ED :: Volume #39

#3869: Brings conveniently

An entire scene silence, everyone dull looks at at present this. 整个场面一片寂静,所有人都呆呆地看着眼前这一幕。 In, many powerhouses, many important people and many Large Sect Old Ancestor want to enter the mountain valley not to a moment ago, the person who no matter how powerful Large Sect Old Ancestor, by the rock fire of plump, will enter the mountain valley, will fire at to escape finally scared shitless by the pebble. 在刚才的时候,多少强者、多少大人物、多少大教老祖想进入山谷而不得,不管是多么强大的大教老祖,都会被圆滚滚的岩石射击,进入山谷的人,最终都会被石子射击得屁滚尿流地逃出来了。 However, at this moment, after Li Qiye entered the mountain valley, he has no defense, any preparation, the stone of mountain valley inside plump motionless, the rock of does not have any plump attacks Li Qiye, as if they have not seen Li Qiye to be the same. 但是,此时此刻,李七夜进入了山谷之后,他没有任何的防御,任何的准备,山谷里面圆滚滚的石头都一动不动,没有任何一颗圆滚滚的岩石攻击李七夜,似乎它们都没有看到李七夜一样。 Li Qiye walked into the mountain valley on such nature comfortably, strolls, looks at his appearance, did not seem to seen completely any danger is the same, walks with ease, walks comfortably satisfied. 李七夜就这样自然自在地走入了山谷之中,闲庭信步,瞧他的模样,似乎完全是没有看到任何危险一样,走得那么的轻松,走得那么自在惬意。 In this in an instant, has the cultivator powerhouse to recover, he whispered in a soft voice, said: In could it be that mountain valley the stone of plump by hypnosis? Also or, they are dozing off.” 在这刹那之间,有修士强者回过神来,他不由轻声嘀咕,说道:“难道山谷中圆滚滚的石头被催眠了?又或者,它们是在打瞌睡。” Therefore, this cultivator powerhouse does not believe in evil doctrines, stretches out the leg, moves toward the mountain valley secretly, he also wants to follow in Li Qiye behind, to submerge in the mountain valley secretly secretly. 所以,这个修士强者不信邪,伸出腿,偷偷地往山谷挪动,他也想偷偷地跟在李七夜身后,偷偷潜入山谷之中。 However, result / to bear fruit can be imagined, he moves into the mountain valley silently time, that feared that he just stretched out the one leg, „a pitiful yell of Ah!”, like being killed by lightning general, immediately took back the thigh, escapes by far. 但是,结果可想而知,他无声无息挪入山谷之中的时候,那怕他只是刚刚伸出一条腿,就“啊”的一声惨叫,如同雷殛一般,立即收回了大腿,逃得远远的。 Because his thigh moves into the mountain valley time, immediately has the stone of plump to fire at the pebble, hit him instantaneously. 因为他大腿一挪入山谷中的时候,立即有圆滚滚的石头射击出石子,瞬间击中了他。 Sees such a, those present blankly look at each other, the silly person can also look, was not the Li Qiye hypnosis in the mountain valley the stone of plump, the stone of plump had not dozed off. 看到这样的一幕,在场的人都不由面面相觑,再傻的人也都看得出来,并非是李七夜催眠了山谷中圆滚滚的石头,圆滚滚的石头也并没有打瞌睡。 Just, after is Li Qiye goes , the stone of plump does not attack him, or has a some reason, making the stone of this plump not dare to attack him. 只不过,是李七夜进去之后,圆滚滚的石头根本就不攻击他而已,或者有某一种原因,使得这圆滚滚的石头不敢去攻击他。 Why can he go in?” Has the cultivator powerhouse to be puzzling, cannot bear the whisper say. “为什么他就能进去呢?”有修士强者就百思不得其解,忍不住嘀咕地说道。 Has young cultivator fantasy Heaven Splitting, said: Perhaps, Li Qiye has the technique of hiding away, therefore he walks into the mountain valley, keeping the stone of plump from discovering him.” 有年轻修士不由异想开天,说道:“或许,李七夜有隐遁之术,所以他走入山谷之中,使得圆滚滚的石头无法发现他。” Such excuse, these Large Sect Old Ancestor on the scene, is not such trust , spirit Old Ancestor had gone in a moment ago. 这样的说辞,在场的那些大教老祖,也并不是那么的相信,在刚才的时候,幽灵老祖就进去过。 Comes from Ghost Race spirit Old Ancestor, his technique of hiding away, does not know that is higher than world person many, but, is not difficult to escape a tribulation. 出身于鬼族的幽灵老祖,他的隐遁之术,不知道高出天下人多少,但,还不也是难逃一劫。 Because he is Li Qiye.” Sees the Li Qiye weird person, to come from the Buddhist Emperor Plain older generation powerhouse, said: He is any weird matter has done, now at present such matter, to him, has been far to be weird.” “因为他是李七夜。”有见过李七夜邪门的人、来自于佛帝原的老一辈强者,说道:“他是什么邪门的事情都做过,现在眼前这样的事情,对于他来说,已经谈不上有多邪门了。” In this case, lets everyone blankly look at each other, naturally, many people think otherwise regarding such view, this is not the reason, how possibly to make one believe. 这样的话,也让大家不由面面相觑,当然,很多人都对于这样的说法不以为然,这根本就不是什么理由嘛,怎么可能让人相信呢。 Why won't the stone of plump attack Young Master?” Yang Ling cannot see what clue, although said, Li Qiye can go in easily, this as she expected, but, everyone comes under the stone attack of plump, only has does not attack Li Qiye, how not curious this makes Yang Ling. “为什么圆滚滚的石头就不会攻击少爷呢?”杨玲也看不出什么端倪,虽然说,李七夜轻而易举就能进去,这并不出她的意料,但是,所有人都受到圆滚滚的石头攻击,唯有不攻击李七夜,这让杨玲怎么不好奇呢。 Deterrent.” The old servant looks at mountain valley some little time, obtained such a answer finally. “威慑。”老奴看着山谷好一会儿,最后得出了这样的一个答案。 Deterrent?” Yang Ling was startled, she could not certainly see what clue, in the looks at mountain valley the stone of plump, said: Was they were afraid Young Master?” “威慑?”杨玲不由怔了一下,她当然看不出什么端倪了,看着山谷之中圆滚滚的石头,说道:“是它们害怕了少爷吗?” The "no!" old servant raised a chin, is looking at the precious jade on small hill, said slowly: Is it.” “不”老奴扬了一下下巴,望着小山丘上的宝玉,徐徐说道:“是它。” Yang Ling looks to that precious jade on small hill , her had not noticed what thing a moment ago, has not discovered what specially different changes. 杨玲不由望向小山丘上的那块宝玉,在刚才的时候,她并没有注意到什么东西,也没有发现什么特别不一样的变化。 But, now by an old servant reminder, Yang Ling is also discovered, the one piece of precious jade on small hill, the ray seemed to be dim, is the ray that sprayed, now is the turnover is uncertain, as if all rays will contract to vanish to be the same momentarily. 但,现在被老奴一提醒,杨玲也发现,小山丘上的这一块宝玉,似乎光芒黯淡了一些,本是喷洒的光芒,现在却是吞吐不定,似乎所有的光芒随时都会收缩消失一样。 Carefully seems like, the ray of precious jade, as if looks like the frightened wild animal, hides in the hole, the probe head looks around secretly. 仔细看起来,宝玉的光芒,似乎就像是受惊的小野兽,躲在洞里,偷偷探头东张西望。 Within the short time, Li Qiye has stepped onto small hill, stood before this precious jade. 在短短的时间之内,李七夜就已经走上了小山丘了,站在了这块宝玉之前。 He must attain the precious jade to notice that Li Qiye has stood before the precious jade, many people call out in alarm one, even some people called intentionally loudly, because they want to awaken in the mountain valley the stone of plump, probably startled chirp they attack Li Qiye. “他要拿到宝玉了”看到李七夜已经站在宝玉之前,不少人惊呼一声,甚至有人故意大声吆喝,因为他们想惊醒山谷之中圆滚滚的石头,好像惊噪起它们去攻击李七夜 However, a mountain valley silence, beside mountain valley, at this moment , many cultivator powerhouses turn very quiet. 但是,山谷一片寂静,在山谷之外,此时此刻,也有许多修士强者不由屏住呼吸。 „Can he be able to take up this precious jade?” Has the Black Wood Cliff powerhouse to whisper, said: Only feared that he is unable to shake this precious jade, spirit Old Ancestor was even defeated a moment ago.” “他能拿得起这块宝玉吗?”有黑木崖的强者不由嘀咕一声,说道:“只怕他是无法撼动这块宝玉吧,刚才连幽灵老祖都失败了。” In, spirit Old Ancestor submerged in the mountain valley a moment ago at a rate of unparalleled, catches this precious jade, but, how regardless of he causes the strength of completely nursing, cannot take up this one piece of precious jade. 在刚才的时候,幽灵老祖绝无伦比潜入了山谷之中了,已经是抓到了这块宝玉了,但是,不论他是如何使尽吃奶的力气,都没能拿起这一块宝玉。 Now Li Qiye also stands before the precious jade, everyone also thought that Li Qiye is hard takes up this precious jade, because of the Li Qiye's strength, not possible more powerful than spirit Old Ancestor. 现在李七夜也同样地站在宝玉之前,大家也都觉得李七夜难于拿起这块宝玉,因为李七夜的实力,不可能比幽灵老祖强大。 No, he can certainly take.” Has from sees Li Qiye to stand in the Buddhist Emperor Plain powerhouse before the precious jade, he shakes the head, said slowly: Matter that Li Qiye can achieve, that can certainly achieve, he is such weird.” “不,他一定能拿得起来。”有来自于佛帝原的强者看到李七夜站在宝玉之前,他摇了摇头,徐徐地说道:“李七夜能做到的事情,那一定是能做到的,他就是这么邪门。” At this time, Li Qiye has put out a hand to hold this precious jade. 就在这个时候,李七夜已经伸手去抓住了这块宝玉了。 Do not take there is the Black Wood Cliff cultivator powerhouse lowly called one. “别被拿起来”有黑木崖修士强者不由低叫一声。 When Li Qiye big hand grips this precious jade, hears buzz, saw only this precious jade to send out the ray, as if, this precious jade must resist Li Qiye to be the same. 就在李七夜大手握住这块宝玉的时候,听到“嗡”的一声,只见这块宝玉散发出了光芒,似乎,这块宝玉要抵抗李七夜一样。 Snort, it seems like, he does not have the opportunity to take up this precious jade.” Saw the precious jade to send out the ray, Young Master Tuhuo also for it one happily, sneered. “哼,看来,他也没机会拿起这块宝玉。”看到宝玉散发出了光芒,吐火少主也不由为之一喜,冷笑。 But, ray that the precious jade sends out, that also is just appears briefly, the ray just sent out, then restrains instantaneously, suddenly vanish into thin air. 但,宝玉散发出来的光芒,那也只不过是昙花一现罢了,光芒刚刚散发起来,然后又瞬间收敛,眨眼消失得无影无踪 This seems like a valuable freshwater mussel to be the same, originally is opens mouth to put out radiance, suddenly is frightened, immediately about closing mouth. 这就好像是一个宝蚌一样,本是张嘴吐出光华,突然受惊,立即合闭上了嘴巴。 Under everyone is startled, this precious jade by Li Qiye in the hand, he had been hefted like this easily in the hand, optional of ten points, very relaxed. 在所有人一怔之下,这块宝玉已经被李七夜拿在手中了,他就这样轻而易举地掂在手中,十分的随意,十分的轻松。 I said that Li Qiye can certainly be able to attain.” The Buddhist Emperor Plain powerhouse who spoke a moment ago was not accidental. “我就说嘛,李七夜一定能拿得到。”刚才说话的佛帝原强者一点都不意外。 Many Black Wood Cliff cultivator powerhouses do not look at me by you at once, I look at your, they do not certainly want to make such one piece of precious jade fall into the Li Qiye hand. 不少黑木崖修士强者一时之间也不由你看我,我看你的,他们当然不想让这么一块宝玉落入李七夜手中。 Makes them feel what is weird, Li Qiye obtains such one piece of precious jade, unexpectedly so relaxed comfortable. 更让他们觉得邪门的是,李七夜得到这么一块宝玉,竟然是如此的轻松自在。 Squeak, squeak and squeak at this time, that was very peaceful plump stone suddenly has the sound, the stones of such plump seemed like jumped, squeak squeak squeak is calling to Li Qiye, probably took away this precious jade to be discontented to Li Qiye. “吱、吱、吱”就在这个时候,那本是十分安静的圆滚滚石头突然有动静了,这么一颗颗圆滚滚的石头似乎是跳了起来,在对着李七夜吱吱吱叫,好像对李七夜拿走这块宝玉不满一样。 Opportunity came.” Saw that the stones of these plump jumped suddenly, squeak, squeak and squeak was yelling to Li Qiye, immediately makes everyone one happy, especially Young Master Tuhuo they. “机会来了。”看到这些圆滚滚的石头突然跳了起来,对着李七夜“吱、吱、吱”地大叫,顿时让大家不由为之一喜,特别是吐火少主他们。 „The surnamed Li death, the stone of plump will certainly beat violently him now, hits him, snort/hum, looks at his cultivation, how long can support, only feared that will be hit unable to crawl.” Young Master Tuhuo sees such a, the great happiness, takes pleasure in others' misfortunes. 姓李的死定了,现在圆滚滚的石头一定会把他狠揍一顿,把他往死里打,哼,看他这点道行,能撑多久,只怕会被打得爬不起来。”吐火少主看到这样的一幕,不由大喜,幸灾乐祸。 Cyclic stone that looks at squeak squeak squeak called, Li Qiye also smiled, the precious jade of hand lifted, lifted up high excessively. 看着吱吱吱叫的圆滚滚石头,李七夜也笑了一下,手的宝玉直举起来,高举过头。 Buzz a resonate sound, in this in an instant, saw only the precious jade to split into the inexhaustible ray, each wisp of ray just like is Sun blasts out is the same. “嗡”的一声响起,就在这刹那之间,只见宝玉绽入出了无穷无尽的光芒,每一缕的光芒都犹如是一颗颗太阳炸开一样。 When the infinite ray blooms in an instant, the radiant incomparable ray flickers to shine presents everyone unable to open the eyes, everyone in this felt in an instant is both eyes loses one's sight. 在无穷的光芒刹那之间绽放的时候,璀璨无比的光芒瞬照耀得在场所有人都睁不开双眼,所有人在这刹那之间都感觉是双目失明。 After ray dissipation, some little time everyone then can open the eyes, slowly sees clearly at present all these. 当光芒消散之后,好一会儿所有人这才能睁开双眼,慢慢看清楚眼前这一切。 At this time, saw only in the mountain valley the stone of that plump to get drunk probably was the same, the ray that received huge quantity shone, making them sway the body, finally, the stone of this plump seemed like the liquor sating the appetite foot to be common, heard , and resonate sound, their one after another drilled into the soil, in an instant vanished in underground. 在这个时候,只见山谷之中那一颗颗圆滚滚的石头好像喝醉了一样,一个个受到了海量的光芒照耀,使得它们都不由摇晃着身体,最后,这一颗圆滚滚的石头好像是酒饱饭足一般,听到“噗、噗、噗”的一声声响起,它们都纷纷地钻入了泥土之中,刹那之间消失在了地下。 Sees such a, everyone on the scene for it blankly look at each other, such a, that was really mysterious, from beginning to end, many people looked do not understand the what is this type truth. 看到这样的一幕,在场的所有人都不由为之面面相觑,这样的一幕,那实在是太神奇了吧,从始至终,很多人都看不明白这是什么样的道理。 Was too weird.” A moment later, has older generation important people to recover, he muttered said. “太邪门了。”片刻之后,有老一辈大人物回过神来,他都不由喃喃地说道。 , anybody saw with one's own eyes, felt weird, as if all not possible matter, to the Li Qiye hand, all of a sudden became possibly. 刚才的一幕,任何人亲眼看到,都觉得邪门透顶,似乎一切不可能的事情,到了李七夜手中,就一下子变得可能了。 Weird is also normal.” Has sees important people of Li Qiye miracle to say more than once slowly: „The not possible matter, to the Li Qiye hand, all became possible, Li Qiye, he is this weird.” “邪门也是正常的。”有不止一次见过李七夜奇迹的大人物徐徐地说道:“再不可能的事情,到了李七夜手中,一切都变得可能,李七夜,他就是这样的邪门。” In this case, let not see Li Qiye's person also blankly look at each other before, if before, they do not believe absolutely this, that certainly was to talk nonsense, but, sees matter that now had a moment ago, in their hearts also vacillated. 这样的话,让在以前从来没有见过李七夜的人也都不由面面相觑,若是在以前,他们绝对不会相信这样的话,那一定是大放厥词,但是,现在看到刚才所发生的事情,他们心里面也不由为之动摇了。 When Li Qiye goes out of the mountain valley, Young Master Tuhuo then moves forward to meet somebody, said: Congratulates Fellow Daoist to obtain the precious jade.” 李七夜走出山谷的时候,吐火少主便迎了上去,说道:“恭喜道友得到宝玉。” Li Qiye also looked at Young Master Tuhuo one merely. 李七夜也仅仅是看了吐火少主一眼。 But, Young Master Tuhuo does not care, smiles, said grinningly: This precious jade, the world person sees, so shocking treasure, why not Fellow Daoist takes, making everyone open mind, making everyone experience the marvelousness of this precious jade.” 但,吐火少主不在意,满脸笑容,笑嘻嘻地说道:“此宝玉,天下人共睹,如此惊世宝物,道友何不拿出来,让大家开开眼界,让大家见识一下这块宝玉的奇妙。” At this point, Young Master Tuhuo turns around, said to everyone on the scene: „Did everyone say? Does everyone want to look at destination precious jade with own eyes, traces this precious jade with the hand.” 说到这里,吐火少主转身,对在场的所有人说道:“大家说是不是?大家想不想亲眼看目的地这块宝玉,用手摸摸这块宝玉。”
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