ED :: Volume #40

#3913: Then just started

Golden Pestle Jian Hao died, 3000 people ready dead passed away together, General supreme died, 1 million army also vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke. 金杵剑豪死了,三千死士一同命丧黄泉,至高大将军死了,百万大军也随之灰飞烟灭 The smell of blood female fills the air in between Heaven and Earth, when smells smell of blood that irritates the nose, some cultivator stomach convulsion, cannot bear vomit. 血腥味女弥漫于天地之间,闻到刺鼻的血腥味之时,也有些修士不由胃部痉挛,忍不住呕吐起来。 At this time, entire scene silent to the extreme, all cultivator powerhouse calmly looks at on the scene at present this. 在这个时候,整个场面寂静到了极点,在场的所有修士强者都不由静静地看着眼前这一幕。 Golden Pestle Jian Hao, is General supreme, is present age prestige prominent exist(ence), they once swept away the world, once does not know that made many people change color, however, died a tragic death today like this in two Primal Chaos Yuan Beast hands. 不论是金杵剑豪,还是至高大将军,都是当世威名显赫的存在,他们都曾经是横扫天下,曾经不知道让多少人为之变色,然而,今天就这样惨死在两头混沌元兽手中了。 If before, many people believes, Li Qiye and Golden Pestle Jian Hao and General supreme are the enemies, does not know the sky is high the earth is deep, acts recklessly, brings about own destruction. 若是在以前,多少人会认为,李七夜金杵剑豪至高大将军为敌,乃是不知天高地厚,不知死活,自寻死路。 However, today Golden Pestle Jian Hao and General supreme, want with a Li Qiye war, but, does not need the Li Qiye skill, the two pets of his side cutting to kill Golden Pestle Jian Hao and General supreme. 然而,今日金杵剑豪至高大将军,欲与李七夜一战,但,根本就不需要李七夜身手,他身边的两头宠物就把金杵剑豪至高大将军给斩杀了。 In other words, in former everyone thinks Li Qiye that acts recklessly, but today, Golden Pestle Jian Hao and General supreme such exist(ence), actually even challenges the Li Qiye's qualifications not to have. 换句话来说,在以前所有人认为不知死活的李七夜,而在今天,金杵剑豪至高大将军这样的存在,却连挑战李七夜的资格都没有。 Perhaps said, looks like in Li Qiye, Golden Pestle Jian Hao and General supreme, that is just the ant cricket, must cut to kill him, has what difficulty, does not need him to begin. 或许说,在李七夜看来,金杵剑豪至高大将军,那只不过是蚁蝼罢了,要斩杀他,有何难也,根本就不需要他动手。 Saint Lord Wushuang/matchless.” At this time, does not know that many Buddhist Holy Land cultivator powerhouses in the heart think like this, the respectful fear, arises spontaneously. 圣主无双呀。”在这个时候,不知道有多少佛陀圣地修士强者在心里面是这样想的,敬畏之情,油然而生。 Before, what kind of miracle no matter Li Qiye created, but, would some people, heart inside thinks otherwise, even some people believe that is the luck is just good. 在以前,不管李七夜创造了怎么样的奇迹,但,总会有一些人,心里面不以为然,甚至有人认为,那只不过是运气好罢了。 However, today all became different, Li Qiye was the Saint Mountain master, control of Buddhist Holy Land, changing, he was becomes in Buddhist Holy Land all disciple minds unparalleled and deep and unmeasurable Saint Lord. 但是,今日一切都变得不一样了,李七夜乃是圣山的主人,佛陀圣地的主宰,摇身一变,他便是成为佛陀圣地所有弟子心目中绝世无双深不可测圣主 Therefore, now side the Li Qiye two pets, after cutting killed Golden Pestle Jian Hao and General supreme, all these appeared natural, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses, especially the Buddhist Holy Land disciple, is startled to praise continues, the respectful fear, arises spontaneously instantaneously. 所以,现在李七夜身边的两头宠物,斩杀了金杵剑豪至高大将军之后,这一切都更显得是理所当然了,不知道有多少修士强者,特别是佛陀圣地的弟子,更是惊赞不止,敬畏之情,瞬间是油然而生。 Saint Lord, was Whole World was certainly invincible, otherwise, will inherit Buddhist Holy Land inheritance.” At this time, did not need Li Qiye to tell, some Buddhist Holy Land disciples exclaimed in surprise, said: Works as in this life, how can there be the person can compare with Saint Lord.” 圣主,当然是举世无敌了,否则,又焉会继承佛陀圣地大统呢。”在这个时候,无需李七夜吩咐,就有佛陀圣地的弟子惊叹,说道:“当今世上,又焉有人能与圣主相比也。” At once, many Buddhist Holy Land cultivator powerhouses approve the mouth unceasingly. 一时之间,不少佛陀圣地修士强者都赞口不绝。 In fact, Correct One Cult and Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries many cultivator powerhouses also shock in the heart at this moment, no one dares saying that Li Qiye this Saint Lord has unearned reputation, after seeing with one's own eyes Li Qiye's fierce and inconceivable, Correct One Cult and Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries cultivator powerhouse also has to acknowledge, Buddhist Holy Land the Saint Lord, indeed was deep and unmeasurable. 事实上,正一教东蛮八国的许多修士强者此时此刻在心里面也不由震撼,也没有谁敢去说,李七夜这位圣主乃是浪得虚名,亲眼看到了李七夜的凶猛和不可思议之后,正一教东蛮八国修士强者也都不得不承认,佛陀圣地的这位圣主,的确是深不可测也。 Also do some people have the opinion?” At this time, Little Black Little Yellow stood in Li Qiye's behind, Li Qiye looked at everyone on the scene merely. “还有人有意见吗?”此时,小黑小黄站在了李七夜的身后,李七夜仅仅地看了一眼在场的所有人。 Naturally, stood also looked disdainfully a cultivator powerhouse on the scene in Li Qiye behind Little Black Little Yellow, although they have not shown what vicious look, the manner that but, their looked disdainfully seemed to have told everyone on the scene, who dares to have the opinion, they first swallowed whole them. 当然,站在李七夜身后的小黑小黄也都睥睨了一眼在场的修士强者,虽然它们没有露出什么凶狠的神色,但是,它们那睥睨的神态似乎已经是告诉了在场的所有人,谁敢有意见,它们就首先把他们生吞活剥了。 At this time, what does the cultivator powerhouse on the scene also dare to say? Who also dares to have the opinion? First did not say that Li Qiye is the control of Buddhist Holy Land, as the Saint Mountain successor, he can issue any order for the Buddha Saint. 在这个时候,在场的修士强者还敢说什么呢?谁还敢有意见呢?先不说李七夜乃是佛陀圣地的主宰,作为圣山的继承人,他可以为佛陀圣下达任何命令。 Even is not so, does not need to move a finger with Li Qiye, extinguished Golden Pestle Jian Hao and General supreme they, at this moment, the intelligent people understands, now and Li Qiye cannot pass, that is very unwise action, that is brings about own destruction. 就算不是如此,就凭着李七夜不需要动一根手指,就灭了金杵剑豪至高大将军他们,在此时此刻,聪明的人都明白,现在与李七夜过不去,那是十分不明智之举,那是自寻死路。 „The Saint Lord wise supernatural might, I and others am willing to obey dispatching of Saint Lord.” At this time, had Buddhist Holy Land disciple kneels in the ground, loud call. 圣主英明神武,我等愿听从圣主的差遣。”在这个时候,有佛陀圣地的弟子伏拜于地上,大声呼叫。 „The Saint Lord wise supernatural might, I and others am willing to obey dispatching of Saint Lord.” At this moment, Buddhist Holy Land on the scene cultivator powerhouse also one after another kneels in the place, loudly shouted loudly. 圣主英明神武,我等愿听从圣主的差遣。”在此时此刻,在场的佛陀圣地修士强者也都纷纷伏拜于地,高声大呼。 Such, makes some people think that was too disgusting, after all before then, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses are facing in Li Qiye at heart think otherwise, even there is the cultivator powerhouse and Large Sect Old Ancestor once to take advantage Wishful in secret, is thinking how to cut to kill Li Qiye, now actually one after another kneel and worship in the Li Qiye's under foot. 这样的一幕,也让一些人觉得太肉麻了,毕竟在此之前,也不知道有多少修士强者在心里面对于李七夜不以为然呢,甚至有修士强者、大教老祖曾暗中打着如意算盘,想着怎么样斩杀李七夜呢,现在却都纷纷跪拜李七夜的脚下。 However, that feared that in thought otherwise and even had regarding Li Qiye a moment ago to be hostile toward the Li Qiye's cultivator powerhouse, that one after another kneel and worship in the Li Qiye's under foot, other person of it has also dared not to follow the crowd, perhaps will be fastened the treason and heresy and following to defy superiors wait/etc charge. 然而,那怕是在刚才对于李七夜不以为然、甚至有仇视李七夜的修士强者,那都已经纷纷跪拜李七夜的脚下了,其他人其是还敢不从众,说不定会被扣上大逆不道、以下犯上等等的罪名了。 Therefore, at this moment, Buddhist Holy Land many cultivator powerhouse also one after another kneel and worship on the ground, loudly shouted to Li Qiye loudly. 所以,在此时此刻,佛陀圣地许许多多的修士强者也都纷纷跪拜在地上,对李七夜高声大呼。 At this point, even if Correct One Cult and Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries cultivator powerhouse, even if has not done obeisance to shout loudly to Li Qiye greatly, but, one after another salutes to Li Qiye bowing the body, that feared that is Large Sect Old Ancestor and aristocratic family Senior Elder is not exceptional. 在此时,就算是正一教东蛮八国修士强者,就算没对李七夜大拜高呼,但,都纷纷李七夜鞠身致敬,那怕是大教老祖、世家元老都是不例外。 After all, now Li Qiye is Buddhist Holy Land Saint Lord, the control of Saint Mountain, it may be said that is powerful, that feared that Correct One Cult and Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries are not under the Li Qiye jurisdiction, that should also respect to him. 毕竟,现在李七夜乃是佛陀圣地圣主,圣山的主宰,可谓是位高权重,那怕正一教东蛮八国不在李七夜管辖之下,那也都应该向他以示尊敬。 Bang, bang and bang......” sounds of the hit transmit, at this time, has many Black Tide Sea ominous thing to arrive, they are hitting the Buddha wall time and time again, temporarily, they cannot hit the Buddha wall. “砰、砰、砰……”一声声撞击之声传来,在这个时候,已经有不少的黑潮海凶物已经抵达了,它们一次又一次地撞击着佛墙,暂时而言,它们还是撞不开佛墙。 In fact, when Little Black, Little Yellow and Golden Pestle Jian Hao and General supreme to the war, have the Black Tide Sea ominous thing to attack the Buddha wall, but is far from at this moment so many. 事实上,在小黑小黄金杵剑豪至高大将军对战的时候,就已经有黑潮海的凶物攻击佛墙了,只不过远没有此时此刻那么多而已。 Now the Black Tide Sea ominous thing beside Buddha wall is more and more, therefore, hits the Buddha wall strength is also getting bigger and bigger. 现在在佛墙之外的黑潮海凶物乃是越来越多,所以,撞击佛墙的力量也就越来越大。 Sees the Black Tide Sea ominous thing that beside the Buddha wall gathers is more and more, dense and numerous . Moreover, the Black Tide Sea deep place also has the countless ominous thing to come like locust same galloping, the cultivator powerhouse after on the scene sees, is fearful and apprehensive. 看到佛墙之外聚集的黑潮海凶物乃是越来越多,密密麻麻的,而且,黑潮海深处还有数之不尽的凶物如蝗虫一样奔腾而来,在场的修士强者看到之后,都不由为之心惊肉跳。 stand up.” At this time, the Li Qiye vision swept, looked at ominous thing outside a Buddha wall, told Wei Qianqing, said lightly: Withdraw to Rong health/guard battalion, opens the defense.” 平身吧。”在这个时候,李七夜目光一扫,看了一眼佛墙之外的凶物,吩咐卫千青,淡淡地说道:“都撤到戎卫营,打开防御。” Wei Qianqing kowtows does obeisance greatly, then immediately loudly shouted: Everyone follows me, remains behind Rong Weiying, can not stay in Black Wood Cliff.” Saying, ordering Rong Weiying all officers to assist to retreat. 卫千青顿首大拜,然后立即大喝道:“所有人跟我走,都留守戎卫营,不得停留在黑木崖之中。”说着,下令戎卫营的所有将士都协助撤退。 At this moment, Black Wood Cliff all cultivator powerhouses no longer hesitant, followed Wei Qianqing they to remove into Rong Weiying. 此时此刻,黑木崖的所有修士强者都不再犹豫,跟随着卫千青他们撤入了戎卫营。 At once, the team is enormous and powerful, tens of thousands of cultivator powerhouse and Black Wood Cliff common people also one after another evacuates to Rong health/guard battalion, what luckily is, Rong Weiying outside Black Wood Cliff City, therefore tens of thousands of cultivator powerhouses also removed into Rong Weiying quickly. 一时之间,队伍浩浩荡荡,成千上万的修士强者、黑木崖百姓也都纷纷向戎卫营撤离,幸好的是,戎卫营就在黑木崖城外,所以成千上万的修士强者也很快撤入了戎卫营。 Rong Weiying occupies a land area is very broad, moreover is easily defensible, but, after all cultivator powerhouse and Black Wood Cliff common people removed into camp, this made entire camp crowd, dense and numerous, was head sways everywhere. 戎卫营占地很广,而且是易守难攻,但是,当所有的修士强者、黑木崖的百姓都撤入了营地之后,这就使得整个营地十分拥挤了,密密麻麻,到处都是人头攒动。 What was different from the past, at this moment, protected the camp center in Rong, is placing a big incomparable statue, this statue Wei Qianqing the statue that moved from Little Saint Mountain, the Zen Buddha Dao Monarch's statue. 与以往不同的是,此时此刻,在戎卫营中央,摆放着一尊高大无比的雕像,这尊雕像正是卫千青小圣山搬回来的雕像,禅佛道君的雕像。 This statue Buddha air/Qi is enormous and powerful, reveres prestige Supreme, therefore, after seeing this statue, many cultivator powerhouse one after another does obeisance. 这尊雕像佛气浩荡,尊威无上,所以,见到这尊雕像之后,不少修士强者都纷纷一拜。 After everyone removed into Rong Weiying, heard buzz a resonate sound, even everyone heard buddhist chantAmitabha ”, when this buddhist chant resounded, the Buddhist Light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), enormous and powerful Supreme fell in torrents instantaneously, making in Rong Weiying everyone bathe in Supreme Buddhist Light, Supreme let person of impulsion that had lying prostrate in worship. 当所有人都撤入了戎卫营之后,听到“嗡”的一声响起,甚至所有人都听到了一声佛号阿弥陀佛”,这一声佛号响起之时,佛光万丈,浩荡无上的佛威瞬间倾泻而下,使得戎卫营中的所有人都沐浴在了无上佛光之中,无上的佛威让人有顶礼膜拜的冲动。 Imperial sacrifices Buddha Dao Monarch in this moment, does not know that many cultivator felt, at present this Zen Buddha Dao Monarch's statue just like must live general, at once, there are many cultivator powerhouses and common people one after another to kowtow does obeisance greatly, shouted loudly continues. “禅佛道君”在这一刻,不知道有多少修士觉得,眼前这尊禅佛道君的雕像犹如要活过来一般,一时之间,也有许多的修士强者、平民百姓都纷纷叩头大拜,高呼不止。 Especially regarding Buddhist Holy Land everyone, Zen Buddha Dao Monarch has the Supreme position in their mind. 特别是对于佛陀圣地的所有人来说,禅佛道君在他们心目中有着至高无上的位置。 Hears buzz a resonate sound, at this time, saw only Buddhist Light to cover entire Rong Weiying, hears the clang clang clang the sound resounded, Buddhist Law lets fall, such as one Supreme order divine chain was the same, locked in entire Rong Weiying firmly, as if, in this moment, entire Rong Weiying turned into an impregnable fortress. 听到“嗡”的一声响起,在这个时候,只见佛光笼罩着了整个戎卫营,听到铛铛铛的声音响起的时候,佛法垂落,如一条条无上的秩序神链一样,牢牢地把整个戎卫营锁住了,似乎,在这一刻,整个戎卫营变成了一个牢不可破的堡垒。 Has the Zen Buddha Dao Monarch protection, we should be safe and sound, no wonder Saint Lord will make us remove into Rong Weiying, is thinks of us.” After recovering, many Buddhist Holy Land cultivator powerhouses relax, a they hanging heart also put down slightly. “有禅佛道君守护,我们应该是安然无恙了,难怪圣主会让我们撤入戎卫营,乃是为我们着想呀。”回过神来之后,不少佛陀圣地修士强者松了一口气,他们一颗高悬的心也都稍稍地放下了。 Bang, bang and bang......” in this moment, Black Wood Cliff is intermittent loud sound transmits, at this time had gathered many countless Black Tide Sea ominous thing beside the Buddha wall. “砰、砰、砰……”就在这一刻,黑木崖乃是一阵阵巨响传来,此时在佛墙之外已经聚集了许许多多数之不尽的黑潮海凶物了。 These shape strange strange Black Tide Sea ominous thing had launched the fierce incomparable attack to the entire Buddha wall, is hitting the Buddha wall by most powerful strength time and time again. 这些形状离奇古怪的黑潮海凶物已经对整个佛墙发起了凶猛无比的攻击,一次又一次以最强大的力量撞击着佛墙。 Under hit that in the so vast endless Black Tide Sea ominous thing goes all out, the entire Buddha wall sways to continue, as if entire Buddha wall could not have supported the attack of Black Tide Sea ominous thing, in less than many time, the entire Buddha wall wanted to collapse. 在如此浩瀚无尽的黑潮海凶物拼命的撞击之下,整个佛墙都摇晃不止,似乎整面佛墙已经支撑不住黑潮海凶物的攻击了,用不了多少的时候,整面佛墙都要崩塌了。 Must remove the Buddha wall.” At this time, does not know that who called one, hears buzz a resonate sound, stood erect the Buddha wall beside Black Wood Cliff to vanish suddenly. “要撤佛墙。”就在这个时候,不知道谁叫了一声,听到“嗡”的一声响起,屹立在黑木崖之外的佛墙突然之间消失了。 After the Buddha wall removes, in Black Wood Cliff does not have any cultivator powerhouse guards, then, is blinking, entire Black Wood Cliff exposed in the front of Black Tide Sea ominous thing, entire Black Wood Cliff did not garrison to prepare. 当佛墙一撤下之后,黑木崖之内又没有任何修士强者把守,如此一来,在眨眼之间,整个黑木崖都暴露在了黑潮海凶物的面前,整个黑木崖都不设防备。 Roar in this in an instant, the big incomparable Black Tide Sea ominous thing roared loudly, its deafening roaring sound, does not know that frightened many cultivator powerhouses to hit to tremble, the both legs became tender. “吼”在这刹那之间,有一头高大无比的黑潮海凶物大声咆哮一声,它那震耳欲聋的咆哮声,不知道吓得多少修士强者直打哆嗦,双腿发软。 The Swiss root new book, the government history fosters the kind, «Number Distinguished people», likes this kind can collect, to the book review, an accession instrument 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