ED :: Volume #40

#3939: Black Tide Saint Envoy

immortal light diverges, Li Qiye is grasping Immortal Weapon, captured everyone's attention all of a sudden. 仙光散去,李七夜手握着仙兵,一下子吸引了所有人的目光。 At this moment, Immortal Weapon did not have a moment ago that dazzling incomparable immortal light, put in order restrained the ray Immortal Weapon, was grasped by Li Qiye in the hand, putting in order was long and narrow Immortal Weapon, seemed like cold white, could not see that actually such Immortal Weapon built with what god material. 在此时此刻,仙兵没有了刚才那刺眼无比的仙光,整把仙兵收敛了光芒,被李七夜握在手里,整把仙兵狭长,看起来冷白,也看不出这样的仙兵究竟是用什么样的神材打造。 Immortal Weapon, Eternal Wushuang/matchless Immortal Weapon.” At once, everyone looks at Immortal Weapon in Li Qiye hand, that is saliva directing current. 仙兵呀,万古无双仙兵呀。”一时之间,所有人看李七夜手中的仙兵,那都是不由口水直流。 At this time, no matter ordinary cultivator powerhouse or Large Sect Old Ancestor, or is the antique that ten thousand years is not born, hidden in powerful exist(ence) of hidden place, at this moment, anyone, looks at Immortal Weapon, that is saliva directing current. 在这个时候,不管是普通修士强者还是大教老祖,又或者是万年不出世的老古董,隐于暗处的强大存在,在此时此刻,任何一个人,看着仙兵,那都是口水直流。 Any person knows that what kind of fearfulness at present this Immortal Weapon is, how invincible, even if powerful like Dao Monarch Weapon, cannot compare with it enduring. 任何一个人都知道眼前这件仙兵是怎么样的可怕,是多么的无敌,就算是强大如道君之兵,也不能与之堪比也。 If can result in this Immortal Weapon, what this does mean? Anybody can imagine, therefore, looks at Li Qiye is grasping Immortal Weapon, many people palpitate with excitement. 若是能得这仙兵,这将会意味着什么?任何人都能想象得到的,所以,看着李七夜手握着的仙兵,多少人是为之怦然心动。 At this time, facing Immortal Weapon, did not say that excited, that deceived people absolutely. 在这个时候,面对仙兵,说不心动的,那绝对是骗人的。 Succeeded, Saint Lord was indeed successful, Saint Lord military might Wushuang/matchless, heaven bless Buddhist Holy Land.” Saw that Li Qiye is grasping Immortal Weapon, many Buddhist Holy Land disciples are excited cannot bear cheer. “成功了,圣主的确成功了,圣主威武无双,天佑佛陀圣地。”看到李七夜手握着仙兵,许多佛陀圣地的弟子都兴奋得忍不住欢呼。 Has the Buddhist Holy Land powerhouse to be proud, said: Saint Lord supernatural might Wushuang/matchless, the day falls Saint Lord, this will be our Buddhist Holy Land great good fortune, in the future surely great rising our Buddhist Holy Land.” 佛陀圣地的强者不由为之骄傲,说道:“圣主神武无双,天降圣主,此乃是我们佛陀圣地的大幸也,未来必定大兴我们佛陀圣地。” Yes, Buddhist Holy Land must be popular, the situation is enormous and powerful , Saint Lord must become Dao Monarch.” Many Buddhist Holy Land disciples cannot bear shout loudly loudly, take Li Qiye as arrogantly. “是呀,佛陀圣地必兴,大势浩浩荡荡也,圣主必成道君也。”不少佛陀圣地的弟子都忍不住大声高呼,以李七夜为傲。 After all, before then, everyone failed, included unrivaled Correct One Supreme, but, Li Qiye actually succeeds now, the hand grasps Immortal Weapon, that simply is Ling Gai above everyone. 毕竟,在此之前,所有人都失败了,包括了举世无双正一至尊,但是,现在李七夜却成功了,手握仙兵,那简直就是凌盖在所有人之上呀。 In this moment, what without a doubt is, because Li Qiye's succeeds, Buddhist Holy Land pressed Correct One Cult one, has to dominate above Correct One Cult. 在这一刻,毫无疑问的是,因为李七夜的成功,佛陀圣地是压了正一教一头了,颇有凌驾在正一教之上。 Let alone, Li Qiye obtains Immortal Weapon, young so, terrifying in this way, can become Dao Monarch in the future surely, this will certainly cause Buddhist Holy Land great rising, therefore, many Buddhist Holy Land disciples believe, in this era, Buddhist Holy Land is the situation is enormous and powerful, no one can keep off Buddhist Holy Land great rising. 更何况,李七夜得到仙兵,年轻如此,恐怖如斯,未来必定能成为道君也,这必将会使佛陀圣地大兴也,所以,多少佛陀圣地的弟子认为,在这一世,佛陀圣地乃是大势浩荡,无人能挡佛陀圣地大兴 This far more than is the Buddhist Holy Land disciple is excited, other exist(ence), the Correct One Cult powerhouse, Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries Old Ancestor, sees at present this, shocks in the heart. 这何止是佛陀圣地的弟子为之兴奋呢,其他存在,正一教的强者,东蛮八国老祖,看到眼前这一幕,在心里面也为之震撼。 When looks at Li Qiye is grasping Immortal Weapon, in this moment, Correct One Cult or Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries, realized in this moment, in this era, Buddhist Holy Land only feared same raises like Sun slowly, great rising will decide inevitably irreversible. 看着李七夜手握着仙兵的时候,在这一刻,不论是正一教还是东蛮八国,都在这一刻意识到,在这一世,佛陀圣地只怕是如太阳一样冉冉升起,大兴之势必定不可挡也。 Even may in the Li Qiye's hand, causing Buddhist Holy Land can sweep away Eight Desolate, dominates era. 甚至有可能在李七夜的手中,使得佛陀圣地能横扫八荒,称霸一个时代 Inconceivable, he was indeed successful.” even if does not favor the Li Qiye's cultivator powerhouse before then, at this moment, saw Li Qiye is grasping Immortal Weapon time , the mouth opens in a big way, is to shock. “不可思议呀,他的确是成功了。”就算是在此之前并不怎么看好李七夜的修士强者,此时此刻,看到李七夜手握着仙兵的时候,也不由嘴巴张得大大的,甚为震撼。 Supreme Immortal Weapon, world many weapons can endure the ratio.” At this time, in the clouds resounded an ancient sound, this ancient sound is not resounding, when it resounds, actually reverberates in everyone ear, as if in this in an instant, had powerful incomparable Divine Power to press all of a sudden above everyone heart, let person unable to breathe. 无上仙兵,世间又有多少兵器能堪比也。”就在这个时候,云端之中响起了一个古老的声音,这个古老的声音并不响亮,但是,当它响起的时候,却在所有人耳中回荡,似乎在这刹那之间,有强大无比的神威一下子压在了所有人心头之上,让人喘不过气来 Correct One Supreme.” Hears this sound, in many will of the people shakes, calls out in alarm one secretly. 正一至尊。”听到这个声音,多少人心里面为之一震,暗暗惊呼一声。 The person of speech, is Correct One Supreme, now one of the Southwest Sovereign most powerful exist(ence), his sound, when everyone ear resounds, regarding many people, this sound looks like like scorched thunder same blasts out. 说话之人,正是正一至尊,当今南西皇最强大的存在之一,他的声音在所有人耳边响起的时候,对于多少人来说,这声音就像是如焦雷一样炸开。 In this moment, many Buddhist Holy Land disciples are tense, many cultivator powerhouses looked at each other, at this time, in everyone heart guessed, Correct One Supreme is going to do? 在这一刻,不少佛陀圣地的弟子都不由紧张起来,也不少修士强者相视了一眼,在这个时候,大家心里面都猜测,正一至尊将要干什么? Many people were guessing, Correct One Supreme can snatch Immortal Weapon? After all, Immortal Weapon was really important, anybody knows, can obtain Immortal Weapon, that was means invincibly, facing the seduction of Immortal Weapon, anybody will palpitate with excitement, therefore, at this time, many people believes, Correct One Supreme was also no exception. 很多人都在猜测,正一至尊会不会去抢仙兵呢?毕竟,仙兵实在是太重要了,任何人都知道,能得到仙兵,那是意味着无敌,面对仙兵的诱惑,任何人都会怦然心动,所以,在这个时候,多少人认为,正一至尊也是不会例外的。 Correct One Supreme said such words, does not have any cultivator powerhouse on the scene dares saying that dares to answer. 正一至尊说出这样的话,在场也没有任何一个修士强者敢接话,敢去搭腔。 In fact, how many people on the scene has to dare to meet the Correct One Supreme words? That feared that powerful such as four Great Grandmaster, in front of Correct One Supreme, that also is just the younger generation, comes compared with Correct One Supreme, that was weak many. 事实上,在场有几个人敢接正一至尊的话呢?那怕强大如四大宗师了,在正一至尊面前,那也只不过是晚辈而已,比起正一至尊来,那是弱了不少。 Indeed invincible , Eternal is rare, this soldier is Black Tide Sea lives.” When no one dares saying that a indistinct sound resounds. “的确无敌也,万古罕见,此兵为黑潮海而生也。”就在没有人敢接话的时候,一个幽幽的声音响起。 This indistinct sound passes on is very very far, it just like that passes from the Black Tide Sea deep place, this indistinct sound when the ear resounds, it drilled into the atrium of person probably all of a sudden, lingers in the atrium all of a sudden, making one be able hardly be removed. 这个幽幽的声音传得很远很远,它犹如是从黑潮海深处传出来的一样,这个幽幽的声音在耳边响起的时候,它好像一下子钻入了人的心房,一下子萦绕在心房,让人挥之不去。 When hears such a sound, many people in felt in an instant own saw the phenomenon is ordinary, probably world one dark, black tide curls, a feeling of unparalleled, making many cultivator powerhouses startle for it big. 当听到这样的一个声音,不少人在刹那之间都感觉自己看到了异象一般,好像天地一暗,黑潮卷来,给人一种绝无伦比的感觉,让许多修士强者都不由为之大骇。 After everyone recovers, one after another looks to the direction that the sound conveys. 当大家回过神来之后,纷纷向声音传来的方向望去。 At this time, everyone discovered, in Biandu Aristocratic Family camp, does not know when presented a sedan chair, this sedan chair is all over the body the black, is not only the palanquin is the black, the palanquin curtain palanquin covers is the black, all over the body shiny black. 在这个时候,大家才发现,在边渡世家营地中,不知道什么时候出现了一台轿子,这台轿子乃是通体黑色,不仅是肩舆是黑色,轿帘轿盖都是黑色,通体黑亮。 Although is the black sedan chair, but, is very tasteful, the palanquin curtain is the rust has unique marking, is the tide has the tide fresh design, embroiders by extremely rare valuable line. 虽然是黑色的轿子,但是,十分讲究,轿帘乃是锈有独一无二的标识,乃是潮起潮生的图案,以极为罕见的宝线所绣成。 Above palanquin lid, hung strung together all over the body the pitch-black gold/metal siam night bead, each gold/metal siam night bead flashed light golden luster secretly, the skewer is hanging above the palanquin lid, is flashing black golden light glow, very had the sense of reality. 在轿盖之上,也垂串了通体乌黑的金暹夜珠,每一颗金暹夜珠都暗闪着淡淡的金泽,串挂在轿盖之上,闪动着乌金光芒,十分具有质感。 Such a black sedan chair, that feared that sits does not have to show one's face in inside person, but, looks then knows, sits keeps certainly aloof in inside person, only then that exist(ence) that grasps the authority, can take the so noble black palanquin. 这样的一台黑轿子,那怕坐在里面的人没有露脸,但,一看便知道,坐在里面的人一定是高高在上,只有那手握权柄的存在,才能乘坐如此高贵的黑轿。 Who is that?” Before seeing this black palanquin, does not know that many Biandu Aristocratic Family Old Ancestor are protecting, as if obeys the instruction at any time, making many people be startled secretly, such lineup, does not have to have Virtuous Ancestor Biandu. “那是谁呀?”看到这台黑轿之前,不知道有多少边渡世家老祖守护着,似乎随时都听从吩咐,让不少人暗暗吃惊,这样的阵容,连边渡贤祖都不具备有的。 Saint Envoy is also in good health, may celebrate encouraging, may celebrate encouraging.” At this time, above the clouds, handed down the ancient sound, this is the Correct One Supreme sound. 圣使还健在,可喜可贺,可喜可贺。”在这个时候,云端之上,传下了古老的声音,这正是正一至尊的声音。 Black Tide Saint Envoy-- at this time, many Large Sect Old Ancestor miraculous glow flashed, the one who knew in this black palanquin to ride was where sacred, called out in alarm one, but, lowered the sound immediately. 黑潮圣使——”在这个时候,不少大教老祖灵光一闪,知道这黑轿之中所乘坐的是何方神圣了,不由惊呼一声,但,又立即压低了声音。 Has Large Sect Old Ancestor to lower the sound, said: Black Tide Saint Envoy, Biandu Aristocratic Family most powerful Old Ancestor.” 大教老祖不由压低声音,说道:“黑潮圣使,边渡世家最强大的老祖是也。” one after another to the cultivator powerhouse who the black palanquin looks, hears this saying, in the heart for it big quake, Black Tide Saint Envoy, in the past one of the Southwest Sovereign most powerful Heaven Venerable, Eight Saints and Nine Heaven Venerables one of the eight Saints, was how ancient exist(ence). 纷纷向黑轿望去的修士强者,一听到这话,都不由心里面为之大震,黑潮圣使,当年南西皇最强大的天尊之一,八圣九天尊的八圣之一,是多么古老的存在 Hearsay, in eight Saints, the Black Tide Saint Envoy strength resided in third in the past, is next to Heaven Saint and Golden Pestle Great Saint.” The powerful Old Ancestor manner is dignified, said in a low voice. “传闻,当年八圣之中,黑潮圣使的实力居于第三,仅次于正一天圣金杵大圣。”有一位强大的老祖神态凝重,低声地说道。 In this case, making in many will of the people shake, in the past eight Saint nine deterrent world, Black Tide Saint Envoy in the rock rows of eight Saint in third, its strength could be imagined. 这样的话,让多少人心里面为之一震呢,当年八圣九尊威慑天下,黑潮圣使在八圣之中排于第三,其实力可想而知了。 Supreme polite, in the past the Heaven Saint blood splashed battlefield, regrets.” In the black palanquin the indistinct sound resounds, seems passing through the world to be the same. “至尊客气,当年天圣血溅沙场,遗憾也。”黑轿之中幽幽的声音响起,似乎在贯穿天地一样。 Heaven Saint Senior Brother has not regretted, outside the mountain has the mountain.” Correct One Supreme silent, finally said slowly. 天圣师兄也未曾有憾,山外有山也。”正一至尊沉默了一下,最后徐徐地说道。 What--, when hears Correct One Supreme such words, lets present in all will of the people to shock, can say, during the dialogue of Correct One Supreme and Black Tide Saint Envoy, disclosed two news that makes one. “什么——”当听到正一至尊这样的话,让在场所有人心里面为之震撼,可以说,在正一至尊黑潮圣使的对话之中,透露了两个让人震憾的消息。 One, was Heaven Saint died in battle in the past in Eastern Barbarian, in eight Saints, was most powerful by Heaven Saint, even some people said that a Heaven Saint strength, by far above other seven Saints, if did not have Heaven Saint to lead in the past, Buddhist Holy Land and Correct One Cult do not dare to see to dare to invade Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries. 一个,乃是正一天圣当年战死在东蛮,八圣之中,以正一天圣最为强大,甚至有人说,正一天圣的实力,远远在其他七圣之上,如果当年不是有正一天圣率领,佛陀圣地正一教不敢见敢入侵东蛮八国 Powerful such as Heaven Saint, finally died in battle in Eastern Barbarian, died in the Ancient Empress hand, this news, only feared that later generation few people knew. 强大如正一天圣,最终都战死在了东蛮,死在了古之女皇手中,这个消息,只怕后世很少人知道的。 What another is to let the person shocks similarly, everyone has not thought that Correct One Supreme, unexpectedly Heaven Saint Junior Brother. 另一个同样是让人为之震撼的是,所有人都没有想到,正一至尊,竟然正一天圣师弟 Although said, in the present age, everyone knows Correct One Supreme and Buddha Supreme share the honor, but, the age of Correct One Supreme and Correct One Supreme liangs person is the phase difference is very far. 虽然说,在当世,大家都知道正一至尊佛陀至尊齐名,但是,正一至尊个人的年纪是相差十分远。 Buddha Supreme is the Dao Monarch Ba Pi era character, but Correct One Supreme lived of billion years, everyone only knows that Correct One Supreme lived was very long. 佛陀至尊乃是八匹道君时代的人物,而正一至尊则是活了千百万年之久了,大家只知道正一至尊活了很久。 But, Correct One Supreme Heaven Saint Junior Brother, this indeed is surprises many people unexpectedly. 但,正一至尊竟然是正一天圣师弟,这的确是让很多人为之意外。 Therefore, when everyone hears Correct One Supreme such words, turns very quiet, everyone is heavy for it manner north. 所以,大家一听到正一至尊这样的话之时,都不由屏住呼吸,大家都不由为之神态北重起来。 At this time, many people know, each few words that Correct One Supreme and Black Tide Saint Envoy, they talked, might be the secret of heaven frightening. 此时,很多人都知道,正一至尊黑潮圣使,他们交谈的每一句话,都有可能是惊天之秘。 This time, Correct One Supreme, was saying finally slowly: In the past young, shortly after scholarship, has not seen Saint Venerable, regrets.” 在这个时候,正一至尊顿了一下,最后徐徐地说道:“当年年幼,学艺不久,未曾见诸位圣尊,遗憾也。” Perhaps, supreme also organically meets sees.” The Black Tide Saint Envoy indistinct sound reverberates in everyone ear. “或许,至尊还有机会见一见。”黑潮圣使幽幽的声音在所有人耳中回荡。 The Correct One Supreme ancient sound resounds, the laughter reverberation, said: Let us hope so, does not know that today came several?” 正一至尊古老的声音响起,笑声回荡,说道:“但愿如此,就不知今日来了几位呢?” This saying falls into everyone's ear, blasts out in everyone ear like the spring thunder equally, does not know that many people hear their dialogues, was frightens the both legs to hit one to tremble. 这话一落入所有人的耳中,就如春雷一样在所有人耳中炸开,不知道多少人听到他们的对话,乃是吓得双腿不由打了一个哆嗦。 At this time, from the dialogue of Black Tide Saint Envoy and Correct One Supreme, everyone understood. 在这个时候,从黑潮圣使正一至尊的对话,所有人都明白了。 First, in the past a war, Eight Saints and Nine Heaven Venerables, not everyone died in battle, but also some people are living, moreover lives today. 一,当年一战,八圣九天尊,并不是所有人都战死,还有人活着,而且活到了今天。 Second, Eight Saints and Nine Heaven Venerables, at this moment, not only only had Black Tide Saint Envoy to come, others came. 二,八圣九天尊,此时此刻,不仅仅只有黑潮圣使来了,还有其他人来了。
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