ED :: Volume #39

#3804: three generations eternal fort

All recover, at once, everyone looks in the heart dumbstruck, probably what matter has not happened is the same. 一切都复原,一时之间,所有人看得都不由心里面发懵,好像什么事情都没有发生过一样。 At this time, everyone does not know how to describe all these are at present good, Heavenly Dragon Temple High Monk said that Li Qiye is skilled in the Buddhist Law three tastes. 在这个时候,大家都不知道怎么去形容眼前这一切才好,天龙寺高僧李七夜已经是精通佛法三味。 However, anybody on the scene looks like, Li Qiye does not seem like skilled in the Buddhist Law person, is not what High Monk, all that but, he displayed a moment ago, as if stems from Buddhist Holy Land Supreme Buddhist Law, even everyone guessed believes, this was Supreme Buddhist Law that was kept by Zen Buddha Dao Monarch. 但是,在场的任何人看来,李七夜都不像是精通佛法的人,更不是一个什么高僧,但是,刚才他所施展的一切,似乎都是源于佛陀圣地无上佛法,甚至大家都猜测认为,这是由禅佛道君留下来的无上佛法 could it be that is Buddhist Law so easy to practice? Begins a new career late in life to practice such strong might?” In some cultivator powerhouse hearts dumbstruck. 难道佛法就这么容易修练吗?半路出家就能修练出这么强大的威力?”有些修士强者都心里面发懵。 Some cultivator believe, what shortcut could it be that Buddhist Law does practice really to be possible to walk inadequately? Can within the short time, play the so fearful might, could it be that said powerful, practicing Buddhist Law practicing Grand Dao Law is easier than?? Perhaps isn't?” Some important people do not believe that very much Li Qiye can become High Monk within the short time, can blink is skilled in the Buddhist Law secret, he hesitates said: return to their roots ties the bottom, is Buddhist Holy Land strength, Buddhist Holy Land background, although cut off him and Buddhist Holy Land engagement in the Golden Pestle Brave Tiger Guyang three generations sovereign chart a moment ago, looked by me, only feared is not successful, has not cut off thoroughly, can still let Li Qiye and Buddhist Holy Land background links up mutually, Li Qiye can still borrow governing Buddhist Holy Land strength.” 有一些修士认为,难道佛法修练上真的有什么捷径可走不成?能在短短的时间之内,发挥出如此强大如此可怕的威力,难道说,修练佛法比修练大道法则更容易吗??“或许不是?”有大人物也不是很相信李七夜就能在短短时间之内成为高僧,能在眨眼之间就精通佛法三昧,他不由沉吟地说道:“归根结底,还是佛陀圣地力量,佛陀圣地底蕴,虽然在刚才金杵虎贲的古阳三世皇图斩断了他与佛陀圣地的衔接,以我看,只怕并不成功,并没有彻底斩断,依然能让李七夜佛陀圣地底蕴相互衔接,李七夜依然能借御佛陀圣地力量。” This important people such view, made many people look at each other immediately, they felt reasonable, especially in a moment ago, the Buddha tree sent out Buddhist Light, Buddhist Light such as the root system tentacle drilled into the soil generally, such, anybody looked like, that was a process of Buddhist Holy Land mutually engagement. 这个大人物这样的说法,顿时让不少人相视了一眼,他们都觉得有道理,特别是在刚才,佛树散发出佛光,佛光如根系触手一般钻入了泥土之中,这样的一幕,任何人看来,那都是与佛陀圣地相互衔接的一个过程。 Moreover, everyone does not believe, Li Qiye can be skilled in the Buddhist Law secret within the short time, this basic on possible matter, after all, many High Monk [comprehend/comprehension] life, not necessarily can reach such altitude, Li Qiye, if can reach such altitude within the short time, that was too odd. 而且,大家都不相信,李七夜能在短短的时间之内精通佛法三昧,这根本就可能的事情,毕竟,多少高僧参悟一生,都不见得能达到这样的高度,李七夜若是在短短的时间之内就能达到这样的高度,那就太离谱了。 Method, although.” Stands under the Buddha tree, Li Qiye smiles superficially, said: Ok, to me, that is such insignificant ability, superficial.” “手段虽然还可以。”站在佛树之下,李七夜轻描淡写地一笑,说道:“可以,对于我来说,那是雕虫小技而已,不疼不痒。” Such overbearing words, making those present also look at each other , can only smile bitterly. 这样霸道的话,让在场的人也都相视了一眼,也都只能苦笑了一下。 In a moment ago, Golden Pestle Brave Tiger and Divine Shadow Holy Child strikes jointly, that is how powerful, that is terrifying how, but, was said by Li Qiye is not worth a red cent. 在刚才,金杵虎贲神影圣子的联手一击,那是多么强大,那是多么的恐怖,但是,被李七夜说得一文不值。 If trades to do usually, only feared that many people will unable to bear reprimand drink, thinks that Li Qiye is extremely arrogant, but, at this moment, hates the Li Qiye's person, obediently closed the mouth, otherwise, that sought its shame. 若是换作平时,只怕不少人会忍不住斥喝,认为李七夜狂妄无知,但,此时此刻,不论是多么仇恨李七夜的人,都乖乖地闭上嘴巴了,否则的话,那就是自寻其辱。 As for Divine Shadow Holy Child and Golden Pestle Brave Tiger, their two people did not have the anger at this time, instead, the complexion was very unattractive, because they jointly strongest struck, they think that can strike to Li Qiye fatally, or can severely wounded Li Qiye, but, result / to bear fruit actually completely not as they expected, in so powerful under struck, Li Qiye was intact. 至于神影圣子金杵虎贲,他们两个人在这个时候也没有愤怒,反而,脸色十分不好看,因为他们联手最强的一击,他们认为可以给李七夜致命一击,或者说可以重伤李七夜,但是,结果却完全出乎他们意料,在如此强大的一击之下,李七夜丝毫无损。 Under such situation, that was caused heavy losses to Divine Shadow Holy Child and Golden Pestle Brave Tiger confidence, this let in their hearts absolutely terrified. 在这样的情况之下,那是重创了神影圣子金杵虎贲的信心,这让他们心里面毛骨悚然。 Pitifully, you not like hearsay powerful.” Li Qiye smiled lightly, said slowly: You did not have the opportunity, the next move was your times of death.” “可惜,你们没有像传闻那样强大。”李七夜淡淡地笑了一下,徐徐地说道:“你们没有机会了,下一招是你们的死期了。” The Li Qiye serene words, make many people suffocate immediately, in this in an instant, does not know that many people feel like have invisible big hand to block the own throat to be the same firmly, breathes instantaneously gets up, at present becomes dark. 李七夜风轻云淡的话,顿时让不少人为之一窒息,在这刹那之间,不知道多少人感觉好像有无形的大手牢牢地扼住自己喉咙一样,瞬间喘不过起来,眼前发黑。 Is such simple a few words, just like sentenced Divine Shadow Holy Child and Golden Pestle Brave Tiger death sentences, even at this time, many people on the scene believes that when Li Qiye said such words, Divine Shadow Holy Child and Golden Pestle Brave Tiger and dead person there's nothing difference. 就是这么简简单单的一句话,就宛如是判了神影圣子金杵虎贲的死判,甚至在这个时候,在场的很多的人都一致认为,当李七夜说出这样的话之时,神影圣子金杵虎贲死人没有什么区别了。 Therefore, under such atmosphere, making many cultivator powerhouses on the scene absolutely terrified, retroceded one step. 所以,这样的气氛之下,让在场的许多修士强者不由毛骨悚然,后退了一步。 This my take action, was ready.” Li Qiye smiled lightly, said leisurely and carefree: Prepares to suffer to death!” “该我出手了,做好准备了。”李七夜淡淡地笑了一下,悠闲地说道:“准备好受死!” Divine Shadow Holy Child and Golden Pestle Brave Tiger in their heart startles greatly, absolutely terrified, drew back continually several steps. 神影圣子金杵虎贲他们两个人都不由心里面大骇,毛骨悚然,不由连退了好几步。 In this in an instant, they felt that Death God to own that near, they felt that own at this moment, own has stood in the Gate of Death, but Li Qiye, like holding Death God of death sickle, appearance fiercely looks at they. 在这刹那之间,他们感觉死神是离自己是那么的近,他们感觉自己在此时此刻,自己就已经站在鬼门关了,而李七夜,就像持着死亡镰刀的死神一样,面目狰狞地看着他们。 Divine Shadow Holy Child and Golden Pestle Brave Tiger they have experienced the people of many big storms, once had fought many battles, has experienced many time life and death, but, has never had absolutely terrified at this moment, at this time, Divine Shadow Holy Child and Golden Pestle Brave Tiger was afraid. 神影圣子金杵虎贲他们都是经历过许多大风浪的人,曾身经百战,经历过许多次的生死,但是,从来没有过此时此刻的毛骨悚然,在这个时候,神影圣子金杵虎贲心生恐惧。 This only feared that is they since birth, first fear of what knowing is to the death, this type of taste made them tremble. 这只怕是他们有生以来,第一次知道什么叫对死亡的害怕,这种滋味让他们两个人不由颤栗了一下。 Opening in this electrical spark light, Golden Pestle Brave Tiger shouted angrily, recalled Guyang three generations sovereign to attempt. “开”在这石火电光之间,金杵虎贲怒喝一声,召回了“古阳三世皇图”。 Hears clang, clang and clang the sound is lingering on faintly, at this time, Guyang three generations sovereign chart flew back to the Golden Pestle Brave Tiger side, in this instantaneous, three leaves of sovereigns attempt build to fall above the land layer on layer/heavily, appeared the celestial chart. 听到“铛、铛、铛”的声音不绝于耳,在这个时候,古阳三世皇图飞回了金杵虎贲的身边,在这瞬间,三扇皇图重重地筑落在大地之上,浮现了星图。 With bang, bang and bang loud sound, three leaves Guyang three generations sovereign attempts instantaneous reconstruction, is blinking, a giant incomparable fortress rises straight from the ground, this giant incomparable fortress reaches to the sky, just like a giant incomparable mountain peak, looks from afar, is more like a pyramid that inserts the clouds. 随着“轰、轰、轰”的一声声巨响,三扇的“古阳三世皇图”瞬间重筑,在眨眼之间,一个巨大无比的堡垒拔地而起,这座巨大无比的堡垒高耸入云,如同一座巨大无比的山峰一样,远远看去,更像是一座插入云霄的金字塔。 Moreover the entire fortress seems like the heavy/thick incomparable god copper casting, hard incomparable. 而且整座堡垒看起来像是厚重无比的神铜铸造,坚硬无比。 With a star stimulation of movement, saw only the entire giant incomparable fortress to reappear innumerable runes, heard buzz a resonate sound, saw only to raise like Silver River same Divine Ring, in this instantaneous, 3800 Divine Ring sealed off firmly the entire fortress. 随着星阵的催动,只见整座巨大无比的堡垒是浮现了无数的符文,听到“嗡”的一声响起,只见一道道如银河一样的神环升起,在这瞬间,三千八百道的神环把整座堡垒牢牢地封锁住了。 three generations eternal fort!” Sees such a, had Large Sect Old Ancestor to pull out an cold air/Qi, said: This was the Golden Pestle Dynasty illustrious defense, the rumor said, Golden Pestle Dynasty once the ancestor with this move, sheltered 100,000 people, blocked a powerful enemy three months of wanton bombing actually, finally the enemies cannot drive out it.” 三世永恒堡!”看到这样的一幕,有大教老祖抽了一口冷气,说道:“这是金杵王朝赫赫有名的防御,传言说,金杵王朝曾有一位先祖凭着这一招,庇护了十万子民,硬是挡住了强敌三个月的狂轰滥炸,最终敌人都未能把它轰开。” At this time Golden Pestle Brave Tiger was sheltered in the fortress, 3800 Divine Ring, locked in him firmly, at this time, the so powerful defense, as if can protect Golden Pestle Brave Tiger to undergo world to be most powerful most terrifying strikes. 此时金杵虎贲被庇护在堡垒之中,三千八百道的神环,更是把他牢牢地锁住了,在这个时候,如此强大的防御,似乎能保护金杵虎贲经受世间最为强大最为恐怖的一击。 In this moment, Golden Pestle Brave Tiger is impossible to sit in waiting for death, therefore he cannot lose blood energy of own whole body, executed powerful „the three generations eternal fort to protect own. 在这一刻,金杵虎贲也不可能坐于待毙,所以他不需损耗自己全身的血气,施出了最强大的“三世永恒堡”以保护自己 Divine Shadow Holy Child is also same, his god line of Wushuang/matchless, if at this time, he displayed Divine Shadow day line, can flee in instantaneously trillion, but, he has not run away, one, he does not think that own can escape Li Qiye's to chase down ; Second, ran away at this time, this was not his choice, he rather fought to the last drop of blood. 神影圣子也是一样,他神行无双,如果在这个时候,他施展出“神影天行”,能瞬间遁走亿万里,但是,他并没有逃走,一,他并不认为自己能逃得过李七夜的追杀;二,在这个时候逃走,这不是他的选择,他宁愿血战到底。 Naturally, Divine Shadow Holy Child will not sit in waiting for death, his furiously roared, sees only the blood energy bang day, hears bang loud sound, at the fearful blood energy bang the clouds, the purple blood tumbled, hears bang the sound is lingering on faintly. 当然,神影圣子也不会坐于待毙,他狂吼一声,只见血气轰天而起,听到“轰”的巨响,可怕的血气轰上了云霄,紫血翻滚,听到“噼哩啦”的声音不绝于耳。 At this time, sky one black, sees only above the upper air, difficult situation obstructed a day of dark cloud to form the huge incomparable vortex instantaneously, the entire huge incomparable vortex seemed Vast Ocean to be the same, in the entire vortex filled scorched thunder with lightning, just like was electricity sea Thunder Pond is the same. 在这个时候,天空一黑,只见在高空之上,惊涛骇浪的遮天乌云瞬间形成了巨大无比的漩涡,整个巨大无比的漩涡就好像汪洋大海一样,整个漩涡之中充满了焦雷闪电,犹如是一个电海雷池一样。 Hears bang, bang and bang the thunderous sound is lingering on faintly, one one thick incomparable lightning has divided sky like giant dragon, making one look absolutely terrifiedly. 听到“轰、轰、轰”的雷鸣之声不绝于耳,一条一条粗大无比的闪电巨龙一样劈过天空,让人看得毛骨悚然。 Finally, hears bang the sound resounds, one thick drops from the clouds like mountain range equally huge lightning, makes threatening gestures, threw like the giant electricity dragon. 最终,听到“噼”的声音响起,一条粗大如山脉一样巨大的闪电从天而降,张牙舞爪,像巨大的电龙一样扑了下来。 However, lightning that this makes threatening gestures does not divide to Li Qiye, but chops above the god electricity ghost lance that Divine Shadow Holy Child held up high. 但是,这张牙舞爪的闪电并不是劈向李七夜,而是直劈到了神影圣子高高举起的神电鬼矛之上。 Hears bang loud sound shook the world, when this lightning divided together above the god electricity ghost lance, the Divine Shadow Holy Child whole person was lightened probably was the same, his whole person on electricity sea Thunder Pond with sky put through probably all of a sudden was the same. 听到“轰”的巨响撼动了天地,当这一道闪电劈在了神电鬼矛之上的时候,神影圣子整个人好像被点亮了一样,他整个人好像与天空上的电海雷池一下子接通了一样。 Hears bang, bang and bang the sound of heaven falls and earth rends is lingering on faintly, in this moment, saw only the Divine Shadow Holy Child whole body spout the electric light, the inexhaustible electric current bang day, his whole person became giant incomparable electricity sea Thunder Pond probably. 听到“轰、轰、轰”的天崩地裂之声不绝于耳,在这一刻,只见神影圣子全身喷涌出了电光,无穷无尽的电流轰天而出,他整个人就好像成了巨大无比的电海雷池 In bang, bang, bang in the lingering on faintly lightning sound, sees only on the Divine Shadow Holy Child infinite electric current to the pulse same bang to the world, wreaks havoc eight sides, in this moment, Divine Shadow Holy Child is embodiment is the true god of thunder, can cut to kill Celestials, Deities and Demons to be the same. 在“噼、噼、噼”不绝于耳的闪电声中,只见神影圣子身上的无穷电流向脉冲一样轰向天地,肆虐八方,在这一刻,神影圣子就是化身为真正的雷神,可以斩杀诸天神魔一般。 Thunder God Descends attaches!” Sees such a, said: legend, this is Ancient Great Emperor invincible strikes! cultivation has not achieved this realm person, executes also this move forcefully, will only fear will cause heavy losses, will not die will also be disabled.” 雷神降附!”看到这样的一幕,说道:“传说,这是古之大帝的无敌一击!道行没有达到这个境界的人,强行施也这一招,只怕会重创,不死也会残废。” Thunder God Descends attaches, this is invincible strikes, needing the god electricity ghost lance that Myriad Blood Cult Ancient Great Emperor remains be able to hit, but, has not achieved such realm person, makes this move forcefully, light disabled, heavy vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke. 雷神降附,这是万血教古之大帝留下来的无敌一击,必须要神电鬼矛才能打出来,但是,没达到这样境界的人,强行打出这一招,轻则残废,重则灰飞烟灭 Naturally, this move of might is terrifying is also peerless. 当然,这一招的威力也是恐怖绝伦。 Regarding present Divine Shadow Holy Child, they do not have to choose, they can only be ready for any sacrifice, abandons the life to wrestle, to them, that feared that is two defeats all injures, that is the matter that is worth. 对于现在的神影圣子来说,他们已经没得选择了,他们只能豁出去了,舍命一搏,对于他们来说,那怕是两败皆伤,那都是值得的事情。 interesting, what a pity, the there's nothing two defeats all injure.” Saw that so heaven frightening moved the place a move, Li Qiye also smiled, said: That makes you have a look at Buddhist Holy Land genuine Buddhist Law.” 有点意思,可惜,没有什么两败皆伤。”看到如此惊天动地的一招,李七夜也笑了一下,说道:“那就让你看看佛陀圣地原汁原味的佛法吧。” The words fall, Li Qiye both hands gather, tie Hand Seal, the mouth sing Mantra, displays Buddhist Law. 话一落下,李七夜双手一合,结手印,口唱真言,施展佛法 As Mantra resounds, in this in an instant, the Li Qiye whole body appeared Buddhist Light, in this instantaneous, Li Qiye soon will obtain enlightenment probably, becoming Saint Buddha is ordinary. 随着真言响起的时候,在这刹那之间,李七夜全身浮现了佛光,在这瞬间,李七夜就好像即将得道,成为圣佛一般。
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