ED :: Volume #38

#3753: Chi Xiaoyue strength

The long whip in the hand, Whole World is invincible, this time woolpack whip Liu Huaishi an invincible feeling, among the graces, has to cut the Eight Desolate imposing manner. 长鞭在手,举世无敌,此时的卷云鞭刘怀石就是给人一种无敌的感觉,举手投足之间,都有着斩八荒的气势。 The long whip in especially his hand, is to make people think, on this long whip may hit the deity, getting down may chop the ghosts, under such long whip, as if no one can be a move of enemy. 特别是他手中的长鞭,更是让人觉得,这长鞭上可打神仙,下可劈众鬼,在这样的长鞭之下,似乎没有人能是一招之敌。 The Buddhist Holy Land cultivator powerhouse on the scene sees the long whip in woolpack whip Liu Huaishi hand, pulled out an cold air/Qi secretly, anybody can feel this fearfulness of long whip, even can say, Liu Huaishi this great strength of long whip, will not necessarily be inferior to scarlet moon/month seal in Chi Xiaoyue hand. 在场的佛陀圣地修士强者一看到卷云鞭刘怀石手中的长鞭,都不由暗暗地抽了一口冷气,任何人都能感受到这把长鞭的可怕,甚至可以说,刘怀石这把长鞭的强大,不见得会亚于赤晓月手中的赤月印。 Correct One Cult, is background is indeed deep.” Sees the long whip in Liu Huaishi hand, in many will of the people shakes. 正一教,的确是底蕴深厚。”看到刘怀石手中的长鞭,不少人心里面为之一震。 Liu Huaishi strength that is powerful enough, now he so powerful whip in the hand, that simply is even more powerful, in those present, only feared that many have not been his opponent. 刘怀石的实力那都已经足够强大了,现在他如此强大的鞭在手,那简直就是如虎添翼,在场的人中,只怕没有多少是他的对手了。 But woolpack whip Liu Huaishi Correct One Cult genuine disciple, although cannot compare with Correct One Young Master such exist(ence), but, is not thunder blade Xiao Fengyun can compare. 卷云鞭刘怀石可是正一教货真价实的弟子,虽然不能与正一少师这样的存在相比,但是,也不是雷霆刀肖风云所能相比的。 Although thunder blade Xiao Fengyun also came from the big aristocratic family in Correct One Cult, their strengths of Xiao are also very powerful, but, compares the Correct One Cult this Cult to come, Xiao is also the same is meets the shape to stitch. 雷霆刀肖风云虽然也是出身于正一教之中的大世家,他们肖家的实力也很强大,但是,相比起正一教本教来,肖家也一样是相见形绌。 Senior Sister Xiaoyue has the Dao Monarch weapon luckily in the hand.” Saw that woolpack whip Liu Huaishi grasps so powerful god whip, let in the will of the people suddenly, Cloud and Mud School student also secretly was Chi Xiaoyue worries. “幸好晓月师姐道君兵器在手。”看到卷云鞭刘怀石手握如此强大的神鞭,让人心里面都不由突了一下,云泥学院学生也都不由暗暗地为赤晓月捏了一把冷汗。 What luckily is, Chi Xiaoyue is grasping Supreme Dao Monarch Weapon, somewhat hopeful, perhaps otherwise, Chi Xiaoyue has been defeated. 幸好的是,赤晓月手持着无上道君之兵,多多少少还是有希望,否则的话,说不定赤晓月早就败下阵来了。 This is your genuine weapon.” Chi Xiaoyue is looking at the god whip in woolpack whip Liu Huaishi hand, said slowly. “这才是你的真正兵器。”赤晓月望着卷云鞭刘怀石手中的神鞭,徐徐地说道。 Woolpack whip Liu Huaishi smiled bitterly, said: Ashamed, this whip is teaches the elder to bestow, is treasure under our frtbt Virtuous Predecessor legacy, might is limited that in my hands, displays, only feared that is degrading its prestige.” 卷云鞭刘怀石苦笑了一下,说道:“惭愧,此鞭乃是教中长辈所赐,乃是我们正一frtbt先贤遗留下的宝物,在我手中,发挥出来的威力有限,只怕是有辱它的威名。” Woolpack whip Liu Huaishi has not sent out this name of god whip, but, he said like this, this has meant in his hand this counter- long whip that is the there's a long story behind this. 卷云鞭刘怀石没有报出这把神鞭的名字,但是,他这样说,这就已经意味着他手中这反长鞭那是大有来历。 This whip is the Swallow the Heaven Dao Monarch's teacher flying crane Heaven Venerable weapon, named gold/metal Shenbian.” Sits Dugu Lan looks at woolpack whip hand the god whip under tree, said slowly, pointed out frankly its origin. “此鞭乃是吞天道君的师尊飞鹤天尊的兵器,名为金神鞭。”坐于树下的独孤岚看着卷云鞭手中的神鞭,徐徐说道,道破了它的来历。 Flying crane Heaven Venerable weapon.” This saying, making in many will of the people shake, that feared that is old older generation important people, in the heart also equally one for it cold. “飞鹤天尊的兵器。”这话一出,让许多人心里面都不由为之一震,那怕是年长的老一辈大人物,心里面也一样为之一凛。 Swallow the Heaven Dao Monarch, that was needless saying that Correct One Cult the lord of resurgence, under his command, Correct One Cult what kind of rising, that feared in the past was very powerful Buddhist Holy Land must yield and withdraw at that time, Swallow the Heaven Dao Monarch such invincible Dao Monarch, did not need to give unnecessary detail many. 吞天道君,那就不用多说了,正一教的中兴之主,当年在他的统帅之下,正一教何等的如日中天,那怕是当时十分强大的佛陀圣地都是要退避三舍,吞天道君这么一尊无敌的道君,就不用多去赘述了。 But the Swallow the Heaven Dao Monarch's teacher is inferior to Swallow the Heaven Dao Monarch such prestige illustrious, but, he is also extraordinary Heaven Venerable, once was one stood Heaven Venerable above peak, his gold/metal god whip, once fought all over unmatched in the world, making him sit quietly Correct One Cult the position of Pope. 吞天道君的师尊虽然不如吞天道君这么威名赫赫,但是,他也是一位了不得的天尊,曾经是一位站在巅峰之上的天尊,他一把“金神鞭”,曾经打遍天下无敌手,让他稳坐正一教的教宗之位。 So gold/metal god whip, its might is powerful, indeed will be the side Chiyue in Chi Xiaoyue hand will not necessarily print weakly. 如此一把“金神鞭”,它的威力是何等强大,的确是不见得会弱于赤晓月手中的这方赤月印。 Woolpack whip Liu Huaishi is the disciple of Correct One Cult key trained.” Knew after woolpack whip Liu Huaishi hand the origin of god whip, in many will of the people shakes, one after another understands, Liu Huaishi in Correct One Cult is not an ordinary disciple. “卷云鞭刘怀石正一教重点培养的弟子呀。”得知卷云鞭刘怀石手中神鞭的来历之后,不少人心里为之一震,都纷纷明白,刘怀石正一教并非是一个普通的弟子。 „The Fairy Dugu experience is vast, admires full of admiration.” Was laid bare with one word the origin of own god whip by Dugu Lan, the woolpack whip does not cover-up, the natural acknowledgment, holds the fist in the other hand to Dugu Lan. 独孤仙子见识广博,佩服五体投地。”被独孤岚一口道破自己神鞭的来历,卷云鞭也不藏着掖着,大方承认,向独孤岚抱拳。 Was careful, although woolpack whip Liu Huaishi grasps the powerful incomparable gold/metal god whip, but, Chi Xiaoyue still does not have the meaning of flinching, scolds one tenderly. “小心了”虽然卷云鞭刘怀石手持强大无比的金神鞭,但是,赤晓月依然没有退缩之意,娇叱一声。 The words fall, Chi Xiaoyue take action, scarlet moon/month seal in hand backs off again, hears bang loud sound, the entire scarlet moon/month seal like palatial huge Divine Mountain is ordinary, pushes in trillion instantaneously horizontally, under horizontal pushing, instantaneous disintegration Space-Time. 话一落下,赤晓月再次出手,手中的赤月印倒扣,听到“轰”的一声巨响,整个赤月印如同是一座巍峨巨大的神岳一般,瞬间横推亿万里,在横推之下,瞬间崩碎了时空 Hears bang, bang and bang the sound of Space-Time disintegration is lingering on faintly, when good everyone to blink continually without enough time, strong tyrant incomparable scarlet moon/month seal had advanced the woolpack whip Liu Huaishi chest front instantaneously. 听到“砰、砰、砰”的时空崩碎之声不绝于耳,在好所有人连眨眼都来不及之时,强霸无比的赤月印瞬间已经推到了卷云鞭刘怀石的胸前了。 In crack in crashing, scarlet moon/month seal has not shelled, chest front Space-Time was ground instantaneously crushes. 在“喀嚓”的碎裂声中,赤月印还没有轰击到,胸前的时空都瞬间被碾得粉碎了。 Bring it on!.” Facing scarlet moon/month seal so domineering and tyrannical strikes, woolpack whip Liu Huaishi also laughs, gold/metal god whip one volume in hand, hears bang, bang, bang brushing resonate sound, in electrical spark light, in that unparalleled speeds, with gold/metal god whip one volume, golden light rotten resplendent, the curled up gold/metal god whip like a big heavy/thick incomparable gold god wall keeps off before scarlet moon/month seal. 来得好。”面对赤月印如此强横霸道的一击,卷云鞭刘怀石也不由大笑一声,手中的金神鞭一卷,听到“啪、啪、啪”的抽打声响起,在石火电光之间,在那绝无伦比的速度之间,随着金神鞭一卷,金光烂灿,卷起的金神鞭如同是一座高大厚重无比的黄金神墙挡在了赤月印之前。 In this in an instant, scarlet moon/month seal and gold/metal Shenbian hits, hears bang loud sound hardly, the day swings shakes, does not know many people by such terrifying hit acoustic shock the both ears desire deaf. 在这刹那之间,赤月印与金神鞭硬撞,听到“轰”的一声巨响,天摇地晃,不知道有多少人被这么恐怖的撞击声震得双耳欲聋。 Both strikes, Chi Xiaoyue and woolpack whip Liu Huaishi their two people thump, thump and thump continued drew back three steps. 双双一击之下,赤晓月和卷云鞭刘怀石他们两个人都“咚、咚、咚”相续退了三步。 Difficult minute/share of differentiation?” Sees Chi Xiaoyue and Liu Huaishi under meeting the tough head-on with toughness, no one has profited, making in many will of the people shake. “难分轩轾吗?”看到赤晓月刘怀石在硬碰硬之下,谁都没有占到便宜,让不少人心里面为之一震。 Indeed suffices to be powerful.” Saw that gold/metal Shenbian the might is as good as scarlet moon/month seal unexpectedly, made many people pull out an cold air/Qi. “的确够强大呀。”看到金神鞭的威力竟然不亚于赤月印,也让不少人抽了一口冷气。 Scarlet moon/month seal, but the Scarlet Moon Dao Monarch weapon, this is invincible Dao Monarch Weapon, naturally, this has not completed the relations with scarlet moon/month seal. 要知道,赤月印可是赤月道君的兵器,这可是无敌的道君之兵,当然,这也与赤月印并没有完成有关系。 Opening in this in an instant, woolpack whip Liu Huaishi cried loud and long, he does not dare to belittle Chi Xiaoyue, several moves fought, he knows own, if whole-heartedly, will not defeat in the hand of Chi Xiaoyue surely. “开”在这刹那之间,卷云鞭刘怀石长啸一声,他也不敢小觑赤晓月,几招交手,他知道自己若不全力以赴,必定会败在赤晓月的手中。 When a long and loud cry, Liu Huaishi all blood energy rumbling days, the blood energy ups and downs, 11 Fate Palaces come clearly into view, 11 Fate Palaces array, changed to Vast Ocean entire blood energy, the 11 Fate Palaces ups and downs array, such as the Supreme Blood Sea temporary palace is the same, resides in True Fate in Fate Palace, such as Supreme Spiritual God occupies there is the same, a Divine Power arrogant feeling. 在一声长啸之下,刘怀石所有的血气都轰天而起,血气沉浮,十一个命宫赫然在目,十一个命宫阵列之时,把整个血气化作了汪洋大海,十一个命宫沉浮阵列,如无上血海的行宫一样,居于命宫之中的真命,如无上神灵盘踞在那里一样,给人一种神威凌人的感觉。 Grand Dao Saint Physique saw that woolpack whip Liu Huaishi 11 Fate Palaces arranges impressively, many people on the scene pulled out an cold air/Qi, some people of big shout. 大道圣体”看到卷云鞭刘怀石十一个命宫赫然排列,在场的不少人都不由抽了一口冷气,有人大叫一声 At this time, woolpack whip Liu Huaishi showed the own true strength, before then, everyone regarding his strength is a guess, now was confirmed that sees with one's own eyes woolpack whip 11 Fate Palaces to arrange in order impressively, lets in many will of the people one for it cold. 在这个时候,卷云鞭刘怀石展现了自己真正的实力,在此之前,大家对于他的实力还是一个猜测,现在被证实了,亲眼看到卷云鞭十一个命宫赫然而列,让多少人心里面为之一凛。 Extraordinary.” Chi Xiaoyue approved one, but, has not shown weakness, scolds a sound said tenderly: Gets up “了不得。”赤晓月赞了一声,但,也未曾示弱,娇叱一声道:“起” The words fall, her Purple Qi same shoots up to the sky like Celestial Waterfall, pure incomparable blood energy like the monstrous waves same impact, evacuates all, moves mountains, does not know instantaneously has many young cultivator to throw off by this powerful incomparable strength. 话一落下,她紫气天瀑一样冲天而起,纯正无比的血气如巨浪一样冲击而出,排空一切,排山倒海,瞬间不知道有多少年轻修士被这强大无匹的力量所掀翻。 Chi Xiaoyue blood energy is pure, very heavy/thick, seems inexhaustible, making it drainless general, only with this powerful blood energy, that is astonishing. 赤晓月血气纯正磅礴,十分的厚重,似乎无穷无尽,使之不竭一般,单是凭着这股强大的血气,那都已经让人吃惊了。 In that pure boundless Blood Sea, sees only 11 Fate Palaces to arrange in order impressively, making one be startled. 就在那纯正磅礴的血海之中,只见十一个命宫赫然而列,让人不由大吃一惊。 Ten, 11, 11 Fate Palaces.” Saw that in Chi Xiaoyue Blood Sea also has 11 Fate Palaces to be listed in impressively, making those present be startled. “十,十一,十一个命宫。”看到赤晓月血海之中也是赫然有十一个命宫列于其中,让在场的人都不由吃了一惊。 Really, is really 11 Fate Palaces.” Sees Chi Xiaoyue 11 Fate Palaces, Cloud and Mud School student does not believe from the beginning very much. “真,真的是十一个命宫。”看到赤晓月十一个命宫,连云泥学院学生一开始都不是很相信。 Many student think that own was the vertigo, rubbed the eye of own, counted again one time, right, was 11 Fate Palaces. 不少学生以为自己是眼花了,不由揉了揉自己的眼睛,再数了一次,没错,是十一个命宫 11 Fate Palaces, means that has achieved Grand Dao Saint Physique realm. 十一个命宫,就是意味着已经达到了大道圣体境界了。 Chi Xiaoyue includes in Cloud and Mud Five Heroes, Cloud and Mud Five Heroes, is about the Myriad Forms Divine Body strength, such as Lin Hao achieved Myriad Forms Divine Body big boundary, that is very powerful. 赤晓月列入云泥五杰之中,云泥五杰,大致都是万象神躯的实力,如林浩达到了万象神躯大境界,那都已经很强大了。 Therefore, everyone thinks that Chi Xiaoyue is Myriad Forms Divine Body realm, after all, the Chi Xiaoyue reputation and is inferior to Lin Hao they. 所以,大家都以为赤晓月万象神躯境界,毕竟,赤晓月的声名并不如林浩他们。 Now, Chi Xiaoyue revealed 11 Fate Palaces all of a sudden, this has a scare everyone immediately, this surpassed everyone's anticipation completely. 现在,赤晓月一下子露出了十一个命宫,这顿时把所有人都吓了一大跳,这完全是超出了大家的意料。 Cloud and Mud Five Heroes, only feared that Senior Sister Xiaoyue is first.” After seeing Chi Xiaoyue 11 Fate Palaces, everyone recovers, Cloud and Mud School student suddenly great enlightenment. 云泥五杰,只怕晓月师姐才是第一。”看到了赤晓月十一个命宫之后,大家回过神来,云泥学院学生恍然大悟 Before then, Chi Xiaoyue is the reputation does not reveal in five, today personally sees, clear, Chi Xiaoyue has remained unrecognized, her strength in Lin Hao above them, she had achieved Grand Dao Saint Physique realm. 在此之前,赤晓月在五杰之中算是声名不显,今日亲眼所见,才明白,赤晓月一直都是深藏不露,她的实力远在林浩他们之上,她已经是达到了大道圣体境界了。 Admire.” Even Lin Hao sees with one's own eyes this , the feeling, said: Cloud and Mud School, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, my cultivated/repaired is, is not worth proudly.” “佩服。”连林浩亲眼看到这一幕,也不由感慨,说道:“云泥学院,藏龙卧虎,我这等修为,没什么值得好骄傲的。” This Lin Hao is so no wonder sigh with emotion, Chi Xiaoyue resounding of reputation, is the health of crest of wave, is inferior to him, but, the strength actually above him, it can be imagined Chi Xiaoyue was low key how. 这难怪林浩如此感慨,赤晓月不论是声名之响亮,还是风头之健,都不如他,但是,实力却远在他之上,可想而知赤晓月是多么的低调了。 The continued proportion own powerful people are so low-key, his Myriad Forms Divine Body person, there is anything to be worth going proudly. 连比自己强大的人都如此低调,他这位万象神躯的人,又有什么值得好去骄傲的呢。 Grand Dao Saint Physique, Cloud and Mud School hidden dragons and crouching tigers.” looks at Chi Xiaoyue 11 Fate Palaces, woolpack whip Liu Huaishi also sighs with emotion. 大道圣体,云泥学院藏龙卧虎。”看着赤晓月十一个命宫,卷云鞭刘怀石也不由感慨。 Chi Xiaoyue free from arrogance and rashness, said lightly: daoist brother is not Correct One Cult what ordinary disciple.” 赤晓月不骄不躁,淡淡地说道:“道兄也不是正一教的什么普通弟子。” Chi Xiaoyue this saying said that everyone understood certainly, woolpack whip Liu Huaishi had the Grand Dao Saint Physique strength, moreover had the flying crane Heaven Venerable weapon, such strength and such background, naturally possibly were not the Correct One Cult ordinary disciples, only feared that was the seedling of Correct One Cult key training. 赤晓月这话说出来,大家当然明白了,卷云鞭刘怀石拥有了大道圣体的实力,而且持有飞鹤天尊的兵器,这样的实力、这样的底蕴,当然不可能是正一教的普通弟子,只怕是正一教重点培养的苗子。 Woolpack whip Liu Huaishi smiled, had not said that the gold/metal god whip in hand holds up slowly, said slowly: Today fortunately, asks for advice technique of the Dao Monarch.” 卷云鞭刘怀石笑了一下,没多说,手中的金神鞭缓缓举起,徐徐地说道:“今日有幸,领教一下道君之术。” I also anticipate Correct One Cult the secret of not passing on.” The Chi Xiaoyue manner is also grave. “我也期待正一教的不传之秘。”赤晓月也神态庄重。 Although their Chi Family had once had Dao Monarch, but compares with Correct One Cult, background differed was too far, with a woolpack whip Liu Huaishi war, her there's nothing advantage. 虽然他们赤家曾出过道君,但是与正一教相比起来,底蕴相差太远了,与卷云鞭刘怀石一战,她没有什么优势可言。
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