ED :: Volume #37

#3622: I must use the big iron hammer

Regarding the Yang Ling good intention, Li Qiye smiles, shakes the head gently, said: Does not use, I am better.” 对于杨玲的好意,李七夜笑了笑,轻轻摇头,说道:“不用了,我有更好的。” Under glare of the public eye, Li Qiye walked slowly, he looked at all student on the scene, then Liu Jingsong of looks at treasure armor. 在众目睽睽之下,李七夜缓缓地走了出来,他看了一眼在场的所有的学生,然后看着一身宝甲的刘劲松 Coughing Li Qiye coughed, shrugged, said with a smile: You indeed were say right, I on, indeed was the there's nothing good weapon, there's nothing good thing can take take action on hand.” “咳”李七夜咳嗽了一声,摊了摊手,笑着说道:“你们的确是说对了,我手头上,的确是没有什么好兵器,没有什么好的东西能拿得出手了。” That wants me to borrow you one.” Has student to hit to smile said: Here has several Earth Rank weapons, can you select one to try not to take advantage while convenient?” This student hits the words that smiles, immediately makes other student laugh boisterously, another student said with a smile: Even if you lend him your Earth Rank weapon, only feared that he cannot take up, he cannot make the might of this weapon, in his hands only feared that is the scrap iron there's nothing difference.” “那要不要我借你一件。”有学生打笑地说道:“我这里有几件地阶的兵器,你要不要挑一件试试趁不趁手呢?”这位学生打笑的话,顿时让其他的学生都不由哄然大笑起来,另外一个学生笑着说道:“就算你把你的地阶兵器借给他,只怕他也拿不起,他也打不出这兵器的威力,在他手中只怕是和废铁没有什么区别。” Also right.” This student laughs, said with a smile: Or, I ask that fellow students on the scene, does have the weapon of other lower rank, for example, Xuan Rank weapon, what kind of?” “也对。”这位学生大笑起来,笑着说道:“要不,我问一问在场的同学,有没有其他更低级别的兵器,比如说,玄阶的兵器,怎么样呢?” This does not say.” Li Qiye also smiled , the non- laughing gas, said: I have not caused the weapon of Xuan Rank such rank eventually, is only using not while convenient.” “这就不好说了。”李七夜也笑了一下,也不笑气,说道:“我终究是没有使过玄阶这样级别的兵器,只所用着不趁手。” That let our make things difficult for.” This student said with a smile: In our fellow students, the weapons of other ranks are but actually many, if puts out a Huang Rank weapon, that indeed is a little difficult, we only feared that does not have the weapon of such low rank.” “那就让我们为难了。”这位学生笑着说道:“在我们同学中,其他级别的兵器倒不少,如果说拿出一件黄阶的兵器,那的确还是有点困难,我们只怕没有这么低级别的兵器。” Wants me now to at the foot of the mountain shop, buys a Huang Rank weapon for him.” Another student ridiculed. “要不要我现在到山脚下的店铺去,给他买一把黄阶的兵器。”另外一个学生嘲笑起来。 At once, many student laugh, the meaning of ridicule, that was clear. 一时之间,不少学生大笑起来,嘲弄的意思,那是再明白不过了。 If you cannot take up with the Xuan Rank weapon, that is not obediently admits defeat, kowtows to admit mistakes to Junior Brother Liu, perhaps, Junior Brother Liu will be bountiful your life. Otherwise, Junior Brother Liu King Slaying Sword cuts, only feared that your head falls to the ground.” Also there is Senior Brother to see Li Qiye this appearance , the good intention was Li Qiye made such a suggestion. “如果你拿玄阶的兵器都拿不起,那不是乖乖认输吧,向刘师弟磕头认个错,说不定,刘师弟还会饶你一命。否则的话,刘师弟斩王剑一斩而下,只怕你的人头落地。”也有师兄李七夜这番模样,也好心地为李七夜作了这么一个建议。 This did not have the meaning.” And student is shaking the head, said: He was rampant a moment ago, boasting blows the heaven, everyone must open mind, looked that he has what heaven frightening to move the place the method, has what Peerless Divine Weapons, can pound the meat sauce Senior Brother Liu.” “这样也太没意思了。”其中一位学生摇着头,说道:“刚才他还嚣张无比,牛皮吹上天呢,大家都还要开开眼界,看他有什么惊天动地的手段,有什么绝世神兵,能把刘师兄砸成肉酱呢。” Boy, takes out the weapon quickly.” Liu Jingsong sneers said: Your poor life I must decide today.” “小子,快取出兵器吧。”刘劲松冷笑地说道:“你的小命我今天要定了。” At this time, all student looks at Li Qiye, some people sneered, some people felt sorry, what kind of manner also some people did not spare a glance...... to Li Qiye. 在这个时候,所有学生看着李七夜,有人冷笑,也有人可怜,也有人对李七夜不屑一顾……怎么样的神态都有。 This boy died.” Sees Li Qiye to stand there, has student to sneer. “这小子死定了。”见李七夜站在那里,有学生冷笑一声。 Also some student disdain said: That is he brings about own destruction, who makes him provoke Senior Brother Liu, does not know the sky is high the earth is deep.” 也有学生不屑地说道:“那是他自寻死路,谁让他挑衅刘师兄的,不知天高地厚。” At this time, Cloud and Mud School student, thinks that Li Qiye this died, after all, the strengths of two people differed are really disparate. 在这个时候,云泥学院学生,都认为李七夜这是死定了,毕竟,两个人的实力相差实在是太悬殊了。 Anxiously drawing a conclusion.” Stands shakes the head in nearby Teacher Du actually, on the contrary, he does not think that Li Qiye will die, only feared what must die is Liu Jingsong. “不要急着下结论。”站在一旁的杜老师倒是摇了摇头,相反,他并不认为李七夜会死,只怕要死的是刘劲松 However, this is the challenge between student, he as Teacher, will not meddle. If Liu Jingsong really died in the Li Qiye hand, that can only blame his own scholarship not fine. 不过,这是学生之间的挑战,他作为一个老师,也不会去插手。如果刘劲松真的死在了李七夜手中,那只能怪他自己学艺不精了。 After all, under the situation of such normal duel, if wrestles by the life, who was killed, the school over, cannot only blame his own scholarship not fine. 毕竟,在这样正常决斗的情况之下,如果以生命相搏,谁被杀死,学校都不会出头的,只能怪他自己学艺不精。 Good, how this big iron hammer, forces with one well.” At this time, the Li Qiye's vision fell above the big iron hammer on stone anvil, walked toward the stone anvil. “好吧,这个大铁锤怎么样,勉强用一下也好。”在这个时候,李七夜的目光落在了石砧上的大铁锤之上,向石砧走去。 What, do you want to treat as the weapon with this big iron hammer?” Heard a Li Qiye such saying, on the scene does not know that had many student to think own misunderstood. “什么,你要用这大铁锤当作兵器?”听到李七夜这样一说,在场不知道有多少学生以为自己是听错了。 From the beginning, many student also think that own misunderstood, but, saw that Li Qiye walks toward the stone anvil, everyone knows that this is not wrong. 一开始,不少学生还以为自己听错了,但是,看到李七夜向石砧走去,大家就知道这是没有错了。 Cracks a joke, makes the weapon with the big iron hammer?” Immediately some student disdain said: He in dream of a fool?” “开什么玩笑,用大铁锤做兵器?”顿时有学生不屑地说道:“他是在痴人说梦吗?” Boy, you have not known this big iron hammer.” Took one of the big iron hammer in many student a moment ago, Li Qiye has not seen, therefore, has student to think like this. “小子,你还不知道这大铁锤吧。”在刚才很多学生去拿大铁锤的一幕,李七夜没有看到,所以,就有学生这样认为。 This student said loudly: This is not the common big iron hammer, this is invincible Dao Monarch and Wushuang/matchless Heaven Venerable is used to temper the weapon, you cannot raise.” 这位学生大声地说道:“这可不是一般的大铁锤,此乃是无敌道君无双天尊用来锤炼兵器的,你根本就提不起来。” Makes him try, making him kick the sheet iron, know the height of heaven, thick.” Also some student ridicules said. “就让他试试呗,让他踢到铁板,才知道天有多高,地有多厚。”也有学生嘲笑地说道。 Snort, depends on you, wants to take up the big iron hammer, dream of a fool.” Grade high student, sneers, disdain said: Our Cloud and Mud School high and low cannot take up, your woodcutter, do not have daydream.” “哼,就凭你,也想拿得起大铁锤,痴人做梦。”有一位年级高的学生,冷笑,不屑地说道:“我们云泥学院上下都没有能拿得起,你一个樵夫,就别做白日梦了。” Only can say, your Cloud and Mud School student too waste.” Regarding such words, Li Qiye spoke such a few words superficially. “只能说,你们云泥学院学生太废物了。”对于这样的话,李七夜轻描淡写地说了这么一句话。 Li Qiye these words, offended all student immediately, at this time, all Cloud and Mud School on the scene student complexions was ugly. 李七夜这一句话,顿时把所有学生都得罪了,在这个时候,在场的所有云泥学院学生都脸色难看极了。 After all, as Cloud and Mud School student, same age cultivator, they are outstanding, now pointed at the nose to scold too waste by Li Qiye, this makes in the student heart of any Cloud and Mud School be uncomfortable. 毕竟,作为云泥学院学生,在同龄的修士来说,他们都是优秀的,现在被李七夜指着鼻子骂“太废物”了,这让任何一个云泥学院学生都心里面不是滋味的。 Big tone had student unable to repress, immediately shouted severely: Invincible young child, Senior Brother Liu forgives your one dog's life today even, I must cut you.” “好大的口气”有一位学生就按捺不住了,立即厉喝道:“无敌小儿,今天就算刘师兄饶你一条狗命,我也要斩你。” Right, dares to shame our Cloud and Mud School unexpectedly, the crime is unforgivable.” Other student one after another angrily rebuke Li Qiye, pointed at the nose to scold waste by Li Qiye, these student are not dry. “没错,竟然敢羞辱我们云泥学院,罪不可饶恕。”其他的学生纷纷怒斥李七夜,被李七夜指着鼻子骂“废物”,这些学生都不干了。 Saw such a, Teacher Du smiled bitterly, has to shake the head, he did not make the sound simply, stood on one side to stand by. 看到这样的一幕,杜老师不由苦笑了一声,只好摇了摇头,他索性不作声了,站在一边袖手旁观。 surnamed Li, depends on your words, I must cut your dog head.” The Liu Jingsong cold dense/woods said: Cuts you, for the personal spite, is not for our Cloud and Mud School reputation/honorary, dares to slander my Cloud and Mud School, the heinous crime!” 姓李的,就凭你这句话,我就必斩斩你狗头。”刘劲松冷森地说道:“斩你,不是为了私愤,乃是为了我们云泥学院的名誉,敢诋毁我云泥学院,罪该万死!” The Liu Jingsong such have a strong sense of righteousness words, won many student on the scene favorable impression immediately. 刘劲松这样大义凛然的话,顿时赢得了在场不少学生的好感。 Senior Brother Liu, first leaves is wanting his dog's life anxiously, first teaches him well, making him know that what kind of fate will shame our Cloud and Mud School to have.” Some student called out loudly. 刘师兄,先别急着要他狗命,先好好教训教训他,让他知道羞辱我们云泥学院会有怎么样的下场。”有学生都大声叫道。 Li Qiye smiled merely, puts out a hand to take the iron hammer, the hand is grasping the wooden handle. 李七夜仅仅笑了一下,伸手去拿铁锤,手握着木柄。 The student looks at Li Qiye's movement on the scene, naturally, sees Li Qiye takes the iron hammer the time, few student treat as a matter. 在场的学生看着李七夜的动作,当然,见李七夜去拿铁锤的时候,也没有几个学生当作一回事。 Snort, he also wants to take up the iron hammer, do not have daydream.” Some student disdain said. “哼,他也想拿起铁锤,别做白日梦。”有学生不屑地说道。 In fact, other student on the scene, do not believe that Li Qiye can take up this big iron hammer. 事实上,在场的其他学生,都根本不相信李七夜能拿起这只大铁锤。 On the scene also only has Yang Ling is the Li Qiye air-blowing, she grasped the powder fist, said: Young Master, keep it up.” 在场也唯有杨玲李七夜鼓气,她握了握粉拳,说道:“少爷,加油。” Really quite heavy, it seems like wants to take up it is not easy.” At this time, Li Qiye is grasping the wooden handle of big iron hammer, said with a smile. “真的好重呀,看来想拿起它不容易。”在这个时候,李七夜握着大铁锤的木柄,笑着说道。 All right, even if you do not have the weapon, my under the hand/subordinate will not be forgiving, take action, my sword first cuts your both hands, this is you to the fate that our Cloud and Mud School disrespects.” King Slaying Sword in Liu Jingsong hand points at Li Qiye, cold and proud was saying. “没事,就算你没有兵器,我也不会手下留情的,出手吧,我一剑先斩下你的双手,这就是你对我们云泥学院不敬的下场。”刘劲松手中的斩王剑指着李七夜,冷傲地说道。 Right?” Li Qiye looked at his one eyes, said with a smile: You complete the defense, has what secret skill, executes, my take action, you were finished.” “是吗?”李七夜看了他一眼,笑吟吟地说道:“你还是做好防御吧,有什么绝学,施出来,我一出手,你完蛋了。” You Liu Jingsong the complexion become flushed immediately, was mad trembles. “你”刘劲松顿时脸色涨红,被气得哆嗦。 Dead duck is obstinate argumentative.” Has student to disdain, said to Liu Jingsong loudly: Senior Brother Liu, take action teaches him, cuts off his both hands, breaks his both legs.” “死鸭子嘴硬。”有学生不屑,大声对刘劲松说道:“刘师兄,出手教训他,斩断他的双手,打断他的双腿。” Good, I thought when you can also the tooth point mouth advantage arrive.” Liu Jingsong drinks one severely, the words falls, executes Cultivation Technique, hears bang, bang and bang the sound of thundering was lingering on faintly, sees only the Liu Jingsong whole body spout the ray. “好,我看你还能牙尖嘴利到什么时候。”刘劲松厉喝一声,话一落下,施出功法,听到“轰、轰、轰”的轰鸣之声不绝于耳,只见刘劲松全身喷涌出了光芒。 At this time, dao marks built the wall, heard bang loud sound, saw only a leaf of god wall to extend horizontally in the Liu Jingsong front, Liu Shenqiang was indestructible, when he extended horizontally there, just like traverses a side, making person raise one's head look around, the entire god wall gave people a strong oppression strength. 在这个时候,道纹垒壁,听到“砰”的一声巨响,只见一扇神墙亘横在了刘劲松的面前,刘神墙坚不可摧,当他亘横在那里的时候,犹如横断一方,让人都不由抬头张望,整面神墙给人一股强大的压迫力。 In mold wall 30,000 saw that Liu Jingsong take action displayed so powerful Cultivation Technique, many people called out in alarm one, said: Such Cultivation Technique, uses a talented person in an insignificant position simply, surnamed Li is unable to injure slightly.” “模墙三万里”看到刘劲松出手就施展出了如此强大的功法,不少人惊呼一声,说道:“这样的功法,简直就是大材小用,姓李的根本就无法伤之丝毫。” Lets him before the point of death, experiences unparalleled Cultivation Technique is also good.” Also there is student to sneer. “让他在临死之前,见识见识绝世无双功法也好。”也有学生冷笑。 Boy, this Young Master must cut your both hands today, breaks your both legs, must grind the meat sauce you, otherwise, is difficult to disappear my heart to hate......” Liu Jingsong to say bitterly. “小子,今天本公子要斩了你的双手,打断你的双腿,要把你碾成肉酱,否则,难消我心头之恨……”刘劲松恨恨地说道。 You do not have this opportunity.” Li Qiye smiled, big hand proposes, hears clang one calls resonate sound, placed the big iron hammer on stone anvil to be raised by Li Qiye steadily all of a sudden. “你没这个机会。”李七夜笑了起来,大手一提,听到“铛”的一声鸣动之声响起,本是稳稳放在石砧上的大铁锤一下子被李七夜提了起来。 Suddenly, Li Qiye raised the big iron hammer all of a sudden, does not have any indication, Li Qiye has not displayed what Cultivation Technique, does not have blood energy to soar to the heavens, even can say, his probably useless anything strength. 突然之间,李七夜一下子提起了大铁锤,没有任何征兆,李七夜没有施展什么功法,也没有血气冲天,甚至可以说,他好像没用什么力气。 Such raises, is very superficial, all of a sudden placing big iron hammer on block raising. 就这样一提,很轻描淡写,就一下子把放在砧板上的大铁锤给提了起来了。 At once, Cloud and Mud School on the scene all student, the mouth opens in a big way, shocked could not speak. 一时之间,在场云泥学院的所有学生,都嘴巴张得大大的,被震撼的说不出话来。 In a moment ago, all student caused completely the strength of nursing, is unable to shake this big iron hammer slightly, is no exception Lin Hao. 要知道,在刚才,所有的学生使尽了吃奶的力气,都无法撼动这只大铁锤丝毫,连林浩都不例外。 That feared that is their Cloud and Mud School Innate Talent is highest, the strength strongest talent, Dugu Lan, same could not mention this big iron hammer. 那怕是他们云泥学院天赋最高,实力最强的天才,独孤岚,都一样提不起这只大铁锤。 However, this time, Li Qiye was mentioning this big iron hammer superficially, as if, this big iron hammer is not in his hands heavy is the same, probably is just an ordinary iron hammer. 但是,在这个时候,李七夜却轻描淡写地提起了这只大铁锤,似乎,这只大铁锤在他手中根本就不重一样,好像只不过是一只普通的铁锤而已。 At this moment, in the Li Qiye hand, this is not invincible Dao Monarch and Supreme Heaven Venerable is used for the sacrifice to refine the iron hammer of weapon. 此时此刻,在李七夜手中,这根本就不是什么无敌道君无上天尊用来祭炼兵器的铁锤。 Today one. 今天一更。
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