ED :: Volume #39

#3871: Being made to pay for one's evil doings

At this time, ,” the sound is lingering on faintly, that torrential roaring flame and flaming True Fire that are three dragon Baoxin furnace spout, at this time, actually in this in an instant in the precious jade devour(ing) by Li Qiye hand. 在这个时候,“蓬、蓬、蓬”的声音不绝于耳,那本是三龙抱薪炉所喷涌出来的滔滔烈焰、熊熊真火,在这个时候,却在这刹那之间被李七夜手中的这块宝玉所吞噬 That feared the roaring flame that three giant fire dragons spout is powerful and is fierce, but, this one piece of precious jade can in this in an instant devour(ing) cleanly, just like Glutton is common. 那怕三头巨大火龙所喷涌出来的烈焰再强大、再凶猛,但,这一块宝玉都能在这刹那之间吞噬得一干二净,犹如饕餮一般。 This one piece of precious jade, is devour(ing) the impact is not only submerging to come roaring flame True Fire, but, it must drain all roaring flame True Fire in three dragon Baoxin furnace to be the same. 一块宝玉,不仅仅是吞噬着冲击淹没而来烈焰真火,而且,它是要抽干三龙抱薪炉内的所有烈焰真火一般。 In „”, after this precious jade devour(ing) ends the roaring flame that three dragon Baoxin furnace attacked, it had the strong incomparable suction unexpectedly, True Fire drags to entrain forcefully in three dragon Baoxin furnace contains. 在“蓬”的一声之中,当这块宝玉吞噬完了三龙抱薪炉冲击出来的烈焰之后,它竟然产生了强大无比的吸力,硬生生地把三龙抱薪炉之内所蕴藏着的真火拖拽出来。 „It is not good.” Young Master Tuhuo also discovered all of a sudden is not wonderful, immediately wants to take back True Fire in three dragon Baoxin furnace, the suction that but, the precious jade has is powerful, True Fire had been towed to entrain, therefore, at this time, Young Master Tuhuo is unable to take back True Fire. “不好。”吐火少主也一下子发现了不妙,立即想收回三龙抱薪炉之内的真火,但,宝玉所产生的吸力强大无匹,真火已是被拖拽出来了,所以,在这个时候,吐火少主根本就无法收回真火 This precious jade, will not only defend.” Sees such a, some Large Sect Old Ancestor and aristocratic family Senior Elder, is startled secretly, sees such a, was really their anticipation. “这块宝玉,不仅仅只会防御。”看到这样的一幕,一些大教老祖、世家元老,也不由暗暗吃惊,看到这样的一幕,实在是太出于他们的意料了。 From the beginning, everyone has experienced the defense of this one piece of precious jade, the great strength of defense, making one be flabbergasted. 一开始,大家都见识过这一块宝玉的防御,防御之强大,让人都不由为之咋舌。 However, when this precious jade plays its might at this time again, making one see that not only it has powerful defends strength incomparable, it also meets the Backfire attack unexpectedly, how this does not make people be startled. 但是,当此时这块宝玉再一次发挥它的威力之时,让人看到的,不仅仅它有着强大无匹防御力量,它竟然还会反噬攻击,这怎么不让人大吃一惊呢。 Such one piece of precious jade, only defended is the Dao Monarch rank, if it also had so powerful Backfire attack, considered, such one piece of precious jade, that was what kind of extraordinary, that was what kind of might is infinite. 这么一块宝玉,单是防御都已经是道君级别了,若是它还拥有如此强大的反噬攻击,试想一下,这样的一块宝玉,那是何等的了不得,那是何等的威力无穷。 The one piece of material in this way, what kind of weapon that will build powerful. 一块材料都强大如斯,那将会打造出怎么样的兵器呢。 Breaking in this electrical spark light, Young Master Tuhuo loudly shouts, decisive agile, cut off True Fire, isolated devour(ing) of precious jade to True Fire, his own was rebounded continually thump thump thump by such strength drew back several steps. “断”在这石火电光之间,吐火少主大喝一声,果断利索,斩断了真火,隔离了宝玉对真火吞噬,他自己被这样的力量反弹得咚咚咚连退了好几步。 Bang loud sound, when Young Master Tuhuo just came to a stop, saw only the precious jade in an instant spout terrifying peerless True Fire. “轰”的一声巨响,就在吐火少主刚刚站稳的时候,只见宝玉已经刹那之间喷涌出了恐怖绝伦的真火 But this spout impact True Fire, it absorbed devour(ing) True Fire from three dragon Baoxin dragon a moment ago, but, at this time such True Fire spout to shell from the precious jade, the might is more powerful, terrifying. 这喷涌冲击而出的真火,正是刚才它从三龙抱薪龙中所吸收吞噬真火,但,此时这样的一股真火从宝玉之中喷涌轰击出来,威力更加强大,更加的恐怖 Therefore, when this one piece of True Fire impact comes, just like the pulse, in an instant pierces all, burns friendly myriad things, overbearing peerless, is ordinary like the laser scalpel, in an instant cut the space, that feared that stood, makes people feel one to flaming the pain very much, such might, making people absolutely terrified, at once, does not know many cultivator powerhouses were frightened retrocede. 所以,当这一块真火冲击而来的时候,如同脉冲一样,刹那之间洞穿一切,烧融万物,霸道绝伦,如同光刀一般,刹那之间切割了空间,那怕站得很远,都让人感受到了一股炽痛,这样的威力,让人不由毛骨悚然,一时之间,不知道多少修士强者被吓得后退。 Getting up facing the True Fire pulse that this comes, Young Master Tuhuo is also surprised, shouted severely, the real secret art executed, the principle appeared. “起”面对这突然而来的真火脉冲,吐火少主也不由为之一惊,厉喝道,真诀施出,法则浮现。 In this electrical spark light, three giant dragon fire dragons rushed to the Young Master Tuhuo front all of a sudden, simultaneously spouts three roaring flame, three gangs of fierce flood gathers in together, attacked the True Fire bombardment that came to the precious jade in the past. 就在这石火电光之间,三头巨龙的火龙一下子冲到了吐火少主的面前,同时喷出三股烈焰,三股烈滔汇聚在一起,向宝玉冲击而来的真火轰击过去。 Bang, bang and bang two powerful True Fire roaring flame instantaneous impacts bumped into one, but, the roaring flame of three giant fire dragons, although was powerful, but, actually could not block True Fire that the precious jade shelled to come. “轰、轰、轰”两股强大的真火烈焰瞬间冲击相撞在了一起,但是,三头巨大火龙的烈焰虽然强大,但,却挡不住宝玉所轰击而来的真火 The fire dragon roaring flame was compelled to retrocede successively, finally, could not block completely, hears Tzzzzzzzzz the sound resounds, under the powerful blow of precious jade True Fire, sees only three giant fire dragons also to start to melt. 火龙烈焰被节节逼得后退,最后,完全是挡不住了,听到“滋、滋、滋”的声音响起,在宝玉真火的强大冲击之下,只见三头巨大火龙也都开始融化。 At this time, Young Master Tuhuo is holding three dragon Baoxin furnace, is stimulating to movement the roaring flame by the powerful real secret art, by strenuous efforts supporting, him is sweating profusely, is about unable to support. 在这个时候,吐火少主抱着三龙抱薪炉,以强大的真诀催动着烈焰,苦苦支撑着,他是挥汗如雨,已经快支撑不住了。 Reversal suddenly, making many cultivator powerhouse mouths on the scene open in a big way. 突然之间的逆转,让在场的许多修士强者都不由嘴巴张得大大的。 Before then, many cultivator powerhouses believe, Li Qiye only feared died, under burning down of three dragon Baoxin furnace, only feared that meets vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke. 在此之前,多少修士强者认为,李七夜只怕是死定了,在三龙抱薪炉的焚烧之下,只怕是会灰飞烟灭 However, who can want to obtain, is blinking, the entire situation reverses, in this in an instant, Young Master Tuhuo was bogged down in difficulties, was compelled to support with hardship, the life and death hangs in the frontline. 然而,又有谁能想得到,在眨眼之间,整个局势逆转,在这刹那之间,吐火少主陷入了困境,被逼得苦苦支撑着,生死悬于一线。 Boy, where it is possible to let people off, one should spare them.” At this time, followed the Tuhuo Aristocratic Family elder who Young Master Tuhuo is coming to loudly shout. “小子,得饶人处且饶人。”在这个时候,跟随着吐火少主而来的吐火世家长老不由大喝一声。 These elders have trod the first several steps, blood energy shoots up to the sky, compelled to Li Qiye, without a doubt, they must approach Li Qiye take action. 这几位长老已经踏前几步,身上的血气冲天而起,向李七夜逼了过去,毫无疑问,他们要向李七夜出手 „One side my Young Master management, rolls.” old servant coldly looked at their one eyes, said. “我少爷办事,滚一边去。”老仆冷冷地看了他们一眼,说道。 The Tuhuo Aristocratic Family elder exposed immediately, their Tuhuo Aristocratic Family in Black Wood Cliff, although was inferior that Biandu Aristocratic Family such hoodwinks the public, but, is the Black Wood Cliff powerful aristocratic family, today is actually reprimanded by old servant drinks. 吐火世家的长老就立即暴露了,他们吐火世家黑木崖虽然不如边渡世家那样只手遮天,但,也是黑木崖强大的世家,今日竟然被一个老仆斥喝。 old man, who you are.” An elder gets angry shouts. 老头,你是何人。”一位长老怒喝道。 The old servant eyelid has not pulled up, said lightly: Young Master servant.” 老奴眼皮都没有撩一下,淡淡地说道:“少爷身边的仆人而已。” Rests is in the way here, rolls several elder life-savings of Tuhuo Aristocratic Family to be cherished, where has the moods and servant many wave argument, immediately begins, swept single-handedly. “休在这里碍事,滚”吐火世家的几位长老救人心切,哪里有心情和一个奴仆多浪口舌,立即动手,一手扫了过去。 Clang, resonate sound of blade cry, the blade light flashes past, the instantaneous blood shoots up to the sky. “铛”的一声,刀鸣之声响起,刀光一闪而过,瞬间鲜血冲天而起。 When blood light soars to the heavens, heads from the sky tumble, this is the head of Tuhuo Aristocratic Family elder, but the head that these from the sky tumble is also a both eye opens the eyes in a big way. 血光冲天的时候,一个个头颅在空中翻滚,这正是吐火世家长老的头颅,而这一颗颗在空中翻滚的头颅也是一双双眼睛睁得大大的。 All cultivator powerhouse dumbfounded on the scene, the mouth opens all of a sudden in a big way, for a very long time could not speak. 在场的所有修士强者都一下子呆住了,嘴巴张得大大的,久久说不上话来。 In this moment, everyone cannot imagine like this, even is unable to describe the own feelings with the expression. 在这一刻,大家都想象不到会这样,甚至是无法用言辞来形容自己的心情。 Far more than was the cultivator powerhouse on the scene, even if is cut the Tuhuo Aristocratic Family elder of head, that was also dumbfounded, they had a dream have not thought that own died such rapidness. 何止是在场的修士强者,就算是被砍了头颅的吐火世家长老,那也是呆住了,他们做梦都没有想到自己是死得如此之快。 Powerful such as they, even an old servant how blade, they have not seen clearly, when they recover a this is what type matter, their heads have fluttered on sky. 强大如他们,甚至连老奴怎么样出刀,他们都没有看清楚,当他们回过神来这是怎么样一回事的时候,他们的头颅已经是在天空上翻飞了。 When their heads fall to the ground, saw the body of own falls to the ground loudly, their mouths open in a big way, wants to scream the sound, but, a sound does not have. 当他们头颅落地的时候,看到了自己的身体是轰然倒地,他们的嘴巴张得大大的,想尖叫出声音来,但,却一点声音都没有。 The cultivator powerhouse on the scene, cannot speak, the old servant follows, when side Li Qiye, is the low eyebrow hangs the eye, probably a very respectful and submissive servant, moreover all aura are reserved, could not detect that on him has any powerful aura. 在场的修士强者,更是说不出话来,老奴跟在李七夜身边的时候,乃是低眉垂目,像是一个十分恭顺的奴仆,而且所有气息都内敛,让人根本察觉不到他身上有什么强大的气息。 Is such a old servant, very follows low-key common in Li Qiye behind, who will pay attention to him, even if some people have swept, that still only thinks that is just Li Qiye running about servant. 就是这样的一个老奴,十分低调不起眼地跟随在李七夜身后,又有谁会注意他呢,就算有人一眼扫过,那也只会认为那只不过是李七夜身边一个跑腿的仆人而已。 However, now old servant take action, the blade light flashes, several Tuhuo Aristocratic Family elder then head fall to the ground, this is how stirring matter, this is how fearful terrifying fact, such blade is so quick. 但是,现在老奴一出手,刀光一闪,几位吐火世家的长老便人头落地,这是多么震撼人心的事情,这是多么可怕恐怖的事实,这样的刀是何等之快。 Do not say that was the Tuhuo Aristocratic Family elder, in Large Sect Old Ancestor and aristocratic family Senior Elder on the scene, when without seeing clearly the old servant such blade of appeared, because this blade was really quick. 不要说是吐火世家的长老了,就在在场的大教老祖、世家元老,都没有看清楚老奴这样的一刀是何时出现的,因为这一刀实在是太快了。 An old servant, Blade Skill startled such as day, how this is not shocking everyone on the scene, this lets everyone unexpected matter on the scene. 一个老奴,刀法惊如天,这怎么不震撼着在场的所有人呢,这是让在场的所有人都意想不到的事情。 „After terrifying recovers in this way, there is Large Sect Old Ancestor to pull out an cold air/Qi. 恐怖如斯”回过神来之后,有大教老祖不由抽了一口冷气。 Ah!” in this moment, resonate sound of pitiful yell, saw only the precious jade True Fire to attack the body of Young Master Tuhuo, although Young Master Tuhuo embraced three dragon Baoxin furnace, but, is the successor is incapable, could not block True Fire that the impact came completely. 啊”就在这一刻,惨叫之声响起,只见宝玉的真火已经冲击到了吐火少主的身上了,吐火少主虽然怀抱三龙抱薪炉,但,已经是后继无力,完全挡不住冲击而来的真火 In his pitiful yell sound, hears „” a combustion, at this time, saw only the Young Master Tuhuo whole body to burn. 在他的惨叫声中,听到“蓬”的一声燃烧,在这个时候,只见吐火少主全身燃烧起来。 "no!" Young Master Tuhuo called out pitifully sad and shrill, filled was unwilling with desperately, but, in this pitiful yell sound, he within the short time, was then fired the flying ash. “不”吐火少主凄厉惨叫一声,充满了不甘与绝望,但,在这惨叫声中,他在短短的时间之内,便被烧成了飞灰。 Everyone looks at Young Master Tuhuo was fired the ash helplessly, at once, entire scene silent to the extreme. 所有人都不由眼睁睁地看着吐火少主被烧成了灰,一时之间,整个场面寂静到了极点。 Everyone on the scene turned very quiet, for a very long time could not say to know. 在场的所有人都不由屏住了呼吸,久久说不出知来。 Also has not known how long, those present you looked at me, I look at you, everyone does not know that should should do. 也不知道过了多久,在场的人都你看我,我看你,大家都不知道该如何是好。 From the beginning, many people think that Li Qiye cannot attain this precious jade, now, Li Qiye not only attains this precious jade, but also demonstrated it astonishing incomparable might to everyone. 一开始,多少人认为李七夜根本拿不到这块宝玉,现在,李七夜不仅仅拿到了这块宝玉,还向所有人展示了它惊人无比的威力。 Even can say, from beginning to end, Li Qiye has not displayed what heaven frightening Cultivation Technique, turns the precious jade on hand merely, from blocking the attack of Young Master Tuhuo, burns vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke Young Master Tuhuo, is the might that Baoyu sends. 甚至可以说,从始至终,李七夜都没有施展什么惊天功法,仅仅是翻起手上的宝玉而已,从挡住吐火少主的攻击,把吐火少主烧得灰飞烟灭,都是宝玉本身所发出来的威力。 Considers, if builds the weapon such precious jade, under the powerful strength stimulation of movement, the might that it plays, will be what kind of fearful? 试想一下,若是把这样的宝玉打造成兵器,在强大的力量催动之下,它所发挥出来的威力,将会是何等的可怕呢? Who is he?” Large Sect Old Ancestor and Prime Minister border country who these distant places wait and see, the vision falls on the old servant. “他是谁呀?”那些远处观望的大教老祖疆国丞相,都不由目光落在老奴身上。 The old servant low eyebrow hangs the eye, wears a grey clothes, light ordinary, has not seen in his hand to have the blade, cannot feel his blade air/Qi, as if, that is just the ordinary servant. 老奴低眉垂目,穿着一身灰衣,平淡普通,没看到他手上有刀,也感受不到他身上的刀气,似乎,那只不过是普通的奴仆而已。 Now world, but also whose blade quickly in this way.” Has the Large Sect elder to mutter said. “当今天下,还有谁的刀快如斯。”有大教长老不由喃喃地说道。 How many elders a blade cut Tuhuo Aristocratic Family, the rapidness of blade, making one not see clearly, can this to shock? 一刀斩了吐火世家的几位长老,刀之快,让人都看不清楚,这能不让人为之震撼吗? Tuhuo Aristocratic Family elder, even if not the Peerless person of high skill, but, their strengths still absolutely are formidable, in today's powerhouse is also the well-known character. 吐火世家的长老,就算不是绝世高人,但,他们的实力也绝对是强悍,在当今强者中也是响当当的人物。 However, was actually cut the head by a blade, the opportunity of even revolting against does not have, this can be imagined, this blade was what kind of terrifying. 然而,却被一刀斩了头颅,连反抗的机会都没有,这可想而知,这一刀是何等恐怖了。 Blade Skill powerful in this way, now world who? Large Sect Old Ancestor and aristocratic family Senior Elder, they think it over, can only think to having a person. 刀法强大如斯,当今天下有谁呢?大教老祖、世家元老,他们都不由思来想去,唯一能想的到只有一个人。 However, as if, the present old servant seems like not like, that person of past years, what kind of domineering soared to the heavens, what kind of haughty incomparable, present old servant, the low eyebrow hangs the eye, absolutely did not have the elegant demeanor of that person. 但是,似乎,眼前的老奴看起来又不像,当年的那个人,何等的霸气冲天,何等的狂傲无比,眼前的老奴,低眉垂目,根本就没有那个人的风采。 :.: :。:
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