ED :: Volume #37

#3635: Ten thousand Buddha completely bows the head, Grand Dao, I The Sole Master

Fan Bai stands there, belongs to elusively, all one after another are chaotic, when she closes one's eyes goes far away. 凡白站在那里,归于空灵,一切的纷纷扰扰,都在她闭眼的时候而远去。 At this time, in her heart, in her mind, only then a few words Buddha bows the head. 在这个时候,她心里面、她脑海中只有那么一句话佛低首。 Buddha bows the head, ten thousand Buddha completely bows the head, Grand Dao, I The Sole Master...... at this time, Fan Bai has immersed in the own sea, integrated in endless Buddhist Dao. 佛低首,万佛尽低首,大道我独尊……在这个时候,凡白已经沉浸在了自己的大海之中,融入了无尽的佛道之中。 take action.” Three characters gently, transgress from the Fan Bai mouth, this sound is very light is very light, the ear to just like the whisper is common, but, everyone on the scene hears clear, as if for a very long time passes, these three characters are still lingering in the ear, for a very long time does not diverge. 出手吧。”轻轻的三个字,从凡白的口中逸出,这声音很轻很轻,耳到犹如耳语一般,但是,在场的所有人都又听得一清二楚,似乎久久过去,这三个字都依然在耳边萦绕着,久久不散去。 At this time, Fan Bai hung the eye, bowed the head, said three characters gently time, just like Supreme Buddhist Lord to recite Supreme Mantra of Buddhist, in this in an instant, Celestials, Deities and Demons, was purified was the same. 在这个时候,凡白垂目,低首,轻轻说出三个字的时候,犹如无上佛主吟出了佛家的无上真言,在这刹那之间,诸天神魔,都被净化了一样。 In this in an instant, all Cloud and Mud School student stare blankly, they had an misconception probably, as if stands in front of own is not timid fear Little Miss, is not a person of faces become pale unlucky star, but is ancient, one from remote era ancient, she only need gently a word, then be embodiment Supreme Buddhist Lord, then can raise the endless Buddha earth, in this in an instant, as if, she had integrated in Buddhist Holy Land, as if she had changed to ancient in Buddhist Dao. 在这刹那之间,所有云泥学院学生呆了一下,他们都好像是产生了一种错觉,似乎站在自己面前的不是一个胆怯害怕的小姑娘,也不是一个人人谈之色变的灾星,而是一尊古佛,一尊来自于遥远时代的古佛,她只需轻轻一言,便是化身无上佛主,便可以扬无疆佛土,在这刹那之间,似乎,她已经融入了佛陀圣地之中,似乎她已经化作了佛道中的亘古。 At this time, Fan Bai just like is reborn to be the same, as if changed a person completely. 在这个时候,凡白犹如脱胎换骨一样,似乎完全变了一个人。 Even Yang Ling looks at this, before, she looks at Fan Bai to practice such a simple movement dull at present more than once. 杨玲都不由呆呆地看着眼前这一幕,在以前,她曾经不止一次看过凡白修练这么一个简单的动作。 At that time, she regarding a Fan Bai such movement, thinks otherwise, she even thinks that Fan Bai one does not stand still to practice such a movement all day, that too wasted the time, too wasted the energy, she even also wants to teach Cloud and Mud School some Cultivation Technique to Fan Bai. 在那个时候,她对于凡白这样的一个动作,不以为然,她甚至认为凡白一整天不停歇去练这么一个动作,那实在是太浪费时间了,实在是太浪费精力了,她甚至还想把云泥学院的一些功法传授给凡白呢。 Moreover, at that time, Fan Bai practices such a movement time, in her opinion, such simple incomparable movement, is not meaningful completely, so simple movement, even the style is far from. 而且,在那个时候,凡白修练这么一个动作的时候,在她看来,这么简单无比的动作,完全是没有任何意义,如此简单的动作,甚至连招式都谈不上。 That feared is most common what Black Tiger Crawling Heart and so on not the popular style, not know many hundred times compared with the movement that Fan Bai cultivates. 那怕是最常见的什么黑虎掏心之类的不入流的招式,都要比凡白所修的动作不知道强多少百倍。 However, when this time, when Fan Bai instantaneous is elusive, enters the Buddha ultra Saint all of a sudden, makes people feel that instantaneously was different. 然而,在这个时候,当凡白瞬间空灵之时,一下子入佛超圣之时,瞬间让人感觉就不一样了。 what is this is Evil Technique, the illusion?” Many student recover, shakes the head, flung the head, making own come soberly. 这是什么邪术,是幻觉吗?”不少学生回过神来,不由摇了摇头,甩了甩脑袋,让自己清醒过来。 I do not believe in evil doctrines Zhang Changyu to implant the Buddha ultra Saint in the condition to recover from Fan Bai this, drinks one severely, said: Trivial camouflage, can frighten to obtain us, on us “我就是不信邪”张长宇凡白这种入佛超圣的状态之中回过神来,厉喝一声,说道:“区区障眼法,又焉能吓得到我们,我们上” Under drinks greatly, Zhang Changyu and Yan Jingxuan and yellow Biaobing looked at each other. 大喝之下,张长宇严静轩、黄骠兵相视了一眼。 In this in an instant, Zhang Changyu takes the lead take action, drinks one crazily, the long sword in hand ejects, hears clang a resonate sound across the sky, the sword splashing blue sky, the instantaneous wave light wave day, the monstrous waves roll the volume, endless deep green cold light falls in torrents, wants Fan Bai instantaneous devour(ing). 就在这刹那之间,张长宇率先出手,狂喝一声,手中的长剑横空击出,听到“铛”的一声响起,剑溅碧空,瞬间波光浪天,巨浪滚卷,无尽的碧绿寒光倾泻而下,要把凡白瞬间吞噬 Countless sword light interlocks, falls in torrents instantaneously, is covering Fan Bai time, as if wants myriad swords through. 数之不尽的剑芒交错,瞬间倾泻而下,笼罩着凡白的时候,似乎要万剑穿心。 In the Zhang Changyu take action instance, Yan Jingxuan also instantaneous one step approaches, drinks high, the purple hammer in hand pounds, shouted loudly: Broken 张长宇出手的瞬间,严静轩也瞬间一步逼近,一声高喝,手中的紫锤直砸而下,大声喝道:“破” Under a sound sensation drinks, the sound wave blasts out instantaneously, has the easily accomplished potential, what is more fearful, a hammer shoots down, the disintegration rock, breaks by smashing with stone the landscape, a hammer explodes the head, fierce peerless. 在一声觉喝之下,声波瞬间炸开,有着摧枯拉朽之势,更为可怕的是,一锤击落,崩碎山石、砸断江山,一锤爆头,凶猛绝伦。 I come also in this electrical spark light, Huang Qibing also instantaneous take action, the short halberd in his hand, about the converging attack, the right halberd such as Black Dragon had/left the deep pool, makes threatening gestures, can tear into shreds all, sharp incomparable. “我来也”在这石火电光之间,黄骑兵也瞬间出手了,他手中的短戟,左右夹击,右戟如黑龙出渊,张牙舞爪,可以撕碎一切,锋利无比。 left halberd changed to the flying phoenix, both wings, hears whiz, whiz and whiz sound air-splitting transmits, the innumerable feather blade instantaneous lasing, punctures void, locked in the Fan Bai whole body strategic point all of a sudden. 左戟化作了飞凤,双翅一张,听到“嗖、嗖、嗖”的破空之声传来,无数的羽刃瞬间激射而出,刺破虚空,一下子锁住了凡白全身要害。 Although said, Zhang Changyu their three people are not Cloud and Mud School most outstanding student, but, their strength is also good, compared with many ordinary cultivator, does not know that had/left many. 虽然说,张长宇他们三个人不是云泥学院最优秀的学生,但是,他们三个人实力也不俗,比起很多普通修士来说,不知道强出了多少。 But Fan Bai is just basic junior, in their three people collaborate under the converging attack, absolutely possibly is not an opponent. 凡白只不过是一个入门的小辈而已,在他们三个人联手夹击之下,绝对不可能是对手。 Usually, only Zhang Changyu can defeat one easily just basic small cultivator, like today, their three people jointly to the Fan Bai converging attack, that is a very rare matter. 平日里,单是一个张长宇就可以轻而易举击败一个刚入门的小修士了,像今日这样,他们三个人联手对凡白夹击,那已经是一种十分罕见的事情了。 If usually, if three Cloud and Mud student besieged one just basic small cultivator, that will certainly make all people despise, certainly will make many people disdain, but, so special appears today. 若是平日里,如果三个云泥学生围攻一个刚入门的小修士,那一定会让所有人为之不齿,一定会让很多人不屑,但,今日如此特殊的一幕却偏偏出现了。 This must die the bureau, can Little Miss, be able to block Zhang Changyu their three people to strike jointly?” Some student see such a, thought that Fan Bai must die, said: Li Qiye this was also too despicable, makes Little Miss bring death unexpectedly......” “这必死之局,一个小姑娘,能挡得住张长宇他们三个人的联手一击吗?”有学生看到这样的一幕,都觉得凡白必死,说道:“李七夜这也太卑鄙了,竟然让一个小姑娘上来送死……” But, in Zhang Changyu their three people are jointly fatal shoots down next, has hung eye of bowing the head Fan Bai at this time to move, she draws out the hand, her movement is very slow. 但,就在张长宇他们三个人联手致命一击落下之时,一直垂目低首的凡白在这个时候动了,她起手,她的动作很缓慢。 In fact, is not her is slow, but in this in an instant, time of entire space just like stagnates stops was the same, in Fan Bai drew out the hands, since just like fishes Buddhist Mantra from the endless big worlds, since held Buddhist Grand Dao. 事实上,并非是她的动作缓慢,而是在这刹那之间,整个空间的时光犹如滞停了一样,在凡白起手之间,犹如从无尽的大世之间捞起了佛家真言,捧起了佛家大道 In this moment, Buddhist Grand Dao by Fan Bai handful in the palm, is such nature, all are such optional, in this in an instant, Fan Bai nature, Fan Bai, as, has a Li Qiye three points of charm. 就在这一刻,佛家大道凡白捧于手掌之中,一切都是那么的自然,一切都是那么的随意,在这刹那之间,凡白的自然,凡白的随着,有着李七夜三分的神韵。 In buzz , the Fan Bai body appeared Buddhist Light, endless Buddhist Law contains in her body, Buddhist Mantra resounded the endless Zen to sing in her body, each Mantra fell in human world, can level the 100,000 land. 在“嗡”的一声之中,凡白身上浮现了佛光,无尽的佛法在她的身体里蕴藏着,一个个佛家真言在她的身体里响起了无尽的禅唱,每一个真言落于人世间,都可以抹平十万大地。 At this time, Fan Bai nine chi (0.33 m) True Fate resided, just like, she was the lord of Buddhist, Myriad Dao Buddhist Law, was derived by her. 在这个时候,凡白的九尺真命居于其中,犹如,她就是佛家之主,万道佛法,都由她所衍生出来的。 But in this moment, Cloud and Mud School student goes unable to detect, in the Buddhist Holy Land Buddha earth every inchs, the Buddha strength surges, under the Buddhist Holy Land land, the inexhaustible Buddha strength just like Vast Ocean to be the same. 而在这一刻,云泥学院学生去没能察觉到,在佛陀圣地的每一寸佛土之中,佛力涌动,在佛陀圣地的大地之下,无穷无尽的佛力犹如汪洋大海一样。 But this time Buddha is white, stands above this Vast Ocean, she is this piece of Vast Ocean master, only needs her to put out a hand gently, can pick live in the endless Buddha strength. 而此时的佛白,就是站在这个汪洋大海之上,她就是这片汪洋大海的主人,只需要她轻轻伸手,就能撷住无尽的佛力。 Therefore, in electrical spark light, the endless Buddha strength had flooded into Fan Bai within the body. 所以,在石火电光之间,无尽的佛力已经涌入了凡白的体内。 In this in an instant, on Cloud and Mud School White Deer Peak, there are Old Man to open the eyes instantaneously, was startled, said: Is who transferred such Buddha strength.” Saying, busy is Heavenly Eye opens. 在这刹那之间,云泥学院白鹿峰上,有老人瞬间睁开了双眼,不由大吃一惊,说道:“是谁调动了这样的佛力。”说着,忙是天眼一开。 picking clouds looked, because he therefore his picking clouds looked to the old temples recently, saw Fan Bai gestures. 拔云一看,因为他离老庙最近所以他拔云一看,才看到了凡白的起手式。 In that Heavenly Dragon Temple Ancient Temple, felt the Buddha strength to surge, has seventy years of age old age High Monk unable to sit still all of a sudden, surprised, the looking out into the distance horizon, together, said: Fine, fine, Buddhist Gate fortunately.” 在那天龙寺古庙之中,一感受到佛力涌动,有古稀垂暮的高僧也一下子坐不住了,吃惊,远眺天边,合什,说道:“善哉,善哉,佛门有幸也。” In Divine Ghost Division, above that tall building, there are old men to stand instantaneously, opened both eyes, blood eye Samsara, said surprised: Who this is, has such high Buddhist attainments, are could it be that Heavenly Dragon Temple High Monk?”? In Golden Pestle Dynasty, in that imperial palace deep place, two people was alarmed, person instantaneous both eyes one severe, looks around eight sides, the complexions change, said: Now Buddhist Holy Land, besides the Heavenly Dragon Temple buddhist monk, only then that person can so transfer so boundless Buddha strength, could it be that he is also living.” 神鬼部,在那高楼之上,有老者瞬间站了起来,双目一张,血眼轮回,吃惊地说道:“这是谁,有着这么高的佛家造诣,难道又是天龙寺高僧?”?在金杵王朝之中,在那皇宫深处,有两个人被惊动,有一个人瞬间双目一厉,张望八方,脸色一变,说道:“当今佛陀圣地,除了天龙寺的秃驴之外,也就只有那个人才能如此调动如此磅礴的佛力了,难道他还活着。” But, thinks carefully, various thoughts appeared in the hearts. 但,仔细一想,各种念头又浮现在了心头。 Another person, felt this strength, the looks at distant place, smiled bitterly, shakes the head, said: Winds and clouds began, endure hardships.” 另一个人,也感受到了这股的力量,看着远处,不由苦笑了一下,摇了摇头,说道:“风云再起,遭罪了。” However, no matter Heavenly Dragon Temple High Monk, is important people in imperial palace, even is recent to Cloud and Mud School, can see with one's own eyes this old man, they are see or feel Fan Bai merely to transfer the Buddhist Holy Land Buddha strength. 但是,不管是天龙寺高僧,还是皇宫中的大人物,甚至是离云泥学院最近,能亲眼看到这一幕的老者,他们都仅仅是看到或者感受到凡白调动佛陀圣地的佛力而已。 They actually cannot see Fan Bai is situated in above Vast Ocean of Buddhist the time, she has taken root there, she just like Heaven and Earth Roots to be common, deeply dug, takes root in Buddhist Holy Land, such strength, came from in Fan Bai it, that is strength that brings fearful baleful aura , this baleful aura strength, contains the strength of boundless heaven. 他们却看不到凡白立于佛家的汪洋大海之上的时候,她已经扎根在那里了,她犹如天地根一般,深深扎入了其中,扎根于佛陀圣地之中,这样的一股力量,源自于凡白的本身,那是一股带着可怕煞气力量,这股煞气力量,蕴藏着磅礴的苍天之力。 Just, this baleful aura had been purified, it becomes such pure, even some people can feel its exist(ence), felt its evil spirit, instead was one type came from in the world purest strength, was full of the boundless energy. 只不过,这一股煞气已经被净化了,它变得那么的纯粹,就算有人能感受到它的存在,都感受到不了它的凶煞,反而是一种来自于天地间最纯粹的力量,充满了磅礴的活力。 This is unique strength, at this moment, namely in within the body perfect incomparable giving of Fan Bai about in one. 这是一股独一无二的力量,此时此刻,即在凡白的体内完美无比的给合在了一起。 Here, as if endless Buddha earth, is the endless fertile soil, its nutrient nourishing Fan Bai this unique strength, making Fan Bai grow, is healthy. 在这里,似乎无尽的佛土,就是无尽的沃土,它的养分蕴养凡白这独一无二的力量,使得凡白在成长,在茁壮。 But at the same time, Fan Bai within the body unique strength, is also feeding back this Buddha earth, it in the air/Qi of Namibian world, swallows the magnificent of myriad things, to wash oneself body, returns nurturing to parents the Buddha earth. 而与此同时,凡白体内这独一无二的力量,也在反馈着这片佛土,它在纳天地之气,吞万物之华,以洗涤己身,反哺佛土。 Between both, complements one another, perfect peerless union. 两者之间,相辅相成,完美绝伦的结合。 However, this unparalleled, actually no one can see with one's own eyes, no one can understand mystery. 但是,这绝世无双的一幕,却没有人能亲眼看到,没有谁能懂得其中的奥妙。 Also who can know when Li Qiye is Fan Bai heaven defying change Fate Palace, is the Fan Bai change life standard, this is the Fan Bai casting got down all these foundations, but the world does not know, but Fan Bai her own does not know. 又有谁能知道,在李七夜凡白逆天改命之时,为凡白更替命格之时,这便已经为凡白铸造下了这一切基础,只不过世人不知,而凡白自己也不知道。 Raises hand, drops, hears bang a resonate sound, originally is thinks that own move of certain kill Zhang Changyu, Yan Jingxuan and Huang Qibing their three people were rumbled instantaneously, was rumbled crazily spurted a blood. 举手,落下,听到“砰”的一声响起,本是以为自己一招绝杀张长宇严静轩黄骑兵他们三个人瞬间被轰了出去,被轰得狂喷了一口鲜血。 In this bang, Zhang Changyu their three people pounded layer on layer/heavily on the ground, blood directing current. 在这“砰”的一声之中,张长宇他们三个人重重地砸在了地上,鲜血直流。 Such, everyone looks stares dumbfounded, everyone looks at present scene, only feared that dull many people have not believed the eye of own. 这样的一幕,所有人都看得瞠目结舌,所有人都呆呆地看着眼前的情景,只怕没有多少人相信自己的眼睛。 Everyone has not understood that a this is what matter, ended like this. 大家都还没有明白这是怎么回事,就这样结束了。 Today one. 今天一更。
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