ED :: Volume #37

#3624: An old man

Li Qiye took up the big iron hammer, makes noisily in Cloud and Mud School, various views have, naturally, in many student hearts somewhat indignants disturbed. 李七夜拿起了大铁锤,在云泥学院闹得沸沸扬扬,各种说法都有,当然,也有不少学生心里面是有些忿忿不平。 It looks like in Cloud and Mud School most student, Li Qiye can take up the big iron hammer, that naturally was the reason of fate, otherwise, relied on his strength, was impossible to take up such a big iron hammer. 云泥学院的绝大多数学生看来,李七夜能拿得起大铁锤,那当然是缘份的原因了,否则的话,凭他的实力,根本就不可能拿得起这么一个大铁锤。 After all this is invincible Dao Monarch and Wushuang/matchless Heaven Venerable the special-purpose big iron hammer, a trivial King Tyrant Physique person, can't others take up, what qualifications have to take up it? The only explanation, is that bewildered fate. 毕竟这是无敌道君无双天尊所专用的大铁锤,一个区区王者霸体的人,其他人都拿不起,有什么资格拿得起它呢?唯一的解释,就是那么莫明其妙的缘份。 Snort, this seemed like a fresh flower to insert on the cow dung simply.” Has in the student heart to say indignantly: „If there is fate like Big Senior Sister, Senior Brother Lin has such fate, that can also be passable, surnamed Li, a woodcutter who walks from the mountain, only then the King Tyrant Physique strength, is not worth mentioning, people like him, can have such luxurious fate, can obtain such fortuitous encounter, that rather did not have the natural justice.” “哼,这简直像是一朵鲜花插在牛粪上了。”有学生心里面不由忿忿地说道:“如果说,像大师姐有着这样的缘份,林师兄有着这样的缘份,那还能说得过去,姓李的,一个从山里面走出来的樵夫,也就只有王者霸体的实力而已,不值得一提,他这样的人,能拥有着这么奢侈的缘份,能得到如此的奇遇,那未免太没有天理了吧。” Also some student have to recognize, the forced smile said: Fate, such thing such ponders over erratically, if has the rule may follow, that is not called the fate.” 也有学生也只好认了,苦笑地说道:“缘份,这样的东西就是这么的琢磨不定,如果有规律可循,那就不叫做缘份了。” Also can take up the big iron hammer, such fate how?” In student heart also sour, the speech belt/bring acid, said: He had this fate to take up such a big iron hammer, could it be that said, what Peerless invincible weapon he can refine to make to come inadequately?” “也就拿得起大铁锤而已,这样的缘份又怎么样?”还有学生心里面也酸溜溜的,说话带酸,说道:“他有这个缘份拿起这么一个大铁锤,难道说,他就能炼造出什么绝世无敌的兵器来不成?” This saying not wrong.” Such view, won many fellow students approvals immediately, said: Can take up the big iron hammer, this not and representative can temper what Peerless weapon, wants to refine to make a Peerless weapon, the been better material, profound control fire method , needs the strong strength.” “这话倒没有错。”这样的说法,立即得到了不少的同学赞同,说道:“拿得起大铁锤,这不并代表能锤炼出什么绝世兵器来,想炼造出一件绝世兵器,要好的材料,还有精深的御火手段,更需要强大的实力。” Strength is more important than any thing.” A student manner of higher grades with deep veneration, said: Even if you have the good material, has the good tool, that feared that you borrowed main furnace to refine to produce the weapon, however, if your strength were insufficient, same could not build up the good weapon. Refining up to produce the weapon, that is extremely profound practice, does not only depend on the trivial fate.” “实力比任何东西都重要。”一位高年级的学生神态肃然,说道:“就算你拥有再好的材料,拥有再好的工具,那怕你借用了主炉来炼造兵器了,然而,如果你的实力不够,也一样炼不出好的兵器。炼造兵器,那是一门极为高深的修行,不是仅凭区区缘份就可以的。” I felt, Li Qiye does not understand to refine to produce the weapon.” student that is skilled in the refiner shakes the head, said: He must refine to produce the weapon with the waste residue unexpectedly, that was really odd. These waste residue, are Dao Monarch Heaven Venerable have built up, after Dao Monarch Heaven Venerable invincible True Fire tempered, finally can remain truly, was that really useless sediment......”? At this point, this student, continued saying: „...... Let alone, the waste residue on Myriad Furnaces Peak, is not only only Dao Monarch or Heaven Venerable falls there, once was many Dao Monarch and Heaven Venerable fell there. Such waste residue, material very disorderly, moreover each Dao Monarch and Heaven Venerable Grand Dao True Fire is different, wants to refine to produce the weapon in such waste residue, that simply is dream of a fool, only compromises such waste residue, that is the not possible matter.” “我觉得,李七夜根本不懂炼造兵器。”一位精通炼器的学生摇头,说道:“他竟然要用废渣来炼造兵器,那实在是太离谱了。这些废渣,乃是道君天尊炼过,经过道君天尊的无敌真火淬炼之后,最后真正能留下来的,那就真的是一无用处的渣滓了……”?说到这里,这位学生顿了一下,继续说道:“……更何况,万炉峰上的废渣,不仅仅只是一位道君或者一位天尊倾倒在那里的,曾经是好多位道君天尊倾倒在那里。这样的废渣,材料十分的杂乱,而且每个道君天尊大道真火都不一样,想在这样的废渣中去炼造兵器,那简直就是痴人做梦,单是调和这样的废渣,那都是不可能的事情。” This student words, heard student one after another nod, thought that is very reasonable. All that this student said that is also with meticulous care, bases on the general knowledge of refiner completely, is very convincing. 这位学生的一席话,听到的学生都不由纷纷点头,都觉得十分有道理。这个学生所说的一切,也都是丝丝入扣,全部都是基于炼器的常识,十分有说服力。 Hey, that has a look at Li Qiye to refine any shocking weapon when the time comes.” Has the student Yin Yang odd appearance, said this saying time, had taken pleasure in others'misfortunes, as if, he had seen the appearance of Li Qiye refiner failure. “嘿,那到时候就看看李七夜能炼出什么惊世的兵器呢。”有学生阴阳怪气的模样,说出这话的时候,已经是幸灾乐祸了,似乎,他已经看到了李七夜炼器失败的模样了。 In fact, many student believe, Li Qiye refining up to produce the weapon with the waste residue, that radically is not the feasible matter. 事实上,很多学生都认为,李七夜用废渣炼造兵器,那根本就是不可行的事情。 Regarding outside noisy, Li Qiye has not gone to pay attention, but is the old servant who Li Qiye tidies up the waste residue has not inquired, although he thought that Li Qiye refining up the weapon with the waste residue indeed is somewhat strange, but, he does not think the approach that Li Qiye starts merely for a while, Li Qiye refining up to produce the weapon with the waste residue, only feared that has the profound plan, must have his profound meaning, cannot absolutely the approach of temporary interest. 对于外面的沸沸扬扬,李七夜根本就没有去理会,而为李七夜去收拾废渣的老奴也没有过问,虽然他觉得李七夜用废渣去炼兵器的确是有些古怪,但,他并不认为李七夜仅仅是一时兴起的做法,李七夜用废渣来炼造兵器,只怕是有深远的打算,必有他的深意,绝对不会临时兴趣的做法。 The old servants did not inquire, he was Li Qiye tidies up to come the waste residue on Myriad Furnaces Peak every day, other things had, he did not inquire. 老奴不去过问,他每天都为李七夜万炉峰上的废渣收拾好来,其他的事情有,他也不去过问。 Arrived his such age, to his such realm, knows that anything used own saying that anything did not need own to worry. 到了他这样的年纪,到了他这样的境界,知道什么事情用得了自己去说,什么事情不用自己去操心。 Comes back few days in Li Qiye, in the old temple did not come the guest. 李七夜回来没有几天,老庙里不来了客人了。 An old man enters into the old temple time, Fan Bai reported to Li Qiye immediately. 一个老者迈入老庙的时候,凡白就立即向李七夜汇报了。 This old man wears a white clothing, the whole person is very simple, white clothing, the there's nothing decoration, is seemingly ordinary, but very neat. 这个老者穿着一身素衣,整个人很朴素,身上的素衣,没有什么装饰,看起来普通,但是十分的整洁。 Naturally, if you knowledgeable person, will discover that this simple white clothing, that is also very tasteful, the smallest bits of property on white clothing, that is not simple. 当然,如果你是有见识的人,也会发现这简单的素衣,那也是十分讲究的,素衣上的一针一线,那都是不简单。 Old man temple blanch, but, is in high spirits, entire was full of the energy, looks at his facial expression manner, a 18-year-old feeling, blood energy is very exuberant. 老者鬓角发白,但,精神矍烁,整个充满了活力,看他的气色神态,给人一种18岁的感觉,血气十分旺盛。 Although this old man has restrained the own aura, but, in graces, still a grandmaster bearing, as if all in his grasping. 尽管这个老者已经收敛了自己的气息了,但是,在举手投足之间,依然给人一种宗师气度,似乎一切都在他的掌握之中了。 Sees this old man time, the first feeling, makes people think that was short of anything. 看到这个老者的时候,第一个感觉,就让人觉得少了点什么。 Was short of a deer, right, if this old man riding a deer , his whole person had not being able to say Immortal Wind Dao Bone. 少了一头鹿,没错,这个老者如果骑上一头鹿的话,那么,他整个人就有一种说不出来的仙风道骨了。 What a pity, in this old temple, the old man can only walk. 可惜,在这老庙之中,老者只能是步行走进来的。 When the old men come, old servant also on the scene, the old man sees the old servant, busy deeply does obeisance, the manner is respectful. 老者进来之时,老奴也在场,老者一见到老奴,忙是深深地一拜,神态恭敬。 However, the old servant did not speak, but shakes the head to the old man, the old man stood, looked toward Li Qiye. 但是,老奴不吭声,只是对老者摇了摇头,老者站了起来,往李七夜看去。 At this time, Li Qiye lies down on the Grandmaster chair, languid, has not awaked, the manner is sluggish, a being bored to death appearance . Moreover, does not have to look at old man one eyes many. 此时,李七夜躺在大师椅上,懒洋洋的,没有睡醒,神态懒散,一副百无聊赖的模样,而且,也没有多去看老者一眼。 Although said, the old man has the psychology to prepare, he also listened to many Teacher to say the Li Qiye's matter, when his own true sight Li Qiye's time, he had a dropping variance. 虽然说,老者已经有心理准备了,他也听不少老师说了李七夜的事情了,但是,当他自己真正的见到李七夜的时候,他还是有一种落差。 After all, present Li Qiye seemed like too ordinary, to was unable to use any words and expressions to describe him ordinary. Said without the slightest exaggeration, like the person of Li Qiye this appearance, in Buddhist Holy Land, can catch immediately conveniently greatly, the avenue is. 毕竟,眼前的李七夜看起来太普通了,普通到已经无法去用任何词语去形容他了。毫不夸张地说,像李七夜这个模样的人,在当下佛陀圣地,随手都能抓到大把,满大街都是。 However, in the old man heart does not have slight profaning, is such ordinary person, can old servant such respectful? 不过,老者心里面没有丝毫的轻慢,就是这么普通的人,能让老奴这样的人恭恭敬敬吗? At this time, the vision of old man fell , on copper ring that wore in the Li Qiye finger, his looks at this copper ring, does not know that should speak, in his heart was thousand chapters of hundred revolutions, a lot of thoughts flashed past, but, his own does not know, which idea was right, such matter, appeared on such a seemingly ordinary body, that simply was the not possible matter. 在这个时候,老者的目光落在了戴在李七夜手指的铜戒指上,他看着这个铜戒指,都不知道该说什么话好,他心里面是千回百转,有千百个念头一闪而过,但,他自己都不知道,哪一个想法才对,这样的事情,出现在这么一个看起来普通的身上,那简直就是不可能的事情。 But, all these appeared, the old man he does not know that actually in this what happened, he does not know that actually behind this to have what kind of profound principles. 但,这一切却偏偏出现了,老者他都不知道这里面究竟是发生了什么事情了,他也不知道这背后究竟是有怎么样的玄机 Just, the old man is still the person of seeing the world, still has the big boldness person, he deeply shouted inspires, kneels in the place, the manner said that had respectfully was respectful, full of admiration. 只不过,老者依然是见过世面的人,依然是有着大魄力的人,他深深地呼吸了一口气,伏拜于地,神态说多恭敬就有多恭敬了,五体投地。 Does not know how should politely call old man kneels in the place, he can only ask respectfully. “不知道该如何尊称”老者伏拜于地,他只能如此恭敬地问。 If some people see with one's own eyes such a, certainly will shock indescribably, this old man status is what kind of honored, but, his actually kneel and worship in the Li Qiye under foot. 如果有人亲眼看到这样的一幕,一定会震撼得无法形容,这个老者身份是何等的尊贵,但是,他却跪拜李七夜脚下。 In the old man heart is also very disturbed, discussed by the status, Li Qiye wears the copper ring, that already enough honored, but, in the old man heart was clearer, most honored, was not the copper ring on Li Qiye finger, ratio copper ring was more honored. 老者心里面也是很忐忑,以身份而论,李七夜手戴着铜戒指,那都已经足够尊贵的了,但,老者心里面更清楚,最尊贵的,还不是李七夜手指上的这个铜戒指,还有比这只铜戒指更尊贵的。 Called Young Master.” Li Qiye lies down on the Grandmaster chair lazily, said at will. “就叫一声少爷吗。”李七夜懒洋洋地躺在大师椅上,随意地说道。 Disciple is ignorant, does not know the Young Master arrival, after cannot to welcome personally......” old man stand got up, said respectfully. “弟子无知,不知少爷驾临,未能亲迎……”老者站了起来之后,恭敬地说道。 Li Qiye beckons with the hand merely, said: Ok, such vulgar ritual, can exempt exempted, if I really want this treatment, will not come your Cloud and Mud School.” 李七夜仅仅摆了摆手,说道:“算了,这样的俗礼,能免就免了,如果我真的想要这个待遇,也不会来你云泥学院。” Disciple understands.” The old men deeply shouted inspire, kowtow, saying, he still could not bear looked at ring one eyes on Li Qiye. “弟子明白。”老者深深地呼吸了一口气,顿首,说着,他依然忍不住多看了李七夜手上的戒指一眼。 What's wrong, wants this ring?” Li Qiye said with a smile. “怎么,想要这个戒指吗?”李七夜不由笑着说道。 The old man manner is awkward, hollow laugh, said: Disciple does not have this meaning, does not dare to have absolutely. The disciples are curious, Young Master this ring......” at this point, he does not know how should reach an agreement. 老者不由神态尴尬,干笑一声,说道:“弟子没有这个意思,绝对不敢有。弟子只是好奇而已,少爷这戒指……”说到这里,他都不知道该怎么说好。 Because of this ring no small matter, the person who does not know, will not look at this ring one, in their eyes, that is just a scrap copper ring, but, the known person, knows that this ring means anything. 因为这只戒指非同小可,不知道的人,根本就不会去看这只戒指一眼,在他们眼中,那只不过是一只破铜戒指而已,但是,知道的人,就知道这只戒指意味着什么。 Now this ring wore on the Li Qiye's finger, his news has not actually heard, this indeed was a little strange. 现在这只戒指戴在了李七夜的手指上,他却一点消息都没有听到,这的确是有点诡异。 Naturally, he does not think that Li Qiye not to wear this ring, now looks like by him, this ring wears at this moment on the Li Qiye finger, that not accidental/surprised matter. 当然,他并不认为李七夜配戴这戒指,以他现在看来,这只戒指此时此刻戴在李七夜手指上,那一点都不意外的事情。 He curious back matter, but, he does not dare to ask, thing that because behind this ring involves were too many. 只是,他好奇背后的事情,但是,他不敢去问,因为这只戒指背后涉及的东西太多了。 It‘s nothing, buys.” Li Qiye spoke thoughtlessly saying: In a broken booth buys, such bargain-priced goods, could not spend how much money, bought to play well.” “没什么,买的。”李七夜随口说道:“一个破摊上买的,这么一个便宜货,也花不了多少钱,买来玩玩也好。” The old men smiled bitterly, this ring, that is exist(ence) of command world, to the Li Qiye mouth, actually became the bargain-priced goods. 老者不由苦笑了一下,这只戒指,那可是号令天下的存在,到了李七夜口中,却成了便宜货。 As if, looks like in Li Qiye, such a copper ring, is such being worth a red cent. 似乎,在李七夜看来,这么一只铜戒指,是那么的一文不值。 In fact, regarding Li Qiye, that indeed is not worth a red cent, at that time he also played tricks on others. 事实上,对于李七夜来说,那也的的确确是一文不值,当时他也只是戏弄一下人家而已。 „No matter how the Young Master ring obtains, Young Master, orders, the disciples will comply with surely. Young Master has what demand, the disciple surely completely whole-heartedly.” The old men do not dare to have slight neglecting. “不管少爷的戒指是怎么得到的,少爷的话,就是命令,弟子都定将遵从。少爷有什么需求,弟子必定尽全力以赴。”老者不敢有丝毫的怠慢。 Today one. 今天一更。
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