ED :: Volume #33

#3224: The prestige of Heavenly Tribulation

Alone corner/horn, perfect peerless, this only feared that anybody has looked at most perfect thing, anybody sees this alone corner/horn, can be attracted instantaneously by it, world also there's nothing compared it more beautiful again. 独角,完美绝伦,这只怕任何人看过最完美的东西,任何人看到这一支独角,都会瞬间被它所吸引住,世间再也没有什么比它更加美丽了。 This is the alone corner/horn of unicorn, is his source, has not unimaginable strength, at this time Li Qiye grasps in the hand time, it is not only one powerful to letting everyone for the frightened weapon, in the meantime, it is also in world most perfect artware, said without the slightest exaggeration, such a alone corner/horn, is perfect is unable to pick up the slight slight defect. 这是独角兽的独角,也是他的本源,拥有着无法想象的力量,此时李七夜握于手中的时候,它不仅仅是一件强大到让所有人都为之惊悚的兵器,同时,它也是世间最完美的艺术品,毫不夸张地说,如此的一支独角,已经是完美得无法挑出丝毫的瑕疵了。 Was too perfect, is this bright strength source?” The alone corner/horn in looks at Li Qiye hand, Impassable Sea First Ancestor, invincible exclaims in surprise one. “太完美了,这就是光明力量的本源吗?”看着李七夜手中的独角,不渡海始祖、无敌都不由为之惊叹一声。 Impassable Sea First Ancestor and invincibility, they have seen the innumerable treasures, but, before them, what sees is what shocking Wushuang/matchless treasure, but, with this alone corner/horn, that is appears is overshadowed today at present, feels inferior. 不渡海始祖、无敌,他们见过无数的瑰宝,但是,不论是他们以前所见的是什么样惊艳无双的瑰宝,但是,今日与眼前这一只独角来,那都是显得黯然失色,自惭形秽。 Also some First Ancestor, invincible sighed gently in the heart, this was the alone corner/horn of unicorn, made one regret to lose, making in the will of the people be hard accepts. 也有一些始祖、无敌在心里面不由轻轻地叹息一声,这可是独角兽的独角呀,多么的让人为之憾遗,让人心里面难于接受。 In many of minds, unicorn such exist(ence), is not only Wushuang/matchless Divine Beast, but also it is representative propitious, representative peace, representative auspicious omen, representative light, representative hope. 在多少人心目中,独角兽这样的存在,不仅仅是无双神兽,而且它是代表着吉祥,代表着和平,代表着瑞兆,也代表着光明,代表着希望。 However, who can think, such a unrivaled unicorn, unexpectedly is world most terrifying exist(ence), unexpectedly is dark(ness) embodiment, even is the dark(ness) source, calamity disaster 3 Immortals World innumerable creature. 但是,又有谁能想到,这样的一头举世无双的独角兽,竟然是世间最恐怖存在,竟然是黑暗化身,甚至是黑暗的源泉,祸灾三仙界无数生灵 The so brutal truth, made in many will of the people vacillate, even unicorn such exist(ence), was dark(ness) embodiment, then, what can they also director? What can also believe? 如此残酷的真相,就让不少人心里面都不由为之动摇了,连独角兽这样的存在,都是黑暗化身,那么,他们还能主任什么呢?还能信仰什么呢? Tzzzzzzzzz in Impassable Sea First Ancestor, invincible in a daze, in this moment, the Li Qiye body is heals unexpectedly, at this time, inconceivable matter happened, was rumbled the torn to pieces body again to cast at this time by Heavenly Tribulation unexpectedly friendly, seems the steel statue of disruption to cast to be the same again friendly, all of a sudden becomes perfect, sends does not injure, even tiny such as the slight wound does not have. 滋、滋、滋”就在不渡海始祖、无敌在发呆的时候,在这一刻,李七夜身体竟然是愈合起来,在这个时候,不可思议的事情发生了,本是被天劫轰得支离破碎的身体在这个时候竟然重新融铸,就好像碎裂的钢铁雕像再一次融铸一样,一下子变得完好无损,毫发不伤,甚至连细小如丝毫的伤口都没有。 In this moment, hears clang, clang and clang the sound resounds, the Li Qiye whole body spout immortal light, immortal light instantaneous interweaving chains, changed to one Supreme Immortal Dao Law. 在这一刻,听到“铛、铛、铛”的声音响起,李七夜全身喷涌出了仙光,一道道仙光瞬间交织链锁,化作了一条条至高无上仙道法则 At this time, Li Qiye's body turnover immortal light, under the countless Immortal Dao Law chain, his body at clang, changed to the most powerful and ancient immortal immortal body all of a sudden, any strength is unable to destroy his body. 在这个时候,李七夜的身体吞吐着仙光,在数之不尽的仙道法则链锁之下,他的身体在“铛”的一声之下,一下子化作了最为强大、亘古不朽的仙躯,任何力量都无法摧毁他的身体。 Old Thief Heaven, this/should I.” After the Li Qiye's body chain lives all of a sudden, immortal body carrying all, his raise one's head looks up to above Vault of Heaven, the vision penetrated Eternal, spanned Space-Time instantaneously, looks straight ahead above Vault of Heaven most deep place, perhaps that is the heaven is. 贼老天,该我了。”李七夜的身体一下子链锁住之后,仙躯承载一切,他抬头仰望天穹之上,目光穿透了万古,瞬间跨越了时空,直视于天穹之上最深处,或许那就是苍天所在。 bang, bang, bang......” in this flash, intermittent Heavenly Tribulation resounding of thunder and lightning, these inserts in Li Qiye crystal long needle grows unexpectedly all of a sudden overstrikes to be long, alternated into above Vault of Heaven all of a sudden most deep place. “噼、噼、噼……”在这一瞬间,一阵阵天劫的雷电之响起,那些本是插在李七夜身上的水晶长针竟然一下子生长得更加粗长,一下子穿插入了天穹之上最深处。 Occurred at this moment dreadful incomparable matter, sees only the Heavenly Tribulation thunder and lightning the liquid such as the crazy class/flow to fill to pour into the Li Qiye body equally crazily, moreover even the crystal long needle led the inexhaustible Heavenly Tribulation thunder and lightning disaster fire, this fearful incomparable thunder and lightning disaster fire rumbled instantaneously into the Li Qiye's body. 在这一刻可怕无比的事情发生了,只见天劫雷电的液体如狂流一样疯狂地灌注入李七夜身体里面,而且连水晶长针都导下了无穷无尽的天劫雷电灾火,这可怕无比的雷电灾火瞬间轰入了李七夜的身体里面。 Such momentum was really extremely in terrifying, the thunder and lightning liquid filled poured into the Li Qiye body the time instantaneously, heard bang loud sound, the whole world was exploded to sway, under fearful incomparable bombing strength, all creature between world was rumbled instantaneously kneels to lie on the ground, could not move. 这样的声势实在是太过于恐怖了,雷电液体瞬间灌注入了李七夜身体里面的时候,听到“轰”的巨响,整个世界都被炸得摇晃起来,在可怕无比的轰炸力量之下,天地间的所有生灵都瞬间被轰得跪趴在地上,根本就动弹不得。 Let alone, the crystal long needle also led the inexhaustible thunder and lightning disaster fire crazily, was the turbulent current is the same, rumbled instantaneously into the Li Qiye's body. 更何况,水晶长针还疯狂地导下了无穷无尽的雷电灾火,就是激流一样,瞬间轰入了李七夜的身体里面。 When so terrifying Heavenly Tribulation blasts out in the Li Qiye's body instantaneously, all creature between world felt, can feel the trillion starry sky to be exploded vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke instantaneously all of a sudden, time, space, Samsara and karma...... all thing and wait/etc, was exploded vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke instantaneously. 当如此恐怖天劫瞬间在李七夜的身体里面炸开的时候,天地间的所有生灵都感受到了,瞬间能感受到亿万星空一下子被炸得灰飞烟灭,时光、空间、轮回因果……等等的一切东西,都瞬间被炸得灰飞烟灭 In so terrifying Heavenly Tribulation , in the Li Qiye body blasts out, Impassable Sea First Ancestor, invincible was frightened soul destroyed/terror-stricken, such as is this terrifying Heavenly Tribulation the Li Qiye's body scrap, then, Impassable Sea and 3 Immortals World will be exploded vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke all of a sudden. 在如此恐怖天劫李七夜身体里面炸开的时候,不渡海始祖、无敌都被吓得魂飞魄散,如是这恐怖天劫李七夜的身体炸碎的话,那么,不渡海三仙界都会一下子被炸得灰飞烟灭 Must support, must support such Heavenly Tribulation.” At this time has First Ancestor to pray, if under so terrifying peerless Heavenly Tribulation, Li Qiye cannot support, then entire Impassable Sea and 3 Immortals World will result in vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke by Heavenly Tribulation bombing of this world most terrifying. “要撑住呀,一定要撑过这样的天劫。”此时有始祖都不由如此祈祷着,如果说,在如此恐怖绝伦的天劫之下,李七夜没能撑住的话,那么整个不渡海三仙界都会被这世间最恐怖天劫轰炸得灰飞烟灭 Is invincible as Peerless, since many years, First Ancestor have not prayed again, they will not want to pin anything on others' body, they only believe own strength, so long as own is powerful enough, does not need anything to pray. 作为绝世无敌,多少年以来,始祖们都没有再祈祷过了,他们不会把什么希望寄托在别人的身上,他们只相信自己力量,只要自己足够强大,根本就不需要什么祈祷。 However, at this moment, Impassable Sea First Ancestor, invincible some of their also only prays, praying Li Qiye can support, besides the pray, they cannot make anything for this world again. 但是,在此时此刻,不渡海始祖、无敌他们也唯有祈祷,祈祷李七夜能支撑得住,除了祈祷之外,他们已经不能再为这个世界做些什么了。 Hears clang, clang and clang the sound resounds, Immortal Dao Law firmly incomparable locked in the Li Qiye's body, although said that each Heavenly Tribulation at bang in loud sound, blasts out in the Li Qiye body, in instance of blast, can see in the Li Qiye's body to bloom instantaneously the infinite electric light, the body was also exploded the bulge instantaneously, even had the crack. 听到“铛、铛、铛”的声音响起,仙道法则牢牢无比的锁住了李七夜的身体,虽然说,每一次天劫在“轰”的一声巨响中,在李七夜身体里面炸开,在炸开的瞬间,也能看到李七夜的身体里面瞬间绽放出了无穷的电光,身体也瞬间被炸得胀了起来,甚至出现了裂缝。 However, under the Immortal Dao Law blockade, the Supreme immortal body instantaneous refine all friendly, refine fearful incomparable Heavenly Tribulation instantaneously friendly in the body. 但是,在仙道法则封锁之下,无上仙躯瞬间融炼了一切,瞬间又把可怕无比的天劫给融炼在身体里面了。 Saw that the Li Qiye's body was exploded the bulge time and time again, then collapsed, the pressed trigged firmly in Heavenly Tribulation that his within the body explodes, sees such a invincibly, Impassable Sea First Ancestor, then relaxes. 看到李七夜的身体一次又一次被炸得胀了起来,然后又塌了下去,牢牢地压制住了在他体内爆炸的天劫,看到这样的一幕,不渡海始祖、无敌这才松了一口气。 Bang, bang and bang fearful Heavenly Tribulation drops from the clouds crazily, through the crystal long needle, filled to pour into Li Qiye's within the body crazily, the terrifying Heavenly Tribulation thunder and lightning changed the battlefield the Li Qiye's body, conducted explosion time and time again in his body, looked at this stance, will not result in the smashing not to give up Li Qiye's body bombing. “轰、轰、轰”可怕的天劫疯狂从天而降,通过水晶长针,疯狂地灌注入了李七夜的体内,恐怖天劫雷电把李七夜的身体变化了战场了,在他身体里面进行了一次又一次的爆炸,看这架势,不把李七夜的身体轰炸得粉碎是不会罢休了。 „It is not right, is not right.” As Heavenly Tribulation bombs time and time again, the thunder and lightning disaster fire falls in torrents crazily, fills to pour into the Li Qiye's body completely, after observing time and time again, there is shocking First Ancestor to see the clue, saw the improper place all of a sudden. “不对,不对。”随着天劫一次又一次地轰炸,雷电灾火疯狂地倾泻而下,全部都灌注入李七夜的身体里面,观察了一次又一次之后,有惊艳的始祖看出了端倪,一下子看出不妥的地方。 Heavenly Tribulation, Heavenly Tribulation, it, it does not fall on own initiative.” After this shocking First Ancestor sees the clue, pulled out an cold air/Qi, said with amazement: Heavenly Tribulation is falls passively, it, it was entrained from the vault of heaven by powerful incomparable strength.” 天劫,天劫,它,它不是主动降下来的。”这位惊艳的始祖看出端倪之后,抽了一口冷气,骇然地说道:“天劫是被动降下来的,它,它被强大无比的力量从苍穹之上拽了下来的。” What, is Heavenly Tribulation lowers passively?” Hears such words, does not know that many First Ancestor, invincible are absolutely terrified, said with amazement. “什么,天劫是被动降下?”听到这样的话,不知道有多少始祖、无敌都不由为之毛骨悚然,骇然地说道。 Yes, Heavenly Tribulation was entrained from the vault of heaven.” This shocking beginning clothes saw very much clearly, very definitely said. “是的,天劫是被从苍穹之上拽下来的。”这位惊艳的始衣看得很清楚了,十分肯定地说道。 Hears such words, Impassable Sea First Ancestor and invincible one after another raise one's head looks out into the distance, looks above the vault of heaven the deep place to look, the looks at thunder and lightning disaster fire falls in torrents crazily , the bang to Li Qiye, poured into the Li Qiye's body crazily. 听到这样的话,不渡海始祖、无敌都纷纷抬头远眺,望苍穹之上更深处望去,看着雷电灾火疯狂地倾泻而下,疯狂地轰向了李七夜,灌注了李七夜的身体里面。 After a careful observation, Impassable Sea First Ancestor and invincible one after another discovered, such that if really this First Ancestor said that the thunder and lightning disaster fire above vault of heaven, is led by the crystal long needle, was inducted in the Li Qiye's body directly. 经过一番仔细观察之后,不渡海始祖、无敌都纷纷发现,果真如这位始祖所说的那样,苍穹之上的雷电灾火,都是由水晶长针导下来的,直接被导入了李七夜的身体里面。 Not is only the thunder and lightning disaster fire is so, is even crystal long needle inside Heavenly Tribulation thunder and lightning liquid is also so, at this time, the crystal long needle of insertion vault of heaven looked like the straw same, is absorbing the Heavenly Tribulation thunder and lightning fluid crazily, inhaled in all Heavenly Tribulation thunder and lightning fluids the Li Qiye's body. 不仅是雷电灾火是如此,就是连水晶长针里面的天劫雷电液体也都是如此,在这个时候,插入苍穹的水晶长针就像是吸管一样,疯狂地吸收着天劫雷电液,把所有的天劫雷电液都吸入李七夜的身体里面。 In this moment, Impassable Sea First Ancestor, invincible understands, this is not the heaven is lowering heaven punishment, but is Li Qiye must absorb devour(ing) Heavenly Tribulation, moreover he as if must attract cleanly Heavenly Tribulation all strength gives up. 在这一刻,不渡海始祖、无敌都明白,这不是苍天在降下天罚,而是李七夜要吸收吞噬天劫,而且他似乎要把天劫的所有力量吸得一干二净才罢手。 Sees such a, Impassable Sea First Ancestor and invincible blankly look at each other, they absolutely terrified, in the heart is scared. 看到这样的一幕,不渡海始祖、无敌都面面相觑,他们都不由毛骨悚然,心里面都感到害怕。 Considers, in crystal long needle drop of Heavenly Tribulation thunder and lightning fluid, can destroy First Ancestor instantaneously, can result in vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke a First Ancestor bang instantaneously. 试想一下,水晶长针里面的一滴天劫雷电液,就可以瞬间摧毁一位始祖,瞬间可以把一位始祖轰得灰飞烟灭 However, Li Qiye actually absorbs crazily the Heavenly Tribulation thunder and lightning liquid above vault of heaven, devour(ing) such fearful Heavenly Tribulation, without a doubt, Li Qiye this had been treating as the thing of big making up Heavenly Tribulation crazily. 但是,李七夜却是疯狂地把苍穹之上的天劫雷电液体吸收过来,疯狂地吞噬着这样可怕的天劫,毫无疑问,李七夜这已经是把天劫当作了大补之物了。 This rather was extremely in fierce.” At this time, does not know that many First Ancestor, invincible are flabbergasted, facing Heavenly Tribulation such terrifying exist(ence), First Ancestor, is evades it less even, hopes that Heavenly Tribulation crosses the quicker the better. “这未免是太过于凶猛了吧。”在这个时候,不知道有多少始祖、无敌都不由为之乍舌,面对天劫这样恐怖存在,就算始祖,都是避之不及,希望天劫过得越快越好。 Now Li Qiye's instead absorbs devour(ing) crazily Heavenly Tribulation, this is how crazy action . Moreover, Heavenly Tribulation that he faces, compared with First Ancestor they have met Heavenly Tribulation, does not know to many 1 million times powerful, but, Li Qiye actually does not care, treated as the thing of big making up such Heavenly Tribulation, absorbs devour(ing) crazily. 现在李七夜的反而疯狂地吸收吞噬天劫,这是多么疯狂的举动,而且,他所面对的天劫,比始祖们他们所遇到过的天劫,不知道强大到多少百万倍,但是,李七夜却一点都不在乎,把这样的天劫当作了大补之物,疯狂吸收吞噬 We treat as the catastrophe Heavenly Tribulation, he is booing, treated as the big tonic Heavenly Tribulation.” Has shocking incomparable First Ancestor is admires full of admiration. “我们是把天劫当作大灾难,他倒好,把天劫当作了大补品了。”有惊艳无比的始祖都是佩服得五体投地。 Many First Ancestor, look at invincibly to the vault of heaven time, they smiled bitterly, revealed very strange manner, originally suppresses Li Qiye's Heavenly Tribulation, instead became the thing of Li Qiye's big making up, if above the vault of heaven, really has heaven such exist(ence), that does not know that what kind of expression it at this moment was. 不少始祖、无敌望向苍穹之上的时候,他们都不由苦笑了一下,露出了十分古怪的神态,本是镇压李七夜的天劫,反而是成了李七夜的大补之物,如果在苍穹之上,真的有苍天这样的存在,那就不知道它此时此刻是怎么样的表情了。 This was too crazy, no wonder he will be called Ominous Person.” Has invincibly also sighs with emotion, in them many people have handled the crazy matter, but, they have handled the crazy matter , compared with Li Qiye, that is not worth mentioning simply. “这太疯狂了,难怪他会被称之为凶人。”有无敌也不由感慨,他们中多少人做过疯狂的事情,但是,他们所做过的疯狂事情,与李七夜相比起来,那简直就是不值得一提。
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