf, for a very long time has not put aside, as if, world there's nothing was more soul-stirring than such a piece of green leaf. 李七夜一到来之后,他没有去看无敌法则,也没有去看被法则镇压在这里的海马,而是看着那片绿叶,他一双眼睛盯着这一片绿叶,久久未曾移开,似乎,世间没有什么比这么一片绿叶更让人惊心动魄了。 Pitifully, you have not died thoroughly.” At this time, was sewn to kill Seahorse here to open the mouth, the mouth spits ancient language, but, actually does not affect to exchange, the thought incomparably transmits clearly. “可惜,你没死透。”在这个时候,被钉杀在这里的海马开口了,口吐古语,但,却一点都不影响交流,意念清晰无比地传达过来。 Moreover, ancient language that it is said, to is unable to imagine through ancient times, such ancient language, only feared that world no one will say. 而且,它所说的古语,亘古到无法想象,这样的古语,只怕世间没有谁会说了。 At this time, Li Qiye took back the vision, looked at Seahorse one lazily, smiled lightly, said: Said is inauspicious does, ten million years see with great difficulty one time, cursed me dead, this has to lose your demeanor, you were also Supreme Terrifying.” 在这个时候,李七夜收回了目光,懒洋洋地看了海马一眼,淡淡地笑了一下,说道:“说得这么不吉利干什么,千万年才好不容易见一次,就诅咒我死,这是有失你的风度呀,你好歹也是无上恐怖呀。” I only want to drink your blood, eats your meat, devour(ing) your True Fate.” Seahorse said, he said such words, has not actually clenched jaws, did not have the anger to be incomparable, was very throughout light, he by very light tone, very tranquil mentality, said such dripping with blood words. “我只想喝你的血,吃你的肉,吞噬你的真命。”海马说道,他说出这样的话,却没有咬牙切齿,也没有愤怒无比,始终很平淡,他是以十分平淡的口吻、十分平静的心态,说出了这么鲜血淋漓的话。 Person who if can understand his saying, that will be certainly absolutely terrified, even is a light language such, will frighten to break their courage. 若是能听得懂他这话的人,那一定会毛骨悚然,甚至就是这么样的一句平淡之语,都会吓破他们的胆子。 However, Li Qiye remains unmoved, he smiled, said lazily: My blood, you have to drink, my meat, you have to eat. Your greedy, I was have also asked for advice, one crowd of Supreme Terrifying, that also was just one flock of hungry dogs.” 不过,李七夜不为所动,他笑了一下,懒洋洋地说道:“我的血,你不是没喝过,我的肉,你也不是没吃过。你们的贪婪,我也是领教过了,一群无上恐怖,那也只不过是一群饿狗而已。” You also hungry time, will happen one day, your meeting.” Li Qiye such words, sound like a shame, only feared that many important people listened, will fly into a rage. “你也会饿的时候,终有一天,你会的。”李七夜这样的话,听起来是一种羞辱,只怕很多大人物听了,都会勃然大怒。 However, this Seahorse does not only have, he is very quiet, is narrating such a fact by the tranquilest tone. 但是,这只海马却没有,他十分平静,以最平静的口吻叙述着这样的一个事实。 Perhaps.” Li Qiye smiles, said lightly: But, I will not become the hungry dog like you.” “或许吧。”李七夜笑了笑,淡淡地说道:“但,我不会像你们这样成为饿狗。” This saying, said too early.” Seahorse is also tranquil, said: That is only because you live insufficiently for a long time, so long as you live enough for a long time, you will also change.” “这话,说得太早了。”海马也平静,说道:“那只是因为你活得不够久,只要你活得够久,你也会变的。” Right?” Li Qiye smiles, said: This saying was too absolute, what a pity, I am I, I am not you.” “是吗?”李七夜笑了笑,说道:“这话太绝对了,可惜,我还是我,我不是你们。” Seahorse said lightly: Right? That makes us wait, one day, you will live your own repugnant appearance!” 海马淡淡地说道:“是吗?那就让我们拭目以待罢,总有一天,你会活成你自己讨厌的模样!” That is because of you.” Li Qiye smiled, said: Reaches our such situations, anything saw through, all ages is just thought, I think, then all ages, ten thousand all ages are also so. Otherwise, some people will not leave.” “那是因为你们。”李七夜笑了一下,说道:“走到我们这样的地步,什么都看开了,万世只不过是一念罢了,我所想,便万世,万万世也是如此。不然,就不会有人离开。” Seahorse silent, finally said: Waits.” 海马沉默了一下,最后说道:“拭目以待。” Also not necessarily you can live the day.” Li Qiye smiled, said lightly: Only feared that you do not have this opportunity.” “也不见得你能活得到那一天。”李七夜不由笑了起来,淡淡地说道:“只怕你是没有这个机会。” Right?” Seahorse also looked at Li Qiye, said calmly: Dry seas and crumbling rocks, I am also still living!” “是吗?”海马也看了一下李七夜,平静地说道:“海枯石烂,我也依然活着!” This saying said very calmly, but, the absolute self-confidence, ancient being proud, these words saying, loud and clear, as if nothing can change, said the law along with! 这话说得很平静,但是,绝对的自信,亘古的自负,这句话说出来,掷地有声,似乎没有任何事情能改变得了,口出法随! This saying said that also filled absolutely . Moreover, will not make anybody doubt absolutely. 这话说出来,也是充满了绝对,而且,绝对不会让任何人置疑。 Right?” Li Qiye smiled, took up that piece of green leaf in pond, smiled, said: Seahorse, do you determine?” “是吗?”李七夜不由笑了一下,拿起了池中的那一片绿叶,笑了一下,说道:“海马,你确定吗?” I called the extradition.” Seahorse seems to be unsatisfied regarding Li Qiye such name. “我叫引渡。”海马似乎对于李七夜这样的称呼不满意。 I think that you forgot own.” The Li Qiye feeling, said lightly. “我以为你忘记了自己。”李七夜感慨,淡淡地说道。 Seahorse silent, finally, raise one's head, looks at Li Qiye, said slowly: Forgot, yes, this is just the title.” 海马沉默了一下,最终,抬头,看着李七夜,徐徐地说道:“忘了,也是,这只不过是称谓罢了。” At this time, this is a very strange picture, in fact, in that years ago, each other spells ten million/countless life and death, Seahorse wishes one could to drink the Li Qiye's blood, eats the Li Qiye's meat, devour(ing) Li Qiye's True Fate, Li Qiye is also wishes one could to cut to kill him immediately, always obliterates him. 在这个时候,这是一幕十分奇怪的画面,事实上,在那千万年前,彼此拼得你死我活,海马恨不得喝李七夜的鲜血,吃李七夜的肉,吞噬李七夜的真命,李七夜也是恨不得立即把他斩杀,把他永世磨灭。 But, at this moment, each other sits here, is calm, does not have the anger, has not hated, seems incomparably tranquil, as if ten million years old friends are probably same. 但,在此时此刻,彼此坐在这里,却是心平气和,没有愤怒,也没有怨恨,显得无比平静,似乎像是千万年的老朋友一样。 Their such Supreme Terrifying, have looked at all ages, all can wait tranquilly, all can also change to the bubble. 他们这样的无上恐怖,已经看过了万世,一切都可以平静以待,一切也都可以化作泡影。 Regarding their such exist(ence), what grievances rival in love, that is just as transient as fleeting clouds, all can not care, that feared that Li Qiye once hit from that Nine Heavens him, the suppression here, he also waits equally tranquilly, their such exist(ence), have been able the chest to accept Eternal. 对于他们这样的存在来说,什么恩怨情仇,那只不过是过眼云烟而已,一切都可以不在乎,那怕李七夜曾经把他从那九天之上打下来,镇压在这里,他也一样平静以待,他们这样的存在,已经可以胸纳万古了。 You felt how long you can live?” Li Qiye smiled, asked Seahorse. “你觉得,你能活多久?”李七夜笑了一下,问海马 Ancient does not extinguish.” The extradition said that is also Seahorse, he said calmly: You die, I am still living!” “亘古不灭。”引渡说道,也就是海马,他平静地说道:“你死,我依然活着!” If I do obliterate you?” Li Qiye smiled, said lightly: Believes me, I can certainly obliterate you.” “如果我把你磨灭呢?”李七夜笑了一下,淡淡地说道:“相信我,我一定能把你磨灭的。” Right.” Seahorse also acknowledged that such a fact, said calmly: But, you cannot.” “没错。”海马也承认这样的一个事实,平静地说道:“但,你不会。” Yes.” Li Qiye nod, said: You and dead person have anything to distinguish, why I waste the too much time here.” “是的。”李七夜点头,说道:“你和死人有什么区别呢,我又何必在这里浪费太多的时间呢。” You.” Seahorse calmly said: looks at own was obliterated, that is also good enjoyment.” “你也可以的。”海马静静地说道:“看着自己被磨灭,那也是一种不错的享受。” Does not use me.” Li Qiye smiled, said: I believe, you will make the choice eventually, you said.” Saying, returned in the green leaf the pond. “不用我。”李七夜笑了一下,说道:“我相信,你终究会做出选择,你说是吧。”说着,把绿叶放回了池中。 Li Qiye the green leaf returns in the pond the time, the Seahorse vision beat, but, has not said anything, he is very quiet. 李七夜把绿叶放回池中的时候,海马的目光跳动了一下,但,没有说什么,他很平静。 Li Qiye also calmly sits, looks at this piece of green leaf. 李七夜也静静地坐着,看着这一片的绿叶。 This is a piece of ordinary green leaf, seemed like just picked from the branch, placed here, but, thinks, this not possible matter. 这是一片普通的绿叶,似乎是被人刚刚从树枝上摘下来,放在这里,但是,想想,这也不可能的事情。 Since Eternal, can come here person, only feared that one or two person, Li Qiye is, Seahorse will not make others come. 万古以来,能到这里的人,只怕一二人而已,李七夜就是其中一个,海马也不会让其他的人进来。 That feared that powerful such as Buddha Dao Monarch and Golden Pestle Dao Monarch, they like this invincible, that also halts in the cliff merely, is unable to get down. 那怕强大如佛陀道君金杵道君,他们这样的无敌,那也仅仅止步于断崖,无法下来。 But, now here had a piece of green leaf, this piece of green leaf possibly is not Seahorse own picks certainly to place here, the only possibility, some that people have come to here, places here a piece of green leaf. 但,现在这里有了一片绿叶,这一片绿叶当然不可能是海马自己摘来放在这里的,唯一的可能,那就是有人来过这里,把一片绿叶放在这里。 If can want to be clear that inside mystery, that the world person scared out of one's wits, here even Dao Monarch will not certainly be able to come, also only then Li Qiye such exist(ence) can come. 若是能想清楚里面的奥妙,那一定会把天下人都吓破胆,这里连道君都进不来,也就只有李七夜这样的存在能进来。 But, actually some people came, moreover left behind such a piece of green leaf, considers, this is how dreadful matter. 但,却有人进来了,而且留下了这么一片绿叶,试想一下,这是多么可怕的事情。 He came.” Li Qiye is holding the knee, the looks at green leaf, said lightly. “他来了。”李七夜抱着膝盖,看着绿叶,淡淡地说道。 Yes.” Seahorse has not concealed, said calmly, said such a fact by the tranquilest tone. “是的。”海马也没有隐瞒,平静地说道,以最平静的口吻说出这样的一个事实。 Li Qiye concentrates the eye, said: True Body?” 李七夜凝目,说道:“真身吗?” Fears?” Seahorse is also very tranquil. “怕吗?”海马也很平静。 Li Qiye smiled, smiles, said: You believe, I will fear?” 李七夜不由笑了,笑笑,说道:“你认为,我会怕吗?” Cannot.” Seahorse also replied truthfully. “不会。”海马也如实回答。 But, you do not know that he is True Body.” Li Qiye showed the smile. “但,你不知道他是不是真身。”李七夜露出了浓浓的笑容。 Seahorse is silent, has not answered Li Qiye this issue. 海马沉默,没有去回答李七夜这个问题。 Said him with me, what kind of?” Li Qiye said lightly with a smile. “和我说说他,怎么样?”李七夜淡淡地笑着说道。 His such tone, after probably long-separated billion years, the old friend who has a reunion again is the same, that kind, that amiable. 他这样的口吻,就好像是阔别千百万年之后,再次重逢的老朋友一样,是那么的亲切,是那么的平易近人。 Does not want to say.” Seahorse rejected the Li Qiye's request. “不想说。”海马一口就拒绝了李七夜的请求。 Li Qiye is not angry, is tranquil, smiles, said: I believe that you will say.” 李七夜不生气,也平静,笑笑,说道:“我相信你会说的。” Such sure.” Seahorse also had the spirit, said: „Do you want to compel the punishment?” “这么肯定。”海马也有精神了,说道:“你要逼刑吗?” As if, anything makes Seahorse have no interest, once said that must compel the punishment he, as if made him full of energy all of a sudden. 似乎,什么事情让海马都没有兴趣,一旦说要逼刑他,似乎一下子让他精神抖擞了。 This is not Seahorse has the tendency of being abused, but regarding their such exist(ence), all in world is too bored. 这并非是海马有受虐的倾向,而是对于他们这样的存在来说,世间的一切已经太无聊了。
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