ED :: Volume #38

#3786: heaven frightening sudden change

Correct One Young Master marches into abandons the section, entire abandons the section to be quiet, the young talent, is the older generation powerhouse, no one idle talk, no one dares to accept a challenge Correct One Young Master. 正一少师步入都舍部,整个都舍部沉寂,不论是年少天才,还是老一辈强者,都没有任何人闲言碎语,更没有人敢去应战正一少师 Correct One Young Master and a Golden Cicada Bodhisattva war, that has established him invincible the position in the innumerable person minds, if today also some people dare to challenge, that must be needs the enormous incomparable courage and strength. 正一少师金蝉佛子一战,那已经奠定了他在无数人心目中无敌的地位,今日若还有人敢去挑战,那必须是需要极大无比的勇气和实力。 Abandons the section, that is very close to the emperor city, is very near to Little Saint Mountain, but, Correct One Young Master not anxiously on immediately Emperor city, is not setting up on actually Little Saint Mountain and a Dugu Lan war anxiously. 都舍部,那已经是离帝城很近,离小圣山很近,不过,正一少师并不急着立即上佛帝城,也并不急着立却上小圣山独孤岚一战。 After entering abandons the section, Correct One Young Master is satisfied, visits the peaceful scene, does obeisance the scenic spot, where arrives, just like strolls, completely without placing in the stance of enemy, that feared that some countless people are paying attention to his every action and every movement, he does not care quite the same as, absolutely would have no to treat as a matter. 进入都舍部之后,正一少师惬意自在,访幽景,拜名胜,不论是走到哪里,都犹如闲庭信步,完全没有身处于敌国的姿态,那怕有无数人关注着他的一举一动,他都浑然不在意,根本就没有当作一回事。 Buddhist Holy Land all cultivator powerhouses, the especially young generation, see Correct One Young Master this appearance, in everyone heart is very helpless, although in everyone heart feels to feel suffocated, but, how can also? That feared that in the heart feels to feel suffocated again, in heart again uncomfortable, that must endure, swallows toward the belly. 佛陀圣地所有修士强者,特别是年轻一辈,看到正一少师这番模样,大家心里面都是十分无奈,虽然大家心里面都觉得憋气,但是,又能怎么样?那怕心里面再觉得憋气,心里面再不爽,那都必须忍着,往肚子里吞。 At this time, does not know that many people hope this war can end early, everyone hopes that can send off Correct One Young Master early, otherwise, Correct One Young Master stays for day in Buddhist Holy Land, in everyone heart are for many day is not happy. 在这个时候,不知道有多少人希望这一战能早早结束,大家都希望能早早送走正一少师,不然的话,正一少师佛陀圣地多呆一天,大家心里面就多一天的不痛快。 In entire abandons the section to be quiet, does not know many Buddhist Holy Land cultivator powerhouses , in the heart feels feels suffocated, on this day, suddenly, bang a resonate sound, entire Buddhist Holy Land vibrated suddenly, swayed. 就在整个都舍部都沉寂,不知道有多少佛陀圣地修士强者在心里面觉得憋气的时候,就在这一日,突然之间,“轰”的一声响起,整个佛陀圣地突然震动了一下,随之摇晃了一下。 What happened.” Entire Buddhist Holy Land vibrated suddenly, sways, Buddhist Holy Land many powerhouses in a big way frighten one to jump. “发生什么事情了。”整个佛陀圣地突然震动了一下,摇晃起来,佛陀圣地的许多强者都吓得一大跳。 This vibrated and sways quickly on the past, but, was still lets in Buddhist Holy Land all will of the people for it big change, after all, this time was the unusual time. 这震动和摇晃很快就过去,但,依然是让佛陀圣地的所有人心里面为之剧震,毕竟,此时乃是非常时刻。 In this in an instant, the Buddhist Holy Land many cultivator powerhouse first thought of Correct One Young Master, many people think that Correct One Young Master is doing anything to destroy. 在这刹那之间,佛陀圣地的很多修士强者首先就想到了正一少师,不少人都以为正一少师在搞什么破坏。 However, in this moment, everyone pays attention to Correct One Young Master the time, hasn't Correct One Young Master done, even, when entire Buddhist Holy Land vibrates suddenly sways, even Correct One Young Master surprised, clearly, he does not know that actually what happened. 但是,在这一刻,大家去关注正一少师的时候,正一少师根本就没有干什么,甚至,在整个佛陀圣地突然震动摇晃的时候,连正一少师都不由惊讶,很明显,他也不知道究竟发生什么事情了。 When everyone is stunned, suddenly, hears buzz a resonate sound, entire Buddhist Holy Land is innumerable Buddhist Light shoots up to the sky, Buddhist Light that at once, this shoots up to the sky contracts instantaneously, just like the Buddha strength collapsing is the same in this in an instant. 就在所有人愕然的时候,突然之间,听到“嗡”的一声响起,整个佛陀圣地是无数的佛光冲天而起,旋即,这冲天而起的佛光又瞬间收缩,犹如佛力在这刹那之间坍塌一样。 In this instantaneous, entire Buddhist Holy Land person could feel, in this moment, entire Buddhist Holy Land strength still with is the same in the contraction, moreover all cultivator powerhouses thought that all of a sudden the skill of own whole body must pull out to is the same, must suction general by the entire Buddhist Holy Land Buddha earth. 在这瞬间,整个佛陀圣地的人都感觉得到,就在这一刻,整个佛陀圣地力量犹同在收缩一样,而且所有的修士强者都一下子觉得自己全身的功力好像要被抽离一样,要被整个佛陀圣地的佛土吸走一般。 Such feeling frightens Buddhist Holy Land innumerable cultivator powerhouse soul destroyed/terror-stricken, after all, regarding Buddhist Holy Land all disciples, they and Buddhist Holy Land is with the root mutual promotion of the five elements, their Cultivation Technique and their foundations, are the construction above Buddhist Holy Land, if the Buddhist Holy Land foundation and background collapse suddenly, only feared that their cultivation will also be attacked enormously, even there is a possibility, will slice off their cultivation, making them drop from present realm. 这样的感觉吓得佛陀圣地的无数修士强者魂飞魄散,毕竟,对于佛陀圣地的所有弟子而言,他们与佛陀圣地乃是同根相生,他们的功法、他们的根基,都是筑建于佛陀圣地之上,如果说,佛陀圣地的根基、底蕴突然坍塌的话,只怕他们的道行也会受到极大的冲击,甚至有可能,会削掉他们的道行,让他们从现在的境界中跌落下来。 This, this, this how, could it be that, is could it be that background Dao Root is actually feeble?” At once, is not only young generation of cultivator powerhouse and Large Sect Old Ancestor, is these deep sleep the invincible generation, awoke with a start instantaneously, they are absolutely terrified. “这,这,这究竟怎么了,难道,难道底蕴道根衰弱不成?”一时之间,不仅仅是年轻一辈的修士强者、大教老祖,就是那些沉睡着的无敌之辈,都瞬间被吓醒了,他们都不由为之毛骨悚然。 If Buddhist Holy Land is background Dao Root collapsing is really feeble, this will affect many cultivator powerhouse, affects many the big sects and countries, only feared that trillion creature and Hundred Clans ten thousand sects will enter the feeble level. 如果佛陀圣地真的是底蕴道根坍塌衰弱的话,这将会影响到多少的修士强者,影响到多少的大教疆国,只怕亿万生灵百族万教都会进入衰弱的层次。 Outbreak such matter, making everyone be daunted, everyone could feel, at this time, their own seemed like with entire Buddhist Holy Land breaks the relation to be the same. 突然发生这样的事情,让所有人都被吓住了,所有人都感觉得到,在这个时候,他们自己好像是与整个佛陀圣地断了联系一样。 Although said, regarding Buddhist Holy Land all cultivator powerhouses, they did not have powerful enough to be able to hold governing Buddhist Holy Land strength or the background situation. 虽然说,对于佛陀圣地的所有修士强者来说,他们还没有强大到能掌御佛陀圣地力量底蕴的地步。 However, they live in this long in this, is practices in Buddhist Holy Land at a young age, they can feel in the Buddhist Holy Land soil every inchs to fill the strength of Grand Dao somewhat, this is Buddhist Holy Land background, this is the Buddhist Holy Land foundation. 但是,他们生于斯于斯,又是自小在佛陀圣地修练,他们多多少少都能感受到佛陀圣地的每一寸泥土之中弥漫着大道之力,这就是佛陀圣地底蕴,这就是佛陀圣地的根基。 But, in this in an instant, they feel very clearly, Buddhist Holy Land strength vanishes to be the same probably all of a sudden, they could not feel Buddhist Holy Land strength all of a sudden, probably all relations cut off, entire Buddhist Holy Land background still with lost contact in this instantaneously was the same. 但,就在这刹那之间,他们都十分清楚地感受到,佛陀圣地力量好像一下子消失一样,他们一下子感受不到了佛陀圣地力量,好像所有的联系都被斩断,整个佛陀圣地底蕴在这瞬间都犹同是失联了一样。 Impossible-- the invincible generation in even if deep sleep, felt the Buddhist Holy Land strength flash to vanish, was startled with amazement, said: Today's Buddhist Holy Land prospers prosperously, background is still deep, how can like this?” “不可能——就算是沉睡中的无敌之辈,感受到了佛陀圣地力量一瞬间消失,也不由骇然大吃一惊,说道:“今日的佛陀圣地还是昌盛繁荣,底蕴依然深厚,怎么会这样?” Although said when today's Buddhist Holy Land is unable to be on par in the past peak is prosperous the strength, but, accumulation of billion years, Buddhist Holy Land background still vigorous incomparable, has not gone to the feeble situation by far. 虽然说,今日的佛陀圣地无法比肩于当年巅峰鼎盛之时的实力,但是,千百万年的积累,佛陀圣地底蕴依然浑厚无比,远远还没有达到衰弱的地步。 Now suddenly, entire Buddhist Holy Land background vanished, they with amazement, are startled. 现在突然之间,整个佛陀圣地底蕴都消失了,他们不由骇然,大吃一惊。 Buddhist Holy Land background vanishes suddenly, everyone cannot feel the strength fluctuation of entire Buddhist Holy Land, at once, entire Buddhist Holy Land shocked, the innumerable cultivator powerhouses burst with joy, at once, flustered, everyone does not know that what happened. 佛陀圣地底蕴突然消失,所有人都感受不到整个佛陀圣地力量波动,一时之间,整个佛陀圣地都震惊了,无数的修士强者都为之沸腾,一时之间,人心惶惶,大家都不知道发生了什么事情。 When everyone is flustered, in this in an instant, hears bang loud sound, entire Buddhist Holy Land vibrated , Buddhist Light shoots up to the sky. 就在所有人人心惶惶的时候,就在这刹那之间,听到“轰”的一声巨响,整个佛陀圣地震动了一下,随之,佛光冲天而起。 In this instantaneous, entire Buddhist Holy Land is strength spews out, probably incessant strength from underground spout, made everyone feel Buddhist Holy Land strength instantaneously, everyone felt the strength of Grand Dao to linger in between Heaven and Earth all of a sudden, in this instantaneous, does not know that many powerful exist(ence) also felt background exist(ence). 在这瞬间,整个佛陀圣地又是力量喷涌而出,好像滔滔不绝的力量从地下喷涌出来,瞬间让所有人都感受到了佛陀圣地力量,所有人都一下子感受到了大道之力萦绕于天地之间,在这瞬间,不知道有多少强大的存在也感受到了底蕴存在 Buddha strength, our Buddhist Holy Land strength came back.” After feeling strength of land, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses were wild with joy, at once, the Buddhist Holy Land high and low piece was jubilant. “佛力,我们佛陀圣地力量又回来了。”感受到了大地的力量之后,不知道有多少修士强者为之狂喜,一时之间,佛陀圣地上下一片欢腾起来。 With Buddhist Holy Land losing contact, how this not to scare all cultivator powerhouses a moment ago suddenly, now everyone feels, Buddhist Holy Land strength came back, how this did not let Buddhist Holy Land high and low one piece jubilant. 刚才突然与佛陀圣地失联,这怎么不把所有的修士强者吓坏了呢,现在大家又感受到了,佛陀圣地力量又回来了,这怎么不让佛陀圣地上下一片欢腾呢。 Luckily.” Felt background to come back, was reviving invincible exist(ence), relaxes. “幸好。”感受到底蕴又回来了,就是苏醒过来的无敌存在,也不由松了一口气。 That feared that their invincible generations had once experienced the innumerable storms, once swept away Eight Desolate, but, suddenly, entire Buddhist Holy Land background vanishes, this also daunted them. 那怕他们这种无敌之辈曾经历过无数的风浪,曾横扫八荒,但是,突然之间,整个佛陀圣地底蕴消失,这也把他们吓住了。 Generally speaking, if inheritance background vanishes suddenly, only has a possibility, that exterminated an entire family, background was rumbled crushes. 一般而言,如果一个传承底蕴突然消失,只有一种可能,那就是被灭门了,底蕴被轰得粉碎。 But, immediately, Buddhist Holy Land has no foreign enemy to attack, background vanishes suddenly, is not how appalling, what luckily is, this background also merely is temporary disappearance, now comes back, makes everyone relax. 但,当下,佛陀圣地没有任何外敌攻打,底蕴突然消失,怎么不让人毛骨悚然呢,幸好的是,这底蕴也仅仅是短暂的消失而已,现在又回来了,也让大家松了一口气。 Saint Mountain what happened?” At this time, Buddhist Holy Land many cultivator powerhouses had doubts, everyone also wants to know that actually what happened. 圣山发生什么事情了?”就在这个时候,佛陀圣地的许多修士强者都不由疑惑,大家也都想知道究竟发生什么事情。 Because in Buddhist Holy Land, Saint Mountain is the center, generally speaking, must extinguish Buddhist Holy Land, must extinguish Saint Mountain. 因为在佛陀圣地,圣山是中枢,一般而言,要灭佛陀圣地,必灭圣山 Therefore, in this moment Buddhist Holy Land with background losing contact, everyone first thinks suddenly Saint Mountain had an accident, perhaps has heaven frightening to move the place the important matter to happen. 所以,在此刻佛陀圣地突然与底蕴失联,大家首先想到了圣山出事了,说不定有惊天动地的大事发生。 However, personally where few knows the Dao Saint mountain, few people can on mount Saint Mountain to find out, everyone does not know that actually the Dao Saint mountain what happened, only if some Saint Mountain people stood the explanation. 然而,没有几个人知道圣山在哪里,也很少人能上登上圣山一探究竟,大家根本就不知道圣山究竟发生什么事情,除非圣山有人站出来说明了。 Although in many will of the people have the doubts, but, actually no one can give them the answer, matter luckily, entire Buddhist Holy Land is safe and sound immediately. 虽然很多人心里都有疑惑,但,却没有人能给他们答案,幸好的事,当下整个佛陀圣地安然无恙。 When everyone relaxes, suddenly, in Emperor above the city, above Little Saint Mountain, hears bang loud sound. 就在大家松了一口气的时候,突然之间,在佛帝城之上,小圣山之上,听到“轰”的一声巨响 Everyone had not responded the time, sees only on the Little Saint Mountain summit, defends the four statue statues of palace to drop down suddenly loudly. 大家还没有反应过来的时候,只见小圣山的山顶上,守着宫殿的四尊雕像其中的一尊雕像突然轰然倒下。 What happened-- in this in an instant, in Emperor many cultivator powerhouses in city, can see with one's own eyes this person, all of a sudden the brain was dumbstruck, unclear White Haired lived anything. “发生什么事了——”在这刹那之间,在佛帝城的许多修士强者,能亲眼看到这一幕的人,都一下子大脑发懵,都不明白发生什么事情。 Imperial sacrifices Buddha Dao Monarch's statue but how actually?” When responded, even Golden Pestle Dynasty many important people were in a big way frightened one to jump, with amazement. “禅佛道君的雕像怎么倒了?”当反应过来的时候,连金杵王朝的许多大人物都被吓得一大跳,骇然。 Little Saint Mountain is the authority symbol of Buddhist Holy Land, but the four statues of summit do not have the symbol of same significance, now the Zen Buddha Dao Monarch's statue drops down suddenly, was this not seeing this person frightened ignorant? 小圣山佛陀圣地的权威象征,而山顶的四尊雕像更是有着非同意义的象征,现在其中禅佛道君的雕像突然倒下了,这怎么不把看到这一幕的人都被吓懵呢? What? The Zen Buddha Dao Monarch statue on Little Saint Mountain dropped down, this, how is this possible?” Hears such news, Buddhist Holy Land does not know that has many people to find it hard to believe that even thinks that own misunderstood. “什么?小圣山上的禅佛道君雕像倒下了,这,这怎么可能?”一听到这样的消息,佛陀圣地不知道有多少人觉得不可思议,甚至认为自己是听错了。 This is how possible, the Little Saint Mountain four statues stood erect of billion years, this, this, how this possibly drops down.” Even if some people saw with one's own eyes the Zen Buddha Dao Monarch's statue to drop down, cannot believe that the own present, thought the own vertigo. “这怎么可能,小圣山的四尊雕像屹立了千百万年之久,这,这,这怎么可能倒下。”就算有人亲眼看到禅佛道君的雕像倒下了,都不敢相信自己的眼下,都以为自己眼花了。 However, the Zen Buddha Dao Monarch's statue indeed dropped down, after this news passes on, entire Buddhist Holy Land is in an uproar, everyone was daunted. 但是,禅佛道君的雕像的的确确是倒下了,当这个消息一传出去之后,整个佛陀圣地是一片哗然,大家都被吓住了。 Walks, has a look what happened.” At once, not only many cultivator powerhouses rush to Little Saint Mountain, even these important people could not sit still, immediately goes to Little Saint Mountain. “走,去看看发生什么事情了。”一时之间,不仅仅是有许多修士强者赶往小圣山,连那些大人物都坐不住了,立即向小圣山而去。 Regarding everyone, Little Saint Mountain until now has powerful Dao Monarch strength to protect, everyone is unable ascend to the peak, how the Zen Buddha Dao Monarch's statue possibly to drop down. 对于所有人来说,小圣山一直以来都有强大的道君力量守护着,大家都无法登顶,禅佛道君的雕像是怎么可能倒下呢。 When many cultivator powerhouses rush to Little Saint Mountain, sees inconceivable one, making everyone look stares dumbfounded. 当许多修士强者赶到小圣山的时候,看到不可思议的一幕,让所有人看得瞠目结舌。 The good news, is the Dark Crow daughter born unexpectedly?! To know that who the Dark Crow daughter is? To understand these more secrets? Comes to here!! Pays attention to WeChat public number „the Xiao Residence regiment, examines the historical news, or input „the Dark Crow daughter then reads the relevant information!! 好消息,阴鸦的女儿竟然出世啦?!想知道阴鸦的女儿到底是谁吗?想了解这其中更多的隐秘吗?来这里!!关注微信公众号“萧府军团”,查看历史消息,或输入“阴鸦女儿”即可阅览相关信息!!
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