ED :: Volume #40

#3915: Came

Bang, bang and bang day swing shake, at this time, entire Black Wood Cliff must be trod to be the same, all Black Tide Sea ominous thing roared are flushing away to the ancestor peak, momentum very scary. “轰、轰、轰”天摇地晃,在这个时候,整个黑木崖要被踏碎一样,所有的黑潮海凶物咆哮着向祖峰冲去,声势十分的吓人。 At a moment ago, the time that all Black Tide Sea ominous thing Military Guard Legion camp flushed, that is very scary, but, all ominous thing flush away to the ancestor peak now, good scary, all Black Tide Sea ominous thing that because flushed away to the ancestor peak at this time are roaring, even let the person to hear their sounds of angry roaring. 在刚才的时候,所有黑潮海的凶物戎卫军团营地冲来的时候,那都已经是十分吓人了,但是,现在所有凶物向祖峰冲去的时候,好就更加的吓人,因为此时向祖峰冲去的所有黑潮海凶物都是咆哮着,甚至让人能听到它们的怒吼之声。 At this time, seemed like the provoked anger bull to ancestor peak impulsive all Black Tide Sea ominous thing, the anger soars to the heavens the bull of eyes to be red same, wishes one could to rush to the ancestor peak to come up instantaneously, must step on the meat sauce Li Qiye. 在这个时候,向祖峰冲动的所有黑潮海凶物就好像是被惹怒的公牛,怒火冲天红了双眼的公牛一样,恨不得瞬间就冲到祖峰上去,要把李七夜踩成肉酱。 In Military Guard Legion camp, all cultivator powerhouse dull looks at Black Tide Sea ominous thing to the back that Li Qiye flushes away. 戎卫军团营地里,所有的修士强者都呆呆地看着黑潮海凶物向李七夜冲去的背影。 That fears at this moment, all ominous thing go far away from them, but, that rumble the sound, that roared angry roaring incessantly, that earth-shaking momentum, that was really scary, just like trillion zhang (3.33 m) monstrous waves to whip ruthlessly to Black Wood Cliff is the same, must pat the smashing to be the same Black Wood Cliff in this in an instant. 那怕此时此刻,所有凶物是远离他们而去,但是,那轰隆隆的声音,那咆哮不止的怒吼,那撼天动地的声势,那实在是太吓人了,犹如亿万丈的巨浪狠狠地拍打向黑木崖一样,要在这刹那之间把黑木崖拍粉碎一般。 With great difficulty, has the cultivator powerhouse to recover, they squinted. 好不容易,有修士强者回过神来,他们都不由相觑了一眼。 In, many people also thinks a moment ago Li Qiye must direct and control the Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing by the sharp whistle sound, but, now looks like, this is not that a matter, as if Li Qiye this sharp incomparable whistle sound instead was all of a sudden all Black Tide Sea ominous thing enraging. 在刚才的时候,有不少人还以为李七夜是要以尖锐的笛声去指挥、控制黑潮海的骨骸凶物呢,但是,现在看来,这根本就不是那么回事,似乎李七夜这尖锐无比的笛声反而是一下子把所有的黑潮海凶物给激怒了。 Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing torrential not Vanishing Earth flushes away to Black Wood Cliff, as if submerges entire Black Wood Cliff like the high sea, so astonishing momentum, even some people believe that under the ominous thing monstrous waves impact of Black Tide Sea, even there is a possibility entire ancestor peak to be hit instantaneously crushes. 黑潮海的骨骸凶物滔滔不绝地黑木崖冲去,似乎就像狂浪一样把整个黑木崖淹没一样,如此惊人的声势,甚至有人认为,在黑潮海的凶物巨浪冲击之下,甚至有可能整个祖峰都瞬间被撞得粉碎。 Saint Lord Sir faces ten million/countless the Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing, can block?” Saw that the incessant Black Tide Sea ominous thing flushes away to the ancestor peak, at this time, had the Buddhist Holy Land cultivator powerhouse to be heavyhearted. 圣主大人独自一人面对千万黑潮海骨骸凶物,能挡得住吗?”看到滔滔不绝的黑潮海凶物向祖峰冲去,在这个时候,有佛陀圣地修士强者不由为之忧心忡忡。 Like this raises, makes many Buddhist Holy Land cultivator powerhouses also worry, although said, as Saint Lord Li Qiye, in immediately, everyone looks like, he is deep and unmeasurable, the method is exceedingly high, when the Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing impact ten million/countless comes, facing such many, so the terrifying Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing, that is how dreadful matter, even Li Qiye is powerful, still not necessarily can strive to turn the tide. 这样的话一提起来,也让不少佛陀圣地修士强者也都不由为之忧心起来,虽然说,作为圣主李七夜,在当下,所有人看来,他是深不可测,手段通天,但是,当千万的黑潮海骨骸凶物冲击而来的时候,面对如此之多、如此恐怖黑潮海骨骸凶物,那是多么可怕的事情,就算李七夜再强大,也不见得能力挽狂澜。 Should, should not to have the issue.” Had Buddhist Holy Land important people hesitant, said that Saint Lord Sir was magical powers Wushuang/matchless, deep and unmeasurable, his strength, was I and others can estimate the guess.” “应该,应该没问题吧。”有佛陀圣地大人物也不由犹豫了一下,说道“圣主大人乃是神通无双,深不可测,他的实力,又焉是我等所能揣摩猜测的。” Although on the mouth said like this, but, this important people said such words, heart inside energy was insufficient, after all, the present Black Tide Sea ominous thing that was really many, was really powerful. 虽然嘴上是这样说,但是,这个大人物说出这样的话,心里面的底气都不足,毕竟,眼前的黑潮海凶物那实在是太多了,实在是太强大了。 Certain energy, Saint Lord wise Wushuang/matchless, can become the horse to the merit surely.” Had the Buddhist Holy Land powerhouse to make a fist, wielded an arm, when with firm powerful sound said. “一定能的,圣主英明无双,必定是能马到功成。”有佛陀圣地的强者不由握拳,挥了一下手臂,用坚定有力的声时说道。 He made an effort to wield an arm ruthlessly, said such words, does not know that is giving the own drum courage, was Li Qiye encourages keep it up. 他用力地狠狠挥了一下手臂,说出这样的话,不知道是在给自己鼓勇气,还是为李七夜鼓劲加油 In the past Buddha Supreme, fought to the last drop of blood, the support.” Some Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries Large Sect Old Ancestor said in a soft voice, but, the following words have not said. “当年佛陀至尊,血战到底,都堪堪支撑呀。”有东蛮八国大教老祖不由轻声地说道,但,后面的话没有说出来。 This is not Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries Large Sect Old Ancestor intends to ridicule Li Qiye, does not look down upon Li Qiye, even can say, he in the heart hopes Li Qiye can block the Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing, the words that after all, Li Qiye cannot block, only fear that today all of them will die here. 这并非是东蛮八国大教老祖有意去嘲笑李七夜,也并非是瞧不起李七夜,甚至可以说,他在心里面更希望李七夜能挡得住黑潮海的骨骸凶物,毕竟,李七夜挡不住的话,今天只怕他们所有人都会死在这里。 Must think, past Buddha Supreme how powerful, can say with the Dao Monarch theory, is facing the Black Tide Sea ominous thing army time, supports by strenuous efforts, almost fails when success seemed within reach. 要想一下,当年的佛陀至尊是多么的强大,可以与道君论道,面对着黑潮海的凶物大军的时候,都是苦苦支撑,都差点功败垂成。 Now Li Qiye is so young, can block such many Black Tide Sea ominous thing? This indeed is the discouraging matter. 现在李七夜如此年轻,能挡得住如此之多的黑潮海凶物吗?这的确是让人担忧的事情。 At this time, some indeed many Buddhist Holy Land, Correct One Cult and Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries cultivator powerhouse worried in the heart, they naturally are hope Li Qiye can block, but, at this moment, makes in everyone heart lack self-confidence. 在这个时候,也的的确确有不少佛陀圣地正一教东蛮八国修士强者在心里面担忧,他们当然是希望李七夜能挡得住了,但,此时此刻,却又让大家心里面没底。 In all will of the people perturbed and uneasy, charges into the ancestor peak very all Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing, when they, as soon as rushes to the ancestor peak at the foot of the mountain, suddenly, all Black Tide Sea ominous thing stop all of a sudden. 就在所有人心里面十分忐忑不安的时候,冲向祖峰的所有黑潮海骨骸凶物,当它们一冲到祖峰的山脚下的时候,突然之间,所有的黑潮海凶物都一下子嘎然而止。 This seems the high-spirited horse of hurricane to be the same, suddenly checks stops halts, even had/left the deep mud ditch the ground plow. 这就好像狂飙的怒马一样,突然刹停止步,甚至把地面犁出了深深的泥沟来。 Bang loud sound, the land was turned by the plow probably is the same, is blinking, all Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing that rush to ancestor Yi stop, halt at the foot of the hill, has not gone forward again one step. “轰”一声巨响,好像大地被犁翻一样,在眨眼之间,所有冲到祖峰山脚下的黑潮海骨骸凶物都嘎然而止,止步于山脚下,再也没有上前一步。 In this moment, entire Black Wood Cliff is much more silent, beyond the ancestor peak, by countless Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing surround, was stood in the ancestor peak densely and numerously with huge crowds of people looks, the vision institute, is the dense and numerous skeletons, seems like a world that buries the bone is the same. 在这一刻,整个黑木崖寂静得可怕,在祖峰之外,密密麻麻地被数之不尽的黑潮海骨骸凶物里三层外三层地围住了,站在祖峰望去,目光所及,都是密密麻麻的骨骸,就好像是一个埋骨的世界一样。 Mentioning is also strange, at this time, all ominous thing halted in ancestor Yi, does not dare to jump over the Thunder Pond half step . Moreover, all Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing are staring at Li Qiye on ancestor peak, some skeleton ominous thing even are roaring to Li Qiye, in probably their eye sockets must spout the anger. 说来也是诡异,在这个时候,所有的凶物都止步于祖峰山脚下,不敢越雷池半步,而且,所有的黑潮海骨骸凶物都盯着祖峰上的李七夜,有的骨骸凶物甚至对着李七夜咆哮一声,好像它们的眼眶之中都要喷出怒火。 However, Li Qiye actually pays no attention to them , to continue to play the flute, the sound of sharp incomparable flute, passing on is very very far, has fluttered to the Black Tide Sea deep place. 然而,李七夜却对它们理都不理,继续吹着长笛,尖锐无比的长笛之声,传得很远很远,一直飘到黑潮海深处。 All Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing stop suddenly, all cultivator powerhouses who such, lets Rong health/guard round/ball looked dull. 所有的黑潮海骨骸凶物都突然之间嘎然而止,这样的一幕,让戎卫团的所有修士强者看呆了。 Everyone can look, Black Tide Sea all ominous thing are very angry, their eye sockets must spout the anger, even there is big incomparable ominous thing to roar to ancestor peak in Li Qiye. 所有人都看得出来,黑潮海的所有凶物都是很愤怒,它们的眼眶都要喷出怒火了,甚至有高大无比的凶物对着祖峰上的李七夜咆哮。 But, mentioned also strangely, what kind of anger no matter all Black Tide Sea ominous thing were, what kind of roaring, they do not dare to rush to the ancestor peak. 但,说来也奇怪,不管所有的黑潮海凶物是怎么样的愤怒,怎么样的咆哮,它们就是不敢冲上祖峰。 At this time, under the ancestor peak, was filled with the countless Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing densely and numerously, just like vast Bone Sea to be the same, can flood entire Black Wood Cliff. 在这个时候,祖峰之下,已经是密密麻麻地挤满了数之不尽的黑潮海骨骸凶物了,犹如浩瀚的骨海一样,能把整个黑木崖淹。 What is strange, no matter the Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing has many, they do not dare to rush to the ancestor peak to step on the meat sauce Li Qiye. 诡异的是,不管黑潮海的骨骸凶物有多少,它们就是不敢冲上祖峰把李七夜踩成肉酱。 This, this, this what happened?” At this time, all cultivator powerhouses in camp looked to stay, they have not seen the so strange matter. “这,这,这发生什么事情了?”在这个时候,营地中的所有修士强者都看呆了,他们都从来没有见过如此诡异的事情。 „The what is this truth, why doesn't the skeleton ominous thing rush?” even if experienced Large Sect Old Ancestor also does not understand a this is what type matter. 这是什么道理,为什么骨骸凶物都不冲上去呢?”就算是见多识广的大教老祖也搞不明白这是怎么样的一回事。 What mystery does this have?” At this time, even there is extraordinary important people to ask Biandu Aristocratic Family Virtuous Ancestor. “这是有什么奥妙吗?”在这个时候,甚至有了不得的大人物边渡世家贤祖 Virtuous Ancestor Biandu he is also strange incomparably looks at at present such, he has to shrug, said reluctantly Old Man does not know a this is what matter, such strange matter, has not happened.” 边渡贤祖他也奇怪无比地看着眼前这样的一幕,他只好摊了摊手,无奈地说道“老朽也不知道这是怎么回事,这样奇怪的事情,从来没有发生过。” Has not had such matter, never has at least during the record.” Has familiar Black Tide Sea Old Ancestor is also very surprised. “是从来没有发生过这样的事情,至少在记载之中是从来没有。”有熟知黑潮海老祖也是十分吃惊。 Has the Buddhist Holy Land powerhouse saying that this is Saint Lord Sir Whole World is invincible, magical powers Supreme, all black stack of sea skeleton ominous thing being startled fear lived by Saint Lord Sir Divine Power.” 佛陀圣地的强者就不由说道“此乃是圣主大人举世无敌,神通无上,所有的黑沓海骨骸凶物都被圣主大人神威所惊慑住了。” In this case, many important people do not certainly believe that because at present all Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing, do not seem like by Li Qiye's Divine Power being startled fear, if were suppressed, the startled fear by Li Qiye's Divine Power, present all skeleton ominous thing will not be staring at Li Qiye stubbornly, will roar to Li Qiye angrily. 这样的话,许多大人物当然不相信了,因为眼前所有的黑潮海骨骸凶物,都不像是被李七夜的神威所惊慑,如果被李七夜的神威所镇压、惊慑的话,眼前的所有骨骸凶物就不会死死盯着李七夜,就会冲着李七夜愤怒地咆哮了。 Has Large Sect Old Ancestor to guess said perhaps, Saint Lord Sir had to have what Eternal shocking thing, making the Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing dread incomparably.” 大教老祖不由猜测地说道“或许,圣主大人身怀有什么万古惊世之物,让黑潮海的骨骸凶物忌惮无比。” Such guess, made many people look at each other immediately, many important people also felt reasonable, from such situation, all Black Tide Sea ominous thing does not dare to rush to the ancestor peak at present, but, is roaring to Li Qiye angrily, it seems like, the Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing indeed might dread on Li Qiye some thing. 这样的猜测,顿时让不少人相视了一眼,不少大人物也都觉得有道理,从眼前这样的情况来看,所有的黑潮海凶物都不敢冲上祖峰,但,又对着李七夜愤怒地咆哮,看来,黑潮海的骨骸凶物的的确确是有可能忌惮李七夜身上的某一件东西 What thing is, can frighten the Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing?” Also there is aristocratic family Senior Elder to whisper. “是什么样的东西,能吓得住黑潮海的骨骸凶物呢?”也有世家元老不由嘀咕了一声。 In the past, is not only Buddha Supreme and Correct One Supreme, even Dao Monarch Ba Pi arrives at Black Wood Cliff, fought the Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing, at that time, that feared that was the powerful incomparable Dao Monarch weapon, not necessarily can deter the Black Tide Sea ominous thing. 当年,不仅是佛陀至尊正一至尊,就是连八匹道君都亲临黑木崖,大战黑潮海的骨骸凶物,在那个时候,那怕是强大无比的道君兵器了,也都不见得能威慑住黑潮海的凶物。 But, now all Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing as if indeed are on some thing to Li Qiye dreaded, could it be that said that thing that on Li Qiye bosom, really also wants to be powerful more than Dao Monarch weapon. 但,现在所有的黑潮海骨骸凶物似乎的的确确是对李七夜身上的某一件东西有所忌惮,难道说,李七夜身上所怀的东西,真的是比道君兵器还要强大很多很多。 Perhaps, is that black gold.” The Large Sect Old Ancestor sinking sound said. “或许,就是那块乌金。”有一位大教老祖沉声地说道。 This saying said that many Large Sect Old Ancestor and aristocratic family important people as if by prior agreement place nod, having the Emperor Courtyard important people whisper said that indeed has such possibility, let alone, this black gold was stems from Supreme Divine Treasure of black deep pool, perhaps, it was the Black Tide Sea key is.” 这话一说出来,不少的大教老祖、世家大人物都不约而同地点了点头,有皇庭大人物嘀咕地说道“的确是有着这样的可能,更何况,这块乌金乃是出自于黑渊的无上神宝,或许,它就是黑潮海的关键所在。” Such view, lets many blankly look at each other, feels reasonable, everyone thinks it over, cannot find out what thing to threaten the Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing, now looks like, has the possibility to threaten the skeleton ominous thing only, perhaps was black gold that black deep pool obtained. 这样的说法,让不少人面面相觑,也都觉得有道理,大家思来想去,都想不出什么东西可以威胁到黑潮海骨骸凶物,现在看来,有可能唯一威胁到骨骸凶物的,或许就是那黑渊得到的乌金了。 If, then this black gold, is Eternal divine object, its value, is by far above the Dao Monarch weapon.” At this time, had the border country antique manner to be dignified. “如果是真的,那么这块乌金,乃是万古神物呀,它的价值,乃是远远在道君兵器之上呀。”在这个时候,有疆国的老古董神态凝重。 When many people guessed, heard bang, bang and bang loud sound was lingering on faintly, is shaking the entire world, this bang lingering on faintly loud sound was by everywhere. 就在很多人猜测的时候,听到“轰、轰、轰”的巨响不绝于耳,撼动着整个天地,这轰隆不绝于耳的巨响乃是由远到处。 Everyone looks, bang loud sound is transmits from Black Tide Sea, at this time everyone has seen that the Black Tide Sea deep place, a dense piece and dense and numerous, countless Black Tide Sea skeleton ominous thing charged into Black Wood Cliff. 大家一望去,轰隆的巨响乃是从黑潮海传来的,此时大家都看到,黑潮海深处,黑压压的一片、密密麻麻,数之不尽的黑潮海骨骸凶物冲向了黑木崖 S: Big news, the Emperor's Domination first Sword God exposure! To know that who Emperor's Domination most Sword God is? To understand he more secrets? Comes to here!! Pays attention to WeChat public number „the Xiao Residence regiment, examines the historical news, or input Sword God then reads the relevant information!! s:大爆料,帝霸第一剑神曝光啦!想知道帝霸剑神是谁吗?想了解他更多的隐秘吗?来这里!!关注微信公众号“萧府军团”,查看历史消息,或输入“剑神”即可阅览相关信息!! Something went wrong [Not Found] . Website 。网址
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