ED :: Volume #40

#3932: Five Colors Saint Venerable

At this time, does not know that had many cultivator powerhouses to gather here, but, everyone screen is breathing looks at at present this. 在这个时候,已经不知道有多少修士强者聚集在这里了,但,大家都屏着呼吸看着眼前这一幕。 Immortal Weapon at present, presents any cultivator, who doesn't palpitate with excitement? Anybody wants to seize it, but, the fearfulness of Immortal Weapon, can cut to kill any exist(ence), no matter who approaches, can be cut to kill instantaneously, learns from another's mistakes at present, the corpses of ground are the best lessons. 仙兵就在眼前,在场任何修士,何人不怦然心动呢?任何人都想夺之,但是,仙兵之可怕,可以斩杀任何存在,不管是何人靠近,都会瞬间被斩杀,前车之鉴就在眼前,地上的一具具尸体就是最好的教训。 Therefore, at this time, no matter who, that feared that drools with envy regarding Immortal Weapon, does not dare on, under such situation, anybody rashly, only to fear again rashly at present is also brings death. 所以,此时,不管是谁,那怕对于仙兵垂涎三尺,都不敢再贸然而上,在眼前这样的情况之下,任何人贸然,只怕也是送死罢了。 what is this Immortal Weapon?” On everyone looks at mountain peak is inserting the Immortal Weapon, some people said in a soft voice. 这是什么仙兵?”大家看着山峰上所插着的这件仙兵,有人不由轻声地说道。 Immortal Weapon at present, even everyone can look, this is not complete Immortal Weapon, is one has incomplete Immortal Weapon, but, no matter how knowledgeable person, no matter has seen what kind of treasure person, cannot see at present this Immortal Weapon is the where to come experience. 仙兵就在眼前,甚至大家都看得出来,这不是一件完整的仙兵,是一件有所残缺的仙兵,但是,不管是多么有见识的人,不管是见过何等宝物的人,都看不出眼前这仙兵何来历。 In fact, regarding anybody, that feared that was heard Immortal Weapon exist(ence), they have not seen this Immortal Weapon, they also merely were heard the hearsay. 事实上,对于任何人而言,那怕是听说仙兵存在了,他们也从来没有见过这件仙兵,他们也仅仅是听说过传闻而已。 „A view, when the antiquity, period of the catastrophe, had heavenly corpse to crash, Immortal Weapon dropped from the clouds, did not know the genuine and fake.” Seventy years of age incomparable antique looks at present Immortal Weapon, hesitated some little time, said slowly. “有一种说法,在上古之时,大灾难之期,有天尸坠落,仙兵从天而降,不知真假也。”有一位古稀无比的老古董看着眼前的仙兵,沉吟了好一会儿,徐徐地说道。 „When catastrophe, really has heavenly corpse to crash? What kind of scene is that?” In this case, making many cultivator powerhouses very curious. “大灾难之时,真有天尸坠落吗?那是怎么样的景象?”这样的话,让许多修士强者都不由为之无比好奇。 Especially young one generation, to them, disaster in too legend, that was really remote, even many people do not know that matter of the catastrophe, that listened to the person to raise catastrophe merely these three characters, as for detailed, some people had not related in detail. 特别是年轻一辈,对于他们来说,传说中的太灾难,那实在是太遥远了,甚至很多人都不知道大灾难之事,那仅仅听人提过“大灾难”这三个字而已,至于详细,未曾有人细谈。 „It is not very clear, heard, that is heaven falls and earth rends, sun and moon destruction, innumerable inheritance, invincible generation, in one night vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke, no matter how powerful invincible person, under the catastrophe, just like the ants. On the same day, trillion creature wailed, incomparably fearful......” this seventy years of age incomparable antique said slowly, although he has not experienced, but, once listened to the elder to listen, raised that remote legend, startled palpitated. “不是很清楚,听说,那是天崩地裂,日月毁灭,无数的传承,无敌之辈,都在一夜之间灰飞烟灭,不管是多么强大无敌的人,在大灾难之下,都犹如蝼蚁。当日,亿万生灵哀嚎,无比可怕……”这位古稀无比的老古董徐徐地说道,他虽然未曾经历过,但是,曾听长辈听过,提起那遥远的传说,也不由为之惊悸。 This antique words, at once, made many people hear dull. 这位老古董的话,一时之间,也让不少人为之听得呆了。 After quiet some little time, there is older generation powerhouse looks at Immortal Weapon, said slowly: „Is this long blade?” 沉寂了好一会儿之后,有老一辈强者看着仙兵,徐徐地说道:“这是一把长刀吗?” Everyone's vision was pulled back at present above this Immortal Weapon, this Immortal Weapon is incomplete, but, the whole seems like, as if probably a long blade, inserts above the mountain peak, is the long and narrow knife. 大家的目光又被拉回了眼前这件仙兵之上,这件仙兵已残缺,但,整体看起来,似乎像是一把长刀,插在山峰之上的,乃是狭长的刀身。 This, not necessarily.” Large Sect Old Ancestor that is skilled in the weapon hesitated, said slowly: I felt but actually, this weapon, is a bit like the counter- blade, is a bit like the long sickle. Just, the rusty stain are too many, not good under to determine.” “这,不见得。”有一位精于兵器的大教老祖沉吟了一下,徐徐地说道:“我倒觉得,这兵器,有点像反刃,有点像长镰。只不过,锈斑太多,不好下确定。” No matter anything, this soldier, invincible.” Family background powerful aristocratic family Old Ancestor said slowly: By this soldier, the Dao Monarch weapon is unable the person's back.” “不管是什么,此兵,无敌也。”一位出身强大的世家老祖徐徐地说道:“以此兵而言,道君兵器也无法项背也。” Far more than is the Dao Monarch weapon is unable the person's back, the Dao Monarch weapon before this soldier, only feared that may also be cut to break.” A steady sound resounds. “何止是道君兵器无法项背,道君兵器在此兵之前,只怕也有可能被一斩而断。”一位稳重的声音响起。 Everyone follows this sound to look, saw only an old man to sit above a multicolored elk. 大家都不由顺着这个声音望去,只见一个老者坐在了一头五彩麋鹿之上。 This old man wears a white clothing, the whole person is very simple, white clothing, the there's nothing decoration, is seemingly ordinary, but very neat. 这个老者穿着一身素衣,整个人很朴素,身上的素衣,没有什么装饰,看起来普通,但是十分的整洁。 Naturally, if you knowledgeable person, will discover that this simple white clothing, that is also very tasteful, the smallest bits of property on white clothing, that is not simple. 当然,如果你是有见识的人,也会发现这简单的素衣,那也是十分讲究的,素衣上的一针一线,那都是不简单。 Old man temple blanch, but, is in high spirits, entire was full of the energy, looks at his facial expression manner, a 18-year-old feeling, blood energy is very exuberant. 老者鬓角发白,但,精神矍烁,整个充满了活力,看他的气色神态,给人一种18岁的感觉,血气十分旺盛。 Although this old man has restrained the own aura, but, in graces, still a grandmaster bearing, as if all in his grasping. 尽管这个老者已经收敛了自己的气息了,但是,在举手投足之间,依然给人一种宗师气度,似乎一切都在他的掌握之中了。 Five Colors Saint Venerable, Cloud and Mud School Dean.” Sees this Old Man time, many people call out in alarm one. 五色圣尊,云泥学院院长。”看到这个老人的时候,不少人为之惊呼一声。 „When Dean Sir-- sees this Old Man, cultivator powerhouse on the scene, is not only young a generation, is important people also one after another of many older generation to this old man bowing the body. 院长大人——”见到这个老人之时,在场的修士强者,不仅只有年轻一辈,就是不少老一辈的大人物也都纷纷向这个老者鞠身 Five Colors Saint Venerable, one of the Four Great Grandmasters, Cloud and Mud School Dean, in Buddhist Holy Land and even is entire Southwest Sovereign is time of respected. 五色圣尊,四大宗师之一,云泥学院院长,在佛陀圣地乃至是整个南西皇都是倍受人尊敬。 After all, don't says is billion years, even if in the present age , many cultivator powerhouses once had the chance in Cloud and Mud School practice, has pursued advanced studies in Cloud and Mud School. 毕竟,莫说是千百万年,就算是在当世,又有多少修士强者曾经有机缘在云泥学院修行,在云泥学院深造过。 Therefore, regarding many cultivator powerhouses, especially came from small sect cultivator of small school or grassroots, venerates regarding Five Colors Saint Venerable. 所以,对于许多修士强者,特别是出身于小门小派或者草根的修士,对于五色圣尊更是尊崇。 Five Colors Saint Venerable such words , is to make in the will of the people of field shake, regarding many cultivator powerhouses, the Dao Monarch weapon, is invincible , currently really may one before this Immortal Weapon cut to break, that is how fearful. 五色圣尊这样的话,也是让场的人心里面为之一震,对于多少修士强者而言,道君兵器,乃是无敌之器也,现在竟然有可能在这件仙兵之前一斩而断,那是多么可怕也。 Naturally, no one will suspect that Five Colors Saint Venerable words, after all, the Cloud and Mud School conceals treasure are innumerable, Five Colors Saint Venerable has contacted exist(ence) of Dao Monarch weapon, words that he spoke, is absolutely impossible to be aimless. 当然,没有人会怀疑五色圣尊的话,毕竟,云泥学院藏宝无数,五色圣尊是接触过道君兵器的存在,他所说的话,绝对不可能无的放矢。 This Immortal Weapon, powerful in this way, is what cuts it.” At this time, some people left undecided, asked curiously. “此仙兵,强大如斯,是何物斩之。”在这个时候,有人存疑,好奇地问道。 In this case, immediately lets everyone blankly look at each other on the scene, although at present this Immortal Weapon has not erupted what invincible prestige, has not killed the four directions greatly, but, who knew its fearfulness, even if Dao Monarch weapon, cannot in comparison. 这样的话,顿时让在场的所有人面面相觑,眼前这件仙兵虽然未爆发什么无敌之威,也没有大杀四方,但,谁都知道它的可怕了,就算是道君兵器,也不能与之相比也。 This made all people feel strange, since this Immortal Weapon such invincibility, actually that were what cuts off? At present this Immortal Weapon is the remnants, has the ratio surely it powerful or more fearful thing cuts off or breaks off this Immortal Weapon. 这就让所有人为之奇怪了,既然此仙兵如此之无敌,那究竟是何物斩断呢?眼前这件仙兵乃是残兵,必定是有比它更强大或更可怕的东西斩断或折断这件仙兵 At once, what treasure everyone cannot find out or what kind of exist(ence), can cut off at present this Immortal Weapon. 一时之间,大家都想不出什么样的宝物或者怎么样的存在,才能斩断眼前这件仙兵 Or, only has the immortal.” Large Sect Old Ancestor incomparably supposed boldly. “或者,唯有仙人。”有一位大教老祖不由大胆无比地假设。 In this case, was makes everyone on the scene silent, looked at each other. 这样的话,更是让在场的所有人沉默了,都不由相视了一眼。 „Does world really have the immortal?” This made everyone suspect. “世间真的有仙?”这就不由让大家为之怀疑了。 Since billion years, one after another shocking and stunning talent, another invincible Dao Monarch, although Dao Monarch breaks to pieces goes void, but, whom actually never saw to become an immortal. 千百万年以来,一位又一位惊才绝艳的天才,一尊又一尊无敌的道君,虽然道君碎破虚空而去,但,却从未见有谁成仙了。 Therefore, believes in everyone mind, world, is difficult the immortal. 所以,在所有人心目中认为,世间,难有仙也。 Did not say, True Immortal Cult is Dao Lineage that the immortal leaves behind?” Young cultivator said gently. “不是说,真仙教乃是仙人留下的道统吗?”有一位年轻修士不由轻轻地说道。 In this case, has the important people opens the mouth to say, but, was silent, True Immortal Cult, is Eight Desolate most powerful inheritance, many people discussed the changes countenance, is not willing to discuss, regarding many people, this was avoids. 这样的话,有大人物张口欲言,但,又不由为之沉默了,真仙教,乃是八荒最强大的传承,多少人谈之变色,也不愿意多谈也,对于多少人而言,此乃是讳忌也。 But, many people have listened to legend, True Immortal Cult First Ancestor, Dao Monarch Mo Xian, then the immortal when young lays the hand on the head, Eternal Wushuang/matchless. 但,不少人都听过一个传说,真仙教始祖,摩仙道君,在年少之时便得仙人摩顶,万古无双也。 Who how takes it?” Everyone is not willing to discuss, unconsciously, gathered the vision above Immortal Weapon. “谁如何取之?”大家不愿意多谈,不觉间,又把目光聚集在了仙兵之上。 At this time, everyone has not paid attention, in a moment ago, many powerful Old Ancestor wants to take Immortal Weapon, finally died a tragic death above Immortal Weapon. 此时,大家都没有注意,在刚才,多少强大的老祖想取仙兵,最后都惨死在了仙兵之上了。 If takes it, terrifying.” Five Colors Saint Venerable said slowly: Without a doubt, this Immortal Weapon, is by suppression seal in this, if works loose iron chain suppression lock, perhaps slaughters the four directions, becomes Great Ominous Weapon.” “若是取之,更为恐怖。”五色圣尊徐徐地说道:“毫无疑问,此仙兵,乃是被镇封于此,若是挣脱铁链镇锁,说不定乃是杀戮四方,成为大凶之兵。” The Five Colors Saint Venerable words make everyone look to that lock in the one thick iron chain of Immortal Weapon and this mountain peak firmly, who can look, this Immortal Weapon indeed by this one thick iron chain suppression lock here, who is understood, once breaks free of this iron chain, this Immortal Weapon fearful. 五色圣尊的话让大家都不由望向那牢牢锁住仙兵和这座山峰的一条条粗大铁链,谁都看得出来,这把仙兵的的确确是被这一条条粗大的铁链镇锁在这里,谁都明白,一旦挣脱这铁链,这仙兵更加的可怕。 But, who can uncover to have no alternative but in the own heart greedy? Regarding any cultivator powerhouse, so long as there is the opportunity to obtain this Immortal Weapon, only feared that anybody will be reckless the price, advances uninterruptedly, obtains this Immortal Weapon. 但,又有谁能揭止得了自己心里面的贪婪呢?对于任何修士强者来说,只要有机会能得到这把仙兵,只怕任何人都会不顾一切代价,前赴后继,得到这件仙兵的。 Old Man overreaches oneself, tries.” When everyone faces Immortal Weapon is at a loss, a Old Man stand, the sinking sound said. 老朽不自量力,试试也。”就在所有人面对仙兵束手无策的时候,一位老人站了出来,沉声地说道。 Is the senior prime minister.” Saw Old Man that this stands, many people knew, was Buddhist Holy Land important people. “是老丞相呀。”看到这位站出来的老人,很多人都认识,也算是佛陀圣地大人物了。 This old man, is the senior prime minister in starry sky country's, he strokes must steadily, laughs said: Immortal Weapon before, making favor not control self , if varies to try, to regret lifelong. Old Man overreaches oneself, risks lives, searches to explore the way for everyone, if tragic death, not regrets.” 这位老者,正是星空国的老丞相,他一捋长须,大笑地说道:“仙兵在前,让人情不自禁也,若不一试,终身为憾。老朽不自量力,以身冒险,为大家探探路,若惨死,也无憾也。” Senior prime minister Gao Yi, wishing the senior prime minister horse to become to the merit.” The starry sky country senior prime minister such words, cause many people to cheer immediately. “老丞相高义,愿老丞相马到功成。”星空国老丞相这样的话,顿时引得不少人为之喝彩一声。 Although, the senior prime minister is seizes Immortal Weapon for own as we all know, but, he such confident words, making many people like listening. 虽然大家都知道,老丞相乃是为自己而夺仙兵,但,他这样一席坦然的话,让很多人都喜欢听。 Let alone, some people want vanguard, even brings death, regarding many people, why not go ahead with it. 更何况,有人想打前锋,甚至送死,对于多少人来说,何乐不为呢。 -- loud sound, at this time, senior prime minister blood energy is released, his secret art, heard buzz a resonate sound, the Star Radiance twinkle, he thought to shout: Opens-- ——”的一声巨响,就在这个时候,老丞相血气外放,他一施法诀,听到“嗡”的一声响起,星辉闪烁,他觉喝道:“开—— In this in an instant, sees only star shining concentrate, just like huge incomparable stars to surround in the whole body, in this in an instant, the senior prime minister just like the star space protection, ten thousand Jinglin the body, is very powerful. 在这刹那之间,只见星耀凝集,犹如一颗颗巨大无比的星辰环绕于全身,在这刹那之间,老丞相犹如星宇守护,万境临身,十分强大。 After the senior prime minister had enough protection, one step takes, steps void, in an instant, hikes near peak. 老丞相有了足够的守护之后,一步迈出,踏上虚空,刹那之间,登近高峰。 Is approaching Immortal Weapon in an instant, senior prime minister take action, exclaimed high: Galaxy falls Celestial Waterfall-- words to fall, moves the universe, all lands. 在一逼近仙兵的刹那之间,老丞相出手,高吼道:“星河坠天瀑——”话一落下,搬天宇,万域 At bang under loud sound, sees only the galaxy like Celestial Waterfall, falls in torrents, separates all lands, breaks ten sides, protects Wushuang/matchless. 在“轰”的巨响之下,只见星河如天瀑,倾泻而下,隔万域,断十方,守护无双也。 Good-- to see under one move, the senior prime minister spelled to try, made the good enough powerful defense, making Large Sect Old Ancestor on the scene look, cheered. “好——”见一招之下,老丞相拼尽了全力,做了好足够强大的防御了,让在场的大教老祖看了,也都不由喝采一声。 Any Large Sect Old Ancestor, believes, the senior prime minister, indeed is whole-heartedly powerful. 任何大教老祖,都认为,老丞相全力以赴,的的确确强大。 In this in an instant, the senior prime minister approaches Immortal Weapon, puts out a hand, the desire grasps to Immortal Weapon. 就在这刹那之间,老丞相逼近仙兵,伸手,欲向仙兵抓去。 But, in this in an instant, Immortal Weapon is wipes the white as ivory cold light to flash, is the white as ivory cold light flashes merely, without the prestige of heaven frightening. 但,就在这刹那之间,仙兵乃是一抹牙白冷光一闪,仅仅是牙白冷光一闪而已,没有惊天之威。 Ah!-- a pitiful yell resounds, the blood wind shoots. ——”的一声惨叫响起,鲜血飙射。
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