ED :: Volume #40

#3911: Little Black real status

Ten thousand arrows fire, so giant angry arrow, the trillion arrow fires, that is how the fearful soul, under ten thousand arrows, may extinguish a country, makes people frightened. 万箭齐发,如此巨大的怒箭,亿万箭齐发,那是多么的慑人心魂,万箭之下,可灭一国,多么的让人惊悚。 This merely is the hair of Little Yellow, might that at present erupts already so powerful terrifying, this can frightened, can with amazement? 这仅仅是小黄的毛发而已,眼前所爆发出来的威力就已经如此的强大恐怖了,这能不让人为之惊悚,能不让人为之骇然吗? When sees the trillion great arrow shoots towards sword city, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses call out in alarm, even there are many cultivator powerhouses under absent-minded, thinks that under these ten thousand arrows, the sword city will break. 亿万巨箭射向剑城之时,不知道有多少修士强者为之惊呼,甚至有不少的修士强者在失神之下,认为在这万箭之下,剑城将破。 Bang, bang and bang sound of the intermittent fire spread to all ears, the impulse swayed the world fearfully incomparable, the complementary waves impact came, to destroy to decay draws the dry potential, the might was peerless, like can destroy all. “砰、砰、砰”的一阵阵射击之声传入了所有的耳中,可怕无匹地冲击力摇晃了天地,余波冲击而来,有着摧朽拉枯之势,威力绝伦,如同可以摧毁一切。 However, that feared trillion arrow instantaneous fire above sword city, in bang, bang and bang in the firing, saw only the sword city to be projected arrow hole instantaneously. 但是,那怕亿万箭瞬间射击在了剑城之上了,在“砰、砰、砰”的射击声中,只见剑城瞬间被射出了一个又一个的箭眼 Is blinking, above the palatial incomparable sword city covered entirely arrow hole, the entire sword city was fired tattered and torn, but, left behind the innumerable arrow holes under the trillion great arrow fire although, entire sword city still palatial motionless. 在眨眼之间,巍峨无比的剑城之上布满了箭眼,整个剑城被射击得千疮百孔,但是,尽管在亿万巨箭射击之下留下了无数的箭孔,整座剑城依然巍峨不动。 The trillion hair that Little Yellow fires at has not broken through the sword city, on at this moment, sword city, although left behind the innumerable eye sockets, but it is still impregnable, is still standing strong without falling. 小黄所射击出来的亿万毛发并没有攻破剑城,在此时此刻,剑城身上虽然留下了无数的眼孔,但它依然是固若金汤,依然是屹立不倒 Good firm sword city, calls it firmly impregnably, that is not overrated.” Saw under the trillion great arrow shoots, although the sword city left behind arrow hole ten million/countless, but, still broken, making many cultivator powerhouse on the scene exclaim in surprise one. “好固坚的剑城,称之为固若金汤,那也是丝毫不为过呀。”看到在亿万巨箭怒射之下,虽然剑城留下了千万的箭眼,但,依然不破,让在场不少修士强者惊叹一声。 Large Sect Old Ancestor also said: Golden Pestle Jian Hao, indeed has many skills, this poor its painstaking care creates sword city is the might is indeed peerless, no wonder Golden Pestle Jian Hao thinks another day when he reaches the peak, his sword city can compare favorably in Dao Monarch Cultivation Technique surely, this indeed has the so powerful energy.” 大教老祖也不由说道:“金杵剑豪,也的确是有两把刷子,这穷其心血所创的‘剑城’的的确确是威力绝伦,难怪金杵剑豪自认为他日他登上巅峰之时,他的剑城必定能媲美于道君功法,这的确是有着如此强大的底气。” Saw that the sword city is safe and sound , many people relax secretly. 看到剑城安然无恙,也有不少人暗暗地松了一口气。 Sword cuts day in this in an instant, hears Golden Pestle Jian Hao one to drink greatly, the sound like the spring thunder, in an instant, just like blasted out the world, the prestige was fearful, his sound let fall , the impulsion that hong bent down such as Nine Heavens God Monarch handed down the god aim to be the same under Vault of Heaven, making one have, making many people exclaim in surprise. “剑斩天”在这刹那之间,听到金杵剑豪一声大喝,声如春雷,刹那之间,犹如是炸开了天地,声威慑人,他的声音垂落而下,如九天神王天穹之下传下了神旨一般,让人有着訇伏的的冲动,让多少人都不由为之惊叹。 Clang, sword cry Nine Heavens, in this in an instant, the infinite sword sea unites, sword light is radiant, sweeps Eight Desolate, a sword holds up the day, in the sword cry sound, brandishes to cut under. “铛”的一声,剑鸣九天,就在这刹那之间,无穷剑海合一,剑芒璀璨,荡扫八荒,一剑擎天,在剑鸣声中,抡斩而下。 A sword cuts to fall, stars bevels, sun and moon collapse and destruction, cuts the Heaven Splitting place, under this sword, many people observes it, for it soul destroyed/terror-stricken, under this sword, many people frightens complexion deathly white. 一剑斩落,星辰削平,日月崩灭,斩开天地,在这一剑之下,多少人观之,不由为之魂飞魄散,在这一剑之下,多少人不由为之吓得脸色煞白 When at the same time, hears buzz a resonate sound, on Little Yellow the turnover the infinite ray, the yellow is also shooting up to the sky, just like a thick earth yellow day request, in the Little Yellow opens the mouth spits, the mouth spits the Three Thousand Daos method, extends the Heng Tian (Cross Heaven) border, just like invisible big hand to the entire world hold to be the same. 在与此同时,听到“嗡”的一声响起,小黄身上也吞吐着无穷的光芒,黄色冲天而起,犹如厚土黄天一托,在小黄张口一吐之时,口吐三千道法,亘横天际,犹如无形的大手要把整个天地托起来一样。 Bang loud sound, the sword city a move sword cut day to cut instantaneously above the Little Yellow 3000 ecliptics, when loud sound, the land crack, everyone heard bang the sound resounds, the land caves, dust Fei Yang(to rise), everyone at present is dust and fog, does not see clearly at present this. “砰”的一声巨响,剑城所一招“剑斩天”瞬间斩在了小黄的三千黄道之上,在巨响之下,大地龟裂,所有人都听到“砰”的声音响起之际,大地塌陷,尘埃飞扬,所有人眼前都是一片尘雾,看不清楚眼前这一幕。 result / to bear fruit how?” Saw that the dust and fog obstructed to shut all, making many cultivator powerhouses on the scene raise the head to observe, everyone wants to know, in Golden Pestle Jian Hao this move sword cut day, what kind of result / to bear fruit Little Yellow met. 结果如何呢?”看到尘雾遮闭了一切,让在场的许多修士强者都不由翘首而观,大家都想知道在金杵剑豪这一招“剑斩天”之下,小黄会怎么样的结果 Can be cut to kill?” Some people whispered, naturally, at this moment, Buddhist Holy Land many cultivator powerhouses, the mood is also very complex. “会不会被斩杀了呢?”有人嘀咕了一声,当然,此时此刻,佛陀圣地的许多修士强者,情绪也是十分复杂的。 Bang loud sound, in another side, General supreme drew a bow to Little Black strikes fatally, in this electrical spark light, a Little Black opens the mouth, spouted vast Dao Light. “轰”的一声巨响,就在另一边,至高大将军本是引弓给小黑致命一击,就在这石火电光之间,小黑一张口,喷出了浩瀚道光 The Dao Light impact comes, easily accomplished, pushes in 30,000 horizontally , without the thing may keep off, operates the land plow forcefully. 道光冲击而来,摧枯拉朽,横推三万里,无物可挡,硬生生地把大地犁开。 Facing attacks Dao Light that comes like this, General supreme big shout, blood energy soars to the heavens, stars appears, in the bellow, is obviously the stars tall wall horizontal, in bang under loud sound, blocks vast Dao Light that the impact came. 面对这样冲击而来的道光,至高大将军大叫一声,血气冲天,星辰浮现,在轰鸣声中,乃是可见星辰高墙横起,在“砰”的一声巨响之下,挡住了冲击而来的浩瀚道光 However, in this bang under loud sound, the stars tall wall was still attacked a crack to come, General supreme together with his entire arrow, was rumbled continually drew back several steps. 但是,在这“砰”的巨响之下,星辰高墙依然是被冲击出一个破洞来了,至高大将军连同他的整个箭阵,都被轰得连退了好几步。 „” In this moment, hears roaring that shakes the world, sees only the body of Little Black to rise straight from the ground instantaneously, suddenly grew up, the speed is much faster, in an instant, the body of Little Black looks like a mountain to stand erect generally in everyone at present. “呜”在这一刻,听到一声撼动天地的咆哮,只见小黑的身体瞬间拔地而起,眨眼之间就长大了,速度快得无与伦比,刹那之间,小黑的身体就像是一座山岳一般屹立在所有人的眼前。 In this moment, the body of Little Black is big, the steam that its nostril spurts seems two waterfalls to drop from the clouds, fangs in its mouth, seems like two giant incomparable sickles, that feared that broken off tooth, is still sharp incomparable, flashes is letting the person for it absolutely terrified cold light. 在这一刻,小黑的身体高大无比,它鼻孔喷出来的热气就好像有两股瀑布从天而降,它嘴中的獠牙,就好像是两把巨大无比的弯刀,那怕那一颗已折断的牙齿,依然是锋利无比,闪动着让人不由为之毛骨悚然的寒光 At this time, Little Black shook the body, hears crash a resonate sound, its mane like Celestial Waterfall same lets fall, Primal Chaos Qi lingers, very magnificent. 在这个时候,小黑抖了抖身体,听到“哗啦”的一声响起,它身上的鬃毛如同是天瀑一样垂落而下,混沌之气萦绕,十分的壮观。 In this moment, Little Black revealed True Body, it on entire appeared a spot, each say/way spot just like Supreme Seal sequence to be the same, is restless in the rotation, when each say/way spot rotates to the certain extent, the instantaneous black ray is radiant. 在这一刻,小黑露出了真身,它全上浮现了道斑,每一个道斑犹如一个无上章序一样,在轮转不息,当每一个道斑轮转到一定程度的时候,瞬间黑色的光芒璀璨。 looks at Little Black True Body, cultivator powerhouse raise one's head on the scene looks, even can say, at this time Little Black True Body comes compared with Little Yellow, but also wants the grand three points, especially its muscle Ben has time, filled infinite strength, under making one look, believes, it can open the world instantaneously. 看着小黑真身,在场的修士强者都不由抬头仰望,甚至可以说,此时小黑真身比起小黄来,还要雄伟三分,特别是它身上的肌肉贲起的时候,充满了无穷的力量,让人一看之下,都不由认为,它可以瞬间把天地拆了。 Sees so big grand Little Black, at once, making many cultivator powerhouses turn very quiet, in the heart shocked. 看到如此高大雄伟的小黑,一时之间,让不少的修士强者都不由为之屏住了呼吸,心里面不由为之震撼。 I, I know that who it was?” At this time, that seventy years of age incomparable Large Sect Old Ancestor closed up the big mouth, yelled, pulled out an cold air/Qi, said with amazement: It, it is Black Luminary Sovereign! It and Earth Splitting Bi'an are the life and death foes.” “我,我知道它是谁了?”在这个时候,那位古稀无比的大教老祖合拢上了张得大大的嘴巴,大叫了一声,抽了一口冷气,骇然地说道:“它,它就是黑曜犹皇!它和裂地狴犴乃是生死仇敌。” Black Luminary Sovereign and Earth Splitting Bi'an are the life and death foes.” Hears such words, does not know that in many cultivator powerhouse hearts shakes. 黑曜犹皇裂地狴犴是生死仇敌。”听到这样的话,不知道多少修士强者心里面为之一震呢。 In this moment, no matter what who knows, Earth Splitting Bi'an, is Black Luminary Sovereign, their great strength make anybody feel very terrifying. 在这一刻,任谁都知道,不论是裂地狴犴,还是黑曜犹皇,它们的强大都是让任何人觉得十分恐怖的。 But, as them of life and death foe, can stay side Li Qiye unexpectedly safely and uneventfully, becomes Li Qiye pet, this lets the matter that the person shocks. 但,作为生死仇敌的它们,竟然能安然无事地呆在李七夜身边,成为李七夜身边的宠物,这是多么让人震撼的事情。 Saint Lord is really extraordinary, cultivation Wushuang/matchless, deep and unmeasurable.” After recovering, many important people also shock, exclamation. 圣主果真是了不得,道行无双,深不可测呀。”回过神来之后,不少大人物也为之震撼,惊叹。 The great strength of Black Luminary Sovereign and Earth Splitting Bi'an, that was needless saying that what was more important, as them of life and death foe, was subdued by Li Qiye unexpectedly, was this need how strong strength? Is this need how terrifying method? 黑曜犹皇裂地狴犴的强大,那是不用多说了,更重要的是,作为生死仇敌的它们,竟然被李七夜收服,这是需要多么强大的实力?这是需要多么恐怖的手段? Regarding Large Sect Old Ancestor and aristocratic family Senior Elder on the scene, they want to subdue any are the not possible things, let alone was two life and death foe obediently stays side own. 对于在场的大教老祖、世家元老来说,他们想收服任何一头都是不可能的事情,更别说是两头生死仇敌乖乖地呆在自己身边了。 Saint Lord is Wushuang/matchless, worthily is the control of our Buddhist Holy Land.” After recovering, many Buddhist Holy Land powerhouses praise. 圣主乃是无双也,不愧是我们佛陀圣地的主宰呀。”回过神来之后,许多佛陀圣地的强者都赞扬不息。 If before, anybody will not believe such matter, even some people will ridicule that this is fantasy Heaven Splitting. 若是以前,任何人都不会相信这样的事情,甚至会有人嘲笑这是异想开天 However, immediately Li Qiye is to do is the control of Buddhist Holy Land, as if, even if subdued Earth Splitting Bi'an and Black Luminary Sovereign that to be nothing unusual, because he was the Saint Mountain master, his such deep and unmeasurable, such magical powers Wushuang/matchless, all these were the natural things. 但是,当下李七夜为作是佛陀圣地的主宰,似乎,就算是收服了裂地狴犴黑曜犹皇那都不足为奇,因为他是圣山的主人,他如此的深不可测,如此的神通无双,这一切都是理所当然的事情。 Little Black and Little Yellow are the life and death foes.” Is Yang Ling, after hearing this saying , the mouth opens in a big way. 小黑小黄是生死仇敌。”就是杨玲,听到这话之后,也不由嘴巴张得大大的。 Although said, she usually in also sees Little Black and Little Yellow does not cope, appearance that battle qi, but , the there's nothing big conflict, when has thought they unexpectedly are the life and death foes, stays side Li Qiye unexpectedly also safe and sound, this was really mysterious. 虽然说,她平日里也见小黑小黄乃是不对付,彼此之间斗气的模样,但,也没有什么大的冲突,什么时候会想到过它们竟然是生死仇敌,呆在李七夜身边竟然还安然无恙呢,这实在是太神奇了。 The old servant manner is tranquil, as if all these in expected are the same, he is not completely accidental, in fact, he has long known Little Black and Little Yellow origin. 老奴神态平静,似乎这一切都在意料之中一样,他完全不意外,事实上,他早就知道小黑小黄的来历了。 Killing in this in an instant, General supreme take action, directs the arrow again in the hand, stars sharp arrow just like the violent storm same fire ten million/countless, killed instantaneously to Little Black, was Black Luminary Sovereign. “杀”在这刹那之间,至高大将军再一次出手,引箭在手,千万星辰利箭犹如狂风暴雨一样射击而出,瞬间射杀向了小黑,也就是黑曜犹皇 Bang loud sound, stars sharp arrow shoots ten million/countless, cracked void, presented the black hole, the stars sharp arrow instantaneous bang killed ten million/countless, but, that was how dreadful matter, but slaughter Spiritual God, may let border country vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke instantaneously. “轰”的巨响,千万星辰利箭射来,虚空崩裂,出现了黑洞,千万星辰利箭瞬间轰杀而至,那是多么可怕的事情,可屠神灵,可瞬间让一个疆国灰飞烟灭 However, in this in an instant, sees only Little Black say/way spot to rise suddenly instantaneously, the say/way spots in an instant spout the inexhaustible ray, the black ray bloomed instantaneously, such as the sunspot blasted out in the world ten million/countless is the same, filled terrifying incomparable strength. 但是,就在这刹那之间,只见小黑身上的道斑瞬间暴涨,一个个道斑刹那之间喷涌出了无穷无尽的光芒,黑色的光芒瞬间绽放的时候,如千万太阳黑子在天地间炸开一样,充满了恐怖无匹的力量 In this instantaneous, hears bang, bang and bang the sound resounds, sees only such as the greatly Yang black mole to blast out a same black spot ten million/countless unexpectedly like stars sharp arrow that ten million/countless huge defense same blocked to shoot, what kind of great strength regardless of ten million/countless stars sharp arrow were might, cannot shoot through this Grand Dao black spot that is covering Little Black. 在这瞬间,听到“砰、砰、砰”的声音响起,只见如千万大阳黑子炸开一样的黑色道斑竟然如同巨大的防御层一样挡住了射来的千万星辰利箭,不论千万星辰利箭是威力如何的强大,都未能射穿这一个个笼罩着小黑大道黑斑。 crash and crash the sound resounds, at this time, another side, the to collapse land was the mudstone tumbles, in the land that in falling to collapse floated off the big form. 哗啦哗啦”的声音响起,在这个时候,另一边,崩塌的大地乃是泥石滚落,在陷崩的大地上浮起了高大的身影。 Everyone takes a broad view looks, this is Little Yellow, Earth Splitting Bi'an, although on it moistened many soil dust, but, under so heaven frightening cuts, has not injured to it unexpectedly, it shakes the body, the soil dust flies to fall. 大家放眼一看,这正是小黄,裂地狴犴,虽然它身上沾了不少的泥土尘埃,但,在如此惊天一斩之下,竟然也未伤到它,它抖一下身体,泥土尘埃飞落。 Clang, clang, clang and clang sharp incomparable sounds spread to everyone's ear in this moment, in this in an instant, sees only Little Yellow 40% one, an only sharp incomparable black gold claw revealed. “铛、铛、铛、铛”一声声锋利无比的声音在这一刻传入了所有人的耳中,在这刹那之间,只见小黄四足一张,一只只锋利无比的乌金爪子露出来了。 „” Little Yellow roared, leaps to empty, was in the void, sharp incomparable claw chops to cut under. “呜”小黄一声咆哮,跃空而起,身在虚空,锋利无匹的爪子劈斩而下。
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