ED :: Volume #35

#3498: Void Physique

In an instant, Bai Jianchan vanishes to disappear, moreover is vanishes from a giant all of a sudden instantaneously, but, his disappearance is actually not that concealing disappearance, as if during he integrated was void, the entire void that was just part of his body. 刹那之间,白翦禅消失不见了,而且是一下子从一个巨人瞬间消失,但是,他这种消失却不是那种匿藏的消失,似乎他是融入了虚空之中,整个虚空那只不过是他身体的一部分而已。 Void Physique, this is Physique Technique that Bai Jianchan displays. 虚无体,这正是白翦禅所施展出来的体术 Everyone discussed that Bai Jianchan obtained their Yin Yang Meditation Sect instruction ancient Physique Technique, but, in now Eight Desolate few people have known that what is this Physique Technique, everyone talks about Yin Yang Meditation Sect this unparalleled Physique Technique, often said that is Physique Technique. 人人都谈白翦禅得到了他们阴阳禅门传授的古之体术,但是,在今八荒之中已经很少人知道这是什么体术了,大家谈及阴阳禅门这门绝世无双体术,往往就说是古之体术 The Northwest Sovereign cultivator powerhouse does not certainly know, in their mouth said Physique Technique of” is in Nine Worlds epoch one of the illustrious Twelve Immortal Physiques Void Physique, this Immortal Physique is stems from One of the Nine Grand Heavenly Scriptures «Physique Scripture» 北西皇修士强者当然不知道,他们口中所说的“古之体术”乃是九界纪元之中赫赫有名的十二仙体之一的“虚无体”,此仙体乃是出自于九大天书之一的《体书 Just, when Eight Desolate, does not have «Physique Scripture» now, ancient Physique Technique that now hands down from generation to generation, nothing but is Nine Worlds epoch, survives. 只不过,在当今八荒,已经没有了《体书》,现在所传下来的古之体术,无非是九界纪元之时,残存下来的而已。 Bai Jianchan vanishes in this in an instant does not see, but, after he disappears, everyone thinks that he is everywhere, nowhere does not have, as if, he is everywhere all , is everywhere same. 白翦禅在这刹那之间消失不见,但是,当他消失之后,大家又觉他是无处不在,无处不有,似乎,他是处处皆在,处处皆有一样。 He had disappeared obviously, but, he stood there probably, moreover each perspective, each level, even was each detail, he there, when you looked, he seemed like fills up the entire space to be the same all of a sudden. 他明明是已经消失了,但,他又好像是站在了那里,而且每一个角度,每一个层次,甚至是每一个细节,他都在那里,当你望去的时候,他好像是一下子填满了整个空间一样。 However, actually air-to-air such as wild, cannot see Bai Jianchan, he can actually give you such a feeling, such feeling very direct-viewing. 但是,却空空如野,根本就看不到白翦禅,他却能给你这样的一种感觉,这样的感觉是十分的直观。 This seems you to stand there, was wrapped surround by tens of thousands of Bai Jianchan all of a sudden, moreover each Bai Jianchan will give your same Divine Power, similarly fearful blood energy suppression. 这就好像你站在那里,一下子被成千上万的白翦禅围住了,而且每一个白翦禅都会给你同样的神威,同样可怕的血气镇压而来。 In this moment, this seems like you radically incessantly with Bai Jianchan to the war, but is tens of thousands of Bai Jianchan to the war, this is how fearful one feeling, only this intuition impact comes, will make you shiver, even can steamroll your Dao Heart, have a feeling of defeating the enemy without fighting. 在这一刻,这就好像你根本就不止是与一个白翦禅对战,而是成千上万的白翦禅对战,这是多么可怕的一种感觉,单是这种直觉冲击而来,都会让你为之颤抖,甚至可以碾压你的道心,有着一种不战而屈人之兵的感觉。 Physique Technique of-- felt the so strong feeling, even Large Sect Old Ancestor complexion big change. “古之体术——”感受到了如此强烈的感觉,连大教老祖都不由脸色大变 Buzz-- a resonate sound, in this in an instant, the space that Li Qiye stands twists all of a sudden, the entire space was pinched the same as turn the bread twist in the hand probably all of a sudden. “嗡——”的一声响起,就在这刹那之间,李七夜所站的空间一下子扭曲,整个空间好像一下子被人捏在了手中一样扭成了麻花。 In such space, what place no matter you stand, no matter you must span many distance, but, you could not evade. 在这样的空间之中,不管你是站在什么样的地方,不管你是要跨越多少的距离,但,你都是逃避不了的。 In this in an instant, the space seemed like by huge incomparable invisible big hand twisting, in the space of this distortion, Li Qiye seemed to be fettered there all of a sudden, could not move, the entire body also distorted with the space. 就在这刹那之间,空间似乎是被一只巨大无比的无形大手给扭曲了,在这扭曲的空间之中,李七夜似乎一下子被束缚在那里,根本就动弹不得了,整个身体也随着空间而变形。 Moreover, from beginning to end, without seeing Bai Jianchan take action, without seeing Bai Jianchan by what strength suppression, everyone cannot see Bai Jianchan, he everywhere. 而且,从始至终,都没有看到白翦禅出手,也没有看到白翦禅以什么样的力镇压而下,大家都看不到白翦禅,他偏偏就无处不在。 Without the style, without the suppression of strength, the space was twisted directly, such feeling shock how. 没有招式,没有力量的镇压,空间直接被扭曲,这样的感觉多么的震撼。 On the scene does not know that many people are absolutely terrified, even some people cannot bear big shout, because they felt that the own body also twists with the space, at this time, the body of own seemed the bread twist to be the same, became very frail, only needed to make an effort slightly, the disintegration will become the innumerable fragments. 在场不知道多少人都毛骨悚然,甚至有人都忍不住大叫一声,因为他们都感觉自己的身躯也随着空间而扭曲,在这个时候,自己的身体就好像麻花一样,变得十分脆弱,只需要稍稍地一用力,就会崩碎成了无数的碎片。 However, fearful Void Physique strength is also not limited to this, hears bang, bang and bang loud sound is lingering on faintly, in this instantaneous, just like Ten Thousand Worlds to thunder, the day swings shakes, under this fearful swaying, the whole world probably all of a sudden dark. 但是,可怕虚无体力量还远不止于此,听到“轰、轰、轰”的一声声巨响不绝于耳,在这瞬间,犹如万界轰鸣,天摇地晃,在这可怕的摇晃之下,整个世界都好像一下子暗了下来。 In this instantaneous, the space of distortion just like overlaps all of a sudden, moreover not only stops in the present space, but is billion spaces overlaps in an instant in this. 在这瞬间,扭曲的空间犹如一下子重叠,而且不仅仅止于眼前的空间,而是千百万的空间在这刹那之间重叠起来。 This has 10,000 world to overlap in this probably instantaneously all of a sudden, became a singular point by the extrusion, all became a point by the steamroll. 这就好像在这瞬间有一万个世界一下子重叠,被压挤成了一个奇点,所有的一切都被碾压成为了一个点。 At bang under loud sound, the whole world vanishes in everyone probably at present was the same, the whole world was extruded a crystal point by fearful Void Physique, everyone was extruded to crush in this crystal point. 在“轰”的一声巨响之下,整个世界就好像在所有人眼前消失了一样,整个世界被可怕的虚无体挤压成了一个晶点,所有人都在这晶点之中被挤压得粉碎。 In this most extreme crystal point, Li Qiye has vanished to disappear, as if, his whole person had become slightly a smallest granule by the extrusion. 在这样最为极端的晶点之中,李七夜已经消失不见了,似乎,他整个人都已经被压挤成了最小最小的一颗粒子了。 Although such extrusion strength displayed on Li Qiye, but, all cultivator powerhouses on the scene also still felt, everyone such as personally experienced general, felt that the body of own was extruded the granule all of a sudden, let their with amazement big shout. 虽然这样的挤压力量是施展在了李七夜身上,但是,在场的所有修士强者都还依然感受到了,所有人如亲身感受一般,感觉自己的身体一下子被挤压成了粒子,让他们都不由骇然大叫一声 Good fearful ancient Physique Technique.” Has Large Sect Old Ancestor with amazement, complexion big change. “好可怕的古之体术。”有大教老祖都不由骇然,脸色大变 I felt that own resulted in vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke by the steamroll.” Some youngster were frightened the both feet to tremble, sits on the ground, crawls unable to crawl. “我都感觉自己被碾压得灰飞烟灭了。”有年轻人更是被吓得双脚哆嗦,一屁股坐在地上,爬都爬不起来。 Young Master Bai is invincible, a move of fatality.” These Large Sect Saintess recovers after panic-stricken, is Bai Jianchan cheers, their appearance Fei Yang(to rise), is Bai Jianchan has the interest powerful. 白少主无敌,一招致命。”那些大教圣女从惊骇之中回过神来之后,不由为白翦禅喝彩,她们都不由神采飞扬,为白翦禅的强大而感到兴趣。 At this time, does not know that many people look at each other, the complexion turns white, many people for a long time heard that Bai Jianchan given name, everyone also acknowledged, in young one generation, Bai Jianchan is invincible, Northwest Sovereign number one person. 此时,不知道多少人相顾之间,脸色为之发白,很多人都久闻白翦禅的大名,大家也都承认,在年轻一辈,白翦禅已经无敌了,北西皇第一人 However, many people cannot see with one's own eyes Bai Jianchan take action, today looks at Bai Jianchan take action, this lets them with amazement, Bai Jianchan such method, that is really the shocking, fearful soul, at this time, anyone, has to acknowledge, Bai Jianchan, Northwest Sovereign number one person, indeed is turns over to the name to the reality. 但是,很多人都未能亲眼看到白翦禅出手,今日一看白翦禅出手,这让他们都不由为之骇然,白翦禅这样的手段,那实在是骇人听闻,慑人心魂,在这个时候,不论是谁,都不得不承认,白翦禅,北西皇第一人,的的确确是名至实归。 Li Qiye died.” Saw that the space was pressed the crystal point instantaneously, has the young talent to say taking pleasure in others' misfortunes: Even if he has Phoenix lost treasure in the hand, does not have the take action opportunity.” 李七夜死定了。”看到空间瞬间被压成了晶点,有年轻天才不由幸灾乐祸地说道:“就算他有凤凰遗宝在手,也没有出手的机会。” Snort, overreaches oneself.” Also there are aristocratic family daughters disdain saying: Trivial Silver Armor Battle Body strength, can compare with Young Master Bai, powerful treasure, is unable to be used to make up for the power gap.” “哼,不自量力。”也有世家千金不屑地说道:“区区银甲战躯的实力,又焉能与白少主相比,再强大的宝物,也是无法用来弥补实力差距的。” „The capital of double Innate, first Heavenly Dao body, Innate True Fate, this is Peerless Deity.” Even Large Sect Old Ancestor approved one, said: Only feared when Physique Technique of big accomplishment his, was he proves to result in the day of Dao Fruit.” “双先天之资,先天道体,先天真命,此乃是绝世神人也。”连大教老祖都不由赞了一声,说道:“只怕他古之体术大成之时,便是他证得道果之日。” At this time, the looks at space became the crystal point by the steamroll, Li Qiye has vanished to disappear, everyone thinks that Li Qiye this was must die without doubt. 在这个时候,看着空间被碾压成了晶点,李七夜早就消失不见了,所有人都认为李七夜这是必死无疑了。 However, in this in an instant, heard bang resonate sound of disintegration, a crystal instantaneous disintegration, the disintegration space expands instantaneously, changes to the innumerable fragments to splash to fly. 但是,就在这刹那之间,听到“砰”的一声崩碎之声响起,晶点瞬间崩碎,崩碎的空间瞬间扩张,化作了无数的碎片溅飞出来。 In this in an instant, the space expands, returned to the zero point all of a sudden, Li Qiye one step stepped there. 就在这刹那之间,空间扩张,又一下子回到了原点,李七夜就在那里一步迈了出来。 When Li Qiye one step takes, the Phoenix feather in his hand also merely is gently a point, as if, this gently point, was the disintegration all suppression, the disintegration the Physique Technique strength steamroll, at this time, Void Physique strength is unable to surround Li Qiye. 李七夜一步迈出之时,他手中的凤凰羽毛也仅仅是轻轻一点而已,似乎,这轻轻一点,就是崩碎了一切的镇压,崩碎了体术力量碾压,在这个时候,虚无体力量根本就无法困得住李七夜 Also many people clamored Li Qiye to die a moment ago without doubt, especially these little fan younger sisters, noticed Li Qiye is still also living, moreover struck conveniently, then the disintegration the space of steamroll, this made them like swallowing a fly, the manner was very awkward. 刚才还很多人叫嚣着李七夜必死无疑呢,特别是那些小迷妹们,一看到李七夜依然还活着,而且随手一击,便崩碎了碾压的空间,这就让他们像吞了一只苍蝇一样了,神态无比尴尬。 Void Physique, this indeed is very extraordinary Physique Technique, Peerless Immortal Physique. 虚无体,这的的确确是很了不得的体术,绝世仙体 However , Bai Jianchan faces, but Li Qiye, among Whole World can also some people compared with him «Physique Scripture» [comprehend/comprehension] thoroughly? He has opened one page of exist(ence). 但是,要知道,白翦禅面对的可是李七夜,举世之间还有人能比他把《体书参悟得更加透彻吗?他可是翻开过一页的存在 Therefore, Li Qiye strikes gently, then a move hit the Bai Jianchan Void Physique weakest flaw, that feared that strikes gently, on instantaneous disintegration space steamroll. 所以,李七夜轻轻一击,便一招击中了白翦禅虚无体最薄弱的破绽,那怕轻轻一击,就瞬间崩碎了空间的碾压。 Buzz-- a resonate sound, the Phoenix feather of Li Qiye fled a Dao Fire flame, the flame struck spatially, such as long spear passed through the entire space equally instantaneously. “嗡——”的一声响起,李七夜手的凤凰羽毛窜动出了一道火焰,火焰击空,如长枪一样瞬间贯穿了整个空间。 Hears bang loud sound, top space all of a sudden disintegration, in this bang in the sound, sees only a form to be struck to fly instantaneously, the whole person attacks, finally is bang loud sound, the whole person hit above the land, as if, strength of this entire space passed through to rebound all of a sudden completely his body. 听到“砰”的一声巨响,最顶层的空间一下子崩碎,在这“砰”的声音之中,只见一个身影被瞬间击飞,整个人冲击而出,最后是“轰”的一声巨响,整个人撞击在了大地之上,似乎,这整个空间的力量一下子全部贯穿反弹到了他的身上。 Right, in the graces, Li Qiye breaks Void Physique that Bai Jianchan was proud. 没错,就是在举手投足之间,李七夜就破了白翦禅引以为傲的虚无体 In fact, Bai Jianchan thinks arrogant Void Physique, in front of that Li Qiye, that is simply naked, stark naked, radically there is no mystery, even, in the Li Qiye eye, Bai Jianchan Void Physique, each flaw, Li Qiye his own probably be clearer than Bai Jianchan. 事实上,白翦禅自以为傲的虚无体,在那李七夜面前,那简直就是赤裸裸的,一丝不挂,根本就没有任何奥妙可言,甚至,在李七夜眼中,白翦禅虚无体,每一处破绽,李七夜都要比白翦禅自己要更清楚。 Bai Jianchan was struck the bang to fall by Li Qiye instantaneously conveniently on the ground, this makes everyone mouth open all of a sudden in a big way, Li Qiye strikes merely conveniently, fell Bai Jianchan on the bang, this was too rather odd. 白翦禅瞬间被李七夜随手一击轰落在地上,这一下子让所有人都嘴巴张得大大的,李七夜仅仅是随手一击而已,就轰落了白翦禅,这未免太离谱了吧。 Everyone can look, Bai Jianchan this unparalleled ancient Physique Technique, seems like the paper sticks in front of Li Qiye, collapses at the first blow radically. 谁都看得出来,白翦禅绝世无双的古之体术,在李七夜面前就好像是纸糊的一样,根本就不堪一击。 How is this possible?” Sees such a, Large Sect Old Ancestor cannot believe that although they cannot resist Bai Jianchan personally Physique Technique of”, but, in a moment ago, Physique Technique of gave their direct-viewing might, that does not need with the words to describe that completely, anybody can realize that Bai Jianchan ancient Physique Technique, is what kind of great strength, is what kind of fearfulness. “这怎么可能?”看到这样的一幕,连大教老祖都不敢相信,虽然他们没能亲自对抗白翦禅的“古之体术”,但是,在刚才,古之体术给他们的直观威力,那完全是不需要用笔墨去形容的,任何人都能体会得到白翦禅的古之体术,是何等的强大,是何等的可怕。 even if in them anyone , is impossible so easily to decode Bai Jianchan ancient Physique Technique, even may probably crush by the Bai Jianchan ancient Physique Technique steamroll. 就算是他们中的任何一个人,也不可能如此轻易地破解白翦禅的古之体术,甚至有可能被白翦禅的古之体术碾压得粉碎。 However, now Li Qiye actually breaks Bai Jianchan ancient Physique Technique easily, as if Bai Jianchan ancient Physique Technique is just a paper tiger. 但是,现在李七夜却轻而易举地破了白翦禅的古之体术,似乎白翦禅的古之体术只不过是纸老虎而已。 But, anybody knows, Yin Yang Meditation Sect ancient Physique Technique, absolutely is not a paper tiger, the institute on the scene also has the own experience. 但,任何人都知道,阴阳禅门的古之体术,绝对不会是纸老虎,在场的所也都有亲身的体会。 However, no matter what reason, Li Qiye broke Bai Jianchan ancient Physique Technique easily, such, who sees with one's own eyes, cannot believe, will think the own vertigo. 然而,不管是什么样的原因,李七夜都轻而易举破了白翦禅的古之体术,这样的一幕,不论是谁亲眼看到,都不敢相信,都会以为自己眼花。 Why can he so break Physique Technique of ease?” Riddle that this tenth in their all will of the people are unable to solve. “为什么他能如此轻松破了古之体术?”这成了他们所有人心里面无法解开的谜团。
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