ED :: Volume #35

#3490: Ascends the Holy Spirit palace

Young Master Bai, Young Master Bai good graceful-- at once, the voice of scream advanced the high tide the scene atmosphere, does not know many Large Sect Saintess and Royal Family Princess and so on little fan younger sisters were screaming desperately, on the scene does not know has many female cultivator beckons to Bai Jianchan, curries favor with Bai Jianchan. 白少主,白少主好帅——”一时之间,尖叫的声浪把场面的气氛推到了高潮,不知道有多少大教圣女皇室公主等等的小迷妹都在拼命地尖叫,在场也不知道有多少的女修士白翦禅招手,向白翦禅献媚。 At once, the entire scene incomparably surges upward warmly, the Bai Jianchan popularity was also high to the apex, the quite ten thousand people of scenery from it potential, do not know that made many people fall, does not know that many people envied. 一时之间,整个场面都是热情无比高涨,白翦禅的人气也是高到了顶点,颇有万人景从之势,不知道让多少人为之倾倒,也不知道有多少人为之羡慕。 Although also in some will of the people envies, when Bai Jianchan appears, his makings, his air/Qi field, his every action and every movement, indeed exceed do not know many people, does not know that makes many people be overshadowed. 虽然也有一些人心里面嫉妒,但是,当白翦禅出现的时候,他的气质,他的气场,他的一举一动,都的的确确是超越不知道多少人,也不知道让多少人为之黯然失色。 As for female cultivator, does not know that has many people charmed by the Bai Jianchan that unparalleled bearing, does not know that many people screamed, is enchanted by, for it god soul but actually. 至于女修士,更是不知道有多少人被白翦禅绝世无双的气度所迷倒,不知道有多少人为之尖叫,为之迷醉,为之神魂魄倒。 It can be said that in male cultivator of Northwest Sovereign younger generation, Bai Jianchan indeed has the incomparable advantage, does not know that is in the dreams in many female minds the sweetheart. 可以说,在北西皇年轻一代的男修士之中,白翦禅的确是有着无可比拟的优势,不知道是多少女子心目中的梦中情人。 Bai Jianchan all various professions to the Holy Spirit palace, he press the palm gently, hinting those present is peaceful. 白翦禅行行至圣灵殿之下,他轻轻地压了压手掌,示意在场的人安静。 In still saw Bai Jianchan such hand signal in female cultivator of loud scream a moment ago, one after another is peaceful, elegant eyes of flood peach blossom closely is both taking a look at Bai Jianchan, as if must be the same in the heart the Bai Jianchan brand mark, does not know that some multi- young girl cultivator greedily looks at present Peerless handsome men, perhaps, this was they can have only so leaves the Bai Jianchan recent opportunity. 在刚才还在大声尖叫的女修士看到白翦禅这样的手势,都纷纷安静下来,一双双泛桃花的秀目都紧紧地瞅着白翦禅,似乎要把白翦禅烙印在心里面一样,也不知道有多少女修士贪婪地看着眼前的绝世美男子,或许,这是她们唯一能有着如此离白翦禅最近的机会了。 After all young female cultivator are peaceful, the entire scene was peaceful, everyone turned very quiet, looks at Bai Jianchan every action and every movement. 当所有的年轻女修士都安静下来之后,整个场面都安静下来了,所有人都屏住呼吸,看着白翦禅的一举一动。 At this time, was not only these admires Bai Jianchan female cultivator, was everyone on the scene, wants to know after Bai Jianchan mounted the Holy Spirit palace, what kind of phenomenon will have, can be recognized Stone Golem Race the blessing or of Virtuous Predecessor. 在这个时候,不仅仅是那些爱慕白翦禅的女修士,就是在场的所有人,都想知道白翦禅登上圣灵殿之后,将会有怎么样的异象,会不会得到石人族先贤的祝福或者认同。 Stands under the Holy Spirit palace, Bai Jianchan did obeisance doing obeisance to the Holy Spirit palace, the manner collected respectfully cautiously, to Stone Golem Race Virtuous Predecessor, so that highest respect. 站在圣灵殿之下,白翦禅圣灵殿拜了拜,神态恭敬敛慎,向石人族先贤们以致最高的敬意。 Bai Jianchan such action, is not only makes many people on the scene acclaim, won many Stone Golem Race favorable impressions all of a sudden. 白翦禅如此之举,不仅仅是让在场的许多人为之赞叹,也一下子是赢得了不少石人族的好感。 After all, regarding Stone Golem Race, Bai Jianchan such attitude, regarding the respect of their Stone Golem Race. 毕竟,对于石人族来说,白翦禅如此的态度,也是对于他们石人族的尊敬。 After white Jian auspicious does obeisance finish, restrains the manner, entire clothes, after obtaining the Old Ancestor agreement of Ancestral City, he then mounts the Holy Spirit palace slowly. 白翦祥拜毕之后,收敛神态,整衣冠,在得到了祖城老祖同意之后,他这才缓缓地登上圣灵殿。 Bai Jianchan mounts the Holy Spirit palace step by step, step by step on however, each step step is uniform, as if his every step seems like the process to measure to be the same, he every step falls, brings the sound of footsteps. 白翦禅一步又一步地登上圣灵殿,一级一级而上,每一步的步伐都整齐划一,似乎他的每一步都好像是经过丈量一样,他每一步落下,都带着脚步声。 His such sound of footsteps falls, is not resounding, but, why does not know, such sound of footsteps, does not resound in everyone's ear, but resounds in everyone's heart. 他这样的脚步声落下,并不响亮,但是,不知道为什么,这样的脚步声,不是在所有人的耳边响起,而是在所有人的心里面响起。 As if, the Bai Jianchan this footsteps step by step, fall in the heart of own are the same, he passes through in the heart of own step by step, leaving behind two lines was neat and had the footprint of gauge festival. 似乎,白翦禅这一步又一步的脚步,是落在自己的心里面一样,他是在自己的心里面一步又一步走过,留下了两行又整齐又有规节的脚印。 Therefore, when Bai Jianchan such sound of footsteps in all will of the people are reverberating, interweaves a unparalleled rhythm, very wonderful, as if Grand Dao rotates with his rhythm is the same. 所以,当白翦禅这样的脚步声在所有人心里面回荡着的时候,交织成了一道绝无伦比的韵律,十分的美妙,似乎大道都随着他的韵律而转动一样。 Quite comfortable.” Is cannot see any mysterious person, hears such sound of footsteps, there are different feeling. “好舒服。”就是算是看不出什么玄妙的人,听到这样的脚步声,也有不一样的感受。 Especially these are full of the admire to Bai Jianchan female cultivator and Large Sect Saintess, they hear Bai Jianchan such sound of footsteps, by Bai Jianchan thorough charmed, Bai Jianchan this mounts the Holy Spirit palace step by step, that is how perfect, making them be enchanted is inescapably involved. 特别是那些对白翦禅充满爱慕的女修士大教圣女,他们听到白翦禅这样的脚步声,都被白翦禅彻底的迷住了,白翦禅这样一步步登上圣灵殿,那是多么的完美,让她们都迷醉得不能自拔。 He is knocking the Holy Spirit palace.” Large Sect Old Ancestor can hear Bai Jianchan this rhythm, listened to profound principles, knows that Bai Jianchan this was must do. “他是在叩击圣灵殿。”大教老祖能听得出白翦禅这韵律,听出了玄机,知道白翦禅这是要干什么。 When Bai Jianchan mounts the Holy Spirit palace step by step, everyone screen five on the scene breathed, everyone calmly is waiting, was full of the patience. 白翦禅一步又一步登上圣灵殿的时候,在场的所有人都屏伍呼吸了,所有人都静静地等待着,都充满了耐心。 Finally, under glare of the public eye, Bai Jianchan mounted the Holy Spirit palace finally. 最终,在众目睽睽之下,白翦禅终于登上了圣灵殿。 Mounted the Holy Spirit palace.” When Bai Jianchan mounts the Holy Spirit palace, some people call out in alarm one, many cultivator powerhouse also one both eyes open the eyes in a big way, the entire god passes through residence looks at at present this, is not willing to miss any detail. “登上圣灵殿了。”在白翦禅登上圣灵殿的时候,有人不由惊呼一声,不少的修士强者也都一双双眼睛睁得大大的,全神贯住地看着眼前这一幕,不愿意错过任何细节。 Young Master Bai mounted the Holy Spirit palace, was quite great.” After Bai Jianchan mounts the Holy Spirit palace, there is Royal Family Princess excitedly big shout. 白少主登上圣灵殿了,好了不起。”白翦禅登上圣灵殿之后,有皇室公主兴奋地大叫一声 Also some females who admire Bai Jianchan much were tense at this time, they feared after Bai Jianchan mounted the Holy Spirit palace, will not have any harvest, could not obtain the acknowledgment of Stone Golem Race Virtuous Predecessor, then to their these little fan younger sisters, was an attack. 也有不少爱慕白翦禅的女子在这个时候不由紧张起来,她们怕白翦禅登上圣灵殿之后不会有任何的收获,也得不到石人族先贤们的承认,那么对她们这些小迷妹来,就是一种打击。 Therefore, even there is female cultivator to be anxious closely covered the mouth. 所以,甚至有女修士紧张得都不由紧紧地捂住了嘴巴。 Buzz-- a resonate sound, after Bai Jianchan mounts the Holy Spirit palace, Holy Spirit palace sky that different sky shone suddenly, in this in an instant, sky sprinkled the ray, sprinkled the ray to cover under from this different sky on the body of Bai Jianchan all of a sudden, as if, in this in an instant, Bai Jianchan suddenly became the lead in entire stage, that intensely bright, was a focus of public attention, captured everyone's attention all of a sudden firmly. “嗡——”的一声响起,在白翦禅登上圣灵殿之后,圣灵殿上空那不一样的天空突然之间亮了起来,在这刹那之间,天空洒落了光芒,从这不一样天空中所洒落下的光芒一下子笼罩在了白翦禅的身上,似乎,在这刹那之间,白翦禅一下子成了整个舞台的主角,是那么的夺目耀眼,万众瞩目,一下子牢牢地吸引住了所有人的目光。 Succeeded--, when under different sky sprinkle the ray to cover on the body of Bai Jianchan, there is Large Sect Saintess to cheer one pleasantly surprised, yelled that said: Young Master Bai is Peerless Deity, Stone Golem Race Virtuous Predecessor also acknowledges his unparalleled Innate Talent.” “成功了——”当不一样的天空洒落下的光芒笼罩在白翦禅的身上之时,有大教圣女不由惊喜地欢呼一声,大叫地说道:“白少主就是绝世神人,石人族先贤们也承认他的绝世无双天赋。” Young Master Bai was such, that feared that he was a external clan person, same can obtain the acknowledgment of Stone Golem Race Virtuous Predecessor, Young Master Bai was such unparalleled.” Some princesses cannot bear are Bai Jianchan cheer. 白少主就是这么了的不起,那怕他是一个外族的人,也一样能得到石人族先贤们的承认,白少主就是那么的绝世无双。”有千金小姐也忍不住为白翦禅欢呼。 At once, does not know that many admire Bai Jianchan females are infatuated non- oneself, in their eyes, Bai Jianchan is such unparalleled, is Northwest Sovereign extraordinariest Deity. 一时之间,不知道有多少爱慕白翦禅的女子是为之陶醉不己,在她们的眼中,白翦禅就是那么的绝世无双,就是北西皇最了不得的神人 Also there are aristocratic family renowned young women busily is hints everyone low voice, so as to avoid disturbed Bai Jianchan, alarmed Stone Golem Race Virtuous Predecessor. 也有世家名媛忙是示意大家小声一点,免得打扰了白翦禅,惊扰了石人族先贤们。 After having been hinted, Bai Jianchan adorer one after another is peaceful. 得到示意之后,白翦禅的爱慕者都纷纷安静下来。 Indeed is extraordinary, it seems like has boundless prospects.” Saw that Bai Jianchan was being covered by the Holy Spirit palace sky ray, many people exclaim in surprise one. “的确是了不得,看来前途无量。”看到白翦禅圣灵殿天空的光芒所笼罩着,不少人惊叹一声。 Even envies the Bai Jianchan person, still has to be sincerely convinced, Bai Jianchan takes the external clan person, can actually obtain such giving favored treatment, can obtain the approval of Stone Golem Race Virtuous Predecessor, this could be imagined his Innate Talent be great. 就算一些嫉妒白翦禅的人,也都不得不心服口服,白翦禅作为外族人,却能得到如此的优待,能得到石人族先贤们的认同,这可想而知他的天赋是多么的了不起了。 -- at this time, on sky a thundering sound was lingering on faintly, this intermittent thundering, just like is vibrating the world, deterred the will of the people. ——”在这个时候,天空上一阵轰鸣之声不绝于耳,这一阵阵的轰鸣,犹如震动着天地,威慑人心。 As if above sky of Holy Spirit palace, has leaf of huge portal to open, as this sound of thundering hands down from generation to generation lingeringly on faintly, Divine Power continuously falls in torrents, is ordinary like the waterfall, must submerge the world. 似乎在圣灵殿的天空之上,有着一扇巨大的门户要打开,随着这轰鸣之声不绝于耳传下来的时候,一缕缕的神威倾泻而下,如同瀑布一般,要淹没天地。 With this sound of lingering on faintly time thundering, the ray on sky becomes bright, this seems like Virtuous Predecessor to revive to be the same. 随着这轰鸣之声不绝于耳的时候,天空上的光芒变得更加的明亮,这就好像是一尊尊先贤要苏醒过来一样。 Good play must go on stage.” After seeing such a, watched Large Sect Old Ancestor of Holy Spirit palace phenomenon to know that the forthcoming matter is not simple. “好戏要上场了。”看到这样的一幕之后,曾经观看过圣灵殿异象的大教老祖知道即将发生的事情没有那么简单。 It seems like, Bai Jianchan is not only obtains Virtuous Predecessor of Holy Spirit palace to acknowledge is so simple, only feared that has other fortuitous encounters.” Has Senior Elder of aristocratic family to understand a this is what matter. “看来,白翦禅不仅仅是得到圣灵殿的先贤们承认那么简单,只怕是有着其他的奇遇。”有世家的元老明白这是怎么一回事。 Young Master Bai is Young Master Bai.” Sees such a, does not know that many young cultivator powerhouse gasps in admiration, the talent of even if younger generation, is admires five bodies to bow with knees. 白少主就是白少主。”看到这样的一幕,不知道多少年轻修士强者为之叹服,就算是年轻一代的天才,也都是佩服得五体投体。 Regarding many people, can mount the Holy Spirit palace, obtains Virtuous Predecessor of Holy Spirit palace to acknowledge that is very extraordinary matter, let alone Bai Jianchan is a external clan person. 对于多少人来说,能登上圣灵殿,得到圣灵殿的先贤们承认,那都已经是十分了不得的事情了,更别说白翦禅还是一个外族人。 Now Bai Jianchan not only obtains the acknowledgment of Holy Spirit palace Virtuous Predecessor, the fortuitous encounter that plans unable to think, such Innate Talent, such strength, is what kind of startled certainly, Bai Jianchan, as Northwest Sovereign young generation of number one person, indeed does not have unearned reputation. 现在白翦禅不仅仅是得到了圣灵殿先贤们的承认,还有着意想不到的奇遇,这样的天赋,这样的实力,是何等的惊绝呢,白翦禅,作为北西皇年轻一辈第一人,的确并非是浪得虚名。 Young Master Bai is quite invincible.” Does not know that multi- young girl cultivator, falls in the place, the admire extremely. 白少主好无敌哟。”不知道多少女修士,更是倾倒于地,爱慕万分。 Bang-- a great Yu, just like shakes the world, sways Myriad Dao, in this in an instant, portal above Vault of Heaven just like opens is the same, in other world, just like is a barrier is crushed general. “砰——”的一声巨禹,犹如撼动天地,摇晃万道,在这刹那之间,天穹之上的门户犹如打开一样,在另外世界,犹如是一层隔阂被击碎一般。 In this in an instant, presented a huge incomparable form above sky, this huge incomparable form occupies, when above sky, just like is covering the whole world. 就在这刹那之间,在天空之上出现了一个庞大无比的身影,这个庞大无比的身影盘踞在天空之上的时候,犹如是笼罩着整个世界。 After this huge incomparable form appears, boundless endless Divine Power falls in torrents, same is whipping 9 Heavens 10 Worlds like the difficult situation, fearful Divine Power gave to submerge the world all of a sudden, making one have the impulsion that the feudal official bent down. 当这个庞大无比的身影出现之后,一股磅礴无尽的神威倾泻而下,如同惊涛骇浪一样拍打着九天十地,可怕的神威一下子把天地都给淹没了,让人有着臣伏的冲动。 At this time, everyone decided the eye to look, saw only above sky to present one giant dragon, this giant dragon whole body lithical, lithical passed the azure glow, the Dragon scales border azure glow is highlighting it incomparably to be sharp, as if a piece of dragon then can separate the world fresh. 在这个时候,所有人定眼一看,只见天空之上出现了一条巨龙,这条巨龙全身石质,石质透着青芒,龙鳞边沿的青芒凸显得它无比锋利,似乎一片龙鲜便可以割裂天地。 Such one giant incomparable stone dragon appears when good, is not only boundless endless Divine Power falls in torrents, but, but also has ancient times the aura to fill the air in between Heaven and Earth, as if it spanned era, came from that remote past, making one bend down for it feudal official. 这样的一条巨大无比的石龙出现在好里之时,不仅仅是一股磅礴无尽的神威倾泻而至,而且有着远古气息弥漫于天地之间,似乎它是跨越了一个又一个时代,来自于那遥远的年代,让人为之臣伏。 Under so powerful Divine Power, does not know that many people prostrate oneself in the place, cultivation shallow cultivator basic on irresistibly such Divine Power. 在如此强大的神威之下,不知道有多少人为之拜倒于地,道行浅的修士根本就无法抵抗这样的神威 Stone Golem Race Wushuang/matchless Virtuous Predecessor, legend has True Dragon Bloodline, when the atavism, changes to dragon body.” Sees this giant incomparable stone dragon, do not say that the common cultivator powerhouse, even if many Old Ancestor cannot recognize the origin of this stone dragon. 石人族无双先贤呀,传说是拥有着真龙血统,在返祖之时,化作龙躯呀。”看到这条巨大无比的石龙,不要说一般的修士强者,就算是很多的老祖都认不得这条石龙的来历。 Only then Stone Golem Race knowledge vast Old Ancestor, knows such Virtuous Predecessor exist(ence). 只有石人族学识广博的老祖,才知道这么一位先贤存在 The rumor said, this Virtuous Predecessor has the blood of thin True Dragon, was born in era in disorder him, is not only Whole World is invincible, once brought Stone Golem Race to develop Eight Desolate. 传言说,这位先贤拥有着稀薄的真龙之血,生于荒乱时代的他,不仅仅是举世无敌,也曾经带着石人族远拓八荒 Today two. 今天两更。
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