ED :: Volume #32

#3118: Golden Light Guru

Past events Ruyan/such as smoke-- Li Qiye sighed gently, finally said slowly: Is too meddlesome, I do not remember that is too meddlesome, has made one not be willing to recall again.” “往事如烟——李七夜轻轻地叹息一声,最终徐徐地说道:“太多事,我都已经不记得了,太多事,都已经让人不愿意再回忆了。” Said the far-off skies to be cold, Young Master Li needs to warm one warmly.” Stream Emperor said slowly: Has unbearable chill in a high position, when Young Master Li looks back again, will not have forgotten some people, something.” “道远天寒,李公子需要暖一暖。”溪皇徐徐道来:“高处不胜寒,当李公子再回首之时,才不会忘过一些人,一些事。” Said also right.” Li Qiye smiled, said: Happy, recalled, that this/should murdering time.” “说得也对。”李七夜不由笑了起来,说道:“美好,也回忆了,那该杀伐的时候了。” The words fall, bang a resonate sound, all bundles in Li Qiye lightning chains all of a sudden disintegration, when everyone has not responded, Li Qiye big hand grasps, then God Bull great grasped fully firmly in the palm. 话一落下,“砰”的一声响起,所有捆绑在李七夜身上的闪电锁链一下子崩碎,就在所有人还没有反应过来的时候,李七夜大手一抓,便把夔牛的巨足牢牢地抓在了手掌之中。 -- God Bull roared, wants to work loose from Li Qiye's big hand, but, no matter how God Bull struggled, Li Qiye's big hand firmly held its great foot. “呜——夔牛一声咆哮,欲从李七夜的大手之中挣脱出来,但是,不管夔牛如何挣扎,李七夜的大手都牢牢地抓住了它的巨足。 Bang, bang and bang......” a heaven falls and earth rends sound resounds, when everyone has not recovered, the Li Qiye hand is only grasping the great foot of God Bull, pounds ruthlessly toward the ground. “砰、砰、砰……”一阵天崩地裂的声音响起,在大家还没有回过神来的时候,李七夜只手握着夔牛的巨足,狠狠地往地面砸去。 At this time, Li Qiye brandished God Bull that giant body, pounded time and time again ruthlessly above the land, pounded the land crushes, under so brandished to pound ruthlessly, does not know that many mountain peaks were pounded all of a sudden crush. 在这个时候,李七夜抡起夔牛那巨大的身体,一次又一次地狠狠砸在了大地之上,把大地都砸得粉碎,在如此狠狠抡砸之下,不知道有多少山峰一下子被砸得粉碎。 Li Qiye brandishes God Bull, pounded like the violent storm generally above the land, suddenly, God Bull was pounded the dripping with blood, suffocated, recited in a low voice. 李七夜抡起夔牛,如同狂风暴雨一般砸在了大地之上,眨眼之间,夔牛被砸得鲜血淋漓,奄奄一息,低声呜吟。 Sees such a, was really stirring, the God Bull method, this was one of the unrivaled Divine Beast, but, was actually pounded the dripping with blood by Li Qiye at this time, in Li Qiye time and time again under pounded ruthlessly, God Bull absolutely did not have the strength of resistance, just like is the fish meat on block, whatever Li Qiye butchered. 看到这样的一幕,实在是太震撼人心了,夔牛法相,这可是举世无双神兽之一,但是,此时却被李七夜砸得鲜血淋漓,在李七夜一次又一次的狠砸之下,夔牛根本就是没有反抗之力,犹如是砧板上的鱼肉,任由李七夜宰割。 crack resonate sound of disruption, at this time, Li Qiye forcefully God Bull great tears fully, blood spout, entire scene very brutal, very bloody, making one look absolutely terrifiedly, will frighten unable to bear vomit the timid person. 喀嚓”的碎裂之声响起,在这个时候,李七夜硬生生地把夔牛的巨足撕裂下来,鲜血喷涌,整个场面十分的残酷,十分的血腥,让人看得毛骨悚然,甚至会把胆子小的人吓得忍不住呕吐起来。 Pays a man back in his own coin.” At this time, Li Qiye throws the alone foot of God Bull, said to Stream Emperor with a smile. “礼尚往来。”此时,李七夜夔牛的独脚一扔,笑着对溪皇说道。 Bang loud sound, in this moment, this also winds around to gather all of a sudden at lightning of Li Qiye whole body, in this in an instant, the lightning ray rises dramatically instantaneously. “轰”的一声巨响,就在这一刻,本还缭绕在李七夜周身的闪电一下子聚集起来,就在这刹那之间,闪电的光芒瞬间飙升。 Before then, God Bull lightning same submerges Li Qiye like the flood, however, at this time, this massive lightning rose dramatically ten million times to be the same all of a sudden, changed to the most powerful current surge. 在此之前,夔牛闪电如同洪水一样淹没李七夜,然而,在这个时候,这大量的闪电一下子飙升千万倍一样,化作最强大的电流冲击而出。 In this bang in loud sound, impact, but the electric current was the Vast Ocean mighty current bursts a dike same, washes crazily to Stream Emperor. 在这“轰”的一声巨响之中,冲击而出的电流就是汪洋大海的洪流决堤一样,疯狂地冲涮向了溪皇 Bang, bang and bang the sound of thundering was lingering on faintly, sees only lightning to change to the mighty current impact of most terrifying to come, it can destroy to keep off in the front all. “轰、轰、轰”轰鸣之声不绝于耳,只见闪电化作了最为恐怖的洪流冲击而来,它可以摧毁挡在前面的一切。 When the lightning mighty current impact comes, big mountain peaks, were attacked to result in vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke in this in an instant, sees so terrifying one, many people with amazement, could not bear scream one. 闪电洪流冲击而来的时候,一座座高大的山峰,都在这刹那之间被冲击得灰飞烟灭,看到如此恐怖的一幕,不少人骇然,忍不住住尖叫了一声。 crack resonate sound of disintegration, when the lightning mighty current impact comes, the lightning mighty current has not arrived, the terrifying incomparable impulse must crush the carriage impact that Stream Emperor rode all of a sudden. 喀嚓”的崩碎之声响起,在闪电洪流冲击而来的时候,闪电洪流还没有到,恐怖无匹的冲击力就已经一下子把溪皇所乘坐的马车冲击得粉碎了。 The carriage that Stream Emperor takes is sitting of Golden Light Guru harnesses, it has the powerful incomparable defense, but, under lightning mighty current the impulse of unparalleled, powerful defense also collapse divide/allocate segregates all of a sudden, cannot block Li Qiye that terrifying incomparable impulse. 要知道,溪皇所乘坐的马车乃是金光上师的坐驾,它拥有着强大无匹的防御,但是,在闪电洪流的绝无伦比的冲击力之下,再强大的防御也一下子崩分离析,根本就挡不住李七夜恐怖无匹的冲击力。 -- loud sound, the lightning mighty current like the prehistoric flood giant beast, roared, attacked to come to Stream Emperor, as if must wash vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke Stream Emperor all of a sudden. ——”的一声巨响,闪电洪流就像史前洪水巨兽一样,一声咆哮,向溪皇冲击而来,似乎要一下子把溪皇冲涮得灰飞烟灭 „It is not good, Stream Emperor has difficult-- to see that the lightning mighty current came like the prehistoric flood giant beast same impact, many people with amazement, had the powerhouse to scream one. “不好,溪皇有难——”看到闪电洪流如同史前洪水巨兽一样冲击而来,有不少人骇然,有强者不由尖叫一声。 The terrifying lightning mighty current, many people thought that powerful and that feared Stream Emperor is powerful, not necessarily can block, even may the jade under such lightning mighty current perish disappears fragrant. 如此强大、如此恐怖闪电洪流,不少人都觉得那怕溪皇再强大,都不见得能挡得住,甚至有可能在这样的闪电洪流之下玉殒香消。 First Ominous Person, was too fierce.” Saw that the lightning mighty current washes to come, that feared that is Stream Emperor such Peerless beautiful woman, First Ominous Person still does not have the meaning that under the hand/subordinate is forgiving, his take action, is murders decisively, the blood and iron is brutal. 第一凶人,太猛了。”看到闪电洪流冲涮而来,那怕是溪皇这样绝世佳人,第一凶人依然没有手下留情的意思,他一出手,就是杀伐果断,铁血无情。 Thinks of this point, does not know that many people had a shiver, First Ominous Person, indeed is aggressive brutal, has a heart of stone. 想到这一点,不知道多少人打了一个冷颤,第一凶人,的确是凶悍无情,铁石心肠。 -- a resonate sound, in the danger hangs in one, golden light drops from the clouds, this sudden golden light is the same like Celestial Waterfall, the direct impact, changed to the great curtain, kept off in front of Stream Emperor instantaneously. “蓬——”的一声响起,就在危难悬于一线之时,金光从天而降,这突然出现的金光如同天瀑一样,直冲而下,化作了巨幕,瞬间挡在了溪皇面前。 golden light drops from the clouds, such scene very magnificent, very beautiful, golden light when this drops from the clouds falls on the ground, just like to have the life to be the same, the innumerable golden light granules are beating, very active, probably air plants general. 金光从天而降,这样的场面十分的壮观,十分的美丽,当这从天而降的金光落在地上的时候,犹如有生命一般,无数的金光粒子在跳动着,十分的活跃,好像落地生根一般。 Bang-- a resonate sound, dropping from the clouds golden light blocks lightning that the impact came, when the lightning mighty current hit broke to pieces the golden light great curtain, the lightning mighty current also dissipated. “砰——”的一声响起,从天而降的金光挡住了冲击而来的闪电,当闪电洪流撞击碎了金光巨幕的时候,闪电洪流也随之消散而去了。 The lightning mighty current dissipates to go, the golden light great curtain also dissipates, but, golden light is still flashing, as endless golden light is beating, probably the whole world enlivens all of a sudden, golden light of each grain of beat was full of the vitality to be the same probably. 闪电洪流消散而去,金光巨幕也随之消散,但是,金光依然闪动着,随着无尽的金光在跳动,好像整个世界都一下子活跃起来,每一粒跳动的金光都好像是充满了生命力一样。 During this golden light beats, presented a person's shadow, a person's shadow walks slowly from golden light, when he walks from golden light, probably walks general from a Supreme world. 在这金光跳动之中,出现了一个人影,一个人影缓缓从金光中走出来,当他从金光中走出来的时候,好像是从一个至高无上的世界走下来一般。 Bang, when this person walks from golden light, does not know that many will of the people inside thunder, in this electrical spark light, does not know that Grand Dao of many people thunder in this moment. “轰”的一声,就在这个人从金光中走出来的时候,不知道多少人心里面一声轰鸣,在这石火电光之间,不知道多少人的大道在这一刻轰鸣起来。 In this moment, hears bang, bang and bang the sound resounds, this sound of thundering, is the everyone's sound of Grand Dao resonance, as if, under this resonance, Myriad Dao sounds together, very magnificent. 就在这一刻,听到“轰、轰、轰”的声音响起,这轰鸣之声,乃是所有人的大道共鸣之声,似乎,在这共鸣之下,万道齐鸣,十分的壮观。 In this bang under loud sound, the prestige of First Ancestor such as the dreadful monstrous waves same whip to come, the prestige of such First Ancestor whips comes the time, struck to disperse the sky dark clouds, emerged from all shadows in world. 在这“轰”的一声巨响之下,始祖之威如滔天巨浪一样拍打而来,这样的始祖之威拍打而来的时候,击散了天空阴云,驱散了世间的一切阴影。 At this time, a person stood there, this was a youth, he has not imagined that tall and strong, when he stood there, his form long towed on the ground, became Supreme all of a sudden, his form all of a sudden was also big. 在这个时候,一个人站在了那里,这是一个青年,他并没有想象中那么的魁梧,但是,当他站在那里的时候,他的身影长长拖在地上的时候,就一下子变得至高无上,他的身影也一下子高大起来了。 He has not imagined obviously big, but , in anybody opinion, his height simultaneous/uniform heaven, stands like a Supreme giant there at this point, stands in his front, no matter some big people cannot bear look up. 他明明没有想象中高大,但是,在此时,在任何人看来,他身高齐天,如同一尊至高无上的巨人站在那里一样,站在他的面前,不管有多高大的人都忍不住仰望。 This person stands there, the body is beating golden light, each wisp of golden light that lively, was full of the vitality, as if he is the vitality origin of the whole world is the same. 这个人站在那里,身上跳动着金光,每一缕的金光是那么的活泼,是那么的充满了生命力,似乎他就是整个世界的生命力起源一样。 Golden Light Guru!” Sees this youth, does not know that many people call out in alarm one. 金光上师!”看到这个青年,不知道有多少人惊呼一声。 Is Golden Light Guru, we saw Golden Light Guru.” When sees this youth, does not know that many people are excited, the especially young generation, results in excitedly cannot own. “是金光上师,我们看到金光上师了。”看到这个青年之时,不知道有多少人激动不已,特别是年轻一辈,更是兴奋得不能自己 In Immortal Lineage World, regarding the world person, especially regarding young one generation, Golden Light Guru, is the legend, being worth all youngster respecting, he is the world all youngster examples, the young generation, does not know that many people take Golden Light Guru as arrogantly. 仙统界,对于天下人而言,特别是对于年轻一辈而言,金光上师,就是传奇,值得所有年轻人去敬仰,他是天下所有年轻人的榜样,年轻一辈,不知道多少人以金光上师为傲。 In the young generation of talent, does not know that many talents take Golden Light Guru as the peak in own life. 在年轻一辈的天才之中,不知道有多少天才以金光上师自己人生中的巅峰。 Golden Light Guru, right, this youth is Immortal Lineage World First Ancestor-- Golden Light Guru. 金光上师,没错,这个青年就是仙统界始祖——金光上师 Golden Light Guru stands there, that feared that he has not deliberately emitted the own First Ancestor aura, but, he eventually is invincible First Ancestor, that feared that merely is the First Ancestor aura of lingering, once comes out elegantly, that just like the difficult situation to be the same, can probably pat broken Vault of Heaven to be the same momentarily. 金光上师就站在那里,那怕他并没有刻意去放出自己始祖气息,但是,他终究是一尊无敌始祖,那怕仅仅是萦绕的始祖气息,一旦飘逸出来,那都犹如惊涛骇浪一样,好像随时都可以拍碎天穹一般。 Sees Golden Light Guru to stand there, does not know that many people salute to Golden Light Guru, there is young one generation to lie prostrate in worship to Golden Light Guru, after all, Golden Light Guru is their idols, is worth their line of so big rituals. 看到金光上师站在那里,不知道有多少人向金光上师致敬,也有年轻一辈对金光上师顶礼膜拜,毕竟,金光上师是他们的偶像,值得他们行如此大礼。 Golden Light Guru, is far from handsome charming, but, the line of his face, seemingly firm and resolute powerful, the whole person seemingly filled with the sunlight aura, very worth looking , is more charming than any handsome men. 金光上师,谈不上英俊帅气,但是,他脸庞的线条,看起来坚毅有力,整个人看起来充满了阳光气息,十分的耐看,比任何美男子都要充满魅力。 Madame first draws back.” Golden Light Guru appears, the sound was gentle, was full of the magnetic force. “夫人先退下。”金光上师出现,声音柔和,充满了磁力。 The Golden Light Guru so magnetic sound, does not know that makes many girls be infatuated, does not know that makes many girls adore, naturally, can be joined to Golden Light Guru it, that must such as Stream Emperor female so. 金光上师这般磁性的声音,不知道让多少姑娘为之陶醉,不知道让多少姑娘为之倾心,当然,能配得上金光上师之,那也必须如溪皇这般的女子。 Be careful, Young Master Li, only fears you.” Stream Emperor unparalleled, beautiful moving, nods lightly, then the form disappeared all of a sudden. “小心,李公子之强,只怕你有所不及。”溪皇绝世无双,美丽动人,轻颔首,然后身影一下子消失了。 Sees such a, does not know that makes many people envy, a perfect match, this is really the day makes one pair and place to suppose one pair, such Peerless Dao Partner, how also not to make one envy. 看到这样的一幕,不知道让多少人为之羡慕,郎才女貌,这真的是天造一对、地设一双,如此的绝世道侣,又怎么不让人为之羡慕呢。 At this time, Golden Light Guru goes forward, his vision is the golden ray is flowing, at this time his vision fell on Li Qiye. 此时,金光上师上前,他的目光都是金色的光芒在流淌着,此时他的目光落在了李七夜身上。 Daoist Brother Li, has heard so much about you, today sees, is the great good fortune.” Golden Light Guru looks to Li Qiye, is elegant-looking, does not have the hostility. 李道兄,久闻大名,今日一见,乃是大幸。”金光上师望向李七夜,神态端庄,并没有敌意。 Golden Light Guru, I also for a long time heard.” Li Qiye smiled lightly. 金光上师,我也久闻。”李七夜淡淡地笑了一下。 Golden Light Guru looks at Li Qiye, manner manor Duan, said slowly: Listens to the sanctum word, daoist brother Whole World is invincible, the Saint brother esteems about daoist brother incomparably.” 金光上师看着李七夜,神态庄端,徐徐地说道:“听才圣所言,道兄举世无敌,才圣兄对道兄推崇无比。” You pour compared with him.” Li Qiye smiles, at will, said: But, Talented Sage Lan Shu, the potential is very big, was the path is wild.” “你倒比他强。”李七夜笑笑,随意,说道:“不过,兰书才圣,潜力很大,就是路子野了点。” „The Saint brother, is the person who I admire, every day the idle cloud wild crane, can actually Grand Dao be exceedingly high, is so brilliant, I cannot.” Golden Light Guru nod, approved one. “才圣兄,乃是我最敬佩的人,每日闲云野鹤,却能大道通天,如此睿智,非我所能及。”金光上师点头,赞了一声。 Hears Golden Light Guru such words, everyone is accidental/surprised, until now, everyone thinks that Golden Light Guru and Talented Sage Lan Shu struggle the opponent unexpectedly , they unexpectedly are the friends! 听到金光上师这样的话,所有人都为之意外,一直以来,大家都以为金光上师兰书才圣是竟争对手,没有想到,他们竟然是朋友! Ps: Comes one wave to reveal greatly!! To know Dark Crow first time personally take action training who the woman is? To see the facial features of this Peerless beautiful woman? Pays attention to WeChat public number „the Xiao Residence regiment, can examine the historical news, or input training then reads the relevant information!! Ps:来一波大揭秘!!想知道阴鸦第一次亲自出手“调教”的女人是谁吗?想要一睹这绝世美女的面容吗?关注微信公众号“萧府军团”,便可查看历史消息,或输入“调教”即可阅览相关信息!!
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