ED :: Volume #40

#3909: Little Yellow real status

The sword city is palatial, as if anybody is unable to break through, even can say, with impregnable described insufficient at present such a sword city, what is more important, above the sword city, is Divine Sword hangs, when Divine Sword rotates one after another, Sword Dao evolves. 剑城巍峨,似乎任何人都无法攻破,甚至可以说,用固若金汤都不足形容眼前这么一座剑城,更重要的是,剑城之上,乃是神剑高悬,当神剑一轮又一轮转动的时候,剑道衍化。 Sword Dao across the sky, spanned through ancient times, penetrated the past and present, Sword Dao hung, may cut Deities, but slaughter Ten Thousand Worlds, Sword Dao hung there, frightened, was makes one not dare to approach one step. 剑道横空,跨越了亘古,穿透了古今,剑道高悬,可斩诸神,可屠万界,剑道悬于那里,让人惊悚,更是让人不敢去靠近一步。 In fact, the entire sword city sent out fearful Sword Qi, the cultivation deep cultivator powerhouses can look, the entire sword city was a part of Sword Dao. 事实上,整座剑城散发出了可怕的剑气,道行深的修士强者都能看得出来,整座剑城都是剑道的一部分。 Under Sword Qi common perilla Ran, anybody approaches, absolutely terrified, Large Sect Old Ancestor, is aristocratic family Senior Elder, can feel very much clearly, if own approached the sword city, meets is cut to kill by fearful Sword Dao instantaneously, no matter what defense, only feared that cannot block Sword Dao that hangs to cut. 剑气的荏冉之下,任何人靠近,都不由毛骨悚然,不论是大教老祖,还是世家元老,都很清晰地感受得到,如果自己靠近了剑城,会瞬间被可怕的剑道斩杀,不管是什么样的防御,只怕都挡不住高悬的剑道斩下。 Sword city, this is Supreme Technique that the Golden Pestle Jian Hao poor its life creates, thinks, if which day he can reach the peak, his Cultivation Technique can challenge Dao Monarch's Supreme Technique absolutely, therefore, Golden Pestle Jian Hao, regarding own Supreme Sword Dao, was full of confidence. 剑城,这是金杵剑豪穷其一生所创的无上之术,自认为若是哪一天他能登上巅峰,他这门功法绝对是可以挑战道君的无上之术,所以,金杵剑豪,对于自己无上剑道,乃是充满了信心。 At this time, everyone looked to Little Yellow. 在这个时候,所有人都不由望向小黄 Before the palatial sword city, a Little Yellow such old yellow dog, as if seems somewhat tiny, as if casual sword light cuts to fall, can cut to kill it, the dog head falls to the ground. 在巍峨的剑城之前,小黄这么一头老黄狗,似乎显得有些渺小,似乎随便一道剑芒斩落,都能把它斩杀,狗头落地。 woof-- facing the sword city, at this time, Little Yellow barked, proudly however the vertical appearance, showed disdain for a palatial sword city. “汪——”面对剑城,这个时候,小黄吠了一声,傲然而立的模样,傲视了一眼巍峨的剑城。 Little Yellow such stance, this made millions of powerhouses on the scene squint, everyone has not known that this old yellow dog was what origin, but, such stance proudly, making many Large Sect Old Ancestor and aristocratic family Senior Elder blush with shame. 小黄这样的姿态,这让在场千千万万的强者都不由相觑了一眼,大家都还不知道这头老黄狗是什么来历,但,这么傲然的姿态,让多少大教老祖、世家元老都不由为之汗颜。 Under the Golden Pestle Jian Hao sword city, Large Sect Old Ancestor and aristocratic family Senior Elder shivers, is also absolutely terrified in the heart, even is no one dares to approach, but, at this moment, Little Yellow unexpectedly is the manner that faraway regards. 金杵剑豪的剑城之下,大教老祖、世家元老都不由为之颤抖,在心里面也都不由为之毛骨悚然,甚至是没有人敢靠近,但是,此时此刻,小黄竟然是邈视的神态。 If before, some people believes certainly, such a old yellow dog does not know the sky is high the earth is deep, is brings about own destruction. 若是在以前,一定会有人认为,这么一头老黄狗是不知道天高地厚,乃是自寻死路。 However, at this moment, actually no one dares to speak such words, after all, Li Qiye, but Saint Lord, is controlling entire Buddhist Holy Land exist(ence), came from Saint Mountain him, it may be said that is deep and unmeasurable, pet that he brings, can be simple? 但是,此时此刻,却没有人敢说这样的话,毕竟,李七夜可是圣主,主宰着整个佛陀圣地存在,来自于圣山的他,可谓是深不可测,他所带来的宠物,能简单吗? Therefore, many cultivator powerhouses guessed, especially the Buddhist Holy Land disciple, they believes in the heart, Little Yellow and Little Black, that certainly Divine Beast that follows from Saint Mountain, perhaps, this was Saint Mountain Protector God Beast says. 所以,许许多多修士强者猜测,特别是佛陀圣地的弟子,他们在心里面都认为,小黄小黑,那一定是从圣山跟着下来的神兽,或许,这就是圣山守护神兽都说准呢。 -- when many blankly look at each other, at this moment, see only Little Yellow to Vault of Heaven furiously roared, under its furiously roared, hears bang loud sound. “嗷——”就在不少人面面相觑的时候,在此时此刻,只见小黄对着天穹一声狂吼,在它狂吼之下,听到“轰”的一声巨响 In this electrical spark light, saw only Little Yellow to face upward the mouth of opening spout a light beam, such a light beam was intensely bright, as if, must put out Supreme Inner Core to be the same in this moment Little Yellow. 就在这石火电光之间,只见小黄仰天张大的嘴巴喷涌出了一道光柱,这么一道光柱乃是夺目耀眼,似乎,在这一刻小黄是要吐出无上内丹一样。 The space shivers, sees only the body of Little Yellow to increase in this instantaneously . Moreover the speed is extremely fast, is blinking, originally is a Little Yellow body of yellow dog size becomes such as a mountain to be big unexpectedly. 紧接着,空间颤抖,在这瞬间只见小黄的身体在变大,而且速度极快,在眨眼之间,本是一头黄狗大小的小黄身躯竟然变得如一座山岳那么高大。 In this moment, the hair of Little Yellow whole body raises up, such as filled strength with be angrily same, as the body of Little Yellow turned into a mountain that huge time all of a sudden, its whole body got angry the vertical hair seemed like shoots greatly same punctures on its body. 在这一刻,小黄全身的毛发竖起,如充满了力量和愤怒一样,随着小黄的身体一下子变成了一座山岳那么巨大的时候,它全身怒竖的毛发看起来就像是一支支的巨射一样刺在它的身体上。 But at this time, an eye of Little Yellow becomes more giant than the lantern, time that its giant incomparable eyes, look, lets fall the ray to be the same probably. 而此时,小黄的一双眼睛变得比灯笼还要巨大,它那巨大无比的双眼,一望来的时候,就好像是垂落光芒一样。 Hears clang, clang and clang the sound resounds, this clear incomparable gold/metal resounding sound, one has the sheath to be the same Divine Sword probably. 听到“铛、铛、铛”的声音响起,这清脆无比的金鸣响声,好像是一把把神剑出鞘一样。 But, carefully looked that is not Divine Sword comes out of the sheath, but was Little Yellow 40% one after another revealed the claw, a claw was only sharp, the pitch-black sharp claws are flashing the sharp incomparable ray, the ray that as if each wisp of institute flashed, can penetrate any defense instantaneously, as if each pitch-black sharp claws wanted to be sharply same than any Divine Sword. 但,仔细一看,那不是什么神剑出鞘,而是小黄四足纷纷露出了爪子了,一只只的爪子锋利无比,乌黑的利爪闪动着犀利无比的光芒,似乎每一缕所闪动出来的光芒,都可以瞬间穿透任何防御,似乎每一只乌黑的利爪都比任何神剑要锋利一样。 At this time, Little Yellow 40% made an effort, the sharp claws grasped into the land ruthlessly, heard "crack, crack, crack" the sound of disruption to spread to everyone's ear. 在这个时候,小黄四足一用力,利爪狠狠地抓入了大地之中,听到“喀嚓、喀嚓、喀嚓”的碎裂之声传入了所有人的耳中。 Under the sharp claws of Little Yellow, it only needs to make an effort slightly, the land was torn unexpectedly all of a sudden. 小黄的利爪之下,它只需要稍稍一用力,大地都竟然一下子被撕裂了。 As if, so long as the Little Yellow sharp claws tear down ruthlessly, can tear in half entire Black Wood Cliff instantaneously, only sees such a, making one have a shiver. 似乎,只要小黄利爪狠狠地撕下,可以把整个黑木崖瞬间撕成两半,单是看到这样的一幕,让人不由打了一个冷颤。 Considers, the so sharp sharp claws pat instantaneously, when body of own, looks like a sharp sword to cleave in two own equally instantaneously. 试想一下,如此锋利的利爪瞬间拍在自己的身上的时候,就像是一把利剑一样瞬间把自己劈成两半。 Quite big.” At this time, everyone raised the head looks at Little Yellow, especially looks at Little Yellow that blasted out the common hair, pointed to like the trillion great arrow to sky, that is full of the feeling of strength. “好高大呀。”在这个时候,大家都不由抬起头来看着小黄,特别是看着小黄那炸开一般的毛发,像亿万巨箭一样直指向天空,那是多么充满力量的感觉。 what is this type Divine Beast?” Sees such a, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses hit one to tremble. 这是什么样的神兽?”看到这样的一幕,不知道多少修士强者打了一个哆嗦。 Little Yellow like the mountain, at this time, the military might was big incomparable, it has not needed any wild with rage mood completely, it stood there, that has frightened everyone to be absolutely terrified, does not know that frightened many of both legs to hit to tremble. 小黄高大如山岳,在这个时候,威武无比,它已经完全不需要任何狂怒的情绪了,它站在那里的时候,那都已经吓得所有人毛骨悚然了,不知道吓得多少人双腿直打哆嗦了。 Has Cloud and Mud School student to see the appearance of Little Yellow that fierce military might, was collapses to the ground directly, the complexion like the earth, with amazement, said: My mother, I never knows that such one yellow dog is such big.” 云泥学院学生看到小黄那凶猛威武的模样,乃是直接瘫坐在地上了,脸色如土,骇然,说道:“我的妈呀,我从来不知道这么一条黄狗是这么高大的。” Before then, Little Yellow and Little Black, when Cloud and Mud School steals food some student mount, does not know that many student are filled with righteous indignation, how even some Cloud and Mud School student are pondering over is butchering Li Qiye these two huge thing in private. 在此之前,小黄小黑云泥学院偷吃一些学生坐骑的时候,不知道有多少学生是义愤填膺呢,甚至有一些云泥学院学生在琢磨着怎么把李七夜这两条庞物私下宰了。 Today, when saw Little Yellow True Body, that was frightens to break their gallbladders, had not butchered Little Yellow in Cloud and Mud School luckily at that time secretly, otherwise, by their small physiques, was insufficient to the Little Yellow stops up gap between teeth. 今日,看到了小黄真身之时,那是吓破了他们的胆了,幸好当时在云泥学院没有偷偷去宰小黄,不然的话,以他们的小身板,给小黄塞牙缝都不够。 This, what is this type Divine Beast?” Some powerhouses whispered, cannot bear ask that some more powerful Large Sect Old Ancestor, said in a low voice: What Divine Beast does senior know Dao Saint above the mountain to raise?” “这,这是什么样的神兽呢?”有强者不由嘀咕了一声,忍不住问一些更加强大的大教老祖,低声说道:“前辈知道圣山之上豢养有什么样的神兽吗?” Regarding such issue, many Large Sect Old Ancestor are blankly look at each other, they cannot answer, because they have not gone to Saint Mountain, without ascending Saint Mountain them, what kind of Divine Beast also knows Dao Saint above the mountain to raise. 对于这样的问题,多少大教老祖面面相觑的,他们也答不上来,因为他们都没有去过圣山,没登过圣山的他们,又焉知道圣山之上豢养着怎么样的神兽 At this time, had seventy years of age incomparable aristocratic family Senior Elder to hesitate some little time, said in a low voice: This, this is Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, should, should be Earth Splitting Bi'an!” 在这个时候,有古稀无比的世家元老沉吟了好一会儿,低声地说道:“这,这是混沌元兽呀,应该,应该是裂地狴犴!” what is this type rank? Heaven Rank high-grade?” Some younger generations also the first time are heard such Primal Chaos Yuan Beast, asked surprised. 这是什么样级别的呢?天阶上品吗?”有晚辈也是第一次听到这样的混沌元兽,不由吃惊地问道。 No, this is a King!” This aristocratic family Senior Elder manner is dignified. “不,这是王者!”这位世家元老神态凝重。 Has young cultivator to be startled, said: Has, has King such view?” 有年轻修士不由为之一怔,说道:“有,有王者这样的说法吗?” Side has Large Sect Old Ancestor saying: That is you are too ignorant, regarding true Peak Existence, the Heaven Rank high-grade, that is only the start. Primal Chaos Yuan Beast is also so, the King of Heaven Rank high-grade, such Primal Chaos Yuan Beast terrifying, far exceeds your imagination.” 旁边就有大教老祖说道:“那是你太无知,对于真正巅峰存在而言,天阶上品,那只是起步而已。混沌元兽也是如此,天阶上品的王者,这样混沌元兽恐怖,乃是远远超出你的想象。” „The King of Heaven Rank high-grade, Earth Splitting Bi'an.” Has the border country prince to be frightened, said: Listened to my ancestor master saying that when he was young once had seen a Earth Splitting Bi'an war from afar, a claw ripped to kill Heaven Rank high-grade Primal Chaos Yuan Beast!” 天阶上品的王者,裂地狴犴。”有疆国的王爷惊悚,说道:“听我祖爷说,他年轻之时曾远远看到过一头裂地狴犴大战,一爪就撕杀了一头天阶上品的混沌元兽!” Hears such words, many people are absolutely terrified, regarding many cultivator powerhouses, Primal Chaos Yuan Beast terrifying of Heaven Rank high-grade, a Earth Splitting Bi'an claw rips to kill in this way now, this is what kind of great strength. 听到这样的话,多少人不由毛骨悚然,对于多少修士强者来说,天阶上品的混沌元兽恐怖如斯了,现在裂地狴犴一爪撕杀,这是何等的强大。 Killed-- at this time, in the sword city, resounded one to bellow, Golden Pestle Jian Hao the sound of bellowing resounded through the world. “杀——”在这个时候,剑城之中,响起了一声大吼,金杵剑豪的大吼之声响彻了天地。 Clang, clang and clang the sound of sword cry is lingering on faintly, at this time, above sky of sword city, gathered trillion Divine Sword, trillion Divine Sword rotated, just like is vast sword sea great Great Vortex is ordinary. “铛、铛、铛”的剑鸣之声不绝于耳,在这个时候,剑城的天空之上,聚集了亿万神剑,亿万神剑轮转,犹如是一个汪洋剑海的巨大漩涡一般。 After a great roar, the flood impact that the great Great Vortex instantaneous impact in this vast sword sea, trillion Divine Sword instantaneous such as bursts a dike comes, to destroy to draw the potential of decaying, as if can destroy to be the same in an instant. 随着一声巨吼之后,这汪洋剑海之中的巨大漩涡瞬间冲击而下,亿万神剑瞬间如决堤的洪水冲击而来,有着摧毁拉朽之势,似乎可以在刹那之间毁灭一样。 The trillion Divine Sword impact comes, such as the flood same submerges all, but, is more fearful than the flood, it can wash away all, that is the dreadful matter. 亿万神剑冲击而来,如洪水一样淹没一切,但,比洪水更加可怕,它可以冲毁一切,那是何等可怕事情。 Everyone sees such a, pulled out an cold air/Qi. 所有人看到这样的一幕,都不由抽了一口冷气。 woof-- at this time, Earth Splitting Bi'an, is Little Yellow, to was barking like flood same trillion Divine Sword, its body shakes. “汪——”在这个时候,裂地狴犴,也就是小黄,对着如洪水一样的亿万神剑吠了一声,它身体一抖。 Instantaneously, whiz, whiz and whiz resonate sound air-splitting, in this moment, sees only on Little Yellow that the hair instantaneous lasing like the great arrow. 瞬间,“嗖、嗖、嗖”的破空之声响起,在这一刻,只见小黄身上那一根根像巨箭一样毛发瞬间激射而出。 The great arrow common hair shoots to sky, such as the trillion great arrow fires to be the same, the might is unequalled, as if in this in an instant, has then pierced sky, made into sky all of a sudden tattered and torn, sky seemed like makes into the screen to be the same. 巨箭一般的毛发怒射向天空,如亿万巨箭齐发一样,威力无与伦比,似乎在这刹那之间,便已经把天空洞穿,一下子把天空打成了千疮百孔,天空好像是被打成了筛子一样。 Flood same trillion Divine Sword and angry arrow common trillion hair hit above void instantaneously in one, heard bang, bang and bang the sound was lingering on faintly, in this in an instant, inconceivable appeared in everyone at present. 洪水一样亿万神剑与怒箭一般的亿万毛发瞬间在虚空之上撞击在了一起,听到“砰、砰、砰”的声音不绝于耳,在这刹那之间,不可思议的一幕出现在了所有人眼前了。 trillion Divine Sword of sword city, such as the flood general impact comes, to have the easily accomplished potential, Divine Sword instantaneous one after another that but, under the great arrow general trillion hair fire, this destroys the hardest defenses was struck crushes. 剑城的亿万神剑,如洪水一般冲击而来,有着摧枯拉朽之势,但是,在巨箭一般的亿万毛发射击之下,这无坚不摧的神剑瞬间一一被击得粉碎。 Therefore, hears bang, bang and bang the sound resounds, sees only trillion the Divine Sword disintegration, the innumerable Divine Sword fragments flutter about, clear sparking, sky just like gets down sparking flowing light to be the same. 所以,听到“砰、砰、砰”的声音响起的时候,只见亿万神剑崩碎,无数的神剑碎片纷飞,晶莹闪亮,天空犹如下起了闪亮的流光一样。 „Can hair be so hard?” Saw the trillion hair crushed one unexpectedly instantaneously Divine Sword, making everyone look to stay, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses looked stare dumbfounded, cannot believe that at present this, this also rather shocked. “毛发能这么坚硬?”看到亿万毛发竟然瞬间击碎了一把把的神剑,让所有人都看呆了,不知道有多少修士强者看得是瞠目结舌,都不敢相信眼前这一幕,这也未免是太震撼了吧。 In another side, kept off Little Black Eastern Barbarian General supreme is the complexion is also dignified. 在另一边,挡下了小黑东蛮至高大将军也是脸色凝重起来。
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