ED :: Volume #37

#3628: Cold Vision Lightning Sword

I tread cloud Cong Bloodline to be noble, price Wushuang/matchless, depends on you, can loudly depend on......” another student to shout. “我踏云骢血统高贵,价格无双,就凭你,也能凭得起……”另一个学生大喝道。 My Divine Bull, does not have the thing of treasure, even if with your life, cannot be as good as a soft body hair of my Divine Bull......” Huang Qibing is also angry said. “我神牛,乃是无宝之物,就算用你的命,也抵不上我神牛的一根毫毛……”黄骑兵也大怒地说道。 .............................. ………………………… student that these lost mount looks angrily at Li Qiye, their both eyes spouted the anger, quite had to wish one could to kill Li Qiye is the impulsion that own mount revenged. 这几个失去了坐骑学生都怒视李七夜,他们双目喷出了怒火,颇有恨不得杀了李七夜自己坐骑报仇的冲动。 Originally is such precious mount, loses the respect, lost the respect.” Li Qiye said with a smile: Then, compensating was a little difficult.” “原来都是这么珍贵的坐骑呀,失敬,失敬了。”李七夜笑吟吟地说道:“这么说来,赔起来是有点困难了。” Far more than is difficult, you cannot repay.” That female student coldly said: Said quickly, you did pursue the skylark me? Snort, if you make a true confession, we make you die a happiness.” “何止是困难,你根本就赔不起。”那个女学生冷冷地说道:“快说,你把我追云雀怎么了?哼,如果你老实招来,我们就让你死个痛快。” Except that Divine Bull can see that was being roasted by the old servant beside, other mount have refused stubbornly to see the corpse to live does not see the shadow, they do not know that Li Qiye their mount, could it be that was butchered by Li Qiye is eating? 除了那头神牛能看到被老奴烤着之外,其他的坐骑都已经死不见尸活不见影,他们也都不知道李七夜把他们的坐骑怎么了,难道都被李七夜宰着吃了吗? Thinks that own mount becomes in the Li Qiye abdomen the food, they wish one could to tear to shreds Li Qiye. 想到自己坐骑成为了李七夜腹中之食,他们都恨不得把李七夜碎尸万段。 Li Qiye looked at the old yellow dog and old wild boar one, he knows certainly where missing that several mount went, without a doubt, they have become in the abdomens of these two fellows the thing. 李七夜看了老黄狗和老野猪一眼,他当然知道失踪的那几头坐骑去哪里了,毫无疑问,它们已经成为了这两个家伙的腹中之物了。 This, I have really not known.” Li Qiye lets go, smiled lightly, said: If you want, I can give you but actually a compensation.” “这个,我还真不知道。”李七夜摊手,淡淡地笑了一下,说道:“如果你们想要,我倒可以给你们一个赔偿。” Compensation?” Huang Qibing both eyes one cold, dense, said: „Do you compensate with what? If you cannot hand over our mount, that takes your life to compensate.” “赔偿?”黄骑兵双目一寒,森然,说道:“你拿什么来赔偿?如果你交不出我们的坐骑,那就拿你的命来赔偿吧。” This is earnest?” Li Qiye showed the smile, looks at they. “这是认真的吗?”李七夜不由露出了笑容,看着他们。 Assigns to compensate with you, that is cheap you.” Another fellow students cold voice said: Snort, our mount, are the thing of sky-high price, your one cheap life, can be worth several money.” “拿你命来赔偿,那已经是便宜你了。”另一个同学冷声地说道:“哼,我们的坐骑,都是天价之物,你一条贱命,能值得几个钱。” This boy troubled, annoyed student of so many powerful officials all of a sudden, these student may from Golden Pestle Dynasty, family's elder, that be the senior generals who commanded the mighty force.” Saw that at this time Li Qiye gathered round by these student, some student of far view whispered. “这小子麻烦了,一下子惹上了这么多权贵的学生,这些学生可都是来自于金杵王朝,家里的长辈,那都是统帅千军万马的大将。”看到此时李七夜被这一位位学生围着,远观的一些学生嘀咕了一声。 This teaches him is also good, arrives at Cloud and Mud School, but also dares such bold and arrogant to be rampant, this is when our Cloud and Mud School no one? He really thinks that here is Myriad Beasts Mountain? A gauge discipline does not have, to arrive at Cloud and Mud School, naturally must defend our Cloud and Mud School gauge to record.” Also there is student to look at Li Qiye to be discontented, sneered said. “这教训一下他也好,来到云泥学院,还敢如此的放肆嚣张,这是当我们云泥学院没人了吗?他真以为这里是万兽山吗?一点规纪都没有,来到云泥学院,当然要守我们云泥学院的规纪了。”也有学生早就看李七夜不满,冷笑地说道。 At this time, Huang Qibing their dozens fellow students have encircled to Li Qiye, their manners, to Li Qiye very bad. 在这个时候,黄骑兵他们几十个同学已经向李七夜围过去了,他们的神态,对李七夜十分的不善。 surnamed Li, you want own to begin, do we begin?” At this time fellow students said desolate. 姓李的,你是要自己动手,还是我们动手呢?”此时一个同学冷森森地说道。 „, How wants my own to begin?” Li Qiye smiled one merely, the manner is free. “哦,要我自己怎么动手呢?”李七夜仅仅笑了一下而已,神态自若。 The Huang Qibing vision is dense, said: „Very simple, kneels down to acknowledge guilt, the autonomy hand and foot, hands over all your all, perhaps we can also discuss that forgives your life.” 黄骑兵目光森然,说道:“很简单,跪下认罪,自残手足,交出你的所有一切,我们或许还能商量一下饶你一命。” This is cheap enough you.” That loses own to tread cloud Cong the student cold dense/woods saying: Snort, has not cut your head, hangs in Cloud and Mud School at the foot of the mountain, that is we are infinitely merciful.” “这已经够便宜你了。”那个失去自己踏云骢的学生冷森地说道:“哼,没有把你的头颅砍下来,挂在云泥学院的山脚下,那已经是我们大慈大悲了。” Saw these to encircle came aggressive student, Li Qiye showed the smile. 见这些围了过来咄咄逼人的学生,李七夜都不由露出了笑容。 At this time, lay there old yellow dog stands slowly got up, roared lowly, has revealed fangs, prepared to kill the past at any time. 在这个时候,趴在那里的老黄狗缓缓地站了起来了,低吼了一声,已经露出了獠牙了,随时都准备扑杀过去。 Stopping when this at a crucial moment, sinks to drink to resound. “住手”就在这千钧一发的时候,一声沉喝响起。 This sinks the sound of drinking, was full of the component, the fearful heartstrings, making one shake, student one after another on the scene turn head looks. 这一声沉喝之声,充满了份量,慑人心弦,让人不由为之震,在场的学生纷纷回头望去。 At this time, saw only a youth to stride. 在这个时候,只见一个青年跨步而来。 This youth silk clothes, silk clothes is by the silver light knitting, he puts in the body, the time of quickly walking, a feeling at top speed, everyone thought that at present the ray flashes, this youth has stood in the own front. 这个青年一身锦衣,身上的锦衣乃是以银光编织,他穿在身上,快步走来的时候,给人一种流星赶月的感觉,所有人都觉得眼前光芒一闪,这个青年就已经站在了自己的面前了。 This youth elegant, the face is fair and clear, ten fingers of slenderness, the whole person seems like very attractive, a gentle feeling, as if he seems like a scholar, does not seem like cultivator. 这个青年长得俊气,脸庞白净,十指修长,整个人看起来十分的灵秀,给人一种文质彬彬的感觉,似乎他像是一个读书人,更不像是一个修士 To pay attention carefully, you will discover, this youth is completely at present different from the ordinary scholar, this youth eyes deep place just like has lightning to pass over gently and swiftly to be the same, has to let the coldness and killing intent that the person was hard detects. 要仔细去留意,你才会发现,眼前这个青年和普通的读书人完全不一样,这个青年一双眼睛深处犹如有闪电掠过一样,有着让人难于察觉的寒冷与杀意 This youth, absolutely is not good stubble, if his take action, is surely fatal strikes. 这个青年,绝对不是什么善茬儿,若是他一出手,必定是致命一击。 Cold Vision Lightning Sword sees this youth, student of distant place onlooking yelled one. 冷眸电剑”一看到这个青年,远处旁观的学生不由大叫了一声。 Also there is student of higher grades saying: Li Xiangquan came, does not know that comes to Li Qiye.” 也有高年级的学生说道:“李相权来了,就不知道是不是冲着李七夜来的。” Senior Brother Li came to see this youth , many student exclaimed in surprise one, some especially female student, said: Senior Brother Li was getting more and more handsome, discussed with the makings, in five, Senior Brother Li feared that must rank first.” 李师兄来了”看到这个青年,也有不少学生惊叹一声,特别是一些女学生,说道:“李师兄越来越英俊了,以气质而论,在五杰之中,李师兄怕要排第一。” This youth who takes a step to come, is of Cold Vision Lightning Sword Li Xiangquan Cloud and Mud Five Heroes. 这个迈步而来的青年,正是云泥五杰之一的冷眸电剑李相权 At present seemingly gentle Li Xiangquan, probably a scholar, but, you are actually hard believe, he lives in the family/home of troops. 眼前看起来文质彬彬的李相权,像是一个读书人,但是,你却难于相信,他是生在军旅之家。 The Li Xiangquan father, Golden Pestle Dynasty Grand Marshal, the hand is grasping Golden Pestle Dynasty Ten Million Great Army now, can say, entire Golden Pestle Dynasty most armies under his jurisdiction. 李相权父亲,乃是当今金杵王朝太尉,手握着金杵王朝千万大军,可以说,整个金杵王朝的绝大多数军队都在他的管辖之下。 Moreover, what is more astonishing, the Golden Pestle Dynasty Great General, only feared that more than 50% stem from under the Li Xiangquan father's tent/account, had once worked for in his father subordinate. 而且,更为惊人的是,金杵王朝的大将军,只怕有一半以上是出自于李相权父亲的帐下,都曾在他父亲部下效力过。 It can be said that Li Family is the power and influence is dreadful in Golden Pestle Dynasty, even some people said, Li Family in Golden Pestle Dynasty, had half of powers, can control the Golden Pestle Dynasty destiny, even can control the Buddhist Holy Land situation. 可以说,李家金杵王朝乃是权势滔天,甚至有人说,李家金杵王朝,拥有了一半的权力,可以左右着金杵王朝的命运,甚至可以左右着佛陀圣地的大势。 In fact, before Li Family is Golden Pestle Dynasty works, it is a respected family, a practice aristocratic family, the family is ancient, in the family, is Heaven Venerable pours forth. 事实上,在李家金杵王朝效力之前,它本身就是一个大家族,一个修练世家,家族古老,家族之内,乃是天尊辈出。 Afterward Golden Pestle Dynasty aspired to seize the world time, Li Family assisted, finally enabled the Golden Pestle Dynasty palm to hold the Buddhist Holy Land authority, therefore, today's Li Family, is the power and influence is more dreadful, had under the Golden Pestle Dynasty jurisdiction the huge resources of territory. 后来金杵王朝问鼎天下的时候,李家鼎力相助,最终使得金杵王朝掌执佛陀圣地的权柄,所以,今日的李家,更是权势滔天,拥有了金杵王朝管辖下疆土的大量资源。 Cold Vision Lightning Sword Li Xiangquan, his father is not only Golden Pestle Dynasty Grand Marshal, was powerful cultivator, the brave or vigorous do not father cowardly children, Li Xiangquan is certainly no worse. 冷眸电剑李相权,他父亲不仅仅是金杵王朝太尉,更是一个实力强大的修士,虎父无犬子,李相权当然是差不到哪里去了。 He has the skill to cross the threshold, to join Cloud and Mud School, although is inferior to Dugu Lan shocking and stunning like that but, is the Cloud and Mud School extraordinary talent, was included in Cloud and Mud Five Heroes. 他带艺入门,拜入云泥学院,虽然不如独孤岚那般的惊才绝艳,但是,也是云泥学院了不起的天才,被列入云泥五杰之中。 In Cloud and Mud School, does not know that many student worship Li Xiangquan, naturally, the Li Family power and influence is dreadful, he also has lots of partisans in Cloud and Mud School. 云泥学院,不知道有多少学生崇拜李相权,当然,李家权势滔天,他在云泥学院也拥有着大量的党羽。 Just, many people cannot imagine, seemingly gentle Li Xiangquan, like scholar ordinary person, when very young, has drafted north the southern war with his father, once came and went out battlefield, when was very young, has rendered meritorious service in the border region. 只不过,很多人是想象不到的,看起来文质彬彬的李相权,如同读书人一般的人,在很年幼的时候,就已经随他父亲征南战北了,曾经是出入沙场,在很年轻的时候,就已经在边陲立功。 He of such resembles scholar, actually once was the person who commanded the 100,000 army, this point, indeed was the matter that many student could not imagine. 这么一个像读书人的他,却曾经是统率十万大军的人,这一点,的确是很多学生都想象不到的事情。 Senior Brother Li sees Li Xiangquan to arrive, Huang Qibing their one after another bowed first, salutes to Li Xiangquan. 李师兄”见到李相权到来,黄骑兵他们纷纷鞠首,向李相权行礼。 Huang Qibing their several student, walk very nearly with Li Xiangquan, let alone, their elders also work for under the Grand Marshal tent/account. 黄骑兵他们几个学生,都与李相权走得很近,更何况,他们长辈也都是在太尉帐下效力呢。 What matter?” Li Xiangquan looked at Huang Qibing they, asked. “什么事呢?”李相权看了看黄骑兵他们,问道。 Senior Brother Li, this Li Qiye stole our mount.” fellow students said to Li Xiangquan busily: Steals in Cloud and Mud School, this is the big crime, we must carry out the school regulation.” 李师兄,这个李七夜偷了我们的坐骑。”一个同学忙是向李相权说道:“在云泥学院偷盗,此乃是大罪,我们要执行校规呢。” This only feared that is some misunderstanding.” Li Xiangquan frowns. “这只怕是有些误会吧。”李相权皱了一下眉头。 Senior Brother Li, without the misunderstanding, you looked, Junior Brother Huang Divine Bull was roasted the barbecue by him.” A that female student finger/refers of old servant. 李师兄,没有误会,你看,黄师弟神牛都被他烤成了烤肉了。”那个女学生一指老奴。 At this time the old servant is swinging is baking the frame, Divine Bull had been roasted gold/metal gold yellow the oil sound that incited, making the person appetite open greatly, making one swallow saliva. 此时老奴正摇着烧烤架呢,神牛已经被烤得金黄金黄的了,滋滋的油声,让人食欲大开,让人都不由咽了一口口水。 It seems like, these only feared that some anything misunderstood.” Li Xiangquan hesitated, said. “看来,这其中只怕有些什么误会了。”李相权不由沉吟了一下,说道。 Senior Brother Li is Sir are really massive.” Hears Li Xiangquan such words, has student to whisper said: He actually was also surnamed Li speaks the word of praise, snort/hum, trading to do is others, only feared that did not have such good end.” 李师兄真的是大人大量。”听到李相权这样的话,有学生不由嘀咕地说道:“他竟然还为姓李的说好话,哼,换作是其他人,只怕就没有这么好下场了。” It seems like Junior Brother Li has not looked for Li Qiye's to be troublesome, this is not easy.” Also there is a student faint smile of higher grades. “看来李师弟没有找李七夜的麻烦嘛,这也不容易呀。”也有高年级的学生似笑非笑。 Having Rebirth/New Life is not very clear, asked curiously: Why Senior Brother Li must look for Li Qiye's to be troublesome, he and Li Qiye not resentment does not have the enmity.” 新生不是很明白,好奇问道:“李师兄为什么要找李七夜的麻烦,他和李七夜无怨无仇。” You are new, has not known that Liu Jingsong is the Li Xiangquan lackey, anything is Liu Jingsong runs about to him.” Another fellow students whispered. “你是新来的,还不知道吧,刘劲松就是李相权的狗腿子,什么事情都是刘劲松给他跑腿的。”另外一个同学嘀咕了一声。 Such a reminder, this student understood all of a sudden. 这么一提醒,这个学生一下子明白过来了。 Liu Jingsong was pounded to fly by Li Qiye, covered with blood, as the lord, this Li Xiangquan has not actually looked for Li Qiye's to be troublesome, this is also the indeed surprising matter. 刘劲松李七夜砸飞,血肉模糊,作为主子,这一次李相权却没有找李七夜的麻烦,这也是的确让人惊讶的事情。 No matter what happened, your mount, I compensated to give you then.” At this time, Li Xiangquan said lightly. “不管是发生了什么事情,你们的坐骑,我赔偿给你们便是了。”此时,李相权淡淡地说道。 But, Senior Brother Li student that loses mount is a little unwilling. “可是,李师兄”一位失去坐骑学生有点不甘心。 Li Xiangquan told that said: What kind of mount you want, ok, selects a head to my family.” He very magnanimous. 李相权吩咐地说道:“你想要怎么样的坐骑,都行,到我家挑一头。”他是十分的大度。 Listens to Senior Brother.” Li Xiangquan said like this, how this can student also say? He stared Li Qiye one. “听师兄的。”李相权都这样说了,这个学生还能怎么说呢?他瞪了李七夜一眼。 Boy, calculates today you assign/life, has Senior Brother Li to act, otherwise, your poor life does not guarantee today.” Huang Qibing coldly said to Li Qiye. “小子,今天算你命好,有李师兄出面,否则,今日你小命不保。”黄骑兵冷冷地李七夜说道。 Li Qiye also smiled one merely, the manner is still languid. 李七夜也仅仅是笑了一下而已,神态依然是懒洋洋的。 But at this time, the old yellow dog has lain in the entrance. In fact, Huang Qibing they do not know, was Li Xiangquan had no interest in rescue their life a moment ago, otherwise, they have become the delicacy in old yellow dog abdomen. 而这个时候,老黄狗已经趴在门口了。事实上,黄骑兵他们不知道,刚才是李相权无心救了他们一命,否则的话,他们已经成为了老黄狗腹中的美味了。 Today one. 今天一更。
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