ED :: Volume #32

#3126: A golden light point

At this time, Golden Light Guru appearance Fei Yang(to rise), just like is in the life the most self-satisfied time. 此时,金光上师神采飞扬,犹如是人生中最得意的时刻。 Some people see Golden Light Guru such manner, in the heart is incomprehensible. Some people said that when the list nominates, is the life is then self-satisfied. 一些人看到金光上师这样的神态,心里面并不能理解。有人说,榜上提名时,便是人生得意。 At this time Golden Light Guru just defeated, in anybody opinion, there's nothing is worth happily, there's nothing is worth excitedly, trades to be others, already very depressed. 此时金光上师刚刚战败,在任何人看来,都没有什么值得高兴,没有什么值得兴奋的,换作其他人,早就是十分的沮丧。 However, at this time Golden Light Guru is not only appearance Fei Yang(to rise), even the manner is excited. 但是,此时金光上师不仅仅是神采飞扬,甚至神态兴奋。 As one generation of First Ancestor, what storm, hasn't he experienced? But also being insufficient makes him so excited. 作为一代始祖,什么样的风浪,他没有经历过?但也不至于让他如此的兴奋。 Naturally, incomprehensible, does not have the qualifications to stand in peak cultivator, the true invincible generation, these Forever Existing Old Ancestor, can understand the Golden Light Guru mood. 当然,不能理解的,都是没有资格站在巅峰的修士,真正的无敌之辈,那些长存老祖,能理解金光上师的心情。 Regarding Golden Light Guru invincible First Ancestor, can run into so the good teacher and helpful friend powerful enemy like this, that is worth the exciting matter, that fears defeats, there's nothing loses face. 对于金光上师这样的无敌始祖而言,能遇到如此良师益友般的强敌,那本就是值得兴奋的事情,那怕是战败,也没有什么丢人的。 Let alone, Golden Light Guru creates Supreme Technique, is all-mighty, among Whole World, cannot some people be worth him displaying so invincible Secret Technique, this regarding Golden Light Guru, is losing. 更何况,金光上师无上之术,威力无穷,举世之间,未能有人值得他施展出如此无敌的秘术,这对于金光上师而言,又何尝不是一种失落。 This one generation of famous artisans, carve the non- world artware probably, but actually can only own hide view. 这就好像一代名匠,雕有不世艺术品,但却只能自己藏着观品。 Today, has such a to understand the helpful friend who tastes, takes altogether to enjoy the own perfect work, this naturally is a life big celebration. 今日,却有这么一个懂得品尝的益友,把自己完美的作品拿出来共赏,这当然是人生一大喜事。 Today, Golden Light Guru has the opportunity to display own invincible Secret Technique, how he can not be excited. 今日,金光上师有机会施展出自己的无敌秘术,他又怎么能不兴奋呢。 Fights completely Myriad Dao, dies also the foot.” At this time Golden Light Guru manner Fei Yang(to rise), said. “一战尽万道,死也足矣。”此时金光上师神态飞扬,说道。 Li Qiye also shows the smile, said lightly: „The Grand Dao period, that asked for advice the technique of your non- world, can surely heaven frightening.” 李七夜也露出笑容,淡淡地说道:“大道可期,那就领教领教你的不世之术,想必定能惊天。” This technique, I name for ‚ a golden light point.” The Golden Light Guru manner is serious, is very earnest, said slowly: Life , if limited, must burn it.” “此术,我取名为‘金光一点。”金光上师神态严肃,十分认真,徐徐地说道:“生命若有期,必燃之。” „A golden light point.” The Li Qiye careful taste, has not talked too much again, but is feeling the Golden Light Guru say/way rhyme. 金光一点。”李七夜细细品味,未再多言,而是感受着金光上师的道韵。 A golden light point, many cultivator powerhouses hear such name, astonished there. This move, Golden Light Guru thinks Whole World to be invincible, is most invincible technique that he creates. 金光一点,许多修士强者听到这样的名字,都不由惊愕在那里。这一招,金光上师自认为举世无敌,乃是他所创的最无敌之术。 In everyone opinion, the so crazy tyrant invincible technique, heaven frightening moves or the domineering 100% name surely. 在大家看来,如此狂霸无敌之术,必定有一个惊天动地或者霸气十足的名字。 However, this, Golden Light Guru has not taken one to sound a very ordinary name-- golden light point merely. 但是,这并没有,金光上师仅仅是取了一个听起来十分普通的名字——金光一点。 Everyone was astonished there, does not understand why Golden Light Guru gave such a ordinary name, such name fully could not manifest he invincible style Divine Power. 大家都惊愕在了那里,不明白金光上师为什么取这么一个普通的名字,这样的名字完全体现不出他无敌招式的神威 When many cultivator powerhouses turn very quiet, at this time some powerful incomparable Old Ancestor and Forever Existing Immortal, they have turned very quiet, is feeling the Golden Light Guru say/way rhyme. 就在很多修士强者屏住呼吸的时候,此时一些强大无匹的老祖长存不朽,他们都已经屏住呼吸,感受着金光上师的道韵了。 Arrived the person of certain extent, can feel that unusual say/way rhyme in this moment powerful truly, this is strength of completely different level, this is also realm of different level. 只有强大到一定程度的人,在这一刻才能真正感受到那与众不同的道韵,这是完全不同层次的力量,这也是不同层次的境界 Generally the cultivator powerhouse, is unable to understand the mystery of this say/way rhyme, when they can understand the mystery of this say/way rhyme, they have approached the death. 一般修士强者,根本无法明白这种道韵的奥妙,如果他们能领略到这种道韵的奥妙之时,他们已经临近死亡了。 what is this-- some little time, some powerful important people had started to detect. 这是什么——”过了好一会儿,一些强大的大人物开始有所察觉。 At this time, these important people felt the say/way rhyme that Golden Light Guru sent out, this say/way rhyme seemed like not talking clearly strength, probably the ripples in lake were common, is rippling gently. 在这个时候,这些大人物都感受到了金光上师所散发出来的道韵,这种道韵好像是一种说不清楚的力量,好像湖泊中的涟漪一般,轻轻地荡漾着。 This say/way rhyme gently when rippling, the picture of Grand Dao seemed the lake water to inundate the own body generally gently, that feeling specialness, very marvelous, but, has not made people feel the danger. 这轻轻的道韵在荡漾之时,大道之图片就好像湖水一般轻轻漫过了自己的身躯,那种感觉十分的特别,十分的奇妙,但,却没有让人感觉到危险。 Even can say, when such say/way rhyme ripples, many people do not think that such strength will fluctuate will pose the threat to own. 甚至可以说,在这样的道韵荡漾的时候,很多人都并不认为这样的力量波动会对自己产生威胁。 Moreover, many people believe, such say/way rhyme in the fluctuation, its strength rank and Golden Light Guru strength is incompatible. 而且,很多人都认为,这样的道韵在波动的时候,它的力量级别与金光上师的实力是格格不入的。 Golden Light Guru can invincible First Ancestor, that fear that does not beat First Ominous Person, but, he can also suppress Heavens easily, can say, he only needs the strength of steamroll slight First Ancestor, but, that is heaven frightening moves, bare hill but actually sea. 要知道,金光上师可以一尊无敌的始祖,那怕是不敌第一凶人,但是,他也可以轻而易举地镇压诸天,可以说,他只需要丝毫的始祖之力碾压而至,那就是惊天动地,崩山倒海。 Now on Golden Light Guru sends out such say/way rhyme, that is gentle not to be gentle simply, does not set off on the Golden Light Guru position and status completely. 现在金光上师身上所散发这样的道韵,那简直就是温柔到不能再温柔,完全衬不上金光上师的地位与身份。 „It is not good, I cannot move.” When many people are surprised, there is Old Ancestor with amazement, big shout. “不好,我动不了了。”就在很多人惊奇的时候,有一位老祖骇然,大叫一声 Under such yelled, awakened everyone all of a sudden, at this time, everyone discovered, own cannot move. 在这样一声大叫之下,一下子惊醒了所有人,在这个时候,所有人都发现,自己动不了了。 This, this is what matter!” Powerful incomparable Forever Existing Immortal, cannot move continually at this time, they for it with amazement. “这,这是怎么回事!”连强大无比的长存不朽,此时都动弹不得,他们不由为之骇然。 Some Forever Existing Immortal are stimulating to movement own most powerful Cultivation Technique immediately, wants to break out of such difficult position, but, actually does not have an effect, was surrounded completely. 长存不朽立即催动着自己最强大的功法,欲摆脱这样的困境,但是,却丝毫不起作用,完全被困住了。 However, such surrounding, lets everyone slightly unconsciously, like invincible First Ancestor strength, does not suppress directly, powerful strength suppresses you unable to move. 但是,这样的困住,却让所有人丝毫不觉,不像无敌的始祖力量一样,直接镇压过来,强大的力量镇压得你动弹不得。 But now surrounds everyone's strength, is silent, even you have not felt, you have nothing to detect, you had been surrounded by this strength, when you discover, all these are late, was unable contending. 而现在困住所有人的力量,是无声无息的,甚至你还没有感觉到,你没有任何察觉,你已经被这种力量困住了,当你发现之时,这一切都已经迟了,都已经是无法抗衡了。 Moreover, this type can surround Forever Existing Immortal strength, can surround everyone's strength, it does not imagine is so invincibly boundless, instead, such strength is vague, probably is rippling gently the ripples are the same. 而且,这种可以困住长存不朽力量,可以困住所有人的力量,它并不是想象中那样磅礴无敌,反而,这样的力量是若有若无,好像轻轻荡漾着的涟漪一样。 Why I felt that own at this time is a candle.” Forever Existing Old Ancestor, are frightened. “为什么我感觉自己此时就是一支蜡烛。”有一位长存老祖,不由为之惊悚。 What combustion is you looks.” Golden Light Guru said gently, this saying said very lightly, is very light, when such words fall into everyone ear, making everyone absolutely terrified. “燃烧的是你所望。”金光上师轻轻地说道,这话说得很轻,很轻,但,当这样的话落入所有人耳中的时候,让所有人毛骨悚然。 Why does not know, when everyone hears such words, soul destroyed/terror-stricken, this seems like them to listen to most terrifying a few words for a lifetime. 不知道为什么,当所有人听到这样的话之时,都魂飞魄散,这好像是他们一辈子中听过最为恐怖的一句话。 Good marvelous strength.” Li Qiye was surrounded, exclaims in surprise one, said slowly: Heart looks, must ask, this is to make the cocoon to do to tie up!” “好奇妙的力量。”李七夜被困住,也不由惊叹一声,徐徐地说道:“心所所望,必有所求,这就是作茧作缚!” Surrounds own is not Golden Light Guru, but is own.” Had Old Ancestor to comprehend the Li Qiye this saying meaning, pulled out an cold air/Qi. “困住自己的不是金光上师,而是自己。”有老祖领悟了李七夜这话的意思,不由抽了一口冷气。 In this in an instant, has to understand important people that finds the way to struggle immediately, but, does not help matters, regardless of they powerful, their strength is appear here moment that pale. 在这刹那之间,有明白过来的大人物立即想办法挣扎,但是,无济于事,不论他们有多强大,在这一刻他们的力量都是显得那么的苍白。 Because you do not have the object of resistance, because all these stem from your own. 因为你没有对抗的对象,因为这一切都出自于你自己 This probably powerful incomparable strongman is the same, you can hold all heavy items, but, you do not have the means to hug own, this is the most fearful place. 这就好像一位强大无比的大力士一样,你可以抱起所有重物,但是,你却没办法把自己拥抱起来,这就是最可怕的地方。 Combustion.” Golden Light Guru sighed gently, said slowly: I, if burns completely the hope of own, not regretted, thanking daoist brother can fight with me.” The words drop, hears „” a resonate sound. “燃烧吧。”金光上师轻轻地叹息一声,徐徐地说道:“我若是燃烧尽了自己的渴望,也无憾也,感谢道兄能与我一战。”话一落下,听到“蓬”的一声响起 Golden Light Guru burnt down probably all of a sudden cleanly, only left behind light glow to swing there is entraining. 金光上师好像一下子焚烧得干干净净了,只留下了一道光芒在那里摇拽着。 Buzz a resonate sound, after Golden Light Guru burns the olefin all of a sudden, the Li Qiye whole body sent out the ray, he entered the extremely powerful defense all of a sudden. “嗡”的一声响起,在金光上师一下子烧烯之后,李七夜全身散发出了光芒,他一下子进入了极为强大的防御。 At this time, world does not have Golden Light Guru, then light glow drags there. This drags the ray, seems like together the candlelight, only then the soybean size, such candlelight drags in void, probably will blow out by the breeze momentarily is the same. 此时,世间没有金光上师,只有那么一道光芒在那里摇曳。这摇曳中的光芒,就好像是一道烛光,只有黄豆大小,这样的烛光在虚空中摇曳,好像随时都会被微风吹灭一样。 However, mentioned also strangely, was such light glow, it just like eternal is the same, what it is burning is all hopes in world! 但是,说来也奇怪,就是这么一道光芒,它却犹如永恒一样,它所燃烧着的是世间的一切渴望! Has a mind the time, looks surely, must ask! All these are burning there. 有心所期,必定所望,也必有所求!这一切都在那里燃烧着。 Guru, forgives-- in this moment, had invincible Forever Existing first to feel such threat, with amazement. 上师,饶命——”在这一刻,有无敌的长存第一时间感受到了这样的威胁,骇然。 In this in an instant, everyone hears „” a resonate sound, own burns unexpectedly, flesh inch by inch is burning. 在这刹那之间,所有人都听到“蓬”的一声响起,自己竟然燃烧起来,一寸又一寸的肌肤在燃烧。 „Not good-- to feel own to burn, many powerhouses with amazement, screamed one, they are stimulating to movement own most powerful Cultivation Technique, wanted to suppress this burning down the flame, but, how regardless of they suppressed, what kind of circumvention, did not help matters. “不好——”感受到自己燃烧起来,不少强者骇然,尖叫一声,他们催动着自己最强大的功法,欲压制住这焚烧的火焰,但是,不论他们如何的压制,如何的规避,都无济于事。 Why-- at this time, many people will be scared like this, they show special prowess, want to extinguish own flame, but, actually does not have any function. “为什么会这样——”在这个时候,不少人都被吓破了胆了,他们各显神通,欲熄灭自己身上的火焰,但是,却没有任何作用。 Everyone's flesh inch by inch is burning, burnt their muscles and bones, burnt their Dao Foundation, burnt their True Fate. 所有人的一寸又一寸肌肤在燃烧着,燃烧到了他们的筋骨,燃烧到了他们的道基,燃烧到了他们的真命 What is more fearful, they can looks at own burn with own eyes inch by inch, is helpless. 更为可怕的是,他们能亲眼看着自己一寸又一寸燃烧,却无能为力。 No matter you are powerful, no matter you have what invincible treasure, but, is unable to extinguish such flame at this time. 不管你有多么强大,不管你有什么无敌的宝物,但,在这个时候都无法熄灭这样的火焰。 This, this, what is this damned thing!” Saw that own was fired the ash by cuns (2.5 cm), many people screamed, usually very powerful Old Ancestor, changed colors at this time equally startled, wishes one could to ask the grandfather, called the paternal grandmother. “这,这,这是什么鬼东西!”看到自己被一寸寸烧成了灰,有很多人尖叫起来,平时十分强大的老祖,此时都一样惊慌失色,恨不得求爷爷,叫奶奶。 What combustion is we asks.” Immortal True God understands that its mystery, said: Wants in your heart also some hopes, seeks livehood, benevolently, affections and hatred...... all, so long as there is a little, can such as the spark set the prairie afire generally! Only if your heart like dying embers, most desperate, strove for extremely where, otherwise, will burn down surely. That feared that you are so only little, will burn down you cleanly.” “燃烧的是我们所求。”有一尊不朽真神明白它的奥妙,说道:“只要你心里面还有渴望,求生、仁慈、爱意、仇恨……一切一切,只要有一点点,都可以如星星之火一般燎原!除非你心如死灰,最绝望,无任何所求,否则,必定会焚烧。那怕你仅有那么一点点,都会把你焚烧得一干二净。” Heart has asked!” Hears such words, many powerhouses understand finally why own will burn, that is because in the own heart little expectation, strove for little, can light the body of own fully, fired the ash own. “心有所求!”听到这样的一席话,不少强者总算明白为什么自己会燃烧起来了,那是因为自己心里面的一点点期望、一点点所求,就足可以点燃自己的身体,把自己烧成灰。 There is nothing to do in strength , there is nothing to do in the principle , there is nothing to do in Grand Dao, this is from the heart of everyone, only if you are the rock waste, or you already desperately to does not have any expectation, otherwise, you by own strove for burning down the ash little. 这无关于力量,无关于法则,无关于大道,这是来自于每一个人的内心,除非你是顽石,或者你已经绝望到没有任何的期望,否则,你都会被自己的一点点所求焚烧成灰。 No, cannot like this.” Feels own to be burnt down, an cuns (2.5 cm) flesh fired the ash, they screamed. “不,不能这样。”感受到自己被焚烧着,一寸寸肌肤烧成了灰,他们都不由尖叫起来。
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